Meeting Mika - Chapter 3 - Subway

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#3 of Meeting Mika (OC)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

Going out onto the subway was not a new experience for Seen, the dire bear having done so many a times in the past back home, but the Japanese trains were...a little more than the other boy had expected them to be. First off, the trains were a little bit smaller than what he was used to dealing with, the tightly compacted cars were filled with numerous bodies, many of them in great need of being washed. Secondly, he was there, with only Mika to guide him, the little cabbit having talked her parents into letting the two of them go off on their own for today. Third, and maybe most important, Seen was feeling a press of certain body parts against the fabric of the torn jeans he had on as the heat from those around him made the dire bear...aroused for some reason. Seen wasn't sure why that was, as he was certainly not in the mood, or rather, hadn't been in the mood for sex once he had first left from his cabbit friend's house. A first for him, but that might have been because his mind was still reeling from the previous night's escapades.

'Who knew little Mika was so talented with that mouth of hers?' Seen had known that the smaller cabbit was no stranger to sexual interactions, but damn she could suck cock like a pornstar.

The dire bear didn't bother to wipe away the stupid grin that pressed against the sides of his face as he thought about before. Reaching a hand down to rub against the front of his pants, which were beginning to bulge out somewhat obscenely, Seen stifled a moan as he thought thoughts best left alone. The image of Mika, the cabbit in the tight little booty shorts that looked more a denim thong. The shorts were so small and tight it left a clear outline of her package. If she bent over or stretched her legs her asshole was basically completely exposed with only a thin denim seem blocking it. she was wearing, her pert ass sticking out for all to see, had the older bear humping his hips forward into the air. Or at least, it would have been the air if something hadn't gotten into the way of his rising hips. Blinking his dark eyes back open, Seen looked down to see that Mika had stepped in front of him, the little cabbit, eyes glowing brightly as she turned to regard him somewhat teasingly, ground her butt back against the ursine. That had Seen moaning without restraint; the older boy couldn't fight the feeling of blood surging into his cock, all twenty-four inches growing harder than a diamond.

"Mika, what are you doing?" As if he didn't know, but just to be sure...

"Nothing." the other sang, the chuckle that followed proving that the mixed breed was knew what was going on.

"Well you better stop doing 'nothing' before 'something' happens." Seen, while never one to turn down an opportunity for a polite romp in the hay, wasn't sure if he wanted to try anything like that right now.

There were just too many people around. And the last thing the dire bear wanted was for some pervert to come along and see him doing what he wanted to be doing. Or worse...try to get in on a piece of the action. The thought of someone trying to harm the sweet little bunny-cat polishing his knob with her covered booty made the ursine see red. The possibility of someone trying to stick something into him, this was Japan after all, never once crossed the dire bear's mind. Had it, Seen might not have done what he did next.

"Ok, but I warned you," and then the brown bear's hands were moving.

Mika let out a polite squeak, which was quickly muffled by a thick hand, as she felt her older friend reach out to help her out of her shorts. The sound of a zipper was the only noise to break the hum of silence around the two as Mika's short fur quieted the sounds of the cotton of her leg wear sliding down from off of her waist. Mika had chosen today not to wear any underwear, something for which Seen was grateful for as he fished down the length of his torso to grab at his inflating cock. The boxers he had on looked as though they were close to bursting, however, Seen could have cared less about this; the head of his cock felt like it was on fire as a small stream of precum rolled down the side of his hand. The smell of bear sweat and pheremones coming from in between Seen's legs, thick and heady with the musk of a virile ursine not yet in his prime, had several sniffing in curiosity. Thankfully, the tight cramped area of the train made it so that no one was able to take a glance down to see Seen's low hanging balls, the twin orbs big enough to fill a grown elephant's hand, swaying down in between the cabbit and dire bear as Seen pressed himself forward into Mika.

"Get ready, naughty bunny," Seen whispered, his voice having grown husky with need as he stroked the head of his cock in between the split little cabbit's rump.

"Ooooohhh," Mika moaned, the feeling growing inside of her just so big that it couldn't be contained with mere words.

And then...the train jerked to a halt making everyone yelp and then groan.

"We're sorry for the sudden delay, but there is another train ahead of us. Progress shall continue just as soon as possible. Again, we're sorry..." By this time Seen had tuned out what the woman on the intercom was saying, the dire bear instead peeved that he had been stopped in what he was doing.

'Well, that ends that,' The dire bear groused inside of his head, his hands were already moving to stuff his unsatisfied cock back into his underwear when...

"Ahhhh!!" Seen hissed/moaned as Mika pushed herself back onto his cock.

The tightness of the cabbit's hole, still warm and slick from last night, had made it so that the the smaller girl was able to quickly engulf the head of the dire bear's three inch cock with relative ease. The scowl of concentration on her face was totally missed by Seen, the older boy doing all he could to keep his hips from ramming forward. A groan found the two friends shuddering together as Mika eased her way back onto more of Seen's shaft, the little hybrid's ass, as she didn't have the feminine folds of a true woman because of a genetic accident at birth, sucked up more of the dire bear's cock, a small bulge traveling through her lower body as she did so.

"Whoa!" Seen hissed. "Don't try and take more than you can handle, Mika." The dire bear wasn't sure that the little girl would really able to fit all thirteen inches of himself into her, not seeing that her own body was a third of that length.

"I...can d-do this...!!" Stubbornness had always been something for which Mika had had to struggle with, or rather, something her parents had been trying to train out of the young girl, yet currently it was her motivating force that drove her to take tiny, tentative steps backwards into her bigger friend. "Oh gods, so big!" The cabbit whimpered.

Seen just smiled.

The sucking sobs of flesh entering flesh, the ring of Mika's tailhole wrapping almost fist tight around the big bear, had a few people looking around in curiosity. Most couldn't see anything, though, as the collection of multi-clothed bodies kept eyes away from each other. The heat of the day happening to slowly bake everyone's brains wasn't helping to reveal the intimate sight of the two young cubs 'interacting' with one another in that carnal way most adults had patented. So no one witnessed the spectacle of Mika, the cabbit's mouth thrown open into a 'o' shaped wail of silence, cry out as half of Seen's massive fuckstick made it into her. The rocking of the train as it began to move again cause Mika to yelp; more of Seen's cock had slipped into her than what she was prepared for.

"Are you alright?" Seen asked, his hands having long since reached down to grab around the cabbit's pelvis in order to control himself from hilting into Mika, forced the smaller girl forwards off of his pulsating dick. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" The last thing Seen wanted was for his friend to have to go to the clinic because of him; the truth would probably get him killed longed before the shame could.

Mika said nothing for several minutes, instead, the little cabbit had her head turned to the side of the train, her ears lowered onto her head as she sobbed while trying to appear strong. The shivers that racked themselves down side her body betrayed her false bravado, however. Seen, at not hearing the other say anything, be it positive or negative, leaned forward to rest his head atop Mika's head as he decided to wait the other out. He would let the cabbit decided what was the best course of action to take next. The subtle hum of the train as it continued to ride across the rail line, the humble city below rushing beneath them as they moved to their next station, made Seen breathed a low sigh.

Seen felt himself drift off somewhat as he found intense comfort within Mika's warm little body. The clenching of the cabbit's rectum, like a pleasant massage, had the dire bear crooning a purr, something for which Seen would have been mortified to hear himself let out had he had been much more coherent.

"I'm ready now." That woke the dire bear on up. Well, those words and Seen feeling Mika pushing back and forth against the length of his gargantuan prick.

"Slow down, cowgirl." Seen breathed heavily, his eyes narrowing down to pinprick as his senses began to contort around the little cabbit until the world around him became a black haze. "We're not going to be getting there any sooner with you trying to fuck the life out of my dick." It was an odd, though true statement that made Mika giggle somewhat cutely.

Mika didn't bother to say anything more as she continued to wiggle her taunt rump back and forth against her friend's cock. Believing that actions would speak louder than words, the cabbit instead groaned, her breath coming out in short huffs, as she tried to work her rear muscles around the older bear's manhood hard enough to choke the seed out of his balls. Her efforts were definitely working as Seen's nuts were going somewhat crazy downstairs. The hefty orbs were getting a good workout. Churning with the mass of the dire bear's cum, the twin testicles pulled up into Seen's body, not as a sign of the ursine's impending orgasm, but instead to work more testosterone into their owner. The feeling of his blood surging because of this, the chemicals within his brain somewhat overloading, made Seen push himself forward into Mika.

The wet sounds of his precum covered cock slipping in deep inside of the smaller cabbit girl was now loud enough to make several heads turn. Seen grunted, tightening his hold around Mika to keep the other from pushing her butt back anymore, but the cabbit seemed to be much stronger than what Seen at first could believe. Having been a rising martial arts student, the dire bear was used to being in control, over both himself and his opponent. However, the smaller girl grinding herself over his cock, her cotton leaf of a tail wagging back and forth fast enough that it almost tickled Seen's fur and flesh, her legs slapping into his own, her thighs bouncing off of his knees hard enough to make him groan, had actually caught Seen by total surprise.

It was almost like he had a living whirlwind within his hold; the force of nature slowly growing greater with each passing moment as more and more of the dire bear's shaft sneaked its way up inside of the widening hole of Mika's tailstar.

"Mika, slow down...!!" The dire bear warned again. Seen was sure that if the cabbit kept up, he was going to end up fucking the living daylights out of the other, not that this wasn't what he wanted, but he was still worried if his friend could take all of him.

"Nope." The admission, direct enough not to be mistaken, had Seen blinking in befuddlement. "You're mine, Seen-chan!" And then Mika began to move herself with greater fury against the older bear. Her hips, small and dainty as they were, summoned up a great amount of force as the little cabbit worked her ass over the now slick shaft filling her up.

It felt so good to Mika that she had to have more. The fact that her belly was bulging wide, her stomach outlining the girth of her friend's massive prick was completely loss upon the bunny-cat. The only thing that mattered at that moment was feeling the dire bear completely within her, his balls resting against her own swaying orbs. Her own cock, small and almost uselessly waving in between her naked thigh, was ignored. Mika had always had misgivings about the incorrect piece of anatomy she possessed - not that was to say that she didn't use it to give her orgasm - no sense in letting such blinding pleasures go to waste, after all. The trails of fluids slapping against her chest were brushed aside in favor of the pure pleasure that came from her tailhole getting warped out of shape; Seen's cock was definitely becoming one of her favorites.

"Aaaaachaaaaannnnn!" Seen rumbled, the dire bear's voice matching the intensity that was overcoming the ursine's body.

Seen wasn't sure how to feel about the fact that he was being used as a living dildo by the cabbit, it was quite clear now that Mika was getting more enjoyment out this naughty little experience than he was. Yet at the same time the dire belt his reservations slowly coming to a halt as he gave himself over to his instincts. Lust boiling inside of his body loud enough to drown out the noises of the people around him nattering on about nothing important, Seen moved his hips to counter the little cabbit's own spiking hips, the crashing of flesh and fur together sounding like someone clapping, that was just how loud the two were becoming. The cloying scent of cabbit and bear musk didn't aid the two in being unseen as several noses began to hone in on the two lovers.

"Aahhh, Seen, you're so deep in me!" Mika admitted suddenly catching the dire bear slightly off guard. "Ohh, I can feel the head of your cock pressing over my button," The added commentary had Seen blushing, a feat in itself for the ursine as he wasn't used to the feeling of being embarrassed.

Deciding to put a stop to more of the, quite sexy utterances, Seen pulled Mika deep into him, the full thirteen inches of his cock disappearing within the struggling cabbit for a moment as a result Head still resting onto the other's, the dire bear moved his head down so that he could press his face in front of the cabbit's own. When their lips met, Mika let herself freeze for a split second, right before she shrugged and began to swap spit with her older friend. Opening her muzzle to let Seen into her muzzle was much less troublesome than what she would have thought it to be anyway. The taste of the other was almost exotic on the tongues of the dire bear and cabbit. The mesh of their tongues, the slimy organs rolling around somewhat wildly over and across their teeth, had Mika humping back against Seen hard enough to actually force the older boy to angle his stance differently to keep from being knocked into the older tiger looking at his wristwatch behind him.

The two friends, their climaxes quickly approaching after about another ten minutes of restless groin bumping, groaned and writhed against one another in baseless ecstasy. Mika's tailhole was almost drooling now as she let herself be filled to almost bursting with Seen's precum, the dire bear's fluids so thick and copious that it couldn't all be continued within the cabbit's ass. The sticky residue coated the back of the hybrid's fur, matting down the creamy brown fur of both Mika and Seen's legs, the sounds of their bodies becoming stuck together and then forcibly being separated had several eyes zoning in on them at this point. Neither youth cared. Not with their eyes slipped to half mast, their bodies beating against each other as Seen's cock pressed against the far wall of the cabbit's belly, the mushroomed head of his phallus so large that it made a distinct impression onto Mika's tummy.

"S-seen..." Achan whispered after the two broke apart from their shared lock of lips. The hazy look in the other's eyes, which happened to be almost glazed black with need, had the dire bear groaning happily. His cock, moving like a battering ram against the outer edge of the cabbit's ass as though the twin mounds of flesh were a wall, now barely slid out more than a few scant inches, that was just how excited the dire bear was.

"I know..." Seen replied.

It took several more strokes before the two came, but once they did almost everyone within a three meter distance from the pair turned to watch as the dire bear bellowed out his orgasm. Multiple eyes looked upon the sight with various glares on their face; some, mostly the other males, looked on with jealousy as they watched the ursine come inside of the little cabbit girl so much that her once flat tummy visibly swelled outwards. The woman on the other paw, they looked on with approving smirks. The spectacle of the dire bear's potent cum, the bulk of which poured out around the still thrusting ursine's fuckstick, had many of them hot under the collar. Their legs crossing somewhat daintily as they felt a sudden heat in between their thighs.

Seen couldn't give a flying flip about their looks.

His mind was literally exploding as all of the synapsis within his brain went off at the same time. The screaming resonance of pleasuregoodgoodgoodpleasure went off inside of the big bear's head over and over again until it became hard for Seen to even distinguish one thought from another. His cock continuing to spew his seed within the cabbit girl's backside wasn't doing much to help him with his mental confusion. His balls, the massive spheres now tightly compacted against the inner groove of his thighs, jiggled like jello as the dire bear gave all that he had into the younger girl.

For Mika, the smaller cabbit had two orgasms at the same time as she came herself. One came from the hybrid's cock, the miniature phallus, much, much smaller than Seen monstrous girth, shot out tiny, sticky strings of white cum, while inside of her tailhole something else went off at the same time. Different from Mika's 'normal' climaxes as this new feeling felt as though the cabbit was cumming from the depth of her being. Moans of appreciation were sounded off by the cabbit as Mika tried to share her gratitude with the other.

Once the two came down from their impressive zeniths of rapture, the crowd around them cheering the two along gaining the bear and cabbit's attentions - much to Seen's annoyance and Mika's amusement - the dire bear slowly pulled himself out of his friend. The slurping sounds of wet flesh leaving even more moistened flesh had Mika's tail wagging behind her. Seen just grunted in concentration as he felt the sparks of pleasure still running through him as though he were a live wire gone awry. When the curious 'pop' sound alerted all that the dire bear was fully unsheatehed from the smaller girl's ruined rump everyone watched on excitedly as they noted a white geyser spurting out of the cabbit's rump onto the floor of the still moving train.

"Whoo, that was good." Seen panted, his shoulders slumped as he let his tongue loll out from his sweaty muzzle, a flick of the wet muscle gathery the salt along the rim of his mouth.

"Yeah, it was." Mika returned the expression of bliss with her own chuckling comment. "Now let's get you cleaned up." Mika grabbed Seen's used cock, the dire bear yipping from the hard grip of the other, something he was still astounded by, and then the cabbit dropped to her knees to begin servicing the other.

Seen was a little surprised by the suddenness of Mika's actions, not that he was mad about them, certainly he couldn't be angry about getting good head, cause the little cabbit was good. Definitely. Especially as the smaller girl's tongue began to roll and then wrap around the middle of his turgid cock, the black length slipping in and out of her muzzle as she bounced her head up and down like a ping pong ball. The moans of appreciation that came from the dire bear accented this truth. However, Seen still wasn't sure about how to feel on the aggressiveness of the younger cabbit. Obviously, the rest of the time spent here in Japan was going to be...rather rough if Mika continued to play the way she did, but then again...

The snaps of a few camera phones made both bear and cabbit perk their respective ears. Seen was the one who ended up looking around to see what the noise was, instantly regretting the action as he noted a strong flash blinding him for a scant few seconds. Waving a hand over and against his face, the older ursine shook his head as he tried to right his vision. Meanwhile, Achan just bobbed her head up and down over the length of her friend's slightly gushing cock; the glands inside of her muzzle flexing as her tongue glided over the tip of Seen's cock.

A hand reached down to rub at the older bear's balls and Seen didn't fight it as his cock jerked and then shot a couple of small bullets of cum into the cabbit's mouth. That didn't stop Mika from continuing to worship the older boy's cock, though. Instead, the cabbit girl brought her head back off of the length of bear's flesh, her throat all but bouncing as the little hybrid swallowed everything that the older boy had to give. The salty taste of the bear's spooge, thick like peanut butter, proved to be a tasty treat for Mika.

The hum that Seen heard from down below made the dire bear turn his head down. What the ursine found was the sight of Mika sliding back down onto his phallus, the three inch thick mass seemed to almost looked as though it were being drawn into the depths of an abyss, that was just how good the cabbit was as she slobbered over his knob. The sight of the smaller bunny-cat's throb rising forward and then going back flat as Mika pressed more and more of Seen's dick back into her throat.

'Ki is never going to believe this when I tell him,' Seen though with a chuckle.

The dire bear hadn't really had too many of his woman suck his cock down to the root, mostly because he was just too thick. It was a talented woman who could make all of his thirteen inches disappear, so when Mika made it happen, the smaller cabbit's nose pressing against the thick fur of his pubes, Seen knew that the two of them were going to be very good friends. The feel of Mika's tongue against his balls caused the dire bear to reach out to rub across the cabbit's head affectionately.

'Definitely going to be a beautiful friendship.' Seen snickered.

A few seconds later Seen grunted and then came again, his cock, much like the rest of the dire bear, shivered as the ursine came inside of Mika's mouth; the already filled cabbit's stomach pushing out some more as a rain of cum filled it from the other end again. After this, something like a minute or two later, Mika pulled away from the dire bear, helping the other pull up his pants and then zipping up while at the same time wiping off the side of her muzzle with the back of her hand. Once done with Seen, Mika pulled up her own pants just as the train was pulling into the next station. The rest of the people around them, those who were paying attention, put their camera phones away, some of them attempting to text before they did so.

Getting ready to leave, Mika was caught by surprise as Seen reached out to rub at the back of her rear, the wet stain of the dire bear's cum staining the cotton fabric dark. Walking out of the train with the rest of the carriage riders both cabbit and dire bear made their way out of the subway depot down the stairs to where the rest of the world awaited them.

"What were we coming here to do again?" Mika asked the older boy, Seen turning to look at the cabbit with a slightly blank look on his face.

"Uh..." Reaching up to scratch the back of his head, the dire bear turned around to watch the rest of the world go by. "I forgot."

Meeting Mika - Chapter 4 - Beach

It was a pleasant day out today; the sun was streaming, the birds were squawking overhead and a duo of a bear and rabbit were making their path across the sands of the beach. Nothing about this situation seemed out of place, save for the fact that the...

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Meeting Mika - Chapter 2 - The Meet Part 2

The feel of Mika underneath him made Seen murr underneath his breath, the rumble causing the cute little cabbit to chuckle as he looked up with wide emerald colored eyes at his larger friend. Larger in many ways more than one could have imagined for a...

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Meeting Mika - Chapter 1 - The Meet Part 1

Seen knew that the second he saw the picture of the pretty green eyed cabbit he was going to be balls deep within the other while wild moans would be let out for all to hear. Those wide, innocent orbs of deepest jade had captured him, ensnaring the...

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