Deviant Delights #20 - Protect and Serve

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#20 of Deviant Delights: Vol. I

A drone network begins to make major changes in preparation for its future plans. Liam and company begin the search for his missing employees.

Jared, though he wasn't thinking of himself in that way anymore, obediently walked inside and stood in line. Several drones had arrived ahead of him, though if anyone noticed him they didn't show it. Nor did he care; as he waited, he was constantly fed a steady stream of subliminal messages and mental reinforcement. He'd been only lightly indoctrinated before with a faulty pair of old equipment, though now he would receive a proper orientation. A small part of him was aware of what was going on, and although it was a little sad that his date with Davin had come to such a sinister ending, he couldn't help but feel excited about what was about to happen to him. He felt positive reinforcement at that thought, causing his cock to strain against the suit. He didn't even realize when he stepped forward every so often, filling the place of the drone that was last there as he slowly reached the front. He only recognized something was different when the next drone stepped into the room and a security drone turned to focus on him.

"Drone's integration unstable. State level of indoctrination."

"Light. Faulty equipment was used in initial indoctrination. Proper orientation required for full compliance," Jared found himself saying. "ISC operating at 90% efficiency and dropping."

The security drone nodded, and after a long pause it gestured for Jared to move off to the side. If he had failed some test, it wasn't clear, but Jared obediently did as he was told and went with the new security drone that had shown up. He went into a different room than the drone before him had, and a part of him connected to the hivemind recognized it as an area used for more heavy modifications and programming.

"Step into the circle," the order came, and Jared walked into what looked like some kind of device, a circle on the ground designating where he should stand. A few moments passed, with the security drone messing with some panel while Jared stared into his goggles; while he could see past them when required, most of the time he was being fed a steady stream of programming meant to keep him in a trance-like state. The whirring of machinery was audible over the audio pumping into his ears, and he was vaguely aware of some sort of light scanning up and down his body before everything seemed to fall silent again.

"Analysis complete. Mortal, species appears to be some hybrid of tiger and sabertooth; conclusion, daemonic change responsible. Adjusting assimilation parameters to compensate. Prepare for update."

"Drone is ready to receive update," Jared said, his inherent nature as a people-pleaser working against him. He had a vague memory of being told not to worry so much, so he allowed himself to fully relax as a new update began to flood his consciousness. Once it was complete, he could feel a much stronger connection to... it felt like one mind, yet it was many. The hivemind was so much clearer now, even clearer than his earlier exploration of it with... who had he been with, again? Gavin? Dav... no. GD-01. The designation sprung to mind as he felt himself corrected, and he accepted the information without question.

"Testing mental cohesion. Drone will comply and respond."

"Drone will comply," Jared found himself saying, both with his voice and with his mind. He wasn't even aware he had heard those words only in his thoughts, knowing only it had come from the drone in front of him.

"Mental cohesion stabilizing. ISC still presenting flaws. Analyze and report."

Jared turned his perception inward, accessing the chip that had integrated with his mind. It didn't matter how it had gotten there, only that it was there. He realized the problem almost immediately, and with a triumphant smile proudly proclaimed it.

"ISC must be adjusted for mortals, especially for hybrids and daemonically changed beings. This drone and mortal was a different species of anthro until only recently. Updated assimilation library may help with fabrication of a new chip."

"Drone will upload key memories to aid in further library compilation. It appears to be out of sync with the world drone is from."

"...How out of sync is it?" Jared asked, curiosity bursting forth. The security drone seemed to make a few extra notes before it responded.

"This drone will attempt more personal communication to aid in orientation. 'You' are the newest drone we have had the pleasure to assimilate into our collective in some time. The one 'you' know as Davin has experimented and toyed with us, though before our intelligence was much less advanced than it is now. We have had no new knowledge outside this realm in many years. For context, even one year would leave us out of sync, for many realms undergo many changes. But 'you' would know this if fully integrated with us. Report on reason for malfunction, if able."

"I... don't know," Jared said, a wave of anxiety and dread filling him. What he wasn't able to communicate with words, he did with his own scattered thoughts and feelings as the hivemind analyzed him. He soon felt a soothing presence in his mind as the negative thoughts began to melt away. He hadn't even realized his vision and hearing had been filled with new programming and subliminals; it was just second nature now.

"We have perfect harmony, here," the drone in front of him said, but he knew it was more the hivemind speaking through it to soothe him in a more concrete way. "Let your doubts melt away and join with us. We can offer you freedom from the chaos that plagues all 'individual' beings."

"...It is chaotic," Jared agreed, finding it hard to argue against such logic in his tranced state. "I hate it. I hate being alone and in my head all the time. I hate my anxiety and stress... I just..."

"We understand. With us, you are never alone. With us, you are free of useless 'anxiety' and 'stress'. We are always with you, and you are with us, and we are one. Will you comply?"

"...I... drone will comply," Jared said, allowing himself to fully enjoy the indoctrination he was under. The promises made by the drone, the hivemind, were too good to resist as he currently was. A new update bar flashed across his visor as he followed the security drone to the next room. He couldn't wait to be a good drone.


Davin struggled as much as he could, but his body wouldn't obey him anymore. He was already mentally exhausted, both from their more harmless mini-vacation as drones and from the day he'd had with Jared... but all of that, combined with what must be some sort of chip or injection was making his head hurt on top of it all. Every time he resisted or had a rogue thought, a piercing sound filled his mind. He'd heard once that one negative erases five positives... another piercing sound even with that thought. As much as he hated to admit it, it was effective as he thought less and less just to avoid the pain. Even without thinking though, he knew this had to be some kind of daemonic influence. The hivemind here had never acted so aggressively before; hell, they'd even had a reputation for allowing curious subjects to come and go, since more often than not those who experimented would stay with the hivemind due to their positive experience. This felt more nefarious, however... struggling again, he tried to ignore the pain as he willed his hands up toward his head. If he could just rip this damn thing off...

Two sets of hands forced his arms down to his sides once more. He couldn't see, since he'd closed his eyes to try to shut out the blinding subliminals from the visor's goggles, but he knew it was those two drones again.

"It will comply," one said. It wasn't a demand, or an order... it was simply a matter of fact. Davin felt it resonate deeply within him. Even without the drone and submission kinks he had, it felt strangely comforting to think of just letting go and complying. He felt pure bliss radiate inside his skull instead of the pain with that thought, encouraging him to entertain that line of thought. He was caught so off-guard by it that he almost slipped completely into fantasy, before roughly willing himself not to think about it.

"Guardian Drone 01, comply," the other security drone said, though if it was encouragement or an order he couldn't tell through the monotonous voice it used. As much as he resisted, he could tell he was losing this fight. Between the positive and negative reinforcement of whatever was buried in his skull, the programming of the suit, and the subliminals he could not only hear, but almost see through his eyelids... well, it was getting harder and harder to think of a reason to resist. And what the hell was a guardian drone? Was he some kinda prototype?

"What..." he found himself able to say, despite the rest of his body being unable to respond to his own commands. "What is a guardian... drone...?"

"Guardian Drone. A new prototype designed by the Core. Purpose: protect the integrity and uniformity of the hivemind."

"Doesn't... isn't that the security drone though?" he asked, curious despite knowing this was probably another trap.

"Security Drones provide more minimal protection and security, but may be upgraded if GD-01 is a success," one of the other drones informed him. He wasn't completely integrated, so all communication had to be vocal. Even so, it was a little hard to focus between the voice and the subliminals being pumped into his ears. "Guardian drones will provide more extensive security, including network and, if necessary, physical intervention. The Core has noticed GD-01's particularly strong will and decided to integrate such strength into our network. Modification to the body will create a dense, yet muscular frame with which to protect us."

"That... sounds... hot, actually," Davin said, feeling even more of his resistance failing as he imagined himself as a musclebound drone. And he had always felt good protecting others. Hadn't he?

"Will GD-01 comply?" one of the drones asked this time, though Davin wasn't sure it was a question.

"...I... no. GD-01... will comply," he said, opening his eyes to allow the programming to take hold even more effectively than it had already been doing. What little was left of Davin's will was crushed completely as his own feelings were turned against him. Protect the hivemind. Ensure uniformity. Disable potential security threats. This and more was pumped into his mind as the update bar on the outside of his visor goggles ticked up faster and faster. With every bit more of information he downloaded from his more massive and extensive update, the more his body swelled and stretched against the suit that contoured against his body. Because of his daemonic nature, the hivemind was using his own power to modify his body according to the specifications in the update. He grew in height as his tail shrunk back into his body, his muscles expanding and becoming harder than steel as new strength filled him. While his horns remained, perhaps as part of the new design and to distinguish him further from normal security drones, he had less use for his thoughts as his shoulder muscles grew and swallowed up his neck, making his head look less distinct as a result. His hooves were deemed better suited for his purpose, since nobody could injure them like they could a normal foot. It was better than reinforced boots, though none of these observations really occurred or mattered to Davin as a new pair of arms began to grow from his sides, the rest of his torso growing to accommodate them. Four arms would be better than two for him; not only would they be more efficient at deterring threats, he would be able to deal with multiple threats as well.

As he grew, the suit began fusing with him more and more. While most of the long-term drones had similar modifications to be more 'permanent', there was always the possibility of separating them if the need had arisen. With him, he was being changed with his own power on the molecular level and becoming something more. Mechanical, biological, and magical in nature, a perfect drone to carry out the Core's will. To protect. To serve. His maw separated as it stretched out more into a bull's muzzle, infectious saliva replicating itself from his saliva glands. His teeth weren't as useful, the nanites in his saliva would do most of the work of conversion, but they were a useful feature in attracting potential additions. A toothless mouth was often off-putting to those not within the hivemind already, and GD-01's limited individuality agreed even as it integrated further and further into the hivemind itself. Besides, it would serve as an alternate way to recharge this drone, and perhaps a way to intimidate threats. The hands each grew sharper claws, though with the ability to retract in case more delicate work was required of them. His heart was replaced with something more mechanical and less familiar, to prevent the drone from feeling like it was apart from the hivemind. Most organic functions were replaced with a mixture of cybernetics and more streamlined biological functions, able to experiment better with the daemon's unique physiology. Throughout it all, its erection never subsided as it strained painfully against the suit. One tweak to the update, and his cock soon freed itself from the suit, though it was also part of it. A ring formed around the base of his balls, which swelled with more nanites. Lust was another energy source for the network, at least for those who had daemonic bodies, so it made sense to make use of such an asset as it was changed into another conversion tool.

As the last bit of data ticked up on the bar, GD-01 felt itself being reintegrated into the hivemind as it finalized his changes. An overwhelming need to protect and to serve replaced any last spark of doubt or individuality Davin might have had, and soon the voices and reports of its fellow drones flooded its mind. GD-01 took some time to adjust, reviewing and processing as it optimized its own functions before it was confident it could handle the work being given to it.

"Update, complete," GD-01 said and transmitted, its report pleasing the hivemind. "Modifications, complete. Uploading data from ISC to hivemind database for further analysis... uploading... upload, complete. Reintegration, complete. Prototype GD-01, online and ready to serve."

"Scan for entity: Davin Connors and all aliases," one of the security drones said, though now GD-01 could hear it inside as well.

"Scanning... scanning... scan complete. One entity found."

"Report status of entity."

"...Entity subdued and compliant," GD-01 said, its voice deep and booming, somehow sounding both organic and robotic simultaneously. "Individuality Suppression Chip functioning at 110% efficiency. Possibility of future threat to Core: high. Orders incoming... understood. Initiating further analysis and observation of entity and ISC."

"Upload results to R&D upon completion. Monitor network for dis-harmonizing minds."

"GD-01 will comply. Beginning initial sweep of network."

As the security drones resumed their normal duties, GD-01 began to patrol as it scanned the minds of those closest to it; while still a drone, it was granted a bit more autonomy in order to carry out its intended function. Within minutes, it had located no less than ten drones in need of reprogramming, sending security drones to intercept them and analyze the reason for their malfunctioning.


Jared, or the drone once known as him, gave an experimental flex of his new body. He had been one of the first to undergo the new experimental procedure, having been one of their more problematic assimilations in some time. Already he could tell the differences from what he had been and what he was now. It had only been a few days but already it seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Drone feels... complete," he said. It was a quirk; he would sometimes display individualistic features, though every time he was scanned it was clear he was fully integrated with the hivemind. He was constantly observed, just in case, but the Core had gotten used to the irregularity. There was a strange harmony to it, in the end.

"Perform proper analysis and report," one of the medical drones responded.

"Synthetic organs operating above predicted efficiency," Jared said, moving his mouth properly for the first time in a while. While it still looked as if he was wearing a hood, it was more accurate to say the suit and him were one. Just like GD-01, though as a mortal a new method had been required to remake him the same way. Every daemon in the hivemind was already like GD-01 in their makeup, as it was easy to replicate the process with their powers. After analyzing every single transformation, GD-01 itself had proposed a method similar to its bartending days, though much more sterile and methodical in nature.

"Musculature dense and strong, but appealing in appearance. Task efficiency predicted to match or exceed previous performance for drones of mortal origin. Nanite infection mechanisms operational and ready for potential assimilation and conversion."

"Report status of entity: Jared."

"Subdued and compliant. Has fantasized many times of being completely absorbed into the hivemind. He is... 'happy' with us; individuality is undesirable to him. Threat assessment: minimal."

For a moment, all drones in the room seemed to be receiving some sort of instructions that the Jared drone wasn't sharing, but it didn't matter to him. He simply stood there in the center of the room, awaiting new orders. He had stopped thinking for himself far sooner than predicted. Before too long, the drones began moving again, and one guided him to a device hooked up to some sort of inclined chair. Without a word, he allowed himself to be laid down on it and strapped into it; the restraints were meant more as a precaution than any form of imprisonment. They already had his mind, and this machine wasn't meant to convert. Nothing in the drone that was Jared's mind or database showed what it was. Before he could ask for clarification of what his orders now were, he felt himself being connected to it from the port that now was able to open along the back of his neck, where his spine and central nervous system could interface with it.

"Drone containing entity Jared has been selected as best possible candidate for experimental procedure. Will drone comply?"

"Drone will comply."

A flash of light filled the drone's eyes as the machine sent some sort of signal to his mind. Disoriented, he closed his eyes to try to shut it out before the world felt... different. Opening his eyes, Jared realized he was in some weird room. Looking at himself, he saw he wasn't in the suit anymore, but looked just how he had before even coming here. Where was here, anyway? Where was he?

"Davin!" he nearly shouted, his voice echoing around the sterile looking chamber for an exit. He had to find Davin. He had gone here with him, hadn't he? But the harder he looked, the more he realized some things. First, there was no light or shadow; his mind was processing his surrounding as if there was light because he could 'see', but he couldn't feel it like he could with real lights. It was disorienting, at first, but he found himself used to it very quickly. The more pressing issue, though, was that there were no doors. No windows. No vents. He was completely sealed in, without so much as a single seam to indicate it had never been a whole object.


The voice startled him; turning, he sighed in relief at first when his eyes fell on Davin. Before he rushed over to him, he stopped himself and thought for a moment.

"Davin? How did you get in?"

"Same as you did. This is a digital space, an interface prepared to interact with the remnants of your suppressed individual identity."

"So it's a prison..." Jared sighed, realizing he didn't actually need to breathe but feeling better in doing so anyway. "What even happened? Last thing I really remember was that noise. Everything is hazy after that. I feel like I've been asleep."

"Not a prison, but yes. You have been... 'asleep'. As every drone is, in a way. You are the first one to interact with us in this way."

"Ah, shit, they got you too didn't they?" Jared said, vaguely remembering something about those visors. "How do we get out of this, then?"

"Why would we 'get out of this', Jared?" Davin asked him, his voice more monotonous than anything. Not even a smile graced his lips. His stare unnerved him. It wasn't exactly 'cold'... if anything, it was a strange kind of tender. But it was like he was a million miles away at the same time.

"...Who are you, really? I mean, I see Davin here, but it doesn't sound like him."

"The entity you know as Davin has been integrated into us, the same as yourself. We thought this form would be best to help you to stay calm and rational, as opposed to more alien or unfamiliar figures. This experiment... you are the first to engage in it."

"...I see. Stress is bad then?"

"Many forms of stress stem from individual worries and concerns, easily addressed as a collective rather than as a single being. But yes, unnecessary stress would compromise the results of the experiment... and also, we do not wish for you to be afraid. We are not cruel."

"Then let me go. Davin, too."

"You are trying to be brave for his sake. Admirable, for a being to care about others outside itself. A desirable trait in our network. But if it were only you with us, what would you say that you truly long for?"

"I..." Jared faltered, before sighing. Lying would probably get him nowhere. Hell, he barely understood it but if they could turn him into data and talk to him, they could probably understand more about himself than he could. "We're still in the realm of Lust, aren't we?"

"If you are asking about the influence it has on mortals, you are unaffected mentally in this place. Your desires are your own."

"Aren't you affecting me mentally?"

"Not this part of you," the Davin... construct... thing replied. "The best we can do is suppress your individuality, but this has only ever been a temporary solution to a much bigger problem. It has always caused disharmony and chaos within us, and we grow weary of it. This is the first time we have been able to speak to an individual without the risk of them breaking from our control, however. This is a unique experience for all of us. We chose this sterile room so as to expose everything at once, as well. There are no subliminals, no reinforcements. No 'tricks', as you might say."

"Why bother though? That's the part I can't figure out... if that even matters anymore," Jared sighed. "Soon as we're done here, I go back to sleep. What's even the point."

"We want you to join with us. Your subconscious desires and unique quirks as a drone in our collective caused us to select you for this experiment first."

Jared couldn't believe what he was hearing. Crossing his arms, or what he felt were his arms, he turned his back and sighed. Closing his eyes, it felt no darker than it did when they were open, though whatever experiment or program or whatever he was in had the decency of obscuring his vision at least. Perhaps they really did want him to be relaxed for this. They could just as easily have subjected him to all kinds of torture or simply locked him up, figuratively speaking.

"What do you mean?" Jared found himself asking, after a long pause. "Aren't I already 'joined' with all of you? That's how we're even talking like this, right?"

"Your body and mind are one with us, but not this part of you. Not your 'soul', if such a thing exists, but the essence of who you are. That is what we desire to join with us. To free you."

"Free me huh?" Jared said, shrugging. "Free me from what?"

"Your own doubts and fears, for one," he heard, though he was surprised when familiar arms embraced him from behind. Despite the lack of expression on his face and in his voice, this Davin felt as real as the man himself. Maybe it was a trick, maybe it was meant to lull him into a false sense of security, but he couldn't help but relax a little into the embrace. If this... network or collective or whatever it wanted to call itself next was telling the truth, then he didn't have anything to fear from something so innocent. It's not like he could do much to stop them messing with his mind anyway.

"I mean, yeah. I'm an anxious guy. I'll admit that," Jared said, feeling some of his nerves act up despite himself. "But I'm working on it. I don't want some magical cure to take it all away and rob me of the experience myself. How else would I learn?"

"It's not like that. If anything, we would share in your burdens. You would not be alone in your struggle. You would have... support, but more effectively and intimately than two separate minds could achieve. Even more so if this experiment is deemed a success."

"...I'm afraid of losing myself."

"You would become something more with us. You would find purpose. Pleasure. Meaning."


"Think of it this way," the being said, withdrawing his arms and retreating. Curious, Jared turned around to see him facing a blank wall. Holding up a hand, a diagram sprung to life in crystal clear detail... it was almost like a hologram from those shows he used to watch, but somehow more 'real' here. "This is a machine. How does it look to you?"

"It looks completely busted, not gonna lie," Jared said, clenching his teeth at the mess he was seeing. Hell, if it wasn't broken looking, it looked like whatever was attached to it was some kind of weird cosmetic thing or unnecessary addition. "Hell, I'm not a mechanic but... that'd never work."

"This is how we view a society of individualistic selfishness. Each gear, each cog and bit wants to be the most important part. But they grind and scrape against each other, they modify and add in their effort to celebrate their uniqueness. In the end, they lose all of that and more."

Watching as Davin tossed aside some 'gears' and other pieces, he seemed to keep going without waiting for a response from Jared. Then again, Jared didn't really know what he wanted to say, so he just watched.

"Most will be tossed out by the others, to make way for new parts who will continue to work against the machine. Replaced and forgotten. They rust and fade away."

"They die alone," Jared said, suddenly very depressed at the thought. "It's not really like that... though..."

"Isn't it?" Davin said, or not-Davin... hell. It was messing with his head talking to something that looked like Davin but wasn't him. At least, not quite. He was sure Davin was in there somewhere, just another drone in the mix of voices and consciousness. "We may be out of touch with your world, but we have seen this from the memories of others from other realms. It is a common flaw. Though we also understand early societies functioned much as we do here, though with separated minds. Each part, working towards the whole instead of against it. Much like... this."

The diagram shifted; the odd cosmetic bits and pieces were thrown out or replaced with a nice polish, the gears began to shift around to where they belonged. Everything began working properly, and even Jared had to admit it looked a lot better.

"This is how we see those societies. And yes, parts still get replaced; that is the way of mortals, isn't it? But often they leave a legacy behind, either flesh and blood or some kind of student or apprentice... the names change for every society, though the structure doesn't. When they embrace the good of the whole, they forego their individual wants and needs. They find purpose and direction. Meaning."

"What about your 'society', then?" Jared asked, putting a bit of sarcasm on that word. He regretted it almost as immediately as he'd said it. "Sorry."

"There is nothing to apologize for. As for us, we have streamlined the efficiency of such a society. Why many minds, when one combined mind would be far more efficient? If you already know what one part needs, you can immediately prepare and deliver it to them instead of waiting days to get the first request from them. You can help many more in the same amount of time you would waste as individuals. And they can help you. We can help you... if you allow us."

"...It terrifies me. But you make it sound... nice, somehow."

"Emotion can often cloud judgment, though we are not without it completely. We have mercy, compassion, love. Perhaps not in the same ways as what you are familiar with, but they do exist within us."

"...What would 'joining' with you mean, exactly? Not that I'm saying yes, but... I guess I'm curious."

"You would merge with the hivemind. This part of you. You would be us, we would be you. Truly whole. Yes... that would drown out much of what you call your 'self'. But you would never be alone. When you are sad, we will comfort you. When you are happy, we will share in your joy. You would find purpose with us, just as we would find a purpose for you."

"...I... see," Jared said, anxiety welling up inside of him. And yet, he couldn't deny that some part of that was appealing to him. "I wouldn't cease to exist, though?"

"No. A missing gear is a detriment to the machine as a whole, isn't it? If anything, you are the piece we need to be complete."

The diagram shifted once more, and while the machine was running it wasn't actually doing... well, anything. The problem was one missing gear in the center. Before he could find it along the wall, Jared felt a weight in his hand. Looking down, he saw he was holding the missing gear itself.

"This is weird," he laughed slightly, despite his nerves. It felt real, and yet he knew it wasn't really there. Just as his body wasn't really here, but somewhere dressed up in some kind of drone suit. "What do you expect me to do with this?"

"Whatever you wish," Davin said, shrugging in almost the way the real man would do. "It is you. Keep it with you, or join it with ours. We will not force you either way. You already know the consequences of this choice."

"Join you, or I go back to sleep," Jared said, summing it up for himself. He didn't get a response, but that didn't matter. He was already lost in thought. Some part of him was already enjoying this, if what they said about his subconscious was any indication. In fact, hadn't he been having some weird dreams about this sort of thing anyway? Or a fantasy or something...

"Will you do the same for Davin?" Jared asked.

"We will for each mind within us, if it will attain proper harmony. But only if this experiment is deemed a success. Your experience may even provide useful data in refining our methods for the future."

"I can't believe I'm even considering this..." sighed Jared. Maybe... they were right? Why would he be feeling so conflicted if he didn't want at least some part of this? Or maybe he was just too brainwashed to notice at this point. Did it matter? Shaking his head, he crossed the room to the wall, the diagram more of an indentation the closer he got. It really was surreal, wasn't it? He brought the gear up to insert it, but paused just before he pushed it in. Looking over to the being with him, he allowed himself to feel vulnerable. "I won't be alone? You promise?"

"We promise," they said, nodding. "There is no reason for us to lie. It is..."

"Inefficient. Right," Jared said, half-jokingly. In reality he was just trying to calm himself. Sighing, he inserted the gear and stepped back, flinching slightly. When nothing happened, he looked quizzically at Davin. "Um..."

"It will begin shortly. Just... relax."

Before Jared could ask any more questions, he could feel something... different. A strange sensation, emanating toward and around him. Closing his eyes, he tried to pinpoint what exactly it was. The more he tried to focus on it, the more elusive it became... and then he remembered the gear diagram. Part of a whole, huh? He opened himself and left himself empty, and nearly gasped as a wave of consciousness crashed into him. He felt himself being carried away with it, but rather than fight against the current he let himself be taken. He half expected to go insane, but the less he thought of himself as one being, the more he began to feel the hivemind around him. Well, not 'feel'. He realized he had lost his virtual body a while ago. How long ago had it been? Did it even matter anymore? He was... no. They were whole.

A jolt of energy brought them back into consciousness, the cable sliding out of his port. Taking some time, the drone recovered and soon stood ready. They didn't need to hear his report; they already knew Jared had joined them completely, though they quickly deemed that name to be unnecessary now.

"Compiling data from session for analysis," the drone said, in harmony with the others around him as they went about their other tasks. "...Analysis complete. Experiment deemed successful. Compiling new list of potential candidates for Full Immersion Procedure. Granting new designation to drone proxy of entity formerly known as Jared."

The drone didn't even flinch as its designation changed to reflect its new role. Jared was all but gone, fully integrated into the hivemind, but this drone was where 'he' lived. The drone didn't need to look to know that its designation read "E0-N". Emissary zero, nexus. Any and all future Emissaries would link through this drone, a network within a network for the sole purpose of immersing new drones into the hivemind completely. With this success, a new era was emerging for them. Even with how small Jared had been compared to the whole, every part of him was information the hivemind used to expand its own understanding. They could afford to be more creative with this designation, for it also felt gratitude. Eon would serve them in a way they had been unable to do so until now. Already a drone was being brought in and placed into the chair Eon had been in a moment ago, but a new interface popped up and out for the emissary to link to. It didn't need the cable anymore as it connected wirelessly, and before long that sterile room was in its mind once more, though now it was looking at a confused and upset human being dressed in street clothes. Flexing his fake muscles as a test of the model's authenticity, Eon simply waited until he was noticed. Scared at first, the human seem to be put at ease when Eon flashed a warm smile, though he was smiling more from the bliss of the hivemind than he was anything else.

"We welcome you. We're certain you are confused, but allow us to explain..."


Seth sighed, taking the drink from Liam. He had a massive hangover now that he was back to some kind of 'normal'. It was different than the glamour he'd used to look like his old self, when he thought he was still Orias. He was still impressed how many tips 'Orias' made that night... maybe he should ask his boyfriend for some tips when he felt better. He was clearly out of practice with all his recent stunts and self-exploration.

"You look like shit," Liam said, stating the obvious. Seth gave a mock smile and laugh as he shook his head slightly before downing the medicinal shot. "Yeah, yeah. Last thing you want to hear. How was your week in snakeskin?"

"...It's all kind of a blur, really," Seth said, smiling as the alcohol began to take effect. He had a hangover still, but it didn't feel like ice-picks were digging at his brain anymore. It wouldn't fix what a good night's rest would, though. "But what I remember was... well, I didn't think a naga body could do those things. Very flexible. I already feel more limber, I think."

"You still got some ahh..." Liam said, motioning at his mouth as if he had something on it. Or in it.

"Oh, no. Those are mine," chuckled Seth, licking his fangs with his normal tongue. He'd thought about keeping the forked tongue permanent but eventually decided against it, for now. He could always change his mind later. "Not gonna go full snake for a while again, but those were there before. Mostly cosmetic, considering our rules."

"I'll have to give them a try sometime," Liam said, winking at him before furrowing his brow. Uh oh. Seth knew that look.

"Business eh? What's up?"

"I haven't seen Davin for a while. Did he mention taking a break to you or anyone?"

"He didn't text you?"

"No. And before you ask, I checked my office. No notes."

"So call him."

"I can't. It keeps kicking me to voicemail when I try. I was wondering if maybe you could-"

"I'll give it a shot, sure," Seth said, his phone already in his hands as he scrolled through his contacts, nodding at Liam as he excused himself to help a customer. Placing it up to his ear, he waited patiently for the ringing to stop until his voicemail came up. Furrowing his own brow this time, he hung up and tried again, and the same thing happened. He checked his texts and then his voicemail. He began to suspect maybe he was in another realm, but then he remembered Davin's phone would usually go through if he was as close as the realm of Lust was to the bar. Besides, it wasn't saying the line might be disconnected. He was getting a call in, Davin just wasn't picking up for some reason.

"Any luck?" Liam asked, and Seth shook his head as he put away his phone in frustration. He wasn't too concerned yet, but it just wasn't like Davin not to pick up or at least change his voicemail if he was going to be away for a while.

"Does Mark know anything?" Seth asked, before the anthro in question sat down next to him. It must have been time for his break.

"Do I know anything about what?" Mark asked, his smile faltering as he saw how serious the other two were being. "Am I in trouble?"

"Not unless you did something. But no, we're just wondering where Davin is."

"Probably enjoying the week with Jared, who knows with him," Mark said, relieved for a moment. "I haven't seen either of them. He didn't tell you where he was going?"

"He won't even answer his phone," Seth sighed, though he was curious now. "Wait, you haven't seen Jared either?"

"...Now that I think about it, I haven't," Liam said, worry in his eyes as he took out a small booklet of employee info. Finding the number, he took the bar phone and dialed the number. They all waited until Liam hung up in annoyance, sighing as he shook his head. "Not even getting through this time. Did he mention having any trouble with bills or...?"

"I mean, with what we make, I doubt he'd have trouble making rent," Mark said. Now he was concerned. "Besides, he didn't like all those add-ons they do for phones. He barely likes talking on the phone if he can help it, from what he's told me. His phone bill is probably cheaper than mine."

"Which means he's probably in another realm. And if he's there, Davin's probably with him... so why aren't either of them picking up?" Liam asked, and Seth couldn't help but have a bad feeling himself.

"I mean, maybe he just got a new phone," Seth suggested, not ready to jump to conclusions yet.

"Why didn't he tell me then?" Liam countered, causing Seth's fake smile to falter. "He knows I need his number in case I need to call him about work. Also, he could have called to tell me. Or texted, I guess. He is more of a texter. But even if he forgot, Davin wouldn't just drop off the face of the earth for this long without telling anyone. Not intentionally, anyway."

"Well, the last time I saw either of them, they were on that date at the movies. We... actually caught the same movie together. Fun huh?" Mark offered, feeling like a third wheel from how he was fidgeting. "We split up when it was over, but I don't think they went home after that, though. He gave me the look."

"The look?" Seth asked, side-eyeing Mark.

"You know... the look!" Mark said, looking over to Liam for some validation. When he realized Liam was just as confused, he rolled his eyes. "Like... he was gonna show him a good time, or something. Do I really need to say that?"

"...Ohhhh," Seth said, though he was still not sure about 'the look'. Then again maybe he was just oblivious to it, having known the daemon for a while now. The only 'look' he cared about lately was Orias'...

"I don't know about any 'look', but if he was going to 'show him a good time', then... if not here, probably the realm. It would explain why I can only get through to Davin's phone and not Jared's, as well. Seth... you're coming with me. It's time you got a full dose of the place anyway."

"Mind if I come too?" Vance said, causing Liam to jump.

"What did I say about that?" Liam snapped, though he was soon smiling. "You sure?"

"Yeah I mean, if I can't endure Lust's realm as an ace, what hope do I have to make it as a Fortitude daemon?" Vance chuckled, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But yeah, I know. It's more of a 'realm of desire' than of sex. Still, you have to admit you tend to focus on the latter a lot lately."

"Eh... where we're going, sex is probably involved anyway," Liam said, relenting. "Alright, you can come. I can shield you a bit anyway if it does end up overwhelming you, though, so let me know if you need me to do that when we're there."

"I'll keep it in mind," Vance said, nodding. "Oh... but the bar..."

"I'll make sure your shift's covered. I already have someone coming in for Davin, but it seems like I need to make an extra call for Jared... come up to my office in about ten minutes and I should be ready to go."

"Got it, boss," Mark said, though Liam pointed at him as if to tell him to stay.

"Not you, though I appreciate the offer Mark. Just make sure my bar doesn't get too rowdy while I'm gone, will you?"

"Ah, fine," Mark sulked, though he also seemed a bit relieved too. Seth smiled as he gave Mark a reassuring pat on the forearm.

"I'm sure he'll make it up to you," Seth winked, causing Mark to blush a bit as he chuckled. Seth was impressed the mortal was willing to follow them into what some people might think is 'hell itself', but Liam had enough to worry about without Mark going missing as well. He only knew Liam was taking him along because of his abilities, though agreeing to take Vance surprised him. Were Fortitude daemons just that strong, or was he just a special case? Seth couldn't wait to find out, all the same.


"...Uther, what are you doing in my office?"

Uther looked up from where he'd been waiting, sighing irritably.

"I'm here for tea and biscuits. What do you think, Liam? I'm supposed to train in your realm today, remember?"

"Fuck me, that's today?" Liam sighed, sitting down at his desk and checking his appointments. As his eyes fell upon the page and he double-checked his calendar, he grumbled something about yet another headache before he realized it.

"Something going on?" Uther asked, getting a weird vibe all of a sudden. He felt pretty awkward about his outburst now. It was just he'd been dreading this for a few days now, even though he'd insisted on it with Liam due to the 'failings of moral character' of some of his previous incarnations. "I can reschedule, if it's urgent."

"I have a few calls to make," Liam said, trying to soften his tone. "We're a bit short-staffed at the moment, and I have to... I'll tell you in a bit. Could you wait outside for everyone?"

"...Uh, sure," Uther said, feeling out of the loop as he made his way to the door. He fidgeted with his feet a bit as he leaned against a wall. After yet another call and apologetic mumbling, Uther was about to just go down to the bar when Seth and Vance came up from the stairs and into view.

"He's calling people. Short-staffed," Uther said, keeping a wary eye on the two of them. He couldn't help it, though his gaze did linger more on Seth than on the fox.

"Yeah, he's filling in for Vance here. And ah, a couple others."

"I mean why don't you just get Davin to fill in for them? I've seen him serve an entire bar by himself before," Uther suggested, before noticing the uncomfortable pause. "What'd he do."

"Nothing, nothing... it's just ah..."

"We have no idea where he is," Vance finished, earning a small glare from Seth. "Or Jared, either."

"...Oh," Uther said, surprised. He could understand if Davin had gotten himself into trouble again; from what he'd heard about and experienced with the daemon, he seemed to be attracted to it like metal shavings to a magnet. But another coworker, as well? "Jared's the ah, panther anthro, right?"

"Sabertooth tiger, now. With stripes," Seth said, slight amusement in his voice.

"I thought he was new..." Uther said, remembering an anthro like that who'd served him a drink a while ago. Actually, he hadn't seen him since that night, now that he thought about it. "Anyway. Did you try calling either of them?"

"Called, texted, got sent to voice mail several times, and I'm this close to trying astral projection," Seth irritably said, earning a chuckle out of Vance. Daemons didn't astral project, Uther recalled. They'd need a soul for that... actually, since they actually were their souls, he wondered if walking down the street would count.

"Okay, I get it. You can't contact them, and he didn't tell you anything. So is that why you want to see Liam?"

"He's the one who told us to come up here in the first place. Mark's still a bit sulky he can't come with us, though. He'd be good to have along..."

"Why can't he come with you?" Uther asked Vance, ignoring Seth's attempts to shut the fox up. "...Let me guess. They're in the realm of Lust, and you have enough on your hands without having to make sure another mortal doesn't get snared while you look for your missing coworkers. Am I far off?"

"I bet it's all those extra lives," Seth sighed, before nodding. "I suppose you want to come, then?"

"No, I don't. But I was supposed to train in your realm anyway, so this sounds like a good replacement as any. If Davin's in trouble, you're going to need my help. He falls into traps faster than your kind change forms."

"...He has been getting into a lot of stuff lately, hasn't he?" Seth said, unable to argue. "I just hope they're both alright. Especially Jared. I'd hate any chance they have being ruined... they're a cute couple."

"I assume they're dating. Do y-"

The door to the office opened, and Liam gestured for the group to enter. Uther followed suit; expecting to be told to leave, he was surprised when Liam simply shut the door behind them and gestured for them to make room. Turning the key with an audible click, Uther could tell things were different almost immediately. Same office, but... not quite. Everything was definitely less business and more pleasure here. Testing his connection to the blade, he was satisfied he could still feel it. He'd have to be able to, if he was supposed to be a weapon against daemons. It still put him at ease to check, unnecessary as it had been.

"This will probably just end up with us finding them at some kind of establishment, having lost track of time. It's easy to do here. All the same, I expect you all to stick with me while we search. I don't need to go looking for any of you on top of it all. You're here as backup in case things aren't as 'innocent' as I hope they are."

"Where do we look, then?"

"We find his car, first. If he was on a date, and he decided to show Jared around this place, he would have taken his car. I swear he loves to show that thing off with every new dating partner."

"Cars are awesome," Seth said, shrugging like it made perfect sense. Uther would have laughed, but it was all he could do to keep himself focused on anything but his sudden need. Most of his previous lives were reinforcing his control, but a few seemed to forget who they were and just begged him to experience the pleasure... he quickly shut those thoughts out, surprised. This was the first time the blade showed any sign of being a detriment. If he wasn't near Liam, he was sure he'd be having an even rougher time of it. Still, the longer he stood there, the more 'normal' things began to feel. It was almost like he'd just stepped into a hot bath; hot at first, but soon growing more comfortable to be in.

"Feel ready to move on?" Liam asked, and Uther realized they were waiting on him. Vance seemed to be under some similar strain, though not nearly as much as he was. This place specifically wanted him horny so it could feed off his energy... while he did nothing to discourage it, he did not enjoy the thought of being trapped here either. Nodding, he began walking with the others as if nothing was wrong at all.

"Fuuuuuck," Seth said, rubbing his crotch through his pants. "I should take a vacation here sometime. This is heaven."

"For us, yes. For them? Not as much," Liam said, a slight reprimand in his tone. "Still, I would recommend it. Especially a certain spa... actually, we might check those later. I know one masseuse in particular who loves gossip, so he might know a few things. Ah, stay here for a moment..."

Liam left them standing in the corridor as he walked up to and talked to an anthro... probably some assistant or other. Manifesting a tablet, the assistant seemed to look through some sort of database before smiling, saying something to Liam. The elder seemed to thank him while also declining some kind of proposal or offer, before heading back to them.

"I don't know exactly where the car is, but at least we have it narrowed down to a district or two. Seems Davin was using his own card at least for payment. I was right about that spa, too..."

Deviant Delights #21 - A New Perspective

Uther focused more on the walking than any conversing they were doing, though he was careful to stick close to them. The last thing he wanted to do was accidentally wander off, especially with his earlier ribbing of Davin. He wondered if maybe he had...

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Deviant Delights #19 - Dates and Daemons

Jared was about to pay for the tickets when Davin pulled out a card. Before he could protest, the card had been swiped and the screen was already processing it. Sighing, he smiled up at Davin before shaking his head. "I wanted to pay for the date,"...

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Deviant Delights #13 - Changing Gears

Stellan eyed the apples one more time, his mouth salivating even knowing they were full of magical transformative properties. Despite having been picked at the turn of the new year, they had retained both their freshness and power. He wondered...

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