Drac's Rule 34 Harem (Reboot) 5: Some Time Away

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#22 of Draconicon's Rule 34 Harem

Draconicon comes home from the Pride Lands for a bit, giving himself the chance to rest and recover, as well as remind himself of the people at home. (short break chapter, then back to rule 34 shenanigans)

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Drac's Rule 34 Harem (Reboot)

Chapter 5: Some Time Away

Sponsored by goddamncaptcha

By Draconicon

The first thing that hit him when he stepped through the portal back to his home city was just how much colder it was. The black dragon hissed as soon as he stepped through the portal, the sweat on his forehead, cheeks, and chest going from comforting to damn near freezing. Even as he closed the portal behind him, he found himself almost missing the savannah heat, something that he'd never imagined feeling.

The second thing that hit him was the fact that several of his regular harem members were there waiting for him. An otter, a lion, and a unicorn all stood there with their arms crossed, the latter propping her breasts up a bit with her arms as she did so.

"...What?" Drac asked.

"You disappeared, Master. That's not fair," the unicorn said. "You're supposed to tell us when you go."

"I had Zavis give you guys a message."

"But no goodbye hug," she muttered, shaking her head and pouting.

"And leaving us for something else? Surely there's nothing so fancy and alluring out there as what you can get here, Master," the lion added, stroking the back of his hand down the sides of his muzzle.

"Fyacin, I assure you, it's not greater quality, but merely variety that I was seeking."

"Hmmm, I see I must expand my repertoire. A poor harem slave I would be if I were to allow my master to become bored."

The lion smiled, though, and it made it clear that he wasn't actually that bothered. No, that was mostly Ellyra. The unicorn wasn't happy about having her master running around the universe, and he supposed he could see that. He had been a little abrupt, mostly because he wanted to get going before he started having second thoughts.

He walked over to her, cock swaying between his legs and smacking his thighs as he did. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead and ruffled her mane.

"I'm sorry, little one. I'll let you know in advance next time."

"Fiiiiine. But no more running off without a goodbye hug, okay?"

"No problem."

They hugged, made up, and the unicorn walked off with the lion, the two of them chatting. He caught wind of something about ropes and bound dragons, but he put that out of his mind. If all else failed, he could teleport away from them, and they knew that. It was probably just banter, anyway.

That left the otter. He turned to his long-time friend, and saw that there was a smile mixed with a little concern on that soft, fuzzy face.

"Alright, what's the matter, Ide?"

"Just making sure. Where did you go?"

"Lion king world. Anthros, of course."

"Right, you and those lion feet. Foot slut."

"Yeah, when I'm subby." He chuckled. "Why did you want to know?"

"Just making sure that we're not going to have inter-dimensional lawsuits popping in. I don't have much experience with that."

"Well, you're the judge. Better brush up on it."

"Hey, I'm still dealing with that whammy that Fyacin left us with. Remember that demonic cabal, each claiming he sold his soul to them?"

"And that's not inter-dimensional law?"

"That's trade law, and I barely have a grip on that, but I'm used to bullshitting with just a little bit of information. But, man, I'm still busy with that. I don't need something even bigger dropped in my lap right now."

He nodded, patting the otter on the back. Ide had been a good friend, full of legal advice and, quite honestly, one of the big reasons that his city ran as well as it did when he popped out for a while. Not that he always told the otter that. He knew his friend well enough to know that the extra praise would come with extra responsibility, self-inflicted duties that would drive the poor man mad.

He was his own Cthulhu monster-demon, sometimes. One little thing that was supposed to be good got twisted into a scourge to hurt him. A pity, really.

"Thanks for keeping things running ship-shape."

"Yeah, well, you can thank Zavis for that, too," Ide said, falling in step behind him as they made their way to the elevators. "And Veronica, too. She's been a royal help."

"I bet she's been a royal complainer, too, what with the way that Fyacin and everyone else cause trouble."

"How did you ever guess?"

"Sarcasm is not attractive, Ide."

"No, but it's funny."

"Heh, sometimes."

"What's the matter, master? Still focused on all those lion feet? Or did you start losing yourself in hyena ass by the time you left, huh? Go and get your face shoved between those fat ass cheeks and -"



The dragon smiled as he watched the otter grab at his muzzle, trying and failing to pull the suddenly-sealed piece of anatomy apart again. Lips? No more. They were sealed away, the flesh and fur held together by skin. The otter grumbled at him, pulling off a top hat and reaching inside. He fumbled around and pulled out a sign.

Diiiiiick, the sign said.

"Sometimes. Anyway, that'll last for ten minutes. I'm going to go to check on everyone else. Anyone really need it right now?"

Idesin thought about it for a moment, then reached into the hat again. A screaming cat and a rattling chainsaw later, he pulled out another sign.

Havok, Engy, and Ailsa, probably.

"Alright, Wile E. Thanks."

No problem.

He stepped into the elevator, only to hear the sound of something very similar to a falling piano. He looked up, then took a quick step back.

The thunderous clang of what was, indeed, a falling piano hit the elevator platform, and then sunk through it. A monster stuck her long head down and through the elevator shaft, looking as puzzled as he was. At least, until he turned around to look at the otter, who was miming innocent whistling.

"You really are just a Looney Tune in another medium, aren't you?"

Idesin smiled with his eyes. It was surprisingly expressive.

"Well, no more anvils, pianos, or anything else for a bit, huh? I learned my lesson."

The otter nodded. The dragon stepped through the elevator shaft, grabbed hold of the monster's neck, and up they went.


He stopped at Havok's room first. The white dragon was in the middle of pulling some cookies from his personal oven, and his back was to the black dragon. He smiled to himself, looking at that ass that he had seen grow, shrink, and grow again over the course of their various naughty adventures. Without hesitating in the slightest, he walked over, slid a finger along Havok's apron to lift it up, and then -



The white dragon stood up so fast that the cookie sheet went flying into the air. Drac reached out with his other hand, catching it on the way down. Havok whimpered, blushing up a storm as he looked over his shoulder.

"M-Master, that's...that's not fair...you can't just...mmmph...ah..."

He knew exactly where to touch when it came to Havok, exactly where to stroke. He had spent so much time in that hole that he knew just where every single sensitive spot was, and he knew just how to tease it to make sure that it got his friend quivering from head to toe. It didn't take long before his slut was popping a tent in the front of his apron, thrusting forward and smearing pre against the green cloth.


"Heh, I see that you've been keeping to your chastity."

"Nnngh...n-not much choice...you put me..."

Draconicon didn't need Havok to finish that statement. He'd put the other dragon into chastity, alright. Latex chastity, black goo that had been spread all over his cock and balls to keep him from blowing his load. He smiled, putting the cookie tray down, his warmed hand reaching under the apron to find that shaft, giving it a few teasing strokes. Havok moaned, immediately thrusting forward, then pulling back onto Drac's other fingers.

"Mmmph...I...I get to..."

"Not yet. Soon, though."


"Don't worry. It's gonna be big."

He smiled, slowly pulling his fingers free. As Havok slumped against the oven, closing the door with his knee, the black dragon walked to the sink. He washed his hands, both for what he just did and because he was still rather sweaty from the Savannah, shaking his head.

"So, what have you been up to?"

"Um, baking. Baking, gaming, and...trying to cook, I guess? Ailsa's been teaching me."

"She any good?"

"Um...pretty good? She's really fancy, though."

"Yeah, that's how it goes with her." He chuckled. "But at least you're working on doing more."

"So, um...where'd you go?"

"Just to see some lions. Mufasa, Scar, Sarabi, you know. That kind of stuff."

"...You can do that now?"

"Apparently." Draconicon chuckled. "I can set that up as a resetting world sometime, if you want a turn."

"I, uh...I might take you up on that."



He smiled, shaking his head in amusement. No real surprise there. Everyone had a crush on that dominant lion. Once his hands were clean, he made his way back to the cookie tray. He reached for one of the sugary looking treats -

Slap. Havok pushed his hand back, shaking his head.

"Not yet."

"...Did you seriously just?"

"...Oh. I did, didn't I?"

"Havok, you must really love being in chastity."

"What? Oh, come on, you aren't going to - that's not fair!"

"Dear, dear. You know how the rules, my friend." Draconicon smiled, slowly spinning his finger in a circle, pulling the latex around the white dragon's crotch tighter and tighter, squeezing at the base like a restricting ring. "I do what I want...and you...make sure I have fun. In return, you get everything you want..."


He left Havok's room with a smile on his face and a little less cum in his balls. The feeling of draining himself in a familiar hole had been quite welcome after trying so much variety while out and about. Sarabi had been a good cum dump when she had been trained, but that didn't mean that she was as good as some of those that had been taking his dick regularly for years.

He walked down the hall, making his way to Engy's room. The yellow dragon was usually napping or just waking up at this part of the day, so he was pretty sure that he'd find a very sleepy dragon. Wanting to surprise him, he took a side-trip to the kitchen, prepping some white jasmine tea.

As he got the water boiling, he felt a shadow sliding in through the side door to the kitchen. He smiled to himself, shaking his head as he waited for it to sneak up behind him, knowing that it was trying to be as stealthy as possible. As it loomed higher and higher, creating a wall of darkness behind him, he reached over his shoulder and pinched riiiiight where a nipple would be.


And just like that, the darkness collapsed on itself, becoming a purple-and-white stingray. He chuckled as he turned, seeing that she was in her more muscular, Amazonian form today. Her arms and legs were swollen with bulges, and her chest, while pronounced, was hefted forward on thick pectoral plates. Her gills along her neck were swollen, a bit more red than usual, and he cocked his head to the side.

"Experimenting with some magical steroids, Ailsa?"

"Hmmph. Is it that obvious?"

"A little. I'm guessing sprinkled in water?"

"The gills gave it away. Hmmph." She shook her head, crossing her arms, but with that mischievous smile that he knew all too well. "Welcome home, Master."

"Good to see you, too, my little succu-butt."

"Not that little right now, am I?"

"Oh, compared to me."

She smirked, and he felt her flexing at her power. It soared like a purple-black aura from her, swelling around her body and making a pulsing sort of light in the air. It wasn't something that most people could see, but anyone with a little magical training would have been able to make it out.

"Do you really want to aura wrestle again?"

"Hmm. Yes."

"Alright, alright. But only until the tea finishes steeping."

"Plenty of time."

"White tea."


The stingray flung her aura against him. His own, buried just beneath his scales, stood against it as usual, but he could feel that she'd definitely done some work with it. Her body wasn't the only thing that was stronger than usual.

As she pushed, he glanced out of the corner of his eye. The tea probably had about thirty seconds worth of time before it was perfectly brewed, so he would need to make this relatively quick. In a world that was so much his own, that would be easy. So, he relaxed, leaning back against the kitchen counter as the purple-black aura of the stingray succubus washed over him. The countertops started to warp, turning the same colors, and he could feel the knives starting to rattle in their blocks on either side of him. The water started to flow out of the course of gravity, twisting and rolling into tendrils.

Even his scales started to feel a little different. She was pushing all her control and corruptive power at him, increasing their sensitivity, playing with the sensations of tongues and fingers and more running over his body. Her touch plucked at his nipples, almost pulling his chest forward before he put a stop to that. She chuckled.

"What's the matter, Master? Afraid that you'll lose your touch if you go female for me?"

"No, more that I don't want to take the time to put it back to rights later."

"Ah, but what if you lose?"

"You'll need a bit more than this to make me lose in - yes, 15 seconds."

The aura pushed him harder. Two, three, four times as much force. If she had been in Hell, he imagined that her corrupted aura would have been able to dominate all but the highest-ranking of demons. As it was, she was pushing against someone that had been learning their trade for hundreds of years. It definitely had weight behind it, but she really didn't understand how much of a gap there was there.

Draconicon smiled as the timer hit ten seconds. Her glowing eyes narrowed, and she held up her arms, pressing them out towards him as if that would make her magic more powerful, more focused. The tendrils of water from the sink were trying to wrap around his arms to trap him, but...

Well, it wasn't enough.

Hmmm...40%, this time.

It wasn't quite overwhelming force, but it was the equivalent of a person twice Ailsa's size shoving her away after she'd tackled them to the ground. The purple-black aura gave way before his own pure black power, filling the kitchen with a true shadow of magic. She grunted, grimacing as she tried to push back, but he held her aura just over her flesh for the requisite five seconds to end the match.

Then the aura faded, and he pulled the tea leaves from the cup. He tossed them away, then smiled at the panting stingray.

"I win."

"Ugh...I'll get you again. One day."

"Yes, well, when you want to do it outside of fiction, let me know."

"That was my backstory!"

"Yes. And who wrote it?"


"Good luck with your training, dear."

He patted her on the shoulder as he walked by, but finished with a tail-whip right to her ass. The sudden shriek of surprise was just what he needed to hear to lift his spirits.

Going down the hall to Engy's room, he didn't bother knocking. He opened the door, heard the soft snoring of someone that had been asleep for a long time, and shook his head. Pushing the door open the rest of the way, he tiptoed over the four lizardmen that clustered in the living room of his friend's apartment, and then made his way to the bedroom.

Engy was out, alright. Out hard, with his feet sticking over the edge of his bed, and -

"Looks like he had a little experiment while I was out."

He chuckled at the massive breasts that were lifting the blanket at the dragon's chest, seeing that his alchemist friend had taken the chance to go female again for a while. Stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him, he took a step forward -


And barely missed having his toes caught by a mousetrap. He stared down at the clicked bit of metal and wood, and then waved his hand through the air. A black wave of energy flowed out, and a half-dozen other shapes exactly like the one that had almost trapped his toes appeared. He sighed, moving around them until he reached the bed. Sitting on the side, he poked the gold dragon in the boob.

"Hey. Engy."


"Come on, sleepyhead. I brought you tea."


"The nice kind."


Engy finally opened her eyes, looking up at him. The gold dragon groaned, slowly sitting up and reaching out for the cup of tea, and Draconicon handed it over with a small chuckle.

"Long day?"

"Long three."

"Yeah, you were experimenting when I left. What were you up to?"

"Seeing if I could lay eggs...I didn't get that far."

"Milking, instead?"

"Mmm-hmm. Ellyra wouldn't leave me alone."

"I guess that's why you're so tired. Well, take a minute with the tea."

Sitting with the tired dragoness, he gently rubbed her back, letting the tea take effect. There wasn't much caffeine there, but it was a nice, settling smell. It didn't take long for it to permeate the room, either, filling it like incense. It was one of the reasons he'd picked that particular tea.

"So, any reason for the mousetraps?"



"Mmph. The lizards got into the potion stuff and managed to turn a little feral mouse colony into mini-kobolds. They're running all over the place."


"Annnnd there's one," Engy muttered.

"Isn't that a little dangerous?"

"No. They've got scales strong enough that I don't think that even bruises them."


"I haven't slept well with them running around. Can you..."

"Sure. One second, hon. You want to go male again while we're at it?"


It didn't take long to get all the miniature kobolds swept up into a proper containment spell, though there were a lot of them. Some of them had been trapped by other mousetraps, and they carried the stupid things around like giant tower shields. They didn't even seem bothered by the fact that they were still pinched to their arms or whatever had been trapped before, and they still squeaked like mice.

They were also very affectionate towards the two dragons, trying to push forward, bowing in their little hamster-ball of a spell. Draconicon shook his head, bopping it away with a foot as he sat down by Engy. The gold dragon was back to being male again, his dick hanging down and dripping just a bit.

"Residual potion?" Draconicon asked.

"Yep. Ugh. Thanks for the tea. I needed that."

"No problem. How are you, otherwise?"

"Alright. Just...you know, busy."

"Always going for the new project, huh?"

"Yeah. Sorry for not being there when you got back."

"Wasn't that long ago. No worries."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." He chuckled. "So, anything new?"

"Not much. Just...you know, keeping things going. Got a few new potions around, but haven't tried them out yet."

"A couple of aphrodisiacs?"



"...Okay, some good ones. One that you can just pour on yourself for others to lick off, too. Stays good for about twenty-four hours."

"...Can I take that?"

"Sure, if you like. Who's the lucky slut that gets to try it?"

"You know, I still have to figure that out. So, can I get the potion to go? And a rain-check for some fun with you later, Mr. Big-Balls?"

"Heh, sure."

Leaving Engy to the affectionate mercies of the various lizardmen - who were all too happy to bring their master-dragon back to the world of the waking with all kinds of debauched pleasures - Draconicon made his way up to the library. He had other harem members that he'd need to see to next time, but for now, he needed to pick where he was going next. There were a lot of options, too, considering that there were so many works of fiction out there worth perving up a little bit.

Reaching the library with the aid of one of the monsters in the elevators, he passed Zavis, the snake butler, and gave him a wave. The naked, bow-tie-bearing snake waved back, bowing his head as he sorted through the non-fiction section of the library.

And then the dragon was surrounded by his favorite part. Fiction, where dreams and wants met the possibilities of creative minds, the worlds of what-if that were just waiting to spin out their own realities. He loved every opportunity to bring them out, to see what other people had conceived of, and then compare his own ideas to them.

After all, all the greats stole from others. It was just part of the process, the latter part of which was making it your own.

Let's see...what are some contenders...

Draconicon strolled over to an empty table, tapping his hand against it and leaving little blocks of black fire behind. Each one represented a different franchise, a different world of fiction that he could go to like he had with the Pride Lands. After all, he had already set up everything that he needed to with the lions and hyenas, and going for a bit more fun with some other species sounded fun at the moment.

He narrowed it down to four different possibilities. The first was a simple one, created by Rudyard Kipling and refined by other creators through the years. The Jungle Book was a fascinating world of animal fantasy, and while it certainly had the exotic and the dangers of some of Kipling's work, it had an eroticism and exoticness to it that really could not be denied. The mental might of the great Kaa, the teasing allure of Bagheera the panther, and others in that world were fascinating.

At the same time, there was the downside that there wasn't that much that he could do to really alter it, to bring it in line to a happier ending. Sure, he might change Shere Khan, and he might do something to unite the jungle, but those were pretty big changes. Still, worth trying later.

He pushed that block away and looked at the next one. He tapped it, and out sprung many different anthro horses, each one mostly a color swap from the one next to it. They developed further, becoming more themselves as they remained on two legs rather than the canonical four, though they were still rather similar as they strutted around.

My Little Pony was a universe that he rather disliked for the plot, but there were characters that were appealing, and once they were taken from being on four legs to being on two - combined with the fact that the universe in question had them with feet rather than hooves - they were more visually appealing. That, combined with the fact that they were slightly more adult in this world, meant that he could actually fuck with them without feeling like a bit of a nasty pervert. That was a good feeling in some cases, but not in others.

That said, there was a lot of stuff to do in that world, a lot of different equines to mess with and bring into his fold. Not something that he would be done with anytime soon, and the groundwork for it would take quite a while. He wanted to be sure that he had the time for it, rather than stopping halfway through and then having to go back to do damage control.

Later, then, he thought, shuffling it over to the corner.

That left two, one sci-fi, one medieval. The sci-fi one had ships that rocketed from place to place in the universe, that were launched by the equivalent of giant rail guns from one end of space to the other. Salarians, Turians, Krogans, Asari, many different species that all had different appeals to them were waiting there. He could have a lot of fun among the stars, provided that he still had sufficient magic to make it work.

The last world was one that seemed to be on the verge of some sort of revolution. Set way back in the time of the Crusades, it followed the adventures of a fox and his vixen lady fair, a hypnotic councilor and a cowardly lion prince, a priest, a sheriff, and more. All of them were set up for a good romp, and there...

There, there were plenty of figures for him to enjoy. Robin Hood, Maid Marian, the sheriff, even. All of them were the sort of character that he could either enjoy for their own sake or mold into something more enjoyable once he got there. He smiled to himself, shuffling the Mass Effect box off to the side and focusing his attention on the Robin Hood world canon. After flicking through the different alternatives to the main canon, he found one where sex was slightly more permissible, where there was some indication that Robin Hood was already bi rather than being forced into it, and a few other tweaks.

No need to change someone into something they really aren't...

He always had confused, mixed feelings regarding that. He had done what he had with Scar because the lion had at least some feelings towards males already, but if that hadn't been there, he would have needed to come up with something else. Sexuality play was always hard to justify in his mind, something that needed something in context to make it work properly.

But here...yes, this would work.

He smiled, folding the little black box into a sheet of paper, and then folding that into a little dot that would fit under one of his finger claws. As he stood up, there was a knock on a nearby shelf. Draconicon looked up.

Ellyra was there, the black-furred unicorn looking around the edge, and he smiled, waving her over. She sat down on the desk.

"Are you going somewhere already?"

"No, not yet," he said, running his hand along her thigh. "But after this weekend, yes."

"Mmmph. But you just got back."

"...Heh. I guess I'm a little more eager than I should be. But don't worry. I plan on giving all of you some attention."

"You better. Or I boop you."

He smiled, leaning up to kiss her nose. As the unicorn blushed, he got to his feet, taking her by the hand and pulling her along. He planned on getting back to universe hopping in a few nights, but she was right. He had only just gotten back, and that meant that he needed to tend to the rest of his people.

Zavis, Ellyra, Gann, Yana, Ide, Engy, Nirimer, Havok, Ailsa, Veronica, Fyacin...

There were a lot to take care of, and some of them had friends that had become part of the harem, as well. They all needed to have that reminder that they were cared for by the dragon, and that meant that he was going to be busy for a while.

That said, he was a dragon, and he had stamina. More than sufficient stamina for this, provided that nobody pulled a naughty trick.

"So, what did you have in mind, Master?"

"Oh, I was thinking of putting that horse butt of yours to the test."

"You love anal too much. What about my pussy?"

"Well, we can do that too."


"Buuuuut you'll start with worshiping Master's feet, first."


She leaned up and nosed her way against his neck, nuzzling him before grabbing him by the dick and dragging him along. He chuckled, letting her lead the way. It was good to be home for a while.

The End

Summary: Draconicon comes home from the Pride Lands for a bit, giving himself the chance to rest and recover, as well as remind himself of the people at home.

Tags: M/F, M/M, Draconicon, dragon, dragoness, gender shifting, unicorn, lion, otter, stingray, corruption, magic, series, plots, fingering, masturbation, hard-on, affection, harem,