Troubled Paradise

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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#4 of Master/Pet Series

First I'm sorry about taking so long to post this. I should have finished this last week but I've been feeling depress lately. The reason was because I always begged for comments and never get one. I feel as if Only 3 people read and enjoy my stories. I was thinking about quiting and just become a watcher but than KeurinNerim, Untitledwarriors and the 3 new watchers motivated me continue to writing.

Also I wasn't going to continue this series but Taliana really wanted me to continue the story so here it is. Also I changed my writing style when I got to the yiffing scene. Tried to creating a hotter atmosphere. Tell me if I should keep it this way or back to the old style. Hope you enjoy.

Troubled Paradise

Alex and Michael had just gotten into their new house and Alex was helping Michael move around the house, since Michael still had the cast on his neck.

Michael was also there for Alex because of Alex broken arm, he wasn't able to hold onto things. He had trouble opening door and just trying to get around the house because he arm kept getting in his way.

Soon Michael and Alex got used to their disability and were able to move around without much difficulty. At lease the day came when Michael and Alex were able to remove their cast.

"Ow, that hurts." Michael told the nurse, as she removed the cast of his neck.

"Sorry, I'm not use to removing cast."

"Okay, just be gentle."

The nurse continued to take off the cast and continued to struggle until she finally got it off Michael.

While Michael was getting his cast off, Alex was in the room next door and Cindy was taking off his cast. Cindy has been a nurse for ten years now so she was used to taking off cast unlike the nurse that was with Michael.

When they were both done getting their cast off, they both returned home but Michael was more sore than Alex. Michael enter the house first and quickly laid down on the sofa. Alex chuckled and moved closer to him and sat on the love seat that was near by.

"I am so glad to have that cast of my neck. What about you pet? Are you happy that you cast is off your arm?"

"Yes, now I can finally please you master."

Michael chuckled and looked and Alex and said, "Later, it too early to have 'fun.'"

"Okay master. Is there anything you would want to eat?"

"Surprised me."

After breakfast, Alex was hugging his master, and he rested his head on Michael's chest. Michael, in return, rubbed Alex head until they heard the doorbell ringed.

"That probably your mom and dad, pet. So where do you think they are taking us today?"

"I don't know, but we better let them in."

Alex walked towards the front door, opened it, and was surprised to see two strangers. They were both dragons, about five and a half feet tall. One had whites scales, green eyes and he even have big horns resting on his head with pride.

The other dragon was a light green scaled, with brown eyes and her horns were just as big as the other dragon's.

"May I help you two?"

"Yeah, we are Michael's parents. We were told that he lives here."

Michael was in the kitchen washing the dishes until he heard a familiar voice . He turn and looked at the front door and saw his mom and dad. At first he thought he was seeing things but after rubbing his eyes, he saw that they were still there.

"Mom, dad is that you?"

The two dragon at the door turn their head as they heard the son voice after the longest time. They literally jump and rushed to give Michael a big hug.

"What are you two doing here? How do you even find me?"

"We received a phone call from the hospital and they told us where you were and where you are living."

"I'm glad I got to see you again."

"Michael, we need to talk. We are sorry about what happen, we never meant to hit you. If we have never hit you everything would have been okay and we just want to apologize for hitting you and not taking care of you the way we were supposed to."

"It okay, I forgive you. There is someone I want I to introduce you to."

Michael started to walk his parents towards Alex and Alex smiled while looking at his two parents-in-law.

"This is Alex, he is my mate."

"Wait he your mate!"

"Yeah," Michael said as he walked over and gave Alex a quick side hug.

"You are with a male!"

"Yes, he makes me feel as if I am important and I have a meaning in life."

"This is not what we wanted Michael! We don't approve of your relationship! You are going to be with a female!"

"You can't tell me what to do! I am an adult and I can do what ever I want! I'm sorry if you don't like Alex but he is my mate and nobody can separate us!"

"We will separate you two, and you two will never be together as long as we are alive!"

With that, Michael's parent's stormed out of the house and went into their car. Alex was shaken a bit and he was nervous that he might never be with Michael if things kept getting this way.

"I'm sorry about this pet, I didn't know my parents would have found me, and that they don't approve of our relationship."

"It okay master, as long as I have you I'll be okay."

"Aww, you are very supportive pet. Everything will be okay though because they won't ever separate us."

Alex hugged Michael tightly and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before thanking him. Michael smiled and looked at the clock on the wall by the TV and saw it was only three in the afternoon.

"Hey pet, would you like to do something today?"

"Yes master, I would like to please you."

"No, not that but later tonight. I meant go out somewhere since it only three."

"Where to, we haven't been around town that much.?"

"Let ask your parents, I petty sure they can tell us a good place to go."


~Later That Day~

Michael and Alex were driving around town looking for a good place to eat dinner. It was already seven and they were really hungry since they didn't have lunch.

They looked around and found a restaurant that they both wanted to eat at before but never got around to going because they were always with Alex's parents.

Michael parked the car and they walked inside the restaurant, and the waiter took them to their seats. They looked around and was amaze at how beautiful the is. They where in a booth, and all around them was decoration from all around the world.

On one part of the of the restaurant, they was nothing but Asian designed pot and crafts. Other parts of the room where filled with Indian, American, Mexican, England, Russia, Germany and every other country of the world.

Michael and Alex were sitting next to the Asian area and they got up and started to grab food from the buffet table. They got everything, and tried something from every part of the world, or at lease what they had there. After three rounds of food, they were both done and decided to get some dessert.

They consumed dessert, which was just an ice cream cone, they paid the bill and left to go home. Alex was tired and couldn't believe that he ate as much as he did.

When they arrived home, Michael got out of the car and waited for Alex to get out too but he didn't. Michael went and opened the door to the passenger set and saw that Alex was sleeping, lightly and Michael couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on pet, we need to get inside," Michael whispered as he shook Alex awake.

"-yawn- Fine, I'll get up."

"Need help?"

"No, I got it," Alex responded as he got up and walked inside the house with Michael. Once inside Michael grabbed onto Alex and hugged him tightly.

"It been such a long time since we had anytime alone. I miss it and I am glad I had today to spend time with you. The only thing that I wish had gone better was my parents not reacting the way they did when they found out about us."

"It okay master and who said that this day was over?" Alex grinned and gave Michael a light shove.

"Oh, well then what are we doing in the living room? I think we should go to the bedroom."

"I thought you never ask."

Alex and Michael moved into the bedroom and Alex jumped into the bed as soon as he enter the room and Michael laugh.

"Well I'm glad your excited."

"It the first time I get to please you master."

"Hehe, well I hope we both enjoy it. It been since a long time since the last time."

With that, Michael quickly moved closer to Alex and slowly stoke his chest softly. Alex threw his head back and let out a soft murr while he was being stoke by Michael.

After stoking Alex chest for a for minutes, Michael moved his head lower and gently lick Alex slit. Alex gasped and moaned loudly as he was lick by Michael. He was wondering why Michael was licking him if he Alex was the pet.

Michael had a plan and he knew that Alex was wondering why he was licking him instead of the other way around. Michael continue to lick Alex until he was fully hard and started to leak pre all over his chest.

Michael looked down and in between his leg and saw that he was almost competently hard. He smiled and he slowly moved closer and press his chest against Alex and kissed him deeply. They lips parted and Michael moved his tongue into Alex's mouth and explored his mouth. He really loved the taste of his pet mouth and he wanted to taste more of Alex mouth. Meanwhile, as he was kissing Alex, Michael pushed his big, throbbing, member into Alex slit and felt it slowly sink in.

Alex quickly broke the kissed and let out a loud moan as he was being taken by Michael. It was so tight and Michael wanted himself deeper and pushed in almost all the way. He would've push in completely in if Alex did cry out in pain when Michael was almost all the way in.

Thankfully Michael was a good master and waited for his pet to relax and enjoy the sensation of being dock. Alex was resting his head on the pillow, his tongue was outside his mouth and Alex was panting so heavily that you could see the air path on the pillow he was lying on.

Michael moved his head closer to Alex chest and slowly lick his chest and moved closer to his nipples. Once he got to Alex's nipples, he started to suck lightly on it.

Alex couldn't believe how good that felt and he really wanted Michael to start sucking on him harder. When Michael heard Alex moan, he push the rest of himself in and suck a bit harder. Alex gasped and moaned even louder as Michael fuck his slit slowly.

The heat coming off both Alex and Michael was starting to heat up the room and the two were so lost in pleasure that everything that was happening around them seem to disappear. Michael started to hump harder into Alex's sheath and he stop sucking on Alex's nipple.

When Alex felt Michael stop sucking him, he immediately felt all the heat disappear of his nipple and he felt the cold air soar across his chest. The switch from sudden hot to sudden hot cause Alex to shiver. Alex enjoyed being dock by Michael and wanted him to go deeper so he spread his leg and placed his legs on Michael back.

Michael moaned loudly as Alex moved his leg as he was pushing in. It caused Michael to hilt Alex and they both cry in ecstasy. Michael could feel himself getting ready to release inside of Alex and pump even harder into Alex.

Michael couldn't last anymore and pump himself one last time into Alex before cumming inside of Alex. While Michael cummed inside of Alex, Alex cummed right after Michael started to release inside of him. Alex orgasm was so strong that the cum land on his face and on the pillow he was resting his head on.

Michael load felt like a water horse going off inside of Alex and it wasn't stopping anytime soon. When Michael finally did stop, he crash onto Alex and started to close his eyes. Alex smiled and gently removed Michael from his slit and moved him right by him.

"Are you happy with my performance master?"

"Yes, pet. It felt so good to fuck you again."

Alex smiled and wrapped his arms around Michael, and laid his head on his neck and passed out. Michael closed his eyes and let sleep over take him as well.

~Later That Night~

They were something moving out in the bush outside of Michael's and Alex's house, and it was clear that they were going to break inside the house. One of the shadow moved closer to the house and look through the window. He saw both Alex and Michael sleeping and knew that it was the perfect time to strike.

He quickly signal the other shadow figure to come and together they quietly broke into the house. Once inside the house, they quickly rush into the bedroom. One of the shadow figures then grabbed a rag and quickly put it over Alex Mouth and nose.

Alex quickly woke up as tried to scream for help but the drug on the rag was already started to work and his eyes were slowly closing. Alex tried to wake up Michael but the more he moved, the more he got tried. Soon Alex passed out and the two figures cheered silently.

Moving quietly and carefully, they quickly carried Alex outside and into they truck and drove off faster than the speed limit to their house.

~Morning, Michael~

Michael let out a loud yawn as he woke up in the morning. After rubbing his eyes, he turn his head to the empty bed, and almost jump at not seeing Alex.

"Okay, everything is probably okay. He might be making breakfast right now," Michael thought as he wonder where Alex is.

He got up and look around for Alex and the more he search the more he got worried. He started running around the house, looking for his pet everywhere. When he couldn't find him he started to cry and fell on the couch.

He cried for what felt like hours but was only really five minutes. He would've continue to cry if something didn't catch his eye attention. He got up and moved towards the window and saw that it was broken. He hard a hard time seeing it clearly because his eyes were watery and as he got closer he saw a piece of fabric caught on the window.

Acting quickly, Michael grabbed the phone and called the police.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Someone broke into my house."

"Okay, we will be there in a few minutes."

"Thank you."


Alex woke up and felt himself bound to a chair by the arms, legs and tail. Alex moved and tried to break free but the more he struggled the tighter the resistant got.

When Alex finally stop trying to break the resistant he heard someone walking towards him and he lift his head and was surprised to see who was it was.

"I should have guess you two were behind this."


Michael was sitting down on the couch while the police examined the piece of fabric to see who was behind the kidnapping.

"Okay, Michael come here, I think we may know who behind this."

"Really," Michael responded excitedly while he jump off the couch.

"Yeah but this might not be easy."


"It your parents."

"If they are behind this then they are not my parents," Michael said with a hint of hated in his voice.

"Don't worry about it, they are going to be behind bars for a long time."

"Thank you."

"Alright we should be back with Alex in about an hour."


Alex looked at Michael's parents with hated in his eyes and he wish that they would just leave him alone.

"Why are you doing this? I feel in love with your son is that a crime?"

"We will not have our son become a tail raiser. And as soon as you are gone, we will get Michael together with a female."

"Michael will never forgive you two. Beside he loves me too, and he told me when we first got together that he was always gay. There is nothing you can do to make him change. It his life and he has the right to do what ever he want to do."

"We are his parents and we have the rights to order him around!"

"He longer a child and your custody over him is gone. You have no rights to change him anymore!"

"We'll see about that. You'll just..." Michael's father stop as he heard sirens and cars stopping at the front door.

"Carp, we got discovered. Quick hide!"

"What about Alex?" Michael mom said as she look at Alex.

"Where that rag?"

It was too late though because the police had already broken in through four different opening and quickly rush towards the center while Alex was.

"Freeze! Put your hands in the air!"

Thinking quickly, Michael dad quickly moved behind Alex and placed his hands on his neck, and he was ready to break it and kill Alex. What he didn't notice was that his wife was also captured and there was a gun against her head.

"Nobody moves nobody gets hurt."

"You don't want to do this!"

"Yes, I do. I hate Alex!"

"No, I mean you don't want to do this. We have your wife. Are you really willing to kill Alex and have your wife dead!"

"Your bluffing!"

"Are we? We are cops and we have the right to eliminate any treat with any means possible. Do you really wish to lose your wife?"

There was a long silence and the tension continued to build. After a long moment Michael dad finally responded, "...No. Fine I give in, just let my wife go."


Michael was lying back on the bed and he took a deep whiff of the sent of his pet. He really missed Alex but he knew that Alex was going to be okay. Michael didn't care about his parents anymore, because his parents never really were there for him. Michael rested his head on the pillow and closed his eyes, imagining Alex was there with him.

Michael was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear Alex coming through the door. Alex look at saw Michael lying on the bed and was sadden by the fact that Michael didn't hear him.

"What no greeting?"

When Michael heard Alex voice he quickly turn around and saw Alex. He jump out of bed and rush towards Alex hugging him tightly.

"Oh Alex, I so sorry about my parents. I should have told you that they might have done something like this."

"It okay master."

"No, I not a master. How about we just become mates? I'm tired of always begin taking and you always dominating. And now that it switch it doesn't really do anything. How about we just take each other every now and then, as mates?"

"I'll love that. Oh and since we are in town how about we do finally get married?"

"We are already married."

"I mean, make it official. Let's have a real wedding."

"Alright, let's get married."