Meeting Mika - Chapter 4 - Beach

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#4 of Meeting Mika (OC)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

It was a pleasant day out today; the sun was streaming, the birds were squawking overhead and a duo of a bear and rabbit were making their path across the sands of the beach. Nothing about this situation seemed out of place, save for the fact that the rabbit was actually a cabbit, the feline features somewhat muted because of the other's twitching ears and cotton leaf of a tail wagging behind her, as the smaller anthromorph dressed in her frilly pink two piece swim attire with bright frilly along the end of the garment. Beside her, with his massive hand holding onto her, the larger brown bear, dressed in a casual pair of nylon shorts, made his way down the side of the sandy ground.

"Whoa," The big dire bear cried out as he was almost bodily dragged down the street. "What's the big rush, Mika?!" The happy smile that peeled itself across the cabbit's muzzle, brighter than the sun in Seen's eyes, had the brown ursine snorting in annoyance.

"It's such a pretty day out, Seen," Mika responded honestly. "Let's enjoy it together doing fun stuff." This was the statement which had drawn the brown bear out from the comforts of his home, well, his room; the dire bear was currently staying in residence with Mika's parents in Japan.

"It's also hot and muggy," Being more heavily furred than the young cabbit had left Seen almost miserable as he suffered underneath the elevated temperatures of the Japanese country.

"So let's go for a swim!" And then off the younger anthromorph shot, her hand slipping out from Seen's paw, off to the lapping blue waters of the sea.

The brown bear had just enough time to watch as Mika waved to someone off to the side, just who Seen wasn't very certain of because there was a throng of creatures walking upon the beach at the same time, right before the cabbit made it to the edge of the water. Diving into the deep blue a second later, Seen felt his heart freeze for a moment as he noted Mika's smaller form vanish, right before watching as she popped back up to begin swimming around like a cod fish.

'Her parents will kill me if I let anything happen to her,' Was the one thought that kept running itself throughout Seen's head as the dire bear recalled the stern look Mika's feline father had given him, along with the unneeded lecture about looking after his only daughter. 'Wonder what he would do if he knew I was fucking her?' The thought of the older man's face, his features frozen in shock before growing insane with rage, made Seen chuckle. 'Ignorance truly is bliss...for me anyway.' And then Seen went over to find a spot to set out the blanket and cooler he had wrapped underneath his arm.

A spot opened itself up not too far away from where Mika had dove into the sea, the person who was there before having picked themselves up as they shouted to someone on their cellular device. Seen shrugged, he really didn't want to know, as he claimed the little plot of land for himself and his companion. Once he had the towel down and the cooler popped open, Seen reached in for a can of pop, finding one, and then set himself down to watch Mika splash around like a looney. The heat of the day still sapped the dire bear's stamina as the smiling white orb beat strong rays of light against the ground, however, Seen barely noticed as he opened the can of carbonated water and brought it to his lips, taking heavy gulps of the ice cold fluid while shutting his eyes in rapture.

Several minutes passed before Mika returned to Seen's side, the completely soaked cabbit had a smile on her face as she shook herself life a dog before plopping down beside the older youth.

"Why didn't you come in with me, Seen?" The question brought a grunt from the ursine, the older boy's closed eyes refused to open even as he turned his head to regard his friend.

"Because I don't feel like swimming right now." Seen was direct at the best of times, but sometimes it was amazing how much of a jerk he could make himself out to be without even trying.

"Oh, ok." Not that this bothered Mika any, the younger girl merely shrugged, sat herself down onto the second towel which Seen had brought with him, it being kept over and across his shoulder.

Nothing was said between the two for a long while, the motions of the ocean going about to make enough noise to drown out the need for idle conversation, the background music of the hundreds of other people on the beach doing its part to keep the pair from being bored, as well.

"Hey, Seen," Mika called out to her companion after almost ten minutes.


"Do you want to fuck?" Instantly both the dire bear's attention, and his cock, rose up.

"Not out here." However, Seen was anything but stupid. It wouldn't have been a stretch of an imagination to know that someone might take offence to the younger girl being fucked by the older bear, even if their age difference was somewhat negligible.

"I think I need to get this saltwater out of my fur before I start to chaff, so would you mind doing me over by the showers?" Mika had grown almost completely mellow with the fact that she was petitioning the older boy to stick his dick in her ass, after so many times she'd honestly become rather blase about the matter.

Before Seen could really get a word in edgewise, Mika was already springing up, her lapin heritage giving her the ability to do so with great ease because of her long, limber legs, and moving towards the shower area over to the left. Seen, noting the tight ass of the other bouncing up and down before his dark gaze, licked his lips as he imagine ploughing the cabbit's asscheeks.

'I really love Japan.' The dire bear chuckled as he readjusted the black shorts he had on, the tent he was pitching nearing full mast as thirteen hard inches of bear cock grew up to the sky.

Making his way after Mika a moment later, once he was sure that no one around him was watching him with anymore intent than what would be considered 'normal', Seen confidently rose up from his seat to begin making his way after the runaway cabbit.

Once the two had gotten to where the public shower area was located - not too far off to the side where the average person couldn't see - both Seen and Mika quickly found an unoccupied stall, slipped in, and then locked the door.

"Kind of cramped in here," Seen complained, the bigger bear was finding out that as he grew larger the average space wasn't all the comfortable to his growing gait. Finding pants was turning into a nightmare in and of itself, but that was a matter best left for later on.

"For you maybe," Mika said slyly, right before the little cabbit reached out to turn on the shower behind her. The sluicing spray of water, the hot cascade raining down across both anthromorphs until the both of their pelts grew damp enough to drag downwards, made it so that no one was able to hear it when Seen let out his first hot moan of the hour.

"You're getting better at that, Mika." The feeling of deft little hands reaching out for his groin, kneading the fat mound of flesh until the swell beneath plumped up large enough that it could actually be considered scary, had Seen grinding the claws of his naked feet into the cool tile beneath him. "Uh...and you're definitely getting good at that," said Seen as the dire bear felt the cabbit reach into his shorts, slip the nylon down over the edge of his hips and then begin to caress the ursine fat balls.

The furry weight, heavy enough that they actually resisted being lifted by the younger girl, made the cabbit chuckle some as she rolled the flesh containing the orbs around. Because of his somewhat prodigious endowments Seen was left with a pair of large testicles which held a massive amount of semen within their hold. This was made obvious even to the untrained ear as the sounds of sloshing cum, thick and potent, rolled around inside of the dire bear's nuts, churning as though it were milk as Mika began to toss the heavy spheres up and down very gently within her paws.

"Hey!" Seen yelped, the dire bear seriously not wanting the other to start trying to 'play' with his man bits in such a way, especially if they actions threatened to bring him discomfort. Something ease enough to do, given the size of Seen's testicles.

"Oh hush," Mika replied, the young cabbit turning to look at her older friend somewhat dismissively. "I'm not going to hurt these cute little guys," the cabbit was almost cooing as she continued to jostle the fat balls within her hold around. "Besides, you love it and you know it." Mika's words were met with a groan as Seen suddenly found plump lips pressing forward onto his low hangers.

"Yeah, I do," The dire bear commented through clenched teeth, his stub of a tail wagging behind him as he thrusted his hips forward, trying in vain to get Mika to stop teasing him. "But you might want to stop with the screwing around so that I can get to fucking you already." Seen could actually feel his heart pounding through his dick as most of his blood rushed straight down in between his legs.

"Hehe," Mika merely chuckled at her companion, knowing quite well that she had him by the balls, literally, and so she could do practically anything she wanted with him.

And with that power came a sense of superiority that gave Mika the resolve to do what she did next.

"AhahaAAAaaa!" Was what Seen had to say when he suddenly found his nuts released and the tip of his cock pulled down and inserted into a hot muzzle.

"I know!" Mika said as she slowly sucked the first four inches of the dire bear's cock into her throat, though it sounded more like 'ahhnnnoo', not that Seen was coherent enough to care.

The dire bear was too enamoured with the fact that he was getting the little cabbit to polish his know with her impressive tongue, the wet organ having had much experience rubbing over the length of his cock during the entirety of the ursine's stay in Japan that it touched all of the little spots perfectly.

"Aachhhaaannn!" Seen nearly roared after the cabbit washed her tongue under the crown of his mushroom headed glands. The spine tingling feeling of the younger girl's nubby organ trailing over and around the circular length of his 'cap' made Seen's hips push forward, shoving more of himself into Mika until the young hybrid began to choke.

The feeling of unsteady jerks around and along his phallus had Seen grunting, his teeth clenching, while his hips humped forward. The look of distress coloring Mika's face went ignored as Seen reached down to place the palm of his left paw over and across the back of the little girl's head. Muffled moaning came from downstairs as Mika struggled to swallow around the shaft moving down inside of her throat, the first few sticky appearances of precum running off from the tight seal of her lips south onto her chin would have been hot to see for the dire bear, but his eyes were closed. The raining shower up above drowned out Mika murmurs of complaint, the sound probably would have been ignored by Seen anyway since he was used to other's 'commenting' on his fleshy mike, yet when a hand reach out to grab at his nuts, squeezing them hard enough to make the dire bear yelp, Seen released his hand off from around Mika's scalp.

The cabbit was quick to pull away from the other at that point, coughing as she did.

"What was that for?!" Seen roared, his brown eyes narrowing in distaste as he reached down to affectionately fondly his 'twins'.

"For almost choking me, you dick!" Mika's language had been getting more and more foul as of late, something for which the young cabbit had been steadily impressed by; being Japanese meant that such filthy utterances would have been unacceptable, however it was fun to use behind close doors.

"Ohhh, sorry," Seen chuckled nervously as he looked down to the angry eyed hybird. "I thought you were enjoying yourself." Best to move on before the other could think to change her mind about me fucking her, Seen thought quickly.

"I was, but I think you're getting a little out of hand, Seen." Mika said as she drew herself up to her full height, the pink two piece she had on, now sopping wet with lukewarm water wasn't doing much to make the other look ferocious, however.


Nothing was said between the two for several minutes as they just stood there together within the little stall. It was only when the water began to grow cold that Mika shivered, the cabbit's short fur not handling a sudden blast of coolness all that well. Seen, in an unusual show of concern, reached out to bring the smaller girl closer into himself, his thicker fur instantly warming her, and then stuck his hand out to shut off the shower; the squeaking of the metal as it was turned broke what romanticism could be found in the moment.

"You still want to do this?" Seen inquired, his dark eyes turning down to look at the cabbit shivering against him.

"Yeah." Mika didn't bother to deny it. She still wanted a ride on top of the bigger ursine, to have his cock shoved up deep inside of her until her belly rounded as his tailhole was stuffed to maximum capacity.

And then suddenly Mika found herself being bodily lifted up into the air.

"What your doing?!" The cabbit asked, her voice rising in octaves from shock as she felt Seen reach around to paw at the back of her ass. The sound of fabric being torn as her beachwear was striped from off of her ass made the cabbit blush hotly.

"I have to get you naked somehow, right?" Seen teased.

"Yeah, I guess so, but really, this is the nicest pair of summer clothes I have, so be gentle." Mika really loved her pink clothing, well, she really loved any clothing that made her ass stick out, but her summer clothing was her favorite.

"You know I'm always gentle with the people I like." The dire bear chuckled at the same time he pressed the tip of his dick at the hole of Mika's pucker. The tight little wrinkled up piece of flesh flexed wildly as the precum stained dick beneath it spouted three small globs of fluid onto the pink flesh.

"Right, just like a battering ram." Mika began to shudder slightly as her body was taken for a very interesting series of sensations.

First, the cabbit's temperature began to grow hot, not something unusual given that she was in such close proximity to the greater warmth that was the massive dire bear, though the heat that began to overtake her awakened things within Mika that had more to do with mere body contact. The pressing feel of Seen's cock was like living warmth as nudged at the cabbit's backside before slipping in. It just made Mika feel...alive.

Second, Mika had to deal with the fact that her own maleness was rising up in between her and Seen's chest; the small masculine piece of anatomy wiggled as it began to lightly shoot precum from out of the cabbit's tip. Having grown used to this, however, Mika was more than ready as she slide herself up and down along the length of Seen's chest, coating the dire bear's naked front with her arousal and fluids.

Third, and most importantly, Mika was left groaning somewhat as she thought over how easy it would be for the two of them to be caught. All it would take was some well meaning family, even a mother coming in with her cub to get the two of them wet, to step inside and find the little hybrid getting her tail reamed by the older ursine. The scandal would be something for which Mika would never be able to live down, her parents would probably be mortified if they found out...and that thought left the cabbit's nearly drooling.

So, in her excitement, Mika didn't wait as she grunted and then sat herself down onto Seen's cock, the full girth slipping in up to the halfway mark in the process.

"SHIT!!!" Seen yelped, the dire bear having had to reach out to steady himself with a paw as his cock was literally engulfed with the warmth of his companion's body. Not that he was at all surprised by this, more so the ursine was stunned that his friend was able to take so much of his three inch thick phallus without having been prepared first. 'What a slut,' Seen thought as he panted loudly into the side of Mika's neck, the dire bear still holding the other up as his wobbly legs threatened to give out. 'I'm so glad I met her!'

Mika would have been slightly annoyed to have heard what the other boy said, what with her right Asian upbringing teaching her on how to be a proper lady. And yet, her ire would have passed easily after she realized that, yes, she was a slut. A total one in fact. Riding up and down onto the fat cock that the dire bear had all of these many weeks had made it so that the cabbit's tailhole was left permanently ready to take the mass in between Seen's leg without the thriteen inch dick splitting her open as it had upon the first time her friend had rode her ass. The thickness pressed inside of her in all of the right ways to make Mika moan, her cute cottontail wagging at her back.

"Seen..." Mika breathed deep, her muscles trying to relax as she wanted to lift herself up to begin riding on the older boy.

"I know, sweetie," Seen cooed, his pet name for the little girl coming out without his acknowledgement. "Just give me a second."

"No. Now." And then, Mika rose up off of Seen's hardness using the dire bear's thighs as a stepping ladder.

The sucking sound of wet flesh pressing up and against moistened flesh resounded off of the tiled walls of the public shower, but neither anthro could care about that. They were too wrapped within the throes of ecstasy. Mika's hot rectum, forever welcoming, released Seen's shaft until only the head was left straining the too tight ring of muscles. And then, the cabbit let her weight drop down. Moans of appreciation sounded from both, though they were somewhat strained from Mika's throat as the hybrid was forced to let herself be taken by more of the dire bear's cock than she had originally planned. The rutting of Seen's hips a moment later, the brown bear's thighs pushing up so that his groin could shift north towards Mika's ass, made the cabbit screech slightly.

"You wanted it," Seen said through clenched teeth, his eyes nearly closed as small slits shown dark brown eyes glaring lustfully at the little girl on his knees. "So don't complain about it now."

"Shut up and fuck me already!" Mika bellowed, her voice loud enough to make heads outside turn.

"Your wish is my command, sweetie!"

And then Seen jammed himself upwards.

The scream that Mika let out, like a wailing call to the dead, bounced off of the walls of the shower area with enough force to make Seen's ears turn backwards on top of his head. The sound, so loud and blood curdling, did nothing to deter the ursine's cock from reaching up, however. The dire bear's lust would not be denied just because of the cabbit's asshole being bent, literally, out of shape as the turgid black member of the brown bear pushed aside her guts as it dug through her colon. Mika's miniature prostate was not so much stroked as it was beaten by Seen, that was just how rough the dire bear was as he pushed and pushed and pushed on up into the smaller girl within his grasp.

Once he had gotten all the way inside of her, Seen paused. The sudden halt of pressure, the quieting of the symphony of flesh stroking against flesh, made Mika blink rapidly in confusion. Focusing her gaze on the elder male with his arm wrapped around her, Mika noted the water dripping down the side of Seen's face, the shiny beads winking as the light from the windows within the room shone off of the bigger ursine. Pulling her face down to have a look at herself, the cabbit was far from surprised to see that her belly was distended, the outline of a mushroom poking through her fur and skin. Chuckling somewhat in mad delight, Mika clenched down onto her inner muscles; the action resulting in Seen letting out a sound from his muzzle between a roar and a groan, as the dire bear bounced his pelvis forward.

"Come on Seen, give me a good workout!" Mika seemed not to mind the fact that she was making a game out of a time honored practice, the pure joy of having a dick within her boycunt so much that all matter or right, wrong, and reason were swept away in favor of sharing in the bliss of being stuffed like a turkey. The potent balls underneath the shadow of Seen's cock would see that the other would be indeed filled to overflowing, if the way they were churning was any indication of what was to come.

Seen didn't least, not with words. Instead, the dire bear grunted as he pulled back his hips. The familiar sound of two bodies writhing in mutual rapture followed with the sound of a door opened, yet no one seemed to care about this. A snap forward and Mika was left hissing. That did catch someone's attention, on the other paw. The person who happened to come into the room didn't bother to question what was going on as they moved down the side of the shower stalls, peeking into each in turn, until they got to the sight of the bear and cabbit rocking together. A gasp, though from who was a mystery, followed with eyes opening wide as the unnamed person got an eyeful. The sight of the brown bear's naked back almost made it so that the voyeur was left seeing only arms and legs wrapped around a strong back, but when hips pulled backwards no one could miss the sight of twelve hard inches retreating from out of a redding hole set in between firm cheeks.

Seen moved like a freight train - strong, steady, and unflinching as he fucked Mika with purpose. His hands, one holding onto the cabbit's backside while the other clenched into the ceramic material holding up the far wall, twitched the same as the dire bear's lips as Seen's beat his hips forward into the little girl's. Teeth chattering from the pure pleasure of his cock finding purpose inside of the nubile depths of the younger female, Seen didn't think as he let his body writhe and jump forward, his balls swinging so hard in between his legs that they slapped at Mika's taint.

The person behind the pair backed up and then turned to leave, totally missing the sight of Mika bouncing up and down onto the dire bear like a rubber ball. The lolling of the other's tongue, slick drool flying everywhere as the young cabbit's saliva dispersed into the air, made for a very lewd visual, yet it was nothing compared to the rapid expanding and contracting of Mika's tailhole as Seen bred its owner with hard and deep strokes. The glistening red flesh, blood having turned the pink flesh dark from the way the dire bear was slapping at the little hybrid's backside, was stained with both precum and Mika's inner fluids, the likes of which were dripping down onto the still wet floor. Musk and sweat coated the air of the small stall as Seen grunted while jack hammering Mika on top of him hard enough that it made his arms burn. Yet the dire bear wasn't going to whine about it; he was too far gone for that at this point. Instead, Seen pressed himself further into Mika, his cock going in even more inside of the cabbit until the bulge of his glands were actually in between Mika's lower ribs.

"Seen! Seen! Seen!" Mika chanted with every hump of her body. The young girl was nearly praying as she let herself be taken over by the mass within her tailhole. Her cock, now spraying her own seminal fluids out from its tip onto both her and her lover's chest, jerked in time with the little one's peach pit sized balls.

"OhhhohhhAhaahhh!" Seen countered with his own hymn, the dire bear was actually seeing stars in front of his eyes as he worked his hips forward so hard that the slapping noise could be heard outside.

Mind numbing pleasure was all that the two could feel at the time. Their ecstasy was such that it made the both youths wail in time with one another as they grew closer and closer to the end of the their building climaxes. The pressure and heat, the scent and sensation, all served to make the dire bear and cat feel as though they were transcending regular sexual unification as they danced together inside of their shower stall; the world outside nothing more than a faint remembrance of a long forgotten dream as Mika and Seen rocked in time with one another. The heaviness of Seen's balls, the weight of his scalding cum pulling down at his fleshy orbs, despite them trying to rise up into his body, warned the dire bear that he was close. Meanwhile, Mika could only whimper around the mouthful of brown fur she had her teeth wrapped onto, the cabbit having grown too close to her own orgasm for her comfort - she wanted to cum with Seen.

A few moments later, however, and none of that mattered. Seen, the older boy getting all of the right signals inside of his brain, went off like a cannon inside of Mika. The deluge of spooge rocketed forward with such force and fury that it triggered the cabbit's female's own sexual release, the likes of which came as the hybrid lifted her head back to sing out a beautiful wail of appreciation to the other male.

"SEEN!!!" Mika cried out!

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! Seen replied.

Having been with the younger girl for so long, Seen rode out the waves of pleasure which ripped through him with a staccato of humps as he drilled Mika's ass open hard.

It took some time for the two to come back down to earth, the pleasure was just so great that nothing else mattered to them as they continued to ride up pass Paradise into Eternity. Once earthbound, though, both Mika and Seen panted into each other's faces, the two chuckling somewhat as they noted how disheveled the other looked. Seen didn't bother to say much as he reached his hand out to turn back on the shower once again, the hot water helped to break up any awkwardness, as well as the proof of Mika's masculinity covering the dire bear's chest.

"You were good as always, Mika" Seen's compliment made the cabbit smile somewhat.

"So were you, Seen." The young hybrid turned her head to the side, trying not to seem as embarrassed as she was feeling, as she allowed the water at her back to rain down on her.

Several minutes later Seen turned off the water and then slowly set his companion back down onto her feet.

"Thank you," Mika said playfully, the batting of her eyelashes showing how much she thought about the dire bear's actions.

"Whatever," seen replied before snickering.

Pulling aside the curtain that had concealed them from view, both Mika and Seen made their way out of the small stall and then suddenly came to realize...

"Shit, we left out towels outside."

"Oh well," Mika said before she began to shake herself dry. When the cabbit began to lick her arm clean after finishing her 'rinsing' Seen scoffed before following the other's example.

The sound of someone talking broke through the dim that was trying to cover the shower area. Turning to listen, both Mika and Seen found themselves somewhat beset by fear as they heard about 'perverts' and 'fucking'. It didn't take a genius to guess who was the source of the commentation.

"Backdoor?" Mika offered after noting the front door of the showering area coming open.

"You know it!" Seen replied.

And then the two were off.

The last thing the beach security noted was the shapes of someone bulldozing their way out of the shower area through the normally locked door of the shower area.

Meeting Mika - Chapter 3 - Subway

Going out onto the subway was not a new experience for Seen, the dire bear having done so many a times in the past back home, but the Japanese trains were...a little more than the other boy had expected them to be. First off, the trains were a little...

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Meeting Mika - Chapter 2 - The Meet Part 2

The feel of Mika underneath him made Seen murr underneath his breath, the rumble causing the cute little cabbit to chuckle as he looked up with wide emerald colored eyes at his larger friend. Larger in many ways more than one could have imagined for a...

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Meeting Mika - Chapter 1 - The Meet Part 1

Seen knew that the second he saw the picture of the pretty green eyed cabbit he was going to be balls deep within the other while wild moans would be let out for all to hear. Those wide, innocent orbs of deepest jade had captured him, ensnaring the...

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