Someone to Call Home

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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this is a commission for FA: TimberPuppers as a prequel to his Patreon Reward Vignettes where he is a resident of Jack's Predscape starting here.

Jack comes across Timber's profile on a gay dating site. Timber's bio says he's looking for an older man to mentor him as he enters the adult world. The more time Timber spends with Jack, the more he finds his thoughts lingering on the otter and his touch. The more time Jack spends with Timber, the more he wants to keep him safe. Little does Timber know, they share a common interest.

Contains: Online Dating, Coffee Shop Scene, Casual Wizardry, Magical Worldbuilding, Protective Feelings, Financial Wish Fulfillment, A Literal Daddy, Weather Manipulation, Spontaneous Dates, Touch Starvation, Pavlov Response, An Invitation, A Musing, Explaining Vore, Discussing Virginity, Sexy Cute Clothes, Anal Training Tail Sex, Naked Cuddling, Pinning, Anal Sex, Kiss Into Oral Vore, Reaffirming Consent and Implied Digestion.

Jack and the Municipal Wizardry setting belong to me

Timber belongs to FA: TimberPuppers

I'm still not open for new commissions, I will post an announcement when I open for commissions.

I know not everyone has the income to commission me, but if you still want to support my writing, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to for as little as $1 a month to gain access and $5 for voting privileges. Right Now all unreleased writing is available to view for Patrons. If you'd rather make a one-time donation, you could always get me a Ko-Fi.

Jack tapped on his bookmarks and scrolled down the list until he saw the URL he was looking for. At the rate he was checking it, at least compared to all other sites; it may have been prudent for him to make it his browser's homepage. The large otter thought that might be a bit imprudent in other ways, considering the site.

The dating site opened up. One of his boys had turned him onto it months earlier, and it had become an impulse to check it. Already four other men to call his own had been found through it.

As was normal, a popup covered most of the screen, with a person's profile. Fox, about 24, pouting his lips and holding the camera at a harsh angle with one hand to get a look that Jack had learned was associated with guys who would probably grate against him and not get a second date. He dismissed the profile, revealing the next.

This one was of a mouse posed in full bondage gear. "I swear, algorithms..." The burly otter muttered, dismissing this profile as well, which revealed yet another young skinny man in a state of undress, phone held out at an unnatural angle to get the photo. Dismiss.

His finger almost compulsively tapped again before the next profile fully loaded, but he paused. This photo was of a dog of indeterminate breed; his white and grey fur rather mussed up and slightly matted. He was wearing a pink tank top that fell out of frame before the print on it could be read and a red ball cap with the brim pointed back in a playfully juvenile manner. It was clear he had taken the picture in the middle of a gym, which explained the state of his coat. And most striking of all: He had a genuine, if breathless smile at no constructed angle. A sort of enthusiasm born out of exertion, with his arm outstretched in a comfortable position.

Timber. Age 22.

Jack shifted his cursor over to open the profile completely.

The write-up at the top was concise and straightforward: I'm not looking for hookups or anything. I'm a recent college graduate and I've not really done much in the way of dating or even being out in the gay community. I'd like to meet some older guys who know the ropes. If I'm lucky I'll find someone who can mentor me now that I'm out in the real world.

The middle-aged otter smiled slowly. For once the algorithm was insightful rather than superficial. Even if it was likely accidental. Jack gazed upon the profile pic, opening it to full size. With greater detail, he noticed more. One of the pup's ears had a dark spot and the other was white at the tip. His nose pad was a dark blue color, contrasting his slightly lolling tongue's pink. The lighter grey fur that formed a mask pattern across the top of his head formed a border along his shoulders between his white fur on his chest and the darker grey fur that undoubtedly travelled down his back.

Jack looked at his calendar and decided he could make some time to at least meet this pup.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Timber perked as his phone buzzed. He was still in the process of peeling away his workday to get into relax at home mode, the smartphone sitting on a nearby counter. The pupper walked over and picked it up. It took him a moment to realize the notification was from that dating app he'd downloaded the week before.

Tapping the notification prompted him to unlock the device. When he did so, it opened directly into the app, to a message.

'Hello there, Timber. I was wondering if you'd like to meet for coffee with an older man. We can talk about whatever you like, and if things don't work out, we don't have to see one another again. How does that sound?'

Timber perked. This was the first message he'd gotten that wasn't just a series of innuendos or a comment on how cute a pup he was. The dog tapped through to the profile attached to the message. Jack's photo was something that was clearly taken by another set of hands while he posed. He was a very large otter with slicked brown fur, lighter on the underside of his face in a pattern reminiscent of a beard. In the picture he was wearing a light blue button up shirt that was tucked into a kilt that was fastened beneath the curve of his large belly. But the strain of the fabric on his arms and shoulders told the story of how there was strength beneath the padding.

Beneath his photo was the playful listing of his age as 'Fatherly' and his occupation being vaguely left as 'Civil Servant'.

Timber bit his lip lightly as he looked over the photo, and the write-up of the otter's profile: Out later in life (but still over a decade), willing to enjoy his time with whoever would have him.

The pupper couldn't deny that the older male was very attractive, and his approach had been reassuring. Timber tapped back to the message and started to type up a reply with his thumbs, suggesting a specific shop.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The day had come and Jack stood in the café, awaiting his order to be brought up. The otter was wearing a casual polo shirt along with one of his plain kilts. He tended to save the family tartan for more formal occasions. His rudder swung and twisted lightly to avoid bystanders walking behind him as he looked around the coffee shop. Timber hadn't arrived yet. However, he had arrived a bit early.

The electronic chime of the door opening drew the mustelid's attention. Jack turned his head towards the entrance, and then turned the rest of the way to face it as he spotted the pup.

Timber let the door swing shut behind him as he walked straight to the back of the line. He was wearing a simple tee shirt with a cartoon character Jack thought he remembered from when his sons were young on it. Just below, he wore a pair of jean shorts that rested above the knee, good clothing for the hot weather outside. On his head was the same ball cap from his profile pic, still pointed brim backwards. Once he had secured his turn to order, he turned his gaze around the shop.

As the dog's head faced his direction, Jack raised a paw and waved, webbing stretching lightly as his fingers spread.

The pup's face noticeably darkened beneath his facial fur as a blush came across it. He mouthed a few words while gesturing towards the cashier.

It was easy to understand what Timber meant even if his words weren't that readable. Jack nodded and gently folded his hands in front of his sporran, letting his forearms rest against the curve of his belly.

The wait was not long, however. Timber finished making his order and walked over before the otter received his own. He was lightly fidgeting with his hands as he approached. "Uh, hello there." Now that he was closer, the older male could see that the pads on his fingers matched the blue of his nose.

Jack smiled. "Hello Timber. You're looking nice this morning." The otter's baritone flowed from his chest, lilting lightly as he continued. "Though I wonder if the gym might have been a better meeting spot for you?"

Timber blinked in confusion, before snorting from held-in laughter. "Oh. That was the best picture I had of myself, honestly." He explained, the blush still visible beneath the fur on his cheeks. "I didn't want to take a new picture just for a dating profile. Seemed dishonest."

"Well, it says a lot about you." The otter proclaimed warmly. "You keep fit, you enjoy keeping fit, and you don't care if someone sees you messy. It's very genuine."

As he spoke, the poodle behind the counter held up a cup. "Latte Two Pumps for Jack?"

The larger male raised his hand and walked the couple steps to the counter, accepting the insulated paper cup with a sipper plastic lid with one hand and walked back to Timber.

Another worker, a Jackal with blue-dyed fur, held up another near-identical cup. "Cocoa for Timber?"

The pup walked over to get his own drink and returned. "I guess a cocoa is faster to make than coffee." He looked around for an empty seat.

Jack smiled. "Why don't we take a table outside?"

Timber turned back to the larger male. "Oh, that works. It's a bit loud in here anyway."

Curling his thick rudder around behind the pup's waist to guide him along, Jack walked to the door steadily.

The pupper found himself blushing deeply again. Just that light gentle gesture to make sure he stayed close was almost like the older male was encompassing him. Or at the very least like it wanted to pull him straight to the side of the burly gentleman but was holding back.

Jack held the door open as he guided Timber outside, and then used his free hand to pull out a seat at an empty table.

Timber hesitantly left the touch of the thick rudder to sit down, cradling his cup in both hands and resting his elbows down. By the time he was settled, the otter was sitting down across from him, making the cheap chair creak audibly.

"Where were we?" The pup asked awkwardly, before taking a sip of his cocoa. He immediately winced at the sharp heat in his mouth and exhaled firmly through his mouth.

"Here, take off the lid." Jack set his coffee down and reached towards the cocoa.

Timber nodded and did so. It made sense to him that hot liquid would cool better without the lid there, but didn't realize that wasn't what the otter had planned.

Pursing his lips lightly, the burly male gently grasped the pup's hand with his own and brought the now uncovered cup to his muzzle. He blew on it gently. Despite the ambient heat, a light frosty mist like exhaling in winter poured from his lungs and onto the steaming drink.

The dog's eyes widened as he watched the chilly breath wrap all the way down the cup, missing his hand entirely due to the webbed grasp on it.

"There, try it now." Jack smiled, releasing Timber's hand and leaning back into his seat.

Still in awe, the canine brought the cup back to his lips and very gingerly took another sip. His eyes lidded and he took a proper drink from the cup, mmmming appreciatively. Timber set the cup down. "That was amazing... when I saw your profile said 'civil servant' I didn't think that... uh..."

The otter chuckled warmly as he removed his coffee's lid to reveal the steaming substance. "Most mages do work in government, yes." He extended one finger over it with his palm down and rotated just the digit. Beneath, the brew began to stir itself enough to get centrifugal force to form a divot in the center of its surface. "I don't really want to show off until it's one on one." He smiled and gave the pup a wink.

Timber leaned forward, his short tail wagging behind him rapidly. "What do you do?"

Jack spread his fingers out flat and the fluid in his cup stopped moving on its own. "Well, generally, I guide the weather for the county." He spoke with a modest tone, though it was clear he was enjoying the attention.

The pupper gazed on, hanging on every word with his tail continuing to swing back and forth eagerly.

"Without weather mages, or worse, with uneven weather magics, things can get volatile." Jack continued, encouraged by the earnest interest shown. "So, the weather service employs mages for each region to smooth things out. Make sure that there's enough rain for crops, that the climate is within acceptable norms. Work to make conditions unfavorable for more destructive weather to form. I don't think there's been a tornado in the last twenty-five years anywhere in the country, for example."

He took a sip of his coffee, before setting it back down on the table. "Sometimes in the case of forest fires we're called in to change the wind and cause rain to aid in the fire suppression efforts... which at that scale are usually also done by mages. Pyromagy is a difficult art, so those who can control fire are in short supply." Jack paused, looking at the pup. "But I don't want to monopolize the conversation. What about you?" He set his coffee down. "What do you do?"

Timber wilted immediately, his weight settling back into his seat. "Oh... just retail." He smiled weakly. "Something to pay the bills until I can find the right career."

Jack felt a sharp pang in his chest at how drastic the transformation was. He wanted to reach around the table and pull Timber into his arms and hold him tightly... but he stayed put. First date and all. "So... um... Why are you having hot cocoa in August, anyway?"

Timber's smile turned a bit more thankful for the change in subject as he lifted his cup. He took a sniff. "I've never had the taste for coffee." The pup took a sip. "It's just too strong for me, no matter how much milk and sugar you add into it."

The otter felt another rush of desire. Jack couldn't stay still this time, but he held back his impulse to hold the pup. Instead, he only reached his hand out and wrapped it around Timber's free paw, giving a gentle squeeze.

Surprised by the contact, Timber set his cup down with a blush. Rather than pull his hand away, he squeezed on the larger male's thumb in return, smiling back at Jack.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jack parked his car in an available spot and looked out the window at the building. He paused and tapped at his dashboard navigator to check he entered the right address. Confirming it was the address he wrote down, he turned off the engine and stepped out of the car. The otter smoothed out his kilt and walked up to the door of the building, spotting the intercom with its rows of buttons assigned to apartment numbers.

He found the one Timber had indicated and pressed in the button.

A few seconds later the speaker nearby crackled to life. "Jack?"

Jack pressed the button again. "Yeah, I'm here."

"I'm almost ready." Timber's voice continued. "But you shouldn't just wait at the car..." An electric buzz sounded from the door itself.

The otter gestured with one hand and got the door open before it could re-lock itself. Without touching the handle, he stepped through, letting it close once his tail was fully within the building.

One elevator ride later and Jack stood before the pup's door, brow furrowed as he looked along the hall. The walls, ceiling and floor were all old and worn. Disrepair was the best word for it, as it looked as though it was regularly cleaned, at the least.

The middle-aged man raised a fist to knock, but hesitated as he heard footsteps inside the apartment.

As Jack pulled his hand away again, the latch was undone from inside and then Timber opened the door. "Hey Jack!" He smiled broadly. "Why didn't you text?"

The otter perked. "Well... I guess I'm not used to it. I mostly use my home phone and my computer."

The dog tilted his head. "Wait, you don't have a smartphone? I thought they give you one at most like... big important jobs." Timber stepped out into the hall and pulled the door closed behind him. Before he closed it properly, he perked and paused. "Oh shoot, forgot... Gimme a sec." He pivoted around and pressed back into his apartment, leaving the door open this time as he vanished around a corner, letting Jack have a proper look at the inside.

The otter lightly bit his lip, pensively taking in that the interior of the apartment was in even more disrepair than the hallway or elevator had been. There were signs of many slap-dash patch jobs, of management only making things 'livable' rather than actually updating or repairing.

Jack did his best to wipe his expression back to a smile when Timber returned. He raised his brow lightly. "A jacket? It's still August, Timber." He playfully jibed.

"Yeah, but movie theaters are always like... super air-conditioned." The pup properly closed the door with one paw, his jacket tucked between his arm and his side as he locked up.

"True, true..." The burly otter held out an arm and curled his tail lightly around his younger date's hip. "My car is as well, but I've always been a bit of a space heater." He coaxed Timber back to the elevator. "Tell me about this movie we're seeing?"

Timber started to enthusiastically speak on the subject, leaving Jack fondly smiling as he listened, waiting for the elevator doors to open.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Timber sighed softly, thinking about the night at the movies. It had been days since he last talked to Jack and he was missing the big guy. At least his shift at the shop was over and he had the whole weekend ahead of him, he thought. The dog tucked away his uniform apron into its cubby in the back room and retrieved his phone. A single text message was awaiting him.

'This is Jack, finally got around to texting. Are you free?'

The pup smiled despite himself at that, his tail starting to wag on its own. The message was only sent fifteen minutes prior. He typed in a response. 'I just got off my shift.' Timber carefully added the number to his contacts so that he wouldn't forget, before he pocketed his phone and put his signature cap into place now that he wasn't 'representing the company'. The dog sighed and headed out of the shop onto the street.

It was another sunny, balmy day, and the air was almost stiflingly still. Typical August, really. There was a grassy park across the street from the shop he worked at, but he hardly ever went into it because his apartment was in the opposite direction.

His phone vibrated in his pocket.

Timber fished it out and saw a new text message.

'Want to fly a kite?' The message was punctuated with a kite emoji.

The pup smiled a bit at the presentation, then furrowed his brow. He responded simply 'it isn't windy today'.

Immediately Timber saw the typing indicator throbbing with its fading ellipses. Then, Jack's reply arrived. 'Isn't it?'

Almost instantly, a cool breeze kicked up, flowing down the street and ruffling the pup's fur.

Timber's eyes widened as he felt that and realized what it meant. He turned towards the wind as a blush rose in his cheeks.

Jack walked around the corner with a smile on his muzzle and a large bundle tucked under one arm. In one of his hands was clearly a rather large smartphone. As he strode down the block towards the dog, his scent was carried along the breeze before him.

Taking a deep breath of the familiar aroma, the pupper made his way towards the otter in return, meeting him halfway. "This is a surprise."

The middle-aged male chuckled, making his belly shake under his polo shirt. "I was feeling... spontaneous. Shall we?" He inclined his head towards the park and shifted his arm to show off that the bundle he was carrying was a collapsed kite.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Timber pulled on the strings of the kite, his tongue poking out between his teeth as he focused on the nylon and carbon-fiber dart that swung around at the other end of them. "You know... I've never actually... shoot... tried to fly a kite." He struggled with the two cords, sending the bodiless wing twisting and slashing back and forth through the sky.

"Well, I suppose it would be remiss of me not to give you some tips." Jack casually walked closer to the shorter male. "May I?"

"Yes, please." Timber said without looking away from the delta darting around in frantic curves. Not a moment later, his entire back half of his body no longer felt the cool chill of the wind rushing all through the park.

The otter had come up behind the pup and was now placing his large hands on Timber's own, his belly smooshing directly against the dog's back. "The kite can only do what the wind lets it do." He murmured directly against one floppy ear as his grip started to gently guide the movement of the strings.

The younger male blushed deeply, feeling the brim of his cap pressing lightly against the otter's broad chest. Timber felt an urge to just sink back into this touch, forget the kite entirely, but he kept his eye on the nylon and frame as their movement settled with Jack's guidance.

"And it can only maintain lift while both strings are taut. If you just let go the whole thing would flutter to the ground." Jack continued, his thick rudder easing around the front of Timber's thighs and helping hold him close.

Timber trembled, feeling as though his whole face up to his ears must have been glowing pink.

"Is something wrong, Timber?" The otter crooned, clearly aware of the effect he was having on the smaller male.

A whine rose unbidden from the pup's throat and Timber shook his head.

"Should I back off?" Jack asked earnestly. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

After a long moment of thought, the dog swallowed his nerves and shook his head again.

"That's a good boy." The middle-aged otter rumbled warmly. "Let's get back to this tricky kite, eh?"

Timber felt a jump in his chest, his nerves forgotten from the praise. He stood up a bit more straight, his short tail wagging rapidly beneath the under-hang of the older male's stomach. "Yes, Jack!"

For a moment, Jack was quiet, continuing to coax and guide the pup's hands. He smiled and nuzzled into the top of Timber's head through his cap. "Remind me to call you a good boy more, that was adorable~"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

That night, Timber lay on his bed in his apartment, staring at the wall. His whole body felt chilly in the wake of having Jack's warm body pressed up against his own for so long. The pupper wondered if this was what people online meant when they talked about being 'touch starved'. He could truly feel the lack of contact after such prolonged touch, hours later.

Picking up his phone, he looked over the messages that he and Jack had sent back and forth between their dates on the dating app. He re-read where the otter talked about his adult sons that had moved out of the house. It only hit him now that the youngest of them was about his own age.

Timber blushed as he thought on this. He'd somehow fallen into a situation where he was seeing a man who could literally be his daddy.

These thoughts were interrupted by a notification. A new text from Jack.

'Would you like to come over to my place tomorrow? A nice cozy time in.' The older otter had sent.

Timber opened the messenger app and rapidly typed back. 'When can you pick me up? I have tomorrow off.' He hugged his phone to his chest after sending it off, the pupper finding himself smiling with the knowledge that he could be in Jack's arms again so soon... He perked. He had to make sure he was ready in the morning. He dug in his side table for his pink nail polish.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This was the pup's third time riding in Jack's car (fourth if you counted the ride back from the theater as separate from the ride to the theater) and it was the longest he'd been so far. Timber looked out at the lush trees along the dirt road, some just starting to turn colors and others still fully green. He turned his head back towards the otter at the wheel. "It sure is far to your place, Jack... I hope it's not too much of a hassle going into town."

"Oh, none at all. I listen to books on tape a lot of the time." The big mustelid chuckled warmly. "And I work from home mostly." Jack explained. "I usually only go into town to get food, go shopping, sometimes have business meetings... my home is closer to the center of my jurisdiction."

Timber nodded, tracing his painted claws along the grooves on his seatbelt in a fidgety repetition. "So it's easier to be at the center of all the weather you have to manage." The pup trailed off as the trees gave way to a riverfront with a large bare earth clearing. On the river itself floated a two story houseboat, moored to two tree stumps at either end of it.

"That's right." Jack smiled broadly as he pulled up to park near the steep bank. He looked over at Timber's look of awe and grinned. "I sleep best on the water." He turned off the engine and slipped out of the car.

Before Timber had finished unbuckling his seatbelt, the otter had opened the passenger door for him. The pup blushed and slipped out to stand beside Jack, putting his side bag up on one shoulder. "I honestly don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this... It's beautiful."

"Well, it's no wizard tower, that's for sure." Jack winked and strolled over to the bank, near the houseboat's raised gangway. A simple nylon rope dangled from the end of the upright metal slab, lightly swinging from the breeze. Holding out his webbed hand, the rope jumped into the otter's grip as if pulled by some invisible force.

The pup stared, his tail wagging behind him as he took in the older male's technique. Timber soon found that the magic gave way to traditional strength as beneath the brown fur on Jack's arms his biceps swelled out, straining his polo shirt's sleeves.

The burly otter pulled the gangway down with another heave and then planted his foot on it to keep the springs from pulling it upright again. He gestured, and a couple pins engaged to keep it in place. "There we go. All aboard."

Timber couldn't stop himself. He clapped, grinning broadly at the display.

Chuckling, Jack bowed and gestured with an outstretched paw. "This way, my dear."

The pup giggled and blushed, eagerly bounding over the gangway and onto the boat itself. There was a walkway around the deck all around the house, with railings the whole way. Timber experimentally pressed on the door opposite the ramp and it swung open smoothly. "Oooh..."

"Hardly need to lock the door when you need to get from the bank to even reach it." Jack rumbled as he came up behind Timber. "That and a few magical wards making it very difficult for anyone to do so who I haven't invited."

"Vampire rules." The dog replied playfully as he looked around. He was in a large living room, taking up a good deal of the two story space. At one end was a spiral staircase that led up to a mezzanine hallway with rails much like on the deck, and Timber could see a few doors up there, probably leading to bedrooms.

Jack chuckled affectionately. "Well, applying those rules to everyone else." The mustelid gently placed a hand on the small of Timber's back and guided him to one of the couches facing away from where the second floor looked over the living room.

As he sat down, Timber twisted to face the otter a bit more, one leg folding up onto the seat cushion. He looked around at the high ceilings again, then back to Jack. "It's pretty big for one man..."

Sitting down, the mustelid put one elbow over the back of the couch to face the pup more easily. "Well, yeah. Most of the time it can feel pretty big, since my kids moved out." Jack smiled warmly. "But it's very good for when I throw parties."

The dog nodded, his tail audibly bumping against the couch back from his wagging. "Yeah, it looks like it."

"And it wouldn't be quite as empty if there was a cute pup around..." Jack continued, his voice low and soft.

Timber's floppy ears stuck up a bit more from the fabric of his cap and he looked the older male in the eyes. "What does that mean...?"

The otter fiddled his thumb and index finger along the webbing on his other hand as he glanced down and to the side. "Look... I know it's just been a week and change since we've been seeing each other..."

Listening, the pupper felt his heart pounding hard in his chest as his mind raced at all the ways this statement could be going.

"I'd like you to move in with me." Jack turned his gaze back to Timber's own, as if searching for signs he'd made a misstep. "I care about you deeply, and want to take care of you."

Timber could tell his mouth was hanging open slack, but that was very low on his list of priorities right now. A thousand questions percolated through his mind, before one beat the others out to his lips. "What would I do...?"

Smiling warmly, the middle-aged mustelid reached out his paw from where he'd rested his arm on the couch back and cupped the side of Timber's face. "Anything you want to, nothing you don't." He spoke softly, earnestly. "That includes your retail job. If you don't want to go back to it, you don't have to."

The pup blushed, gently taking his face from Jack's touch and turning his head away for the first time in what felt like hours, even though they'd only just sat down. "I... I wasn't looking for a sugar daddy or anything..."

Jack smirked a bit and leaned a little closer. "Well, what about a Daddy who happens to have some sugar?" His voice got a playful, growling tone to it.

Blushing deeper, Timber covered his face with both paws, an involuntary whine escaping his throat. He breathed deeply for a few moments before lifting his head and looking back to the otter. "It... It just seems too good to be true."

Extending his arms from his body, the burly otter lightly curled his fingers in invitation to embrace. "No strings attached. If you want to leave, for any reason, just ask." He smiled, swallowing as his voice neared sounding choked up. "I just want you to be happy and safe, Timber."

Before he knew what he was doing, Timber had pressed off the couch with his knee and barreled headfirst into the older male's chest. His arms wrapped around under Jack's own and he squeezed in tightly, nuzzling beneath the lapel of the otter's polo shirt.

Letting out a sharp breath both from the impact and of emotional release as the pup accepted his embrace, Jack lowered his arms into a gentle, heavy hold around Timber. "You've just grown so precious to me, Timber." He murmured, gently squeezing him closer. "I just wanted to give you the option to be mine to take care of..."

The pup noticeably quivered at the word 'mine', his face heating up further as his blush reasserted itself. Timber swallowed and nodded his understanding, trying to find the words... before he found he was just nodding faster, a big dumb smile plastered across his muzzle. "Of course... yes... I... I'll do it."

Jack smiled and closed his eyes, resting his jawline on the red cap Timber was wearing. "I'll go get your things from your apartment tomorrow. I'll take care of all the logistics, everything."

Timber couldn't stop wagging, squirming a little to get more of his body in contact with Jack's own, squeezing his soft warm body tighter. Beneath the layer of healthy plumpness, there was a slightly different softness, the kind that hardened up when the otter squeezed in return. Shifting his fingers a bit along the older male's back, he murmured. "I wish I could just be enveloped in your touch..."

"I didn't want to overwhelm you too quickly." The middle-aged otter rumbled, even as he curled and looped his tail over the pup's lower half, adding more and more contact.

The pupper sighed happily as he felt the warm pressure of the embrace cover more of his body. "And that I could just... sink into you... be fully yours, feeling your warmth from all sides..."

After a long pause, Jack gave another squeeze with his arms and tail, practically bringing the pup into his lap. "And.... What if I could do that for you, Timber?"

The smaller male perked up in surprise and lightly twisted his head to look up at the side of Jack's face from his current position. "What do you mean...?"

Webbed fingers starting to stroke soothingly, Jack continued. "With the kinds of magic that I can do, I could eat you all up whole and alive. Just bundled up in this tum, perfectly safe and mine..."

Timber stared, his jaw slack again. Some part of his mind wondered if his face would be okay from all the blushing that he was up to today. Most of his thoughts were just on that offer and wondering why it sounded just so alluring. After a few more moments processing this, he spoke again. "That... that's the most intimate thing I think I've ever heard of..."

"It is, intensely so." The middle-aged male murmured with his lips brushing directly against one of Timber's ears. "And one of the most wonderful feelings I've ever felt is making someone I care about part of me..."

Eyes wide, the pupper felt that same flustered impact as when Jack floated the word 'mine' in reference to him send a quiver through his body. Timber stammered lightly as he spoke. "Y-you want me that d-deep 'inside'?"

"Only if that's what you want." Jack chuckled affectionately and continued to stroke. "All that warmth and plumpness you're cuddled into? My strong muscles you swoon over?" He crooned with a playful lilt. "Those are all the boys who wanted to be part of me."

Timber felt a little light-headed, shifting his hips a bit as he realized he was tenting the shorts he'd worn over, and that Jack likely could feel that by now. He rested his head against the big otter's chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. "How.... How many are there...?" He asked after a few more moments of silent cuddling.

"Isn't that just the way...?" Jack murmured, sounding embarrassed, perhaps even bashful. "I remember every single one of them perfectly, to the most intimate detail of their lives..." He chuckled and gave Timber a light squeeze. "But I lost count, so long ago..."

"And it's just as safe as just being in your belly?" The pup asked softly, one of his hands squeezing into the plumpness at Jack's waist, his mind swimming with the knowledge that this was other young men that the otter loved so much he couldn't bear to let go of them.

"And with my magic, just as reversible as if you just wanted to move back out of the houseboat." Jack confirmed with a soothing tone. "Those parties I mentioned before? Usually it's my boys being let out to play~"

Timber wagged, nuzzling lightly into Jack's chest. "And you want me to do whatever I want as long as I'm safe and happy..?"

The otter nuzzled into the top of the pup's cap. "Of course."

Burying his blushing face into the older male's pecs, Timber exhaled and spoke his mind. "I... I want to be one of your boys, held so tight that I'm a part of you..."

Jack squeezed Timber a bit tighter, though still with care and gentleness. "You really mean it?"

Need bubbling up his throat into a whimper, the pupper begged aloud. "Please... Take me for your own, Daddy..."

The otter gently leaned back and coaxed Timber's snout to meet his own in a soft kiss. When it parted, he spoke again. "If you still want it at the end of the night, I will."

"What could possibly change my mind...?" Timber mused dreamily, staring into Jack's eyes.

The stroking paws dragged down the pup's side to rest on his hips and gave a gentle squeeze there. "Well, it's more that I'd been hoping to give you some of that 'guidance' you asked for first..." Jack winked playfully, the lustful growl re-entering his voice.

Flustered all over again, Timber huffed and twisted in Jack's hold, before flopping over to lay his side to the otter's front. "I guess it was pretty obvious I'm a virgin, huh..."

Jack accepted this change in position, lightly stroking along the pup's side facing away from him. "Well, I didn't want to just assume... I knew you were inexperienced at least." He murmured lightly.

"It's alright..." The younger male sighed. "I didn't want to broadcast it on my profile. Guys who do that seem to be the type trying to attract the guys who fetishize 'deflowering' someone."

Raising his hand from the stroke, the otter lightly ran his thumb pad along Timber's cheek. "I prefer to think of it more as helping a bud to bloom than removing anything..."

Trembling, Timber pressed his cheek into Jack's palm with a clumsy nuzzle.

"I am glad I get to be your first, however." Jack rumbled warmly as he turned his hand to lightly scratch under the pup's chin.

"Why's that...?" The canine murmured, closing his eyes from the pleasant treatment along his jawline.

"I want to make sure your first time is worthy of such a good boy..." The otter crooned tenderly, his tail squeezing down on the pup's thighs.

Timber sat up a bit more and looked to Jack with a look of determination. "Where's the bedroom?" His tail batting about gave away his eagerness, greatly.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In the master bathroom upstairs, Timber was slipping out of the shorts he'd worn over. He tossed them aside, leaving himself in some pink briefs with white trim as he sat down onto the closed toilet. Next he tugged on the neck of his tee shirt, pulling it over his head. He muttered with annoyance as his cap was dislodged, picking it up and setting it on his lap. He opened up the side bag he had brought and pulled out a tank top that matched the pink of his briefs.

The pupper held it in front of him, looking over the cursive text 'Little Spoon' printed across the chest, with a spoon's outline in the same black ink. He'd bought it back in college and sometimes liked to wear it around his apartment, but he'd never gotten to show it off for anyone. He slipped the tank top on and then returned his cap to its rightful place, using a finger to lightly tug the poofy fur that covered the top of his head out through the gap above the snapback.

Next to be retrieved from his bag was a set of four fine-knit sleeves, arm warmers and legwarmers. Each had three blocks of color; pink, blue, and yellow. He carefully pulled each on and smoothed them down against his toned limbs, before standing up again. Timber turned and looked in the mirror, making sure he got the look down right. After smoothing out his tank top and adjusting the waistband on his briefs, he tucked his shirt and shorts into his bag and zipped it up.

Taking a deep breath to settle his nerves, the pupper pressed the door open into the bedroom proper. The far wall was mostly glass, with a sliding glass door set into it that led out onto a balcony facing out onto the river. Jack's large bed was up against the wall to the dog's right, centered with a side table on either side.

The middle-aged otter himself was seated on the edge of his bed, with the covers lightly draped over his lap. Otherwise, there was no sign of any clothes. Timber was afforded a look at the older male's physique without fabric in the way for the first time. The shape of his chest and arms told the story of the powerful muscles settled under a thin layer of plush padding, while his belly was a handsome curve, settling onto his sheets where they lie across his thighs. His lower legs were similarly well-formed to his arms, and the thick rudder of his tail curved out to one side to drape alongside them.

Smiling, Jack had been looking over Timber himself. "You look adorable like that..."

Timber lightly rocked up off his heels, his short tail starting to wag about over his tightly-outlined rump. "I put this stuff on when I want to feel cute at home... I've never worn it in front of anyone before." His cheeks glowed with a blush from beneath, but he wasn't shying away.

Raising one arm, the otter gestured towards himself invitingly. "I can tell you really like the way you feel wearing that."

The pupper sprung forward with a bounce in his step, unable to hide his eager smile. He twisted and sat down right next to the big otter, between his hip and where his tail poured off the side of the mattress.

Jack eased his arm around the smaller male and kissed at the base of his near ear right where it peeked from the gap in his red cap. "When you're ready, I think we should start with some foreplay... gotta make sure your body is as ready as you are." The burly mustelid crooned affectionately. "We can cuddle a while first, if you want."

Biting his lip, Timber squirmed in place. "Could we cuddle during foreplay?" He turned his head to look Jack in the eye, his own practically sparkling with excitement.

Chuckling lightly, the big otter nodded. "Scoot up onto my lap and we'll get started, my dear." At the same time, he pulled the sheets away from his thighs, revealing himself fully.

Halfway through the motion of pressing his hands into the bed to lift his hips, the pupper glanced down. His eyes widened as he saw for the first time just what the older male was packing. Still mostly flaccid, the uncut shaft nearly reached to his knee and was nearly as thick as Timber's wrist.

"What's wrong?" Jack rumbled playfully, patting his thigh in invitation for the pup to finish relocating onto his lap.

Timber was frozen in that moment, feeling his briefs start to strain from a bit of tenting of their own. A soft whine escaped his throat. He could see Jack's heartbeat in the way the python between his legs visibly pulsed.

"Oh, this?" The otter crooned, pretending he had only just realized what Timber was staring at. "Well, I told you I wanted to warm you up, make sure you were ready. Good idea, right?"

Snapping back to reality, the slender dog blushed, only just now realizing he'd been gawking. "Oh... yeah, that... that's a good idea."

Jack eased his arm that had been lightly wrapped around Timber down to scoop under his plump posterior. Seemingly effortlessly, the burly otter eased the pupper into his lap. "I'm sorry that my girth is so... daunting. But I can't help that so many of my boys wanted to add to the heft of my loins~" He rumbled low as he curled his arm back around the dog to hold him in place, slightly pivoted across the larger male's lap while seated on one of his thighs.

Timber's blush deepened at that statement, twisting his neck to nuzzle into one of Jack's bare pecs with a flustered whine. His briefs were properly straining with his arousal at the same time, his waistband slightly tugged away from his fur at the center of his pelvis.

The middle-aged otter slipped his thumb into the briefs and gently began to peel them down from the pup's straining loins, until he was hindered by Timber's rump where it pressed to his thigh.

The pupper shifted his hips, easing the removal with a groan of relief as his erection flopped forth, free of its prison. Soon, he felt his briefs flopping to the floor after snagging momentarily on one foot.

Jack un-curled from how far down the pup's legs he'd had to guide the undergarment and returned to his warm side-hug. At the same time, however, his thick tail slithered out of the bedding with a bottle of lube held in a snug curl at the tip of the powerful limb.

Sitting up in surprise, Timber stared as Jack revealed another trick up his sleeve.

The older male turned his head to follow the dog's gaze and reached out to take the bottle with his free hand. "Ah, thank you, Thing." He muttered playfully as he undid the cap with his thumb. He shifted his tail's position closer to himself and Timber. The otter began to carefully drizzle the slick substance over the tip of his tail, getting the short soft fur there saturated quickly.

Blushing and fidgeting as he watched, the pupper realized exactly what foreplay the burly male had in mind.

Likely noticing that Timber had put two and two together, Jack capped the bottle and tossed it aside onto his blankets. "It's very thin at the tip, and has a slow, easy taper." He explained. "Much more gradual than working fingers and... well, my webbing means I can't get very deep until I'm fisting, really..."

Nodding, Timber curled and uncurled his toes, redirecting his fidgety energy away from his hips for the moment. "Yeah, it makes sense... I just... it never would have occurred to me."

With a light tug, the otter coaxed Timber to pivot in his lap to lean back against his chest and belly. At the same time, his tail moved around to bring the lubricated tip up between Timber's stocking-clad legs.

The pupper closed his eyes, trying to keep his breathing steady. He focused on the warmth of Jack's touch against his back, the strong arm holding him in place. It reminded him of when the strong otter had showed him how to fly a kite the day before... was it really only yesterday?

As his thoughts wandered, he felt the cool touch beneath his tail. Timber tensed momentarily, then exhaled and did his best to relax. The tail tip had frozen the moment the pup jolted, only moving again once it was clear that he was relaxed once more. The intrusion spread that ring of flesh smoothly, with a bit of a wet sound from the lubricant being displaced.

Timber groaned without thinking about it, wrapping his arms around Jack's strong arm, forcing the side of his face into the relaxed bicep. He felt like he needed to hold onto something as the stretching sensation intensified. At the same time, the alien sensation of something deeper and deeper inside him made his legs tremble lightly.

Down below, familiar webbed fingers lightly curled around the dog's erection, cupping it affectionately. "Tell me if things get to be too much, I'll stop until you're ready again." Jack's baritone rumbled directly into Timber's ear but also resonated through his broad chest into the pup's back.

Lightly shaking his head, the pupper squeezed tighter on one arm as the other gently fondled him. "It's just... it's new. Doesn't feel bad at all..." Timber reassured the older male, but then his body tensed again.

Jack removed his hand from Timber's arousal and rubbed along his cheek with his thumb. "I promise, if you need to stop, I will."

The pup whined softly. "I... I think that was my prostate." Timber opened his eyes and tilted his head back, trying to make eye contact. "I... I can handle it. Nothing's hurt."

Nodding, the middle-aged otter gently rubbed the front of Timber's pelvis. "I'm about this deep..." Jack trailed his touch up the pup's belly. "I should make sure you're okay this deep. I don't want to hurt you."

That reminder of just how much maleness Jack had made Timber clench down on the tail tip inside him compulsively. "Oh... I... I'll tell you if it's too much, don't worry..."

Jack kissed Timber on the cheek. "That's a good boy." He cooed softly, giving the pup a squeeze with his arm.

Timber blushed, closing his eyes and smiling broadly as his tail began to wag rapidly above where Jack's tail was working inward. He focused on relaxing his inner muscles to accept the stretch, his heart aflutter.

The burly male kept pressing his tail deeper, the fifth limb twisting and grinding lightly to help itself stay lubricated as it increased the stretch. They were quiet for quite some time, apart from the heavy breathing and soft noises that kept escaping from the pup's throat.

Finally, the otter got to a depth and stopped pushing. He flexed the tip of his tail around, lightly making a spot above Timber's navel distend. "Gonna hold the stretch here for a little bit... then I think you'll be ready."

"It... it feels funny, but in a good way..." Timber panted softly. The whole time his erection hadn't gone down, pulsing in the older male's palm. He opened his eyes again and looked back and up at the burly otter. "Thank you for being so gentle with me..."

"You're too precious to treat rough, Timber." Jack replied without hesitation.

The pupper's blush returned in full force at that. He buried the side of his face back into the otter's thick bicep with a light whine, clenching his pucker slightly against the girthy limb holding him open wider than he thought he'd be able to stretch at all.

With a low grunt, the older male lifted Timber completely from his lap with both arms, the hand that had been lightly fondling shifting position to support his hip. Jack twisted on the bed to face the headboard as he slid his other arm from within the dog's grip to instead hold onto his hands to help keep him supported. The otter carefully laid the pup down with his head on the pillow, all without letting his tail retreat an inch.

Timber couldn't help but giggle a bit at how easily he was lifted and repositioned, all while the touch remained so gentle. He smiled up at Jack as the older male got up onto his knees and carefully lifted one of the pup's stocking legs up and over to the other side of his kneeling stance.

"Such a good boy~" Jack crooned as he reached down to retrieve the bottle of lube from where he'd tossed it aside.

The pupper involuntarily clenched down on the buried tail as he gave a bit of a happy wiggle on the sheets from the praise. As before, his short tail was practically a blur where it slid against the smooth fabric.

Leaning back upright, the middle-aged otter smiled warmly at the reaction he got while he started to apply the lubricant to his own shaft. His fingers curled and stroked over his firming girth, getting the flesh there a glossy sheen of slick.

Watching, the pup's chest rising and falling against his chin as he watched, imagining what that shaft would feel like in the fuzzy limb's place. Timber's head upon the pillow was pushing the brim of his cap up, threatening to dislodge the headgear from around his ears.

Leaning forward and reaching out to put the bottle on one of his nightstands, Jack braced his other hand next to Timber's shoulder. When he finished and re-centered his weight, he smiled down at the pup beneath him. He gave a few more flexes of his tail, before starting to draw it out.

Timber couldn't help but let out a soft whine. In his current state of arousal, the stretch being relieved, the lack of that full sensation he'd been getting used to; it all just cranked up his desire. He wanted Jack to fill him up properly.

The otter trailed his hands down Timber's sides, leaving a little bit of residual lube traced onto his pink tank top and partway down his leg warmers. When Jack reached the knee, he got himself back upright and pulled the dog's legs up over his love handles, lining himself up carefully.

That tug sent the cap tumbling off the pup's head to rest on the pillow where his head had just been. There was little time to contemplate that, however, as the moment that Jack's tail vacated Timber, the hooded head of the otter's rod made itself known, smoothly re-stretching the ring.

Gasping out from the sensation, Timber raised his arms up over his head, eyes locked with Jack's own. He blindly groped for his hat, or perhaps he was just trying to grip the pillow's case for something to hold onto.

Jack leaned forward over the pup again, his hefty belly pressing right onto Timber's arousal as he eased his own deeper. His tail finished its movement getting out of the way with a flick outstretched behind him, the fur at the tip lightly matted with residual lube.

While the seemingly burning warmth of the new intrusion reinstated the stretch and fullness in spades, the pupper flexed his thighs to clamp onto either side of Jack's waist. At the same time he twisted his hips to hook his ankles together over the base of the otter's tail, giving a needy squeeze.

A lusty growl escaped the mustelid's throat as he pressed to the hilt. Jack gently took Timber's wrists in his hands and brought them to around level with his head on either side. The middle-aged otter applied a bit more weight, pinning the pup's arms in place as his muzzle came nearly nose to nose with him.

As Jack began to roll his hips, Timber panted. Between how hard his shaft was throbbing against the older male's belly and the heat on his cheeks... He realized he loved this. He loved being pinned beneath a powerful man; he loved being so carefully treated but with such firm certainty. He loved being easily carried and positioned around to be taken to someone's desire.

Before he could think too much more on this, the older otter lightly craned his neck down to finish the distance between their muzzles, kissing Timber deeply. As he did so, Jack began to thrust in earnest, drawing back further and bringing his hips to a more impassioned impact with each hilting.

The pupper accepted the kiss, moaning into it as it was deepened by Jack's tongue flowing through the locked lips to explore the inside of his mouth. Timber suckled over the thick muscle, flexing his hips and squeezing with his legs to add to the steady pounding things had developed into.

Jack explored the inside of Timber's mouth with his tongue and apparently took the pressure from the pup's ankles to the small of his back as encouraging him to go faster. He slowly increased the pace, which in turn brought more force to the table.

Timber moaned around the otter's tongue, his arms writhing in their pin as his excess energy had nowhere else to go. An added benefit that doing that made him feel just how firmly Jack had him pinned.

The middle-aged male parted the kiss, panting heavily as he looked into the pup's eyes. "Are you still okay?"

"Yes!" The dog nearly howled, flexing with his legs harder. At the same time, he rolled his hips, trying to encourage an even more intense rutting. He moaned with almost every hilt, as if the impact was forcing the air from his lungs.

Though his eyes were nearly clouding over in his overwhelmed state, he could see the gaze that Jack was giving him as he thrust even faster. It was a mix of the loving, caring expression he had given Timber since the day they met and a deep, passionate lust.

Timber trembled, the familiar sensation deep in his pelvis telling him he was about to reach his peak. Before he could say anything, he found his wrists ground along the soft sheets to rest alongside his hips. A moment later, he was in a kiss again, this one far more sloppy and unrestrained. The pupper's reciprocation was hardly coherent itself, as he felt his body tensing up in preparation.

With every pounding hilt, the otter's lips spread a bit more, until it was clear that his jaws were spread around Timber's snout. Jack groaned, his thick tongue trailing down the underside of the pup's jaw to his throat as his eyes lidded shut.

Realizing what was happening, Timber cried out, his whole body trembling in the throes of his climax. He felt the heat around his muzzle lurch over the rest of his head, the wetness of the tongue coating him to the shoulders. Then, one last thrust to the hilt shoved on his hips and didn't pull back.

Jack groaned as his own release began to pump heavily into the pup beneath him, even as his throat began to flex and greedily pull on the tip of the dog's snout. The whole time, Timber was overwhelmed with his own pleasure and the sensation of warmth blossoming within his belly. He was barely able to comprehend how Jack's jaws were spreading over his admittedly narrow shoulders.

Timber trembled as predatory teeth lightly closed just below his chest and shoulder blades, only resting for a moment. They opened up again to lunge down his waist with a low, loud gluurrrk that surrounded his head as the topography of Jack's gullet coaxed him to sit up from the bed. Between swallows, the pupper could hear the steady, pounding beat of the otter's heart in time with the pulsing in his rump. The rush of air in and out of the older male's lungs. Most pressing, however, was the low, eager grumble of an empty stomach up ahead. The dog let his legs go limp, slumping down on either side of his predator's hips.

Jack pressed the pup's wrists against his hips and used that pressure to help himself pull Timber free from his still rigid rod. He reared back and up, his thick tail pressing into the mattress behind him for support. He released his grip with his hands and swallowed again, dragging the younger male's curvy hips into his slavering jaws.

The pup moaned out muffledly as he felt the familiar tongue press under his tail and start grinding into his newly vacated and highly messy tail hole. Timber's legs twitched as, even in afterglow where he was so overwhelmed, the stimulation got him squirming.

The otter tilted his head all the way back towards the ceiling and swallowed again, his throat stretching out with the pup's hips. From that curvy rump, both legs tapered smoothly; clear sailing the rest of the way down.

Timber felt his face press through a snug ring of flesh into a more open space, with softer, more pillowy walls. No less wet and slimy, and still just as warm. He groaned softly as he realized his shoulders were joining him in the stomach. He tucked his head to his chest as room became scarce, squirming a bit to try to help himself work through the fleshy valve. As soon as his hands were free, he extended his arms to try to help the organ stretch out to fit him.

Jack trailed his tongue along the pup's blue paw pads and the pink, painted toe claws. He closed his jaws only when he was sure not a single bit of Timber would be snagged by his teeth knitting together. Lowering his hands to his distended belly, he swallowed firmly, sending the last of the dog down into the depths of his body.

As his legs poured into the stomach, the pupper dreamily nuzzled into the fleshy, wrinkled walls. He shifted his hips, trying to work himself around to being upright inside the snug space, wiggling his feet a bit once they had joined him as well.

Sighing softly as he came off his predatory high, the otter began to carefully turn himself around on the bed while still up on his knees. His hands busied themselves with rubbing and groping over the form beneath his considerable pudge, tracing every inch of the form of the pup within. "Do you still want all the way in, Timber? I could just keep you in there and let you out in the morning." He spoke softly, assured that he was perfectly audible to someone inside him.

Timber didn't hesitate a bit. He nuzzled into the stomach walls, making an impression of his snout appear momentarily on Jack's gut. "Take me, Daddy..." He pleaded, rubbing outward with both hands as he knelt within the pooling stomach juices, soaking through his clothes to the skin.

Jack scooped under his gut and cradled the form within, gently rocking. "You are..." He sounded a little choked up, a smile clear in his voice. "You're my good boy, now~" He leaned back onto his tail again with a thud of the rudder into his pillow, sending the red cap there flipping over to the edge of the bed. The sated otter felt his erection finally fading as his body began to squeeze and knead over its eagerly willing meal.

As the stomach walls kneaded and massaged along his form, the pup's mind drifted back to the start of the week, getting a message from this handsome older male. He thought about the coffee shop, going to the movies, flying a kite... It all seemed so long ago, but it had hardly been more than a week. Even so, he couldn't even conceive of it being a mistake. He'd never ask to do things differently with Jack.

Timber just wanted to stay with his new Daddy and be his good boy forever.

Class Demonstration

Roland stared at the illusory diagram taking up the space above the professor's head. The white wolf was fixated on the middle-aged stag's words, like many of his classmates. The cervine professor gestured with...

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A Dose of Honey

"Hah.... Haaaaaahh.... Herchuuphh!" Asali planted her hands on top of her ample hips, peeking back over her shoulder at the much shorter bat standing behind her with his...

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Starry Sea

Bert momentarily surfaced for breath, catching sight of the nearby beach and the starry sky, before diving down to rejoin his friends. The chubby seal beat his flippers, focusing on the shimmering forms of the...

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