A New Day

Story by Profec on SoFurry

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I was bored on my flight back from Orlando and didn't feel like just watching a movie. So I started writing this on my iPad, and ended up having a lot of fun with it. And it in many ways it was cathartic for me. I hadn't finished by the time the plane landed, so I finished it tonight since I had a little bit of remaining time before I needed to get back to other stuff.

I would really appreciate your input, since I haven't written too many stories, and even fewer of those have been adult.


A New Day

A Story by Profec


Shipley opened her eyes for what seemed like the first time. The blinding light stabbed through the window, causing her to recoil away from the light. A moment later, her ears were able to distinguish what she was hearing. A police helicopter. It's blades seemed to slap the air just outside the apartment window. "What the hell?" she muttered, still half asleep.

She looked over at her alarm clock. 3am. Goddammit.

By now the helicopter lost interest in her window and moved on, but the damage was done. Falling asleep was never her strong point, and she was already planning on waking up in a couple hours.

She swung her legs off the couch she was sleeping on and rested them on the cold hardwood floor. It took her a moment to remember she was not at home. Last night had been hard for her. Her father gave her the boot when he discovered that his "precious little angel" had actually dated a girl during most of her high school career. And even though she was bi and had been broken up with her girlfriend for several months by that point was irrelevant to her father.

She ran her fingers though her soft fur of her face in a vain attempt to comfort herself. She figured now would be a good as time as any to get ready to leave. She stood and slowly trudged her way to the bathroom. On the way, she startled herself when she saw another shape in the dark beside her. She squeaked out a cry as she stumbled backwards, and was immediately mad at herself.

The person now standing by her was only her reflection. A large section of wall in the apartment was a floor to ceiling mirror that must have cost a fortune. The city light was casting a gentle glow on the edge of her form. She took a moment to stare at her reflection, and how much she looked like her mother. She was a tigress, despite having digitigrade legs she stood at a meager 5 foot even stature and was rather thin. She wasn't amazingly athletic, but her feline nature kept her body in check. But the first thing Shipley noticed about herself was her eyes. All the females in her family had green eyes of almost an unnatural color. They glowed bright in almost any kind of light. Her orange and white fur was pristine, and her stripes were jet black. She never had dyed her fur, out of fear of what her father would do, but that didn't seem like that would matter anymore. At the base of her tail was a ring that bore her family crest. She had worn it most

of her life. The only other attire she wore at the moment was a large shirt she was borrowing from her host to sleep in.

It was now that Shipley heard some frantic footsteps coming from down the hall. She instantly knew who the steps belonged to.

Almost on cue, he appeared. His name was Cyan. A name which always seemed inappropriate given that his fur was jet black. His eyes were wide, it was clear he was out of breath, he was panting.

"Shipley! Are you okay? I heard--"

Already a little flustered and embarrassed, Shipley held her hand up to show she was okay. "Sorry, I scared myself. I keep forgetting about that damn mirror."

Cyan relaxed a bit, and leaned against the wall gently chuckling at the situation. "You know, you gave me quite a start. I was asleep and all I heard was you scream and I came running."

"Yeah, it was just me being a scared-y cat. I'm just glad that I had something on when you..." Shipley then realized that Cyan was right. He had been asleep. There he was, a large black wolf that stood almost a foot and a half taller than she- and was completely naked. It was her first time seeing him this way. His entire body was covered in the jet black fur, save for one area on his belly that looked like an arrow pointing down to his groin in white fur, that extended only partway down his tail.

"You... You... Naked." she stammered out, feeling herself get hot under her fur after seeing an eyeful of wolf sheath and balls. Embarrassed even further, she became rigid and turned away from him.

"Nice English skills you have there," Cyan chided, "I'll go put some boxers on." He turned and walked down the hall. A few seconds later Shipley finally managed to turn around again and loosen herself up a bit. "Smooth, Shipley. Real smooth." she scolded herself. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she had a crush on Cyan for some time. She met him a few weeks after she broke up with her girlfriend. She met Cyan after a high school party. He was a part of an organization that was provided designated drivers, that provided rides no questions asked. She had been pretty down and he stayed up late helping her sober up, and did his best to console the complete stranger. Cyan went so far as to give her his cell in case she wanted to talk some more. She did, and they did.

There was only a couple years difference between them, so she often would fantasize about his large frame, and more than once was one button shy of calling him to let him know. But last night, the did press the last button, but for a wholly different reason. Cyan picked her up on a corner near her father's house, her eyes drowned in tears. He said she could stay as long as she'd like. He brought her back to his place, pulling out clean sheets to let her sleep in his bed, while he would take the couch, but she adamantly refused.

Cyan didn't realize that she didn't plan on staying very long in the morning. She wanted to get out of town and not come back.

Shipley quickly began to throw her clothes on, wanting to escape before Cyan returned. She had just slipped on her second sandal and had just opened the front door when she felt a hand rest softly on her arm. Cyan's voice rumbled softly behind her, "Shipley? Where are you going?"

Out of nowhere she felt her eyes well up in tears, she couldn't even muster up a response. She felt her knees lose all strength and she fell to the ground. Shipley became weightless. It took her a half a moment to realize that she didn't hit the ground. Cyan had caught her before she fell, and in one swift move, lifted her high up into his arms.

Shipley couldn't see through the tears in her eyes, and made no attempt to wipe them away. The only thing she could do was bury her face into the black chest that was holding her close. She felt herself set onto a soft surface, it wasn't the couch, she knew that for sure; but it didn't matter to her, not in the slightest. Cyan's arms slid out from underneath Shipley, and for a moment felt a pang of loneliness. From her feet, she could feel something soft roll up her body and envelop her. It was a blanket. Suddenly it mattered where she was. Cyan had put her in his bed. Through her tears and sobs, she was able to take in a long breath rough her nose. Indeed, she was in his bed. The smell and warmth actually gave her some comfort, and she felt the loneliness subside a little. Warm under the covers, she decided she could wait a few more hours before leaving.

Behind her she could hear Cyan take a few steps back. The lights in the room turned off, and the door closed. Shipley closed her eyes, and was prepared to cry herself to sleep.

Then something happened that she wasn't prepared for. Without warning the bed shifted, and Shipley's hear began to race. A large warm body then appeared behind her under the covers. Her eyes opened wide. Panic. A large hand slid across her belly and pulled her close. Her body trembled, not knowing what to do.

Almost in response to her sudden fear, she was greeted with the peaceful sounds of Cyan asleep. The arm around her already loose and relaxed. Somewhat relieved, Shipley began to sneak her hand over her own side and felt towards the hips of Cyan behind her. Satisfied with what she found, her body completely melted into his. Boxers. He really did care for her, and wasn't trying to take advantage of her. She then realized that she was still crying, not because she was sad, but because she was so relieved that Cyan was here for her.

Snuggled warmly against the wolf, it was the first time she was happy to cry herself to sleep.


Shipley woke up a few hours later. The sun was threatening to peak over the window sill. Cyan's arm was still firmly wrapped around her from earlier, and she didn't mind at all. Without waking him up, she stretched out in all directions. A tingling behind her let her know that her tail was actually in an uncomfortable position. It somehow got pinned between Cyan's legs while they slept.

Shipley awkwardly shifted her hips around until she was able to find a position that allowed her to pull her tail from it's trap. Cyan was still sound asleep. Confident that he wasn't going to wake up, she let herself rub and scratch her rump. She sighed softly as she discovered that her tail bracelet was missing. It must have slipped off when she pulled her tail out from Cyan's legs.

She sat up and gingerly looked on the other side of the bred for the bracelet, with no results. She pondered a moment, trying to think of where it could have gone. She then closed her eyes when she realized where it was. Shipley gently moved Cyan's arm from around her waist so she could be free to verify he theory. She scooted lower to on the bed and leaned in.

She was right, she could see the faint golden glimmer of the bracelet from between Cyans's legs. She felt her face go hot when she realized where it was. The bracelet somehow managed to come off high up between his legs, nestled up in his boxers behind a large bulge.

She felt herself panic. "How do I get it out of there? How did it get IN there. Ohmygod! My tail was that close to his... that close to HIM! What is that?" the questions rushed through her head like a runaway dump truck, right to the gutter. She wanted to get her tail ring back, but it meant touching, Cyan's bulge. And as much as she wanted to, she was much too timid. All the while she was getting a little tingle between her legs. She had only caught a glimpse earlier, but now, it was only a thin piece of fabric away from her.

She tried using her claw tips to grab hold of the bracelet, but it was just too far in there. Whenever her claws clacked when they lost their grip, Shipley's eyes would shoot to Cyan's face, to see if he was still asleep. Finally realizing she would have to do it (and to the celebration of her lower parts), she repositioned herself to do the deed.

As gently and slowly as she could, she dipped a hand under the bulge, and lifted. By the way they adjusted in her hands, she knew it had to be his orbs. They surprised her with how heavy they were. With her other hand, she was able to sneak her index finger through the ring, and slid it out. But this was enough movement to get a reaction out of Cyan. While he didn't wake up, it did trigger him to roll over onto his belly... towards Shipely. She was caught off guard, and quickly found that her hand was pinned under him in worst(best) possible way. Now, not only was his balls resting completely on her hand and forearm, but so was his sheath.

The situation was precisely what she always wanted as well as what she never wanted. She looked around the room to see if there was something that could get her out of this bind. Of course there wasn't. She either had to wake him up, or yank her hand out. Neither sounded appealing, since she didn't want to embarrass either of them further, and she was afraid if she yanked her hand out, it would hurt him. So she decided to wait it out and see if he would roll back the other way.

She tried to ignore her hand for a few minutes, and she tried to ignore what was in her hand. It didn't last long. She began to rock her fingers back and forth, trying to feel the details of what was in her hands. They were large and oblong shaped, each perhaps bigger than a large egg. Shipley felt her face become flush as she took a step back from herself and thought about what she was doing. But what else was she going to do in this state? A soft murr came from Cyan.

"I guess he likes that." Shipley though to herself. With a little more confidence, she gave them a gentle squeeze, just to see how he would react. He let out a soft moan, and grinder his hips down into her hand, making her wince slightly. She felt something firm then press against her forearm. It wasn't quite wet, but it was definitely moist. She couldn't help but gasp, she knew what it was. She adjusted her hand so that she could feel it was with her thumb through his boxers. She was right, it was Cyan's member poking out from his sheath. Under his breath, and barely audible, Shipley could have sworn she heard him call her name.

Shipley completely lost herself for a moment, and dropped the tail bracelet she was holding in her free hand. Hit hit the bed and bounced, landing squarely on the small of Cyan's back. His eyes instantly popped open and met hers. "Shipley!" he managed to push out, half propping himself on his hand.

They were both silent for a few seconds, then it dawned on Cyan where Shipley's hand was, still giving his balls a firm squeeze. The two of them nervously followed each other's eyes down to Shipley's hand. She felt her face get so hot, she thought it would burst into flames. She quickly pulled her hand away and became rigid. Scooting herself around so she sat on the edge of the bed.

"C-c-cyan, I'm sorry. My tail bracelet came off and I had to get it." she managed to stammer out.

All she heard was quiet laughing. She lowered her ears, he was laughing at her. Once again, she felt some tears trying to force their way out of her eyes. But before they could flow, she felt Cyan move behind her. He wrapped both of his arms tightly around her. She didn't want to feel safe in those arms, but she did. Cyan pressed his muzzle warmly against her cheek.

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at me. I totally believe you, I just didn't think i would be waking up the way I did." he said softly. He started to withdraw his muzzle from hers, when he whispered almost inaudibly, "But if do you want to touch me, I won't stop you."

Shipley wasn't quite sure if it was the way he said it, or the way he had his hands firmly around her, but she felt her face tense and a bolt of lightning shot through her body. The roll of thunder started in the space between her legs and rose through her body, escaping through her lips as impassioned moan. She could feel Cyan's hands begin to pull away. Her body acted on its own, refusing to let her pass on this moment. She grabbed his hands, stopping them short from leaving her fur, the tips of his fingers tingling her fur. She pulled his arms back around her frame, enveloping herself in larger male. She squeezed Cyans hands into her fur, sliding his claws down to her skin.

Shipley rolled her head back, resting it against Cyan's neck. Letting go of his hands, she stretched her arms upward, trying to grab the air. Cyan said nothing, but understood what she needed. His arms tightened around her and lifted slightly off the bed and laid her to rest between his legs and leaning up against him. Shipley made a move to take off her pajama shirt, but Cyan was quick to stop her. Once again, his large arms wrapped themselves around her body, but this time, they swooped low catching enough of the material to pull off.

Her body was shaking, she was nervous and excited, and Cyan knew it. He was slowly lifting her shirt off, torturously slow. Whenever she tried to hurry him up, he would clamp his arms down tightly on her. She couldn't fight his strength, and her body loved the teasing as much as it hated it. As his hands passed her chest on their ascent, he made sure give her breasts a caress. So gentle was it, that had they been in any other situation, it would have seemed like a harmless brush. But this wasn't any other situation, and that faintest of brushes made her cry out and push herself into the wolf.

Finally, his arms were pulling her shirt over her head. She raised her arms so the tormenting fabric could be removed, but it wouldn't be that easy. Seizing the opportunity, Cyan quickly gave the shirt a twist, locking her arms behind her head. She should have seen this coming. She whimpered, unable to move, let alone see. She was pulled backwards, resting across Cyan's leg onto a pillow.

She could feel Cyan rest his large hand directly on her stomach. It slowly dragged it's way up her toned belly, sliding between her breasts, and stopping for a moment at the V of her neck. She began to relax a moment, trying to savor his touch. But that relaxation was cut short as she felt his fingertips make a b-line back down her stomach.

It was getting lower and lower, closing the distance between his claws and her slit. She wanted his touch, but not like this. She felt her heart skip a beat, unsure of what to do. She got so wrapped up in the if's and but's she didn't notice the feeling of his hand disappeared. She was about to tell him to stop when the bit of shirt that was covering her mouth was moved.

Something warm and wet touched her lips. It was soft and strong, and it was amazing. It had all been a ruse, to get her to let down her guard. He held lips to hers for what seemed like hours, at least that's what she thought it felt like. Shipley could feel her heart in her throat, she couldn't make a sound, but her body told Cyan all that he needed to know.

Still locked in their kiss, Cyan pulled the shirt the rest of the way off of her head and arms, freeing her from the torment of teasing. Even though her arms were free, she couldn't move them. Her body was still in too much shock. It took Cyan's arms sliding underneath her body that awoke her arms from their state. They automatically draped themselves over Cyan's shoulders. His lips moved with hers, a flurry of white, black and orange fur.

Finally Cyan broke off their kissing, to which Shipley felt a little frustrated, but only a little and not for much longer. Cyan's nose slowly dipped further down her front, making sure to give some much needed attention to her nipples. As he made his way further down, he was hiking up her body with his arms. Shipley then realized that he wasn't just idly exploring her body with his nose, Cyan had a clear destination in mind. With a firm hike, Shipley's legs now hung over his shoulders.

Shipley bit her lip, it had been some time since anyone had done this for her. She was glad she was laying down, she wouldn't be able stand. All she could see of Cyan were his piercing silver eyes staring right back at her. She felt another bolt of lightning shoot through her body, and he hadn't even done anything yet. But then it came, something wide and hot, running the length of her slit, prying the folds apart. She knew she had to be more than just moist. The teasing had driven her insane. She was afraid that she was dripping down her legs and sides. But Cyan didn't seem to care. His tongue seemed to rather enjoy cleaning her nether regions.

At first she was self conscious, but once Cyan made it clear his mouth was indescriminate in the places he was willing to pleasure her, she let herself go. From her belly button to the pucker of her rump, everything received the same loving treatment. Shipley's head was swimming, this was all so wonderful. Finally Cyan refocused his attention to her pussy. He ran his nose along the length of her slit, and drew in a long breath. He closed his eyes to savor the scent, before opening them again. He opened his mouth and slid his tongue into her moist pussy, deep into her folds. Shipley called out his name and put her hand on his head, not knowing what else to do. He pushed his muzzle harder into her hips, trying to get his tongue deeper into her. His nose rested immediately beneath her clitoris With each small push of his muzzle, it rubbed against her clit, sending shockwaves through her body. She was going to cum if he kept it up, and she didn't want it to

end just yet.

The tigress pushed the male away from her groin. "Cyan," she panted, barely together enough to form words, "come here."

He set her down obediently, and moved closer to Shipley. She grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He didn't even have time to react. She already had a both of her legs wrapped around his waist like a vice.

He pulled away for a moment. "Shipley... Are you sure? I'm happy to keep--"

She put a finger on his lips, sealing them. She smiled. "I want this more than anything right now."

She gently ran her claws down his chest and abs. Set snugly against her hips was his sheath. Cyan held a great amount of self control. His sheath was bulging, he must have been completely hard inside. Shipley gently rested her hand on the tip of the sheath, it's contents throbbed. She gasped softly. In one slow motion, she pulled the sheath down, freeing the monster within. It was at least 11 inches long. The first thing that came to her mind was how uncomfortable it must have been in the sheath.

The second thing that came to her mind was that it was 11 inches long. She was only 5 feet tall on her toes. Her mind said no, but her body said hell yes. She now knew why he would have been content with having her cum from his tongue. Not many ladies would be able to handle that. She wasn't even sure if she could.

She pulled her hips away from his to get the head in the right position. She bit her lip one more time and gave a nervous nod to Cyan.

He slowly inched his hips forward, pushing his canine cock into the petite tigress. Shipley opened her mouth to moan, but no sound came. Deeper and deeper. She could feel herself begin to stretch from the girth. He wasn't all the way in yet? More and more. Cyan's length seemed to have no end. Just as she nearly reached the point that would have been too much for her, she felt Cyan's body resting against hers, his balls resting against her ass.

"Oh my God, Cyan. Don't move." she frantically wrapped her arms around his body. She had never been filled like this before, she was in heaven, but her mind was scared.

Cyan gently cooed at her, licking her cheek. "It's okay, if you want me to stop..."

"No! God no! It just need a moment."

"Never been with a canine?" He smiled sheepishly.

"No..." she managed to push out, her insides clamping down on the wolf.

"Don't worry, I won't knot you."

The two held each other for a minute, while Shipley's body got used to the feeling of Cyan's size within her. Finally, sensing that it was okay to continue, he gently began to grind himself into her. They moved together like ocean waves rolling onto the shore. He was so gentle to her. But she knew that just like the ocean, his waves could crash as well.

His grinding slowly turned into thrusting, only a small amount at first, but gradually building. Shipley did her best to hang on, as small as she was, she didn't have much control over how she was being penetrated. She trusted him though. He could have taken advantage of her at any point, but Cyan waited for her to proceed.

She could swear that she could feel everything that was going through his mind, they moved together, completely in rhythm. His balls slapping against her ass, his panting across her face, his tail rubbing against hers.

She wanted more, his length was driving her mad. Her body was in ecstasy; never before had she experienced a mating like this.

Her lips found his once again, and were back in the furious passion. He held her hips up in place so he could continue to thrust his full length as they kissed. His claws raked the small of her back just above her tail, which sent shivers down her spine, and through her folds as well.

Her body must have clamped down tightly on him from that because his thrusting became strained, and he seemed thicker. He moaned into her mouth and felt him try to pull away. Suddenly she realized what it was. He was about to form his knot. He was about to cum. He was trying to pull out but she wouldn't have it.

"Shipley, the knot--!" Cyan called out. She could see he was on the verge.

"I know." With her legs still in their vice lock around his body, she pulled the wolf back into her loving folds. Cyan moaned through his teeth, the knot beginning to swell. With one hard squeeze, her strong feline legs forced Cyan's knot into place deep inside her pussy. That was it for Cyan, his knot became a rock hard mass inside Shipley, locking them together. He howled as he came hard.

Shipley's well was on the verge of over flowing, the massive girth inside her rested against her most sensitive spot. She wrapped everything she could around the wolf, and when his howl rattled her body, she could feel something hot pulsate into her. He was cumming. He was cumming because of her. Cyan, what would be her ideal, showed his heart and the depth of his character, gave her exactly what she needed. She could feel his heart pounding inside her through his cock firmly wedged inside her. He filled her with his love.

It was that last thought that unleashed her climax. Her cry matched his howl, her body bucked and throbbed. She buried her face into Cyan's neck, losing herself in his black fur until the wave's crest receded.

She slowly released Cyan's body from her vice grip. Cyan slouched down on top of her, careful not to crush her with his weight. He gently licked her cheek and nose.

"Why did you take the knot?" he asked softly still trying to catch his breath.

Smiling, she gave him a kiss on the nose. "You gave me what I needed, and I gave you what you needed."

Cyan chuckled softly, "Well, I hope you don't mind a late breakfast, because we aren't going anywhere for a while." He motioned between their legs, that they were still firmly connected. Shipley could still feel his member pulsating and delivering the last bits of his seed.

"Oh, I know that. I'm not THAT unfamiliar with canine anatomy." she ribbed.

A little more serious look crossed Cyan's face. "You do know you can stay here as long as you'd like, right?"

Shipley looked directly at Cyan, her green eyes even with his silver. "I do know that now."

Cyan's face lit up. They embraced and kissed. Shipley was home.

A Night in the Clowncopter

Here is a story I wrote to go along with this pic [http://sofurry.com/page/149158](http://sofurry.com/page/149158) Can't say it's my best piece, but I had fun writing it....

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