Lights Out

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For Neoshard on IB. Contains cub.

For as long as Kaden could remember, he had been afraid of the dark.

That wasn't necessarily an uncommon thing for an 8 year old, especially one as timid and frightful as the young mouse, but it was how irrational the fear became sometimes, to the point of having a strict nightly routine, that became cause for concern. That night began the same as every other: Kaden stood on a small stool in front of the bathroom sink, his chin barely passing the lip of the basin, as he thoroughly and efficiently brushed his two front teeth and the rest therein. The anxiety was visible on his body, his grey furred shoulders tense and his large round ears pressed down against his head, a sight that had become an almost permanent fixture. His mother stood in the doorway and watched him to be sure he was preparing himself properly for bed, and she occasionally reached out to try and uncoil his tail from bounding tightly around his left leg.

Once he'd finished brushing his teeth and washing his hands, he and his mother normally adjourned to his bedroom, where she'd spend the neck couple of minutes checking all the nooks and crannies of his bedroom whilst he sat cross-legged on the bed, watching her with an intense awareness. She checked behind his drawers, underneath his bed, and in the closet at the far end of the room which, thankfully, did not sit opposite to his bed, at his own request. After that, she'd often smile and survey the room in all its cleanliness-- for Kaden was an obedient boy who kept his things neat-- before she kissed him goodnight and plugged in the night light that sat beside his bed.

"Now, you're going to go to sleep like a good boy, aren't you Kaden?" His mother warned sternly and the timid mouse nodded his head, yet still looked around the room as if something were still there, lurking, waiting for him. It made him nervous.

He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned, realising it was just his mother trying to soothe him. He lowered his gaze and felt guilty for being such a scaredy boy-- it had been his primary soft spot for bullies-- but his mother simply smiled, and kissed him on the forehead.

"My sweet boy," She sighed, gently stroking his grey furred head, right between his ears. "There are no monsters here. Nothing can hurt you."

"But..." He trailed off when she kissed him on the forehead yet again, and coaxed him to lay down. He didn't protest and did as she asked, scooting himself down until he was laying on his back. She promptly and snugly pulled the covers up and tucked them around his body. There was something about the warmth of his duvet and extra blankets that made him feel safe and secure.

"Hush now, Kaden. Get some sleep, okay? No school tomorrow, but you'll want to be nice and awake for playing, won't you?" She questioned and he nodded along with her, clutching his hands tightly to the edge of his blanket, nervously staring over at his closet door, which remained firmly shut.

"If there are any monsters, which there aren't," His mom affirmed with a firm tone, before she softened. "Then they'd protect you. No-one would ever harm someone as delicate and lovely as you, honey."

"You're just saying that..." Kaden's face soured, and his expression made his mom chuckle.

"But's true, sweetie. Now, get some sleep. I love you." She ruffled his head before retreating towards the door whilst Kaden watched her, his cheeks growing flushed.

"Love you too..." He mumbled. Her hand hovered over the light for a moment and Kaden visibly tensed, sucking in a breath as she slowly turned out the light.

Kaden would have been bathed in darkness, were it not for the night light that sat plugged in beside his bed, illuminating the left hand side of his covers. It wasn't too bright, but its tone was warm, and it helped Kaden to relax.

"It's okay, sweetie. If you need me, just come downstairs, okay? Mommy will look after you." His mother chimed from the door, her body a stark silhouette thanks for the light of the hallway behind her. She watched him with a smile as she slowly pulled the door shut, bit by bit, until it clicked firmly into place. For yet another night, Kaden was alone.

He'd gone through this before and came out of it unscathed, so he knew he could do it again. He rolled over and tugged the covers up his body, covering it over his head so only his face was exposed, allowing him to breathe fresh air. He tucked up his legs and curled them tightly to his body and faced the night-light, soothed by its glow. Under the safety of his light and covers, Kaden closed his eyes and made sure to squeeze them shut. His ears were muffled by his blankets so he couldn't hear much, and the silence made it easier. He breathed a sigh and slowly relaxed, waiting for sleep to take him.

That is, until he heard something.

It wasn't a sharp crash, or a loud bang. It was a slow and subtle noise, a delicate, eerie creak that caught his attention. His eyes shot open and his body tingled. He felt frozen in his curled up position, too terrified to turn his head and look. From what he could tell, it was coming from the direction of his closet.

The creaking noise eventually stopped, and all was quiet. The mouse relaxed a little and shifted, stretching his legs and rolling onto his back with the intention to check the closet door. He was sure that it was just a noise and nothing more than that. He turned his head in the direction of that corner of the room and froze.

There, standing almost as tall of the ceiling, was a figure. He couldn't even see what it was in the dim light-- all he could see was its piercing white eyes that were bright and visible, but didn't glow with any luminescence. Kaden wasn't to scream, to crawl away, to run, but his body wouldn't move. He was frozen in place, the covers tucked up to his body. He could barely even breathe at the sight of the thing.

It shambled across the room, though it was more like a long, measured gait. It raised its hands to scrape them across the ceiling but didn't leave any marks, and as it drew closer, Kaden's night-light began to flicker and dim. A long and slender hand reached the end of his bed and slowly slid up his covers, and the 8 year old became vividly aware of the piercing coldness of that hand grazing up his body. As the hand drew closer, the night-light grew dimmer. As the creature's fingers neared the boy's head, Kaden could only catch the sight of gnarled fingers, a mixture of muscle, scale and fur, before the night-light petered out completely.

Kaden let out the only noise his body would allow: a quiet and timid squeak, barely above a whisper, as the pitch black of his bedroom engulfed him. His senses became sharp at the lack of sight, the only thing visible being the creature's staring, unblinking eyes that drew closer and closer. He felt the sharp chill of the creature's fingers against his cheek and he violently trembled from the sensation. The monster did not speak or try to communicate, but it made sounds: low, rasping breaths that set a chill in Kaden's bones. Those eyes were growing bigger, though it wasn't because the monster was getting larger-- rather, its head was coming closer.

Kaden could feel the heat of the monster's breath against his fur, strikingly hot compared to his cold exterior. The hand that trailed across his face moved down to his neck before dragging at his blankets, tugging them down. The poor mouse cub was simply too fearful to even resist or fight back, his entire body still as a statue, even his hands remained rigid in place without a blanket to hold them. Those creature's eyes filled his view entirely. He could see the veins, but there was no pupils: only an empty, white blankness beyond.

A warm wetness touched with Kaden's mousey lips, and he would have recoiled, if he had any control over his body in that moment. Instead, he could do nothing but let out another whimper from his throat, his mouth remaining firmly shut. Whatever was wet was also moving, sliding across his face and, in particular, probing his clamped lips in an effort to break through. Whether his body subconsciously willed him to move or whether it was down to some other morbid reason, Kaden felt his mouth parting of its own accord, and that roaming thing, whatever it was, pushed eagerly down into his mouth. It tasted horrid-- wet, slimy fluids touched his tongue and had a fairly bland taste, with no real strong flavours, but the consistency was enough to want to squirm. The appendage rolled around his tongue, curling underneath, flicking up to the roof of his mouth, and generally exploring a little too much for Kaden's liking-- yet, the mouse could do naught but sit there.

As the creature's tongue sunk deeper into his mouth, bordering on reaching the back of his throat, the monster's hands raked down the front of his front, clawing against his clothes. Kaden could feel the icy tips of his claws pressing against his flesh through his fabric, before the acute sound of shredding clothes caught his attention. His chest and stomach became strangely cold, and Kaden quickly realised that his pyjama top had been torn by the monster's claws, leaving his body exposed. The young mouse whimpered around the creature's tongue as it pushed down against the back of his throat, and then rather forcefully and unceremoniously wormed its way further down.

Kaden's eyes bulged and widened, and for a few moments he couldn't breathe. The sheer terror of it was enough to make him want to scream, but his throat was filled and closed up by the monster's tongue, making him unable to cry out. It went on for what felt like an eternity, and all the while those horrifying hands traced his furred stomach and chest, the claws almost sharp enough to prick his skin. Finally, however, that tongue slowly pulled back and the mouse was able to breathe-- he sucked in a gulp of air as the creature's head pulled back completely, no longer completely obscuring his view, and Kaden watched as they travelled downwards. Part of him hoped the monster was leaving, but he was wrong.

The head moved in the direction of those exploring claws, moving down his chest and stomach and towards his crotch, where some light tugging from an unknown source forced Kaden's pyjama bottoms to slide past his hips and towards his ankles, where something passed them over his feet, leaving the 8 year old completely naked. Kaden had no idea what the creature was planning, nor did he had the strength or willpower to move and scramble away now that it was off of him, but his eyes widened when he felt his legs being lifted-- he still couldn't see thanks to the darkness, and his eyes hadn't yet adjusted. He was relying purely on the sensation of touch alone, which was arguably the scariest part.

Kaden whimpered as he catched a glimpse of those white eyes staring over at him, before they shifted forwards slightly. Kaden's legs were pulled at odd angles, spread apart and pushed back until the cub almost felt his ass being lifted off the bed. Then, a sudden sensation hit him: the heated warmth, wet and slimy, pressed directly onto his crotch.

Kaden had never been touched down there before. Hell, he'd never even had the talk. Yet, it should come as no surprise to some that his hammering heart had pumped blood to just about every part of his body, including his crotch; his little cock, barely 3 inches in length, had sat rigidly against his stomach when that moist heat pressed to it, and his first feelings of pleasure spiked up his spine and transformed his whimper into a half-groan. He'd never experienced anything like it. The fear of the unknown, coupled with his already paralysing terror, was enough to ingrain this memory into his brain for many years to come.

That warmth, which Kaden could only guess is potentially a tongue (or worse!) rolled across his crotch with reckless abandon, going so far as to tuck underneath his little member and tug it upwards, forcing it to stand on end. The appendage coiled around the cub's length and stroked wildly, sending dizzying waves of pure bliss up the cub's spine, a feeling he never expected to have considering the situation. The inexperienced boy, new to all manners of sexual pleasure, was surprisingly quiet, his moans as minute as his whimpers, his body barely moving, still frozen in fear.

That thing roamed his cock for just a few moments longer, to the point where Kaden could feel something inside him swelling and growing, before it pulled away completely, leaving the cub's cock to flop back down against his stomach and needily twitch, almost desperate for more. Kaden could feel that slimy tongue travelling down his crotch, passing his balls and drifting along his taint, until it pushed down between the crack of his cheeks. His legs were forced back more and his ass eventually did lift off the bed a little, his weight pushed briefly and only slightly onto his torso and shoulders. Kaden's body reacted enough for him to lower his hands to steady himself, his eyes wide and wild as he felt that viscous tongue smearing against his most intimate area, the delicate button of his asshole.

The licking around his humanoid cock had felt good, but it couldn't compare to the mixture of pain and pleasure he felt when that slimy tongue speared his tight ring and pushed, stretching his asshole open in a way he'd never felt before. It slid deeper and deeper and the saliva spread around his insides and around his virgin ass, sticking up his cheeks. Kaden could hear the wet squelching of the tongue sliding back and forth along with the rasping of the monster's breath, and he could feel the way the tongue wormed inside him, like a wriggling living thing trying to burrow deep into the intimate parts of his body. His breath hitched in his throat when a sudden spike of pure, raw ecstasy cascaded through his body and left him tingly, caused by the monster's probing, exploring tongue. Whatever the creature had grazed inside him had made Kaden feel more pleasure than he could ever realise.

The tongue didn't stop there; it slid back and forth, withdrawing for a moment before pushing in again, making sure every inch of Kaden's orifice was wet with its spittle. All the white, Kaden huffed and gasped, squeaking and whimpering from the pleasure he felt as his cock throbbed and pulsed. A pressure inside of him was forming, but whenever the slimy appendage inside of him missed its mark, the feeling faded, only for it to grow again when his sensitive spot was touched.

The monster continued for what felt like hours, stimulating the mouse before pulling away again, whether intentional or not. Kaden was left a trembling, frightful heap, unsure if he should be more scared or aroused. Eventually, however, the tongue slid from him, pulling back until the cub's ass felt strangely empty without it, his hole wet from spit. He could feel the creature's breathing on his behind, laboured and low. Either it was inspecting him or it was about to do something much worse-- Kaden had quite the imagination, but even he didn't know what the monster would plan next.

Slowly, it moved again, crawling back up the bed towards him at a slow and steady pace. Kaden froze to his bed and watched as it crawled up along his side, the bed creaking from its weight. In the dark, Kaden couldn't even make out how long or large it was, but when the monster slid its icy claws under his body and pulled him up against its frame, Kaden became acutely aware of its mass-- it must have been long and gangly, for Kaden could feel its innermost hand touching with his outermost hip from underneath. Its stomach and chest were comprised of a skin-crawling cocktail of scales and fur that made it peculiar and ominous to feel. The mouse wondered how it would feel to touch with his hands, though Kaden had no intention or willpower to reach out and try for himself.

The monster's grip on him strengthened as it clutched around his waist, pulling and manhandling him until Kaden was laying on his side, his back firmly and warmly pushed up against the creature's cold body, its frosty chill seeping into Kaden's bones. The mouse felt his outermost leg being lifted up and pulled back, causing his legs to spread a little bit as the cold hand curled tightly around his ankle, making sure his leg was up high. The young mouse couldn't figure out what the creature wanted with him, but the beast's intention became known when Kaden felt a warm mass pushing up against his inner thigh.

He couldn't tell what it was, but it was thick, and it beat like a heart against his leg, pulsing and throbbing every so often. It was also wet, whatever it was-- at least, that's what Kaden could gather, considering his leg felt damp after a moment or two. That mass shifted and sprung upwards after a brief moment of hesitation, and it jammed its way between Kaden's young cheeks, probing at his taint before dragging upwards towards his hole. Kaden sucked in a breath and wanted to squirm, or writhe, or pull away somehow, but his body refused to move, still swarming with fear. The mass pushed against his ring, pressing and teasing, before it suddenly pushed with a greater intensity and stretched the cub's ring open.

Kaden couldn't remember a time when he'd felt more pain or discomfort in that moment, but he's led a particularly sheltered, timid existence and his bullies were often more verbal than physical. His ring was stretched beyond its natural limits, to the point where his behind seared with pain and he couldn't help but whimper, almost a little too loudly, from how much it stung. The creature let out a noise, something akin to a soothing croon, and it's arm tightened around his waist as the mass within Kaden's behind sunk deeper and deeper. It seemed to be a fairly uniform shape, never getting thick or slimmer, but there was a definitely ridge or two that Kaden felt along the way-- one shortly after it entered, and another halfway down. The intrusion sunk what felt to be too far inside the cub's ass, until Kaden could feel it prodding his stomach, before it stopped, halted by a thick base that squeezed and kneaded against the mouse's ass, as warm as the thing inside him.

The mass-- or rather, the appendage-- throbbed powerful within his inner walls, and the mouse boy was instinctively clamping down every muscle he had, his mouth quivering, his eyes wet with tears. The discomfort was probably the worst part, for it was a sensation that yearned for him to squirm, but his fear held stronger than the unbearable ache. Even as the creature growled and huffed against his head, its fingers clutching a little too tightly and squeezing a little too hard. Every time Kaden whimpered, it let out a growl, as if it were enjoying his noises and replying to its own in kind.

The monster huffed again and the mass inside of Kaden's body, which he was now sure belonged to the creature, pulled back. As it did so, it pushed firmly against the sensitive spot in Kaden's body, and the mouse violently trembled in response, his cock twitching and oozing little droplets of pre-cum directly onto his bedsheets. The length tugged back a considerable distance, passing over that initial middle ridge, before it slowed towards the end and stopped, poised at the cub's ring with a couple of inches still inside. Then, with a soft growl, the mass slid inwards again in one fell swoop, the creature making a motion akin to gyrating as the length pushed all to way to that fat base, accentuated by a little wet slap thanks to the monster's spit. Kaden had no idea he was being so fervently violated by the creature's cock-- he couldn't even discern much about the monster's biology, especially when his mind and body were giddy with a cocktail of pain, pleasure and discomfort that had all his muscles tensing at once, with even his toes curling.

The length tugged back again, but not nearly as far-- it travelled a couple of inches at most before rolling back up into the mouse's behind, distending the cub's stomach slightly as the sheer size of the cock bulged his young body. With each little thrust and roll, Kaden's body involuntarily squeezed and a squeak escaped his throat, and no amount of trying to keep his mouth shut could stop him from making such noises, which the monster behind him, terrifying as it was, seemed to enjoy immensely.

There was only so much Kaden could take, both from the thing inside him and from the stimulation to that sensitive spot in his body that he couldn't control. Each little knead and thrust pressed against it and caused his body to spasm and his cock to throb in a way he'd never felt before until that night. Each little subtle movement, even just to adjust the shift, made the feeling worse and worse. He had felt the pressure mere moments ago when the monster's tongue had invaded him, but now that pressure was never-ending, swelling and swelling within him until it became almost as unbearable as the discomfort he felt from such a large intrusion. For the first time that night, his squeak became an audible, low moan, and his body shuddered as an intense feeling washed over him. That tight bundle of pressure in him unfurled like a blossoming flower and bathed his entire body in a cool, internal glow. Even the creature's rhythmic gyrations felt vaguely good as his little cock twitched and dribbled tiny droplets of off-white fluid onto his bed, mixing in with the pre-cum as if it never existed.

Alongside Kaden's orgasm, his behind squeezed and clenched in unison with his little cock's throbs, and that encouraged the terrifying beast to thrust and push with an even greater fervency, slowly but steadily picking up the pace as the little wet slaps turned into heavy, squelching thuds as the thick base of it's mass pressed and pushed against Kaden's young, now non-virgin ass. The mouse whimpered and clutched to what he could, too scared to do anything else, as he vividly felt the thing sliding in and out of him, bulging his stomach and gripping to his body. His little hands curled around the creature's half-scaled, half-furred forearm as he felt those icy claws pressing firmly to his soft, supple flesh, scraping against his hip.

The creature worked its hips over and over, continuing to pick up the pace until its thrusts were like rapid, almost canine-esque humps, it's usual growling and rasping breath quickly turning into laboured, needy pants, intertwined with the delicate high-pitched whimpers of a dog. Beneath all that was Kaden, still weakly squeaking, though now only with every other thrust, as that bulbous base, which Kaden wasn't aware was a knot, mashed against the cub's entrance over and over, with the intention of inevitably tying with the young boy. The bed creaked under their rhythmic pounding and yet Kaden's mother didn't come and check on him. She must not hear it, for one reason or another.

The beast's panting was growing heavier, though its thrusting hips kept their tempo. Kaden felt the wetness of its tongue coiling down against his neck, slathering up his cheek and trailing along towards his lips to force him into yet another kiss. Kaden had no idea the creature's tongue could be so dexterous, and he was powerless to resist as the tongue forced its way down towards the back of his throat once again. The mouse's eyes rolled up as he felt that wiggly tongue worming into his throat against just as the creature began to huff deeper, its fingers gripping a little fiercely as its thrusts stopped.

It kneaded its mass against the boy's ass, trying to force or coax the fat knot into the cub's behind, but no amount of forcing was going to get the young mouse to ease up. In a last desperate effort to tie, the creature, slid its hand from the mouse's ankle and dragged it down to his ass cheek, spreading the cheek apart fiercely with its clawed grip to try and stretch his hole. The beast grunted, huffing, snarling under its breath as it pushed and pushed, not even attempting to be careful. Kaden squeaked and his eyes widened as he felt his ring stretch, wider and wider, until the boy was clenching as hard as he could out of pure instinct. The monster jutted its hips forwards and the fat base slipped inside, passing over the cub's ring and tying with him completely.

Kaden didn't know what to think-- his mind was delirious with both pleasure and the extreme discomfort of the knot stretching his insides out. The creature moved its hand and stroked it along the boy's stomach, deliberately feeling around the bulge of its cock inside the boy's body. The mouse's squeaking and clenching caused the creature to abruptly relax and sigh. To many, this might have been an obvious sign of the monster's climax, but Kaden was still wholly new to the entire thing-- when a sudden warmth flooded his stomach and pulsed against his skin, he was momentarily terrified. He could feel the mass swelling inside of him around the base, and rhythmically pulsing everywhere else. The monster loosened its grip on the boy's stretched ass cheek and curled it around his body, cuddling into him and tucking its legs up around his small body, wrapping him in some sort of shielding cocoon. Kaden didn't dare to move, lest the anger the beast that was very real and very much all around him. He could feel its hot breath against his head, angled down against him, its muzzle barely inches from his skull.

The pulsing inside his body seemed to never end, and a feeling of fullness spread across Kaden's body, like he had drunk a lot of water, yet not quite. It reached a mass of sorts before that full feeling didn't grow any more, and the young mouse was left with nothing but fear and pain. His mother's words echoed in his mind, talks of a monster 'protecting him' rather than hurting him. It was hard to believe that was the case in his current position, but it was all he could cling to. He masked the fear by grasping onto the hope he was being 'protected', and the beast's almost shielding posture around him could be proof of that.

Sleep wasn't going to take him anytime soon, or so Kaden thought. Yet, as it became clear the creature was staying still, and Kaden became more used to the large intrusion inside of him, the adrenaline that had been pumping through the boy's young body began to fade and he was struck with an inexplicable drowsiness. Against his better judgement-- which isn't a lot for an 8 year old-- Kaden's eyelids inevitably drooped and he drifted off to sleep. His dreams were filled with nightmares, of pale white eyes and gnarled, clawing hands, but he was unable to wake up.

Sometime in the morning, Kaden's mother came up the stairs with the intention of checking on her son. She hovered outside his door for a moment before slowly pushing the door open and peeking inside. There, she saw her son laying on the bed with the covers messily pulled up around his shoulders. She didn't see any of the shredded clothes, nor his pyjama bottoms-- they were missing, and she assumed he was still wearing them. The truth of the matter was that he was naked beneath those covers, and his gaped behind had already stained his bedsheets with an unknown creature's cum.

Kaden's mother briefly stepped into the room and immediately recoiled when a sudden musty odour hit her nostrils. She frowned and glanced in her son's direction, before she crouched down and unplugged the nightlight from the wall, frowning once again as she looked it over. The light should have been on all night, but it looked as if it was busted. She glanced at her son once more before sneaking back out the room and closing the door behind her-- it was a weekend, so she didn't need to wake him just yet. She puffed out her chest, proud of her parenting, before descending down the stairs. She would have to help Kaden clean up his room later and find out where that musty odour had come from.

In Kaden's room, the mouse slept less than soundly. When he woke up later, he'd have a mystery on his hands, as well as an inevitable dread for the night to come.

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