A Whole New Party 6

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of A Whole New Party

Kyo'Thar explores his item, and Audron has a little visitor.

Commissioned by Engy

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A Whole New Party

Part 6

For Engy

By Draconicon

Their employer was a weasel of a man, and no mistake. The moment that Viola told him that he was going to come along for the next mission, he tried ever tried and true excuse to get out of it. Kyo'Thar would have stepped in if he felt that there was need, but if there was one thing that Viola had skill with, it was negotiating. Olfel found the information, but it was Viola that used it. The orc watched as the woman played the robed man like a fine instrument, working past every excuse.

The danger? They were going to be there to protect him.

The distance? There were horses for sale.

He would slow them down? Not if he knew what was good for him.

Every excuse was mowed down as fast as it came up, but it was a time waster. By the end of the negotiation, if one could even call it that, they agreed that their employer would be coming along for the next mission, but they were not going to be able to set out that night. The sun had already gone down, and the paths out of Lork-Lund towards the next dungeon - one that would take them towards the capital - were too dangerous to take at night. Even for them, it was dangerous.

Particularly if there were dragons in the air...

Kyo'Thar felt Croon shift slightly on his shoulder, and he reached up, gently scratching under the rooster's beak. The bird leaned into the touch, giving a quiet coo. Not quite a croon, as the bird was named for, but better than the loud calling that would come by morning.

The robed man turned to him, cocking his head to the side. The orc sneered.


"You seem to like that bird, that's all."

"Croon is my...companion."

"A familiar?" their employer asked.

"Not yet."

But possibly soon. He hadn't really liked the idea of dragging around an animal with him before, but with the way that he had become so attached to the rooster, he wasn't quite so opposed to it now. He didn't know why. Maybe it was just the fact that it would be better to keep something that he liked with him rather than keeping it at arm's length.

And maybe it was the way that the rooster followed him around everywhere. Ever since getting out of the dungeon, the little rooster hadn't left his sight, following him from the horse to the woods when he walked out of camp, and then following him right back. The small bird even found a way to hop from stump to stump to saddle, which was impressive in and of itself.

However, he wasn't going to discuss that with the stranger. As Viola went to the innkeeper to pay for a night, he got to his feet, as well. Olfel arched an eyebrow.

"Where might you be going?"

"Out," Kyo'Thar muttered.

"Out where?"

"In town."

"Where in town?"

"I am not the murderer of the party. You do not need to worry about me."

Red-Arms opened his mouth, but the monk said nothing. It was as if he had decided against speaking this time, however, rather than being stifled. The orc was not sorry; he might have his own foibles, including magical experiments that were far from ethical, but that did not mean that he was the worst of them.

As he stepped outside, the night air greeted him. It was cool, the sun's heat banished by the low breeze and rising moon, and the streets were dim, lit only by the occasional torch every five houses or so. Outside the central square that the inn was in, the light faded further and further, and that meant that the nightlife was gradually coming to be. The whores were coming out, as were the muggers.

The wizard didn't know what had gotten into him. Most nights, he would have gone to his bed quite a bit earlier than this, ensuring that he got the rest that he needed to restore his magic for the next day. He'd have time, surely, but that wasn't what confused him.

He reached into his belt, pulling out the wand that he had taken from the dragon's hoard. The wand was mostly straight, though there was an odd curve down near the hand-grip, and there was something else odd to the thick piece of wood. It was not quite phallic, but there was definitely more to it than the average wand, but again, that wasn't what made him curious about it.

The wand was, ostensibly, capable of casting charm spells. That, in and of itself, he knew was true. He had checked it, used his magic to study it, and he knew for a fact that it could do what it was supposed to do. However, there was something under that spell, something that he was only vaguely aware of, and it wasn't coming clear no matter how he studied the piece of wood. It needed something to push it out, and the only way to do that was to find someone to use it on.

An experiment in charm...certainly not how I imagined spending my night...

The orc's power had always been in destruction, in the rippling breaks in reality that his spells created. To focus his power on charming someone, in taking their mind and molding it rather than just forcing their body to do what he asked, he was going to be breaking into uncharted territory for himself.


"Hmm. Yes." He gently patted the rooster. "Yes, Croon, no point in waiting."


"What do you think? Elf, or human?"


"Yes, elf would be a little more...interesting."

And it would feel better, too. He imagined an elf being utterly ensorcelled by an orc, and it gave him a sense of satisfaction. They were the sort that would always look down on his people, if only for the stereotype that orcs were blunt, dangerous, and scary due to their warlike tendencies. Putting one under his magical influence actually sounded particularly enticing as a result.

"Let's find one."

It didn't take long. Stragglers were always a thing, people that had set out too late and wanted to reach the next town by nightfall, those that had to push themselves not to be locked outside of town and camp just a few hours away. There were those that believed that they were able to make it earlier in the day than they did, and there were those that were delayed by the dangers on the road.

All of that added up to a great deal of men and women that arrived well past sundown in every town, every day. All Kyo'Thar had to do was wait at the spot where the road led into town, and then pick his moment. He allowed wagon-loaded travelers and large groups to go by, of which there were a few. Humans passed by, and so did dwarves, but it was an hour or more before the first elf showed.

He was a younger man, perhaps newly arrived to adulthood, and he was not well-armed. He had a dagger at his side, and he looked as if he had been wandering half out of his mind in the wilderness, considering the wildness of his hair and the glazed expression on his face. Kyo'Thar smiled as he fondled the wand in his robe pocket, slowly pulling it free. He doubted that the elf even saw him under the moonlight. The road was dim, the nearest torch half a mile into town. All that the elf saw were the shadows of buildings, he imagined.

He waved the wand in the prescribed motions, and as the green light built in the wood, he felt the other magic rising. Another sort of charm, but it was different. Something slightly off from the standard control that the spell offered. Kyo'Thar twisted the wand slightly, pointed it at the elf -


The sound of magic was louder than usual, and he realized that the wand had shot in two directions. The first was straight ahead, hitting the elf dead-center in the middle of the torso. The traveler stopped in his tracks, his eyes glowing green for a moment before his expression stilled, going to something slack and relaxed.

The other blast hit Kyo'Thar right in the chest, and for a moment, he braced himself against a potential cursed charm. He waited for the attack on his willpower, half-expecting some demonic creature in the wand to take control.

When that didn't happen, he slowly turned the wand in his hand, looking at it properly. He had felt that magic, but it hadn't taken control of him. At least, not yet. It was a charm spell, but...


There was something else, he realized, something that was slipping just under his awareness until that moment. But even now that he had become aware of it, it was like becoming aware of a poison that was slipping through your veins. Mere awareness could not stop it, and it rushed through him, leaving him gasping.

He felt...good. No, better than good. He felt great. The orc had never doubted his power with magic, but all the little things that he had made himself forget - the hate for his lack of strength compared to some orcs, the hate for his inability to do what his family had done, the loathing for what he might lack compared to traditional orcs - was suddenly lifted from him. He had not realized what a weight that had been until that moment, when the charm spell -

It's making me...love me?

It was the only thing that the orc could think of to describe it. The charm spell was meant to make the target obey the caster, with some of the higher-level versions inspiring devotion, but he'd never researched one that caused love without a command. He rubbed his head, knowing that this was all just the result of something magical, something that was messing with his head, but at the same time, there was something...good about it, something that made him feel better than he had been feeling.

It's just the charm spell.

It didn't matter. It still made him feel better about himself. So what if he wasn't the muscle-bound moron that walked around all day with sword and armor? He was still a fit orc, fitter than the average wizard by far, with muscles that made his robe just a little bit less comfortable than it could be. He was still a smart orc, someone that was a good bit smarter than the rest of his people were, as a general rule.

He might not have gotten the appreciation of his people, but he could get the appreciation of others. He was good at what he did, and he was -

He was hot. The thought hit him harder than expected, but it was true. He was hot under his robe, and if there were people that were willing to take a look, why not let them? Kyo'Thar wasn't going to disappoint.

The orc was struck by the sheer shift in his thoughts, and he slowly shook his head. He was aware of it being...not right, or at least, not normal, but at the same time, he was willing to indulge it. Call it an experiment, and see just what happened.

The elf still stood in the middle of the road. The wizard shook his head, curling his finger, and the elf came at his summons.

"Follow me," he muttered, and walked back to town.

Kyo'Thar spent some of his own money to secure a different room in a different inn. He didn't want the rest of the group to know what he was doing, particularly Olfel. The dwarf would have ridden him on this right out of town and then into the next dungeon, and he wasn't feeling like he wanted to risk that sort of humiliation. The charm spell was keeping his self-confidence high, but that didn't mean that he wanted to push his luck.

As he entered the room with the befuddled, charmed elf at his back, he realized that his feelings were rising higher, still. He felt...hot, yes, but that was something that he had almost gotten used to. But now? He wanted to show off. He wanted to be seen, and he had the perfect appreciative audience.

"Sit there," he said, pointing at the bed.

"Yes, sir."

Sir. An elf calling an orc 'sir'. That was something that he could get used to.

Kyo'Thar had always affected a sort of nonchalance when he didn't have his robe on. It was all an act, of course, something to make the orc feel like he was holding his own, running his own life when he was naked. That said, it was all an act, and he felt rather uncomfortable with others seeing him. The little bit of loathing that he had for not being as huge as other orcs, for having other focuses than them, had always kept him from feeling entirely happy about others seeing him.

Right at that point, however, he felt like he could have stripped down in the middle of town and found a way to be okay with it. It was an entirely strange sensation, and he wanted to experiment with it.


He made sure that the elf understood the order, then undid his belt. The pouches of various components hit the floor. He slowly kicked off his sandals, huffing against his tusks as he took off one thing, then another, small things that wouldn't make that much of a difference. Croon pecked his head idly, and he chuckled.

"Fine, fine."

He lifted the bird off to the side, putting him on a shelf, and then pulled at the edge of his robe. Magical confidence warred with trained difficulty, but he eventually managed to give that final tug, taking his robe off and letting it fall.

With his muscular green frame revealed, he waited for the shame that he always had to fight to hit him. Instead, the charm spell seemed to punch the shame back, beating it away as he felt...confident. Powerful. Sexy.


The elf stared at him in awe, and uncommanded awe, at that. He didn't quite blush, for that would have been something of a backwards step compared to what he wanted, but he did find himself feeling slightly bashful...

And aroused.

Unlike the others, he didn't bother with undergarments. His cock had always swung free below his robe, and his green dick started rising, getting stiffer and slowly pushing forward. His foreskin slid a bit along the head of his cock, gradually pulling down to show off the darker head under it. He pulled at his shaft, dragging his hand along it. Masturbation had been his companion in bed rather than any other technique or trick for some time, with the occasional summoned demon making an appearance, but that was rare, too.

The elf watched, entranced by his cock as much as his magic. He smiled.

"Is this your first time seeing a naked orc, elf?"


"How's it feel?"

"I'm looking at a god..."

"A green god. Your god."

"Yes...my god..."

"You want this?" he asked, waving his cock.

"I want...I want it all..."



That...struck him by surprise, he would have to admit. He knew that there were elves and even humans out there that found it hot to be pinned under an orc. 'Big Green Dick' was a thing among them, calling out some of the physical superiority of the orc people while ignoring their brains. The fact that the orcs could be bigger than most of the other males that walked the world was something of a genetic fact.

But that didn't mean that they wanted anything else. He looked down at himself, feeling curious, and he slowly turned to the side. As soon as he was offering the elf a view in profile, the elf's eyes shifted, going from the orc's cock to his ass.

Kyo'Thar had never had someone stare back there before, and he didn't know what he should have expected to feel. Anger, perhaps, at the idea of someone trying to take control out of his hands? Shame, that someone wanted his ass rather than his cock? The idea that someone would look at him as a lowly breeder rather than what he was?

Whatever he would have expected, it probably wasn't the sudden rush of excitement. He smiled despite himself, running his free hand back to his ass. Not so muscled, but muscled enough, with a hint of padding from the rich foods that he was able to afford as an adventurer. He rubbed his cheeks, squeezing the softer, jiggly bit, and then - to his own shock - spanked himself.

"That's what you really want, huh?" he asked.

"Oh, fuck..."

The elf's cock was rising in his pants. He wasn't lying; he really wanted this. Kyo'Thar turned further, almost hiding his cock as he grabbed both ass cheeks at once, pulling them apart and then shoving them together.

"You're not in the mood to get fucked, hmm? You want to stare at big, orc ass all day long?"

"Oh, fuuuuuck..."

"Yes, that's what you want, isn't it? You're not the clean kind of elf. You're not the sort of elf that thinks that he's better than everyone. You're a dirty elf. A naughty elf."


"An ass-loving elf."


"Get a little closer."

He didn't know where this was coming from, didn't know why this had hit him so hard, but there was no denying that he was getting into controlling the elf like this. He didn't know why his ass had such a fascination for the knife-ear, but this...this was hot.

He was throbbing in the front, but his pucker was clenching. Not in hunger to be filled, but rather, in anticipation. Anticipation of feeling something new, of having this worship turn from words to physical sensation.

The elf fell to his knees behind the orc, and Kyo'Thar pushed back, grinding his ass cheeks against the elf's face. He could feel the sweat on his green rump sliding off, grinding onto Mr. Elf's face. He could feel the sweat wetting him, marking him, leaving behind musk that would linger for a day or more.

You're mine...you're mine...

Oh, he was marking an elf. Not just with magic, not with anything more than his ass, but fuck, that was somehow hotter than anything that he had done with his darker magics. Just knowing that his body was wanted this bad, and knowing more that he could dominate others with something that they didn't usually want?

That he was that sexy?

That he was that special?

The wand was part of this, he knew. There was more to it than a simple charm spell, more even than the double-charm that had hit both of them, but there was something to it that could be expanded. Something that might be different than this temporary domination. He needed to experiment, needed to see how long it lasted, needed to -


The elf, without even being told, started licking. The feeling of that twisting, eager tongue working between his ass cheeks immediately sent him to a different sort of mindset. He pushed back, grabbing the elf by the head. His fingers twisted through the elf's hair, pulling him flush against his asshole, making him lick and thrust and eat out that musky, sweaty flesh.

"Yeah, that's it...you dirty elf..."


"You want it? Eat it."

He huffed under his breath, using his free hand to grope his cock as he was eaten out, his hole worshiped by that tongue, filled and then stretched by it. The elf moaned under him, thrusting his tongue forward, in, out, wet and warm in his pucker, giving him something that he'd never known he wanted. Fuck. He was going to have to do this more often. He was going to...he was going to get elves like this in every village, if he could.

I'm good enough to deserve this...I'm hot enough that they should stare...sexy enough that they should pay attention to me...

And not just fear him. Not just run from him. The villagers from that bucket village came to mind, how they had only feared him. How even before they burned the place down, they had feared him. If they had seen him like this...

The idea of elves, of humans, of many looking up at him the way that this entranced knife-ear did made him groan under his breath. He wanted this. He needed this.

He shoved back again, sitting down with the elf's head against the bed and the elf's nose grinding between his ass cheeks. His balls rested on the elf's chin, and he slowly swayed his hips back and forth.

"Fuck my ass with your tongue. Get it in deep, you slut..."


The elf's cock was still pinned in his pants, trapped inside of the leather, but it was stained. Stained, wet, and throbbing down there, showing that the elf either had cum, or was going to with all the pleasure that he was going through. Kyo'Thar didn't care. What mattered right then wasn't the elf's pleasure, but his.

More. More. More. He needed so much more.

He ground his heel against that throbbing bulge, dragging the elf down into service to him. That tongue never stopped, and his other hand grabbed his cock, pumping it hard, pulling his foreskin up and down over the head for his own pleasure.

Maybe...maybe I can show off more...let the robe open up from time to time...

The very idea of shifting his intimidating look to something a little more exhibitionistic had never occurred to him before, but if he could get what he was getting here, get the looks from different people that showed that they were interested, why not? Why not advertise what some lucky few would have if they played their cards right?

Olfel might laugh, but he would show that dwarf. He was the powerful one of the party. He was an orc worthy of this attention. And if the dwarf tried to say that he wasn't...well, he still had the wand. He could make this happen to the black-bearded dwarf, as well.

"Get it in there...good and - mmmph - deep..."

He pushed back, feeling the slick spit-slime between his cheeks, and he could feel the elf digging in that little bit further. He stroked faster, felt that tongue go in up to the hilt as far as it could, flick that little pleasure button in his depths, and that, finally, was enough to push the orc wizard over the edge.


He groaned, he roared, he growled like a beast of an orc as he came, shooting his seed across the room. Some white lines fell on the floor, some on the elf's legs, some even went up against his belly and chest. The mess was thick, musky, heavy, and he groaned as he felt like some sort of stud, almost.

He shivered as his hole clenched down on the tongue inside, feeling just how slimy that had gotten, and whether it was a little embarrassment or just the charm spell starting to wear off - either could have been the case at that moment - he stood up. The elf stared upwards, his eyes blank, his mind obviously elsewhere.

Kyo'Thar looked down at the wand sticking out of his robe pocket, and then at the elf. The second charm spell: had that linked the two of them? Had that done something to the elf, so that he would not just obey the caster, but be linked, deepening the effect of the charm spell the closer that they were?

It was possible, he supposed, but that was one more mystery. One more thing that he would have to figure out.

As he shifted his footing, he felt the spit-slick that was still between his cheeks, and he groaned under his breath. That would need some cleaning, even if it had felt pretty damn good to get someone tongue-fucking him like that. He flicked his hand towards his robe, floating it in mid-air.

Just as he was putting it on, however, the elf groaned. He turned, watched as the knife-ear approached, crawling along the floor. The elf grabbed him by the ankle.

"Please, sir..."

"What do you want?"



"More...I want...to worship..."


The charm spell hadn't weakened, or at least, the effects on the elf hadn't weakened. If anything, the only bit of charm that had started weakening was on him, because he almost - not quite, but almost - felt like he didn't deserve this sort of worship. Kyo'Thar looked out the inn window, glancing at the moon.

Two hours. One finding him, one getting here and doing this...

He had one more hour before he needed to be resting. He supposed, perhaps, he might be able to keep going for a while longer. The orc removed his robe, walking over to the bed and sitting down at the foot of it. The elf followed him over, panting, sweaty, his face shining with orc oil and his own sweat.

Kyo'Thar was still riding high on the pleasure of being worshiped, of being this dominant, sought-after figure in the elf's mind, so perhaps he smirked more than usual. He lifted one leg, showing off his hole, and slapped his ass.

"Show me how you treat your orc god..."

Audron could not believe the shit that he'd been dropped into. The whole point of having a disguise was so that he could manipulate the quick-lived into doing what he wanted without them figuring out that it was him. If they were always keeping him around, that meant that he would have to get much more creative.

And considering how pissed-off Viola was...

At least he was starting to learn their names rather than just their species and roles. He could remember that much. The platinum dragon sighed, rubbing his forehead and missing the scales that he normally would have had in his two-legged form. With the evil party sticking around, he had to keep the disguise up just in case, rather than letting it slip the way that he normally would. They were getting more and more -

Knock, knock.

"Come in," he muttered.

The door opened, and of all people, Red-Arms stepped in. The monk cocked his head to the side as he looked at him, and the disguised dragon looked back in turn.

"Something you want?"

"...You gave us bad information."


"And I should want to kill you."

"...But you don't?"

"No. Why?"

That...was a good question. He wanted to say that he was pulling on the restraints that he had already put on the monk, but that would have been a lie. It was not an active thing that he was managing right then and there, though perhaps he should have been. Red-Arms was a known killer, and he should have been at least a little afraid the minute that the human walked into his room.

Instead, he was safe. For some unknown reason. He shrugged.

"I don't know."

"You should. It is...strange."

"What is?"

"Killing...blood...it soothes me. My anger disappears. The rage goes away. I should be angry. I am not."

"And you haven't killed?"

"Not today."

Then there was something else going on with the chain spell, or maybe there was something to the aura of a platinum dragon, even in disguise, that was combining with it all. He honestly didn't know at that point. There were too many variables for Audron to make a good guess.

Go figure. I give them gifts, and they start finding ways to confuse me with them. It's not fair.

Red-Arms was still staring at him, and he realized that the monk was still waiting for an answer. He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I honestly don't know. Did you pick up something from the dungeon?"

"Nothing to affect me like this."

"Then maybe it's just you?"

"No. It isn't."

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Because this only happens around you. I still want to kill. But I don't wish to kill you."


"So. Why is that the case? What are you?"


Red-Arms continued to stare straight at him. Deadly intent might not have been there, but that didn't preclude injury for lack of answer. Audron mentally cursed himself out. This was not the way that this was supposed to goooooo.

"Um. Let me think on that and see if I can give you an answer in the morning."

"I will expect one...soon."

The monk turned away, walking out of the chamber. As soon as he left, Audron stood up and locked the door. He doubted that would do much, but if one of them came back, he might get half a second to figure out a plan...or throw himself out a window.

Sighing, the disguised dragon flopped back onto his bed. He stared at the ceiling, glaring at it.

"What else can go wrong?"

Tink, tink.

Something hit his window. Twice. He looked to the side, grumbled, and got up. Shuffling over to it, he opened it -

Smack. And got clocked in the forehead with the next thrown rock. He hissed through his teeth, rubbing his face, then looked out the window. His jaw dropped.

"...You gotta be kidding me...this isn't fair..."

Assembled just behind the inn, just visible behind the stables, were a dozen of the kobolds from the dungeon. They'd followed him.

The End

Summary: Kyo'Thar explores his item, and Audron has a little visitor.

Tags: M/M, Elf, Orc, Ass Focus, Rimming, Face Sitting, Facesitting, Musk, Nudity, Charm, Magic, Fantasy, Series, Dragon, Kobold, Mystery, Domination, Power Bottom, Corruption, Kinda, Orgasm, Cum,