Deviant Delights #19 - Dates and Daemons

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#19 of Deviant Delights: Vol. I

Liam has a bit of fun with a pair of twins. Davin and Jared go on a date with an exciting detour in the realm of Lust.

NOTE: Been a while since I last worked on this. Took it up again and went into a writing frenzy so expect a couple uploads now and then as I try to get what I've written uploaded, but not all at once.

Jared was about to pay for the tickets when Davin pulled out a card. Before he could protest, the card had been swiped and the screen was already processing it. Sighing, he smiled up at Davin before shaking his head.

"I wanted to pay for the date," Jared said, though he was still moved by the gesture. "I'll feel like I'm freeloading otherwise."

"Tell you what, you pay for the snacks then," Davin offered, pointing toward the snack counter as he took the tickets from the cashier. "Thank you."

"Yeah, thanks!" Jared said to the cashier as well, before they both walked over to the snacks. "And okay. I'm getting us a jumbo popcorn to share then. Oh, and sodas."

"Sounds nice," Davin encouraged, allowing the sabertooth tiger to order. Jared also decided to get some of those chocolate minty things - he could never remember the name until he was looking at the box - and once he had paid up for everything they were carrying their snacks between them.

"Oh, I didn't think this through," Jared laughed, realizing both their hands were full when they got to the door. "Well..."

"No big deal," Davin said, shrugging. He was carrying both the sodas, since Jared had insisted on carrying the popcorn and his mints. "We'll just-"

"Oh, Davin? What are you doing here?" a voice rang out, before someone rushed to hold open the door. "Lemme get that."

"Thanks, Mark," Davin chuckled. "You here with Zale and Dylann?"

"Zale. Dylann's busy today," Mark said, before turning to face Jared. "Hey. Who's the cutie?"

"It's me. Jared," the sabertooth said, before he saw Zale walk up with some snacks of his own. He was holding even more than they were.

"Mark hurry up I'm gonna drop it!" Zale grumbled, before Mark took a few things from him. Davin had shoved his foot into the door to prevent it closing again, and soon they were all walking inside.

"Anyway, this is Jared?" Mark asked, once they'd found some seats next to one another. Jared sat between Davin and Mark, with Zale opposite of Mark. Jared felt a bit odd just hanging out like this, especially when it was supposed to be a date. Was it a double date, now?

"It is," Davin said, before wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "You sure you don't mind them sitting with us, Jared?"

"I don't mind at all," Jared said, feeling warm inside at Davin's touch. "I mean... it'll be fun, right?"

"Two bouncers and two bartenders, who'd have thought?" Zale chuckled, before wrapping his own arm around Mark. "I hate the whole 'wait until the previews start' part of the whole movie going experience, though."

"Yeah," Jared said, feeling somewhat out of place among them all. "Funny how we all picked the same movie on the same day though, huh?"

"I swear it was coincidence," Mark said, looking at Jared apologetically. "Zale and I were talking about how the last time we were in a theater like this, we were both still human. Which for me, would be a long time."

"Long time for both of us," Zale said, suddenly seeming much older to Jared in that moment. He was taken aback slightly; a dangerous feeling rippled off of him before his demeanor changed back to... well, how he normally was. Yet, Jared had no doubt he could rip him in half if he wanted to.

"You okay?" Davin asked him, before Jared smiled and nodded. "Here, have some popcorn."

"Okay," Jared said, letting Davin feed him a few kernels. It was particularly buttery, since Jared had insisted it wasn't movie popcorn without a bunch of butter on it. He was suckling Davin's fingers before he realized entirely what he was doing, causing him to shrink back and lick his lips as he eyed Davin timidly.

"...Wow," Davin said, smiling at him. Mark and Zale hadn't seen it, since Mark had been nuzzling against Zale as they waited for the movie to start. If they'd heard them, they paid them no mind. Maybe they were used to Davin saying stuff like that? Jared was grateful all the same.

"Oh! I think it's-" Jared said, noticing something happening before the previews assaulted their ears. Right. These were always fucking loud, weren't they? Still, the sudden dark atmosphere of the theater room and the start of the previews prompted everyone to be quiet as it played. Without as much worry about people watching him, Jared allowed himself to rest against Davin as he watched, taking some of his mints and offering them to Davin. The daemon simply opened his mouth, and when Jared looked over he realized what he was doing. Taking one, he slowly pushed it in and found himself getting hard when Davin swirled his tongue around his finger, before looking at him with desire. Blushing, he slowly withdrew his finger and placed the mints down. He was painfully aware how close he was to Davin's lips now, and yet he couldn't stop himself from leaning in. What would they taste like? He'd only ever dreamed of this before, and now... his tusks clacked painfully against Davin's teeth, causing him to wince as he pulled back. Right. He had tusks now. They weren't super big, but they were big.

"Oops, sorry," Davin whispered, wincing as well. It seemed he'd forgotten too. "I didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay," Jared whispered back, dying from embarrassment as he turned back to watch the movie, shoving some popcorn into his mouth from the bucket on Davin's lap. But he didn't withdraw either, allowing Davin to stroke his head over and over. It was soothing, and he was purring without even realizing it before too long as he got wrapped up in the plot of the movie. It wasn't anything special, just a romantic comedy that had the same plot as every romantic comedy he'd ever watched. But still, he laughed and felt for the characters all the same. He even imagined Davin and himself in some of the scenes, though he didn't get too carried away with his imagination on that front. It was still nice to feel his body warmth against his, and when the movie was almost over he found himself distracted with Davin once more.

"You're cute," mouthed Davin, once he'd noticed Jared staring at him. Jared was about to mouth something back when the daemon leaned in again, though more carefully this time as their lips finally met. Anything he'd thought about saying or doing melted away in that moment as he leaned into it, kissing Davin just as passionately in return. They'd both been done with snacks for a while now, but Jared couldn't help but taste a bit of butter on his lips as they explored each other with their tongues. They were beginning to reach up under each others' shirts before loud music blared, signaling the beginning of the credits. Reluctantly withdrawing, Jared realized they'd missed the ending completely... but he didn't care, his mind dwelling on how good he'd been feeling as they all gathered up their trash. They weren't assholes, after all.

"So how long have you two been seeing each other?" Mark asked, once they were all outside the movie theater.

"Oh, it's just this date," Jared said, before realizing what he'd said, his ears flattening at that. "I mean..."

"...Hey, remember what I said?" Davin prompted, snapping Jared out of it. "There we go."

"Sorry," Jared sighed, leaning against Davin. He didn't care who was watching at that point, friend or not.

"You're really cute together," Zale said, nuzzling against Mark as they walked.

"Yeah, we are," Davin said, smirking. "It's been a while since I was on a 'date' and not just a 'hookup', you know? Ah, not that you're a hookup or anything Jared..."

"Hey, now who's thinking up the worst thing possible?" Jared teased, before winking at Davin. "Anyway, what about you two? Davin and I came by car but..."

"Oh, we're waiting on our ride," Mark said, holding up his phone to display the ride app they were using. Jared had heard about it; it was tailored more for larger anthros, but it was anthro specific all the same. Humans technically could use it if they really wanted to, but rarely any of them did because of the backlash it'd generate.

"We'll see you at work, then," Davin said, before they waved goodbye to each other. They were soon at Davin's car, and while it looked normal from the outside it was a different story once he opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. He technically was small enough to fit most human cars if he really wanted to despite his new body, but he was still impressed with how everything just changed once he was inside.

"I still can't believe how big it is in here," he remarked, looking around in amazement again. He'd had his share of it on the way up, but the memory had faded somewhat during the movie; his awe hit him twice as hard this time as Davin's door closed and his form shifted to the lion-bull hybrid that seemed to fit his seat just perfectly.

"Your place, or mine?" Davin asked, his fingers resting on the ignition key as he looked over to Jared. From how he was looking at him, Jared suddenly felt his anxiety flaring up again... but then he pushed it back down, smirking back at the daemon.

"Yours," he growled, returning the intensity of that gaze. Davin merely nodded before turning the key, the engine roaring to life as he quickly shifted gears and pulled out of his parking spot. An outside observer would see a normal human with his anthro friend, inside a normal car. But from the inside, not only was it larger but everything was covered in some form of leather upholstery... though Jared wasn't sure his seat wasn't rubber or latex instead. The seats were black while everything else was a combination of red or black, though the occasional blue flame design showed itself on something or other. It was a strange combination, but to Jared it was all too exciting.

"Normally I'd offer to take you to my seat of power in the realm of Lust," Davin said, not taking his eyes off the road. Yet, it seemed almost like his full attention was on Jared even though he knew better. "But I'm not Lust anymore, so... I'll take you to a smaller pocket of it. If you're willing?"

"I am," Jared said, not sure where this was going other than fast. He didn't change his mind though; he trusted Davin completely, even if his lust wasn't overriding some of his rationality at that point.

"Buckle up," Davin said, smirking as a seat belt whipped around Jared and bound him to his chair. It wasn't quite the same as a conventional seat belt, especially since it trapped his arms and legs. Yet it wasn't tight, and somehow felt nice against the parts of his flesh it could touch.

"Part of the payment, then?" Jared asked, a slight moan on his lips as he felt his head swim. He wasn't sure what was coming through the vents of the car, though it was clearly coming from outside. Looking around, he realized their surrounding had begun shifting from what he'd always known to... something alien. Yet, he felt no alarm. If anything he was harder than he'd ever been.

"Date's not over, but you can start paying if you want to," Davin said, clearly in his element now. "We can slow down any time. This ride is only going as fast as you're willing to take it."

"Fuck me up then," Jared said, causing Davin to grin from ear to ear. "I need to get out of my head for a while anyway."

"Your wish is my command," Davin chuckled, pulling down another side-street. "Where do you want to go first? Latex Lane? Rubber Row? Bondage Boulevard?"

"I don't know if you're being serious or making up street names here, but surprise me."

"The safe word is banana," Davin purred, his smile never leaving his lips as they turned once more. Where they were going, only Davin knew.


"Either I'm drunk and seeing double or you've gained a twin since the last time I saw you," Liam said, standing behind the counter. It was nice to come down here every so often, even though he didn't tend the bar as much as he used to since his ascension. It let him see a bunch of crazy things he wouldn't normally see from up in that office, such as two versions of Onyx staring back at him. Taking one look at the necklace, he realized what must be happening from how the jewels glowed, but he waited to hear what they had to say.

"Well hello to you too, Liam," one said, before the other echoed the same sentiment. "We decided to have a bit of fun. Seth is taking a bit of a break as my twin."

"He sure is," said the other, sitting next to him at the bar. "We've actually lost track which one of us is him, but that's part of the fun."

"Not that I have much say in it, either way," Liam said, shrugging. "Just make sure he's back to normal for Saturday. Or as close to normal as your little spell will allow."

"We will," they both said, and Liam couldn't help but feel a bit aroused at that. He'd always had a thing for twins as it was, but now here was a pair of twins linked through a psychic bond. He was sure there were minor differences, but for all intents and purposes they were both the same person.

"Can I get you anything to drink, in the meantime?" Liam asked, shaking off the feeling and returning to business. "Or are you just here to feed?"

"Both. We'll each get a scotch on the rocks," one Onyx said, and the other simply nodded as he sized Liam up. "If you don't mind."

"Oh, sure. Coming right up," Liam said, flashing a smile before getting to work. Before long he had both drinks before the two cobras, and they both thanked him before taking their drinks at the same time. Readjusting his own package, he was about to go tend to some other patrons when he was stopped with a gesture from one of them.

"You're not at all curious?"

"About what? You?" Liam asked, shrugging as he leaned against the counter. "As much as I enjoy talking, I do have to serve the other customers too."

"I'm sure you can serve us for a while, right?"

"Or maybe we could serve you, somehow?" the second Onyx said. "Either way, I'm sure you've got the staff to cover it for now."

"I mean, you're not wrong, but..."

"Perhaps you could entertain us for the night?"

"What, like a private party?" Liam asked, noticing the subtle glow in their eyes. He felt pretty relaxed as they nodded. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about asking them anyway, but he hadn't wanted to be too forward about it. "Usually have to reserve one in advance, but we have a couple of open rooms tonight. I could get a spare bartender to-"

"No. We want you."

"Yesss, you. With us."

"I guess I could. Sure, why not," Liam said, putting away a few things before walking out from behind the bar with a small tablet, much to the pleasure of the two smiling cobras. Tapping a few preset buttons, he looked up when he had a total. "As for the price, for one private party for tonight on such short notice, it'll cost-"

"Price doesn't really matter," an Onyx said, holding out a card. Giving a low whistle, he simply tapped it to the card reader before a low beep emitted from the tablet. Once it said 'approved', he handed it back to them.

"I don't know what kind of money you come from, but not many get to have one of those cards. Mammon doesn't really hand them out anymore, other than for us elders or those they've entrusted their financial duties to. But hey, as long as everything's squared away, I'm yours for the night."

"Then let's go."

"Yes, let's," the other Onyx said, as both cobra bikers stepped to either side of them, carrying their drinks in their opposite hands. Liam blushed a bit as he lead them toward one of the private party rooms, though they managed to behave themselves until they were all behind closed doors.

"So uh, how long have you two been doing the 'twin' thing?" Liam asked, moving over to the mini-bar and making sure it was stocked. All the private rooms were changed and cleaned out regularly, so all he really had to do was make sure he had enough ice in the small freezer portion.

"Oh, a few daysss now," one said, while the other sat next to him and allowed his hands to roam all over his chest and arms. "Why? Do you like what you see?"

"I'd be lying if I said no," Liam said, allowing a bit of his own desire to peek through his professional veneer. "But I'm technically on duty. Serving you, remember? Speaking of, will you be getting anything else to drink? Maybe I could get something to make your night better, like entertainment or..."

"Are you always so serious, Liam?"

"One of us remembers when you weren't so strictly business, though which one of us remembers we can't say."

"The one who's Seth, I see," Liam sighed. He was a bit uptight, wasn't he? "But yeah, I've been busy. What with being Lust and all, not to mention having a business to run on top of that. It's a lot harder than it sounds, you know? Though don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it. It's just that I have more power now, and with that comes a lot of responsibilities. But back to you two; how long is this twin thing going to last for? It's not permanent, I assume."

"No, nor would we want it to be."

"It's simply a bit of kinky fun. But in answer to your question..."

" will last a full week. Although for Saturday..."

"...we can make..."

" exception, perhapsss."

"Well, yeah. I'd hate to have him miss out on work," Liam said, shaking his head. He'd been alternating looking at whoever was speaking, causing him to move his head left or right, back and forth. They were able to complete their thoughts as if they were just one person. Hell, at this point the only difference between them and a singular being was that they had two bodies between them. Almost like a hivemind, though lacking the drone aspect it seemed. The entire display was turning him on regardless, and he had a hunch they knew that from how they kept staring at him.

"Always work with you now..."

"...if we didn't know better, we'd say you were Lucian...

"...Or even Mammon. Don't you ever take time for your own pleasure?"

"I do. Sometimes," Liam said, though now that he thought about it, it had been a long while. He'd just gotten so caught up with the holidays and his new responsibilities. Though he could count quite a few hot experiences he'd had while in his realm, it wasn't quite the challenge he craved when everyone worshiped the ground he walked on. Lately it had just been work for him.

"Come sit with us," Onyx suggested, the other beckoning to him. Looking at the two of them staring at him, he found it hard to refuse such a tempting offer. Especially since he really wanted to already. Walking over, he sat own between them and sighed in relief as the they immediately began to explore and caress his body. "Just like that, yes."

"One of you might be Seth but you both feel the same to me," Liam teased, allowing them to unbutton his shirt and take it off. Between the massaging and teasing he didn't have to lift a single muscle. "Maybe I'll just pretend you're really twins for now..."

"Think whatever you want, so long as you relax," Onyx whispered to his left, while the one on the right slid a hand inside his pants and fondled his package. Moaning, he looked toward the one speaking to him and was met with that orange glowing gaze. Whatever he had been about to say never made it past his throat as he felt himself falling into those beautiful, bright eyes. "Enjoying yourself?"

Liam nodded, feeling his mind fogging over even as he locked lips with the cobra, only lifting his body to help with his pants as they were slowly being slipped off his body. Instinctively, he locked the door to the room and shifted the seats to a large bed that allowed all three to sit on comfortably. As he broke the kiss he felt himself being pushed down onto the bed by both of them, his cock straining in his thong as he stared up at two sets of those wonderful eyes. If he thought one pair was relaxing, both of them combined shut down his thoughts almost completely as nothing but pleasure coursed through him.

"He looks so peaceful," Liam heard, not caring which one was talking anymore. Every touch was electric, every word music to his ears. But even if he wanted to move, he wasn't currently able to do so without permission; somehow, the very idea was anathema to him. All he had to do was lay there and smile, going deeper into bliss with every breath.

"But I wonder, what does he dream when he sleeps?"

"Is it a dream of submission, spent on his knees?"

"Is it a dream of domination, looming over the weak?"

"What is it that you dream of, Liam?" they both asked him, and he felt himself answering without even thinking about it. Yet like a dream, he couldn't remember what it was he said, only that it was the absolute truth. He'd say almost anything to keep feeling this way.

"What an interesting dream."

"What an interesting nightmare."

"It all depends on the dreamer," they both hissed together.

"Dreamer..." Liam echoed, feeling his mind slipping down even further. Closing his eyes, he could still see those blazing orange eyes soothing him, enticing him. He wasn't sure if the coils he began to feel were real or not, enveloping his entire consciousness as he allowed himself to be taken by them. It didn't matter if it was in his mind or not as they lovingly caressed every part they touched, eliciting an involuntary moan of pleasure from him. It didn't even occur to him that he was completely naked now, nor where his thong might be. All that mattered was this moment; after all, he had to ensure the satisfaction of his clients, didn't he? They could do as they wished to him.

He felt a hand grab his hair gently as his head was moved to one side. He didn't even flinch as he felt the pressure on his neck; if he had thought he was in bliss before, he was in pure heaven as the pressure turned into pure pleasure and arousal burning in his veins, spreading with every beat of his heart.

"This is going to be so much fun," one of the voices said, much more authoritative and powerful than before.

"I should hope so," said the other, just as powerful as the first. "He did say he was ours for the night. And you know what they say..."

"The customer is always right," laughed the other, causing Liam to smile despite himself. Of course. They were the customers. Anything they said or wanted was the right thing. Intentional or not, the idea buried itself deep into his psyche as he waited for further instructions.


"I feel so relaxed," Jared moaned, eyes closed as the hands worked over the knots in his back. He was face-down in a massage table, completely naked. It was covered in a shiny black material that he had expected to stick to him or feel like a doctor's office at first, but no... it was entirely smooth and cool to his senses in just the right way. It was like a liquid that was also solid, though not even any of those really. He had stopped trying to figure out things in this realm after the second or third stop though.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself," he heard an equally relaxed Davin say from somewhere nearby, no doubt getting the same treatment. "Believe me about the spa now?"

"I just didn't think it was a, ah... lusty thing?"

"Honey, you'd be surprised how many people get off on this," he heard the rich baritone above him say, causing a shiver of pleasure to ripple down his body. "Besides, a spa is all about pleasure and pampering yourself."

"And a spa of Lust doubly so," Davin said, grunting as something seemed to pop. "I didn't realize I was so tense though. I should come here more often."

"I almost don't want to leave," Jared sighed, though he put such depressing thoughts as leaving out of his mind for now. "Whatever's in that oil is just perfect, though..."

"Sure I can't keep him for a few years, Davin?" half-joked the masseuse working on him. "It's not often we get fresh and open-minded mortals here these days. This one is brimming with so much potential."

"A potential that I want him to explore at his own pace, of course," Davin said, a half-warning in his voice despite the relaxation. "Besides, this is a date. Be a shame if I left him here instead of getting that goodnight kiss at the end after bringing him home, yeah?"

"That would be romantic, though," Jared said, despite himself. He'd loosened up quite a lot since being here. Even though it had maybe been a few hours to him, he'd already experienced so much more than he ever thought he would. He also knew it had just been the tip of the iceberg of what was possible here, though Davin seemed especially thrilled to see him enjoying himself so far. "But maybe I could stay for a while..."

"That's just the lust talking," the masseuse said, a grunt of approval from Davin soon forgotten as yet another knot unraveled in his own back. "If you were by yourself I'd be tempted to take you, but with Davin you're completely safe here."

Jared almost didn't catch the implication, but he didn't quite understand it either. What could he possibly be in danger of here? Losing himself to a realm full of sexy, lustful daemons? It sounded like heaven to him at that very moment. Maybe he could...

"I think that's enough," Davin sighed in relief, and Jared could hear him starting to slowly get up from his own table. Jared soon felt himself lifted by the strong hands that had been working him over for what felt like hours, though it was probably more like twenty or thirty minutes max. He felt really loose and weakened, shamelessly displaying his erection as he leaned against the large, muscular daemon for support. Whatever else he wanted, though, the masseuse was leading him toward a room in the back, with Davin being led in a similar manner by his own masseuse. It was only after he was guided into sitting down that he began to focus more on what he was seeing rather than feeling. Davin sat next to him, as naked as he was; it seemed this spa didn't believe in towels, and everything seemed to clean itself almost immediately.

"What's going on?" Jared asked, allowing Davin to wrap an arm around him and draw him in closer.

"Some cleansing," Davin said, carefully leaning forward a bit to grab a handle of some kind as the staff left and shut the door behind them. "You are full of lust and energy, my young sexy sabertooth. Every daemon in the vicinity can feel it, I imagine. It's driving even me wild, and I have far more self-control than most here... I imagine you can barely make sense of anything yourself."

"Everything makes sense," Jared sighed, truly meaning it even with how addled he was. "Why don't we just stay here? Earth is so... dumb."

"If you still feel that way after we're done here, then maybe I'll see about making you a permanent resident here," Davin said, chuckling as he ladled water over the hot coals in the tray before them. Jared had a small amount of clarity, enough to realize they were in a steam room of some kind. "I promise. Just enjoy yourself for now, though."

Jared was able to do just that, relaxing against Davin's bulging muscles as his scent mixed with the steam in his nostrils. He wasn't sure what the steam smelled like, exactly, but there was some aromatherapy at work here. The more he inhaled, the more relaxed he felt but the clearer his thoughts became. Which was a bit ironic, he realized, since the view in the room grew more obscured with the steam. It seemed even thicker than it normally would be in a normal spa, and he thought he could see silhouettes in various compromising positions all throughout the place, despite knowing it was just the two of them there.

"Feeling better?" Davin asked. If he was aware of the shapes around him, he didn't show any indication that he knew.

"I feel like I can think again, if that's what you mean," Jared said, realizing just how clear his thoughts were now. It was like all the built-up fog in his head had been released from his very pores. He felt clean, inside and out, though certainly not 'holy'. His erection still bobbed up and down, his body crying out for more even as his mind took a moment to slow down.

"Good. While I love it when a mortal takes to this realm so easily, I thought it best to slow down a little. You were starting to get that look that many mortals here get."

"It's something about this place," Jared said, shrugging. He was more relaxed than he'd ever been in his life, and he couldn't even feel bothered to be worried about anything. "It does something to you... well, not you specifically. I mean us 'mortals'."

"It drives you into an insatiable lust and desire for everything you want, and more," Davin said, putting more words to his own thoughts. "You in turn release that energy into the realm, which daemons feed from, and the realm sustains you so that you can release more energy. Some mortals here haven't slept or eaten or done anything 'mortal' in centuries, and they love every minute of it."

"They don't age?"

"No more than necessary," Davin said, smirking. "Time works differently here, and even then the realm keeps you young and virile no matter how you look. I could go on, but there's just so much to this place that most would just go over your head right now."

"Yeah, I mean... I can think again but I don't feel up to 'thinking' thinking. If that makes sense?"

"It does. More importantly, have you been enjoying yourself so far?"

"I have!" Jared said, smiling enthusiastically. "It's been really fun. I still... kinda want to wear some leather, though. That club was amazing... maybe I should go and apply there... I-"

More hissing pierced his thoughts as Davin poured more water, the steam growing thicker. Taking a few moments, Jared realized he had been letting his mind fill with lust again. The steam was clearing it away once more.

"We'll have to leave soon, though maybe once you've recovered we can come back again," Davin chuckled, reassuring Jared as he bashfully looked at his own toes. "But I'm happy to hear you've enjoyed your stay here. Though don't be surprised if it leaves a huge impression on you. Not many mortals leave this place unchanged, though since you've been with me I doubt there's been too many changes that weren't already present in the deepest, darkest recesses of your mind. You just needed an outlet for those desires, I believe."

"Is it dangerous, here?" Jared asked, remembered the implication from earlier. "They said I was safe with you. So is there..."

"Danger? Yes. There's danger in any realm," Davin said. "Though while you might be mugged or injured in a place like Earth, here you might accidentally run into a daemon who enjoys keeping a harem of musclemen, or you might lose yourself to some of the traps set up for stray mortals and invading daemons here. There's all sorts of things an unguided mortal might find himself in the middle of. That masseuse might have taken you and trained you, for instance... and then you'd be another muscular, robust, and sexy masseuse working here. It wouldn't be the first time. But when you're the guest of another daemon here, it's taboo to do that. Not 'illegal', in a sense, but very frowned upon to do so."

"I see. Though the thought of being a himbo masseuse doesn't sound too bad, you know? Though I probably shouldn't think like that right now."

"Fantasy and desire will definitely ensnare you here," Davin said, a steam figure caressing him from behind. He didn't seem to acknowledge it, though Jared had to admit it was kind of hot to see it happen. "This realm is ancient and hungry. It doesn't let mortals like you go easily. Not without help. As much pleasure as you've felt here, remember that before you ever try to find a way back here by yourself."

"Not that I'd even know how, but yeah. I'll remember that," Jared said, feeling a bit of worry for the first time in hours. He knew he'd stand no chance by himself, assuming he'd even want to leave if left to his own devices here. The idea of staying once again wormed its way into his mind, though he focused on the steam instead.

"I think that's enough steam now. You seem more yourself again," Davin said, giving an encouraging smile as he helped Jared stand. "Besides, we need to hydrate now. It'll feel good for me and it's necessary for you."

"I do feel a bit thirsty," Jared realized, nodding as he allowed himself to be lead toward the door.

"We'll grab some water here, and then I want to show you another place if you're up for it."

"I'm up for it if you are," Jared said, smiling. "What kind of place is it?"

"You'll see," Davin teased, tweaking one of Jared's nipples playfully before opening the door for them both.


"A bow-tie, hm?" Liam asked himself, knowing his voice wouldn't be heard. It was more a mental thought than an actual vocal projection, though he had to admit this was a first for him. Watching his body serve the two cobras in its physically altered state, he had to admit it was very hot. It seemed that Onyx had a thing for butlers, or at the very least for sexy men turned into servants. Practical, too, he had to admit.

"May I get you another drink, sir?" his voice said, though he wasn't exactly the one speaking it. Not exactly. If he tried, Liam could feel that addled, brainwashed part of him. A few times he had felt tempted to fully immerse himself, but he knew better. There was a reason he had partitioned himself in this way. It was one of the powers that came with the bar, though only for himself. Otherwise, it'd be far too easy for just any lust daemon to take over, wouldn't it?

"Yesss, perhaps," one of the twin snakes said, though in a more naga shape than before. They were both bigger, and power brimmed through every single muscle he could see. This Onyx wasn't a normal daemon, was he? Not many daemons could do what he was doing, especially in this place. Though that part of him that was under their control was allowing them a portion of the power in this place, he had a feeling this wasn't the first time Onyx had shown himself in this way. If they were in the snake's realm, Liam probably wouldn't have cared much about the display of power. But he didn't even have full access to his power here, and already it was enough that Liam had to resist the urge to fall down on one knee. At least in his more astral form, he could resist some of the more physical effects of Onyx's presence.

"He makes such a good butler," one of the twins said, causing the other to chuckle. "Would be nice to keep him this way."

"It would, yesss. What do you say, Liam?"

"My body, mind, and life are yours, sirs," Liam's body said, causing Liam's astral self to cringe a bit. He could feel a huge part of that was true, and it was all he could do to keep himself from falling into that dark sea of desire. "I crave to please you, always."

"Then perhapsss, when this is over, you should come with usss... yes?"

"Yess, what a wonderful idea..."

"If that is what my masters wish, then I will comply," the body said. Liam had to admit, he DID make a good butler. A growing part of him wanted to comply, that much was true... looking up at the clock in the room, he simply smiled as he began to count down the seconds.

"We can go over the details later... for now, bring that ass over here for me..."

As Liam's body began straddling one of the snakes, a chime rang out and Liam felt himself being pulled back together again. Awareness sparked in his eyes as he simply chuckled and stood up, his own power reasserting itself as the bar reversed what had been done to him. With the end of the night, the contract was finished. He waited as his suit re-materialized around him while the two daemons shrank and returned to their anthro forms, also fully clothed in their biker gear. Pressing a hand up to his neck, Liam smiled as he realized the fang marks were gone. It felt like he had a small hangover forming, but if that was the worst of the side-effects then he'd take it. He'd gone through worse headaches.

"I hope you enjoyed your night," Liam said, genuine in his smile. "Though I'm afraid if you want more time with me, you'll have to purchase extra time. It's a shame we're booked for the month, however."

"Yes... a shame," sighed Onyx, a small glow in his eyes... though it wasn't affecting Liam in the slightest now that he knew what those eyes could do. "But we did have fun, as short as it was."

"To be fair, you two got more time with me than most clients get with some of our more specialized employees," Liam chuckled, winking suggestively. He had to admit it, he'd had a lot of fun as well. Even if some of the things they'd said and done had put him off a little. A suspicion had been forming in his mind while they'd been having their fun with him, though he didn't show it in his face. "You should count yourselves fortunate."

"Oh, we are grateful," the other snake said, shrugging nonchalantly. If they were irritated, it certainly didn't seem that way now. If anything, they were a bit too relaxed. Time to put them on edge, then.

"Glad to hear it," Liam said, smiling as his tablet formed in his hand. Tapping a few buttons on the screen, he looked up coyly as he grinned. "So, would you like me to book you and Seth for another session together? Or would you like to have some alone time with me, Orias?"

"Seth won't be like me for the next time, so perhaps a solo session would..."

The cobra's voice trailed off as he mentally processed what he'd heard again, his brow furrowing as he shot daggers at Liam. The smile was still there, but Liam could tell he'd gotten on his nerves since his teeth seemed to be clenched tightly. It was all the snake could do to keep himself from twitching. His twin seemed to be going through a similar experience, and soon he had two pairs of fiercely glowing eyes boring into him.

"So I'm right," Liam said, a smug smile on his face. "Though, I do apologize for putting you on the spot like that. It's usually not my business to poke into our clients' privacy. But you just reminded me of him, so I had to know for sure."

"What will you do, then?" Onyx, or rather Orias said. He looked almost ready to fight, though he had to know he had no power here now that Liam was in full control of his faculties once more.

"Well it seems like you've been following our laws since your return, even if you are a bit... borderline with your interpretation, it seems..." Liam said, hemming and hawing a bit for show. "So I'll do nothing, unless of course you want me to do something about or... to you. But what you're really asking me is... will I tell Davin?"

"Will you?"

"...No. Not unless you fuck up, somehow," Liam said, finally coming to a decision. "Though you have to know he'll figure it out eventually, right? Though, I must say I'm flattered you think I'm choice butler material. If I were a thousand years younger and un-ascended, I might even give myself over to you for such a role. I really did have fun. But I have a bar to run, and a realm to rule. And while I don't answer to Davin, you most certainly answer to me. Both of you do, in fact."

Letting that sink in, the two cobras reluctantly bowed their heads once, though despite that some of the hostility did seem to evaporate from them. Was that... relief he sensed?

"Do we owe you an apology, then?"

"For what?" Liam asked, laughing. "A contract was carried out, and we are all how we were before we started. You had your fantasy, and I got to enjoy some time outside my head. I was serious about the booking, though. I can fit you in as early as... middle of next month, honestly. Though if it's with me I might bend the rules a bit... depending on your fantasy."

"You know what? I like you," Orias said, chuckling even as his twin relaxed. "Sure. Why the hell not? I'd love to see you in that uniform again..."

"Give me a few ideas of what you'd like for next session and I might be able to prepare a more appropriate venue," Liam said, as he began to show options for rooms and services. They were all business now, and soon they were chatting as if they were old friends. How strange, though. To serve Orias before Davin, and then to be in charge of them both. It was very surreal to him, but he supposed that was the way of daemonic life. Maybe in another few centuries their roles would once again be reversed... but he didn't focus on that.

"Oh, one more thing," Liam said, his smile not matching the dangerous tone in his voice now. "Seth definitely needs to be back to normal for Saturday. I was serious about that."

"...Of course, Lust," Orias said, getting the message. Whether he liked it or not, it didn't matter to Liam. "Though perhaps one of these days you could join us for some fun?"

"As a triplet?" Liam asked, chuckling a bit before giving the thought some serious consideration. "Perhaps one day, if my schedule allows for it. I'd have to take some precautions though. You understand."

"Oh, perfectly," Orias said, and Liam got the feeling he was being genuine there. "Anyway... about that room... perhaps the haunted mansion would be..."

Liam poured some more drinks for the three of them as they all went over the details of the next booking; while the conversation was lighthearted and mostly business, Liam couldn't help but notice them eyeing him up more than once like some kind of property. As long as they knew their place though, Liam didn't care much. He'd have to keep an eye on them from now on, however. He was confident in his abilities, sure, but he wasn't stupid.


Jared instinctively winced as the visor came off, real light touching his eyes for the first time in... he didn't even know. It was hard even to think normally again, the urge to return to the hivemind still strong as he reached out for the device without thinking. Davin patiently kept it out of his reach until Jared stopped struggling for it, shaking his head slowly as the gears began turning in his head once more. He noticed that Davin was in the same kind of suit as he was, also without a visor on his head. Around them, drones went about their tasks, seeming to ignore the two instead of trying to reconnect them. Jared realized it was because they were in one of the 'safe zones' that Davin had described to him before he'd nervously put on his own visor, though it had been different from the one Davin was holding now. He imagined the first one was to 'indoctrinate' while this other one was more 'permanent'.

"Feeling like an individual again?" Davin asked, causing Jared to slowly nod. "I know how powerful it is. Take your time to adjust."

"...I'm... I'm okay," Jared said, the personal pronoun still unfamiliar on his lips. He had been saying 'us' and 'we' when he spoke at all, hadn't he? Another sharp pang filled him, and he almost reached for the visor again before he caught himself. "How long until it wears off completely?"

"A while. I'm used to it, and my suit's special. Doesn't let me drone out for more than a few hours, at most."

"How'd you find me, though?" Jared asked, wondering. He hadn't always been with Davin physically, since they'd all been connected mentally.

"I have my ways," Davin smirked, though he seemed mentally tired as well. "Besides, you can usually tell a new drone from an older one. At least, I can, even without the database fully exposed to me in the brief moments my visor wakes me up."

"Ah. I see."

"Did you enjoy it, at least?"

"...Yeah, I think so," Jared said, a little confused but happy. "I mean, as a drone of course, but as me? I think so. I still don't feel completely myself, though."

"That will pass," Davin reassured him, though Jared wasn't so sure. He had a massive headache, and an itch behind one of his ears. The longer the visor stayed off him, the worse he began feeling. He wondered if Davin was experiencing the same thing, saying nothing as he spaced out a little and readjusted his crotch. In his distraction, his grip on the visor loosened and Jared was able to take it from him.

"Do you hear that?" Jared asked, not sure what he was hearing himself.

"That high pitch? Yeah," Davin said, unaware of his own actions as he took his own visor. "Kind of hurts my ears."

"My eyes hurt," Jared said, causing Davin to nod in agreement. "Maybe something's wrong with our visors? We should turn them in..."

"Yeah. Maybe," Davin said, stepping out of the 'safe' area and handing his visor to a waiting drone. He took a new visor from him before waiting; his body shook a bit, as if trying to fight something off, but as much as he resisted some part of him seemed to fight back and keep him in place. Jared soon found himself doing the same as Davin, handing his visor to another drone before taking the new one with no resistance on his part. It was slightly different from the old visors, he noticed, and he could see a lot of the drones were also wearing the new design. Well, they were called visors but they were more like latex hoods, matching the suits that covered their entire bodies and brought everyone in the hivemind into uniformity.

"We should put them on," Jared said, the glazed look in his eyes soon obscured as he slowly put his visor on. It sealed with the rest of his suit and he stood rigid as new programming entered his mind, both from the goggles and from the natural interfacing of the suit. He was downloading a new update, but rather than mentally comment on it he simply waited for it to finish.

"I..." Davin struggled, watching in vain as his own body betrayed him. He could hear the high pitch whine increasing in intensity, scrambling his thoughts and resistance the higher it rose. He was aware of a slight pain behind one of his ears, and he realized what must have happened as the visor was lowered onto his head. "Shit. Sneaky bastards..."

It was the last individual thought he had as he joined his fellow drone, the hooded visor sealing and reprogramming not only his own mind, but his suit as well. The new update was being processed all over the hivemind, to ensure the integrity and uniformity of every drone in its network. The newest drone would need modifications to its body as well as its mind, being mortal in its nature, but the drone that constantly eluded its grasp would be heavily reprogrammed and altered to serve as a guardian and ensure nothing like this would ever happen again. He was strong of will, and that would in turn strengthen the hivemind once fully processed. While Jared's suit formed a standard letter and number that every standard drone had, a new designation was given to the one formerly known as Davin; GD-01. As a new prototype, it would require constant surveillance, but the network was confident the new guardian drone would embrace its role before too long and accept integration.

The drone once known as Jared waited until his update completed, and soon his mind was linked back into the hivemind. A small spark of individuality realized it had missed this before it was snuffed out completely, and the drone spoke even as he transmitted the message mentally.

"Update, complete. Reintegration with network, complete. Drone awaits further instruction."

"Report to Orientation for analysis and modification," the security drone in front of him monotonously said, and without any reply the Jared drone walked away to complete its new task, leaving the new GD-01 behind to finish its own update, the security drones waiting in silence.

Deviant Delights #20 - Protect and Serve

Jared, though he wasn't thinking of himself in that way anymore, obediently walked inside and stood in line. Several drones had arrived ahead of him, though if anyone noticed him they didn't show it. Nor did he care; as he waited, he was constantly fed...

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Deviant Delights #13 - Changing Gears

Stellan eyed the apples one more time, his mouth salivating even knowing they were full of magical transformative properties. Despite having been picked at the turn of the new year, they had retained both their freshness and power. He wondered...

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Deviant Delights #10 - Weighted Decisions

Seth sighed, examining his naked body in the mirror. He wasn't sure what it was, but lately he found himself feeling disappointed. At first he thought it had just been his being horny and all the fantasies that had run through his mind, but now that...

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