Virtually Real Part 39: Reassignment

Story by Prowl-Ar on SoFurry

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#2 of Virtually Real

Prowl-Ar gets to return to the game only to have everything change again.

Virtually Real Part 39: Reassignment

Returning Characters:

Shadow Runner Crew: Prowl-Ar, Kyle, Shock, Jordan, Frost, Rin, Mahan, Tuft, Tank

MAS Pilots:

Howler, Slider, Lee, Commander Harding, Corporal, Cutter, Cold Snap


Carl, Martin, Jay, Hiro

Other Characters: Monte

I sat in a small bar somewhere in the Himalayas. The owner had just started a drinking game with a couple of the locals. One I knew she was going to win. "Mahan, start the program."

"We've got to stop meeting like this. What is it with you and bars? Last I checked you don't even drink." Monte said, as his avatar appeared. "So it's been a year, and it's just the two of us for your party?"

"Actually it's been a bit longer than that. I think I may have lost a year somewhere."

"How do you lose a whole year?"

"When you reach my age time doesn't have the same meaning anymore."

"Do you think you could have met me in more of a dump?" Monte looked around and then gasped, "Is this . . ."

"Marion Ravenwood's bar from Raiders? Yeah, I thought you'd like the idea."

"This place is going to burn down shortly, judging by the number of shot glasses Ravenwood has in front of her."

"Just act like nothing's happening. It's funnier that way. Anyway I brought you here to ask you for a favor."

"Of course you did."

"I'd like you to be the headmaster on my new space station. You won't be resurrected. Instead you'll have an android body running off the memory crystal, kind of like you are now."

"Let me get this straight. You want to put my mind in a robotic body so I can be the headmaster of a space station. So I get to transform into the head of a larger transformer that then transforms into the head of your transforming space station? Do I get to name it? I'll be Fortress Metal Head Maximus."

I groaned. "No. I want you to be the headmaster of the first high school in space."

"Hmm, not quite as cool. Can I get a transformer body anyway?"

I was about to say no, but thought better of it. "Not out there in the real world, but here in the virtual world, why not. Hell, here you can take your trusty lightsaber, team up with Indy, Hellboy, Donatello and Scooby Doo flying between planets aboard Serenity to hunt down demon possessed artifacts if you want to. If you can imagine it the VR system can make it happen." The faraway look in his eyes told me he was considering the possibilities.

"So you want me to basically do the job I had when I was alive and you're bribing me . . ." He paused as a Nazi crashed into our table. "With all of this?" He finished.

"Change to location two." I ordered. "Sorry, I was getting a bit warm."

"Where are we now?"

"Hill Valley 1855."

"Wait, if I sneak into the livery stable-"

"You'll find a DeLorean." I said as a pie pan went whizzing by.

"You're not making it easy to say no."

"That's the idea. Should we visit a location from Lonesome Dove next?"

"Honestly you convinced me to give you at least a year with the Indiana Jones and Hellboy crossover."

"I'm sure the teaching staff will love you." I laughed in spite of myself. "Oh and if you're interested I can get you a special placement under General Badland's command with his famed Exploration Team. If you want to join in the current most watched program in VR."

"Is nothing sacred to you?"

I thought for a moment. "Not really. After all it's been a thousand years so every franchise we grew up with entered the public domain a very long time ago. Besides I still have pictures saved of your toy crossovers, so I know you're of the same mind. I'll see you again as soon as Mahan finishes constructing your new android body."

"See you in a couple of seconds then."

I smiled. "See what I mean about time?" I said, just before the program shut down. "Mahan, please contact Silverbolt and let him know that the school headmaster position has been filled."


I took the place of the avatar in my office and the game restarted. I really was happy to see that my NPC replacement had finished filling out the day's reports.

"So, what emergency are we going to have to deal with next?" Drake asked, as he entered.

"Hopefully we're due for a series of boring patrols were we deal with a few spiders at most."

"Tiger, Drake, and Fox, please report to the Commander's office immediately."

"So much for boring. We didn't do anything to get into trouble, did we?" Drake asked in surprise.

"How could we? We've barely recovered from our hearing loss."

We quickly made our way down stairs where Fox joined us.

"Whatever it is I didn't do it. I haven't placed any bets or anything, this time."

"I hate to say it, but this may be more crap from the Earth Council."

"Why do you think that?" Drake asked.

"I doubt it's a coincidence Tank delivered the mail and we're almost immediately summoned to the Commander's office. The reason I suspect the Council is because the General would have contacted me directly."

We arrived and the Corporal immediately showed us in.

"Ah, how nice of you to join me." The Commander was being polite.

I could feel through our link, we were all on edge.

"As you know we got the mail today and I received a couple of items that I felt like sharing. The first up is a news vid." The Commander directed our attention to the monitor.

"Welcome to TNA the Terran News Agency, I'm August O'Leary."

Fox stifled a laugh and I had to do the same, considering the News Woman was flaunting both her "T"s and her "A".

"I'm reporting to you from Parch where our supply convoy was attacked by a heavy Bug assault. We honestly believed we were going to die when out of nowhere a large group of MAS troops came to our escort's aid."

"Watch this part. I think you'll find it most interesting." The Commander ordered.

We watched as the events of our game at the station played out. Only this time from the view of the transports. Drake groaned at his insanely stupid maneuver.

"My God, did you see that? I didn't think a suit could move that way!" O'Leary said just before the video paused.

"She has a point. I've only seen one pilot that can maneuver his suit like that, and except for the color, the suit looks familiar as well. Now I know I didn't authorize this engagement."

"Sir, that mission is classified. Even if we had been there we couldn't tell you anything about it." Fox quickly interrupted.

"You don't need to. Later in the video the General's grandson denies having anything to do with the Special Forces team and if he learned that his Grandfather had sent them, while he would be grateful, he wouldn't be happy about it either."

"As Fox said, we have no information to add, Sir." I stated.

"Understood, however this leads directly to the dispatch I received from the Earth Council, 'effective Immediately Prowl-Ar Nightiger and his team are being reassigned as a recon and special forces unit. Individuals include Colonel Nightiger, Lt. Colonel Dacat-Nightiger, Major DaFox-Nightiger, and Major Delacroix. The recon ship Gryphon, under the command of Captain Cooper, has already been dispatched to retrieve the above listed individuals and their MAS suits.' You'll notice that all four of you have gone up a rank."

"Wait, they can't do that. Sure they can reassign us but Rin and Frost are going with us." Drake yelled.

"You think I'm happy about this? You're leaving me with a group who sees you as some sort of God. You think I want to deal with that? And what about the other pilots? Slider and Lee think of all of you as brothers. Even Cold Snap and Hazard respect you. Then there are the Convicts who see Prowl-Ar as some sort of savior. God, I have no idea how I'm supposed to deal with the fall out."

"Sir, how long until the Gryphon arrives?" I asked.

"They're in orbit now. So you have an hour, two at most."

"Get all the pilots assembled; Howler can stand in as the representative for the Alliance camp. I'll . . . I'll do my best to make sure everyone knows you had no part in this and you're as upset as they are. Drake, get the suits and our stuff ready for transfer. Shock, find Rin, Frost, and Wolf and get them ready to go."

"You're going to disobey orders and take the kids with you?"

I grinned. "No Sir, I'm going to issue some orders of my own. This is the same shit as Fallow. Someone is trying to get Frost and Rin away from us. However, whoever planned this didn't think it through very well. They seem to have forgotten the moment I set foot on any Federation star ship my rank changes to Admiral."

"What about the shuttle?" Drake asked.

"Crap, we'll have to leave it behind. I'll give Howler the security codes. The Alliance needs a reliable way to get up to their station anyway. Now get going we don't have much time."

They both glanced at the Commander.

"Don't look at me. You ceased to be my problem after I read you those orders. Colonel Nightiger and I now have the same rank."

"You're still the Base Commander, which means you're still in charge, Sir." Drake pointed out.

"Go. Get things done before that ship lands. Oh, and Tiger, in case I don't get the chance to say it later. You might have been a pain in the ass, but I'm going to miss you."

"Thank you Colonel Harding, that really does mean a lot to me. And I have to say it's been a pleasure serving under your command." I saluted and then headed for the barracks to begin dismantling my hyperspace communications gear.


I stared out at my pilots. Surprisingly I wasn't feeling my normal anxiety. I'd spent enough time with them that it didn't matter anymore.

"Tiger, what's going on? Why did the Commander order us to assemble?" Lee yelled from the center of the group.

"I asked him to. As you know we just received the mail. Along with that came new orders."

"Don't tell me they're making us move again. We just got this base set up." Cutter complained.

Fox's suit stepped out of his hangar, turned and lifted a large cargo crate in each hand.

"No, you're not being reassigned. Only Tiger and Wolf teams. We've been promoted and transferred to special operations. In the next hour a ship will be landing and our orders are to be ready. Fox slowly started heading toward the landing area. Wolf, Frost, and Snow came around from their hangars in back similarly loaded down.

"Fight. You still needed here. Drake, Alliance God." Cold Snap yelled, as Drake's suit stepped out, picked up his crates and followed the others.

I sighed. "We all know that things like this are likely to happen. Yes, I could try to fight it, but at what cost? It could mean the dissolution of the entire outfit. How would you feel if my fighting now leads to you and Hazard being separated?"

"Why still talking? Go already."

"Wait! Lord Nightiger, what about your shuttle?"

"I'll get to that in a minute. I just need to say that no matter how you feel about this, the Commander is even more pissed off about it, so go easy on him. For a few days at least. Now I just have to say you've all been a nightmare to command, but the best friends we could ever have asked for. I do have a few last minute orders for a few of you. Slider, Lee, Howler, Convict team, and Ronin please meet me at my hangar. Everyone else, we truly will miss you, but who knows we may end up working together again down the line. Dismissed."

I slowly walked over to my hangar while telling individuals how much I was going to miss them and to be sure to keep fighting the good fight. I arrived to find the group I'd singled out looking overly depressed.

"Come on, I'm not dead, just promoted."

"It's the same difference." Slider said quietly.

"Hey, we'll see each other again." I gave him a data chip. "That contains classified information so be careful with it."

"What is it?" Lee asked.

"The codes and frequency needed to communicate with Mahan. No matter where we are he will find a way to contact us. Since I'm responsible for your recovery, part of you technically belongs to Shadow Tech. We expect invitations to your wedding." Slider blushed and Lee grinned.

"You'd better be there. It just wouldn't be proper without my Man of Honor."

"Careful Love, you wouldn't want to make a Colonel cry."

"Go on, get back to your duties." I wiped my eyes, as they walked away, just to be sure I wasn't crying yet. "Howler, I'm also giving you that information along with the codes for the Shuttle. If the Alliance needs us let us know."

"My Lord, may . . ." Howler laughed, "I was going to say may the great dragon watch over you, but considering he is watching over you it doesn't seem quite right."

"How about this then. While he's watching over me I'll do my best to keep his tail out of trouble?"

Howler gasped at the blasphemy and then started laughing. "I suppose that's about right. If you'll excuse me I need to go let my people know Drake is leaving on a new mission."

"Go," I paused in a moment of indecision, "Go, with the Great Dragon's blessings."

"Now then, you four. Technically I pressed you into service but you're not soldiers. To that end the next time the Bad Luck, Crimson Shadow, or in a pinch the Lawless come through you can request passage off world."

"I'm staying as long as Violet is here." Carl stated.

"Yeah, I figured that much. Jay and Martin, you two likely don't want to return to Earth, however Shadow Tech has multiple off world facilities some of them are even publically known." I passed them a data pad. "This is my guarantee of sanctuary should you ever need it. Hiro, I know your Grandfather would like you to remain here and test out the new suit."

"I'll go where Jay and Martin go until my honor debt is repaid."

"For now I think we're good here. I mean what are the Bugs and a few big ass spiders compared to my mother?" Martin asked.

I laughed. "Yeah, I think I'd choose the spiders as well. Now as much as I don't really want to do this, it's important that I get to the landing field before our transport arrives."


When we reached the Landing Field I wasn't happy to find four drop pods waiting for us. Captain Cooper had to be a fool to think I'd trust my life to one of those death traps. "Colonel Nightiger to Greenwood Base, can you please connect me to Captain Cooper aboard the Gryphon."

"Yes Sir, the Gryphon is responding."

"Colonel, is there a problem?"

"We're assembled at the landing zone and awaiting pick up."

"Enter the evacuation pods and we'll bring you up."

"There are four pods and we have six suits."

"I'm only authorized to collect four suits and their pilots. Are you refusing a direct order?"

"I suppose not. We'll contact you again when we're ready to lift. Tiger out." I switched to our team frequency. "Drake contact Howler and ask him for a ride up to the station on the Alliance shuttle."

"Are we going to have to leave Frost and my suits behind?" Rin asked

"No. However Captain Cooper is going to have to land at the next location. Rin, begin disassembling Drake's suit."

I split our equipment and supplies between the three of the pods while Rin worked on Drake's suit. When she finished I helped her disassemble Wolf's suit. It was a tight fit but we were able to get both suits in one pod.

"Who's next?" She asked.

"Fox and my suits, then Frost's suit goes in pod three. That leaves the fourth pod for your suit. We'll need it to remain intact in order to re-assemble our suits later."

I climbed out of my suit and walked over to the control tower. Drake met me at the door. "Howler said they would be honored. He just needed to select a pilot from among all the volunteers. I gave him fifteen minutes to choose."

"Normally I'd suggest you didn't give him enough time, but as familiar as Rin is with the suits, I think that's about right."

"So what is this all about? Wolf asked, as he joined us.

"Our little battle the other day was added to the story as an actual event that took place while we were traveling to Greenwood. It seems your participation was edited out in order to make it work. Now we've been re-tasked as a Special Forces recon unit."

"That doesn't explain why there are only four pods."

"For some reason the Earth Federation Council wants to separate Rin and Frost from us. They tried once before on Fallow." Drake snarled.

"That doesn't explain why I've been reassigned with you."

"Technically you're not being reassigned since you were never officially assigned to Greenwood Base. You're already a part of the recon corps so this is just your next transport." Fox said, as he joined us. "Besides, we trusted you with the kids so whoever is after them can't have you around to keep them safe."

"Obviously they don't realize that everyone on the base would give their lives to protect those two." I laughed.

"Do we really have to go? I'm going to miss Slider and Lee sooooooo much." Frost said.

"I know, but . . ."

"Done. The pods can be launched when you're ready." Rin said, as she ran over.

"Computer, redesignate Greenwood as a public server once more. Don't worry, now you can write to them and even chat once in a while. I know it's not the same thing, but it is something at least."

The Alliance shuttle landed and a cheetah lowered the boarding ramp. "My Lords, I am Farrin Sunchaser and it's my honor to fly you up to the ship."

"Thank you. I only wish we'd had more time to get to know you." We entered the heavy shuttle I had Kyle take the co-pilot position and I sat at communications.

"Sir, I'm just a nobody. However, if your travels take you into Alliance space and you're anywhere near Sahvin 3 can you let my family know that I personally served-"

"If we're ever there I'll let them know." Drake interrupted.

I grinned he really did hate being thought of as a god. I activated the communications unit. "Captain Cooper, we're just about ready, however an Alliance shuttle has priority clearance. Please wait until it is docked to bring up the pods."

"Damned aliens should have stayed in their own corner of the galaxy. That shuttle can wait."

Kyle took the controls and headed us into space, "Sorry Farrin, but this might get dangerous. Better to have a pilot trained to fly this type of shuttle."

I switched to the cheetah's frequency. "Tell him you're already out bound so he has to wait." I said, before unmuting the mic.

"Captain, this Casona, I mean Captain Sunchaser, I'm already out bound you will just have to wait your turn."

"Like hell I do. You'd better be a good pilot otherwise you might just end up killing your dragon god."

"He's not my God! Only half of the Alliance believes that." It was a near miss as one of the pods shot past us.

"Are you trying to kill us?" I yelled.

"Ask that stupid shuttle pilot."

"He's not the one currently flying this shuttle. Commander Dacat-Nightiger is acting pilot."

"What the bloody hell are you doing on an Alliance shuttle? You're supposed to be in the Evac pods with your suits!"

"First off it is a Shadow Tech shuttle that I gave to the Alliance camp so that they would have transport up to their station. Second you only sent four pods so in order to fit in six suits and our gear we had to disassemble the suits leaving them unsafe to occupy for the lift into space."

"I told you only four suits!" Captain Cooper yelled.

"Listen, we'll be on the station soon, from there we'll transfer over to the Gryphon and we can discuss this at length. Colonel Nightiger, out." I muted the frequency before he could complain.

"Tiger, all the pods are past us. Casona Sunchaser I'm returning control to you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Take your time and get a feel for the ship. We're in no hurry." Kyle leaned back in the co-pilot seat and grinned. "Admiral Nightiger likes it when his adversaries are angry and stupid."

"Admiral?" Sunchaser asked.

"When I'm aboard any Federation ship I maintain the rank of Admiral. It means the moment I set foot aboard the Gryphon I'm the one in charge. Something that Captain Cooper doesn't seem to realize."

"I see, humans might seem physically weak, but you could likely out think your opponents."

"I'm sure Fox and Tiger could and Rin is getting there but-"

"Drake, if I'm not allowed to put myself down then you can't either. Besides, we're not human anymore."

"So it's true? You really can change your appearance?" Farrin asked.

Kyle slid his seat back and shifted to his anthro form. "You doubted the great dragon God?" He said, in his most commanding tone.

"No! Forgive me your holiness!" Sunchaser yelled, and tried to get on his knees forcing Kyle to grab the controls."

"Casona Sunchaser, get back to you position." I ordered.

He looked torn as if frightened to even move.

"Please get back in your seat. You said you didn't believe in the Dragon God, otherwise I wouldn't have joked like that."

"I- I'm not a true believer, but that doesn't mean I didn't respect the myth. The last thing I'd want to do is make you mad. I mean, sure the war you started freed the Canin, but it also brought greater freedom to many of the lower class Leonar. As a cheetah I would have barely been ranked higher than a Canin. If you are the Dragon God I owe you my life."

"I guess it's a good thing I'm not the Dragon God then. I just look a lot like him."

"If you say so, but you have to admit it has to be more than a coincidence that you just happen to show up when the Alliance needs your help the most."

I leaned back and grinned as Kyle tried to formulate a believable explanation.


We were met at the airlock between the Gryphon and the station. Of course Captain Cooper made the mistake of keeping his security forces on the Gryphon.

"Colonel Nightiger, the Captain has ordered you, and the four suit pilots, are to be secured in the brig until he decides on your punishment. The two children you brought with you are not allowed aboard."

"That's nice. Frost and Snow, get over here. Officer, I order you to escort all six of us to the bridge."

The security officer gave a slight chuckle. "I already have my orders. Now send the kids back over to the station. I really don't want to have to shoot them."

"No, I don't think you understand. As an Admiral my orders take precedence."

"You're only a ground forces Colonel."

"Yes, when assigned to a ground forces base I'm a Colonel; however, when aboard any Federation Space Forces Vessel my rank changes to Admiral."

"That's not how rank works."

"Computer, please confirm my rank and Identity for the security officer."

"Special Admiral Prowl-Ar Nightiger, Supreme Commander of Alliance Federation combined operations."

Everyone was silently staring at me. Even I wasn't sure what to say about my new title. The last thing I wanted was to be responsible for so many lives, even if they were virtual reality constructs.

"Sir! I'll escort you, and your group to the bridge."

It wasn't a large ship just 12 levels and most of the room devoted to engines, the single suit maintenance hangar, and the drop pod system. I could tell crew accommodations would be cramped at best.

"Rin, get a good look at everything. We're likely going to have to alter this thing to fit two additional drop pods." I whispered.

As expected Captain Cooper was on the bridge. What I hadn't expected was to enter with him yelling at the Station Commander.

"I'm telling you I'm authorized to take what I need. Now turn over the supplies as ordered."

"Captain, as I told you, we are extremely short on supplies. We don't really have enough for our own needs. We can't just give you everything we have." The Sacred Dragon said, looking truly upset.

"Listen, I have your dragon God onboard. You wouldn't-".

"ENOUGH!" Kyle roared, "I will not be used in this way. Casona, my mate gave Howler a data pad. On it is contact information for Captain Abrams. I encourage you to order any supplies you need. They will be paid for by Shadow Tech, from my personal accounts."

"Higgens! I told you to put them in the brig and to shoot the kids if they tried to board." Captain Cooper yelled.

"I'm sorry sir, but I am following orders."

"On this ship my orders are the only orders."

"Captain Cooper, I order you to shut up, or you'll be confined to quarters. Obviously you weren't fully informed, when you were given this mission. While aboard any Federation vessel my rank is Admiral. Now I'm willing to let you remain in command of your ship as long as you stop issuing asinine orders."

"Do you know the penalty for impersonating an officer?"

"Captain, I checked his ident records. What he's saying is true. While aboard his rank is Admiral."

"Thank you, First Lieutenant." He practically growled. "Since the . . . Admiral and his family are aboard set course for-".

"Big Hub Station." I interrupted.

"Sir? That's in the opposite direction of the course we need to follow. Not to mention it isn't exactly a nice place, especially for respectable military ships."

"That may be so, but it is the closest outpost where we can make the upgrades necessary for the Gryphon to field six drop pods. As for the respectability I suggest you remain on the ship, for your own safety."

"The Federation isn't going to pay for illegal upgrades." The Captain stated, as if that would be the end of it.

"Don't worry I have that covered." Everyone on the bridge stared at me like I had to be crazy. "You think I was made an Admiral because the Supreme Commander has a secret crush on me? For the record he doesn't, though I can't say the same about his wife, and his mother has out right told me she wants me to be her toy boy." I shuddered for effect.

"To be fair she did make that offer to all three of us as well as together in a group." Shock added.

"I still think turning her down is what got us assigned to Fallow in the first place." Kyle grinned at the crew.

"Still that wasn't why I was made an Admiral. It's because I, or my company has contacts reaching into places most wouldn't expect. Hell, even I don't know all the contacts I might have. Wolf, are you a god?"

"What? No. Do I need to run a scan to check for abnormal lesions on your brain?" Jordan asked in confusion.

I laughed at how easily I'd pulled that off. He had been completely honest in his answer so obviously he wasn't a god. "Probably a good idea, but that can wait for later. I was just pointing out that until we arrived at Greenwood I'd never have expected Drake was a god. However, here he is with an alliance of star empires all wanting to worship him. The other reason is because people . . ." I paused as the realization of what I was going to say hit me, "People seem to follow me, Gods know why, because I certainly don't. Now if someone would please show us to our bunks, we'll get out of your way."

"Bunk, singular. There is a single bunk with four births. It's going to be crowded and likely awkward with all six of you squeezed in. Also don't come whining to me if certain members of the crew gets handsy with the kids. It was your idea to bring them with you." Captain Cooper said, with an evil smirk.

"If they try they'll lose their hand." Rin said, as she shifted and extended her claws.

"That's if they're lucky, otherwise we may all have private bunks by the time we reach Big Hub." Shock growled.

We were led into the bowels of the ship until we step out into a small suit maintenance bay. There was only room for a single suit to be pulled from one of the four pods at a time. We were then taken down a flight of stairs and shown into the cramped quarters. There were indeed only four bunk beds, a narrow opening between that could only hold two people at a time, and a small door at the back.

"This is the suit pilot's bunk. The head which includes a sonic shower is the next door over."

"And the door at the back?" Rin asked.

"Kid, stay out of there that is a maintenance tunnel access hatch. It's extremely dangerous."

Rin nodded but I could tell it was more in line with "That's what I thought" than "You're right I'll stay far away from that."

"While I can't give you orders, I suggest you get some rest, if you can. It's six days to reach Big Hub."

Our escort left and within seconds Rin had the access door open. "I've got my bunk. I just need to 'requisition' a few items from supply and it'll be perfect. I'm going to do a little exploring." She held up her pad. "Don't worry, I down loaded full schematics while the Captain and crew were distracted. I'll be back in an hour." Rin shifted to her lynx form and set off to explore the tunnels.

"I should have gone with her, in my otter form. Since I'm the only one without a bunk." Frost said looking in the hatch.

"Fox, Drake, Wolf, and Frost pick a bunk and get some sleep. I'll find-"

"Tiger get in this bed." Shock said pointing at one of the slightly larger bottom bunks before shifting to his fox form.

I grinned at his quick thinking. At that size he could curl up with any of us and be fine. I crawled into the space and had to revise my thoughts. Wolf, due to his size was having some difficulty fitting into the small space. "It's only six days and then we'll have proper bunks again." He just smiled at me with a forlorn look, like even though He knew he'd never be comfortable this wasn't a new situation for him.


We were close to surviving our first week in hell. That's not to say we didn't make the best of it. Rin stole a mattress from supply and set up a room for herself in the maintenance tunnel. I pulled her suit out of the Evac pod, disconnected the control system, and Jordan now slept in the cockpit where he could stretch out and actually relax. Leaving the bunks for the rest of us. However the lack of privacy was a problem. In the six days game time we'd paused the game twice to get some "alone" time in our real quarters.

"Admiral, please come to the bridge, we are about to drop out of hyperspace."

"Computer, pause game and shift our location to Coyote Park on Big Hub Station, after the park has been abandoned but before the "Who Am I?" story. I stepped off the path and sat on the perfectly manicured lawn. I shooed away one of the station's little maintenance robots that scuttled out to check the disturbance."

"What's wrong?"

I laughed since everyone said it at the same time. I was obviously becoming predictable since even Frost and Rin had asked.

"It's this place. Of all the locations in my stories I've avoided this station. The character I based on myself nearly died here."

"That was your character, not you." Shock said.

"I based him on everything I wanted to be. Then the first chance I got I used the evolver to become him." I removed my uniform top. "You've never asked about my scars."

"I didn't need to. I read your stories and . . . Oh, this isn't just about your physical scars."

I ran my fingers across the marks that ran across my chest. These are from that character's battle to protect his son. It was a ceremonial battle where he was required to subdue his opponent without seriously injuring him. His opponent on the other hand was required to kill my character. The opponent was a leopard shifter and Prowler, was form locked as a human."

"This is an interesting story but I can tell you're avoiding something." Jordan said.

"I'm getting to it. I kept the scars as a reminder to never forget what a single mistake can cause. He was in that situation because he didn't know he was from a feline shifter lineage. It started at the Sundowner Cantina he rescued a leopardess, Meonii Shadowrunner, from a group of his crewmates. He was intoxicated by her beauty, or so he thought. As it turned out she was in heat and she'd left by morning. However the crewmate he'd been secretly meeting with found out. Which led to the ship's commander finding out about the relationship. Dawna, Prowler's love interest, was shot, stuffed in an escape pod and ejected while in altered space."

"She?" Jordan asked in surprise.

"I'm not particularly proud of that time in my life. I was very anti-gay, not hostile or violent, but it was made worse by the fact that a part of me knew there was something wrong with me. To compensate my characters were completely heterosexual. And I did my best to be like the characters I wrote."

Kyle sat down and pulled me close. "We can feel how much this is hurting you, but just let it out. We're here and we're not leaving you."

"My character stole the Commander's racer and went to save Dawna. He found her and got her to a medical facility. But when she came out of her coma she was . . . different."

"You know Mahan let me read your stories as well. She was completely deranged. But your character found her again and she was even the one that learned from his dreams that he was bi-sexual. I take it by that point you were starting to accept yourself?" Kyle asked.

"Yes, but she is my character's mate and she made it clear that he could explore that aspect of his needs, but only if she approved of the males and they understood that she was the one in charge."

"That's all very good, but what does it have to do with our current game?" Rin asked.

"Dawna owns Big Hub Station, she'll see me as her mate, she's the jealous type, and she didn't 'approve' Kyle or Shock, I have two more children, meaning I cheated on her, again. Because of all her trauma her shift species is a very big sabretooth cat. If that wasn't bad enough she has a super power that lets her become non-corporeal.

"What does that mean?" Frost asked.

"She can become a living ghost. It means if she decides to attack us your frost breath and Kyle's fire breath won't work on her."

"Don't worry about it." Shock said grinning widely. "Everything is going to be fine, trust me. We'll take things as they come. This is a game after all. You're stressing over nothing. Computer, return to MAS game."

Shock was right, if things got too bad I had my cheat codes, though I found myself reluctant to use them. We quickly got into position and the game restarted and we all headed for the bridge. As we stepped out of the lift the Gryphon dropped out of hyperspace.

"Oh my God! That thing is as big as a planet!" Kyle gasped.

"The population is closer to two planets." I pointed out.

At the center was a blue ice planetesimal a little over half the size of Pluto. Though the station could accommodate Pluto in the space. Massive pipes ran from the inner station tube ring to the planetesimal.

What are all those pipes? Rin asked.

"The four largest ones that go directly from the station to the ice core are transit tubes. You'll notice that they also run from the inner ring through the central ring and out to the outer ring. Under no circumstances should anyone travel to the outer ring. It is a mostly lawless area. Also avoid the inner ring. That is devoted to the Elite classes, security, and medical. Nobody goes there willingly, or without an invitation. Don't get invited. All the smaller pipes are for ice mining. Even the outer ring has fresh water for drinking and bathing"

"Why isn't the outer ring complete?" The security officer asked.

"The outer ring wasn't part of the original design. That opening is for the station's engines."

"That thing is a ship?" Captain Cooper asked in surprise.

"How else are they supposed to replace the core when the water is used up? Communications, please hail station docking control."

"The channel is open for all the good it will do."

"Docking control, this is the Federation Recon ship Gryphon. We are inbound for the Shadow Tech docks. Authorization code 10101 Alpha Command."

"Sending flight path navigation." A graphic appeared on the view screen.

"Pilot, follow that course exactly and keep to the speed in the graphic. If something is in the way, ram it. Docking control can you please redirect communications to the dock?"

"Transferring you now."

"You've reached the Shadow Tech offices on Big Hub Station. All our technicians are busy at the moment."

"Don't give me that crap. This is Prowl-Ar Nightiger you're speaking to." I heard a gasp on the other end of the line. I'm bringing in a Federation Chimera class recon vessel in need of modifications. Rin, transmit your designs, please."

"I, I'm receiving the information, My Lord."

"This is an unsecure line."

"Of course! I apologies, Sir. Your project now takes priority. The crews will be ready to start as soon as you are in the dock. Your download is complete. I see, extended gantry for two additional suits and an expanded area for recreation and improved crew quarters. Yeah, the old Chimeras were rather cramped. We can easily get in most of the standard parts and surprisingly the rest can be built using materials on hand. Is this your work, Sir?"

"No, I have a very talented designer with me."

"Whoever they are they have a gift. We should be able to complete this in five days. Maybe less depending one available materials."

"I'm looking forward to getting a shower and some real rest after being cramped in this can for the last week. Admiral Nightiger, out."


We slowly stepped out onto the catwalk. Captain Cooper insisted his crew would be staying with the ship. I suggested the six of us get out and stretch our legs, get a meal, have a shower and then get some real sleep.

We followed the catwalk across the dock to a door leading to an office.

"Lord Lightstripe! Run." was yelled at us followed by a loud meaty thud.

I stepped inside the room, eight armed men in security uniforms had their rifles pointed at me. A female otter was on the floor bleeding from a head injury As well as from her mouth and ears.

I growled.

"Don't even think about it. We've been warned."

"Jordan, get in here! If she doesn't recover I'm taking out my wrath on all of your clans."

Most of the security men stepped back in obvious terror but quickly focused their attention on the werewolf as he entered.

"Human form, or we put you down." The leader growled refusing to look at me.

"Wolf, I need your medical skills, not your strength, right now."

He shifted and checked the otter. "She's still alive." He shook his head. "It doesn't matter she won't recover from this wound."

I glared at the security officer. "Summon Dirk, or I swear to all the Kah Har every last one of you will die slow agonizing deaths. Be sure to tell him to bring the green shard. He'll know what that means. Jordan, do your best to keep her alive." I watched one of the agents step out the opposite door, likely to contact the medic.

"Tell the rest of your group to enter, slowly."

Kyle entered hissing at the men.

"Shift now." The Commander ordered.

"He's Arakeenian, you idiot, that's his only form. If it wasn't for the fact my group already knows about me I'd have to kill them. As it is I'm required to kill all of you for having that knowledge."

"We are all of Clan Dacat and so exempt from your orders."

"No Shendrian is exempt from the orders of Clan Lightstripe! Not even you upstart tigers." Shock yelled, as he entered.

"And what clan are you?"

"Springstalker." I quickly supplied.

"Oh you mean Taillifter Clan. Shouldn't you be on the floor begging for-" The man was thrown across the room by a sudden gust of wind, slamming into the wall and slumping to the ground unconscious.

"Do not insult my father like that!" Snow yelled, as she entered.

"Snowpaws, of the Snarion Trickster Clan. She is newly changed and not quite in control of her elemental powers. Try not to make her angry."

Frost looked in the doorway. "Is it safe?"

"And this is Frost, my son."

All the guards stepped back glancing at each other, but before they could say anything a rather gangly young man rushed in and directly to the otter. "Shit, this is bad." He mumbled.

"She can't be healed. The injury is to sever." Jordan said, sadly.

"I've seen worse. You're a medic?"


"Good that will help. What is your Clan?"

"My Clan?"

"Sorry, you wear the Lightstripe crest so I just assumed-"

"Nigthtspeaker Clan, though he is special. His form is of an earlier species. Larger and stronger."

"Lord Lightstripe, I didn't realize you . . . Later, the patient first. With you here I should be able to channel enough power to heal her."

I stood behind Dirk and placed my hands on his shoulders Shock and Kyle immediately placed their hands on mine. "Jordan, Dirk can use that green gem to channel a portion of our life force into his patient completely healing her. The energy we lose will shorten our lives by a few years, but what is two or three years out of a couple thousand? Also if Dirk doesn't have enough energy, from those around him, he'll lose his own life."

Jordan placed his hands on top of Dirk's hands. "Take what you need."

I could feel the drain for a moment then we were all blown backwards.

"Who the hell are you? You're not Lord Lightstripe. I've healed him before so I know the feeling of his energy. You- you're something older, even more powerful."

"I'm . . . I'm the first of the Nightiger line those you know as Lightstripe. Have your mate contact Arlen Sundowner. He'll confirm my story."

"It's amazing how much you look like Lord Lightstripe but now I'm starting to see minor differences." Dirk grinned and glanced at Kyle and Shock. "I felt your connection through the gem. You two take care of him. If he's anything like Lord Lightstripe he'll likely place more value on others than he does on himself." Dirk helped the otter to her feet. She still looked stunned but at least she was conscious. "And you," Dirk pointed at Jordan, "Watch over him. He is likely going to need you. More than you both realize." And with that they left the office.

"Sir, we have orders to escort you to her Eternal Greatness, Destiny and Destruction, Lady Lightstripe Grande High Ruler of Big Hub Station.

"Well, everyone. It seems we're off to meet a real Pirate." I said, as I got up.


"You are about to enter the throne room of the Great Dawna Destruction." The guards swung the doors open and we walked inside.

Dawna sat on a giant sapphire throne carved from a single crystal. I say "sat" but it was more like she was draped over the seat. One leg was up over the arm, she was reclined on bright blue pillows and her cape hung over the other arm.

"I wondered how long it would take before you came to check on me, kitten."

"You don't call him 'kitten'! Do it again and I'll bite your face off." Shock yelled.

Dawna popped a grape in her mouth before glancing at us. "New recruits? You really should warn them not to interrupt me. It's bad for their health."

"Tiger, I don't like her. She's just another prissy, stuck up, bitch who thinks everyone should pamper her. I'm sure we can get the upgrades elsewhere." Shock said.

"How dare you?" Dawna yelled jumping to her feet a cutlass materializing in her hand.

Kyle pushed Shock back. "Do not threaten my mates. A loud roar filled the chamber as a very large wind staff snapped open. "Oh and your guards should be careful about what they consider weapons.

Dawna looked rather surprised. Hell, I was surprised, since I didn't know Kyle had been practicing with a dragon scale wind staff.

Dawna laughed. "You'd threaten me with that toy?" She shifted to her Sabretooth form standing close to ten foot tall and frankly looking more masculine than feminine I had to admit I was mildly turned on. "Your staff will be less than a sting to me."

I noticed Kyle narrow his eyes as he stared up at Dawna. This was going to devolve into a very messy fight if I didn't do something. "Shock, Jordan, Rin, and Frost back out the door quickly. This room is about to get very cramped." I whispered. I waited just long enough for them to move before marching forward. "Lady Destruction, I suggest you stand down. If you're looking for a pissing contest my Dragon will win."

"Your dragon?" She snarled.

"Yes, my dragon, my husband, or my mate. However you want to put it."

"Is that why you removed your telegem? So I wouldn't know?" She yelled, as she attempted to backhand me.

There was a loud slap as her hand impacted with Kyle's fully transformed hand. I could hear the bones in Dawna's hand creaking.

"Drake, return to human form. Let me deal with this."

Kyle looked at me before he nodded, released Dawn's hand, and shifted to human form. "If she tries to hit you again I will kill her." He whispered as he stepped back.

"At least it follows orders I can't believe you-"

Before she could recover I'd shifted and pounced. I had her by the throat. If she didn't submit she'd suffocate. For an instant I was tempted to actually go ahead and rip her throat out. I could feel it she was an instant from phasing. Knowing what was about to happen I grabbed the white gem around her neck. A blinding pain rushed through me, nearly overwhelming me, "I am Prowl-Ar Nightiger, submit damn you. Submit or die!" I thought and then I was flying across the room repelled by the gem itself.

I came too suddenly with Jordan holding something foul in front of my nose.

"Ah good, smelling salts do work on tigers. Tell me did you know that last bit was going to happen."

"Huh?" I asked trying to play stupid. I definitely didn't want anyone to know the truth. I had known this was going to happen, but it wasn't a suicide attempt. At least not until I made one more attempt forcibly taking a gem. The second try would leave me in a coma for a few days. A third try would mean instant death.

"I'll take that as a yes. Don't worry, I won't tell the others. Doctor patient confidentiality." Jordan whispered. "Besides they're upset enough already."

I slid back propping myself up against the wall. Dawna was being treated by Doctor Dirk. I knew her injuries had to be superficial.

"It seems I owe you an apology. I- I honestly mistook you for my consort, Lord Prowler Lightstripe. Even your stripes are similar, but not exactly the same."

"Dawna, don't say anything else. You're risking the time stream."

I glanced at the door and immediately recognized Trace. "No, she isn't. You think I don't know who all of you are? Trace, open a communication's link to the Shadow Runner."

"I don't know what you're talking about." The young man said.

"I'm not talking about the original. Open a link to the one hidden in the Sol system."

"Impossible." Dawna gasped.

I sighed, "Fine, open the channel and ask Mahan."

Dawna walked over to her throne, "The link is open, not-".

"Hello Dawna. I wondered how long it would take before you discovered me."

"Mahan? How is this possible?"

"I'm not exactly the same Mahan you know. Prowler, that is, your Prowler left the original Shadow Runner for my Prowl-Ar to copy. Once I was completed the original returned to where he belonged. Since then I've collected many more memory crystals making me completely different from the original."

"I also have an unedited copy of Prowler's log." I said, as I slowly got to my feet.

"How the Hell did you get that? I've never had the chance to see that and I'm his son!" Trace yelled.

"I've met with Arlen Sundowner, It seems he travels back to make sure the timeline hasn't been corrupted too much." I laughed, "I've got to be careful though because sometimes it's the Arlen from your time and others it's Arlen from an earlier time. Oh, I should probably warn you the ship Indigo Flame is here from the earlier time with the mission to find and rescue shifters. Under no circumstances should you allow any harm to that ship. Its engineer is a direct ancestor of Dare Fireshadow."

"So if I killed him-"

"No Dare means no Shadow Runners. Prowler would have returned to Shendria and lived out his life. Trace you would have benefited, but Tye wouldn't exist and none of you would have traveled to Celtis Aranaki."

"I'll make sure everyone knows they are under my protection. So, since you know so much why are you here? I'd think you would avoid this station to keep from breaking time." Dawna asked.

"Honestly, I'd planned on doing just that; however, the ship I'm currently traveling aboard needs a major refit and the closest Shadow Tech facilities were here."

"Why do you even bother if you have your own Shadow Runner?" Trace asked.

I paused as I really thought about my answer. "There are some humans worth saving. It's really hard finding those few if I stay hidden aboard the Runner. However, I'm afraid history is about to move into a dark time and the fact you are here pretty much confirms it. After the Bug War, the Federation is going to quietly begin the Great Expansion leading to the genocide of all non-human races."

"That's what Arlen told us. That and the fact that many alien worlds were deserted by the time the humans arrived. History speculates that they were weak and contact with human diseases led to their extinction. Arlen seems to think otherwise and my mate agrees. They think the planets were evacuated to a safer place." Dawna explained.

"I'd like to help with that."


"I'd like to take a hyper net com system to the Draconian home world. That will allow you to communicate with them directly."

"You know the coordinates?" Dawna asked in surprise.

"Yes, and I have a pilot I trust to get me there and back. However it's a mission I'd rather the Federation doesn't know about."

"You're not going alone." Kyle growled.

"And risk getting shot? No, the great dragon god is going with me."

Dawna gave us a strange look but didn't comment.

"What about us?" Shock asked.

"Shock, you're going to have as much fun as possible annoying Captain Cooper, keeping him from knowing that Kyle and I are missing."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

Dawna smiled, "I'm going to be keeping Kyle and Prowl-Ar as 'special guests' until the Federation is ready to depart from my station, right?" Dawna laughed. "Are you sure you're not my mate in disguise? You certainly both think alike."


"Don't even start. All my time is going to be spent on retrofitting the Gryphon. They may be our people, but it is my design and I'm not leaving it in the hands of amateurs."

"Just a small thing. I want you to find a way to fit our hyper net computer into one of Jordan's medical or survey pods. If things ever do go sideways I want a way we'll be able to summon help."

"I was going to protest that I need all my equipment, but I have to admit that is a good idea. So what am I going to be doing?" Jordan asked.

I glanced at Dirk who was quietly inching toward the door. "I'd like you to spend some time assisting Dirk."

"What?" Dirk asked in surprise.

"Jordan is our medic and has only recently experienced First Shift. Up until now he hasn't had much practice treating anthros. I though you could use the help in your free clinic and he'll get some much needed experience."

"I admit I could use the help. After seeing him on the docks and seeing him treat you here I know he has plenty of talent and training. Tell me, Jordan, was it?"

"Yes, Jordan Delacroix, though I also answer to Wolf."

"Don't you find that demeaning?" Dirk asked, as they headed out the door.

"Not when it's the Captain, and my friends."

I turned toward Frost. That just leaves my favorite otter dragon."

"If you don't mind, can I offer a suggestion?" Trace asked.

"Of course."

The Summerrevels have set up a water park and they insist on meeting every otter that visits the station."

I laughed, "What true otter could pass up something like that?"

"But I'm a hybrid, not a true otter." Frost said.

"You're a double shifter hybrid. That makes you extra special." I said.

"A double shifter? Is that even possible?" Dawna asked.

Kyle grinned, "If that confuses you, then you're really not going to believe that I'm a quadrimorph. But this isn't about me it's about Frost and what he wants."

"I- I think I really want to go. It sounds like it might be fun."

"Come on little bro." Trace said, before winking at me.

"Just remember to be careful. Your frost breath isn't fully recovered yet."

"Frost breath? So cool." I heard Trace's voice echo from the hallway they had taken.

"That just leaves my prisoners. I suppose you're in need of a fast ship?" Dawna asked.

"No, we have a ship we just need to get in touch with the Captain."


We walked up the Bad Luck's entry ramp. Tuft was waiting for us. "You're serious, you want us to travel to the Alliance home world?"

"Yes, but no one can ever know about this trip."

"Of course, but any trips after this one we can talk about, right?"

"You just want to piss off Captain Shades." Kyle said.

"More than you can possibly imagine." Tuft admitted.

"Then let's get moving before we're recognized." I said.

"Don't start any of that Admiral shit here. This isn't a Federation ship while you're here Tank is in charge. You two are just passengers."

"Sound's perfect. Prowl-Ar has been in real need of some down time. Please escort us to our room." Kyle stated, as he dragged me toward the passenger section.


Stress Relief

Stress Relief sun above cool soil moving beneath my paws my mate waiting in the shade nearby I pace the glen loosening stress tightened muscles I dash forward he is beside me running sun above cool soil moving beneath our paws

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Virtually Real Notes: Prowl-Ar's First Shift

During "First Shift" every shifter becomes their animal self for about a year in in order for their human and animal selves to acclimate to their new animal form. Ordinarily the individual has a teacher or guide, however this can prove very dangerous...

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Virtually Real Part 32: Convention, Camp Out, and Fitting In

Virtually Real Part 32: Convention, Camp Out, and Fitting In Returning Characters: Prowl-Ar/Kyle/Shock/Frost/Rin/Mahan Tank/Tuft Kazu/Kira Commander/Kicker/Cutter/Cold...

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