A Magical Time Alone

Story by Matkaja on SoFurry

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The espeon and aspiring psychic scholar Maya has just taken her first steps in understanding and exploring portals, versatile magical devices with many beneficial uses. After extensive study and training, she finally feels ready to use portals and rewards herself with one of their spicier applications. Apart from overt applications in logistics and communication, they are also perfect for enhancing her sex life, and they literally allow the hermaphrodite to 'fuck herself'.

It has been a while since my first foray into portal sex, and the urge to write about it has finally struck again. In this story, I explore the use of psychic portals as toys. I wish you an entertaining read, and I would love to receive your feedback and comments.

The night had fallen over the college, and the starry sky sparkled through the open balcony door. A gust of cool air breezed through Maya's cozy bedroom atop the northern tower, replacing the oppressive heat still lingering from the day. Golden magic light orbs immersed everything in a warm haze, one in each corner of the room atop bronze stands. On one side were bookshelves laden with books, scrolls, and tomes; on the other side stood a round, hip-high bed with silky pink sheets and more pillows than any normal pokémon would ever need. However, Maya was no ordinary pokémon. The young espeon was an aspiring psychic scholar with grand ambitions.

Despite the advanced hour, Maya was still busy studying. The quadruped was lying in the center of her bed, hind legs stretched out and front paws resting on an open book about teleportation magic. Her deep purple eyes flicked from side to side, soaking up the information hidden in the book line by line. Her muzzle was slightly ajar, her lips moving as she read the text to herself, and her forked pink tail swayed to the rhythm of a song stuck in her head. A growing smile rested on her face, her eyes glowing with content as she worked through the last and final chapter of the scripture. It just contained a few final words about the hazards and dangers of teleportation for the caster and any bystanders, most of them in the form of collected experiences, cases where teleportation spells had gone terribly wrong.

After Maya had read the concluding remark, she shut the book with a resounding bang and rolled onto her back. A deep, contented sigh slipped over her lips, and she closed her eyes, digesting the knowledge she had hammered into her skull over the last few hours. Now she knew everything one could know about basic teleportation magic, and because she diligently and dutifully performed and repeated all the training tasks, she was already quite capable of casting teleportation spells. Honestly, she could probably cast most of the book's teachings in her sleep or at least unprepared and while distracted.

Maya turned her head, and her gaze fell onto her vanity table in the corner of the room, stacked with powders, brushes, and creams, a few noble dresses for special events, and some fancy apparel and accessories. The dark red gem on her forehead began to glow pink as she enacted her powers. For the sheer fun of it, she lifted a few brushes and tins into the air. Hovering them above the ground, she applied her new knowledge and opened up a pair of portals. Pink dots appeared in the air, rapidly growing and expanding into glowing disks, one side opaque and pink, the other side showing what the connected portal saw. The espeon aligned them so that one rested over the other, then she dropped the objects. Again obeying the force of gravity, they fell right into one portal only to be ejected from the other. Since the portals were aligned, this established a loop, the items accelerating as they dropped from one portal into the other over and over again, achieving ridiculous speeds, enough to turn them into a vibrant blur. This definitely wasn't the most useful application of teleportation, but one of the more fun ones.

What looked so easy was actually the result of a lot of hard work. Teleportation was one of the most difficult branches of magic not because it was hard to learn but because it was incredibly hard to master and always harbored an inherent danger. And yet, if created and upheld with skill, portals like these could connect remote places and were useful tools for logistics and communication. Basically, high risk and high reward. Obviously, the larger the portals and the further apart they were, the more difficult they were to cast. However, the really complicated part was sustaining them. Carelessness and abruptly vanishing magic reserves could have dire consequences. Maya flipped the portals, slowing the whizzing objects down and eventually ejecting most of them except for one sorry brush. Just as it passed through the portals, she closed them, snapping the wood in half, and a loud bang emerged as the air was suddenly compressed. That might just as well been a limb or an entire pokémon.

Fortunately, there were enough ways to establish safeguards and remedy this issue to essentially eliminate any danger. The effort required to safeguard portals was substantial but absolutely worth it as it allowed much more carefree experimentation. In fact, there was something else she really wanted to try. Something she had never found the courage and self-confidence to do. However, now that she knew everything there was to know, it would've been a shame not to try it. Focusing her powers once again and applying all the knowledge she had gathered, Maya conjured up two pairs of portals. Unlike the pair she simply cast at the flick of a paw, these were outfitted with every single safeguard she knew, so it took her almost half an hour just to create them. Once she was done, left sweaty and slightly exhausted from the constant concentration, four pink disks were lying next to her that didn't require any further attention from her and existed for a day or until she closed them. Now, she could do everything she wanted with them.

Maya licked her lips and looked at her crotch. By a stroke of fate, nature had equipped her with all parts at once, male and female alike, making her a true hermaphrodite. A pink sheath sprouted from her abdomen. The narrow red tip of her swelling, pulsating cock peeked out of the top side and a pair of cute, little balls hung down from the other side. Where usually a male's taint lay, she had a puffy black spade, half-hidden by her sack. A surge of lusty anticipation seized her when she only imagined what fun she could have down there with the portals. Up to this night, it always had been nothing more than a wet fantasy, but she finally felt ready to really play with portals. The espeon grabbed one of the glowing disks and pulled it over the tip of her sheath, the swelling red tip of her cock emerging from the connected portal next to her face. It worked!

A rush of excitement gripped the herm and she giggled with joy as she rolled onto her belly and examined her accomplishment, a canine taper growing out of the portal, glistening with a thin layer of sweat and begging for her attention. Maya steadied the base with both paws, her toe beans incidentally brushing over the bulging sheath. She lowered her face and pushed her snout against the bottom of her extending taper. She gasped in surprise as she experienced the cold, wet touch of her own nose against the sensitive, glistening skin. Even though her shaft was sitting right in front of her, her mind still interpreted it as if it rested between her legs, the stimulation welling up from the bottom of her body. It also reminded her that this wasn't just a fancy toy but her own real cock with all the features and functionalities, and easier to reach than ever.

Once she had overcome her initial awe, she took a deep whiff of her own scent. Her nostrils flared as she filled her nose with her musk, a mixture of mainly masculine and a few hints of feminine pheromones combined with sweat and her natural body odor. Soft, and yet distinct and invigorating, the cocktail stirred her arousal further. Inch by inch, her cock escaped the sheath, pulsing tenderly at the pace of her quickening heartbeat. Never before had she seen it in such detail, the glowing red flesh interspersed with countless narrow veins, the tapered tip with a tiny slit at the end, the flat part of her glans, and the slick tubular bulk leading down to the sheath. A sight and smell to behold, exciting her without end.

Maya's muzzle filled with drool as she ogled her pecker like the most delicious treat in the world. Excess saliva ran over her lips, dripping noisily as she opened her mouth and ejected her long tongue, wrapping it right around the base. A pleasant shiver ran through her as the wet organ connected with the crimson flesh and picked up its salty, musky flavor. A taste that riled her up even more. The espeon purred, her hot breath washing over her cock as she rubbed her tongue over it, starting slow but rapidly increasing the intensity of her affections. Eventually, she worked it like a savory lollipop, slurping and licking it with relish while slavering all over it. It wasn't the first time she licked herself, but the first time she didn't have to twist and contort herself to do it, and it definitely enhanced the experience. This way, she could fully focus on savoring the throbbing meat and the thrilling ripples of pleasure that showered her mind with every lash of her tongue. Her rising arousal did not only manifest in heated mewls and growls but also in vigorous twitches and a steadily increasing flow of delicious pre, squirting forth from her tip in tasty, wet packages which she licked off whenever her tongue brushed over the tip.

There weren't many clear thoughts left in her lust-ridden brain. Most of her actions were driven by instinct rather than reason, always trying to increase her pleasure and bring her closer to a blissful release. Eventually, mere licks weren't enough to satisfy her surging lust and clear the profuse mess of spit and pre accumulating on her cock. Maya lifted her head and raised her muzzle over the throbbing tip before pushing it down onto her shaft. The tightness of her own muzzle temporarily overwhelmed the horny herm, she stopped halfway down, going cross-eyed when the tip hit her palate. The relentless rush of stimulation emptied her lungs in a heated howl.

After readying herself with a deep breath, infused with her own arousing musk, she pushed down further. This wouldn't be another awkward blowjob where she had to arch over and bend her spine, but a proper one with all the strength and control her body possessed. The first few strokes were still tender and probing as she tested her own limits, assessing how far she could go. But her initial caution was quickly supplanted by rampant lust, animating her to move harder and faster. Ensnared in the rapidly mounting cycle of arousal, her head bobbed up and down, taking her cock deeper with every stroke. Gags and lustful groans emerged from her throat, muffled by her own cock meat and vibrating through her body instead.

Now that she was blowing herself, one of her paws was free to roam her body, inevitably wandering down to her crotch to tend to her neglected bits. She rubbed over her sheath, stroking the part of her cock still hidden inside and waiting for its moment to inflate and rise to prominence, and further down to her snug pair of balls, each of them wieldy enough to fit into her paw. However, the real deal waited underneath, the pulsating and drooling black flesh of her achingly empty spade. Maya lifted her sack and casually flicked it away before pressing her toe beans against her wet sex and just relishing the mere pressure, the excited throbbing and jumping once she finally touched it.

A simple touch obviously wasn't enough, and her paw began to move, brushing over her swollen vulva. She circled around the quivering hole in the center and focused on the swollen part, rubbing it with relish to satisfy her rampant lust. Once that wasn't enough either, Maya curled her center toe and sank it into the damp crevice, rocking her paw back and forth while digging the toe deeper and deeper into the tight, hot channel. Driven by her surging arousal, her hips began to jerk reflexively, pushing against the source of stimulation. She ground her cunt against her paw and tried to thrust into her tight, wet maw, but failed as the portal didn't translate the force, for better or worse. Instead, she swiftly bobbed her head up and down faster and faster, taking her entire size with a ravenous appetite.

Trapped in the self-reinforcing cycle of stimulation and arousal, lust welled up inside the espeon like bubbles from the bottom of the ocean. It rose through her body, leaving trails of lusty heat as it traveled to her head, foaming and frothing inside her mind, popping and bursting with effusive joy and pleasure. Her muzzle plunged down on her own shaft, again and again, her tongue flicking and circling around it to catch every drop of salty pre. Her nostrils flared as she huffed her own invigorating, steadily intensifying cocktail of musk and pheromones, her masculine smell riling up her feminine side. Further down her body, her hips jerked in a frantic rhythm, driving her cunt against her twitching paw. Wet shlicking and slurping mingled with muffled moans to fill the room with the sounds of her pleasure. Some of it seeped through the open door into the night sky, giving a lewd concert for a silent audience.

Before too long, the flurry of stimulation carried the herm to her first orgasm. It was only a fleeting one, the first of several to come, but for just a moment, it felt like her whole body was bursting with all the pent-up arousal. Maya's mind departed to spheres of ecstatic pleasure. She surrendered all control to her primal instincts as she wallowed in the rush of the climax. Her spade bounced and jumped against her cramping paw, spitting and squirting with her girl juices, while her cock unloaded a gooey mixture of pre and cum into her gullet. Several potent squirts battered against her palate and coated her muzzle with her own tangy flavor before she managed to gulp it down. The taste fueled her climax and teased out a few more seconds of twitching, tensing, and pumping.

Once the mini-orgasm released its tight but ephemeral grip on her mind, Maya pulled back from her dick. She blessed her squirting tip with a kiss and a lick. Then, she threw her head back, took a deep breath, and unleashed a euphoric howl, probably loud enough to inform everybody in the tower and outside of her accomplishment. Sucking herself off had never felt this good, and this was just the beginning of her experimentation. Her eyes flicked over to the second pair of portals, still resting and biding their time on the pillow next to her. A horny grin bloomed on her face as she grabbed one and pulled it over her puffy spade, which instantly emerged from the final portal next to her head.

Maya lifted the portal with her pussy up and pushed it right next to her cock. Never before had she had such easy access to her delicious black cookie. Never before had she inspected the swollen black lips and the rosy depths hidden underneath in such glorious detail. The espeon couldn't wait to give it some well-deserved attention. She got up, steadied the disembodied organ with her paws, and bent down to sniff at it. The odor wasn't too different from her cock. It was the same mixture of sweat, musk, and her personal scents, but with a different composition that made it smell much more feminine. It probably stimulated a different part of her brain, but that didn't matter. In the end, it had the same effect, turning her on and urging her to press her muzzle against it and lick it.

The herm gave in to her urge and squished her face right into the wet, soft center. A throaty moan escaped her as the effects of the touch rippled through her body. Once again, the portals dazzled her perception. The espeon clearly touched the twitching damp organ in front of her, but the pleasure emanated from her loins. While the discrepancy was logical, it proved difficult for her instincts to comprehend how portals worked. But the momentary confusion vanished soon, rapidly displaced and drowned out by her swelling lust.

Already nose-deep inside her own cookie, Maya just had to stick out her tongue and start working on her sensitive insides. Her organ flicked out again and again as she dug into her channel. Every stroke fueled the next one, rapidly turning the jolly licking into frenzied thrusting. Her tongue wasn't as filling and thick as a real cock, but it still offered its benefits, particularly its superior flexibility. She hooked, curled, and rolled her prehensile organ, taking care of her moist insides in a way only she could. The result was glorious self-indulgence that elicited a vigorous response, even stronger than before with her cock. Her voice rumbled and rolled out of her throat with deep, guttural moans, and her hot breath brushed over her insides, adding to the trembles and quivers that seized the wet rosy channel while her spade tensed and constricted around her snout, reeling her in to demand even more attention.

From the corner of her eyes, she witnessed the consequences of her ministrations on her idly standing taper. It acted like a very bawdy arousal gauge, throbbing and leaking with pre. As with her cunt, Maya could spare a paw to tend to her neglected genital, shakily rubbing and stroking the glistening prick as best she could.

Before too long, hot pleasure took hold of the espeon's mind and ensnared her in an endless cycle of giving and receiving stimulation, escalating her cravings and driving her on and on like a machine. She thrust, licked, and slurped with frenzied strokes as if her spade was her only source of sustenance. The lewd moisture blurred her vision and she had a hard time supplying her lungs with air, only ever breathing the same damp, arousing musk. Overwhelmed by the sensations, she slumped back a bit. Her muzzle popped free with a lewd smack and she panted, desperately catching her breath before returning from her forced pause to continue her self-worship.

Maya didn't dig as deep into the tantalizing trench as before, though, opting to spend some time with the throbbing black portal to her nethers instead. Her swollen pussy lips craved attention just as much as her insides and she didn't want to neglect them. The puffy anatomy was actually a lot more fun to play with, jumping and quivering as she brushed her flexible organ over it. Then, she latched onto one side, sucking and licking it with relish, before turning to the other side. She spent another couple of minutes switching back and forth, circling her tongue over the bulging flesh, and enjoying every last bit of her delicious cookie before another climax drew closer.

The espeon had special plans for the inevitable culmination. She wanted to try something she had only ever done with other girls. Just before the climax hit her, she hooked her jaw under the tapered tip of her spade and slowly wrapped her lips around the turgid organ until she had stashed her entire vulva inside her muzzle, her cheeks bulging with her own throbbing flesh. The sudden warmth and pressure that engulfed her sex were almost enough by itself to carry her over the edge, and just another flick of her tongue sufficed to unleash her second orgasm. From one moment to the next, her mind surrendered to lust and her vulva jumped and clenched as if possessed, thrashing around, desperately trying to escape its tight prison. The floodgates broke and her juices gushed from all orifices. Maya's spade exploded inside her muzzle and squirted a big load of fem cum right into her mouth. At the same time, her dick erupted in an obscene display, spurting ropes of seed all over itself and her paw like a lewd volcano.

A few blissful moments later, the second ejaculation came to a close, and Maya's mind cleared. She quickly realized that her spade was now firmly stuck to her muzzle, held in place by suction alone. Even lifting her head and shaking it vigorously didn't help, and the comicality of the unexpected incident left her giggling and snorting. Only when she grabbed the base with both paws and pulled hard did she manage to undo her spade's tight connection with her lips. The portal with her cunt popped free with a tremendous slurp and being all slippery and soaked with girl cum and spit, it fell right out of her paws and against the other portal with her cock, throwing both over and spawning a considerable mess. The complete chaos overwhelmed the espeon and she dropped down on her bed, dissolving into even more silly laughter. That right there was a memory she would never forget.

Maya's profuse amusement kept her giggling and reeling for breath for another minute, but ultimately, her still unsatisfied lust made itself noticed again. Although she had come twice already, her dick was still hard and ready, and it probably would stay that way unless she kept rubbing and licking herself to have a couple more orgasms and slowly drain her lust. Alternatively, knotting a tight hole would do the trick as well. Her eyes coincidentally moved to her glistening pussy and a randy smile formed on her lips. The remedy to her relentless horniness was right in front of her. She hadn't actually fucked herself yet. Time to change this fact.

Flushed with giddy excitement, Maya jumped up and got everything ready for the highlight of the session. She grabbed her biggest pillow and glued the pussy portal to the side with some telekinesis to create the simplest sex doll imaginable. Then she reached for the portal at her sheath and slowly pulled it off, liberating her cock from its detached, toy-like existence. Reconnected to her body, she promptly shook her hips and giggled gleefully as her pecker bounced and jiggled. Now, she was ready to do what she had always dreamed of, her cock was hard and her spade moist.

Maya spent another moment relishing the hilarious yet alluring sight of the long pink pillow with her sopping wet cunt attached to it, licking her lips and purring. Then she jumped onto the pillow, shuffled forward, and sloppily aligned herself with the waiting orifice. In her overzealousness, she aimlessly smacked her cock around until it found its target by sheer chance. Even the first touch, her male flesh prodding her female flesh, was utterly surreal, something that had never happened before. It was the same high of anticipation she felt before penetrating and being penetrated at the same time, almost like when she was in the middle of a threesome, but with herself!

Her heart hammered in her chest, threatening to burst free, as she cautiously and ever so slowly prodded her tip against the puffy opening. Once again, her mind couldn't make head or tails of it, tripping over itself while trying to accept that she was really and truly penetrating herself. But as soon as she pushed a little deeper, the confluent stimulation from both her sexes welled up from her loins to ignite and stoke her lust and claim her mind with the promise of a grand fuck. One last time she appreciated the moment for all it was worth, rejoicing that one of her deepest desires was coming true. Then she thrust forward.

The excessive preparation paid off greatly and Maya's dick slid into her cunt without a hitch, going in all the way until her sheath with a single, wet slurp. Just the initial insertion alone kicked off an avalanche of perfectly synchronized sensations. She felt the wet, hot tightness around her taper as she shoved it through her channel, while she felt the rigid, pulsing girth of her taper as it stretched her open at exactly the same time, creating an experience like no other. The espeon moaned with yet unfelt pleasure. Never before had she felt something like that, and there was no one in the world other than herself that could replicate it. Only she could fuck herself.

Once she had shafted her entire cock, she instinctively widened her stance, her hind legs moving apart and her forked tail drooping down to stabilize her. She needed more, and she needed it now rather than later. With a triumphant cry, she began shoving her hips back and forth and thrust into herself at full speed, not even waiting for her pussy to loosen up. She knew she could take it, and she simply couldn't wait. This was just too good and exotic, and her lust-addled mind didn't allow her to take it slow. Maya humped the pillow like she had never humped it before, going absolutely feral on the poor thing and her tight cunt. Her tail bobbed up and down like a cross of a pendulum and a whip as her hips thrust in a frenzied flurry, deeper, harder, and faster, in and out with no rhyme or reason.

However, this time, there remained a slight sense of disorientation from the portals. All the time, she felt like there was someone invisible and incorporeal behind her that railed her hard, making her feel like she was in a threesome with a pillow and a ghost. Luckily, the rapidly accumulating pleasure kept her brain in a tighter grip than ever and distracted her. Soon, she was entirely lost in the ceaseless, raging rhythm of sex, thrusting into herself like any other cunt. Maybe even harder than usual because she didn't have to hold back. Her own instincts ensured to keep her pace in a perfect balance between too much and too little.

Several minutes of frenzied rutting passed before Maya came anywhere close to her next climax. She had wrapped her front paws around the pillow and hugged it tightly, grunting and groaning through gritted teeth, sweating from the most intense fuck of her life. Her voice was heavy and dripping with lust. Waves of pleasure rippled through her body, aligned with the same rhythm that drove her muscles and guided her prick. Everything she did was controlled by instincts and the desire to breed and be bred. She was the willing, cock-hungry bitch and her horny mate in one.

Finally, the base of her raging cock swelled and slipped free, forming a knot to tie her to her cunt. The throbbing, turgid lump of meat slowed her thrusts, stretching and bulging her vulva to its limits. Her flesh creaked and slurped obscenely as she fought with herself, wresting a few more strokes from her parts before she ultimately got stuck, her cock neither going forward nor backward anymore. The rapidly inflating knot made her feel even fuller and coaxed a strained growl from her muzzle moments before she burst with her final orgasm. The previous two climaxes had been tiny campfires compared to this blazing bonfire of pleasure and bliss.

The gigantic rush of her climax overwhelmed Maya and she briefly lost control and focus, toppling over and rolling onto her side. The sloppy patchwork magic that had tied the portal to the pillow failed and dispersed in a pink flash, her natural tie proving stronger. However, the espeon didn't notice. Her mind was gone, full and saturated with bliss, while her body erupted and unloaded its own fertile seed into her greedy nethers. Her cock twitching and spurting big ropes of warm cum while her pussy constricted and tugged, guzzling up her own essence. Thanks to both parts belonging to the same body, her own contractions worked together perfectly and milked her dry in no time.

The all-encompassing initial outburst of her body and mind faded after about half a minute, but it was warped by her lust-drunk brain into a small eternity. Eventually, stray thoughts and ideas popped free from the maelstrom of lust. Maya gradually returned to reality, her vision cleared, and she found enough focus to reflect. She had turned onto her back, her legs twitching in sync with her genitals while her nuts were still busy emptying a few more drops of watery semen with each spurt, and would continue delivering spurt after spurt until her knot deflated. That left her with maybe fifteen to thirty minutes of a sustained orgasm that was like the embers of a fireplace compared to the blazing flames of the first fire. Certainly not as impressive as the initial eruption, but it still added up.

Maya curiously investigated the fate of her portals. They were firmly locked between the tie and her vulva, not budging at all even when she nudged them lightly. That constellation would stay until the very end, and there was not a lot she could do except sit back and relax. The espeon grinned and sighed as she soothingly rubbed her stretched flesh, feeling the consequences of her remarkable masturbation session. The best one she had ever had. Though, did this still count as masturbation when she technically had had sex with herself including penetration, knotting, and all? That was clearly food for thought while she didn't have anything better to do anyway. And while she was already at it, she let her mind wander even further, fantasizing about other applications of her new powers, curious and compelling combinations. Plenty of new ideas came to the scholar's mind and kept her occupied throughout the knotting and beyond. Even after she untied herself and dismissed her portals, she couldn't stop thinking about them.

The coming days and weeks would become an exciting time of excessive experimentation and loads of fun. There was no doubt about it.