Toni's Diary Entry #7 - The Universe vs. the Six-Inch Monster

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#7 of Toni's Diary


Welcome back to my diary everyone. Another visit into the weirdness that is my life. Today I have a bit of a treat for you. This story is 100% FAKE. Not that it didn't happen, but it only happened in my mind because this is the story of the worst nightmare I've ever had in my entire life. It's so bad, that I had this particular nightmare back in high school, six or seven years ago, and I still remember everything about it to this day. It gives me the fucking chills just thinking about it.

I've never really been able to handle nightmares that well. Anytime I have one, I immediately wake up in a gasping panic. Have any of you had a terrible nightmare that you still recall today? Let me know; I'm interested to hear it.

As usual, if this story gets 100 views before next Wednesday (May 26th), I'll have another story up and ready to go. Otherwise, it'll be two weeks before I post anything (June 2nd). The thumbnail for this story is by @CapGrolarBear. He makes a lot of awesome art; go check out his Twitter and FurAffinity pages, as well as his twitch streams. I highly recommend you check him out, he's a great person to work with.

And with that being said, here's the tale...

There was a nightmare back in high school that was particularly bad. It comes in three different parts. The first part is eerie. The second part is downright horrifying and gruesome. The third part is hopeful, yet pessimistic.

Part 1 begins on a wheat farm. I'm inside my house, relaxing after a long, rough day. It was the evening, so the sun was going down, and it was getting close to me having to go to bed. As I'm lying down on my couch, I hear a rumbling sound coming from outside. So, naturally, I get up and go outside to see what it was.

From the view I was at, if you're standing on the front porch of this house, directly in front of you was a large wheat field that spanned a long way to the left and to the right. Now, the wheat was tall, but short enough as to where you can see the many rows of wheat grass behind the front. I stepped off my porch, thinking that the sound was coming from the wheat field.

As I did so, some eerie whispering came from seemingly nowhere. If anyone has seen the TV Show Lost, or the trailer for The Grudge 2, you'd know exactly what this whispering sounds like. It was soft to the point where I couldn't make out any words. They felt almost like a warning.

The wind started to pick up, the sky getting darker, too quickly. I look straight in front of me, and I notice that the back row of wheat is topping over towards me. It doesn't register in my mind yet that something is getting closer, but it is. The rumbling sound gets louder, and more rows of grass are pushed over towards the house. Imagine if you set up rows of dominos and they were toppling forward all at once. Now, it couldn't be a tractor doing this, because the entire row of wheat goes down at once before the next once. Tractors don't do that, so this wasn't a person causing this.

That detail was what scared me enough to run back towards the house.

I did not even look behind me. I got through my house and slammed the door shut behind me just as the last row of wheat fell over. Luckily, whatever it was didn't try to get inside the house, but I'm standing there, panting, wondering what the fuck was going on.

Then the scene fades.

Part 2 takes us to a place no one would've ever expected: the moon. Pretend that you're on a NASA spaceship, and you're looking directly at the moon. It's just a moon, right? A large grey mass that reflects the sunlight; nothing dangerous about it, right? There isn't, but there's something behind the moon that nobody saw coming.

As the view orbits around the moon, something comes out from behind it. A small, silver orb with a red triangle on it. It wasn't very big; it couldn't be bigger than the size of a car. I don't believe this view was from my POV specifically, but I didn't feel threatened as I was watching this mysterious orb floating through space.

Nothing happened for a moment, but then the orb flickers on. A red beam of light comes from the triangle on its surface and it shines directly onto earth. I've seen enough movies to know that usually a red beam equals instant death and destruction and that the earth might explode upon impact, right? Wrong; nothing happened from this view. The light beam moved across the earth, around Japan, seeming to cause no damage. If you imagine turning on a flashlight and moving the beam across a beach ball, that's what this looked like. The whole thing only took ten seconds, and then the beam of light shut off.

But that's not scary, some of you are probably thinking. It's just a light, what's so terrifying about that?


It's what happened on the ground that's scary.

This triangular beam mostly went over Japan, and it only took ten seconds to pass over it and disappear. However, those ten seconds were all it took.

Imagine a crowded intersection. People trying to cross the street, some trying to drive to work, others coming in and out of buildings, shops, or maybe people trying to relax at a nearby park. Or maybe some are out for a nice stroll. As that beam of light passes through the country, the sky lights up dark red. And the second someone is engulfed in that light, the screaming begins.

Those engulfed immediately start trying to kill the people around them with anything they can get ahold of: their pocket knives, their cars, even beating people to death to save time looking for a weapon. Blood quickly fills the streets, and even inside the buildings. Shouting can be heard from everybody as the bodies quickly pile all over the country. Even the people that were dying were screaming and flailing, trying their hardest to kill anyone until they were dead themselves.

But remember, the light was moving as this was happening. When those ten seconds passed and the red sky was clearing, everybody stopped moving once they were out of the red light. The scene that they all saw was horrifying, the bodies of men, women, and even children were everywhere they looked. Nobody had any memory of their short time in the red sky, but it didn't take a detective to figure out who was killing who as a good chunk of them had bloody knuckles, knives, lead pipes, smashed up cars coated with red liquid, etc.

In literally the amount of time it takes to make a Vine video, Japan went from peaceful, serene, just another day, to bloody massacre and hell on earth. 75% of the population -- gone -- just like that.

Part 3 takes place the very next day.

Nobody could figure out what the fuck happened to Japan. Nobody.

It did not take long for news of this event to be spread worldwide; three-quarters of a country does not just die and nobody catches word of it. Everyone was talking about it. Japan was rightfully pissed off, and they wanted answers. NASA shared with everyone pictures of the mysterious orb from behind the moon, and it took no time to connect the dots: This fucking orb turned an entire country into mass murderers.

Japan wanted retribution, and the rest of the world was terrified that the orb would come back and try to do the same thing to another part of the earth. If it did, the human population would be extinct in a matter of a few waves of attack. So, as the leading superpowers of the world, the United States and Russia decided to band together, along with any other country that would be on board, to try to defeat this fucking monster.

Everybody felt hyped up and ready to join this supposed war.

The next thing heard was an address that was made by the President (which at the time would be Obama):

My fellow Americans Humans, yesterday, Japan was devastated by a deadly attack of unknown extraterrestrial origins. There is no telling whether this monster will return or when. But if it does, the human race will be taking another hit, driving us closer to extinction. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Japanese, who'll no doubt wish to see this monster brought to justice. I am asking for Congress and the United Nations to carry out any measures necessary to bring the world together in these dark times. This senseless act of violence will not go unanswered or unpunished. I advise everyone listening to me to go home, make peace with your loved ones, and be prepared for the weeks to come.

The next day, every newspaper and news outlet all over the world read the same thing on their front headlines: US Congress and United Nations Declare War; Japanese Event Sparks What's Known As "The Universe vs. The Six-Inch Monster".

And that's where my nightmare ends with me waking up, shaking in a pool of sweat and tears.

Hope you guys found this story somewhat entertaining -- though I'm not sure which ones of you would. The lesson from today's diary entry is: The enemy of your enemy is always your friend, and you can find hope in even the strangest of places and times.

Until next time, my name is Toni, and I'm not liable if you read this before you go to bed and you end up getting nightmares yourself.


Toni Q. McAlister

May 18th, 2021

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