Fair Exchange Part 3

Story by Lykos Bane on SoFurry

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#3 of Fair Exchange

Daniel realizes he has a solution for his 'little' bear problem. Hopefully, it's as foolproof as he thinks it is. It couldn't possibly backfire, right?


Lykos Bane

Warning: This story contains stuff that is inappropriate for all ages! It contains adult themes and nasty situations. Enjoy!


It was early Thursday morning when Meg finally heard from her own son, Cary. Early morning for Meg anyway. The time difference meant the young wolf was at the end of his day. They would have to schedule a better time to chat. Half asleep, she stood at the counter in the kitchen, looking out the window with phone in one hand and coffee in the other.

Meg had been eager to hear from her son; hopeful for a distraction of some type. Guilt felt like a gnawing vice at the nape of her neck and a burning furnace in her guts. At least, she hoped it was guilt and not some type of internal damage caused by the bear.

God damn he's thick, Meg thought as she set down her coffee to gently touch her tail base.

"Mom?" Cary said after a moment. "You still there?"

Oh shit! How long did she daydream for? What did she miss?

"Sorry hon," Meg was going to fake a yawn, but didn't have to. She spoke through it, "Still waking up. What were you saying?"

"Hah," Cary laughed. "Got lazy as soon as I left, huh? I said its alright so far," the young wolf repeated. "Not exactly the first choice for an exchange program, but I did learn to milk a cow this morning."

Is that anything like milking a bear?

Meg growled to herself, hopes of distraction fleeting. Almost everything made her think of the bear, then her thoughts went directly to his cock, which only reignited her shame. Not even a chat with her son could get her mind of Vedmid.

"Always looking on the bright side," Meg managed enough focus for a chuckle, "Sounds like you lucked out with your foster family."

"Host family, mom." Cary snorted, "I know you'd rather put me up for adoption, but I think you're stuck with me."

Wanna bet? Meg thought.

How would Cary react if she knew what a cheating bitch she was? And with someone around his age. At least Cary was nearly an adult so he won't get mixed up in any type of custody battle between her and Daniel.

Meg scolded herself for such thoughts. It was a fling; a one time thing. Or at least, a five times in one day thing.

And never again!

My god, the stamina in that bear, Meg felt that now familiar guilty burn in her guts. _ _

Off her thoughts went again. An endless loop of bear, cock, shame. Bear, cock, shame. Bear, cock...


"Huh?" Meg broke the loop with a shake of her head.

"You really must be worn out," Cary laughed.

"Heh," the wolfess took a sip from her coffee, loud enough for Cary to hear, "I should have given myself enough time to finish my coffee."

Meg really shouldn't be tired at all. After calling yesterday, she passed out, curled up with Vedmid like he was an oversized teddy bear. In fact, she didn't wake up until she felt her knees being pressed to her shoulders. Around noon, the bear screwed her for a third time.

Bear, cock, shame...

"So how is my replacement?" Cary asked again.

Sexy? Hung? Insatiable? A force of nature?

"He's alright," Meg replied, trying not to fall back into her cyclical thoughts.

"Must be keeping you busy at least," Cary teased. "I know dad doesn't wear you out that much."

Damn it, Cary. Meg knew her son didn't mean it the way she took it, but it sent her thoughts spiraling out of control anyway.

Cary sighed, sounding a bit annoyed at some commotion from his end, "I'll be right back." Meg heard none of it though, her thoughts back on the bear.

It was true. The bruin had kept her busy all day yesterday. After pulling his spent cock from her for the third time, they crawled out of bed. Meg had attempted to dress, but Vedmid stopped her.

"No," he had simply said.

At first, Meg took it as a joke and smirked up at the large bruin, only to find his gaze stern and serious. He wasn't kidding. Obviously, her mind had told her to put a stop to this and set the teenager straight. Three times was three times too many.

Yet, she let the shorts fall from he paw to the floor. Approaching her, he caught her chin with a finger and held her gaze.

"Tak. Good." The approval from the magnificent beast had made her tail wag, even as he removed her blouse to display her breasts for the first time. Vedmid then left without another word, as nude as she was.

Normally, Meg would never leave the room without clothes on. Even a robe made her uncomfortable. Wardrobe malfunctions were unacceptable when you had a judgemental pup roaming the halls. It took a couple moments to get her nerves under control, waiting until she stopped trembling before she followed her young beau.

The wolfess found it very strange to parade around the house in the buff. Preparing the bear's lunch while his essence oozed into the fur of her thighs was a new and humiliating experience. There had been no opportunity to clean herself, much to the grizzly's apparent satisfaction.

Vedmid had made her sit in his lap after she served him his food. Using one paw to eat, the other fingered her cunt before offering the wet digits for her to suck clean. He was hard by the time he finished his meal and slipped himself back into her.

Accommodating the large ursine without much effort worried Meg. All she felt was an incredible pressure and overwhelming heat. She could feel every throb and jerk from the young male's cock. Expecting a fourth fucking, excited for it even, the wolfess was surprised when the grizzly only soaked within the female's quivering cunt. "Good," he growled, approvingly. Again, the praise made her tail twitch.

Five minutes later, an eternity to the wolfess, Vedmid eased her off his lap and helped Meg stand on shaky legs. A paw rubbed between her ears for a moment before the bear left a wagging wolf alone in the dining room.

Vedmid made it impossible to distract herself. He never bothered to dress either, lounging about the house on full display. Out of nowhere, she would feel the touch of a finger or tongue. Each time, while he molested her, he angled her hips upwards so her back would arch and her rump would stick out.

At first, she had growled and swatted his paws playfully, but Vedmid had none of that. A disapproving growl from the bear put a stop to that real quick. Soon, she let him position and molest her without any complant. By the time he mounted and fucked her for the fourth time that day, all it took was a touch to her hip for the wolfess to present, offering herself instantly. When he bottomed out and fed her overstuffed womb another potent load, it became crystal clear why he didn't let her get dressed.


Megan felt like an object to the large beast. Maybe more like a favorite toy, there to be used and played with at his discretion. And she fucking loved it.


"Huh?" Megan felt her ears heat up as her son's voice brought her from her thoughts. Bear, cock, shame. "Sorry. You get the morning call next time."

Cary laughed, "Fair enough. So...?"

The pup sounded as if he expected an answer. Another question was missed while she reminisced. Not even a phone call with her son could distract her.


Cary sighed, exasperated, "I asked how dad was doing."

God damn, the guilt.

"He's uh," Megan felt nervous. "Doing good. Vedmid actually convinced him to lift weights."

Cary sounded shocked, "Dad?! Really? I thought he bought that weight set for storage purposes."

Megan gave a tired chuckle at that, "You should have seen them."

"Maybe the bear isn't such a bad influence on the old man," Cary said.

You could say that again, Megan mused.

Thoughts about Daniel made her regret everything. There was no change in her feelings for the old wolf or anything. Despite not thinking about him once until he called yesterday evening, she still loved him more than anything. Seeing his name on the ID filled her with dread at the reminder, especially since her pussy was stuffed with the bear's dick for the fifth and final time that day. She was going to let it go to voice mail.

Either the bear had a strange kink for fucking females on the phone or they spent way too much time screwing, but Vedmid held the phone out to her before his finger hit the answer button. Breathless, she tried to focus on her husband with the teenager's cock sawing in and out of her. Once again from behind, as the bear had trained throughout the day.

In a monumental show of self control, Megan held back her moans. Having to pant with the effort, she managed, even buying herself additional time by tasking her husband to feed the bruin plowing her depths. Relief was the last thing she expected to feel when she hung up the phone, moments before another powerful climax transformed her into a mewling puddle of white fur. Even Vedmid's snarl of conquest did little to cover the sloppy sounds of their union as he unloaded for a fifth time.

By that point, Megan had grown used to the grizzly's copious offering, ashamed at how the craving only grew more intense. Her body pushed flush with the bear's lap as his balls somehow produced his most powerful climax yet. As if the mess on her thighs wasn't bad enough already.

The extra time allowed Megan and Vedmid to make themselves presentable. Without time to properly clean herself, she opted for a quick wipe down and spray of perfume. Nothing strong enough to arouse suspicion. By the time Daniel got home, the dryer was finished with the sheets, providing an additional flowery layer of fabric softener to cover the reeking odor of sex upon her.

The worst part was when Daniel came on to her. Of everything she regretted about yesterday, denying her mate's advances because she was too worn out from getting fucked all day was right at the top of list. Right between letting a teenager fuck her ass and cheating on her husband.

Thankfully he didn't push. There would have been no way to explain the condition of her pussy. Or her ass for that matter. The bath had been her first real opportunity to process just about everything anyway, not to mention deeply clean.

Amazingly, she came to the decision to tell Daniel everything. Keeping things from him, no matter how terrible, just didn't sit well with her. She wasn't sure if she felt disappointed or relieved when she found the black wolf fast asleep, spent cock still locked out of its home by his swollen knot. At least he didn't go to sleep needfully.

Now, after some rest, she wasn't sure she could say anything.

"Must be looking forward to tomorrow, eh?" the younger wolf said. "I bet he hasn't stopped talking about it."

"Huh?" Megan was confused, once again unsure what she missed.

"He's still sending Vedmid home isn't he?" Cary said. "He practically had it all planned out at the airport."

Oh yeah!

Megan had forgotten all about the follow up interview with the exchange program. Apparently Daniel did too, or at least hadn't brought it up. Then again, they hadn't really had much chance to speak since Tuesday morning considering how distracted he was that evening.

Reacting to pressure on her hip, Megan's rump lifted and back arched before she even realized she moved. Megan's gaze shot over her shoulder to find Vedmid standing behind her, muzzle split in that cocky grin of his. How could he be so silent!? It didn't help that his scent was everywhere in the house now, successfully masking his presence.

Megan's eyes went wide an she shook her head once, paw showing the phone in it. Vedmid replied with a nod. A paw drifted down to the hem of her robe and lifted, revealing her pert ass to the room.

Was her conditioning already so ingrained she presented at a simple touch from the bear? Considering the normally modest wolfess had only put a robe on this morning, and nothing else, it was quite obvious she left herself accessible.

Vedmid fished his pulsing maleness from his track pants with a grip on the base. She stared as he gave it a slow stroke.

Yeah, the phone thing must definitely be a weird kink.

Megan didn't have much time to consider it before the grizzly's blunt tip found purchase against her moist slit. Further cementing her place as his object, there was absolutely no resistance from the female as the bear hilted in one swift thrust. Already wet from her thoughts, she wasn't surprised how easily the bruin took her.

"Fuck!" Megan gasped, forgetting herself as she leaned over the counter.

"What?" Cary sounded concerned, "You alright mom?"

"Ah," it was impossible not to moan. "Mmmm..."


"Sorry," Megan panted, "Fuck... I stubbed my toe."

"Jeeze," Cary laughed. ""Sure you didn't break it? Sounds intense." _ _

Instead of rough, animalistic pounding, Vedmid swayed and rocked his hips. There was no way to hold back a slow, growled moan. Having her son laugh at her while a thick bear cock throbbed in her quivering heat was surreal to Megan, enough to make her chuckle.

Before she could answer, Cary was distracted by a crash and rapid growled chatter on his end. Someone was upset.

"Gah," Cary growled, then sighed, "I should go take care of this. Talk soon, mom."

"Mmm..." Meg groaned, chest now against the counter for support. "Yes. Love...mmm...you." She wasn't sure she was talking to Cary in that moment.

"Love ya too, mom," Cary replied. "And take care of that toe."

Vedmid waited until she set the phone aside before he spoke, "Good."

Approval made Megan's flagged tail bounce off the teen's hip. The feeble knot that held her robe closed was no match for the paws sliding up her sides, leaving her breasts exposed for the bruin's grope. He held his lap flush with her ass while squeezing her possessively. Finally, he withdrew without thrusting, not even once, and pulled up his pants. A paw patted her rump before he left her bent over the counter, a panting pile of fur.

_Was this how he would always say hello? _

"Good morning, Mrs. Ferguson," Vedmid walked into the dining room before he took a seat and grinned confidently at the female. "We eat!"

This was getting dangerous. Right in the middle of the kitchen, with her husband up stairs, the bear took her as if it were his prerogative. And she lifted her rump, flagged her tail and presented without complaint or concern. The perfect cock warmer.

It took a moment to compose herself and step away from the counter. She looked at the grinning bear, then down at her open robe. As she hid her modesty, the bear growled low.

"No," he said simply.

The growl stopped her instantly, unsure of how to handle this situation. Her eyes went from the now serious gaze of the young male, then up at the ceiling. Following her gaze, the bear gave a sly smirk when their eyes met again. Vedmid showed no concern that Daniel could come down at any moment. He knew why she hesitated and slowly shook his head.


Vedmid didn't really expect her to go around naked all the time, did he? She wasn't always accessible and there for his whims. He must understand that, right? Boundaries had to be set and that started by denying his command.

Yet, her heart raced and paws trembled as she gripped the cloth belt around her waist. Megan knew it would be a bad idea to let this continue, maybe even catastrophic. When the bear crossed his arms over his chest and watched her with an expectant leer, she found herself losing that challenge. She began to lower her paws and release the belt.

Footsteps on the stairs made the choice much more simple. Megan tied off her robe en route to the fridge to get busy with breakfast. She noticed Vedmid composed himself as well, sitting up at the table. He flashed a wink before he looked out towards the stairs.

"Suka Ferguson!" The teen's voice was jovial towards Daniel, as if he hadn't just had his way with his wife. "Good morning, Danielle!"

Daniel sounded cheerful, "Hey Vedmid. Good morning." His ears perked when he entered the kitchen and gave Megan a quick once over. The look made her pulse race, suddenly worried of an errant breast on display or something. Thankfully, he was just checking her out, his tail wagging a moment later, "Morning babe. What fancy plans got you all gussied up?"

Megan was confused at first, wearing only a robe, then saw her husband's playful smirk and shook her head, "Gotta look my best for the grocery store."

"Again?" Daniel realized what he was saying when his eyes glanced into the dining room at Vedmid, who already held a knife and fork, ready, "Never mind. Forgot he had full access to the food reserves for a whole day."

Daniel nuzzled her affectionately as he made his way to the coffee. He opened the cupboard above and grabbed a mug. Hesitating for a moment, he grabbed a second mug before he closed it. Pouring coffee in both, he took one over to the bear unprovoked.

"Mmmm," Vedmid grinned. "Good."

The sway of Daniel's tail didn't go unnoticed by Megan as she cobbled together a breakfast from what was left of their supply, an easy eggs and bacon affair. As she served breakfast, Megan still felt as if she were doing it nude, the thin cloth robe almost weightless on her fur.

No longer shocked by the bear's habits, both wolves now found Vedmid's appetite amusing in a way. Almost cute. Meg happily retrieved a second helping once he cleaned his plate. Time was thankfully on their side, not actually rushing for once, but it did count down as always.

"Vedmid," Daniel said as he swallowed the last of his coffee and stood from the table. "Time to go."

The bear nodded with a smile, "Tak!"

Daniel set his mug in the sink and glanced back at the teenager, "Wait for me in the car. I need to talk to Mrs. Ferguson for a moment."

The bruin gave a nod and grabbed his bag, giving a friendly grin to Megan, "See you tonight Mrs. Ferguson."

Megan giggled and wagged her tail, "Bye Vedmid."

They watched the ursine head out the front door, closing it behind him. Daniel turned his attention to Megan, even as her tail still wagged. The playful look on his face had Meg expecting a jab at her flirtatious behavior.

"I approve of the robe," he finally said, stepping up to her. That playful look turned salacious, especially with the grin on his muzzle. "Just be sure you don't show too much to our guest."

Meg's eyes went wide at that, but Daniel was too focused on her body to see that reaction. He closed the distance and pushed his nose into the thick fur along the side of her neck, inhaling deep. Pressed to her hard, she could feel her husband's form tremble as he growled.

For the second time that day, her robe was pulled open to expose her body. Daniel's tongue licked along her neck as he pushed her rump back against the counter, rough enough to make Meg grunt. She pointed her muzzle skyward to give her husband further access to her throat which he fully accepted, alternating between licks and sniffs.

"Fuck you smell good," he growled breathlessly, paws fumbling at his belt, then his zipper, pushing his pants, then underwear down enough for his cock to spring free.

Meg panted, paws weakly at his chest, "Daniel..."

Both wolves growled, rigid, as the male sank to the hilt in one firm thrust. Supported by the edge of the counter, Meg's legs went around Daniel's hips and created the perfect home for his churning balls to nestle against. A roll of his hips ensured he was as deep as possible, making her shudder.

"God, you're so wet," Daniel noticed how slick she was, "I fucking love what that bear does to you."

Meg blushed hard, but her husband was too busy sniffing the thick fur of her neck to notice. She moaned when he moved, withdrawing about half way before driving back in, "I...love what he does to you too..."

Daniel pulled back, taking his turn to look bashful at her words. Meg grinned and nuzzled him. A moment later, Daniel did the same, nuzzling until his grinning muzzle pressed against her own in a hungry kiss, sloppy as their union.

Somehow, someway, Daniel managed to keep control and pulled back from the kiss. With a grunt, his cock popped free. By the looks of it, he was moments from the point of no return, the spongy flesh of his sheath already tight around a forming knot.

The wolf wiped his muzzle with the back of his paw, eyes taking in the wonderful sight of his exposed wife. It took a bit of a dance and wiggle, but the grinning male managed to work his shaft back into his pants with a final adjustment of his still visible bulge. Time to be a mature adult.

The principal grabbed his keys, "I'mma fuck that later."

Megan stood on shaky legs, dazed but coherent, "I think I'm already too tired for that."

Daniel was running late, but he still gave her a final kiss before heading out, "See you tonight hon."

Meg followed him out of the kitchen, a thought occurring to her, "Oh!"

Daniel stopped at the front door and looked back.

"Tomorrow." Meg still hadn't bothered to do up her robe, getting another once over from Daniel. "What do we say? We sending the bear home?"

Daniel's muzzle hung open momentarily, the way one does when reminded of something important but totally forgotten, "Oh yeah. I...uh...Huh."

Meg's ears perked at that, tail wagging a bit. Apparently she wasn't the only one that forgot about their scheduled appointment with the student exchange program.

"Should we...let him stay?"

Daniel seemed to ponder that question, glancing out the door toward the driveway, then back at her. He sucked his lower lip between his teeth for a moment, "Do you want him to stay?" He glanced at the clock, "Damn. Lets talk about it tonight." He was gone before she could get another word in.

Huh, Meg thought, alone for the first time in over a day. _Well that was a first. _

Meg looked down at herself, unsure of how to feel. Wet muzzle, erect nipples, and puffy labia. The result of having two different cocks fuck her in less than an hour. She felt objectified and used. Slutty.

And more turned on than she ever had in her life.

Should we...let him stay?

The question repeated ad nauseam throughout the day, disturbing Daniel for multiple reasons. For one, the fact he could send the bear home by the weekend had totally slipped his mind. He wasn't sure when he forgot about it, but it must have been before the incident in the weight room or he wouldn't have been an anxious mess yesterday. Had he even considered the option since getting his snout coated in the teenager's sweat and the mad rutting that followed?

Daniel couldn't recall a single time the idea came up since then. All day yesterday as he dwelled on how to deal with the situation, he never once thought about telling the student exchange program it wasn't working.

And it was the simplest solution too. Send the bear home.

Then there was the other thing, more worrisome to the lupine. Why wasn't he able to answer the question? Of course, he should send the bear packing. Vedmid was dangerous. Right?

It wasn't like the bear had been agressive or anything. Not to mention certain effects the ursine had. Daniel thought about that passionate tryst he had with his wife, both the other night and that very morning. The wolf lowered a paw to his groin and adjusted his heavy sheath for what felt like the millionth time. It was a constant reminder of his predicament. What was the harm with keeping the bear around if it just made him and his wife fuck like...like...

Dude, Daniel growled to himself. Weight room. Coach Rice.

Daniel was definitely ready to talk to the lion, needed to even. That would wait until the end of shift. Like a challenge, the afternoon bell rang to signal the end of the school day, setting a timer the wolf couldn't ignore. While the students might be released from their prison, there was still a good two hours of after school chores left for the faculty.

Two hours.

Once again, Vedmid declined a ride home from Meg after school. He looked excited at the prospect of a couple hours in the school's gym while Daniel finished his tasks. Part of Daniel wanted to insist the bear head home right after school, but another part wanted to see Tom's behavior after another day with the bear around. If Tom ended up doing it again, that would solidify the wolf's decision to terminate his employment.

Daniel gave up long ago trying to preplan his talk with the lion. No matter what he came up with, he knew it wouldn't go in the intended direction. He would be blunt, get right to the point, and not pussyfoot around it. Knowing full well the effect Vedmid had on people didn't make it any easier. At least Daniel hadn't acted upon it like the coach had.

Uh huh. And do you always go at your wife like a horny teenager in the middle of the kitchen or only after huffing a shirt full of Vedmid's musk? Why are you really so excited?

Daniel thought of the 'effect'. The wet shirt that put him in a rut. No, the bear had put him in a rut. Put Megan in one too. And obviously the coach. Probably anyone that had to spend much time in close proximity with him.

Even the previous day, Daniel was clear headed and focused. It was a productive day...without the bear around. That all changed the moment he got home. He recalled the change the moment he stepped into the house.

Daniel thought of Megan the day before, alone for the whole day with Vedmid. Must have taken every ounce of will power to keep herself in line. Unavoidably, images flicked through the wolf's mind that left him void of breath. Meg on all fours with Vedmid hunched over her back, hips slapping rapidly against her rump. The bear lounging on the couch with Meg eagerly bouncing in his lap. Vedmid standing tall and proud as the wolfess knelt at his feet, head bobbing endlessly on his impressive girth.


Adjusting himself had almost become second nature he was doing it so much that day. Doing so yet again made him growl, going out of his mind. In all his years being a principal, with all the perks and privileges such as a private office and locking door, never once had the lupine thought about pawing off. Just whipping it out and busting a nut in the middle of the day. The idea was beyond appealing at the moment. But the reason why wasn't.

Daniel felt a strange shame fill him. Married for twenty years and never in that time even remotely thought of Megan with another male. Not even in jest. The idea would have sickened him, or so he thought. Now though, thinking of the bear and her caused a stirring in sheath. He even felt like he wouldn't blame her if she had.

And that scared him.

And helped him make his decision.

Vedmid had to go, plain and simple.

Tom was another matter, but Daniel would decide how to handle that in the moment. Read the lion's reaction to the conversation. Funny how much more confident the wolf felt after figuring out the best way to initiate the conversation.

In fact, he was excited enough that the final couple hours sped right by. Daniel was locking his office and heading toward the gym in no time. He found Coach Tom in his office. Surprisingly, the lion was packing up for the day and not in the weight room working out.

Daniel gave the open door a couple knocks to get the feline's attention, "Hey Tom."

The lion looked up and smiled instantly, "Dan! Just about to head home for the day."

"Oh?" Daniel smirked, "I figured you'd be too busy working out with Vedmid."

Mention of the bear, working out, caused a slight falter in the lion's smile, "Oh. Not tonight, unfortunately. Got some...uh...plans tonight." The smile came back full force a moment later, "But Vedmid doesn't have to rush off or anything. You can make sure the locker room is locked up when he's done, yeah?"

_Heading off huh? _

Daniel gave a nod, "Of course. I think we'll be heading home soon too. He can cut his workout short at two hours."

The lion put his PC to sleep with a couple taps on the keyboard before grabbing a duffle bag, the type usually full of gym gear. He was preparing to leave. Unexpectedly nervous, Daniel knew for a fact he'd feel like a chump if he wussed out again. Not talking to Tom would only make things worse. For everyone.

Don't let your nerves get to you now!

Daniel realized Tom never moved from behind the desk, his smile long gone, deep in thought. Without the bushy mane around his face and head, it was easy to see he his jaw tighten and ears splay a bit, twisted like feline ears do. He sighed, a drawn out exhale, eyes downcast.


"Dan," Coach Rice lifted his eyes finally, gaze serious as he regarded the lupine. "I need to talk to you."

What's this now?

Coming clean and taking responsibility for his little indiscretion was always a hope the wolf never gave up on. Daniel tried not to look too excited when he nodded, "Of course, Tom." Coach Rice didn't have to say anything, the tone in his voice enough to tell the wolf this was a closed door conversation. Daniel closed the office door before he continued, "What's up?"

The coach rubbed a paw through his headfur, then cringed as if it reminded him of something. The short mane must be a haunting reminder of what he did. Daniel wondered what Vedmid thought when he saw it today.

After a moment of silence, where it looked like the lion chewed on exactly what he was going to say, he once again sighed. Normally outspoken as coaches tend to be, it shocked Daniel to hear how the feline's voice shook when he finally spoke.

"I fucked up Dan," Tom sat heavily in his chair and covered his face with his paws. "I...I did something horrible."

Daniel approached the other side of the desk and watched the lion intently. This was it. God, it felt weird to feel relief in his friend's discomfort, but this was the feline's own doing. The wolf didn't press, letting the coach take his time.

Tom sighed and leaned back in his chair, looking up at the ceiling for a moment before he finally built up whatever nerve he needed, "I had an...encounter with Vedmid on Tuesday."

Daniel tried to react to the news, as if he had no idea. The shame on the seasoned teacher's face made it easier for the wolf to commiserate. Tom didn't give any great details beyond admitting to orally pleasuring the young bear.

"What happened?" Daniel frowned.

Tom looked up, brow quirked, "Wh...Really?"

"I don't want details, idiot," the wolf couldn't help but snicker. "Why did you do it? What happened?"

"Oh. Heh," the feline gave a sheepish shrug, "You wouldn't believe me."

Daniel felt his own ears flick at that, "His scent?"

Tom gasped at the wolf's question, surprised, "I...you noticed?"

"He's lived in my house for the last week."

Coach Rice shook his head, "You poor bastard."

Daniel chuckled at the implication before he could catch himself. This definitely wasn't a subject to be laughing about, and he fixed his expression. "I mean he stinks like a horny adolescent bear, you pervert."

That word made the old feline's head bow, "I guess I should get used to hearing that." He looked worried, scared as he continued, "You have to believe me, Dan. I've never done anything like this in my life. I mean..." The shaved mane made it easy to see how deep his cheeks flushed, "I've never so much as touched another male before, let a lone...a student." It seemed hard for the lion to say, "At least he's eigh..."

Daniel growled, "Tom."

"I know," the coach whined, a paw hitting his desk firmly. "Regardless of age, he's still a student. I have no idea what came over me or why I let it happen."

Daniel kept his expression cool, unreadable, as he controlled his growl. He knew damn well what happened, but needed to hear it from the lion, "What do you mean?"

"I tried to stop it!" Tom said, shaking his head, "I swear I tried to stop it." The distress on the lion's face was unmistakeable. "Vedmid just...I don't know Dan." Once again, the lion buried his face in his paws, as if he were about to cry, "He has a presence around him. Like...I'm not attracted to him. I'm not...gay or anything. It's just..." He growled, his thoughts frustrating him, "I feel so weak Dan. Yesterday I was relieved he wasn't here, you know?"

I know all about it, Dan thought, but only nodded.

"Please Dan," Tom pleaded, "You have to believe me. That type of behavior is not me in any way."

Dan sighed, and was silent for a long time. He nodded again, "I know, Tom." He contemplated his next move all over again. Tom was definitely not the problem here.

"So what is going to happen, boss?" Tom sighed, showing signs of defeat. "I'm not stupid. I know what I did was way wrong. Can you...let me resign? I can put in my notice with the board myself. Just say I'm retiring or something."

Daniel contemplated that, but still found his head shaking, "Look...I know full well about Vedmid's...uh... 'presence'." He paused as Tom's mouth opened in shock. "No, not like that! I just... I think he's used to doing what he wants, how he wants. I mean...come on! Who's going to stop him? I don't believe he was the victim here."

Tom wanted to ask more, but he nodded slowly.

Daniel was at a loss. The principal and professional in him was certain he should accept the lion's resignation. The friend in him was against that decision, sympathetic to the lion's plight.

The wolf sighed, "That wasn't you in the weight room."

Tom's brow quirked in a suspicious way, "Weight room? I never said anything about the weight room."

The wolf's blood went cold.

Tom's complexion went so pale, even his tawny fur dimmed a few shades, "Oh my god. You saw."

Daniel had to look away now. Why should he feel embarrassed by that? Whatever the reason, he did. Perhaps he was too sympathetic towards the feline's plight.

"How much did you see?" Tom asked.

Daniel cleared his throat, the question a little spot on while a vivid image of the nude lion filled his head, "Ahem...umm...enough to know the new hairstyle wasn't a choice."

Tom looked downward again, voice hardly a whisper, "Oh...my...god."

An eternally awkward moment later, Daniel leaned over the desk, "Tom. Its...OK. We all make mistakes. Some are...bigger than others. What I...uh...saw..." He waved a paw dismissively, "That wasn't you. I'll deal with it."

There was a look of disbelief in the old lion's eyes, bordering shock, "You mean...I'm safe?"

The principal pondered the question. Definitely not safe in any way, it said something that the lion did come clean and it only took him a day. That meant he wasn't really some kind of monster preying upon children. There wasn't some long list of secret affairs the feline had with countless students or he would never have come clean about Vedmid so quick. Hell, the guy even had the self awareness to stay in his office as opposed to being around the bruin.

Daniel finally chuckled and shook his head, "No. That ice you're on is mighty thin, but you're a careful guy. I'm sure you won't fall through."

Tom slowly nodded his head, getting the subtext of the wolf's words.

"I'll deal with it, Tom," Daniel said, turning to leave. "And this won't ever ever happen again. Understood?"

"Of course. Never," Tom said immediately. "T...thanks Dan."

Daniel didn't respond before he left the coach's office. He still couldn't believe how conflicted he felt over the decision to send the bear home. Going from being set on the plan from day one to completely forgetting the option four days later was jarring.

In the weight room, Vedmid stood in one of the sturdy metal squat racks supporting a barbell across his strong shoulders. Loaded with so much weight, the barbell appeared to bend over his shoulders with its burden. The bear filled the large metal rack with his mass, hardly having room to move.

Counting the plates, Daniel did some mental math. Five plates on either side...plus the bar...carry the one. The wolf didn't know squat about squats, but five hundred pounds seemed like a lot of weight.

Daniel found himself admiring the bruin again. The form looked sharp and precise. The bear kept his back and hips straight while bending his knees and lowering the weight until his rump was within inches of the floor. The lupine was unsure he could do that without the weight, let alone five hundred pounds. Nothing changed upon repeat as Vedmid did another squat. Effortless as it may appear, Daniel could see every muscle in the grizzly's legs and back strain under the tight fitting workout clothes, dark with sweat.

And there it was. The wolf let out a little growl when he found his lungs filled with the intoxicating bruin funk. Disturbingly, it warmed and eased the wolf's nerves. By the time Vedmid finished his set and found he had an audience, Daniel's tail wagged while he panted lightly.

"Ah!" Vedmid flashed that confident grin of his. So admirable. "Suka Ferguson!" He gave the wolf a once over, then glanced at the clock, "Ok to finish workout, tak?"

"Ummm..." Daniel slowly nodded his head. Of course it was alright if he finished. "Yeah. Sure."

"Good," Vedmid smirked, "You watch."

Dipping his head, he positioned the bar across his shoulders and lifted it from the support with a grunt. Trunk like legs spread to support the added weight, as if they weren't already to their limit supporting the bear alone. The next ten reps went by without the slightest bit of slow down, but left Vedmid panting.

Once again, the grizzly's sharp eyes were on him before Daniel realized he was staring, watching, "Good."

Damn it! Stay strong.

Why'd it feel good to gain the bear's favor? He looked away from the smirking teenager and growled. Just a couple seconds and the older wolf was already distracted, forgetting why he was there. Daniel knew it was now or never. If he didn't have the discussion with the bear right then and there, he wasn't going to.

"Hey," Daniel started before the bear could go back to the weight, afraid another set of lifts would leave the wolf mesmerized and obediently watching. "I need to talk with you."

Vedmid's ears perked as he took a seat on a nearby weight bench, chest still heaving slightly while he recovered from the previous set, "Tak?"

"Alright," Daniel wasn't going to beat around the bush. There was no need to candy coat it either, "I don't think things are working out."

"Oh?" Vedmid's head tilted curiously.

"Ummm," the wolf felt a warm numbness tickling his lungs and head, the bear's influence in full effect. "Yeah. I think it would be best if we don't move forward with the exchange. And you went home."

Vedmid's expression remained unreadable while he watched the wolf, to the point of discomfort. Holding it until Daniel's eyes darted nervously to the side for a split second, unable to maintain the silent gaze. Vedmid's head shook as he stood and walked away.



Daniel wasn't expecting that response. Maybe a discussion as to why. Or complaints on the contrary from the bear. Even accepting the wolf's decision without question would have been more expected. But 'no'? As if the final decision were his?

"What?" Daniel began, but Vedmid cut him off.

"No," Vedmid said sharply as he walked toward the locker room. He shot a challenging glance over his shoulder before he disappeared through the doorway.

A sense of dread kept Daniel rooted in place for a moment, unsure if he should pursue. Angry by the show of outright disrespect from the teenager, a rush of adrenaline made the wolf's heart hammer in his chest at the unexpected challenge to his authority.

By the time he did follow the bruin into the locker room, Vedmid stood at an open locker without a stitch of clothing on. Apparently in no rush to dress, the bear held that challenging glare as he watched the wolf. Daniel licked his dry lips, trying to stay focused.

"What do you mean...no?" Daniel growled.

"No," Vedmid simply repeated. "I stay. No reason to go." He crossed his arms, turning fully to face the wolf.

Harsh florescent lights reflected off the obsidian mass of bruin, glowing in all its glory. Even though he saw the bear with the coach a couple nights earlier, it had been dark and hard to make much out. His imagination filled in the rest of the blanks. The fleeting glance in the locker room afterwards wasn't much better.

But now. Now, the wolf couldn't look away. Vedmid apparently didn't want him too either, his impressive form presented for the older male to openly admire. Inevitably, the wolf looked lower. Try as he might, there was no way Daniel could remain focused.

Vedmid didn't have the same problem, "No reason at all." The grizzly's pendulous sheath swayed as he took a step toward the wolf, causing Daniel to retreat the same distance. "Vedmid happy. Danielle happy." The bear's nose wiggled as he sniffed, a knowing grin spred on his muzzle, "Mrs. Ferguson happy. You think Vedmid can't hear? You two fuck like bunny."

The distance closed further as Daniel tried to hold his ground, but continued his gradual retreat until his back met the cold resistance of the lockers. No more space to pull back without making a huge move and Vedmid knew it. The bear closed in with the confidence of a predator certain his prey was trapped. Daniel gave a quick glance to his left and right, but it didn't take much to see there was no escape.

"Know why you two do, too," Vedmid's wide muzzle was dangerously close to now panting wolf. The heat from the beast was intense enough for Daniel to feel through the layers of fur and clothes he wore, "Why stop? Why send me home?"

"Look," Daniel found his voice, trying hard not to let the teenager intimidate him, as if the bruin hadn't done so from their very first encounter at the airport. "I saw what happened between you and the coach."

If that caught Vedmid off guard, it didn't show, his expression only showing a flicker of reaction in his heavy stare. Regardless, the bear never left the wolf's personal space, muzzle remaining within a couple inches of his own, "So?"

"I..." Daniel held the kids gaze, trying to keep his composure like the bear did. It was hard enough to do when overwhelmed by the teenager's scent without adding intimidation to it. It was hard to do with his back pressed against the cool metal of the lockers. "I know...it can be...hard dealing with those feelings." The wolf stuttered with his words, "Being gay."

Vedmid's ears perked forward before he gave a deep, bassy laugh and shook his shaggy head, "Not gay." That bear trap of a grin split the grizzly's wide muzzle as it closed the distance, now less than an inch from the wolf's own. "Just like Coach not gay." Disturbingly enough, the teenager's voice came deep and smooth to the principal's ears, "Just like Danielle not gay. Despite what little wolf did with sweaty shirt."

Daniel was speechless. So much for maintaining composure. The wolf couldn't maintain eye contact with the younger male, but a finger caught his chin as he attempted to look away, directing the wolf's gaze back. A knowing glare filled the ursine's gaze, intense enough to make the lupine begin panting.

"You feel it too, little wolf," Vedmid continued, confident. The paw on Daniel's chin no longer directed his gaze, instead rubbing along the lupine's jaw to his cheek. "Urge to respect stronger male. Urge to admire. To be close to him. To worship." The grizzly's head shook again. The ursine's fingers cupped the back of Daniel's head, rubbing through the fur there, "That urge. Totally natural."

Daniel wanted to deny the bear's statement, but couldn't find fault in it for some reason. Every word out of the bruin's muzzle rang true in Daniel's splayed ears, the confident older male now at a complete loss. Somehow, they explained all his doubts and worries over the past week; the unusual desires and urges.

"Vedmid," Daniel tried, throat bone dry and heart beating so hard it felt like he was going to pass out.

"Shhhh. It is OK, little wolf." Vedmid's growled whisper reassured the lupine even as its seductive and soothing tone unsettled him further. "Come. Do what is natural."

Daniel managed a bit of resistance when the paw on the back of his head pushed forward. Somewhere in his foggy thoughts, he knew he would be changed forever if his nose pushed into that pelt. A point of no return as defined as the muscles his paws now weakly pushed against. A shudder ran through the older lupine when the teenager's fur tickled his nose.

The lure was too great.


Daniel felt the words more than heard them as the grizzly's chest rumbled against his muzzle. Obeying the younger male, the wolf's shoulders slumped as he inhaled deep. Instantly, his head spun and his stomach grew achingly warm. The reaction on his sheath was prompt, as if inflated by his deep breaths. Besides the accidental huff he got while working out with the bear, this was the first time he got Vedmid's exhilarating scent from the source.


Freshly wet, the field of thick bruin fur left the lupine's muzzle marked as he firmly ran his snout along the peaks of Vedmid's chest with reckless abandon. The first couple rubs were tentative, unsure, but the wolf grew emboldened in no time. After a few moments of eager huffing, Daniel worked his cheek and chin through the shaggy pelt.

The paw on the back of Daniel's head lifted to rest upon the lockers, providing a fresh source of that addicting aroma. Driven by pure, animal instinct, the lupine's whole world was nothing but the big, naked grizzly. In his blind pursuit to scent roll, the lupine's nose found its way to this new fount.

The disgust in the civilized part of the wolf's mind, conditioned by societal norms, was no match for Daniel's more primal desires. Never in all his years did the wolf think he'd be in the school locker room, wantonly nuzzling his muzzle into the hairy arm pit of one of the male students, but here he was.

And there was no where else he wanted to be.

Daniel inhaled deep through his nose, then exhaled through his muzzle, only to repeat the process. Already overdosing on it, the lupine wasn't sure what made him do what he did next.

Vedmid's form shuddered with a snicker when the wolf tickled the large beast with his tongue. Tentative, the first couple licks tested the water, but apparently Daniel found it to his liking when he started to lick more. This was stronger than the taste left on his muzzle after the workout, a savory saltiness with an underlying bitterness that made him salivate.

"Hah," Vedmid pulled away, removing the lupine's treat without warning. "Tickles." He grinned and took a seat on the metal bench, legs spread wide. "Better places to lick."

Daniel gaze, while distant, focused on the new places being offered by the confident teenager. Between his spread thighs, Vedmid's fuzzy cockholster displayed its contents, thick and swelling. This was the source of all his troubles since day one. While Vedmid's scent had been noticeable, obviously, it wasn't until they lifted weights that it had become a distracting problem. An addiction.

Now, with it unobstructed by clothing and under glaring florescent light, Daniel could take in every gory detail. Besides porn, and the obscured show in the weight room, the wolf had never seen another male erect this close. Sheaths, sure, but never the meat of the matter.

Vedmid growled, voice maintaining that same sultry rumble, "Come."

Daniel couldn't believe he was doing this, but the bear's charm was inescapable. Trembling legs took him the short distance to stand before the bear, every fiber of his being telling him this wasn't the way the conversation was supposed to go. Why couldn't he stop himself?

"Good," Vedmid continued, allowing the wolf to openly stare. "Kneel." The bear's legs spread a bit more, the motion inviting somehow. "Worship."

The wolf's ears splayed wide, fate accepted as he did as told. Kneeling on the cold linoleum floor of the locker room, Daniel's paws squeezed the grizzly's thighs. He gave a glance up at the bear, who's reassuring smile made the wolf's tail wag. Yes. This was definitely someone worth admiring. There was no shame in it either.

Daniel closed his eyes and went beyond the point of no return. His nose pressed right into the base of the bear's shaft, where it disappeared into its sheath, and breathed in every one of the pheromones the young bear had to offer. For the first time in his life, the wolf ran his tongue over another male's testicles.

If he thought the savory flavor in the pits was heavenly, this was out of this world. It wasn't long before the wolf's enthusiastic tongue lapped the set of balls. Definitely no pro at what he was doing, each lick was sloppy and wild, more in search of the musky flavor than pleasuring the bruin.

Vedmid gasped when the smaller wolf sucked one large testical into his mouth. When the gasp turned to a pleasant, approving growl, Daniel's tail wagged, doubling his effort by taking the other orb in. The lupine's tongue gave chase to the gamy taste until his nose nestled into the teen's taint with the heavy ballsack draped over his muzzle. Awash in the scent, Daniel gave a pleasured growl of his own.

Reveling in the youthful musk, the wolf ran his nose along the moist valley created by the grizzly's sheath and thigh. The sensation of a throbbing cock against his cheek was new, but Daniel didn't even give it a second thought, licking it before he realized what he was doing. A sharp, acrid flavor coated his tongue when it flicked the bear's cocktip. It was distracting enough for the lupine to pull back in a moment of clarity.

Being inches from the throbbing bear cock, Daniel knew instantly what the taste was. Things spiraled so far out of control that the flavor of Vedmid's pre now coated his tongue. His jaw hung open, drooling much like the throbbing maleness presented to him.

"Oh god..." Daniel shook his head slowly, "Oh no. No no no..." This had gone way beyond admiration. Daniel knew that instantly, yet found the forbidden flavor coating his tongue frightfully appealing.


Vedmid grabbed the base of his cock and aimed the deadly tip right at the lupine's panting muzzle. A slow stroke milked more of the clear, viscous fluid from his balls, further enticing the wolf. That fleeting moment of clarity made Daniel feel as if he were in a dream, no control over his actions, screaming at himself to stop. It was all in vein though, as a moment later, the happily married wolf became a cock sucker.

The spongy head pressed to Daniel's thin lips, smearing the slimy fluid over them before sinking deep into the heat of the wolf's maw. Vedmid's pleasure was instant, groaning out his approval of the willing tongue dancing over his flesh. Having made his decision, Daniel closed his eyes and spread his mouth wide.

The paw on his ear moved behind the wolf's head, guiding him further down the rod that wedged his muzzle open. Flicking his tongue along young male's magnificent cock, Daniell detected a familiar flavor among the alien taste. He couldn't quite put his paw on exactly what it was before the bear's cock throbbed and masked it with his pungent, bitter pre.

Daniel trembled as he swallowed. That intense flavor coated his gullet with a spicy heat that trailed down his throat to his gut, marking him on the inside. Inch by inch, the teenager's cock sank into the wolf's muzzle until it pressed against his throat. Being long in the muzzle made it easier to accommodate the impressive girth, nearly allowing Daniel to bury his nose in wiry pubic fur without chocking on the hilted shaft.

"Fuck," Vedmid hissed, muzzle lifting in pleasure, "Good."

Daniel felt his tail wag, all the while keeping his nose embedded in that wonderful scent while swallowing anything the bear offered.

"Better than Coach," Vedmid continued, both paws now rubbing the wolf's head fur.

Daniel felt a strange sense of accomplishment at this, as if surmounting some type of incredible obstacle. He pleasured Vedmid better than Coach Rice! The praise made the wolf push his nose in deeper, wiggling his muzzle from side to side as the bear's cock tip finally triggered a gag reflex. The twitching in the wolf's throat gained another wonderful growl from the young stud.

Pressure between his legs made the wolf's eyes shoot open. When he tried to pull back, the paws rubbing his headfur clutched the sides of his head and held firm. Unmistakable, Vedmid's foot paw pressed against his groin, the large toe tracing the bulge that tented his slacks, the pleasure of which sent Daniel's head spinning anew.

The wolf hadn't even noticed how aroused he was, too blinded by his need to get at the bear. The stimulation to his erection, even through a layer of clothing, sent confusing emotions through the Daniel. There was no denying his enjoyment.

Vedmid chuckled when he felt Daniel's lips seal tight and hips grind against the offered paw for further stimulus, "Mmm. Danielle like to admire. Good."

Daniel closed his eyes when the younger male's hips began to thrust. Maintaining that seal, his lips slurped audibly around the grizzly's flesh, milking even more from the juicy cocktip. Unlike the blunt muzzled lion, Daniel never once gagged. A peculiar point of pride for the older male to focus on while his muzzle was thoroughly fucked for the first time.

Vedmid spread his toes, using the V-shape to rub along either side of Daniel's throbbing maleness until the wolf mindlessly thrust against it. On a normal day, getting an erection would make his pants grow uncomfortably tight. With his knot taking up much of the precious space, they grew unbearable.

Daniel had no idea when the bear's paws no longer held his head or when he began to bob it on his own, but the bear no longer moved a muscle. The wolf gripped the bear's cock base tight, stroking shallowly while driving his muzzle up and down upon it. Creating a rhythm, Daniel thrust against the foot paw in time to his movements.

Daniel was going to cum, kneeling there blowing a student in the locker room. He was going to cum and couldn't believe it himself. The tingle in his balls and the throb in his knot grew exponentially as they chased a humiliating climax.

Suddenly, Vedmid stood from the bench, foot paw removed from Daniel's groin moments before he was thrown over the edge. The motion pushed Daniel back so his rump rested on his heels. A paw caught the back of his head, holding it in place while the other cupped his chin, thumb and index finger catching the hinge of his jaw.

"Oh...suka..." Vedmid's muzzle twisted before baring his fangs.

Daniel's paws lifted to catch the bear's hips, as if they would have the slightest effect on controlling them. Finding his gag reflex, Daniel coughed as Vedmid's length battered his throat repeatedly. The strength in the paws holding him was incredible, holding his head perfectly in place.

"Mmmm!" Daniel trembled, eyes rolling back in his head as he started to drive his muzzle into the thrusts, drooling openly down upon himself.

"Tak!" Vedmid lifted his muzzle high as the wolf worked with him, then went completely rigid.

Daniel wasn't stupid. He knew what was coming when he felt the shaft embedded in his cock swell enough to noticeably spread his jaws further. In case he didn't, Vedmid let him know with a mighty bellow. Scalding, potent bear cum sprayed into the older wolf's maw.

Compulsively, Daniel swallowed the first shot of slimy ursine seed. The wolf never tasted another male's cum before. He had tried his own, what male hasn't, but it wasn't a common thing in any way. The last time was probably over a decade ago, trying something new to spice up the love life with the wife and going down on her after climaxing. Mixed and diluted with her sweet juices, the flavor was no where near as intense.

Vedmid's was far stronger, salty and sour at the same time. It felt far thicker too, as if it could get caught in his teeth. Neither the flavor nor viscosity stopped the lupine from guzzling another mouthful. Unfortunately, the force of the unexpected geyser proved too much and the lupine choked on the third helping. Like a burst pipe, the teen's jizz spewed from the corners of his muzzle and dripped down onto his shirt and tie.

That was okay though as Vedmid was done with the principal's maw and withdrew. The bear gripped his length and stroked it wildly, his bellow of pleasure dying to a deep bassy growl as he coated the bridge of Daniel's muzzle in the next copious gush. An attempt to turn away was rewarded with a marking of musky, sticky semen to his cheek and throat, dripping down to join the mess already soaking into Daniel's shirt.

Apparently, Vedmid reconsidered his decision to be done with Daniel's muzzle as a paw directed the wolf's head back upon his spent length. One final time, the older male's nose was tickled by the teenager's pubic fur while the bear's cock gave a few weak throbs against his tongue. They stayed that way, motionless for a good ten seconds, before Vedmid withdrew.

Panting hard, Vedmid pet the wolf, "Good. Mmm...good."

Daniel matched the bear's breathing as he looked down at himself. Marked and stained, his shirt displayed wet dark spots on his chest and belly. Some of the goop dripped onto his pants and left equally indicative spots. That sure as hell wasn't wolf cum.

Shocked, the lupine looked up at Vedmid as if he suddenly came to his senses and realized he wasn't dreaming, "Aw...fuck."

Vedmid grinned, wide and knowing as he gave his cock a final, slow stroked, then tapped his plumb shaped tip against the wolf's nose.


The bruin let the wolf stew for a moment before he held out a paw to the kneeling adult, "We shower."

Daniel looked at the offered paw, unsure if he should take it. Bear semen dripped from his muzzle and made the choice easier as it added to the growing number of stains on his shirt. He needed a shower.

The wolf took the offered paw, unsure if he got to his feet on his own volition or if the bear physically lifted him. Vedmid watched him expectantly, unmoving. Somehow, even covered in the bear's scent after letting the teenager blow all over him, Daniel felt self conscious about stripping before the bruin. Especially sporting a knotted cock. Having no other choice, Daniel hesitantly undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, setting them aside. Next, his pants followed. Try as he might, he felt his ears burn as he pushed his underwear down, lupine shaft springing free in all its glory. This was the first time anyone besides Megan had laid eyes upon it. As if to give the young bear the full show, a strand of clear fluid dripped from the tapered tip.

"Good," Vedmid's gaze was heavy enough to feel like it physically pet the wolf as it moved over him, "Come, little wolf."

Strong arms unexpectedly lifted the wolf from his feet as if he were a weightless pup, and carried him deeper into the locker room. Setting him down in communal showers, Vedmid turned a faucet which sent hot water cascading from the showerhead above. Thick plums of steam filled the tiled room. The bruin knew how to clean cum from fur, thankfully. Daniel didn't have a mane to shave off, after all.

Oddly at peace with what he did, Daniel joined the bear under the firm stream of water. The wolf regarded the ursine quietly as the heat flowed over his messy fur and made short work of the stickiness gluing it in clumps. When Vedmid's paws landed on his shoulders, the wolf didn't pull away, and let the younger male turn him to face away.

Vedmid moved his paws over the older male's body, squeezing here and groping there as he explored. Daniel let him touch anywhere he wanted, only reacting when one encircled his knot and squeezed it. The bear gave an approving rumble as his fingers trailed over his hips to close around his tail base. Despite the hot water, a tremble ran through the wolf when he felt his tail lifted upwards.

Daniel growled, "Ved..."

Hot breath blew in his ear as the bear loomed behind him, "Shhh..."

For a moment, the bear only held the wolf's tail up, as if allowing Daniel to grow used to the new sensation. To help him along, Vedmid reached around to stroke the lupine's still throbbing shaft. The wolf's growl quietly died off to an almost needful whine, hips twitching to thrust against the paw a couple times. It pulled away, its purpose complete.

Coated in a layer of the lupine's pre, a blunt claw slipped under his tail to press directly at the crinkled ring beneath. Besides his own exploration and general hygiene, no one had ever touched him there. Not even Megan. It was a foreign sensation. Never in a million years would Daniel have imagined it would be a student at his school that would be doing it.

"Good," Vedmid praised the moment he pushed his finger in to the knuckle, making Daniel hiss. Despite the pain, the lupine held his tail up and rump out as paws scrapped at the shower room wall. Wiggling, the digit sent thrilling shocks of pleasure racing through the lupine's loins.

A moment later, it was removed and replaced by something far more blunt and thick.

Daniel's eyes widened in terrified realization as he felt Vedmid grind his cock between the valley of his rump. This time, it wasn't just a growl but a full blown snarl that bared Daniel's teeth. With little regard to the lupine's warning, jaws closed tight around the wolf's scruff when he tried to pull away.

Vedmid's growl was more vicious as it trembled through the fur in his jaws, silencing the wolf's now pathetic snarl. The grizzly's maleness pulsed against the wolf's asshole, poised to penetrate.

Daniel felt totally overwhelmed by the teenager then. Maybe it was the way the hot steam seemed to intensify the bear's scent, coating everything with a fog of bruin musk. Maybe it was the flavor that coated his tongue, and seasoned his saliva with the bear's gamy flavor. And maybe it was the damn mating bite squeezing his scruff. Regardless of the reasons, with his tailring dimpled inward, clenching and quivering around the pressure from another male's cocktip, the lupine's head bowed as his tail flagged on its own accord. The signs of submission were a simple read for the large stud.

Daniel cried out as his clenched muscles yielded, the young grizzly's shaft splitting him open. Excruciating pain burned under the lupine's tail as Vedmid's girth spread the principal's virgin ring, aided by the slobber he himself left there. A fullness unlike anything he felt before soothed the burn the moment his body closed around the bear's thick glans, but it left the wolf panting with the effort. Both males moaned as another inch pushed into the quivering depths of the lupine's backside, increasing the pressure and adding to the monumental euphoria once again filling the wolf. How could the stud still be so hard?

"Vedmid," Daniel panted, voice drowned out by the rush of water and the bear's own growling. "Please. I...can't."

The wolf's complaints stopped the moment Vedmid's paws grabbed his knot. Delirious with pleasure, Daniel's knees gave out when he was overcome with the most intense orgasm of his life. Unable to even moan, the wolf quivered and shuddered uncontrollably as he painted the shower wall with his wasted load. Everything led to that moment and Daniel rode it out, in willing service to the bear.

Releasing his scruff, Vedmid gave the older wolf a single lick, "Good."

Paws rubbed over the panting wolf's chest and belly, helping the lupine support himself until he found his footing again. Daniel grunted as Vedmid pulled free, strangely disappointed that it was over. He didn't really want the bear to mount him did he?

Vedmid stepped back to look over his conquest. It wasn't until the ursine left the shower room that Daniel lowered his tail, realizing he remained presented the whole time. After a minute to process the situation, he followed the bear out of the showers.

Back in the locker room, Vedmid tossed the wolf a towel. He felt self conscious again as he ran the towel over his naked form. It normally took two to do the job, so one left Daniel a little damp. His fur reeked of the bear, as if the heat from the water baked it into his pelt.

"Umm," Daniel looked at his soiled clothes. "I might have a problem."

"No problem," Vedmid said, knowing what the wolf was going to say. He tossed Daniel the sweat soaked clothing he wore for his workout, "Here."

The wolf regarded the sweaty gym clothes, then the grinning bear. Vedmid pulled on a clean, dry t-shirt as he watched the unsure lupine. Daniel gave his own dress shirt and tie another glance. Clothes drenched in sweat were better than the alternative.

"You keep!" Vedmid offered, then tapped his muzzle. "Enjoy!"

Resigned to his fate, the wolf sighed and pulled the used workout wear on, instantly overcome by the teenager's intense odor. For the life of him, he would never be able to explain why it had such an effect, but it did. Instantly. He wondered if he would ever grow sick of it.

They gathered their things silently. Daniel locked up as they left. The drive home was oddly serene for wolf. No nerves. No anxiety. He felt strangely peaceful considering what he just did with the teenager in the passenger seat.

No one spoke for a while. Vedmid looked out the window for most of the ride. It was impossible to read the bear, who acted as if nothing were out of the ordinary. As if dominating adults was a common activity for him. Then again, in four days, the bear managed to do just that to the coach _and _ principal of his new school. Finally, when they turned onto their street, Vedmid took his attention away from the world outside to look at the smaller male.

"So, " the bear's ears perked, flashing that sly grin of his. "Vedmid stay?"

It was obvious he already knew the answer.

To be concluded...

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