The Silver Lining-Part 4

Story by Karafox on SoFurry

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#4 of The Silver Lining

At the peak of the slopes, Enzo stood there overlooking the landscape, watching for signs of foul weather. Though it was just as clear as it was earlier, and the hour before that. This was part of the reason Enzo detested his job. It was very routine, that is when nothing was happening. He had most of his men out scouring the hill side, but to no avail. He sat down for a moment and looked off at where there was a small cloud of smoke coming from a distant chimney many miles away. "The only thing that has been normal all day today...and ever since that damn place was built..." He paused mid sentence and smiles.

He stood up as he his face lit up. He grabs for his radio and brings it to his muzzle. He clicks it on as he says. "Calling out to a unit within one mile of the chimney smoke, can someone please give that place a visit. Maybe out friend saw that that one night. It's worth a shot. Over." He said before releasing the button waiting for a response.

"Hunt leader, this is team alpha beta, we read you and are on our way. We are approximately half a mile out. Over." A team responded.

Enzo grinned as he responded. "Copy that. Over."

He looked out over the mountain as he put on his gear again, heading down to the lodge. Enzo moved down when he saw a young ferret, being around the age of fourteen, on the side of one of the toughest runs. Seeing this he maneuvered over to the child.

"Hey there little buddy. What are you doing here?" He spoke softly to the small child. "This run is a bit advanced for a little guy like you."

The ferret turned to the larger mouse. His nose was running a bit and he w as very clearly unhappy. "M-my big brother took me down here and...I couldn't do it..." He muttered and looked away to the opposite side, "So he left..."

Being rather shocked that any members of the lodge would do something like this, he dismounted his snowmobile and turned it off. "Hey, look at me, I don't know who your older brother is but I will assure you he will get what he deserves. Leaving a small child like you up here is unacceptable." He said firmly before crouching down next to him, "Let's take off your gear and get you down to where it's safe."

The small ferret boy hesitated not wanting to remove his gear. Enzo saw this and wrapped and arm around the boy and held him. "It's okay if you just let it fall off. Staff, or myself can come up here and get it later." Eased Enzo, trying to help the kid gain some bravado.

Still rather unnerved the ferret moved a shaky paw down to remove the first strap form is foot. Enzo squeezed the boy close to let him know he had him. Still shaking the boy worked at the second and final strap, however he was unable to quite get it. Enzo reached down moving his foot to grip better on the steep hill. He grabbed the strap and lifted it, effectively releasing it

The small child smiled as his feet were free. The board harmlessly slid off into the trees and found its resting place. "Feeling better now kiddo?" Enzo asked him.

The ferret simply nodded a few times, before looking at the snowmobile. "A-am I going to ride it..." He meekly asked.

Enzo smiled as he replied yes, and picked the boy up. He moved over watching his footing before setting him down on the back of the snowmobile. After making sure the boy was safely on the seat he got on and looked down the hill. He looked back and gave the boy a serious look. "You need to hold on nice and tight okay?" He said to the boy. He simply just bear hugged the mouse and pushed his face into his back. "Okay, here we go." He then started the engine on it and crawled down the slope.

After about ten minutes they arrived at the bottom. They pulled over to the station and the kid hopped off and stood there, still shaking a bit, though not nearly as much as he was earlier.

Enzo lead him into his station where he had the young boy sit down in a chair. "Wait here a moment." He said as he stepped out of the office.

He grabbed his radio and said. "Team Alpha Beta, what is the news on that house? Over."

After a few moments he received a reply. "This is Alpha Beta, we report there is no one at the house. The smoke is lessening too. However, there are fresh prints in the snow. Advise further instructions. Over."

Enzo place his thumb and fore finger on the bridge of his nose and sighed before responding. "Keep looking, two hours prior to sunset head home. This is the final run, so cover as much as you can. Over." He said and placed the radio back at his hip and stepped inside the office to see a larger ferret, assumed to be the older brother, scolding his brother.

"Excuse me sir. Hand over your lift pass. Your pass is hereby permanently revoked." He said bluntly, not baring a grin, nor frown.

The larger ferret turned around and stares at Enzo. "Who the fuck are you?! Can you not see I am busy? Fucking mice." He said before looking back at his younger sibling.

Enzo grabbed the ferret's collar and jerked it, having him facing the mouse. "You look here. You endangered the life of this young boy. I can't, no will not tolerate such behavior. All it would have taken is him to fall down a tiny bit, then he would have fallen, breaking many bones, and possible harming other riders. So you best get out of this office after setting your fucking lift pass on the counter because I swear I am using every bit of sense I can to not, slam a few stables into various parts of your body." He hissed at the ferret.

The ferret grumbled something under his voice then tore the pass off his outfit and threw it onto the desk. He then grabbed the boys paw and was getting ready to yank it. "come on bro, we're going home." He muttered.

The boy whined. "But we still have two days left! And mom said we aren't going home until then!"

Enzo then grabbed the older ones paw and squeezed. "Well that is fine, we have fine instructors who will, properly, teach this boy how to board out there. And I can get you one for free for the next two days." He mentioned as the older ferrets paw released his siblings.

"Dude, seriously? What fucking ever, little crap ain't worth it." He said as he shook his head. "I'll see you later dick." He shot as his brother. "Done with you for now."

The older one left the room and slammed the door shut. "You okay there kiddo." He asked him.

"Yeah...and my name is Andrew." Andrew mentioned and looked at him. "Thanks a lot for helping me." He mumbled as he looked at the mouse.

"Anything for a kid like you." He said as he got on the phone calling over to the only instructor that was currently on duty. "Hey. Yeah, it's me Enzo. Good, hey can you head over to my office. I have a kid who could use a few lessons. Yeah, I got him covered." He said before hanging up. "He'll be right over."

The small ferret nodded as he grabbed a small snow globe and started to examine it. Enzo just about jumped out of his fur as he saw the kid pick it up. "Whoa! How about you put that down? I don't let anyone touch that." He said as he scurried over and set it down on the shelf. The boy looked away and sighed. "Hey, calm down kiddo, you didn't know, and it's something very dear to me." He explained.

After a few awkward moments the instructor showed up, and the boy was taken over to the slopes to begin his lessons. Enzo just sat down and rubbed his eyes. "Why the hell did he do this, damn those canines! Damn him..." He shouted to himself as he looked at the globe.


Alex dashed along the road carrying Kara. His friend had just fallen, probably from an internal injury and he did not know what to do. His only thought was to get to that ski resort the two were heading towards. He didn't know how he would make it but he knew he would. His new found companion depended on it.

While he ran down the road he breathed in deep long breathes taking in the icy air that surrounded him. He followed the road closely as he ran, dashing onward. His legs where hurting and his throat was becoming cold from the wind but he ignored it, only focusing on the task at hand.

Kara lay limp across his shoulder breathing very lightly, almost unnoticeable while Alex was noticing. Even though he was breathing, it sounded like it was forced almost. His health was getting more and more critical by the minute. Time was ticking and he has a few miles to go. He doubted himself as the pain in his legs became over whelming, the soft beat of the fox's heart no longer being enough to drive him on ward.

Lacking the energy to run on in the cold Alex slowed to jog, and then to a brisk walking speed. "Fox...I am so sorry!" He muttered, unable to go any faster.

After walking a few more minutes the cold conditions started to affect Alex, leaving him more tired than before, making it next to impossible to walk any further.

Alex stopped and fell to his knees. He was done; there was no more he could do to save Kara or himself now. Knowing this he laid Kara on the ground and used a CPR that was taught to him in hopes to push out blood from Kara's lungs. "Anything to help..."

A bit of blood was spit out but not enough, even then the bleeding may not have been in the lungs. Feeling as if he was doing more harm than good so he stopped, crying softly as he hugged Kara.

Though almost as if a godsend, a car sure enough showed up over the incline of the road. Seeing this he mustered up what energy he could and stood in the middle of the road and waved his arms, flagging them down for help.

The car slowed to a stop and the driver of the car, a young female raccoon, stuck her head out of the driver side window and shouted. "What the hell are you doing in the middle of the street? Let alone being way out here?!"

"Please, my friend here is dying! He was in a horrible accident and we could only walk to the lodge! All we need is a ride to the lodge, please be kind enough to do so." Alex pleaded as he pointed at Kara.

The raccoon quickly unlocked the doors of the vehicle and hopped out of the car and breathed out. "Oh my! Well let me help you get him in the car!"

Alex nodded and moved behind Kara's head and placed his paws under the fox's shoulders, looking up at the Raccoon and asked. "Ready?"

She nodded as she grabbed his legs and lifted carefully. Alex stumbled a bit as he moves up into the car after moving Kara carefully. The raccoon lifted his legs and laid them inside the car and closed the door quickly running over to the driver's side to get in. "Hold on, I am going to floor it." The raccoon said before stomping on the gas pedal, driving the injured fox, and his worried friend off to the lodge.

After less than three minutes time the three found themselves squealing into the parking lot of the lodge. The raccoon stopped the car right in front of the medical facility emergency entrance. After doing so both she and Alex hopped out of the car, Alex running into the facility getting one of the on duty nurses. The raccoon opened the door waiting for the Alex.

A nurse and Alex busted through the doors to the facility and quickly went over to the car. As quickly as the nurse could, she put a neck brace for Kara's neck. After securing the neck brace she grabbed his head and shoulders and looked at Alex. "Grab his legs and get him on the gurney."

Alex nodded and held Kara's legs up softly while moving in time with the nurse, safely moving him onto the gurney and securing him to it for safe transport. The nurse carefully placed a paw under his head, moving the fox's head up slowly, as she slipped a neck brace under his neck with her other paw. After the neck brace was in place she let his head down and wrapped the brace around and kept it there. Once this vital task was complete she began to move the limp fox to the medical facility, with Alex following in her wake.

Whilst following his new friend he noticed the contorted faces of some of the attending snowboarders here. His past that he meant to run from was back. And now was not the time for this to happen.

The nurse slowed as he brought him into the IC room and the on staff doctor quickly began to look over the fox. Alex stepped in and the nurse went to say something but Alex spoke before. "He had a minor concussion, and a possible minor fracture to the ribs. Suspected cause of his current state is do to internal bleeding from opened wounds. The bleeding judging from his recollection of the fall is most likely in the abdominal area. Judging by the fact that he is still alive its safe to say it has slowed but still needs careful suturing. Other than that he has a few sprained joints, his arm was out of socket and his neck showed little signs of trauma."

The doctor blinked then shooed the wolf away. "Please don't waste my time. Go."

Alex huffed and stated. "Both of my parents are Harvard graduates and are world renounced surgeons. From age eight they have been training me. So pardon me." He finished before leaving the room and pressing his back to the wall, sliding down as he sighed. "Damn you fox. You've gotten into my head."


Off on the slopes, Enzo was watching the skiers. Specifically he was looking for people who could end up endangering others with reckless behavior. So far the day had been quite and no one was doing anything stupid or ridiculous.

Becca ran through the halls not stopping for anyone or anything. News had arrived of questionable wolf that brought a young male fox to the IC area where the surgeon, who was medically certified to work in the facility out at the lodge, was beginning work on the fox. On her way she ducked and weaved and vaulted over anything that was in her path. She even managed to knock over a man who was proposing to a young surprised woman.

Arriving in under a few minutes she stopped at the door and looked at the nurse, catching her breathe before asking, "I need to see the fox. He has no family or relatives. I am the closest person he knows as far as I am aware."

The nurse sighed and shook her head. "Sorry, you'll have to wait till the surgery is over, we don't have any windows to look into that you are permitted to near."

Becca tries to put out a rebuttal or an excuse, however she just sighed and looks around. She rested against the wall and noticed a wolf of whom people had spoken of. Her initial response was not of gratitude, but of anger. "You!" She wallowed as she ran up and grabbed him by his messy clothes. "You did this you bastard!"

"What?! This is not my fault you crazy bitch!" Alex shouted as he yelped.

"You did this; you probably snagged him from that trail!" She screamed at him tears welling in her eyes. She didn't really know why she was yelling, but she felt that was the only way to handle this.

"Hey he is the one who dropped his skull on my doorstep and fainted. As far I see it the odds say he should have died from what I say. Technically he was in a coma for at most ten hours. Don't you blame this on me. I saved his fluffy ass!" Alex retorted, shoving Alex off of her. "Now get your paws off me. God damn women."

Becca blinked, and stares at him and hooked his muzzle with a hard blow from the fist and growled. "Sexist bastard. Get the fuck out of here."

Alex hit the ground hard as every stared and one of the ski patrol that was on his break quickly grabbed Becca and barked. "Violence will not be condoned." Becca just shook the patrol officer off and rolled her eyes giving a response or understanding.

"Don't at least deserve thanks. I only saved your little boyfriends life." Alex asked as he wiped the blood from his muzzle.

"You will only get that when I see him walking. And.....he's not my boyfriend..." Becca said with a bit of unease at the end.

Alex looked at her oddly but then just shook her response off as nothing. "Fair enough."

After about an hour the rest of Kara's friends had arrived every one wondering what the nurse was going to report. By the time the nurse came out and looked at the two of the wolves and the small group that gathered to hear about the fox, she was finally ready to giver he report to them. Becca looked at her almost as if she was about break down in tears. "Is he...alright?"

The nurse sighed and looked at her. "He had two fractured ribs and ruptured a few minor blood vessels that were just big enough to knock him out before it stopped. His head was battered. His chest bruised far worse than I had ever seen before. And his one of his neck vertebrae was broken in a way that was too close to comfort from causing complete immobility."

Becca's eyes started to tear up, a tear falling from her cheek as Oz hugged her caringly. "Ma'am I know my friend here won't say it, and I am sure everyone here would agree. Just cut to the chase. Will he live or die."

The nurse gave a soft chuckle. "He will live. He is tired and battered but he is one hell of a lucky fox. Had he not gotten the treatment he received from this wolf here he surely would have died."

Every one gave a loud cheer of rejoice and happiness. Most of the group soon dispatched but Kara's friends remained along with his new friend Alex who was quick to ask. "Can we see him?"

The nurse nodded, and the group moved toward the door, though they were cut off by the nurse. "Only the two wolves may enter. Once they leave then two more may go in. That is out policy here with: two at a time."

The three other groaned as they sat in the chairs and watched the two wolves enter. Becca ran up and looked at Kara who was looking around. "K-Kara!"

Kara blinked and looked at the figure and tilted his head. "Becca?"

Becca just nodded and held the weak fox's paw. "Yeah buddy, you're safe again. Everyone is waiting to see you but we can only see you two at a time."

"Can I see Alex too? Is he still here..." Kara said as he looked around.

Becca was a bit puzzled at the attachment that h had showed for this stranger. However she did realize he owed his life to him. "I am here. And your new story hasn't ended yet. There is still much more for you to write. And with your new plot twist you can continue on that line."

Dumfounded, she watched them Kara laughed a bit. "Right, the ending is here. I mustn't throw away all of it. There'll be an ending but it will be much farther away."

Sam noticed that the two seemed to have some inner joke going and smiled. "How are you feeling buddy? We were all worried sick. That and you owe me few meals. But given your state you only have to pay for half of what I already had too. A deal's a deal!"

Alex stared at her and spoke. "What cou-"

Kara grabbed Alex's paw. "Down! She is right. And I never finished! So those meals don't count! And if you are feeling generous I will be more than happy to race you again. This time from the very top!"

Sam blinked and gasped. "Sly little fox! But I think I will forfeit and get you that lobster."

Kara laughed and sat up a bit. "Nope, I forfeit too!"

Sam sighed and nodded. "Fine!"

Alex blinked and clearly saw why she acted the way she did. The two were clearly very strong friends. "Hey Sam I am sorry about earlier in the hall. I should have said what I said."

Sam hugged Alex heaved a sigh. "No. I am the one who owes and apology here. You saved my greatest friend and I bullied you and hit you. I was out of line and thank you so much for saving him."

Alex nodded and smiled. "It doesn't really need an apology. But you're welcome."

Just as they exited the hug a third fur entered the room. It was the head patrol, Enzo. "Hey, I see he's all better now." He said as he walked up to the bed.

Alex was very quick to look Kara hiding his face from the Mouse. "Yup. All safe and sound to my dear friend here."

Enzo placed a paw on the wolf's shoulder and smiled. "Sir thank you so much for saving this one. The ski patrol extends its gratitude and thanks for helping a dying soul live."

Alex's tail was no longer wagging but it was below his him tucked away as he gulped. Becca noticed this and blinks. "Alex...are you okay?"

Enzo froze and slowly turned his head to the wolf that he recognized. "Alex? The wolf? Hold on." He commented as he went and closed the door and told the nurse he needed to privately speak with the three. "Now you are the one and only Alex. The one who I clearly made know that he was never welcomed here. EVER!"

Sam and Kara stood there and watched the two. "Alex?"

"Now you better have a damn good reason to be here or I will personally see to it that you will be thrown out and have your face added to the wall of those who are not allowed on the premises ever again." Enzo said in a hushed anger tone. "After what you did to me and my mate I cannot believe you would have the nerve to ever show up again!"

Kara blinked and remembered that the Alex said he went to the lodge at all. "Is this the reason you didn't ever go her?"

"Well...look Enzo you have to put this behind you. And listen to me for once. Let me explain what happened." Alex pleaded.

"Tell me why I should let you stay and I will let you say. If not I will boot you out of here." Enzo said getting closer to Alex his tail whipping around as he clenched his fist. "Hell you and your crooked mate stealing self could die! Maybe I'll just toss you out of that window! Give me your plea."

"" Alex stalled trying to think of a reasonable excuse that would stop the mouse from booting his sorry ass out of there. He then looked at Kara and blushed a deep red. "I know you won't believe it but...well..."

"Spit it out you failure of a medic canine." Enzo hastened.

Kara looked at him and stared with wide eyes realizing what Alex was about to say he tried to stop him but it was too late as Alex mumbled out "He's my boyfriend. And that is closer to him than any one you will find from what he tells me."

Enzo laughed as Becca's jaw dropped and looked at Kara and then at Alex. Kara was blushing so much that his ears were uncomfortably warm. "What rubbish. But if this is true then I shall hear your 'truth' to how you sabotaged me and my old boyfriend. Kara, are you willfully in a relationship with him in the manner he speaks?"

Sam just sat down in a chair as he took in a deep breathe and looked at Kara who nodded and held the blanket up to hide his muzzle and swiveled his ears back. "Yes..."

"Well. Have your go." Enzo said with disgust clear in his tone.

"Well I will begin at the essentials for these two. You and that panther of yours started dating finally after knowing him for however many years you have. You two were such a cute couple. I must admit I felt a pang of jealousy as I saw you two together in private kissing and that jazz," Alex started. "You two were together for at least a year so far, and only once or twice did you argue but you always worked it out.

"Soon you gained the promotion to where you are now. He was uncomforted by this. He never showed it to you but I heard him in the lounge. He wanted what you had but would never take it by brute means. He knew what that position meant to you. Eventually he took to hitting on people at his level of work, namely me. I didn't want or like the attention. I knew he was yours."

"Oh so now it was his fault. He would nev-" Enzo was cut off by Becca who gave him a look.

"Shhh, story time!" She said with a serious face, though a bit of a giggle could have been traced."

"Okay....thanks," Alex said as he continued, "Anyway he was flirting with me. Then one night you two got in a fight. He came over to me again and I sighed. He said that you two broke up and he needed someone to help him, and of course it had to be me. Feeling bad I agreed, I had no intention of sex. He took me to his room and we talked about what happened and he seemed pretty shaken up. Apparently you gave him some orders I figured he felt shouldn't have gotten and he confronted you. You said something about how it was everyone's duty and being his boyfriend didn't change that. Some how he got into my pants and then well you know the rest."

Enzo just blinks. "How did...he...said we broke up? He told me to meet him in his room that night to patch things up. So he...No! You have to be lying. He is no like that!"

Alex took a daring move and hugged Enzo. "Why would I lie? What do I gain at this point? I can't come back here because of that damn cat. I was given looks that stung."

Enzo growled. "I don't know. too much. You can stay with your new boyfriend. You screw him over I will personally see to it that your dead."

Alex nodded as he watched Enzo hustle out of the room frustrated and flustered. He sighed and held Kara's paw and sighed. "Sorry I did that to you...I didn't know if you'd follow me with that. I just...I had fences that required mending."

Kara stayed partially hidden under the blanket and continued to blush as Becca asked the wolf, "So he is gay...and you are too. And you and Kara are friends on levels that seem borderline romantic?"

Alex looked at her and nodded. "Yes, yes and not sure how to answer that."

Kara took a deep breath as he stared at Alex. " you think that maybe you could be my boyfriend...I mean I really like you's just a...another stupid idea."

In disbelief the wolf jumped and gawked at Kara. "Are you...serious?"

Kara sat there for a moment and looked at Becca and blushed a vibrant red. Becca was just idly watching them and smiling. Slowly Kara emerged from his blanket to hold out both paws and arms to the wolf. "I have rarely ever been this serious." Upon hearing this Alex quickly hugged the fox, careful not to take his iv out.

Though, outside the room the nurse had a change of heart just as the two finished hugging. She told the three friends to go in and see the fox. Becca sighed, and hit the male wolf and shook her head, not noticing the two entering the room. "Kiss him you twit."

The wolf gasped and glared at Becca then made his move leaning in, meeting the fox with a deep kiss. Just in time for the otter and tiger to see their lips meet in a passionate kiss. The two just dropped their jaws and let out a sound of shock, drawing the attention of Kara and Alex. Locking they're stares at one another.

The Silver Lining-Part 5

Well after many months of putting it off, and not having any inpiration I FINALLY finished it. Its about time right? Well here ya go. Basic BS warning, if oyu hate gay romance leave now. If fighting gives oyu nightmares best just hit that back button,...

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Shallow Waters

Basic warning, don't be under 18 if you read this or don't like gay yiffy stories. Also a Dhole is a Indian wild dog, or a red dog. Here's a wiki page []( As for the...

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The Silver Lining-Part 3

Okay here is part 3, still is clean, so yeah, if you have issues with gays and what not don't read this! Also you should read this if your under 18 well cuz this is Yiffstar and its for adults only so get lost you minor. Also thanks to my editor...

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