Win Some, Lose Some

Story by veilunlifted on SoFurry

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Jordan, the up and coming professional swimming Golden Retriever has been heavily practicing for his upcoming swim meet, much to the dismay of his beloved girlfriend, Tess, also participating in the meet but hardly as focused as he is.

Adding to Jordan's troubles is the repeatedly returning bully, Zane, a shorter yet much stronger wrestler Rottweiler, who keeps Jordan in constant annoyance with his attacks, and flirting with Tess.

To make things worse, he even seems to take pleasure in putting Jordan in what he calls 'his place'.

It's not like Tess would see anything in such a berating meathead, right?


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And last but not least, Happy Fapping!-Veil

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"Good luck today, man." A random passerby spoke to Jordan, causing him to spin on his heel and pull a swimming earplug from his right ear, attempting to kindly reply with thanks, but failing to catch them in time.

Such is life for a preoccupied swimming elite such as Jordan was, the six and a half foot tall slender, yet muscular bodied golden retriever was slowly making waves in more ways than just in the pool.

"Uhh, Thanks!" Jordan kindly hollered back in the stranger's general direction, unsure if they had heard.

His golden furred face had been plastered in local sports sections for the past few weeks, his dedication was seemingly unparalleled by the other furs that dove in, and his passion for the water was sending him sailing past competition, with the exception of a select few above him in time and experience.

But that hardly slowed him down, Jordan had found himself more inside the chlorinated water than he had on land in the past three days, all in preparation for the upcoming meet that would either seal the deal for him going farther, or end his swimming career for that season with a splash.

"There's my golden boy." Said another voice, followed by footsteps right up to his side, this figure much harder to ignore than the stranger earlier.

Jordan turned to face her, smiling widely as their eyes locked, he leaned his taller frame down to hers and locked lips in a brisk smooch.

Tess, clad in only a one piece swimming bikini with a towel hanging from her shoulder, shared in that moment of love with her boyfriend, smiling as she pulled her lips from his.

The husky girl had been faithfully dating Jordan since well before his swimming feats had any attention, Hell, she had been with him when he was still getting acclimated to the novice circuits.

There were so many times that Jordan's swimming had come to a brisk end, only to be stopped by the steadfast support of his adoring Tess, her smile and her own experience pushing him forward.

It wasn't all fun and games to her either, she had a personal investment in the swimming circuit, there was at least three furs between her and her boyfriend in the rankings, and she always tried genuinely to show him up, her way of tough love.

Sometimes, she wished that she wasn't so damn busty, her C cup breasts often difficult to pack into her one piece, but, she made do, and that curled tail she wished she could point straight behind her in the water was hardly hydrodynamic, but at the moment it just wagged in excitement as she held onto Jordan's hand.

"Training again? I was expecting to see you back at the apartment babe..." Tess scolded, playfully as the two walked toward the outdoor community pool.

"Trust me, I was too, but, we only have like three days until the meet and I can't afford to waste a minute."

Tess sighed, this was the only day that she had padded her way out to the pool to prepare for, ironically, the exact same meet, while she understood her mate's attitude toward the sport, she couldn't relate, this meet was kind of important? But it was hardly varsity, and it would be a good half year before they would even have a chance at that.

More importantly, the husky girl had fallen into that time of the year, and while she was deeply in love with Jordan, his continued stubbornness and steadfast focus on the pool was slowly starting to cause a divide between them, nothing too serious, just in more...intimate fashions.

"But babe, you said you would..." Tess started, leaning up and pulling the tall retriever down to her level and whispering into his ear a few sweet lewd nothings.

Jordan's golden face went flush red as he heard what his teasing husky girlfriend was offering, turning to face her, looking up and down her supple swimwear clad body, from her pedicured toe claws, to her tongue being dragged over her lips excitedly.

"I uh, I will, I will love to also...but, a- after this warmup, o- okay babe?" He asked, Tess nodded her head.

"Alright Golden Boy, but if I don't see you at my apartment tonight, I might have to give the pleasure you could've had" Tess said with a wink, Jordan raising an eyebrow skeptically at her implication.

Before heading toward the ladies locker room, The slick furred grey and black husky girl suddenly sent a flash toward her boyfriend's direction, pulling the left side of her swimsuit down, letting her supple breast feel the warm summer air for just a moment in his view, before tucking it away, blowing a kiss toward him, and excitedly bouncing into the room, such a tease was unlike her, and the spontaneousness of her action had him scratching his head, but accepting it as a tease meant for him.

"I'm too damn lucky..." Jordan said to himself as he walked near the pool's edge awaiting her return.

"Yeah you are." A gruff voice said firmly as the fur speaking gave a firm, jarring shove to Jordan's back, sending him face first into the water.

His training and skill kicked in rather quickly and sent the retriever upward like a bullet to the water's surface even as he coughed angrily while looking up at his assailant.

"Oh, great, you long were you standing behind me?!" Jordan spoke, spitting water as he slowly climbed up onto the pool wall. His brow furrowing.

Stopping in his tracks and turning around to face the punier dog he figured would splash out of his way, the larger, muscled fur smiled widely, excited that he chose instead to confront him.

"Long enough to see your cute girl's nice rack, especially since she's so eager to show it off to me, the fuck you gonna do about it twerp?"

Zane, the muscular rottweiler that was literally looking up at Jordan was only smaller in that one way, height, in every other way he was stronger, more athletic, slightly older, and most importantly, much more confident, the poster child for jock.

"Why don't you go back to the gym, Zane, meatheads aren't meant for water, you're gonna fuckin' sink." Jordan said, his now wet hand pointing at the shorter, yet intimidating rottweiler, trying his best to be equally intimidating.

"You can sink on this fucking knot you pansy purebread." Zane quipped back, balling a fist, just before the fluffy husky frame of Tess pushed between the two, now wearing only a blue and purple bikini, much more comfortable for her bust and body, and much more revealing.

"Come on, break it up you two, I can smell the testosterone..." Tess said, one hand on each of the two rivals' chests, looking at Zane with an intent glare while she said it, which only further angered Jordan.

"Yeah, but only from one of us...You two have fun in the kiddy pool, you ever want a real competition, meet me at the mat, twink." Zane said with a growl, baring his teeth as he walked away, leaving the couple alone, finally.

"Thanks for the backup babe, but you didn't have to touch him..." Jordan said, through a sigh.

"Well I mean, how else am I going to keep him from ripping into you, someone needs to keep big strong bullies like Zane in line." Tess said softly, dragging her hand over the loving head of her territorial, easily made jealous boyfriend.

" do you know his name?" Jordan asked, his eyes narrowing in nervous, possessive anxiety

"He's just a member of the rec center like I am, ya know, the one you swim at, the one we met at? Just relax, and get in the water babe, you gotta get your practice in!" She encouraged and playfully pushed the retriever toward the pool's edge.

"I am, I am! But, aren't you joining?" Jordan asked, looking at the scantily clad frame of his girlfriend.

"Actually, I was just going to soak up the sun today, I will get my laps in before the event, only one of us needs to get famous~" She teased, softly running her hand over the retriever's chest. "Now get paddlin, puppy."

"Heh, with that kind of encouragement..." Jordan replied as he walked over to the deep end's wall, waved lovingly toward his adoring husky, and fell backwards once again into the water, in a backstroke.

The water at the public pool was never as warm as the olympic sized one at the rec center where his events took place, but it was deep, filled with water, and good enough to get his muscles aching inside of.

For a little shy of twenty minutes, Jordan splashed across the lane he took claim over in the pool, far from the diving splashes of the kids on the other end, or the floating relaxation focused patrons.

Each time he would complete a lap, he would push his head up over the wall, looking on at his relaxing beloved husky, laying on her beach towel, earbuds tucked in her pointed grey ears.

For the rest of his training session, Jordan repeated his laps back and forth, letting his mind stay focused on the splashing of the water, his time mentally had to have been getting better, even if a clock wasn't running.

Once he felt a sharp cramp in his back left haunch, he knew it was time to take it easy, as badly as he didn't want to, he grabbed the ladder and hoisted himself upward, only partly, floating until the cramp could subside.

Gripping the ladder and looking over toward where his girlfriend was laying, his eyes narrowed in an angry glare toward what he saw.

There standing cockily, water dripping off his brown and black furred body, obstructing Jordan's view of his beloved, was Zane, saying who knows what to her.

The laying husky and the standing rottie spoke for what seemed like only a few moments before Zane kneeled down, making a few motions with his muscled hips and shoulders, almost like a pelvic thrust, just out of Jordan's view, making it impossible to know what the bulkier canine was saying or doing.

Finally the cramp subsided, and Jordan quickly pulled himself out of the water, walking toward his girlfriend and their aggravator.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jordan yelped, pointing toward Zane, who slowly turned around toward him.

Zane reached down intentionally tying his wettened swim trunks waist strings closed, his legs seemingly tucked together tightly, shrugging his shoulders. "Talking to a friend, insecure much?"

Ignoring the demeaning rottie entirely and walking to Tess' side, Jordan looked at her instead of him, as she was applying a fruity lip balm.

"Relax baby, he was just talking about the meet and wishing me good luck." Tess softly explained, taking Jordan's hand in hers.

"Yeah, good luck, Curly." Zane said, moving his fingers like a gun toward her, clicking his teeth, and walking away.

"Curly...?" Jordan asked, bewildered, toward his loving mate.

"Yeah, I'm a tail's just a stupid nickname..." Tess explained, rubbing her thumb over Jordan's hand. "Now if you're done being possessive, maybe you can take me home and really...possess me?" She teasingly said, her face turning to a blush, successfully distracting Jordan off of her case.

That night was nothing short of passionate for Jordan, his sore body had been straining in the pool off and on for days. To unwind in a familiar embrace with his beloved husky was a fine reward for his efforts, even if his muscles were not keeping up with him too well.

"C'mon Goldy, give it to me!" Tess whined, her hands firmly gripping over her exposed breasts which bounced to each push her lover provided.

Jordan was doing his best, pushing his sore, well worked hips against hers, his condom protected four inches of erect, pencil thin, canine length was burying as deeply into his needy, heated girlfriend's folds as it could manage.

"I'm, uggh, t- trying." Jordan said through labored breaths, his body shivering, but not in orgasmic bliss, in genuine pain, his overworked muscles had failed him once more, as his slender frame collapsed atop his needy girlfriend who simply held him, letting out a sigh.

"It's...fine...don't hurt yourself." She said softly, rubbing her hands over her beloved's back.

Sighing in disappointment with himself, Jordan rolled over onto his back on her side. "Maybe you could ride me or something?" He implied, rubbing his head and sighing.

"Naah, it's not a big deal, I love you..." Tess said softly, reaching down, slowly pulling the condom from her boyfriend's knot, smiling at him as she tossed it off to the side into the trash can.

"I love you too..." Jordan said, moments before his fatigue fully caught up to him, and slumber followed, his eyes closing, his snoring starting.

Sighing to herself and rolling over onto her side, Tess reached over to her nightstand and retrieved her trusty vibrator, guiding it down to her slit, as her free hand gripped her phone, unlocking it and going to an sms window she had with someone that clearly wasn't her sleeping love.

"Hey, u up?" she texted, a few moments passed before a reply gleamed into her vision.

"Always for u ;)" they replied.

"He fell asleep again :/" Tess guiltily texted, her guilt dwarfed by her excitement, the vibrating head of her purple toy pushed past her lips.

"Go figure...wish we had more time at the pool earlier" They replied, Tess gripped over her chest as she read the provocative message.

"Mmhh, me too, wanted to suck that big dick more <3!" Tess' thumb replied, as she continued reveling in what she and Zane had been truly up to, her lust taking over.

"Dont worry bb gurl ur gonna get ur chance for wayyy more in two days ;D" Zane replied.

Tess' head leaned back as she bit her lip, juices spurting from her self served folds, spattering down onto the lower part of her bed, as she once again made herself cum at the teasing promise of Zane.

It wasn't always like this, she had plenty of loyalty for the sleeping retriever at her right, she had held out for as long as she could.

But since he had been training so hard, his focus had hardly been on her needs, and one night when Zane had been teasing Jordan with something along the lines of fucking his girl, she had lustfully imagined the stronger canine in Jordan's place.

Curiosity slowly became action, it started innocently enough, one handjob in the passenger seat of Zane's car after giving her a ride home from a meet, but that was just the start, her body quaked when she felt that monster in Zane's shorts for the first time, it was at least twice if not three times the size of Jordan's, and while guilt had flooded her the first few times she had snuck off to betray him, those feelings were gone by now.

If anything, Tess felt excitement when she was taking Zane's thicker, better knot into her folds, it's not like she was harming Jordan at all, he was oblivious, his possessive nature made him blind to what he was technically right about.

And now, the risk had been getting out of hand, not so much because they enjoyed the forbidden fruits of their actions, but sadly the only time that Zane and Tess could be together without skeptical glares from Jordan was at the meets or training for them, and even just today, she had been briskly bobbing her head over Zane's rod in broad daylight, just a few feet from where Jordan was training, with little recourse, she had only felt upset that the unaware retriever had interrupted them.

Tess sighed, sending one final text to her secret sexual benefactor "He doesn't even know I only swim to see u now ;P", before tucking her vibrator under the bed once more, reading Zane's teasing reply.

"Dont worry baby girl he will know who u belong to soon"

Her head ran with guilt, but Tess softly sighed, putting her phone down on the nightstand and closing her eyes, she didn't want to hurt Jordan, but she also couldn't deny the studly Rottie any further, and she was sick of having little tastes and teases, the two of them were going to fuck after Jordan's precious meet which neither Tess nor Zane had much priority for.

But they weren't just going to fuck, they were going to fuck, with no holding back, they had sneaky little plans to find a locked, off site room of the rec center, and just go full into the intense pleasures they found themselves denying, finally letting loose and giving in.

Tess sighed once more before drifting off to sleep, her body quivered in need, but not for the sleeping, oblivious goldie next to her, but for that hulking knot dangling between Zane's more capable legs.

And no, there was no way in Hell that she was going to make him wear a condom, risk be damned, that was half of the point, plus, she needed a full uninhibited breeding to alleviate this intense heat.


Two long days passed, and while Jordan had hoped to squeeze in a few more laps of training before the meet's start, his aching muscles and disappointment in himself in his inability to pleasure his beloved Tess caused him to spend the rest of the free time before the meet at her side.

This was just as positive for the loving retriever as it was detrimental to Tess, on his end, he had taken her advice and spent more time at her side, but to the needy husky, it was a shame given she had not a moment to sneak her hands or mouth onto Zane's hunky frame in the few times a week they would see each other at the pool.

Now the two of them had arrived at the meet together, and after a few loving moments with her mate, Tess would be off to get prepared for the meet, hardly worried about competing against her boyfriend.

"I'll see you at the starting line, baby." Jordan excitedly spoke, planting a warm smooch to his beloved husky's lips, she playfully smiled and planted a soft kiss back to his cheek, smirking.

"Mhmm~" She simply replied, before padding off to the women's locker room.

Moments later, she chuckled to herself as she was getting into her one piece swimming spandex, tucking both of her voluptuous breasts into it's smooth surface, thinking of what the night had in store.

The swim meet was all that Jordan, her oblivious mate just a few hundred feet from where she stood in his own changing booth in the opposing men's locker room, was all that he could think of, thankfully keeping his guard extra low for what she had planned for then, she already felt her knees going weaker than usual in excitement, which was only increased when she had heard a familiar gruff voice speak from behind her changing room curtain.

"Hey there, for one more?"

Excitedly, yet nervously, Tess slid the curtain open and quickly pulled Zane by his beefy arm into the room, sliding it closed once more and looking right into his eyes, a much easier time on her neck than needing to peer upward at Jordan.

"Are you crazy, this is the ladies room, someone could scream~" Tess said softly in basically a whisper.

Zane wasted no time sliding his hand up between Jordan's girlfriend's once loyal legs, pushing his fingers against the smooth surfaced camel toe of her swim piece as he grinned widely.

"Only one girl in here I wanna make scream...did the twerp see your texts last night?" Zane teased, Tess' pussy was already quivering, lightly leaking around the edges of her otherwise so far dry swimpiece.

"G- god no...he has no idea..." She said, the guilt of her words and actions only made her want the stiff, buff rottie more.

"Good girl." Zane encouraged her adulterous pleasures, before pushing his hand into the gap between her hip and swimwear, pushing it to the side.

Tess eagerly pushed her lips against Zane's, the two canines mashing their tongues deeply into one another's warm mouths, twice as passionately as the little smooch she had given Jordan moments ago, their slick dancing tongues easily audible to anyone who would of been outside the curtain, her trembling paws sliding down to the muscled fur's waist, tugging his shorts down without hesitation.

"Damn girl, so needy..." Zane confidently smirked, breaking the kiss as his sheath was exposed.

Saliva still connecting their lips, Tess squatted down on the tips of her toes, leaning her face into that massive sheath, Zane's hanging balls alone were almost twice the endowment of Jordan's entire equipment, and while that felt horrid of her, she couldn't deny it's allurement, and just as she had started to do a few days ago before Jordan's rude interruption, she pushed her maw into it, licking passionately around it.

Zane let out a few pleasured groans as his cock began to harden, every inch that snaked from his sheath into the mated husky's mouth brought her more and more pleasure, her eyes rolling back as her mouth was totally filled by merely half of the bigger rottweiler's meat.

"Damn right girl, show me how bad you need it." Zane teased, placing his right hand firmly behind Tess' head, pushing his hips forward, the tip of his member slightly penetrating her throat.

Tess could of spent the rest of the evening adoringly wrapping her throat and lapping tongue around the alpha male's cock that shoved so primally into her mated mouth, but the PA system of the rec center started to statically interrupt them

"All swimmers of the regional swim league to their marks please!"

Sighing and pulling his hips back, looking down at the cock hungry husky beneath him, smirking widely Zane shrugged his shoulders, while his veiny knotted cock throbbed in front of her, soaked in her saliva.

"I think that's your call..." He said, moving out of her way.

"Find a room, and text me where as soon as this crap's done..." Tess said, through heated breaths before leaning up and kissing her forbidden lover once more, padding out and down the hallway.

Zane watched her bouncing rear with a grin as she departed, then snuck his way out of the ladies room, completely undiscovered, leaving not a shred of evidence behind of what they had begun there.

"Hey babe!" Jordan excitedly waved from his lane's starting point, exactly three away from his beloved husky who was joining the others arriving at theirs.

Wiping her lip with her forearm, smiling and waving back, the flavor of Zane's larger shaft still on her tongue, as she arrived on her mark.

"Good luck baby!" She teased, winking at Jordan before pushing earplugs into her ears.

Jordan smirked, as if he had anything to worry about, this meet was his, what would she be needing to wish him good luck for?

"On your marks!" The referee started.

The swimmers leaned down, fingers on the wall, about to push into the water, when Jordan leaned his head up in preparation, he locked eyes for a split second with someone he couldn't believe was here, why was HE here...

Zane stood in the doorway to the pool room, simply waving with a cocky, confident grin over his face, his lower half clad only in a towel.

He had a time for anger, for wondering why Zane had come all the way to the rec center just to tease him, just to fuck with him further, but that time can come after the meet, right now, victory is all in Jordan's mind.

"GO!" The referee screamed out and blew his whistle.

Jordan dived into the water with intensity, hardly splashing with his perfect start, and began to swim like his life depended on it, his body working through the water with expert pacing.

It felt like hours, even if was mere minutes, the stressed out, overworked muscles of the retriever propelled him back and forth in the pool's warmed water as best as they could manage, for as long as he could muster, only stopping when he heard the loud piercing sound a whistle blow.

Relaxing his frame against the pool's wall, he let out a celebratory hollar when he had realized something, he was the only one against the wall, every other lane was either inactive, or behind him in time, he had managed to clinch the victory.

The sore and now victorious Jordan hobbled his way into the locker room, heading into the shower and rinsing his aching body clean of the warm chlorinated water, the soothing water washing over him made the retriever lose track of time.

After a while, he exited the shower and began shaking his fur out, grabbing a towel, padding himself dry, and heading to his locker, he slid on his flip flops and a pair of spare shorts he had, before heading out of the locker room and looking around for Tess who often joined him after these victories for a celebratory smooch.

He looked around the pool room, only two other furs were there, and neither were from the meet, he must have been in the shower longer than he thought.

Jordan checked his phone, no texts, no missed calls, nothing, he dialed Tess' phone, just to get her voicemail.

Confusion and a bit of panic rode through the nervous goldie's head, as he left the pool room and began searching the hallways of the rec center.

This was a decision that Jordan later would wish he had never made, perhaps it would have been better to remain ignorant and oblivious.

He checked a meeting room, nothing, he checked the coat room, nothing, he had even gone outside and looked around, not a sign.

Finally, Jordan's sore legs took him down the stairs toward the weight room, and his stomach wrenched like a washing machine, as he had heard it well before he saw it.

"Right there, oh god, fuck, right there, I'm gonna cum again!" Yelled out a pleasured female voice.

"Oh yeah girl, fucking squirt on this knot, uggh, do it bitch..." Replied a gruff, intensely breathing voice.

Jordan almost wanted to turn back, his heart and brain matching to somehow know exactly what he was going to see, but his curiosity and bravado pushed him down those last few steps, and as he arrived at the bottom of the stairs and peered through the window of the locked weight room doors, his eyes soaked in a vision of heartbreak.

Off to the corner of the otherwise abandoned weight room, on the soft black mats near the dumbbells, was Tess, his beloved girlfriend, on all fours with her arms under her supple bouncing exposed breasts, her curly tail up and around the waist of Zane, who was thrusting his muscular lower half intensely into her, with little hesitation from either of them.

Just as Jordan's tear welling eyes peered through the window, is when his once loyal husky mate had been brought to another orgasm, her folds spraying and quivering around Zane's out of view shaft, her body quaking in ways that Jordan had never seen.

Zane's massive hands reached down and grabbed ahold of her hips as she rode out her intense wave of cum, just before peering back, his ears perking up, his eyes darting toward the door.

Jordan, too paralyzed in shock, heartache, and weakness to run, just stood there, his eyes locked with the arrogant rottweiler, balls deep in his beloved.

"Babe...we got company..." Zane said to Tess, before slowly pulling his cock out of her soaked depths, she simply collapsed onto her belly, huffing in pleasure, her tongue falling from her maw, unable to care.

As Zane approached the door, his teeth bare, clearly frustrated, Jordan would of felt threatened if not for another detail of the massive rottie approaching the door taking his attention, the stiff dangling cock of his enemy was raw, not a trace of protection, no condom, strands of his own seed dripping down his rod, clearly he had deeply, and rawly finished breeding his beloved husky behind his back, only adding insult to the condoms Tess forced Jordan to wear.

Jordan found himself quickly jarred from his distracted view as the door was quickly unlocked, and the shorter, yet much stronger canine reached a hand forward grabbing Jordan by the waistband of his shorts, pulling violently toward him and yanking the lanky retriever into the weight room.

"Didn't your momma ever teach you it's fucking rude to stare, twerp?" Zane asked, re locking the door and growling as he walked toward Jordan, who began to crawl backwards, toward his fucked silly girlfriend who lay behind him.

"B- Babe, please, s- stop him?!" Jordan asked, still shocked, confused, and heartbroken.

Tess turned to face him, and sighed, simply shaking her head.

"Sorry...Jordan..." She said, weakly, quivering, still far too pleasured to be bothered. "But just...Look at him...can you blame me..."

"Yes! YES I CAN BLAME YOU..." Jordan screamed out, his emotions finally boiling over, just as he was about to begin bawling, Zane reached down and gripped him by the hair, painfully pulling his head back toward his waist.

"She said look at me...maybe you need a better fuckin' view..." Zane said, predatorily.

Jordan's eyes were still welling with tears now just as much from the pain from his scalp as his heart, as his dainty, sore frame was easily overpowered by Zane, even as he feeblishly swung his right hand upward toward the rottie in a punch, which practically bounced off the strengthened, lustful dog's abs.

At this point, even Tess was worried at the lustful, growling deflection of Zane's aggression, she opened her mouth softly.

"Z- Zane, don't hurt him too much..." She weakly trembled, still basking in her forbidden afterglow.

"Pff, you're kidding right, I wouldn't waste my time hurting him, just gonna put this little cunt in his place..." Zane said, pulling Jordan's face ever so closer to his crotch.

"C'mon cunt, taste your girlfriend, taste that know you fuckin' wanna." Zane growled, his lustful glare burning into Jordan's eyes, and his gripping strengthened hand pushed the unwilling retriever's mouth down and onto the larger canine's leathery, raging hard shaft, still twitching from moments prior when it was buried deeply into his beloved girlfriend.

"W- wow...Z- Zane...I thought you were straight..." Tess spoke, her hand sliding down between her slit, Zane's potent seed still oozing from it's depths, the male on male action exciting to her eyes, even with the context of her humiliated mate's unwillingness.

"Nothin' gay about dominating a bitch..." Zane confidently spoke, more for his own benefit than hers, but in that time he could care less if it was gay or straight, Jordan needed to learn his place, and Zane was happy to push him into it, right into his throat.

Jordan's eyes clenched and for a moment he thought about biting, but knew damn well if he would manage to do any damage, Zane would easily double it on his own, so he simply went limp, trying to let the massive rottie have his way, so he could get back to his life, probably without the cheating husky currently rubbing herself in pleasure to his abuse.

How could she be so cruel, how could Zane be doing this to them, what did he do to deserve this? He kept asking himself as Zane's balls were slapping firmly against his chin, his body shivering in confusing feelings and emotions.

"That's right, no good for that bombshell, but you're a good cocksleeve, suck it deep bitch..." Zane growled, his hand pushing down tighter against Jordan's head.

Rolling his eyes back as he felt the achingly throbbing rod push deeper into his mouth, Jordan's breathing became heavier as his small cock found itself quivering in his shorts, hardly being paid any attention by the larger canine stuffing his mouth, or his lust blinded girlfriend, his mind racing with reasons why this was his fault, exactly how Zane wanted him thinking.

"Alright, bitch, I'm getting bored of your mouth..." Zane said as he pulled his hips back, suddenly popping his longer, alpha rod free of Jordan's now invaded, scrawnier mouth, and took his tank top off his muscular chest.

For a moment, Jordan thought his abuser was going to go back to destroying his relationship which was no less painful, but at least it was less physical, that notion of hope changing quickly as Zane pushed Jordan down onto his chest, a similar position to that of which he had Tess in moments before, pulling the retriever's hands back, tying them tightly together wrist to wrist with his shirt's firm fabric.

"Now that you're in a good spot...I think you need to learn who you belong to...who you both belong to." Zane said, looking the two kneeling furs over, one eager, willing and dripping onto the floor with a finger deep in her folds, the other scared, shaking, and gulping his spit as he looked back at the dominant rottweiler.

"You love her, don't you twerp? You love my other fuckhole?" Zane goaded, his eyes narrowing as he leaned his head down directly behind Jordan's with a growl.

"Y- yes..." Jordan weakly replied, looking at Tess with pleading eyes.

"You still love this little twat?" Zane asked toward the husky, holding Jordan's head in his palm.

"I mean, y- yeah...but he's just" Tess guiltily spoke, her lust overbearing her reasoning.

"Weak, pitiful, I know I I'll cut your little pathetic ass a deal, you both belong to me, or I'm gonna take Curly there for myself, and you'll just be another one of my many, many defeated...whaddya say, bitch?" Zane growled louder, pushing Jordan's head down on the mat.

Defeated, subdued and with his love for Tess under ransom by the much larger canine, Jordan couldn't help but capitulate, it was his fault, he trained too hard, he ignored his beautiful husky and Zane swooped in and took what was his, if anything, no matter how painful, terrible, and shameful this would be, at least he would still be with Tess, if not as a boyfriend, at least as another bitch.

"I...I..." Jordan went to speak, unable to mutter his reply as shock filled his body when Zane's saliva coated rod prodded at his virgin, straight tailhole.

"Just say yes sir, or take Tess away, either one works for me." Zane said, growing impatient.

Tess stayed silent, watching not Zane for his choice, but Jordan for his, her wetness dripping more frequently, her excitement growing, Jordan noticing his girlfriend's eager pleasures, and deciding if not for Zane, then for her, he knew what to do.

"Y- yes...sir..." Jordan replied, completely humiliated, and tearing up.

The pain in his heart was no match for the burning, fiery pain in his tailhole as Zane pushed his hips forward, hardly respecting the inexperienced, tight depths of the once virgin Jordan, his smooth, slender tailhole was even tighter than that of his girlfriends around the rottie's violently throbbing cock.

"Ugggh, damn bitch, you're tighter than your girl." Zane teased, pushing his hips forward and smirking.

Tess hardly felt insulted, her fingers diving deeper into her folds, her left hand cupping one of her breasts as her toes curled, she was already nearing another squirting climax to the sight of her beloved, shrimpy boyfriend being impaled on the rod she valued so much more than his.

Jordan couldn't reply, his teeth ground together to bare through the raging cock which bottomed out inside of his tightening depths

The only thing that made it even tolerable to the deeply fucked retriever below Zane's mighty thrusts was that his muscles were already stretched, sore, and fatigued, making it easier to accommodate the primal, raw, bareback thrusting.

"Gonna mark you, make you as much a bitch to me as I did your tight curly girl...make you my fuckin' omega." Zane said through gritted teeth, more to himself for his own grotesque added pleasure.

"Nhg...aah..." Jordan whimpered, shame washing over him like the shower a mere half hour before, as he felt the fiery hard tip of his enemy turned master slamming into his prostate, unable to stop his body from doing what it does naturally when stimulated in such a way.

"No way, ugh, you disgusting little fucking're gonna squirt just like your girlfriend huh? Fine girl...cum like the little bitch you are, cum on a real man's KNOT!" Zane yelled, just before pushing forward violently.

Jordan let out a scream that echoed throughout the weight room, his body tensing in pain and pleasure he had never felt before as Zane's entire, thick, pulsating knot pushed roughly past the retriever's beet red pucker, rutting into him with a squelching pop.

"That's right, let it all out you little whore." Zane said, his thrusting unrelenting and firm into Jordan's aching, burning tailhole.

What was he talking about? Jordan thought to himself, Let what out?

But as he looked underneath him while he hid his face in pain and shivered, he noticed what Zane was mentioning, a puddle of dripping, white cum was leaking from his shaft, without him even reaching anywhere near it, his first hands free orgasm, albeit rather denied from the brutal, deep penetration he was receiving.

"Uggh, that's right omega, fuckin bitch, sink on that knot...oh fuck...UGGH!" Zane let out a hollar of his own just as Tess was flailing her unfaithful legs forward.

The two, Zane and Tess, shared the second simultaneous orgasm of that night, just in a different fashion, using her pitiful little boyfriend as a proxy for his cum, breeding them both, claiming them.

"Uggh...that's what you're good for, cunt..." Zane said, before painfully yanking his hips back, pulling out of Jordan with another loud pop.

Jordan collapsed onto the mats below him, just as many others had for Zane, but this was so much more than a simple wrestling defeat, this was an eradication of his masculinity, his relationship, and life as he knew it.

In one evening, the swimming local golden boy of the pool circuits, had become a pitiful cuckold, and the bitch of a real canine.

"That's all I got for you right now omega..." Zane said, reaching for a towel and wiping his head clean. "As for you Curly..."

Tess smiled, locking eyes with her obviously new owner, the true stud her heart and heated body yearned for. "Y- yes?"

"You're coming back to my place for the weekend, maybe on Monday we can call that twerp to come lick us clean..." Zane teased.

Jordan felt his heart sink, knowing his weekend of previously planned celebrations had just been as ruined as his tailhole, his eyes watering again.

"Okay, master..." Tess eagerly obliged, weakly reaching up to take Zane's hand.

"Good for you cuck, see you on Monday, if you behave..." Zane ordered.

"W- you mean behave?" Jordan asked, weakly looking back at the two of them leaving.

The last sight he had seen of his beloved husky, stolen from him, hand in hand lovingly following his muscled better, just as Zane had motioned toward the far left side of the weight room.

"I left my gym bag over there, you can start by washing my spandex for next week's matches...then we'll see if you can kiss your girl as a reward, bitch, till then, she's mine." Zane said, and Jordan didn't even get a goodbye from Tess as they left him alone, cum leaking from his backside, tears from his eyes, ashamed, and dominated entirely, on the floor of the room.

He had time to sob, time to dread what had happened to him, and time to maybe, somehow figure out if he could earn his dignity back by standing up to Zane in the future, but for now...

...He had laundry to do.

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