Pokemon:Legends Ch.8 A Heated Home Coming Pt.1 Farm Life

Story by Angelonight on SoFurry

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#8 of Pokemon: Legends

Ch.8 A Heated Home Coming Pt.1 Farm Life

Devin slowly slid in to the silky depths of the hot bath water he had prepared for himself. It felt good after a hard day of working on the ranch, especially with one arm. His right shoulder was still recovering, and the doctors didn't want him using it too much. But this was a Pokémon Ranch and there was work to be done. He felt that as long as he was home he could pull his own weight.

It had been three weeks since he had gotten home, and as far as he could tell his shoulder was healing fine. On top of what chores he had been able to do he had also spent the last three weeks avoiding Drizzle's insistent advances. He was well aware that he had made her a promise, but he still felt weird about it, so he had done his best to avoid her.

He had also been giving Lu a wide berth as well. Her heat should have ended by now, but for some reason it hadn't and the looks she was giving him made him shudder. This was doing nothing to improve his situation with his own girls, especially Rio.

Rio was having a hard time adjusting to everything that had happened recently. To top it off she still really didn't like Abby or the fact that she was constantly at his side, a place she used to always be. Abby for her part never provoked Rio, but at the same time she didn't do anything to lessen the tension either. She had staked a claim to him and made no effort to hide it.

Devin really wished he could get Rio alone and spend some time with her. She was still his girl and best friend and it hurt him unbelievably so that they couldn't even really talk to each other anymore.

He also had a sinking feeling that things were going to start getting weird with Mocha. She too had taken to giving him sideways glances and batting her eyes at him. He would also swear that he had caught her looking at him with a dreamy expression on her delicate face.

He had convinced Aunt Rose and Amaya to take her into town one day and buy her some clothes since she had evolved differently from most Lopunny, and her most intimate parts were highly visible to anyone that looked. Or was he the only one really noticing or looking.

The whole situation made his head hurt. Platina had warned him that this might happen, and in the case of Mocha he had researched a long time ago the mating habits and estrous cycles of Lopunny. He was not afraid to admit that he was in a lot of trouble.

Lopunny's estrous cycles were not a cycle at all. The slightest bit of stimulus could set it off. Oh there were certain times of the year when their heat was especially potent, namely spring and fall. However he read one report of a Lopunny going in to such an aggressive heat from a strong gust of wind that she had thrown her trainer to the ground and raped him in front of Arceus and every one. The Lopunny had not been satisfied at that and jumped three more men before she was caught. She was in such a state when they found her that she had to be put down.

The condition was not limited to females either; he had read several reports of male Lopunny doing the same thing. That's not to say that Lopunny were not extremely effective in battles, but a lot of trainer and breeder journals strongly suggest retiring Lopunny immediately unless you have them fixed.

He had also read several reports that theorized that all Lopunny produce an overabundance of estrogen and testosterone, one report also theorized that they just had hyper active libido. All of them agreed though that your average Lopunny, unless closely controlled and monitored, were sexual time bombs waiting to explode, and at the best they all acted like sex starved Nympho maniacs. They also all agreed that Lopunny were most addicted to whatever their first mate was.

There was however an "upside" to all this. Lopunny estrous was so bad that several very effective methods of control had been invented. All of which involved either heavy medication, toys, or bunny whores to put it politely. All things that he really didn't want to force on Mocha.

Especially the medications. This was not because Aunt Rose and himself strongly believed in the old ways of raising and breeding Pokémon, but also because there wasn't a one that didn't have long lists of side effects. Not just little effects either. There was one that had a high risk of causing heart failure. One caused severe depression that more often than not leads to suicide. One caused extreme lethargy, and another, hyperactivity. There was even one that took away the sexual drive but left the cramping, bloating, and other side effects had they had a normal heat.

He would let her decide he guessed, thought he knew deep down he was just setting himself up to be her addiction. There was one report though that continued to give him hope.

"... Though my studies are inconclusive I still hold out hope. Lopunny, as with any Pokémon that can evolve, take on a new personality and new behaviors to match their new bodies and abilities. Though it is my belief that the sweet little Buneary you raised and loved is still in there, and with a little bit of love and understanding a Lopunny's urges can be easily dealt with. It is my theory that if a trainer treats their new Lopunny just like they treated their Buneary that their urges will be lessened greatly."

Devin could see that one being true, and he really hoped it was. He had seen other reports that stated that the heat cycle of some Lopunny was not as bad as others. He hoped those were true too. What really gave him hope though was that there was not one report of a Lopunny that had evolved the way Mocha had. So he was really clinging to the hope that her heat cycle would be normal just like her sisters were hopefully going to be.

Devin even entertained the thought that by some stroke of luck, after a heat or two his girls estrous cycles would become synced, and he could just come home and deal with it in one big session. He knew his luck wasn't that good though. And like it or not his girls were growing up fast.

Devin closed his eyes and slid deeper into the hot water. He was letting the water do what it was meant to do and soak away his aches and pains when he felt something brush up against his chest and stomach.

Devin opened his eyes and almost jumped out of the bath tub. In the water looking right back at him were a set of pearly blue eyes, and a wide playful grin. He should have remembered that a Vaporeon with enough training could realign their molecules to be extremely close to those of water and essentially melt in any body of water.

It was still really creepy though watching them "melt" and then "reform" out of a body of water. He watched as a globe of water rose out of the water on a set of watery shoulders. He was kept in awe as the water appeared to run back into the water leaving behind greater, and greater detail as it did so.

He watched as three sets of "fins" grew out of the globe, one for each ear, and one right on top. He watched as a cute little button nose was formed and pushed forward on a slight snout. With a slight splash a ring of ruffles sprung out of its neck just above the shoulders. With its head nearly done the rest of its body formed up in a stretched out laying position along the length of his body starting the front paws resting at his upper chest, almost his shoulders, and stretching all the way down to his pelvic area. As he laid there waiting for the rest of the Vaporeon to finish forming he felt it tail grow out and stretch all the way down to his ankles, and start to slowly swish back and forth. Finally the pearl blue eyes migrated up its body and settled into place on its head and opened. The last of the excess water ran off it ultra-course fur as she smiled directly at him.

"Devin, I get the direct impression that you are trying to avoid me." Drizzle said with a playful tone to her voice.

"Drizzle that was, to say the least, fucking creepy. Don't ever do that again."

Her smile never left her face as she leaned her head in and gently licked his lower lip.

"Well how else was I supposed to get your attention, you did make a promise to me after all. Besides it's not like I swam up through the drain pipe or anything. I've been in there since just before you got in. Snuck in when you went back to your room for your pants."

"Well that's a relief." Devin thought to himself. At least she wasn't covered in waste water.

"What do you want Drizzle?" Devin asked knowing full well what the mischievous water type wanted.

Drizzle for her part made a showing of thinking about what she wanted out of him. The playful look returned to her face as her idea came together.

"I want you to have a nice romantic dinner with me. Than we can go for a nice moon lit walk along the pond and watch the Lumineon and Chinchou swim about. Maybe even go for a swim ourselves. You are going to be completely naked though. Ooh skinny dipping by the moon light, how delicious. After wards I want you to take me on the banks of the pond and mate me like I was your bitch, till my screams could be heard up here at the house."

Drizzle's tail was swishing quite excitedly by this point and exciting little Devin in to action. Devin had to think quick before he found himself in deeper water.

"You know Driz, the first half of that sounded pretty romantic. Had me wondering for a bit there, because I could have sworn all you wanted was wild animal sex out of me. Then you got to the end of your fantasy and that is all you want out of me. So why bother with all the extras, why not just get to the fucking right off the bat?"

Drizzle actually managed to look hurt, Devin wasn't buying it though.

"What don't want to play first, get me all hot and bothered so I'm nice and wet for that monster you keep in your pocket?" The playfulness returning to Drizzle's expression and voice.

"You are a water type, you're always wet."

Drizzle snuggled up closer to Devin's face.

"So true."

Drizzle made to move in on him again, and he had nowhere to go. He almost jumped out of the tub though when all of a sudden the bathroom door exploded inwards to show Rio and Abby.

"Ooh look, spectators."

Rio leapt from the door she destroyed right at Drizzle, her foot on fire. With little effort Drizzle did a graceful back flip and landed on the opposite side of the tub, the grin never leaving her face. Devin looked from Rio standing nimbly on the edge of the tub, to Drizzle sitting on the ground smiling up at Rio like nothing had happened.

"Back off bitch, your single-minded pursuit of Devin is getting tiring." Rio said glaring down at Drizzle.

Drizzle just shrugged as she got to her feet and seductively walked away with her hips swaying and her tail held high. She stopped right in front of Abby and looked back over her shoulder at Rio and Devin. Rio had not turned to face her.

"You know you're not much more than a one trick Ponyta yourself there little one. Both in your fighting and your pursuit of Devin."

Drizzle watched as Rio's back went rigid, and she clenched her fists at her side. Drizzle smirked to herself as she swayed past Abby who just looked at her indifferently. Once Drizzle was out of sight Abby made to enter the bathroom herself. However she caught Devin's eye and he just shook his head at her. So Abby just nodded and turned around herself leaving.

Rio was still standing on the edge of the tub, her eyes were closed and she was shaking in rage. Silently Devin sat up a little and reached out to Rio. She didn't even resist him as he lifted her into the water. With a little maneuvering he sat her on his stomach with her head resting on his upper chest and shoulder.

He could feel her hurt, and her anguish. It hurt him a lot as well. He felt the hot water do its job on her as well as pouring feelings of caring and love into their shared connection. He met little resistance as he felt her muscles unlock, and her trembles of rage changed to wracking sobs. Something needed to give between them, the tension was proving to be too much.

Devin reached out and grabbed a nearby pitcher. Filling it with water he gently poured the hot water over her head. He did this a few more times, each one washed away a little more of her hurt.

Quietly he started to bath her, working her shampoo into her soft fur. Rio arched her back into his gentle massaging fingers. Devin made his way up to her shoulders and worked on them washing the fur and relaxing the muscles.

Turning to face Devin, she took her own shampoo and started to wash her head and Dreadlocks. Devin started to wash her front, running a hand over her scar he could feel her heart beating. Again he took the pitcher in hand and gently poured water over her head. He continued to baptize her in the hot water and his feelings of love till all the sham poo was gone from her body.

Mutually leaning back into the tub the two just laid there. He really needed to talk to her and tell her how he felt, but the words just weren't forming right in his mouth. So instead he just wrapped his arms around her and started to hum her lullaby.

Not too much later Devin emerged from the bathroom carrying a sleeping Rio. Abby was waiting a respectful distance down the hall. Wordlessly she fell in step beside him as they continued to his room, where the rest of his girls were already asleep.

The Next Day

The day was pleasant, yet another beautiful day in the Hoenn region. The sun was out, the breeze was cool, the clouds were far and few in between. Yes life on the ranch was grand, and Blaze loved it. However he had his first taste of adventuring, and he liked that too. It was good to get out and see the world beyond Aunt Rose's Ranch.

Blaze brought the four-wheeler to a stop at the head of a row of pens. It was the morning feeding and his carts trailer was loaded to capacity with Poké-chow of every make, color, and nutritional value.

Stepping off he set the vehicle to run on auto piolet so that it would move forward when he did. He still could not thank Aunt Rose for upgrading the Ranch to support that feature. A few years ago they had renovated and added in miles of underground "track" cables so that Ranch vehicles could be moved around for convenience on their own. So like now Blaze had his Four-wheeler set to move forward when he did. He just walked beside it and ladled food into the various troth.

Blaze reached into the trailer and pulled out two five gallon buckets of Poké-chow that was varying shades of red. These he dumped in to the feed troth of the Ponyta, and Rapidash. He knew that these were very hot in taste and flavor, just the way that most fire types liked their food. He even pulled a few extra hot chilis out of his pocket and tossed them on to the food.

He continued down the line feeding the fire types and checking to their wellbeing. He ended up radioing in on a set of Arcanine that were mating. He knew that Rose would want to know this because these two in particular needed to be monitored for health reasons.

With that done he headed back to the feed barn to get the next set of food. When he pulled up he was surprised to see Amaya hanging around the feed barn. He tried not to let his excitement show as he pulled the Four-wheeler into the barn and started to load the next batch of food.

"Hey." Amaya said as she slowly approached him.

Again Blaze tried not to let his excitement show and she approached. "Hey."

Amaya watched as Blaze worked, loading up very specific buckets and containers. She watched as his uncovered back rippled with every heavy bucket he lifted and set in the trailer. When Blaze mounted his Four-wheeler again he sat forward on the seat, an open invitation if she had ever seen one. So Amaya jumped onto the seat right behind him and rested her hands on his waist for support and balance.

Together they set off in to the Ranch. Amaya had seen a few other Pokémon Ranches in her travels, but they were all small. Then again Rose Kuroakai's ranch had to be the biggest she had ever seen. Blaze had told her that it was because she supplied other ranches and Poké-centers as well as the usual raising and breeding of Pokémon.

It was broken into four parts. One part was where all the Pokémon were housed and roamed. That in and of its self was broken into areas for the different types and what not. The second part was where all the training and breeding took place. A very lively place. The third section was where all the crops were. And it was extensive with all the berries and grains that were grown. And the last part was simply called the facilities. From what she was to understand that is where a lot of research in to nutrition and breeding methods took place.

As they passed some of the crops Amaya couldn't help but marvel. Rose was a very smart women and had realized she could not tend to everything herself. So she rented out her agricultural areas. The various farmers and gardeners would give her a percent of their earnings and harvest. Rose for her part would make sure that the farmers would have absolutely everything that they needed from seeds to machinery. She would also always go to them first for any supplies that she needed. It was a very profitable business arrangement for everyone involved.

Blaze maneuvered the Four-wheeler off the main path and onto the side path that lead to the Normal types. Amaya was amazed at what she saw. Not only were most of the Normal types up, but they were already hard at work taking full advantage of each other and their surroundings.

"Wow Blaze, there sure is a lot of breeding going on here."

Blaze looked over his shoulder and found her looking around them with a cute little shy expression on her face. Blaze gave himself a privet chuckle and turned his attention back forward. He guessed he was just more used to seeing Pokémon mating than she was.

"Well hotness, it's the season, well one of them at any rate. Spring and fall, Arceus's seasons of love. That and this is a Pokémon Ranch. Granted a rather large Pokémon Ranch, but one still the same. So fornicating and battling Pokémon will always be abound."

Blaze pulled up along a pen of Tediursa and Ursaring. Jumping off he pulled a couple of different buckets. Checking their contents against a clipboard Blaze put one of the buckets back, pulled out another and added to it a generous helping of berries from another before finally dumping the contents into the feeding troth.

"And we need to be cautious too. Some of the Pokémon get rather territorial of their prospective mates. We also need to be on the lookout for unwelcome guests. With the overabundance of both male and female pheromones in the air it attracts countless outside suitors."

As if on cue a huge commotion could be heard from one of the pens further up the line. Blaze and Amaya jumped on the Four-wheeler and tore off up the path. It didn't take long to find the source. A group of Houndoom had found its way in by a group of female Smeargle that were in season.

The pack of Houndoom had the pour Smeargle pinned down in a corner, their excitement showing for everyone to see. They were so turned on and focused on their conquest of the terrified Smeargle that they never heard Blaze and Amaya come up behind them.

"Nugget "Double Kick", Flara "Tackle" Blaze yelled releasing his Combusken and Flareon.

"Vul use "Confuse Ray", and Bolt use "Spark" Amaya shouted at the same time.

The four Pokémon charged the pack of Houndoom easily dispatching the unsuspecting intruders. Blaze recalled his two Pokémon and started to make his way to the biggest of the Houndoom. He laid there grunting and growling, his broken horns and ill temper giving him away as one of the locals.

"Broken Horn, what am I going to do with you? Every season you show up and act like this is your personal harem."

The Houndoom glared at blaze and made a few threatening barks and growls.

"Now that was rather rude, Horn. I don't care if this was your packs lands, that was centuries..."

The Huge Houndoom that Blaze call Broken Horn suddenly sprang from the ground and lunged at Blaze. Amaya had not put her Pokémon away yet because she doubted the Houndoom was down.

"Bolt use "Spark" now!"

She had worked hard with her team since she got to the Rose's Ranch, she really had nothing better to do. Bolt had evolved last week, and was now a hansom Luxio much like his sister. His new stronger muscles propelled him forward at blinding speeds and he caught the Houndoom right in the side. He went down and stayed there eyeing each of them menacingly.

"See, now that is why I love her. Did you see that Horn, she never took her eye off you and put you right back in your place."

Blaze gave Amaya a sideways grin, and she looked away with a slight blush.

"Now back to the topic at hand. Did I not tell you that the next time I found you here that I was going to capture you and sink your ball to the bottom of the Muk pit?"

Broken Horn got back to his feet and continued to glare at the two of them.

"Now seeing as my friend here has left me in a very happy state I will not do that to you today. So collect your gang and go, before I change my mind."

With a mighty howl and one last threat The Houdoom's took off. Blaze grabbed a bucket from the Four-wheeler and went over to the terrified Smeargle. Crouching down he presented them with a warm smile and a heaping handful of sweet berries. Cautiously at first the Smeargle approached Blaze's outstretched hand. When they determined that there was no more danger around they happily surrounded Blaze and started to eat the berries and pant happy things on his exposed upper half.

When they were finished Blaze was covered from hair-line to waste in sunshine, rainbows and flowers. Amaya had all she could do to keep from laughing as he filled the troth and got back on the ATV.

"Well they seemed to really like you." Amaya remarked poking at one of the flowers on his back.

"I've known them since they hatched. They are quite the happy bunch when they aren't being hounded by hormone maddened outsiders."

Climbing back on to the ATV Blaze called in the attack before moving down the line to finish feeding the Normal types. The entire time talking, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Else Where On The Ranch

Zhen quietly wandered around the ranch as she had for the last three weeks. There was always something new to see, and exciting things to explore. Every day brought new wonders and fun. She could really get use to this place. It was a Poké-paradise. When Devin retires from his travels she knew that this place would be home and she was so excited for that. She had to see everything.

Zhen found herself at the far end of the Normal types area, the end closest to the grass lands when a peculiar noise caught her attention. Her ears perked in the general direction of a tree that was right on the edge of the property. Cautiously she made her way to the tree. The closer she got though the more her instincts told her to turn and run. Something bad was happening there, she just knew it. When she got closer to the tree she started to hear voices of Pokémon.

"Where did you find this group?" A distinctly male voice asked between huffs.

"In that pen close over there Boss." Another male voice replied in between grunts of his own.

"And there are plenty more over there to Boss, just ripe for the plucking." That one let out a satisfied moan after he was done talking.

It was then that the wind changed and Zhen's sensitive nose was filled with the scent of mating and blood. Her instincts screamed at her to run, but she couldn't she was paralyzed where she stood, her body refusing to work. Zhen finally understood what it was she had heard, it was the same sounds she herself had made not too long ago when ever Trevor had forced himself onto her. The sound of being in pain, being humiliated, and your body betraying your mind and will. All at once her brain took over and she knew what she had to do. She needed to find some help.

"Well what do we have here?" The male voice caught Zhen's attention and she suddenly found herself looking in to the ravenous faces of three large male Zangoose.

The excitement had not even left their bodies yet and they were already looking for their next piece of innocent ass. Zhen wanted to puke, but she knew she needed to run.

"Looks boys, they do have real women here." The biggest one said to the two behind him.

"I don't know boss, she looks used."

Zhen blushed fiercely, and looked down in shame. The three brutes laughed a hideous laugh at her. While she was looking down the three Zangoose surrounded her and started to poke her, and touch her. Zhen started to shy away and bumped into one of them.

"Where do you think you're going little one." The Boss had a malicious grin on his face as he ran Zhen's tail through his claws and sniffed it.

Zhen couldn't speak, her voice wasn't working. They took her silence as consent and continued. Zhen started to feel gross as they continued to rub up against her and maneuver her towards the tree.

As they rounded the tree Zhen's eye widened in horror. Laying huddled together were three Furrets. They were shuddering, sobbing and covered in blood. Upon seeing the three returning with Zhen they huddled closer together. Zhen was horrified and ran over to check on them. At first they thought she was with them. Zhen told them she was not and that they should flee as soon as they could. Zhen Turned back to the three Zangoose pigs that had brought her over here.

"You all pigs! Only pick on girls no fight back!"

They laughed at her even more.

"Who taught you how to talk little one? It doesn't matter, your mouth is going to be too full to speak any ways."

With a nod of his head the Boss sent the other two forth. Before Zhen could react they had her slammed violently up against the tree and her arms restrained. The Boss licked his lips as he approached Zhen, getting visibly harder with each step. He got face to face with Zhen upon reaching her. His foul breath reinforced Zhen's desire to puke.

"Are you ready little one, I'm about to make all your dreams come true."

Zhen struggled against her captors baring her fangs in the process.

"Know nothing Zhen's dreams. Zhen not afraid of you!" She spat at him.

Without warning or thought for her own safety Zhen lashed out her little leg and caught Boss squarely in his pride. The big Zangoose's eyes rolled up and he fell to his knees. Momentarily stunned the other two loosened their grips on her arms.

With a mighty down wards heave she slashed one arm down cutting that one open from chin to crotch. His insides spilled out at his buddy and Zhen's feet. The other one was so stunned by the sudden brutality that he didn't see or react to Zhen swinging her claws at him. He didn't have time to regret it either as Zhen's claw pierced through his under-jaw and up through his brain.

The Big Boss regained his senses to see what Zhen had done. She flashed him a wrath fill glare as she approached him. He tried to get back to his feet and move away from Zhen at the same time. He didn't get far as he bumped up against the three Furrets that had been at his mercy not too long ago.

"You nowhere run! They make sure that you no go."

The look Zhen had in her eye made the Boss try to run. However the Furrets quickly disabled his ability to escape as they bit into and tore out his Achilles tendon and his left shoulder.

"No kill me please. I'll leave and never come back."

No emotion registered on her face as she swung low at him. Boss had a brief hope that she had missed. It was very brief as his still erect member went sailing through the air. He opened his mouth to scream but before any sound could leave his mouth Zhen's razor sharp claws forced their way in and then out the back of his head. The Boss's body spasmed a few times and then finally went still.

With a shudder Zhen pulled her blood soaked claw from the dead Zangoose and started to walk away. She made it all of a few steps before she fell to her knees, all of her strength leaving her body in one big emotional rush. Zhen suddenly found herself rocking as she hugged herself. Her screams of anguish could be heard all the way up to the house.

A Shade Tree in the Training Area

The training area wasn't always a place of dogged training and endless combat. There was a need to rest, because rest was important to training as the hard work was. So there was areas designed for rest and sitting in one of these areas was Devin.

Devin sat underneath a large shad tree that was situated by a lovely pond. It was in fact the same pond that Drizzle had described the night before. At the moment he was just relaxing and enjoying the pleasant weather.

He wasn't the only one resting though. Laying in his lap, humming contentedly, was a very pregnant Eevee. Every once in a while her sides and belly would move showing just how close she was to mother hood once again. Her name was Flower and she was one of Devin's first and dearest Eevees.

Leaning up next to him was Mocha, she was wearing a very pretty pink sun dress. Her soft deep breathing gave her away as being deep asleep. Abby was curled up on his other side, like wise asleep. Curled up in front of him was a Umbreon. He was not asleep as every once in a while he would look over at Flower to make sure she was still doing okay.

A sudden movement caught Devin, Abby, and Pitch's attention. Running across the field was Rio with Zhen closely in tow. Pitch scooted a little closer to Flower before laying his head back down. Abby continued to look out at her approaching sisters.

"Zhen is covered in blood. This does not bode well."

Devin noticed as they got closer that Abby was right, there was an awful lot of extra red on Zhen then there should have been, and she looked like she was crying. Sitting up straighter Devin waited for Rio, and Zhen. It didn't take them long to finish their journey.

As they stood there panting from their mad flight Rio immediately started to eyeball Abby. Devin nudged Mocha a bit to wake her up. While he waited for her to regain some consciousness Devin gently lifted Flower out of his lap and placed her in front of Mocha. Flower turned a small circle and gingerly laid back down. Pitch got up and walked the two steps to Flower, licked her affectionately on the neck and cheek before curling up right next to her. With Mocha at least a little awake Devin stood up and pointed at the sleeping 'mon in front of her. With a silent nod of her head Mocha laid down in the grass curling protectively around the two.

Devin Walked over to Rio and Zhen looked them over. Rio looked panicky while Zhen looked like she was in shock. Picking Zhen up Devin started towards the pond, Rio and Abby in tow.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I was looking by the normal barns for mom so I could get some extra training in and all the sudden I heard Zhen screaming from clear over at the other end of the area. When I got to her she was balled up on the ground with that vacant look on her face."

Abby took a deep breath before she talked.

"The blood smells of both male and female pheromones, is she in season?"

Devin looked Zhen in the face.

"Zhen, baby, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. Are you in season Dear?"

Slowly Zhen shook her head. Devin had no way of knowing how old Zhen was. He had asked her once and she didn't even know. So he didn't even know if she was old enough to experience a heat or not. Or if her body had recovered enough from her prolonged abuse at Trevor's hands, all contributing factors.

Though upon a brief inspection without directly holding her tail up and looking, Devin noticed that the blood was everywhere but her lower body. Leaving him with one conclusion, she had been in a terrible fight. Reaching the water's edge Devin cursed himself, he needed his pack and it was back by the shade tree.

"Abby could you go grab my bag, I think I may have some travel toiletries in it."

Abby turned and trotted back to the tree without a word leaving Devin, Rio and Zhen alone. Gently Devin sat down in the shallows of the pond, thanking Acreus that he had decided to ware his shorts today. The cold water shocked Zhen back into reality and she instantly started making horse yelling sounds and clung wildly to Devin's chest. Abby returned to the pond with the pack and sat it at Rios feet.

"What am I supposed to do with it, Devin wanted it, you idiot."

Abby smiled her cocky smile at Rio as she sat back on her rump and lifted her front paws up to show them to Rio.

"No fingers dumb ass, I can't manipulate the zippers."

Rio just rolled her eyes as she started to rummage through the back pack and hand Devin what she thought he would need. Devin accepted each item and set to work cleaning the terrified Zangoose in his lap. There was an awful lot of blood.

"Zhen, baby what happened?"

Zhen still didn't respond she just turned her head to the side and laid her head on his chest. Devin worked the little amount of soap he had into her fur trying his best to get the blood off of her.

"Rio when you got to her what did you see?"

Rio had kept quiet till now, she knew to let Devin work and see if he could get Zhen to respond. But now that he had asked she had to tell him what she had seen.

"There were bodies Devin, three of them. It looked like Boss Zangoose and his two underlings. I don't know what they did to her but she tore them up."

Devin nodded his head and went back to the task of cleaning off Zhen. He proceeded with caution when he got to her chest and other front areas. He knew Boss Zangoose, and what his gang did at the ranch. If they had tried to force themselves on to her, he didn't want to further upset her. At first she cringed away from his touch.

"Zhen, baby, look at me."

Zhen turned her semi vacant gaze up to Devin's concerned face.

"I'm not going to hurt you honey, but I need to get the blood out or it will dry into your fur and we'll have to shave you again."

Zhen took several deep breathes and lifted her arms up above her head. Devin did as quick and thorough job as he could. When he was all done he rinsed her off and got out of the pond. Together they made their way back to the tree where he set her down near Mocha. Devin then took off his shirt and using the dry side dried her off as best he could. With that done he picked her back up to hold her close.

"You feeling better Zhen?"

Silently she nodded into his chest.

"Did they hurt you?"

She shook her head no.

"Tried to, forced Zhen to tree. Zhen fought back. They laugh. Zhen kick Boss in pride and kill bullies holding Zhen. He try run, but Furrets he raped stop him. I kill him too." Zhen spoke in a raspy voice that was still horse from screaming.

All at once she buried her face in Devin's chest and started crying.

"I kill, I no have to but I kill anyways. I terrible."

Devin rocked with her and comforted her as best he could.

"It's not your fault Dear. They attacked you and got exactly what they had coming to them."

"Zhen no want do bad things. Zhen good girl." She continued to cry.

"Oh honey you are a very good girl. No one is ever going to make you do anything you don't want to again. You were defending yourself, it's okay. It's okay."

Devin continued to rock her, whispering words of comfort and encouragement to her as he did so. Eventually she stopped crying she even managed to calm down. Soon she was all together asleep. Devin was about to address Rio and Abby about disposing of the bodies when both girls head shot in the same direction. Off in the distance Devin could just make out the shape of two people approaching.

Heaving a deep sigh he recognized them as clients by the way they kept looking about at everything. Devin laid Zhen down behind mocha and stood up. He made to retrieve his shirt but thought better of it when he saw how dirty it had become during Zhen's bathing and drying. Devin started to walk out to meet them, he didn't need them disturbing Flower, or any of the others for that matter.

Devin followed by Rio and Abby met the people about halfway between the shade tree. Before He could even introduce himself the people started to yell at him.

"We are the clients that placed the order with "The Order of Eon" for a batch of Eevee pups. We came to check on their status and it is a good thing we did." The man yelled at Devin.

Devin took a few deep breaths to calm himself, and waved a hand at Rio and Abby who were both growling. Looking back at the customers Devin put on as convincing of a smile as he could.

"Welcome to Kuroaki Ranch. I am Devin and yes I am the one that received the order from the order. But do tell me what it is that seems to have you so upset with the services we are providing, because if I am guessing right you will be receiving a full litter."

Not impressed with Devin's professional attitude the man got angrier.

"My problem is that the way that Umbreon is curling up next to the Eevee tells me he is the father, and we specifically said we did not want pups sired by an Umbreon."

Devin was really starting to lose his patience.

"The Order did not pass that instruction on to me, just that you wanted a full litter. Flower there, the mother, is my prize Eevee, she always has a full litter and do you know why that is?"

"No I do not." The man huffed.

"It is because Eevee are among the Pokémon that mate for life. She is happily mated to that Umbreon, and because she is happily mated to him they always have full strong litters. And before you can even think of asking your next arrogant question I can prove to you now both of their pure blood lines."

The man's face turned red at Devin's explanation. His anger showed as he started to spit and sputter in his outrage.

"You incolent little shit, I will be reporting you to the Order!"

"Go for it you stuck up ass! I'll tell them you said hi when I go to see them tomorrow." Devin laughed.

Turning about Devin started back to the shade tree leaving the customers to fume and yell where he had left them. He didn't care really, because when it came to breeding, the customer was seldom right.

"Do you think that was a wise idea Devin?" Abby asked

"I'm actually going to have to agree with Abby here, this might come back to bite you." Rio agreed.

Devin sat down by the tree again and pulled Rio into his lap.

"Let them raise a stink with the Order. I truly don't care."

Rio rested her head against Devin's chest as Abby curled up by his side. IT was such a beautiful afternoon, there was no need for it to be waisted.

Night Life

Blaze and Amaya were walking around the Compound still, checking on the Pokémon one last time for the night. Blaze was talking on and on about how he had ended up on the ranch. It was an interesting story to say the least. Amaya didn't know why but she had been growing closer to Blaze over the last three weeks. Things she had originally found annoying about him were now the highlights of her day.

"Hey Amaya, you still with me?" Blaze asked looking her right in the eye.

Amaya couldn't help but stair right into his eyes, and was instantly lost in them. She couldn't say when her annoyance with him had turned to admiration. Or for that fact, admiration to infatuation. It just had happened, and she was strangely comfortable with it.

"Well that takes care of the night rounds. So what do you want to do now?"

Amaya looked over at Blaze and noticed a large pile of hay. A wicked grin spread across her face as an idea hit her. With a sudden shove she sent Blaze toppling on to the pile of hay.

"Hey! What the..."

Blaze lost the rest of his sentence as Amaya laid down next to him, kissing him deeply. It took a few seconds for him to catch on, but when he did he wrapped his arms around her and started kissing her back.

"So what exactly is it that you have in mind?" Blaze asked giving his best lopsided grin.

"Shut up and kiss me again, and we'll see what happens." Amaya responded with her wicked grin.

"Yes Ma'am"

Blaze didn't need to be told twice and went back to kissing Amaya.

At the same time

"Thanks for coming with me Star, I really appreciate it." Devin said scratching Star behind the ear.

Star leaned into the affectionate gesture.

"I don't mind."

They walked around the compound for a bit. It may have seemed like pointless wondering to Star, but Devin knew where he was going. He was just taking the long way around.

"How are you liking the Ranch so far Dear?"

Star looked about for a bit.

"It is nice, I don't know why you would want to leave."

Devin just gave a shrug.

"I needed to get out and see the world. I needed to gain some experience so I would be a better breeder. Besides if I wouldn't have left I would have never found you or Zhen."

Star was about to respond when Devin turned into a door on the side of a large barn. Following him through the door she was greeted a sight of countless Eevee, and Eevee-lutions. Most were in various piles keeping each other warm. Devin greeted a bunch of them as they came up to him.

"Why are we here?"

Devin just smiled and grabbed a padded basket off a table and made his way to the back of the barn. Star followed Devin in deeper into the barn doing her best to ignore the lusty stares she was getting from a few of the Jolteons. She was about to ask why when her nose perked up. There was an intoxicating smell to the air and it was only getting stronger the closer they got to the back door.

When they went through that door Star suddenly understood. This was the area of the Eevee pen where the in season females were kept with their mates. Star looked around in open awe at all the loving couples that were snuggling together in separate pens. The scent was really starting to fog over her head when Devin suddenly stopped in his tracks. Absent mindedly Star walked right into Devin's leg.

"You okay Star?"

Star could only nod her head dumbly. Devin heaved a deep sigh and walked into the pen he had stopped in front of. Inside of it was Flower and Pitch. Once inside Devin made a hush gesture at Pitch to keep him calm. Gently he picked up the shivering Flower. He had figured it was getting too cold for her out here. Placing her in the basket he tucked a blanket around her and stood up holding the handle.

Devin decided it would probably be better to take Flower and Pitch out the back as to avoid any of the other Eevee-lutions that might be feeling a little territorial at the moment. It would not be pretty. Once outside Devin started to make his way back to the house. On his way there he noticed that the lights were still on in the hay shed. So he diverted course to shut them off.

As he got closer he became aware of an odd sound. It only got louder the closer he got the shed. It sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place it though. Walking behind some hay bales movement out of the corner of his eye made him stop and look in between the bales. What he saw almost made him drop the basket.

Lying in a pile of straw was Blaze and Amaya having sex. The sound he had heard was Amaya moaning. It was like watching a train wreck, he wanted to look away but he couldn't. He watched as Amaya rode Blaze somewhere half way between a rocking and bouncing motion. He watched as Blazes hands moved from Amayas smooth hips up to her bouncing tits. He took one in each hand and started to knead them.

Devin shook his head to clear, but it was just so hard to wrap his head around seeing his two friends having sex. As quietly as he could he snuck away, and made his way back to the house.

Meanwhile Amaya had increased her pace, with Blaze barely hanging on. It became too much for him and with a grunt he grasped Amaya's hips again and thrust as deep as he could before blowing his load. This in turn brought Amaya over as well. Together they stayed there frozen in their acts of ecstasy. Finally though Amaya's body relaxed and she slumped over on top of Blaze.

"That was Amazing." Blaze exclaimed still trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah it was. But I don't know what came over me. I'm not complaining but I only intended to make out with you, not go all the way." Amaya panted from her place still on top.

Blaze wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm before he spoke again.

"Tis the season. Love is quite literally in the air."

Amaya seemed to accept the answer because she didn't respond to it. Instead she snuggled in closer to Blaze.

"We should take this back to the house, and into my room." Blaze suggested.

Amaya just shrugged and got up.

Back at the House

Devin was still in shock over what he had seen as he silently slipped back into the house. It just simply blew his mind was all. He was honestly starting to think that the Pokémon mating season was messing with all the humans. As he made his way down the hall that lead to the second floor stares he happened across Aunt Roses room.

He heard voices coming from the partly open door, something that wasn't unusual. He would have just kept moving along had yet another movement out of the corner of his eye made him stop and look. There sitting on an ottoman foot stool was Lu, with all of her girly parts exposed to the world. And standing behind her was an equally naked Rose, who was gently messaging her mates breasts as Lu thrust her chest forward in to Rose's stimulating grip.

"What are we going to do about this Lu? Your heat should have ended two weeks ago."

Lu heaved a deep sigh. "I know Rose. I think I may actually need a male this time."

Rose continued her gentle exploration of her lovers body. Though she had explored her marvelous body a multitude of times she never got tired of it. One of her hands slipped from her very excited Lucario's breasts. Lu gave a little whimper of protest. Her body ached for release, and Rose was teasing her.

She almost came unglued when Rose all the sudden started to playfully nibble at her ear and lightly run her finger tips down her ribs. Rose made a mental note to talk to Lu about eating more she could feel her ribs a little more than usual. She continued her exploration with zeal.

Rose temporarily abandoned her over the shoulder administrations of affection for an under the arm one. This allowed Rose to continue to stimulate her partner and move lower on her body. Rose stopped nibbling Lu ear and moved to her delicate neck where she alternated between gentle kisses, light licks, and teasing bites. It drove Lu absolutely crazy.

In her fevered state she thought she felt something, like someone watching them. Frantically her eyes darted around the room. Roses free hand moved from her sides to her stomach. The sensation of her lovers hand moving made Lu moan lustily and lean forward a little. That's when she saw it. The door was open about an inch and standing on the other side was Devin. He knew he had been spotted too and made to flee. Her desire fogged brain acted on its own. She may not have the emotional bond with him that Rio did, but she could still project her feelings.

...Don't go...

It wasn't actual words in his brain, but a strong, overly compelling sensation at the back of his head. He shook his head to clear it, he knew he had been spotted and it was wrong to be watching.

...please don't go...

Devin set the basket he had been carrying aside and continued to watch. He watched as His Aunts hand slid from Lu's scrunched up stomach and started to migrate south. Devin decided that Lu was looking a little skinny.

He watched as his Aunts hand slid down over Lu's lower abdomen and obediently Lu spread her legs. Maybe a little wider then need be, but who was paying attention. Devin, that's who. He couldn't help but notice how puffy her outer lips were or how painfully engorged she was. Devin was going to look away but again that powerful compulsion was right there.

...don't look away...keep watching...

Devin's was on his knees, his eyes were glued to Lu's visibly sopping crotch. With no resistance at all two of his Aunts fingers disappeared into her lovers depths. Lu moaned out loud as Rose did her best to satisfy her. But her eyes were fixated on the growing bulge in Devin's pants. On impulse Devin looked up into Lu's eyes and was almost shocked at to see that Lu's eyes had never left him and that she was eyeing him with a mixture of pure lust and absolute hunger. He couldn't help but get turned on by the site.

...take it out... ...show it off... ...no one can see you...

...you know that is a lie...

Lu's eyes temporarily flashed with surprise at Devin's response message. Fear temporarily filled both of them as Rose suddenly stopped and moved from out behind Lu. Lu once again whimpered at the sudden lack of stimulation. Devin started to panic, he was about to get caught. Instead Rose came to a stop in front of Lu and kissed her deeply. All three of them sighed deeply at the same time. Devin twice as much, for not only had he not been caught but Rose was not completely nude, she was still wearing panties.

Completely oblivious to everything but her lover Rose once again made her journey over Lu's body. The heavy lusty fog quickly returned to Lu's head. The hunger in her eyes was back too as she let out a lewd moan once Rose's mouth started on her nether lips. Lu still had enough senses to continue to implement her own plans and desires.

...show it to me male... ...I want to see it...

Devin felt compelled to give her what she wanted, but decided that he wasn't going to give it to her that easily. He could play games too.

...ask nicely...

...please male I want to see it... ...I need to see it...

...how badly...

Lu let out a long whining moan. Her eyes didn't lose their hunger, but instead also took on a look of desperate pleading.


That last one was so long and pleading it felt like she had yelled in his brain. Devin decided to give her what she wants, maybe it would help finally break her heat and she would be able to focus enough to take care of herself. Devin quickly undid his shorts and slippedd them down enough that he could bring his little man out for her. Lu purred directly into his brain at the sight of his tool.

...so beautiful... ...touch it... ...play with it...

Devin arched an eye brow at her and was about to put it away.

...no please don't tease me like that... ...please satisfy yourself for me...

...was that so hard...

Lu gave a less then threatening growl which Rose interpreted as a cue to go harder and faster. Devin decided that he would be nice and proceeded to satisfy himself as Lu had asked to the pace Aunt Rose was setting to satisfy her lover. At such a hectic pace neither one of them lasted very long. With a shuddering moan Lu covered her lovers face in her love juices.

"For Arecus sake Lu did you have to cum so hard."

"I couldn't help myself lover, you were just so damn good."

"You owe me, and I think you need to pay up."

Lu leaned forward and kissed her lover deeply. As she stood and helped Rose to her feet she shot Devin a look over roses shoulder.

...we are not finished male...

The hunger was stronger than ever in her stare as she turned and led Rose to bed to settle her debt. Devin just hung his head and fished his shorts back up. He didn't even bother to clean up his mess, he knew Drizzle was around some were waiting to make his life even more difficult. Quickly and quietly he made his way to his room.

He was right too. She had seen the entire display. Drizzle swayed up to the puddle of essence-de-Devin and proceeded to clean it up. When she was finished she cleaned her paw and started towards her bed.

"Tasty, next time it'll be fresh from the source."

With a privet smile Drizzle continued on her way.

Wicked Games Bad Girls Play

**Wicked Games Bad Girls Play** July 2010 "Bring the Heat" Contest _Disclaimer: All Pokémon, and publicly recognized characters belong to Nintendo Everything else is mine._ Paul came half-awake to the feeling of something warm on his junk. He had...


Pokemon: Legends Ch 7 Abby Pt.3 Out of the Void

**Ch.7 Abby Pt.3 Out of the Void** Terror, that's what Mocha was feeling, absolute terror. She had never been one for fighting when she had been wild. Truth be told she had no talent for it unless Devin was calling the shots. Yet here she was with...

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Pokemon: Legends Ch.6 Abby Pt.2 Into the Darkness

**Ch.6 Abby Pt.2 In To The Darkness** The cold metal cuffs that held Devin suspended from an unseen rafter bit into his wrists. He didn't know how many times he had hung here like he was now. He couldn't even recall how long he had hung here....

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