Life-Like Ice Part 2: Derrick

Story by Neptune on SoFurry

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Hello everyone! This is the unofficial second part to my story Diego.

Derrick and Ryan has an odd relationship compared to everyone else at the Timberlake University School of Architecture and now Derrick teaches Ryan lesson in life.

Lots happening in this story, including side plots, extra yiff, and more Diego! Hope you like it!


Part 2: Derrick

By. Roxie (aka Neptune)


The door to Derrick's loft swung open with a squeak. It was dark, cold, and cluttered. The empty, uncovered windows shone black night until a silent flash of lightning illuminated the large room. The door closed, but not all the way. Derrick's keen canine ears perked up moments before his cell rang. When it rang, he dropped his belongings at the door, not out of desperation, but out of simple tiredness; his book bag, his laptop case, his portfolio, his carton of cigarettes; everything but his cup of Starbucks and the lit cigarette in his muzzle. He answered it. "Hello?" It was Charmaine. Derrick sighed. Long distance relationships are hard, especially for college students living on their own.

Charmaine talked and talked, then she took a breath and talked some more, mostly about her day at school, clear across the country. The tired grey wolf flopped down bonelessly on the couch. He hated to hear her voice, but he listened none the less, to her mindless talking; occasionally giving a "um hum" or a "yeah" or maybe a silent nod in the dark third floor loft.

She hung up the phone. Derrick let out a sigh of relief and sat for a moment on the couch in the silent darkness. Through the dim light from the street through his shadeless window the wolf saw his cluttered table. He finally decided to turn on the lamp. Derrick's loft was cluttered, to say th least. Easels, paint, wood carving tools, medical texts, brushes, dirty drop cloths, and other art supplies. There were a few oddities from his former work; a life-sized anthro wolf dummy and medical equipment. But there were things that a guest in the wolf's home would notice before all of that; the noir paintings. Paintings of pain, suffering, angst, and hate. They were in piles on the floor, on his drafting table, and leaning against his wall. There had to be ay least a few hundred with in view.

Derrick Rhomey was an artist, a sculptor, a failed paramedic, and the second oldest student in Professor Ivanov's freshmen studio at the Timberland University School of Architecture. At 22 years old, he resided in that loft in the fabulous Casino/ Hynine district and once had a roommate. Up until last month, they split the bill. This month the bill is all his. Derrick rested his forehead in his paws. His keen canine ears twitched. His cell rang again.


Little did he know, this simple phone call would change his closest friendship forever.


"Who's this?"

". . . It's me, Ryan."

Derrick sat in silence for a moment. Why did 'he' have to call? After a long awkward pause, Ryan continued.

"Look, I just got out of the Wolfer's concert over in Wayne and I'm heading back to the city. I was wondering if . . . maybe. . ."

Derrick gave Ryan, a preppie fox from Ivanov's studio, his phone number at the beginning of the semester. They had a strange relationship. Even though they only just met each other a couple months ago, anyone could have sworn they were step brothers. It was always Derrick and Ryan, Ryan and Derrick, or the pessimist and the preppie. The two were best of from the very beginning, but they also had a third wheel, Donte, a hearty black Newfoundland. They were a trio that wanted to be a duo. For some reason, Derrick and Ryan always spoke freely on campus, but were always lost for words off everywhere else. Derrick held the phone in his paw. He knew what the next few words were going to sound like. They both avoided this conversation forever. It was an unwritten, unspoken rule to their friendship and now, at this very moment, Ryan was breaking it.

Derrick zoned out as Ryan continued to stumble through his words. He just waited for the fox to stop talking, waited five seconds, then said, "Sure, come over. I'll make us something to eat." Those words were rehearsed in the back of the wolf's mind since the day he met the fox. He could almost feel the fox smiling through the phone which put a smile on Derrick's muzzle.

* * *

Derrick, Ryan, Dontae, and Diego sat on the stoop of the architecture building. Derrick and Ryan on the top two steps, Donte and Diego two stairs down. The staircase was made of perforated steel. Its cold design somehow worked with the traditional architecture of the Architecture Building. It was freezing outside but coffee in their paws was hot. Diego straightened his crisp white shirt with a simple sigh.

Diego spoke up when it got quiet. "Every week he does this! Professor Ivanov gives us the dumbest assignments then expects us to do them in a week."

"Yeah, but it's the last project before Winter break." The large, black Newfoundland said.

"Besides," added Derrick, "This is our first professional portfolio. Ivanov said there was no restrictions, within reason. This should be one of the easier assignments." He took a sip of his coffee. The worn-out blue jean baseball cap was tilted to the side as his ears pressed down to his skull; burned his tongue. Ryan reached over and quickly fixed it for him. He couldn't stand to see a good 'look' gone wrong.

Donte looked out in front of him, at the walkways between the buildings of the campus. Lines of students wonder around before their next class. His shaggy black fur swayed in the soft breeze, but whisking in the air was the sweet melody of a flautist. Dontae's keen canine ears locked in on it. He knew who it was; Rebecca, from Macy's freshmen studio, right down the hall from Ivanov's. The young female wolf sat against a tree practicing her flute near the architecture building.

"So, tell me about that Wolfers concert last night, Ryan." Donte said after remembering the time on the stoop yesterday. Ryan glanced at Derrick, Derrick looked away and took a sip of his coffee. This small detail went completely unnoticed by Dontae and the small German Shepherd, Diego, but the shakiness in Ryan's voice stood out like a bright pink umbrella. The fox's paws were deep inside the pockets of his tight, expensive jacket.

"Yeah. . . it was . . . uh. . . rah . . . good." The thin fox glanced back at Derrick, but the wolf never returned his glance. Diego turned around with a smirk.

"I talked with John and Tony this morning in class. They said you left without them before the concert ended." The abnormally small dog immediately noticed the awkward look in Ryan's face. He dissected each syllable, the length of each pause, the calmness in Derrick's demeanor. 'There's something up' he thought to himself. Derrick shifted, as if he could read Diego's mind. He got up and stretched.

"I have to get going. Doing a little research on materials for my portfolio." He swung his laptop book bag around his arm and was off towards the library. They all watched him leave, but Ryan's stare lingered. Diego smirked.

As soon as Derrick was out of sight, Ryan was back to his old self; arrogant. He leaned back on his elbows, stretching just enough to allow his tight shirt and skater-boi jacket to ride up. None of this went unnoticed by Diego. Dontae, on the other paw, had his mind somewhere else. Rebecca was hot. D-cups, tiny waist, and not too long ago he found that she could do something with the pinky finger on her left paw that made his entire body melt. He stood up, his tail wagging like pup at Christmas time.

"I'll be back." He said as he bounded off the stoop of the architecture building. Now there was only two. A smile started to form on the edges of Diego's muzzle.

"So, tell me what happened at the concert." Diego said as innocently as he could. He knew, probably more than Ryan knew, what happened last night.

Ryan didn't bother to look down at the Shepherd when he said, "It was good, it was good. I should take you sometime, you know." There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice. He would never take someone Diego with him to a concert. Diego turned back around and put on his book bag.

"Maybe. But my portfolio won't assemble itself." He got up and went up the stairs into the building. Ryan wasted no time when the shepherd left. He got out his cell and called Derrick. Derrick's ear twitched before his phone rang. He was in the large bathroom of the library.


"Derrick, meet me in the studio in an hour." was all Ryan said before ending the call.

Diego watched from the doorway behind him.

* * *

Ryan drove down Woodward with his music up loud. In the passenger side seat was a brown paper bag inside of a plastic one. His new blue mustang purred like a kitten as he shifted into third gear. He wore his concert tee-shirt under his skater-boy style jacket. The fox's mind raced. The events at the concert should not have happened. He needed someone to talk to, so he picked up his phone, speed-dial number 2. Speed-dial number 2 was never used before. "Derrick?"

* * *

Derrick sat in front of his laptop in the private lounge on the second floor of the library. It was an 8 foot by 8 foot room with a comfy chair, desk, internet connection, and a door. In front of his whiskered muzzle was a website for Holt's Metal and Glass Shop. In the wolf's paw was a 2B Faber-Castell pencil going to work on a sheet of Strathmore 400 series paper. Holt was a local artist who did noir sculpture in glass and metal. Derrick admired his work. He studied Holt's work as much as he studied architectural history. Holt, a kangaroo in his mid 30's, was a master at what he did, and what he did was distort pleasant things and made them into nightmares. One drawing, of a cub being ripped to shreds by a werewolf during a birthday party, was banned when it went to auction. Derrick was given that charcoal drawing for his 22nd birthday. Derrick was Holt's apprentice.

The rough wolf had been in the library for a little over an hour now. He got his inspiration. But if that wasn't enough, he could always go right to the source, speed-dial 1. The wolf's ear twitched.

"I'll be there. Don't worry." Was all he said then ended the call.

* * *

Rebecca moaned out loud. Her heart was a bullet train going across Japan, the white fur that covered her body was soaked in sweat, and her D-cups bounced up and down with every thrust. Dontae thrust with all his might; up, down, up down. The extra large breed dog panted, sweated, and pushed, faster and faster, picking up speed. Bret decided to join them. The lion stood erect, his shirt off, and his long glorious golden mane in a pony tail. Bret grabbed the pipe firmly with both paws then went up and down, grunting and panting. He looked over at Dontae and Rebecca.

"I told you you'd love this gym. They have the best equipment and the lowest price." Bret said between reps on the chin-up bar. Rebecca stopped after doing 15 reps on the back and arm machine. The white wolf fixed her hair.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool. I signed up for next week's Yoga class." She was mesmerized by Bret's rippling abs. Dontae was mesmerized by Rebecca's sopping wet breast.

Bret breathed hard as he did 5 more reps and got down. The Yellow Tail Gym was frequented by all of the jocks at the Timberland University since there was no real one on campus. Everyone with a college ID got 20% off their membership and one week free. Rebecca shook her hair.

"I'm going to hit the showers. It's almost 6 and I got a to cram before tomorrow's Structures test. I'll see you guys tomorrow." She put a towel around her neck and walked off seductively, tail swaying left to right as her hips switched. The tank top she wore could barely contain her supple breast. Dontae was in heaven. He whispered over to Bret, "Thanks for the tip man." before yelling "Wait! I'll head tot he showers too, then I can walk you to campus, 'becca." before she got too far. The large black dog slapped Bret's huge leonine paw before running after her.

As soon as Dontae left, Bret felt a paw on his shoulder.

"Where's John and Tony?" A voice behind him asked. Bret looked back. It was a small German Shepherd wearing a crisp white shirt and slacks and a gym bag over his shoulder.

"Diego? What are you doing here? Looking for your next plaything?" Bret said while picking up a set of dumbbells. Bret's voice was a Californian surfer crossed with a New York Lawyer. Diego pulled his old fashioned hip flask out of his pocket and took a sip.

"I'm looking for John and Tony, you know the Yote and Roo from Sean's band. I need a word with them." Diego was all business, as usual. Bret scanned the weight room and pointed to the sauna.

"The were going in when I came in. The should still be there." Diego patted the lion's back and walked towards the locker room to change.

* * *

Ryan's mind was afloat, which is why he missed the red light and drove straight through it. Just his luck, the cops were right behind him. He got a 50 dollar ticket but he didn't care. All that mattered was his destination. The Fox knew where Derrick lived; right across the street from the Hynine Casino. It was an area downtown populated mainly by Hyenas from different countries. The Hynine Casino District of Aries City was a beautiful place made too look like a small European Villa and city. Derrick lived in the heart of the area, a loft just a few feet from the Hynine Casino. Ryan parked in the casino's lot and walked across the street.

Derrick was on the third floor at the Marcus-Clarence Building, which took up the entire block. The first floor was expensive shopping, boutiques, European restaurants and specialty shops like John's Haberdashery. The second through fifth floor was relatively expensive lofts. Derrick's loft was on the corner, number 3F.

The nervous fox was let in by the doorman, a Hyena, after giving his name. The loft elevator was through a separate, less ornate foyer to the right of the Dolce and Gabbana (which he frequented in the past, before he ever met Derrick). Ryan wrapped his bushy red rail around his leg as he rode the old elevator to the third floor. 3A, 3B, 3C, Derrick's loft was around a corner on the end. It was quiet outside in the hallway. Even the bag in the fox's left paw was silent. He breathed in, then out to calm himself. 'Derrick is just a friend, a confidant, one of the Boys.' he thought to himself. But inside, he wanted there to be more to their relationship. He knocked on the door, his ears perked when he heard the door creak open at the slight pressure of his knock. "Derrick?" Ryan called out as he entered the loft.

* * *

Joy spotted the two leaving the gym, arm in arm. "So it's like that?" She yelled from across the street. Dontae and Rebecca looked over at the Irish Setter in the pink coat. She was crossing the street coming to them. Dontae met her half way and grabbed her shoulders.

"Look. It's not what you think."

"What the Hell do you mean 'it's not what I think'?" She yelled at the large black dog.

"Just calm down." Dontae petted her pink winter coat and lifted her chin gently. "Me and Rebecca were just working out. I'm just walking her back to campus." Joy pushed him away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She took a swing at him and hit his chest. Dontae grabbed her paws.

"Why are you so damn upset? Huh? Last time I checked, you weren't my girl." Joy fought him and pushed him away again. Rebecca only watched from the side as the two argued in the street. The white wolf rolled her eyes.

"Look, if you two got something going on, I don't want to be a part of it." Rebecca walked away, her gym bag around her shoulder. Dontae looked back and shook his head.

"I tired of all this drama, Joy. You ARE NOT my girlfriend. You never will be. You never were. You just some chick who think they can keep me on call for a quick fuck or a few bucks." He trotted to catch up with Rebecca. "BYE. And don't call me!" he yelled back.

Joy was out done. She never could have thought he would say that to her of all people. Yes, it was true that she was not his girlfriend, but they had been close friends since middle school. And yes, it was true that every girlfriend he had, she pushed away. It was also true that they were friends with 'benefits'. Seeing Dontae leave down the street in the night after another girl made Joy realize that after all their time together, she missed her opportunity with him. The love of her life.

* * *

Diego changed in the warm, crowded locker room. He neatly folded his clothes and placed them into a locker and put on a pair of shorts and a white tee shirt and left with a bottle of water in one paw and a white towel around his neck. The small German Shepherd walked back over to Bret.

"You? Work out?" Bret laughed. "No disrespect, but you should keep that small frame. It's cute." The large lion slapped Diego's rump. The Shepherd yelped and Bret chuckled.

"I just want to talk with John and Tony."

"And why's that?" Bret asked between reps on the thigh machine.

"I got a hunch. Ryan's been acting strange. He lied about the concert. He was only there for like half an hour before John and Tony said he left them stranded. I had to pick them up!" Bret laughed a bit.

"Since when do you hang out with John and Tony?"

"Let's just say I'm their new tutor." Diego said with smile. "They still in the sauna?"

"Yup." Diego walked to sauna room number 2 on the other side of the gym and knocked on the door. It was locked. He smirked.

"I hope you boys aren't having fun without me." The Shepherd put his ear to the door. There was shuffling before he heard the door unlock. Tony let him in. The roo held his towel around his waist, his boner was difficult to hide.

"Chuckles! We were just talking about you, Bud!" Tony said with glee. He was a second-year Chemical Engineering student who played bass guitar in Sean's band; "The Russian Sofas", an alternative, love/noir/metal/heavy bass and drums kind of group. John was the lead guitarist. Sean was the singer and Damien was the drummer. They were a good band, but the drummer was lacking. Every since last month, Sean had been secretly looking for a replacement.

Tony wrapped an arm around the small Shepherd and sat him down between himself and John.

"So what brings you here, Chuckles?" John, the coyote, asked. "We were kinda in the middle of something."

Diego smiled and looked down, almost coy before looking up at the roo and saying, "I thought I should cash in on a few favors you two owe me." John looked at Tony. Tony looked a John.

"So what did you have in mind?" The roo asked. Diego smiled.

"Just want you two to tell me what happened last night at the concert." Tony and John both sighed in relief at the same time.

"That all?" John said with a smile. Diego did a lot for the both of them. They didn't care how the small German Shepherd got the answer key to last week's Chem/bio exam, but he did.

"Well," Diego added. "Since you insist." He took off his white silk shorts and boxers. "Blow me." John sweated a bit more than usual in the sauna. It was technically a valid request, but hearing it out loud and with such sternness made it absurd. The coyote smiled and leaned back.

"Nice one , Chuckles. But you just can't expect us to do that, right, T?" Tony looked down at the shepherd's thick sheath, a little pink poking through the top. He instinctively liked his lips. He knew that Diego could have asked for a lot worst. Besides, I did just give John a blow, Tony thought to himself. He got down on his knees between Diego's legs and began to stroke the Shepherd's sheath. John shook his head.

"As long as you don't tell." the coyote said with a sigh. "What all do you need to know?"

Diego closed his eyes and moaned slightly as he felt the roo's tongue lapping across the tip of his cock while his expert paws stroked his sheath, coaxing more and more of his canine-hood out.

"Just tell me . . . ugh. . . every . . . Mmmm. . . thing that hap. . .shit that's good! . . . pened. Tony, watch the teeth, watch the teeth!" Diego ran his paws through the roo's reddish headfur as he suckled the very tip of his cock while stroking his exposed shaft vigorously. Tony had a technique that Diego never felt before; he used his 4 canine teeth to lightly brush against his sensitive cocktip purposefully before squeezing it with his throat and tongue. John smirked once he realized that the roo was using a technique he swore he would only use on him.

"Ryan came to pick us up from Quad Commons around 8:30ish. He was all 'dolled up' as usual. We rode in his Mustang all the way up to Wayne and you know that's like a hour and a half ride up north. So we get there at like a quarter to 10, the concert just getting ready to start." John paused a bit when Tony pulled off Diego's cock for a moment as he got a shot of pre-cum across his muzzle. The talented roo immediately slid the slick member back into his muzzle, the small Shepherd moaned and roughly gripped Tony's headfur.

"Ryan got us both some good tickets and a tee-shirt; mainly just sucking up so he could be in the band. But anyways, everything was going fine until the opening act got on the stage around 10:30. Some group calling themselves 'Dr. Slow-mo'." John chuckled a bit. "They had your regular rock band stuff, plus a four-piece brass section. It was wild. But anyways, Ryan freaked out when he saw the lead singer! Like he was stabbed or something. I took the fox tot he bathroom to calm him down but he wouldn't talk to me, said it was 'personal' so I left him alone."

The small German Shepherd thrust in and out of Tony's blunt muzzle with crude slurps and moans. The roo's paws were practically squeezing the life out of Diego's baseball-sized knot, he could hardly contain himself as he sat in the sauna getting the blowjob of his life.

"Said he was going outside to get some air. And that was the last we saw of him. Luckily, you answered your phone." John looked over at Diego who wasn't paying him any attention as he unleashed torrent after torrent of thick canine cum down Tony's throat. The roo pulled off after the second spray, obviously skilled on how to swallow a load. Diego panted hard and moaned as his cock was being squeezed and stroked, milked for all it's worth as his body convulsed in pleasure.

"Was that . . . all that happened?" Diego finally said between pants. He never got too loud when he came; he knew how to be discreet. The coyote looked down as his mate, Tony, lapped at the Shepherd's cock, cleaning it of its spilled seed. But wasn't that why he 'loved' Tony?

". . . yeah."

Diego nodded and pulled his boxers and silk shorts back up and quickly stood up, the roo face to face with the abnormally small Shepherd's drained ball sac. He stuck his tongue out to lick it once before getting up.

"You did good, both of you." Diego said with a slight nod. He made his way to the door after wiping the sweat from his fur. "Thanks guys. It's been great. If I need you again, I'll meet you here."

"The pleasure was all mine." Tony said while licking the sticky, warm spoo from his paws. The coyote looked down at the roo, his ears pressed against his head in a minor show of aggression towards his mate. Diego smiled and walked out of the sauna , quickly making his way to the showers.

* * *

Derrick was sitting on his couch, something in his right paw. In the dim light, it looked like a knife to the fox.

"Derrick?" The wolf quickly turned around and sat whatever it was in paws on the table. Something dripped from his paw onto the table below. Derrick quickly got up, licking his paw quickly.

"Ryan . . Wasn't expecting you." The Fox raised an eyebrow when he noticed the scent of food cooking.

"You cook in the dark all the time?" Derrick turned on the lights and Ryan got a view of the loft. It was exactly as he expected it; noir, almost evil. But to his left, next to the kitchenette, was a table set up. Two simple wooden chairs facing across from each other. It was the closest thing to normal in the entire loft. The fox cautiously walked in, closing the door behind him soundly. The grey wolf smiled his dubious smile, which was the way he always smiled in the company of others.

"Darkness is only a point a view. Besides, the fire from the stove and the light from the city," Derrick gestured towards the large floor-to-ceiling shadeless windows, "provides enough light." Ryan smiled a bit. "So, you needed to see me?"

Ryan nodded, a bit awestruck at the things he saw; every paining, drawing, and sculpture in the loft expressed some kind of pain, torture, or gore and under the low candle-like lighting, his loft seemed like a shrine to torment. But Ryan knew all of this since the first time he met the wolf. It was eerie, yes, but it was also sweet in a way. If Derrick was anything, he was passionate. Ryan sat down on the couch as Derrick checked the food.

"Remember when I was telling you about my ex?" Ryan said. Derrick paused for a moment.

"Yeah, the wolf that left you back in high school." Derrick responded, shuffling a pan of stir-fry. The flames rose and embers floated by his face making him appear to be in hell.

"Well, I told you that he left me, but there's a bit more." Ryan said almost without emotion as he looked down at the table and found a bloody knife under a few sheets of paper. There was a small pool of it on the table and drops on the floor leading to the kitchenette. The fox looked up, watching the wolf set the table for two. He lit two candles and sat down.

"Actually, his parents told me he was killed and that the funeral was going to be two states over. They lied. I saw him tonight. They Fucking lied!"

"What's in the bag?" Derrick asked as if the fox had said nothing. Ryan had almost forgot about it.

"Just a shirt I got you from the concert."

"Why don't you being it over here so I can try it on?" Derrick said with his dubious smile. The Fox did as he was told. Derrick unfolded it and took off his shirt. He noticed Ryan never-ending glance at the wolf's well defined chest. Derrick slipped it on. It was a tight fit. He smirked.

"You like me, don't you, Foxxie? But you don't know why. You like me because I'm the opposite of your ex. He was weak, scrawny, a nobody loser who was destined to hold down a couch in his mother's basement, well, at least when you were with him. Then you see him tonight, alive, successful, not giving a damn about what little you two had. You thought it was you who made him special. But you were wrong. You were holding him back and his parents knew that, didn't they? They said to hell with you, didn't they Ryan?" The wolf ate a little of the stir-fry. "Come here, eat."

Ryan stood silently in front of the cold wolf not knowing what to think. Inside he wanted to punch him in the face, but he also knew that what the wolf said was 100% true. Ryan sat down across from the wolf at the table.

"The concert is on the radio, live. I'm only guessing here, but your ex boy-toy is the lead singer of that opening group, 'Dr. Slow-mo'" He took a sip of the water next to him. "This 'Dr. Slow-mo group just got signed with 'The Wolfer's' label for a few hundred grand. But as the opening group for The Wolfers they can get a lot of publicity. They're going to be big. You should be happy for them." The wolf cut the vegetables on his plate before wolfing them down.

Ryan felt like he had just been hit by a semi. Derrick was reading him like an audio book. The fox could neither object to his speculations or accept it. Derrick continued talking.

"I know what pain is, and I know that what I said hurts. Well, too bad. It was supposed to hurt. But I know how to fix hurt." Ryan looked up at the gray wolf when he said, "You are only friends with me because of that fact. You wanted something like this to happen so you could exploit it. You use people like things to get what you want." The wolf chewed on the crisp vegetables and chicken. "And I like you because of that. You're like a more discreet version of Diego." Derrick said with a smile and a chuckle.

Ryan kept silent for a moment.

"So will you help me or not?" The fox finally admitted to himself that what Derrick said was true. There was nothing else to hide. The wolf's eyes gleamed in the low light. For a moment, they looked yellow, like feral wolf's eyes during a hunt in the moonlight. Derrick wiped his muzzle clean, he was done eating.

"The cure for pain, my vulpine friend, is more pain followed by pleasure. You have to learn to enjoy your pain, get pleasure from it. Only when this is accomplished can you be truly be free of pain. . ."

* * *

The two boys left the sauna, the gym about to close.

"Hey Tony, John. You guys are here late." Bret said as he entered the shower stall next to theirs. The lion lathered up for a quick shower. Tony was already finished and was leaving the shower area to the locker room.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." was all the roo said. As soon as he heard the door close, John spoke up.

"You think Tony's a whore?" The question caught Bret off guard.


"Do you think Tony's an easy slut?" John asked, rephrasing the question. Bret went silent for a moment. Tony was his first male-male experience.

"Tony's just new, that's all. What is he like 19? 20? Never came out to his parents. Being away from mom and dad gives him a lot a freedom he never had before. He'll get tired sooner or later."

"So what you're saying is that he'll fuck every guy, gay or straight, on campus until his legs give out? Is that what you're saying, Bret? He fucked you too didn't he?"

"It was before he met you." The coyote slammed his fist against the wall and turned the water off.

"I knew him longer than you think." There was a short silence, but a lot was said from it. "I gotta go." was all he said as he headed into the locker room.

Bret didn't follow and decided to take a longer shower, that is until he heard a scream and a loud 'thud' come from the locker room. The large lion quickly ran for the door, but it was to late. The body was on the floor and the blood was pooling around him.

* * *

Ryan nodded 'okay' but his body said differently. He wasn't ready for this. He shivered, his bushy red and white tail tucked between his legs, his eyes wide.

"If you're not ready for this I can cut you loose." Derrick said, holding a lit candle in his paws. Ryan tried the rope that held him to the bed, but then nodded an 'okay'. He moaned a little and whimpered around the ball gag that was securely trapped in his muzzle. The wolf walked closer to his captive whose legs were tied so that they were spread apart as his arms were. Derrick climbed up top on the bed, his legs together between the naked fox's.

"Don't worry, you're going to like it, even if it kills you." The wolf smiled as the first drop of hot candle wax was poured over the Fox's nipples. Ryan moaned as he felt the burning sensation on his chest. Derrick continued to pour the wax onto his chest, slowly making a trail of white candle wax to his sheath. When the first hot contact was made, Ryan arched his back as much as the ropes allowed. The pain was an 8 on his scale but it went away as quickly as it came when the wax dried. Derrick smiled more.

"If you think this hurt, you're in for a surprise." The wolf licked Ryan's sheath one teasing time before nipping his ball sac hard. He got up to his knees and rubbed Ryan's deep red chestfur with his free paw and continued to pour the hot wax, making sure it saturated his fur to his skin. Ryan could only moan in pain, he was feeling no pleasure.

The large grey wolf got off the bed once he saw the candle was almost finished and the fox was nice and coated in the white wax to his satisfaction. He finally decided to take off his jeans and tee shirt.

"Now for the good stuff." Derrick went over to the table in front of the couch and picked out a nice sharp razor blade and his knife from earlier. He straddled on top of the frightened fox, blades in paw. "Now it's time to tenderize this fresh meat." He said licking his lips. He sat the razor blade next to him on the bed as he moved the 8 inch knife to Ryan's throat. His eyes went wide as he felt the blade slowly pierce his skin. It was only then that Ryan felt that he made the wrong choice.

"Don't worry. I'd never kill a plaything. Especially one as cute as you." The wolf said driving the knife in more and more, careful to avoid arteries and essential muscles. "Just don't move and you'll be okay." as soon as he said that, the fox swallowed hard. Derrick quickly removed the blade and replaced it by his muzzle, lapping up the very little blood the came out."I said don't move! I could have killed you just now." Derrick growled while lapping at the cut. He put a paw on either side of Ryan's head and licked at the cut as if it were his favorite brand of ice cream.

Ryan shivered a bit, scared out of his wits. Derrick licked his forehead. "Calm down. It gets better, Fox." He took the razor blade and made a cut on the fox's chest letting it bleed a little before licking it clean. Ryan lifted his head so he could see what was happening, but he preferred not to see. The grey wolf got up to his knees, still on top of the fox. He ran his paws across the fox's bound body, feeling his muscles under his smooth, cub-like fur as are they were stretched out. At this point, Derrick's cock was at full staff out of its sheath. He stroked it a little watching Ryan's eyes go wide once he sees the 9 inch long, 2 inch wide wolf meat. It shot a jet of warm watery pre-cum that landed on the fox's wax covered chest.

Derrick had a wolfish smile on his muzzle as he picked up the knife and licked it clean before cutting the ropes holding the fox's footpaws in place. He threw the knife down tot he floor and grabbed both of Ryan's footpaws to lift them on his shoulders. His cock making hot contact with the fox's tight pucker as he moved closer.

"This is going to hurt, little fox." and with that, Derrick thrust forward, shoving more than half of his cock into the fox and held it still. Ryan screamed out around the ball gag, his arms pulling at the ropes and his back arched off the bed. The pain was too intense as tears started to fall from the fox's eyes. Derrick put his paws firmly on Ryan's lower stomach, just above his sheath as he slid in even more of his huge wolf meat into the fox's tight tailhole. He could almost feel his cock snaking its way through the Fox's stomach. The grey wolf lightly stroked the fox's exposed cock as he pressed just the right area on his bladder and prostate to cause the fox to unleash a steady flow of urine onto his chest.

Derrick smiled wide as he got the results he wanted, allowing the fox to piss all over himself. He stroked and stroked as the stream of yellow urine continued. Ryan was dumbfounded. It felt as though he was cumming in a never ending stream, but under his tail was a red-hot poker which he couldn't help but squeeze tighter and tighter. The pain and pleasure seemed to balance each other out. The wolf smiled as he sees Ryan's euphoric smile behind the gag. He decided to slowly withdraw from the fox about two or three inches, then hilt himself again. Once the flow of urine finally stopped, Derrick rubbing the fox's soaked chest fur and licked his paw with a smile. Ryan was about out of breath, his chest heaving up and down as he feels the sting of the cut on his chest.

The large grey wolf began to move with more speed, thrusting in and out of the Fox's tailhole with animal abandon. He licked Ryan's footpaw lightly, eliciting a whimper from the fox. He smiles and does it again and again until he's basically sucking each and every one of the Fox's toes as he thrusts in and out of him. Within moments, Derrick was close to orgasm. His thrust got faster and more shallow. His thick knot popping in and out of the fox, making him cry louder around the gag. In three more thrusts, the wolf's thick cock erupted inside the fox filling him with thick, salty sweet, hot wolf cum. Ryan's smaller cock shot spray after spray of fox cum onto his piss soaked, wax covered chest, some reaching all the way to his muzzle and face, coating him in white stickiness.

The two panted hard, Derrick's thick cock still throbbing inside the spent fox. The wolf quickly pulled out and his cock was followed by this stream of wolf cum which spilled onto the bed. The gray wolf slid back inside and thrust a few more times before grasping Ryan's foxhood. Derrick was spent. He lied down on top of the wet fox until they both nodded off to sleep in a sticky pile of fur his cock still deep inside the fox.

"Charmaine . . ."

* * *

Diego sat at his laptop in Ivanov's studio, a cup of coffee by his side. He found what he was looking for, and a bit more than he expected. The unusually small German Shepherd, wrote a few things in his notebook bits and pieces of information about a new band, 'Dr. Slow-mo'. He clicked a video-clip from last nights Wolfers concert. Dr. Slow-mo was the opening band. Front center on the stage was him, of all people, Charlie, Diego's brother. "So you finally got what you wanted, eh, big bro? Finally got that band off the ground." He hadn't seen Charlie in about 10 years when his father decided he should live with him, leaving Diego with his mother. Diego continued to read the article. "The lead singer, all the way from Aries City, is continuing his education at the prestigious Timberlake Catholic University this fall. . ." The Shepherd's eyes went wide when he read the date the article was written, 3 months ago. Just then, someone came behind Diego and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Lil bro? Is that you?"

[to be continued]

Life-Like Ice Part 3: Ivanov

Well, I'm finally back! And I got a nice treat for all of you following this accidental series, things get a lot deeper. I hope you enjoy it ^.^ Warning: This story is not for fursons under the age of 18 and contains minor cub material! ...

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Change of Plans: Part 3

Well, this is the third and last installment of 'Change of Plans'. I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it! There's a lot more action in this one, even some real yiff. \*This story contains material not suitable for fursons under...

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Change of Plans: part 2

Well, This is part two of "Change of Plans". It's not the last though, there's at least one more after this. I hope you really enjoy it. It's semi-yiffy, but still classifies as yiff becuase, well, you'll see. \* \* \* This story contains...

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