[Hazbin Hotel] Just another day

Story by Varien Quill on SoFurry

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Here's my part of art trade with https://www.furaffinity.net/user/victoriathelolita/ a steamy story about her original characters in Hazbin Hotel universe. I had really a great time while writing this and with those characters.

Fire. The element that could either help or destroy, bring warmth or burn into ashes, either controlled or let loose. But around here in hell, it was often just a part of the scenery, like in this very moment at the ruined Joe's gas station. It was peculiar that the combat during the Extermination Day, where angels, the soldiers from heaven were "controlling" the overgrowing population of hellish demons, took place where various imps and damned souls were getting psychedelic drugs, next to cheap beer.

Judging by the view of gas pump remains, someone ignited the flammable fuel, causing the immediate explosion and death of countless demons, since it was hard to assume the death toll, looking only at the sets of various limbs and scorched clothing. But one survivor was almost in one shape, except one of the angelic wings had completely torn off.

Archangel, on his knees and ironically near the obliterated bathroom where many shady deals took place, was holding his arm on the back of his shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding of the gushing wound. He looked at the bunny who was the one of the fallen angels, with unfurled, dark as coal wings. He didn't look exactly like a warrior, more like an aristocrat with his finely stitched black vest, long, now frayed cloth and a black tie. In his hand he could see a bloodied spear, with a dragon skull on it, dark red from all the vital fluids of other combatants. He tried to speak, but only a wheezing cough escaped from his lips.

  • Save your breath on the last words. I don't even want to hear them... - the bunny said, standing tall, but also trying his best to not succumb to pain and his own wounds. It was a long and tough fight, which caused the extermination of many other demons. Too many. - Just meet with your creator already. I'm tired.

The archangel spit out saliva mixed with his blood and tried to laugh, but his snort quickly changed into a groan when his arm was already soaked in crimson liquid.

  • Congratulations, Drago. You got one more year. You think you can do this forever? Someone will finally get you and then - but his words stuck in the throat, now pierced with a spear, while also crushed by blunt force of the skull. The entire body collapsed on the ground, surrounded by still blazing remnants of a demonic establishment. With a loud grunt, the one called Drago pulled back his weapon and spat on the devastated corpse.

He had no intention to approach Lucifer's castle right away with his report. The Prince of Darkness was probably well aware of what happened, anyway. Plus, he felt he didn't save enough demons. It was never enough, since even one body count was a failure in his eyes. His muscles felt sore and it will definitely feel even worse the next day. Seeing that his work was done, the bunny demon left this area, not looking back. Drago already tried to fly swiftly towards home, but the weight of his duty changed his course, making him scale the castle of Dark Prince himself.

The hellish warrior wanted to wrap that quickly for many various reasons. Walking through a maze of corridors was one of them, just like talking with guards, feeling gazes of others and finally a discussion with Lucifer himself. But at least he could skip to the last part, fluttering his wings with all the strength he still had, to the master's bedroom window, hoping that the host of the house was there, not in some other room full of people he didn't want to meet.

Landing on the windowsill, he had a glimpse of an overly decadent room, like of a person who clearly didn't care about the material wealth of others below him, just about himself. But he wasn't here to judge the artistic nature of his employer's belongings, just to deliver a message. And there he was, sitting in an armchair, sipping tea out of a porcelain cup in such elegant fashion, extending pinky finger to the side like royalty. Which he was - a Prince of Darkness himself. Lucifer.

The humans often depicted him as an anthropomorphic goat with a horned head, tail and hooves. Other as human with just an animal head. But they couldn't be more wrong about his appearance. Besides his powerful, demonic aura, Lucifer looked like a typical British aristocrat from the 19th century. But looks aren't everything, since he didn't maintain this position only for his pretty eyes. Although it could be one reason.

The ruler of Hell placed the cup gently back on the tray, pretending that he didn't see or feel the fallen angel's presence. He finally turned his head, giving his employee a wide smile, both fake and genuine. While sounding like an oxymoron, it certainly worked with this individual.

  • Ah, Drago my dear friend. I assume you're here to bring me good news about the end of this dreadful day? So horrible. Must be the weather, I assume? - he extended his fingers, deciding to alter his gaze upon own fingernails. Not satisfied at all by their looks, he took nail ball from the table.

  • Yes, Prince. I... - but he was swiftly interrupted by the blonde-haired male.

  • Great, great. No wonder you're my favorite exterminator. I saw everything. That shit was lit, as the commoners say. Get it? Lit? Because that gas station blew up...

  • Yes... - the tiredness grew not only in Drago's muscles, but in his voice as well.

  • Well, I'm sure you're too busy with licking your wounds, so Iwill not stop you. Now, ta-ta. Ta-ta. See you next year. - he finished this conversation with a slight movement of his fingers, like waving him goodbye and leaving in shock.

He should really get used to it and Lucifer's manners. But he blamed this behavior on the Extermination Day, which was clearly changing people for the worse, if that was possible. Not uttering another word, he disembarked from the windowsill, disappearing in the distance.


Victora, once known as Victora Maria Fright, was reading a book at her leisure, lying on the couch in the living room of her modest house. As modest as living in Hell would allow it. "Macbeth by William Shakespeare '' was printed on the cover of it, second edition. She tried many times to get the first one, but even being a demon had its limits. She looked content during the worst day of the entire year, but her stoic state was just a facade. The classy badger tried to occupy her mind while waiting for her lover from the combat. Lady focused her ears on any unusual sounds, hoping that everything would be all right.

Heavy doors of her home opened with a loud squeaky sound, reminding itself to be finally oiled. The loud thumps showed that someone had trouble walking, while rasp breathing told about the condition they were in. But Victoria didn't get up for two reasons. He was alive, and she didn't want to make him worry, running to him with tears of happiness. She had to prove to him she is a powerful woman, but having a soft spot for him in her still beating heart.

Drago finally entered the living room, seeing love of his afterlife, not looking through her illusion, but still somewhat knowing that she cared. She always did. He stood there before her, doing everything to just not collapse on a nearby armchair, like a defeated mutt who can barely fight. Badger nonchalantly put aside her tome and looked at him.

  • You're hurt, - she stated bluntly, but her voice almost cracked. All this time she hoped that Drago was strong enough to return unscathed. But here he was, a hair length from turning into nothingness.

  • Nah - he replied with fake pride in his words - I'm impossible to kill. Don't you worry about me. I just need a shower. And a drink...

  • The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. - she recited, placing the book back on the coffee table

  • George Clooney?

Victoria places her palm on forehead dramatically. He always did that, making fun of her with quotes. But she should get used to it already. Badger lady also thought about his other words. A drink? Really? That hardly healed anyone's soul.

  • Bill Shakespeare, you know that. Take your time, I'll wait for you. Just don't take too long...

It was a painful sight for her, staring at the bunny who straggled towards the bathroom without further words. He had to be cared for, dress wounds, tell him that everything will be fine. And that she still loves him, even in these fiery depths of Hell. But once he left the living room, badger changed her modest outfit to something more... adequate. Her garments should express the current feelings and desires after all.

Doors of the bathroom closed behind him, while he slumped onto marble tiles. That didn't go as great as he wanted, not according to the plan. But he just couldn't act tough as nails and be a soft romantic boyfriend at the same time. Luckily, both of them could communicate without words and they knew what was happening behind their well-tailored words. The fallen angel stood up and approached the enormous mirror that occupied one wall. It was Vicky's idea to see her reflection in any part of the room, especially during steamy intercourse. Drago slowly removed his clothing, piece by piece.

Unlike his counterpart, he didn't put those garments in neat fashion, stacked one on the other, even if soaked in various bodily fluids. He tossed them without care in the corner, before looking at his own reflection judgmentally. Standing completely naked, he once again gazed upon his demonic physique, now worn off and tired. The visible bones all over his body gave him a pretty horrific look, but that's what it was for. To plant a seed of fear in other's hearts. But Drago preferred his actions, showing them what he's really made off, after all. The fallen angel stepped into the shower, closing up the curtain.

The chill stream of water had to be quite ironic regarding the surroundings of this house. But Drago needed that, making him alive, so to speak, despite being one of the forgotten souls. He placed both of his arms against the wall, lowering his head and just letting numbing flow covering his fur and feather of his wings. Drago hoped it would also shut his mind, at least for a moment, but he remembered everything. Each casualty, every soul they lost to the heavenly exterminators. More people to his collection of those that he dissappointed.

He let all of that sweat, blood and smoke wash away, going down the drain, leading to Lucifer knowing where. Did they even have sewer? They had to have something. But those thoughts were meaningless, not helping at all with forgetting the moments he had to experience. Demon cursed all of them who wronged him, but the Extermination Day will never just go away. A twisted tradition they just had to endure.

Especially in such low temperatures, he felt blood rushing in his veins, trying to best to warm the body up. Ironically, even in Hell, he was bothered by it. But apparently the vital fluid decided to surprise him, going to other place, which now slowly hardened, twitching quite hard at the moment.

  • Oh, come on. Not now... - he uttered in disbelief, staring at his own, now throbbing, large member. He wasn't in the mood to rub it off under the cold shower. Plus he had other plans. But nevertheless, he touched himself, slowly massaging pulsating length.

  • No, later... - he fought with his inner desires, trying his best to ignore his own urges.

Drago turned off the freezing water and stepped out of the cabin, leaking on the cold tiles. He used one towel, overly fluffy, like they made it of angelic wings. Or maybe it was? It wasn't even his, just picked at random, not caring if it was supposed to be for the face, legs or butt. He regarded usage of multiple towels as silliness, while also not understanding why women were so obsessed with it.


The dark furred bunny returned to the living room, with a towel wrapped around his muscular waist, concealing his lower half of a strong, demonic body. He could just approach his lover just like they created him, but even he had standards. But before he could even look at Victoria, his movements led him to the nearby cabinet, so he could pour his finest brandy. A well-deserved reward for his efforts. The oaken brown firewater slowly filled half of the glass, which was now half empty. Or half full in some eyes. Drago pressed his lips against the brim and took a sip, feeling better already.

Victoria slowly observed his actions like a curious cat, despite being a mustelidae, not feline. With angelic patience, waited for him to finally sit down next to her on their couch. Which he did. She truly wanted to embrace his figure with her arm, but luckily for her, he wrapped his own against her more petite frame.

  • Does the Grand Douchebag know that you're alive and well? Or you didn't report to him yet? - she began the conversation with a semi-curious question, but in fact she didn't really care about that man.

  • Yeah... but he was proud. Even if he shows it in his own strange ways. But he cares, you know? Whether I'll be in serious trouble, he would back me up - he said it more to himself than to her. Trying to calm his own nerves and doubts.

They lied in silence, listening to each other's heartbeats and slow breathing, now synchronized in harmony. But after a few longer moments, badger lady finally noticed something that shouldn't even be here. She looked at the fluffy material still around Drago's pelvis.

  • Are you... is this my face towel? Are you serious? You really want my face to smell like your arse? - she snorted at him, while he smirked.

  • Is this an invitation?

Victoria rolled her eyes, feeling slightly annoyed. But it was mostly a ruse, wanting to move forward somehow and help him relax. The elegant lover removed the towel at a slow pace and tossed it aside, seeing his semi-hard member. A tiny smile appeared on his face.

  • Really? Did you think about me in the shower? How quaint. And cute... - she commented, teasing him softly with her words.

Drago took a deep breath and looked away, not amused at all, but not crossing his legs in shame. Since it was her doing to reveal his bare body, he let her marvel upon his size, even if not fully erect. But suddenly a hand appeared on his thigh, slowly but surely rubbing it with warm, almost electrifying fingertips. He loved that touch and it itself could make him aroused. And it worked. He could feel the warmth of her presence, while lowering herself on his lap, lying her head on his sculptured stomach. Making herself comfortable, she saw how his length hardened, towering before her very eyes.

Vicky wrapped her hand around that surely ready cock, moving from the base right to the tip, not rushing herself at all, massaging him almost teasingly. Badger wanted him to remember this moment, trying to give him a good time in this horrible environment, taking as much good out of their genuine love and mutual lust as possible. Drago closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the couch, letting her to do all the work, while lazily grazing Vicky's hair with own fingers. The badger smiled to herself, while playing with that pleasuring tool, which surely will give all the delight she wanted, while giving him such joy.

With a firm grasp, she moved his twitching cock to her soft as silk lips, before giving its head a tiny kiss, before going further down, still not taking the tip inside her. He was patient as he could be, although that was truly difficult for someone who often thought with his dick instead of mind. But he didn't complain at all, since it was still a great time.

Vicky extended her tongue and tasted the entire length, starting at the base and with no warning, she wrapped her lips around exposed head, causing his hushed moan. She heard that and almost chuckled to herself in delight and pride, continuing to pleasure him, gently sucking it as he could feel light vibrations through the whole hardened pole. Badger had a lot of experience, much more than a typical girlfriend, since she worked as a porn star. And you could learn truly a lot on the set, since they faked nothing. Maybe except for a few orgasms here and there.

The elegant lady took his cock deeper into her mouth, close to her own throat. With one hand, stroking the whole member and the free one placing on the dark furred thigh. She could do it for a very long time, trying her best to somewhat prove herself in her skill and maybe to him too, for any reason. And the rising amount of moans escaping bunny's lips proved to her that she was clearly on the right track. With the other hand, Vicky grasped his ball sack, teasing those two fragile orbs in leathery containment. She reached below it, wanting to massage his prostate as well, since many males were just dying for it, squirming in pleasure, such an orgasmic feeling.

Still in her own pace and without signal, she shoved whole quivering cock down her through, which could be also seen, looking at the bulge in her neck. That sensation made her almost climax herself, feeling how it was twitching so deep inside her, not stopping herself from moaning. Sounds of her groans got to bunny's ears, making him even more stimulated, but still he wanted more, while also forgetting about his sexual partner's own goals. He couldn't stop her though, lying to himself that he didn't want to finish right now and so quickly. But, like Vicky was a mind-reader, immediately stopped and raised her head.

  • Enjoying yourself so far? - with a pure smile on her face.

Without saying another word, he grabbed her chin and placed a passionate kiss on her lips, sharing the taste of his own body, making him even more excited. Her tongues touched, dancing around within their mouths, causing goosebumps on both of their backs.

After a long, feeling like an eternity loving moment, she stood up, before nonchalantly removing her garments. While not invited, he certainly helped her, not saying another word to each other fow now. It was only their bodies and minds, no other speech was needed, While removing her lacy bra, he smooched her neck warmly, neatly like a parched vampire. With free hand he rubbed and grasped her bare breast, teasing nipple with thumb, while Vicky held his ass cheek, squeezing it firmly.

While kneeling before her, impatience took over his actions, now rather swiftly removing the rest of her dress, leaving stocking alone, now seeing her, also laced black panties. Not trying that ever before, fallen anger used his teeth to latch the edge of expensive material, pulling it down. He now stared upon her bare, moisten lower lips, ready for him to finally taste her juices. Noticing that she was holding him down, he took it as an order and kissed her petals, teasing the hood of her pink clit with the end of his nose. While not able to stand forever, and sat back on the sofa, spreading her thighs wide, like she was on the adult movie set again.

  • Just take me already... - she whispered, wanting to experience him fully, instead of those half measures. While exciting, it wasn't the same as the real thing. And she wanted to do it only with him at this very moment. Nothing else mattered. While positioning herself comfortably, lying down and placing head on soft as an angelic feather pillow, she awaited him, now also ready. The bunny didn't wait any longer, approaching with a fully erect member. With a pure lust and desire in his eyes, he didn't tease her any longer, pressing tip against her entrance for a short moment. Badger gritted her teeth, since even such short tease was a torture, while not begging him for more.

And just like that, he pushed himself onto her, embracing her velvety interiors with a whole length of bunny cock, coating it with all that moist and hot juices, raising his arousal even further. A powerful moan escaped both of their throats in unison, like they were perfect for each other. Best lovers who understood each other, without even vocalizing their thoughts. Drago kissed her once more, muffling her moans in their passion, while he moved his hips, deeply penetrating badger's engorged pussy, He pressed his underbelly against her already erect clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her hole body, along the now stiffened spine. She was almost paralyzed from that delight, completely succumbing to his doings. Not even trying to dominate.

He didn't want to finish her in such a demeaning position, ironically called "missionary" and left here, with a quiet pop, leaking their fluids upon her fur. Before she could even look at him in disappointment and such disbelief, he sat down and invited her on his lat, his cock pulsating nearly painfully, begging for release. Not yet, he thought. But instead of holding her waist, he caressed both of her hands of his own. Some people jokingly called it such a decadence, but since when was hand holding considered a fetish? He couldn't believe such nonsense.

Victoria truly loved this position, now being in charge, controlling their pace with strong movement of her own hips. Their faces touched again, while clapping sounds of his nut sack against her ass. He didn't want this moment to ever stop, but judging by their nervous breathing, both of them were approaching their full climax. Vicky broke their grasp and hugged his whole body, while still moving her ass cheeks up and down on Drago's enormous cock, while inner walls were clutching in violently hard.

Their moans were muffled once more in passion when their lips met for another time, while insides of her love tunnel milked that cock dry, with each long stroke causing it to shoot a massive rope of hot seed, deep inside her. Badger used all of her might to get every last drop, while trying not to bite him, since this feeling was difficult to describe with any word. Their whole bodies trembled shakily, while finally it stopped.

Completely exhausted but also happy and fulfilled, they lay down on the couch, looking into their eyes. He finally experienced how tired he was, but at least not thinking about gruesome parts of this day. And it was all that mattered now. After a soft peck on her cheek with his lips, they hugged each other, slowly drifting to deep, undisturbed sleep.

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