Bets & Bounties
Honestly, this came about because I've always adored Mahiri's character... well, Mahiri! And honestly, a writer deserves to get something nice for themselves to read, I can only hope I did a good job of it and it's enjoyed by the intended target. Bonus if it gets enjoyed by others as well!
There is a POST-VORE DISPOSAL scene, contained within the asterisks! There will be a version posted without this scene in future, though it's really just 3 paragraphs to be removed. I'll thank you in advance for not griping about something that you can by all means avoid!
"One hundred gold to any of you bold enough to properly please a lady like me!" The vocal roar challenged the tavern, immediately most eyes turn towards the door to see the feline standing at the entrance. She certainly looked pleased as punch to have gotten such a shocked silence out of the crowd, her rosette laced tail flicking back and forth.
The crowd quietly mulled it for a moment before, as one, they all turned back and went to their drinks once again. The handsome elf standing upon the stage took the moment to go back to strumming quietly on his lyre, even as he watched the leather-clad woman step through the bar with the self-assured swagger of a queen. Maybe his fingers fumbled slightly on the strings when she looked at him and gave a wink, but only those with a practiced musical ear could possibly have heard the error.
Mahiri rapped her knuckles on the bartop and held up a finger, giving a fangy grin at the barman when she put down two silver alongside her mug before taking a good, long quaff of the amber ale within. "Ahhhh." This was where it was. The noise? The crowd? All that attention, as fleeting as it was? Perfect. Why would anyone leave this, save for the gold that was to be found out there?
"Certainly know how to make an entrance." Came a voice from beside her. Beside and a foot or two down. She looked and saw the kobold, a light purple one with darker freckles dancing along his cheeks. He swirled his mug around as she took his stock, draining back the last of his own drink with a soft, blissful sigh.
"Everyone looks for their own stage, I just happened to find mine here." Mahiri mused as she leaned back against the bar, one elbow propped while the other helped her drink down another sip of ale.
"Oh sure, sure... but a hundred gold? You should be more careful throwing numbers like that around." The kobold's voice was forced deeper than it actually was, making Mahiri's ear flick slightly. An affectation or trying to tamp down those reptilian rasps and hissed syllables? "Besides, I'd do it for fifty."
It took a few moments for the words to register properly on the cat's mind, but when it did she had quite the double-take towards the reptile. No, he was definitely grinning from cheek to cheek with all that draconic self-assuredness that only a kobold could have.
"You think you can?" She bit back the word 'shorty' before it left her lips, but both of them knew it had filtered out into the air despite being unsaid. She toyed around with it in her mind, picturing it. He was... what, three foot? Maybe just an inch above that? But that old saying did have some promises about small packages. And by the gods she'd been pent up on the road...
She surreptitiously undid the top buckle of her jerkin and let it open up a bit to expose a tuft of creamy fur out into the air, looking over at him with a playful smile. Didn't take an alchemist to know why he suddenly crossed his legs over each other, offering her an abashed, but still assured smile in return. Oh yes, he'd be the perfect little steam blow.
Privacy didn't exist in inner city taverns, but they did have rooms with often functional locks. Sparsely decorated, little more than a bed, trunk, and side table with a nearly spent candle and pitcher of water atop, it was never going to be visited by lords and ladies. No, this was here for two things: Sleeping in and fucking in.
Mahiri sprawled out on the bed with her bodice finally, mercifully unlaced to allow her breasts room to breathe, watching as the kobold, Shahasa; as she'd learned, hopping around as he struggled to get out of his pants before he split a seam with his dick. It had those exotic looking ridges to it and she just imagined it sliding underneath her tail, giving herself gooseflesh in the process.
Satisfactorily undressed, Shahasa used the trunk as a stepping stool to clamber up onto the bed with her. His palm played along the smooth, supple material of her thigh high boot, pushing in just a bit more than he needed to so it could be felt through the material. Mahiri purred as encouragement to him as he slipped higher and higher, finding the bit of fur that was left exposed to the air between her footwear and her shorts and explored with his fingers. He paused ever so briefly as his palm crossed her loins, but then his brows lifted and he grinned.
"Why, what have we here?" His fingers quested up along her tiny shorts, finding the fasteners that kept them in place before peeling them open. The subtle scents of sweat and arousal filtered into the room now that the opening was created, even as he exposed her further and further. "I anticipated you were a lot of woman but I didn't expect this much woman."
Not that she'd made even the slightest effort to 'hide' it, but she did take her amusement in catching him by surprise as it unfurled from between her legs. A great staff of ebon black, the crown slightly covered with foreskin that was already beginning to pull back. Amethyst-scaled hands looked tiny compared to it, having to use both hands to even hold it up and there was no way that he'd ever be able to make his fingertips touch around it. Shahasa's tail twitched as he slid further up along her body to finally bring his hips up to hers.
No contest, really. The cat had him beat by a good double his size, more than quadruple his girth, and that was just the veiny shaft. The real treat was those balls, exhuding heat against his inner thighs as they came against the base of the kobold's slit. Virile. Full. Enchanting. She was thrilling to just be against, let alone with the incoming promise of just being nude in the same room as her.
Shahasa was the one to break the minutes long silence, coughing into his elbow before fixing his eyes back up to her face. Her fingertips kneaded at the pillow behind her head, curling her tail around the back of his leg and teasing around under his with the brushy white tip.
"Hope you're not too intimidated, handsome. I'd hate to have scared you off just by being a little... big." Mahiri teased, toothily grinning up at him from her place on the bed. No, she knew that she had him wrapped around her little finger quite thoroughly by this point. It was all over his face, the way he rocked unsuredly back and forth as if torn on what to do.
"Hn? Oh, no no." Shahasa stroked up along the smooth shaft, following it from root to tip. He was mouthing something to himself for a moment before he spoke loud enough for her to hear again. "No, I was just wondering if that hundred was on the table still." Was that a little flick of his tongue at his lips?
"Could be if you've got something in mind..."
"All the way, tip to base, no gagging." The kobold winked as now she started to do the mental math. No way. Absolutely no way. She'd had partners taller than her struggle to even get past the halfway point without tears in their eyes. But he seemed all the more sure that he could do it when he saw her eyes widening. "Hell, we'll make a wager out of it. I'll pay you if I can't do it or if I even so much as cough."
"You make a very tempting and profitable point..." Mahiri pursed her lips, but even her mock thoughtfulness couldn't stop her shaft from flexing, a bead of pre appearing at the tip just at the thought of stretching the kobold's esophagus out. "Fine, you're on!"
"Sounds fair to me. Just no hands and no thrusting, deal?"
Mahiri nodded. The parties both in agreement, Shahasa maneuvered himself back between her legs and wedged himself some space in between them. His muzzle dragged its way across her length, catching the lingering scents of leather still clinging to that girth along with the slight twinge of salt and sweat layered atop it. His lower lip caught against her as he came up to the head now, tongue flicking out to gather up some of that beading precum for a taste.
His jaw clicked slightly as he parted them, wedging her head into his mouth. It was tight, but he still somehow managed to avoid scraping her with his teeth as he fed that beast back towards his throat. The bloated mushroom tip squished against the back of his throat and for a moment she thought she had him. Mahiri's smirk drained out of her expression as the kobold's throat simply opened up for her without so much as a noise other than Shahasa's groan of delight.
He had to make a low angle, lowered down with his chest just above her thighs but he was making it work as he barely crawled forward to make inch. After inch. After inch. After thick, drooling inch disappear between his lips and into his neck. She propped herself up, trying to catch him in the act of some trick. Was it a magical collar? A bag of holding cleverly held between his lips? No, she'd have long since stopped feeling that velvety throat around her if that was the case. Her head tossed back as he got down further than she'd ever had before, his tongue flexing under her swollen cumvein and making her snarl with the slight backup it forced upon her.
Lips met the root and she knew she'd been beaten, but did it matter? Feeling those scales against the fuzz of her crotch, his neck teasing her with swallows around her steel hardened length, milking precum out of her like water from a spigot. It was impossible to be noiseless the other way around, a soft 'shrrlk' of air filling the vacuum around her prick as he pulled back off of her. To the tip again with precum drooling directly into the kobold's mouth before popped his lips from around her shaft, swallowing down his collected treat. As if mocking her accusation from earlier he just opened his mouth, letting her see down into the open maw and that there was, indeed, no trick to it.
"I think we both win... but at least I win the gold." Shahasa purred huskily before he went back to it.
"Gods be damned... you're right, I feel like I just paid for the best whore out there." Mahiri's toes curled up inside of her boots as she felt the kobold going back for seconds, his lips wrapped taut once again around her shaft.
The bet over, she felt no qualms about curling her fingers back behind his head this time. Flexing her fingers against his scales when he stopped just before his throat wrapped around her again, but she didn't push him down. He'd proven what he could do, she was just making sure she felt his appreciation in more ways than just how her dick throbbed in his neck. His hands slid down and cupped an orb in each palm, gently teasing the sac and feeling the lusty heat of those spheres as he sloppily sucked her dick.
Head up, tongue curling up under her foreskin; head down, drool sloppily rolling down her length and onto his chin, repeating again but with a slight rotation of his head. Both of them were vibrating with deep, lusty purrs in their cores, though his were doing her more good from how intimately close those were to her cock. Her teeth bit into her lower lip as she lifted herself onto her knees from the bed. She was done being so inactive, now it was time to see just what the kobold was worth for those two hundred damned gold pieces.
Mahiri's hands swatted firmly onto Shahasa's upraised buttocks, the kobold taking the cue and holding himself up on his elbows and knees as she hunched over him. In she went, diving her cock into that abyssal hot neck and feeling it shift and ripple around her. Drool and her own precum coated the way for her, mashing her pubes up against the reptile's nose and framing his jawline with her balls. Then back again, taking it away in a rush of air as that throat noisily collapsed back into its prior shape. Her flanks shook as she thrust in again, her voice a soft mewl of delirium-laced bliss. She was in the heavens, ascending bit by bit each time she fed her inches down the kobold's throat and retrieved them again.
Precum pooled up on the bed beneath her, her balls planting again and again under Shahasa's jaw to tap against his chin before she pulled back out. Each thrust made Shahasa groan beneath, even as her fingers dug into his ass to hold him possessively close each time. She could feel the snarl building in the back of her throat, that low growl born of a purr and turning into a thunderstorm's rumble the closer she got to her release. Her balls drew taut against her pelvis occasionally, sometimes mid thrust, sometimes just as she'd pulled back. The result was always the same, more of that precum spilled into the reptile and more than a bit of it ended up back out on the bed sheets when she'd pulled her way back out.
With this angle she was more than capable of doing it, hiking Shahasa's tail out of the way before her tongue planted wetly against his crease. Her tongue splayed out across his backdoor before dragging up along it and leaving it soaked with her saliva, just before doing it again. Her hips were on automatic, breeding the kobold's neck while she busied herself with slathering his backdoor with spit. His tail hiked itself well out of her way, though she still took a grip near the base to make sure it stayed that way. The oral muscle sloppily thrusted itself into the kobold's posterior, cramming as much of itself as it could into the restrictive space before pulling back out again to gather the energy to go again. Spit-roasted, all Shahasa could do was hold on for the ride beneath her, his toes curling as his throat managed bubbling noises of ecstasy when she'd pulled back enough to allow him a moment's breath.
Her lips sealed around his pucker, her tongue diving in and gliding in to nudge around this way and that in the crannies as she huffed and growled and snarled, was it any wonder that Shahasa was the first to cum? His body suddenly went rigid beneath her, a gurgled yip cut short before his shaft flexed to paint the bed beneath him. Creamy rich ropes of kobold jizz spilled down onto the sheets, staining into the cloth while Mahiri smugly puffed out a breath across his cheeks at the noise. She may have lost the one battle, but surely she'd won the war between them?
Her pelvis met with the kobold's snout one last time as she let herself cross over that threshold, letting out a primal, snarling growl as held herself steady. The first shot went straight down into the kobold's stomach, her hips pumping back and forth in slow sawing motions to make sure the poor boy had the chance to breathe every now and again between gouts of hot, sticky, creamy spunk being poured out from those fat swingers beneath her. Again and again, more than enough to fill a pint glass the last she'd ever bothered to try to measure, and a little more besides just as a testament to how long the road had been without a proper port of call for her.
When it was over, the feline took a few moments to just... absorb it. Drink it in. She pried herself up, then pulled herself free to let the sopping wet cock slap against the kobold's cheek. He looked as delirious as she felt, the feline nodding to herself as she rolled up off of him and onto the bed beside him. Her tail twitched in the air as she pulled a pillow up under her chest, letting out a wistful sigh.
"That was much needed." Mahiri purred, letting the words draw out in between those throaty rumbles. Shahasa was slowly pulling himself up, rubbing his throat with a little smile of his own before he thought to wipe any of those thick strings of seed from his cheek and lips.
"I'm sure..." He took a moment to heave, coughing as his lungs burned with the allowance of breathable air for the first time in several minutes. "I'm sure that isn't all there is to pleasing a woman, is there?"
"Oh?" Mahiri adopted a playfully shocked expression before breaking out into a fang-lined smile. "Surely you're not thinking of attempting something else, are you?" She mused softly, curling a claw into the pillow and tracing idle circles in it.
"Only as good as I got, I'm sure." Shahasa grinned as he took another moment to breathe before he hauled himself into a new position, this time between her legs from the back. He lay his cheek against her flank, palm cracking down onto a rosette spotted ass cheek to make it wobble even as Mahiri gasped at the affront.
"Well it better be good! I'm still rather upset by the loss of two hundred gold, I'm sure you know." Though even that stinging loss had been quickly balmed by an appreciation for kobolds she'd not had before. She'd have to test if other kobolds had that same elasticity, if she met any others on the road.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you won't even be thinking about it." Shahasa grinned as he pressed his muzzle up between her cheeks. Her garment pulled out of the way, he had free access to let his tongue lash out and cross over her pucker, treating her to a similar experience that he'd had a few moments prior.
Mahiri's limbs shivered as she felt him dive in, getting right to work with those steady laps across her taint and asshole. He was much more active with his teeth than she'd been, gently indenting her ass with them every now and again while his fingers playfully kneaded over that doughy ass. Shahasa's tongue dove into her backside, the thinner oral muscle having much more freedom of movement when it finally crested beyond her anal ring, worming up into the cavity while his jaws teased and tickled along the bridge between her tailbase to her taint.
The leopard crooned as she unsubtly guided her hand up between her legs, cheek against the pillow as her eyes lapsed shut. Her fingers stretched around her shaft, pumping the thing as it reawakened with those eager licks deep into her core by the kobold's glossy tongue. Hot, huffing breaths rolled out along her furry hide as Shahasa didn't shy away from occasionally slipping further south to press soft smooches to the back of her sack before rising back north to dig back into what he'd come here for. Thumbs pried her backside apart from that seam, exposing all the flesh between to the kobold's ministrations though there was only one target that truly mattered.
Shahasa muttered something around his buffet, but all the cat could do was groan in delight as she arched back up against him. If she could have pictured a perfect cap to her night it probably still wouldn't have involved a cute guy like Shahasa french-kissing her ass! Shahasa's arms stretched around her waist, the kobold unable to make the circumference around but it was in the trying, wasn't it? Her tail coiled loosely around the back of the reptile's head, brushing against his cheek as she murmured soft nothings into her pillow in return. Her limbs felt tingly, her hands locked around her shaft as she sighed, casually pumping... pumping...? Hoo, that was odd. She could swear that she'd happily pumping away at her cock...
Slick jaws wrapped around her ass from, teeth grazing along her flesh and leaving indented furrows through the fur as the kobold's maw split wide open around her rear. His tongue still played against her taint, but he'd stopped rimming her as he hauled her back by the hips. His fingers dug in firmly along her upper hip, using that as his leverage point to... what was he doing? Mahiri chirped in surprise as she felt her ass held inside saliva-slicked jaws as the kobold glucked and swallowed around her meaty rump. And then it happened again and she felt it as she folded up slightly on herself. She couldn't move her fingers so much as a twitch, her legs in a similarly woeful state of immobility but she could definitely feel herself breathing. Her heart skipped a beat as the kobold's throat opened up once again, his jawline framing under her thighs and up between the small of her back. Steamy puffs of air blasted up across her sack and ass as the kobold's gullet opened for her meaty frame. Was it a toxin, something in her ale earlier? No, too slow. Was it venom from the kobold? No, he'd never bit her deep enough to puncture.
Mahiri squealed as she was forced into too tight of a space, the kobold's collarbone distending and opening up to allow her to fall ass first into his throat. Spell! It had to be a spell! But she couldn't form the words, her lips were resolutely silent despite the noise echoing in her throat. Her world shifted as her upper body folded in far enough that she had to look at the sheets. She couldn't even turn her head to look behind her. Maybe it wasn't the kobold? Maybe someone had snuck into the room and surprised them both? In her mind she laughed. Hah! Yeah, that must have been the case. No way could she have fallen prey to a kobold of all things! That still didn't ease her mind of her situation but it did at least add some grounding of fact back to her world. The throat sloppily rolled around her again, pulling her up to her thighs in that slick, slimy gullet as the muzzle clicked slightly from just fitting so much cat between them. A tongue played along her balls, teasing along the back of her sack before another swallow lurched her even further down. They were getting easier for her predator, she noticed, though her body still didn't want to move in any way other than what was allowed her by her captor's wishes.
With more than half of her inside the beast, her breasts mashed up against her knees and her legs crammed together around all of her equipment down south, she found herself hauled back as purple-scaled fingers came into her view and planted them on her shoulders. They pushed and tugged, grabbing the cat and trying to force her down as those fangy jaws drooled around her frame. Shahasa's hand slipped and grabbed at her head for a moment, twisting it enough that she could see that it was indeed him. His eyes had a predatory glare in them, a hunger that she could never have anticipated behind those golden eyes. She'd underestimated him and now she was going to be paying the price for her hubris. Another sticky lurch downward as he swallowed in a drool-laden gulp, she found herself looking up towards the ceiling as he made her disappear. Her vision was narrowing, she noticed, before she realized why.
Teeth framed her point of view, a purple muzzle wrapped around her head and knees she was dragged into the mire of the kobold's neck. Teeth framed, then just a narrow point of light that she could see barely beyond her legs... then nothing but darkness. Slick, sloshing noises, the kobold's breath rolling in thick waves that she could hear, and his rapid heartbeat her only accompaniment as she was crammed into a stomach magnitudes of size too small for her and yet it still fit her almost like a second skin. She felt herself stripped of her boots, her bare feet getting the same treatment as the rest of her before she was deposited into those compressing walls. Curled up on herself, her body in some weird contortionist position but still unable to move. Unable to move as the fluids began to tingle.
Shahasa puffed out a prideful snort as he took his last few swallows, mostly matting the poor feline down below with more drool before found himself atop the bed gut first. His knees rose up and dug into his sides, pinning against her as he growled to himself in pleased glee before he finally decided to let the cat in on it, his tail thumping against the bed.
"Oooh, you ticked off the wrong people, Mahiri..." He groaned, his stomach suddenly pitching upward before the kobold let out a rattling belch. Air left and compressed the gut all the tighter around the cat trapped within. "You're easy to spot in a crowd, just had to pick the right spot to wait for you... but you made it so, so easy to trap you..." Shahasa crowed with barely restrained delight, bouncing himself against his own gravid, gurgling stomach, mashing against the cat from all sides.
Mahiri felt her heart drop inside of her chest. Who had she pissed off? Then she corrected herself: Who hadn't she pissed off? Immobile as she was she had nothing but time now to think, in detail, of all the people she'd ever met, of all the people she'd ever seen that might have held a grudge against her. Even a light one could have gotten this kobold hired to track her down... but maybe it was someone with a really strong motive to have sentenced her to this!
"Uugggkh.... but I have to admit, I'm gonna be having so many thoughts about letting that dick split me." The kobold's voice was muffled but she could tell he'd dropped the voice. He was hissing slightly, the pitch higher and more like the 'yap' he'd released earlier when he'd creamed. "Or hell, that ass was like a pillow. Soft, squishy, bouncy... I could've fucked that all night. But I had to get ya while your guard was down. Cast the right holding spell on you just before you'd even had a chance to react to it." The kobold's stomach roiled again with another belch climbing up his throat, leaving her with precious little air that wasn't getting seeded with the kobold's tingling acids.
Mahiri gasped as she could suddenly move, but what good was it? Her arms pushed out against her prison, but her claws didn't even extend as she shifted her weight around inside of the kobold. No, she could move everything but she couldn't open her mouth beyond a slight gape and her claws were kept away in their sheaths. The acid's tingling finally made her gasp, jumping away as she felt a raw patch of bared skin sizzling on contact with the fluid. The leopard whimpered as she felt more and more bald patches beginning to appear, the stomach squishing and constricting around her.
"Mmmgh... don't worry. I'll make sure I spend that gold well, by the way. I can see your pouch still on the table there, next to your-" Shahasa groaned as he rolled over suddenly onto his side, gasping out for breath as the feline thrashed around inside of him. "Oohhf, that spell wore off just enough, didn't it? Haaaaah.." The kobold growled as he wrapped his arms around up under her, his knees driving into her from underneath as he pinned her even tighter than she'd been before. She screamed through his scaly hide, trying in vain to break out of what was to be her final resting place. Her body ran cold at the thought. She was going to be finished off here? In a kobold of all things?
Shahasa kneaded around his stomach with a self-satisfied groan, managing to work himself onto his back with a grunt before resting his upper body on the pillow she'd just been resting over. His stomach stretched over him like a miniature planet, lumpy and laden with the leopard as bits of her pushed up against the surface through the scales. Noisily it growled, fluids sluicing through around the cat as air pushed and growled around her while those muscles noisily constricted and relaxed, making sure no inch of her didn't go uncovered with the digestive juices inside.
Mahiri felt so weak, her panicked breaths doing nothing for her other than losing her precious seconds. The hot juices were pooling all around her, her body itched in the worst places as bare skin was tinged by the kobold's stomach acids and left growing patches of skin that reddened as they were further subjected to the unforgiving gut processes of a hungry body. Her eyes lidded and for a moment she felt herself drifting off, snapping awake with a weak gasp before she kicked. Or she thought she kicked, in her mind. Her leg barely trembled as she pushed against the kobold's inner lining, her voice letting out another weakened cry before she felt herself finally... slowly... drift...
If anyone had attempted to intrude on Shahasa over the next few days, all they'd have found was the kobold sleeping. Like any reptile his body took a truly long while to process its meat, and he'd had quite a lot of it. Basking in the occasional glow of the sun through the second floor window, he relished the dreamless, deep sleep he had as Mahiri melted away inside of him. Occasionally he would wake up just enough to fumble for the pitcher of water and drink until he felt like he'd had enough, letting the brass fixture back down onto the night stand before he was snoring once again.
The days stretched and stretched as the kobold's stomach slowly softened, smoothed, and shrunk around the feline's remains buried underneath the scaly layers of hide. His stomach still occasionally spat up a gurgle or a belch that'd roll easily past his lips, but he was truly dead to the world for a solid four days. When he'd finally awoken, he smiled at what he saw. Certainly he'd not been the skinniest reptile in the world when he'd entered the tavern those five days ago, but he had picked up a noticeable flabbiness to his gut. It jiggled as he palmed it, pressing against the scales and the layer of blubber beneath that was definitely a result of a meaty meal. His mouth dry, the kobold groaned as he drained the last dregs of water from the pitcher nearby before he shifted his new bulk towards the edge of the bed. There was one last part of this job, he smirked, but it was probably going to be the easiest part of it.
The room was furnished with a couple last necessities, as it turned out: A washtub and a chamber pot in a small little room just a few paces from the foot of the bed. Shahasa immediately grabbed hold of the decent-sized pot and parked his ass over it, feeling the first urges of a feline finally getting to escape her prison. His breathing hitched for a moment as his ass flexed, tail hiking up and out of the way as the first log breached his back door and crackled noisily as it escaped his body. Tufts of tawny, white, and even the occasional black fur comprised the majority of it, but there were the occasional flecks of bone and what could only be classed as other amid the murk and filth.
Shahasa growled as his body tensed up and pinched off the first, his chest heaving before he pushed again. Another solid log escaped his bowel and deposited itself with a messy noise down into the bottle of the ceramic vase, the kobold not taking any appreciation in the act other than as a final means to an end. His eyes grimaced shut, lips pulling back as he gasped. This one was rougher. Denser. He could feel it pulling through his body as he whimpered for a moment before his body flexed down around it and he heard a muffled crackle before it pushed out of him. It took a few more of these pushes, wait, then push agains, the kobold's vision hazy for a moment as he staggered. He'd pushed harder than he thought with some of those last ones, but finally he was sure that he'd managed to deposit Mahiri into the chamber pot. His rump lifted off of the rim, groaning as he felt the indentation of it on his ample ass cheeks that jiggled just a bit more robustly than before.
He looked, grinning as he saw what he needed pretty near the top. The cat's skull, or at least the top half of it, the jaw bone having cracked off somewhere in with the rest of it but it was fine. He just needed this. The kobold perched it on the rim of the tub while he cleaned himself up, admiring the more subtle extra curves he'd been given by the leopard as 'reward' for his meal.
After he'd cleaned himself at least as much as he was willing to, he dunked the skull directly into the wash tub, shaking it back and forth in the water until it somewhat presentable, though still yellowed in places. Proof enough. Shahasa didn't even bother looking into the rest of the shit filling the chamber pot just about halfway up, she was all used up otherwise as far as he was concerned.
The messier business finally taken care of, now the kobold just had to get himself paid, besides what he'd 'recollected' from the leopard. Shahasa propped the skull on a loop of his tail as he pulled the scroll from the pocket of his pants, placing it on the floor before he incanted. After a few recitations, the reptile finally saw the rippling ring gate etched out of ethereal tendrils around the 'rim' of the paper, beckoning for him. He lifted up the skull from where it sat perched on his tail, looking into the hollowed eye sockets before he lobbed it down into the swirling magics.
It vanished with a soft 'zhweep', the portal staying open for a few moments more. Likely verifying that it was who he said it was, which was smart after all, before the portal flared and sputtered to life once again with another 'zhweep' and a hefty bag of gold lifted out of the page before landing on the floor with a clink, with a little note attached:
"Thank you for being so prompt. Will contact again if we need your services. Enjoy your fee!"
Job well done.