Zach’s Dark and Evil Heart

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#1 of To Be the Reaper

Story (c) 2010 by Drako Wolf. All rights reserved. Characters Zach, Len, Amy, King Esper, Captain Collin, Grant, Mary, Raven, Savage, Lord John, Lord Fen, Ken, Dr. Richman, Emily, Zap McVanson, Haliflora, Demi, Katie and Lynn © Drako Wolf

Zach's Dark and Evil Heart

Six years can be a long time or a short time, depending on how you look at it. For most Fur's time passes quickly; but for those who live under a Tyrant like the new King who has taken clam over most of the land, it seems to go on and on slowly. In the past six years it was like the sun itself was hiding from their Nightmare of a king. Every since that night, the night when Zach McVanson fought with the Mysteries blue foxwolf, a dark cloud hung over the land keeping the light of the sun from shining on the city.

Every city with in a thousand miles was now part of the Raseri Kingdom. Not all as bad as the main city Maybell. While most furs just fallowed the orders given to them by the new king some didn't think he should be in power and in the first year over four thousand of them attacked the Castle all bent on killing King Zach. That night was put down in history as the greatest tragedy to the day. Every single one of the furs who entered the Castle and attacked the king, died.

After that night no one in Raseri would tried to attack the king again. There were whispers here and there that if there were more fighters they could do it but the truth was that it was impossible. They said that the night they had lost so many that Zach was the only one that was in the castle. But no one knows if that was true or not. They knew the king was powerful and looked like a Demon. So maybe it was possible that he was one. The bringer of death for the entire earth.

At first it seemed like everything would settle down and the Raseri would accept the new leadership and live their lives. But then The Leader and his wolves along with his old mate Queen Emily, who lead the fox tribes, came forth with their Rebel Army. It was then that a new war broke out and that is the way things had been for the past 6 years. The Age of darkness had started.

"Six years....Six Fucking years of this fighting and death and what do we have to show for it?" said Zap walking around the small table in the meeting cave in Fox Valley. "Nothing...nothing at all. We have been fighting Zach and his Knights for Six years and all we have is more and more death. If this keeps up soon there won't be enough of us left to even keep this place safe."

Emily stood up and looked at her ex-lover and said "Don't you think we know this already Zap. Come on what would you have us do. We tried sending in people to take him down many times and they always get killed. Zach is to powerful. Just last week we almost lost Jackson he's your wolf that has the power over water."

Also in the room were a few of the Fox's who ran the Valley's Counsel, a couple of Zap's Strongest fighters, Amy who lead most of the troops, Mary who was in charge of the medical Staff, and Raven who was second under Zap and the Queen. Raven crossed his large arms and said in his deep voice "Leader I think we should start to look into another way of taking Zach down. I know of a few furs out there who are nomads and are said to have great power."

"They would only be killed too. You have to remember that he is much more powerful than your normal wolf that has markings of power. He is the Reaper." Said Amy her arms crossed as she sat back in her seat.

"You're right...but there is one nomad I know of her name is Katie." Said Raven

Queen Emily's eyes grew wide as she said "No you can't mean that witch. She was kicked out of here twenty years ago for using her witchcraft on the locals. You can't trust her to help you she will stab you in the back if she had the chance."

"She is the only one I can think of who would be able to do something. Even Savage won't go near her land. I mean she was the one who made this Valley wasn't she." Said Mary looking over to her father

Raven let out a booming laugh and said "Well as for her making this Valley I'm sure that is a load of horse wash. As for Savage well he never said he was scared of her but it's true that he never goes with in a fifty miles of her borders. The reason I think she will be the one to help is because like us she doesn't like the order of things, also she has always wanted to take on the king no matter who it was, and let's not forget she has always wanted to test her powers against the Reaper."

"Then why ask her to help if she wants to fight him; she will do it on her own anyway." Said Zap

"No Katie likes to make you think she is doing you a favor; so if we ask her she'll do it, if not she'll just sit back and either wait for him to come to her for some reason or do nothing until asked." Said Emily slamming her fist on the table

"You seem to not like this Female one bit....well then I'll go with you Raven if this female can help." Said Amy sitting up

"Amy I didn't say you could do this same goes for you Raven." Said Zap getting to his feet the markings under his shirt glowing

"I have every right to go with him if I want Zap. I'm done following your orders. From day one I did what you told me to do and look at where we ended up." Said Amy growling at Zap over the table

"Amy calm down we should talk this out first." Said Raven

"Oh keep it shut Raven she is just angry that she couldn't follow orders. Or maybe it's because she fell in love with him and now he hates her just as much as us." Yelled Zap

Raven slowly stood up and walked over to Zap towering over him. Then his Raven Markings glowed dark blue and his body seemed to grow larger and he grabbed Zap with one hand lifting him high. An electric kind of light surrounded Zap as Raven looked into his eyes. Then slowly Raven said "I have had enough of your bull shit too Zap. You call yourself our leader but all you have done since your child was sent to Len was give orders like a mad man. You don't like where we are well then stop blaming everyone else and look at yourself. So from now on you'll act like a leader or I'll do it for you. As you know I'm much stronger than you are. Do you understand me?"

Zap growled and said "You little shit!"

Raven Shook him and growled back "I said do you understand me?"

Zap took a long minute then said "Fine have it your way just let me down."

Raven set him down and his body went back to normal. He then turned and said to the rest "Amy and Nik have been right all this time. This is all our fault and it's about time we fix it. We need to stop this war and trying for this Assassination thing or stupid plans it's getting us nowhere. We need a solid plan and I think Katie can help us. She maybe a little bitch to put up with but if she can help us then I'll take the help." He then turned to Amy and said "As for you missy you're no better than them. You could have told him the truth from day one but you didn't."

Amy looked away then said "You don't think I know that but I'm willing to help fix it however I can."

"Then let's get going I would be happy to have you by my side." Said Raven

Emily got to her feet then said "Ok well I don't care what you do but she isn't to come into my land you hear me. As you try your plan I'm going to be trying my own. I have a couple of furs I been keeping back for a while but I think it's time to try them out."

Raven looked a bit worried at that but only bowed and said "Your majesty can do what she wishes. We will be back in a couple of weeks if everything goes well." Said Raven

They all left the room except for Emily and Zap. He looked over to her and said "What do you have in mind then Emma?"

She smiled and said "You haven't called me Emma in years Zap."

"I haven't been able to with all that has happened." Said Zap

She smiled and said "Well then Zap while Raven and his party are out I think it's time we call in the big guns." She whistled and three furs appeared dressed in clothing that where strange to him

"Who are they?" asked Zap

"Their names don't matter; they are ninjas from the east who owe me their lives. They will be the ones to sneak into Zach's castle and take him down for good."

"You mean kill our son?" said Zap

"Zap he is no longer our son. He has lost himself to the power. As you know the Reaper has always been evil." Said Emily

"But what about him killing Savage?" said Zap

"That was just a bunch of crap. Do to that damn prophecy we lost the chance to watch our child grow up before he lost his mind. It's time to start over and maybe this time we will be able to have a child that we can be proud of." Said Emily

Zap smiled at her then said "I'm glad you see it that way Emma let's do this."

She smiled then said to the Three Ninjas "You three go to Maybell and find your way into the Castle. Once you're in I want you to find and Assassinate Zach. Even with his power I'm sure you three together can take him down."

The Ninja in the front bowed then said "As you wish my queen." And in a flash they were gone.

"Now let's get back to talking about this new family." Said Emily kissing Zap's nose

Blood spattered the far wall as the almost lifeless body of a meaningless Doberman hit the floor at the king's feet. He was just the owner of a local bread store never started any trouble in his life. But today he was here to pay the king's tax and was unable. So he was taken to King's Zach's formal hall to plead his case and explain why he couldn't meet this month's payments. Things were going just fine until the Doberman opened his muzzle saying those words he hated most of all "Twisted Twin Tailed Hybrid Demon." It was then that Zach signaled his guard to attack the older fur and beat him nearly to death.

Zach rose from his throne his large wings folding behind him. He moved up to the bloody pile of fur and lifted him off the ground and said "Have I not been fair to you all? I lowered the high taxes my predecessor left behind so that way your businesses could have an easier time. You were always able to make the tax payment when Esper was the king but now you stiff me on a much lower cost why is that Timothy?"

He opened one of his eyes and let a small chuckle and said weekly "You' king...Demon."

"I wish you hadn't said that Timothy I really liked the bread your store had. So now you're going to die here and your children will have to find a way to make that tax payment all alone." Said Zach then he pulled a dagger from his belt and slowly pushed it into the Dog's temple pulling it out quickly letting the body drop to the ground. He wiped off the blade then looked at his Knights and said "That will be all for now you may leave."

They all walked out of the room after a quick bow to the Demonic King's Form shutting the doors behind them. He waited a long moment then turned back toward the dead dog laying in a pool of blood. He knelt down and put a hand on his chest making sure the pest's heart had stopped. A smile came to his lips as he felt nothing but the cooling fur and flesh under his paw.

"Another one trying to fight back I take it my master." Said voice from high in the rafters of his great hall

Zach looked up and said "Demi my most trusted servant I take it you have good news for me."

A shadow fell and landed hard in front of him. The figure slowly stood up and Zach looked into the face of a Tall Raven. This raven was different from your normal anthro raven. He had dark purple feathers almost black read tips at the end of his wing feathers. His Feet where that of all birds long talons but only paler and each claw black as night. On his bare chest was a green Tattoo of a K-9's Skull with three daggers in the skull wings flowing out of it. His eyes were the most startling of all because under all that dark color's his eyes were bright silver giving him a look that could stop anyone even Zach in his tracks.

Demi looked at him with his normal hard stair his right wing running over the tip of a throwing knife on his belt. He smiled and opened his beak and said smoothly like was normal for a bird "Master I do have news but I'm not sure it's the kind you want to hear but I could be wrong. The one called Amy is moving out with the big wolf called Raven and his little cub Mary. They are heading north it looks like but I'm not sure what they could be looking for. I would have followed them but your majesty said to report back every week so here I stand."

"So my old lover and Zap's lap dog are on their way north from the valley then. What could they be planning on doing up there only thing that is north is forests and nothing else." Said Zach

"Sir if I may I do believe that the Fox known as Katie the witch lives north of Fox Valley."

"Yes this is true. She used to hate the kingdom do to the rules on fox's and wolves. But how can she be of any use to them she hates Emily as much as I do." Said Zach his wings fluttering

"She is said to be quite Powerful. They say the only reason the kingdom never fell before was because she thought it was beneath her." Said Demi

Zach chuckled and turned to look his Follower in the eyes "They all say that when they want to look stronger than they really are. I mean look at the wolves and fox's they have been at war with us since I took over and still we hold our lands and they hide as always. It's all a game and nothing more."

"Sire as you know the wolves do have their powers and fox's their skills at fighting. Our knights are not as powerful as them we only hold them back do to numbers and nothing more." Said Demi not looking away, showing no fear

Zach could feel his Rage growing but he pushed it back as he said "One day Demi you'll pay for that beak of yours. But as you know I still have use for you as a spy."

"A spy maybe but I'm also the only person that knows...well anything about you in the kingdom." Said the purple raven "If you weren't such an ass hole and the king I would call you a kind of friend."

"He may not kill you for that beak Demi but I have no problem with it." Said a Smooth voice from next to the throne

"Viento keep it to yourself for once please." Said Zach walking over and picking up the double ended sword "I am the king now not you and don't think I won't put you in storage for a few years if you piss me off."

"And lose your best weapon? I don't think you would do such a thing." Said the sword

Demi walked up and said "From what I can tell the king doesn't need a weapon to fight. He took care of that blue fox Nik without your help."

Zach turned around at that and looked up at the large stain glass window over his throne. He had a flash back to the day when he last saw his ex-friend Nik The Sonic Fox. He could still see him standing over him ready to take his life. At that moment he felt like it was all over and for some reason he was happy and ready to embrace his doom. But then there was that flash of light and something pulling Nik into it. Then he was gone, leaving Zach alone and alive, ready to take control.

"You were lucky that day master." Said Viento in his head

"Luck had nothing to do with it." Said Zach

"If that flash didn't come or it did a few moments later that fox would have taken your life." Said Viento

For a moment Zach felt his inner anger fade and his fur lightened almost turning back to its normal white. He growled and said out loud "He was my friend Viento."

This time Viento didn't keep to Zach's mind "He made you think he was your friend until he saw a chance to get some tail and with your mother."

"My mother is a whore who runs her tribe like she is the best thing to ever be born. How do I know Nik didn't get seduced by her?" Said Zach his fur turning back to its pitch black and his markings glowing gold again

Demi moved forward and put a hand on Zach's Shoulder saying "Sire I think you need to rest. You're starting to fade again and you don't want to lose control like last time."

Zach remembered what he did last time he thought about Nik. The land he was in still looked like it had been hit by a tornado then a wild fire. He had killed a lot of his followers that day and a big part of the wool trade all because he was angry at something. But he still didn't know what it was.

"Yes maybe your right." Said Zach turning to walk away but stopping for a moment "Demi I want you to keep an eye on Mary, Raven and Amy. I want to know what they are planning."

"What about Emily and Zap's plans I have a feeling they are going to try another assignation." Said Demi

"Let them try. I have killed everyone they have sent here and another fight may help me get my mind off of things." Said Zach starting to walk off again "Demi....don't let me down."

The raven bowed and said "As you wish Sire." And with that he flew off

Zach moved into his large room placing Viento on the bed and laying down still dressed. He put a paw to his face and covered his eyes letting a long sigh fall over him. Slowly he relaxed and soon his body started to change again. His fur slowly turned white, his markings faded to its normal black, they formed the normal wolf head with a heart like lightning marking around it, his tails went back to normal, his wings vanished, and his eyes went back to their normal green.

"Haven't seen you let the reaper power go for a long time. It's been four years since the last time I saw your white fur and those green eyes." Said Viento

"It's been a long day and I have been feeling the rage in me more and more this last week. They say the wolf that holds the power of the reaper slowly loses his mind to it. I fear that is what is happening to me Viento." Said Zach

"My master worries that he is losing his mind but from what I see you are doing better than most would have thought by now. You are older than anyone else who has had that power and you're still alive."

"The last two to have this power were killed as babies and the one before that was killed by using too much of his power. The others before him no one knows what happened. The records are lost from what Zap told me."

"Maybe you will never lose your mind my master. The reaper power is a wolf power and you're not fully a wolf. You're a Hybrid and not just any hybrid but a Wolfox. A mix said was almost impossible yet here you are." Said the sword

"What's your point?"

"My point is my master is that a fox's body is perfect for handling things that most can't. Fox's are the best fighters in the world when it comes to hand to hand combat and stealth. For that they have to have bodies that can stand up to the mighty strain both physical and mental. Wolves are known for their power and how well the work as a team. Also they are known for their strength and wisdom. You have traits from both sides. I think with the mix you may be stronger than both the fox's and wolves."

"I still don't know where you're going with this."

"My point is that I'm sure as a Wolfox you will be able to stand up to the power and show them all how powerful you can be." Said Viento

Zach sighed again then slowly got to his feet then said "I think I'll go for a walk around town and see my people as I am. Most of them have forgotten the old me so I'm sure I can have a good walk without need of guard or knight."

"I'll come with you then." Said Viento

"No you stay here I want to have a night of silence." Said Zach getting to his feet and pulling off his cloths. He reached into his wardrobe and pulled out some cloths he had from when he lived with Len still. It was his old ox hide leather pants and a simple black shirt. He then pulled on a cloak with a hood. He smiled and then took a look at his hair. It always stayed sliver even in the Reaper form and most commoners didn't want to look like him. If they had long hair they always kept it in a braid when they were out. So he pulled it back and braided it.

"I think this is a bad idea sir." Said Viento

"I didn't ask for your opinion on the matter. Now keep quiet, I'll be back in the early morning." Said Zach walking out the door before his sword could say anything else

It only took him ten minutes or so to sneak out of the castle and past his gate guards. Once he was free he started off making his way down the quiet streets. A few fur's made their way past him not really saying much, some bumped him and others walked around him. He smiled at this liking the freedom of being a nobody for a change.

Zach liked being in charge of the kingdom but the daily life of a king was tiring and at other times boring. He also could never get an honest word from his followers. They were all scared of him and he knew why. His Reaper form was said to be able to strike fear into anyone by only looking at him. So they all did as they were told but were also too scared to tell him the truth on things. Well all but Demi. From the day he joined Zach and became his spy he never once showed an ounce of fear around him.

Zach never would fully trust another soul again after what Nik did but Demi was close to the only person he could trust with most things. Viento liked the raven it seemed he normally didn't talk around most fur's unless he wanted to scare them. Demi was the perfect spy too, he had a way of talking his way into or out of anything. He was also a wonderful fighter and great with a knife. The perfect spy for the perfect king.

But this was still the best kind of day. Most of the time he couldn't get out like this and never had he told Viento when he did go out. For some reason he didn't trust his sword knowing how much he really did go back to his normal form. He tried to get out and wonder the streets ever couple of months. He only did it to get away from the pain of being a king. He would normally go to his hold home on the outskirts of town and sit there looking at the run down forge. He would remember times with Len and his life growing up with the cranky dog.

He always made a point to keep out of the shops and away from others. He didn't really feel like talking to his people just in case they figured out it was him. But tonight he had changed by mistake and Viento knew he was out. And as Zach had figured he had a couple of knights looking for him. Down the next road that lead to his old home was two knights looking at everyone and getting closer to him. He ducked passed someone then moved into a pub.

The place was full of other fur's and the smoky air and loud noise of the place was the best hiding spot. He walked over to a table in the back and sat down. A tall pit-bull walked over to him and put his hand on the table smiling at him. Zach looked up into the dog's ugly face and said "Can I help you?"

"Sure can stranger mind telling me why you think you can walk into this pub and just sit where you feel like." Said the Pit-bull

"And what are you the bouncer or something?"

"Nope but I am the grand knight of his majesty's royal guard. Name's Mick and you're in my spot. Move now in the name of the king." Said the Pit-Bull

Zach smiled and tried not to laugh seeing right through this dog's game "So I take it Mick is a nickname then Why not use your real name Jeff."

"What do you mean I told you my names Mick. Now move before I make you. The king won't like it much if he finds out some stranger was not doing as he is told by the king's men." Said Mick

Zach could hardly hold back. The real Grand Knight of the Royal Guard was Jeff Path and he was a Greyhound not a Pit-bull. On top of that he would never use his position to pick on people at a pub. Zach let his smile show and he let his hood down saying "From what I know of your kingdom and its ways is that the king's word is law am I right."

"Yes you are." Said Mick

"Also the King's word can only be given by him and not by his Knights, also he doesn't let his Grand Knight of the Royal Guard far from the castle when he is still there. So it makes me wonder are you really the Grand Knight or just a bully who is telling people he is someone he isn't, and seeing how the Grand Knight of the Royal Guard is a Greyhound named Jeff Path I don't see how you can be him." Said Zach

Mick's little eyes widened and he rose fast ready for a fight. He let out a loud growl that made everyone go quiet as he said "How dare you talk back to a servant of the king."

"A servant maybe but more like someone who couldn't get past Knight School. Also the last time I checked the penalty for impersonation a Knight was Death by hanging but since you have well no real neck I'm sure they will just behead you. Now shall I call the guards and tell them what you are doing." Said Zach

"WHY YOU LITTLE!" yelled Mick jumping forward

"Oh please." Said Zach and he dodged the attack and punched the large dog in the gut knocking him out in one blow.

The large dog fell with a loud thump and everyone looked at them for a long moment. Then slowly two guards in the far corner of the pub walked over one saying "What is going on here?"

Zach smiled and said "Pardon me sirs but this one here said he was the Grand Knight himself. Seeing how the Grand Knight is a Greyhound I thought he should be stopped for impregnating a knight of the crown."

"I see; well we were told there was a fur doing that around here. You did a good thing for the crown today sir thank you for the help." Said the guard the two of them pulling the large Mick off

Zach sat back down and pulled his hood up again this time he smiled because of how much he loved outsmarting dumb asses like him. He started to imagine going down, to his prison and scaring the dog until he peed himself. Then his dream was stopped by someone sitting down in a chair across from him. He looked up and saw a female panther sitting there looking right at him.

He took a long moment to look her over. She had long black hair that was loose, eyes that were dark gold, hardly any cloths on only a covering for her breasts and between her legs. She was beautiful and was letting off a scent that made his pants tighten a bit. She smiled at him and he felt his heart skip a beat making him almost jump.

"That was quiet the little performance there stranger we been having a lot of problems with him as of late but had no way of knowing if he was who he said he was." Said the panther

For some reason he felt as if he knew her but he let it slide for a now as he said "It's not hard to tell you know. Knights have a sense of honor and they don't talk like that one did. Now a Guard may do that but they still won't say in the name of the king. They only do that in stories. I could tell he was lying and also I do know who the really Grand Knight is."

"Well still thank you all the what do I call you."

"My Len." Said Zach not wanting to give himself away

"Nice to meet you Len, I'm called Miss Rose and I own this pub. I was happy you got rid of Mick for us that ass was scaring away my paying customers. I wanted to know if I can repay the favor in anyway." Said Rose with a smile

Zach couldn't help his eyes as they looked at her breasts, his pants getting tighter every moment. He shook his head and said "I'll just take a glass of something good. I haven't had a stiff drink in years and could use it after my day."

"Well a nice drink is always nice but I'm sure I can help you with more than just that can't I? I mean you look like you haven't had a good night sleep in a long time or someone to spend that night with for even longer." Said Rose moving next to him and running a finger under his chin

"I..I...have been busy so..."

"So you could use the help of a women like myself who knows how to help a male get rid of his stress. Here come with me and I'll show you the....nicer part of this pub."

"I really shouldn't." said Zach

"Oh come on I'm sure you have plenty of time and it will be worth it trust me." Said Rose pulling him up and down the hallway next to them.

Zach let her pull him along not knowing why he was acting like he was. But none the less he let her pull him. They went up a flight of stairs and into another hallway. They went to the end and into the room there. He soon found himself in a nice sized room. She pulled him to the king sized bed and pushed him onto it. She moved next to him and smiled running a finger over his snout. Slowly she lifted his shirt off of him and started to move her lips down kissing over his chest.

Zach felt his brain telling him this was a little odd but he ignored the feeling and let out a sigh and moan. She moved on top of him pulling off her small top so he could see her large breasts. She smiled and started to grind her hips back and forth making him harder than he had already been when he first set eyes on her. She smiled and him and placed a hand on his chest as she worked moving down slowly to undo his pants.

For a moment he wanted her to stop having a feeling this was some kind of trap. But as she opened them up and let his hard member loose, the feeling went away. She smiled at the raging member and moved her body down her soft breasts rubbing over the throbbing member. Slowly she pulled off his pants letting them fall to the ground. She placed her lips to the tip of his cock and slowly let it slip into her muzzle the feel of her small and slightly ruff tongue running over him was wonderful. He closed his eyes and moaned again pressing his hips up and arching his back as she worked.

She pressed a hand down letting it run over his balls taking them and rolling them around. She pulled him closer to her and worked letting her muzzle move up and down slowly over the raging member. The scent he loved so much filled the room more and he could tell it was coming from her pants. He got up quick taking her by surprise as he turned her around pressing her down on the bed ripping her pants off. She let out a small gasp and hooked a paw around his neck pulling him on top of her kissing him deeply.

A small purr started up deep in her chest as they kissed. Zach closed his eyes and let his body meet with hers letting his hard cock run passed her tender pussy lips slowly moving its way into her. She broke the kiss and let a long moaning purr fly from her as inch by inch his cock slowly slid into her. Zach's mind felt heavy like he had been drinking too much or something. For a small second he was worried about it but let it slip away as he pressed deeper into her tight wet pussy.

Slowly Zach moved one of her legs over his shoulder and started to hump. It started out slowly every pushing and pull of his hips making his lover for the night moan louder and louder. She looked up into his eyes and he knew what she wanted so he moved in a bit fast and a lot harder making the bed shake with each hard push.

Her moans turned into screams mixed with a small roar. She put a hand to her own breast holding it as the other bounced up and down moving with the motions of the bed. He pressed his cock in faster now on hand on the head board the other on her leg as he panted and moaned. His eyes were tight shut and his head down as he pumped deep into her hot pre cum flying from his member into her soft folds.

She let out a shuddering scream this time one hand going to her folds as she moved up and kissed him deeper, sucking on his tongue as she had a screaming orgasm. Zach could smell her sweet cum falling over his cock and onto the blankets. Zach could feel his knot growing and pressing against her folds as he built to his own climax. He put the hand that was on the head board behind her neck pulling her closer to him kissing her back. There hot and sweaty bodies pressed tight together as he pumped harder and faster.

Then as he reached his peak something on the bed gave way and it fell right as Zach shot his load deep into her. The two of them howled and roared as Zach filled her with hot cum. They kissed again as they held each other close her pussy milking Zach for every drop he had in him. A silence came as they held onto one another, neither wanting to let go of the other.

Slowly they both broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes and a smile fell on her face. She nuzzled him under the chin, making him lay back with her. Zach panted hard and put an arm around her as she nuzzled him a loud purr breaking the silence.

After a couple minutes passed Zach was able to say "That was the best thank you I have ever gotten. I think I'll run more criminals out from here if that is what passes as a thank you here."

She let out a giggle and was about to speak when there was a loud knock at the door and a Voice yelling "Lynn are you ok in there?"

She growled then yelled back "Gemini keep it down and yes I'm fine go away."

"There are some Knights here saying they are looking for King Zach they wanted to talk to the person in charge; what should I do?" said Gemini through the door

"Tell them I'm not home and that the king isn't here." Said Rose or Lynn it seemed her real name was

"Yes ma'am."

Zach got to his feel quick looking at her in shock. She looked back at him slowly getting to her feet too and saying "Now Zach don't go getting mad at me now."

" said your name was Rose....and my names Len" Said Zach pulling on his pants and shirt

"Well it is in a way my name is Lynn my middle name is Rose. Also I never forget a face or a body Zach."

"Wait a moment I know you. You're the same panther from the night I was sent to see the king the day he made me a Knight. The same night I killed your partner Tom." Said Zach

"Yes I am and I'm socked you didn't see that from the start. When I saw you sitting in my pub I was kind of shocked seeing how the king should be keeping people scared out of their minds of him from his castle. It's a good think not many people remember what you look like when you're normal." Said Lynn getting dressed too

"So let me guess you want revenge or something for 8 years ago when I killed your partner. Well you won't have it I'll kill you before you get the chance." Said Zach

"I am not here for that. Zach I know that Tom got what was coming to him. I was mad about it at first I'll admit but I saw the truth after I was discharged as a knight after King Esper said I was no more use to him. I left this kingdom for three years then came back a little after you took over to start this pub. I did hope that one day you would come here so I could say I was sorry for what happened 8 years ago." Said Lynn

"Sorry you say...sorry for letting him try and kill me after he rapped me."

"I was the first person to see your Demonic form Zach...and I know what it all means too. You have to know something about your power that the wolves never told you."

"I know everything about my power and I'm in control of it."

"You may think so but you don't. You see Savage will be looking for you really soon. I don't know everything but he wants you as his slave. You have to listen to me please." Said Lynn moving closer to him again

Zach felt his anger growing but he wanted to know what she had to say so he said "Fine tell me what you know and be quick about it."

She sighed and said "The power of the Reaper is said to be Evil but that isn't true. Your power is just something that gets more powerful off of rage and can easily make you fall onto an Evil path. If you fight that soon you will have true control over the power and be more powerful than any other that has come before you. But if you stay on the same path you are on right now you'll lose your mind to this power and end up dead just like the rest of them."

"And how do you know all of this?" said Zach

"I can't tell you, my mistress has made it so I can't give you her name or tell you anything about her. But she is here to help you." Said Lynn now right in front of him

He put a hand on her throat and said "And how can I trust you after what you pulled tonight which by the way I also want to know about. Why did you do this with me?"

She choked a bit then said "Two reasons, one is that I know the truth behind Viento, Second is I know information on Len."

He squeezed a bit more and said "Don't bring Len up around me I know he is dead, I saw him die as I held him in my arms."

"He's...not really Dead. The Len you saw die was nothing more....than a spell cast by that Wizard of Esper's. The king wanted you on his side and to get the war hero out of the way."

Zach let her go then said "If he is not dead why hasn't he come and found me by now."

She panted then said "Viento...that sword is not what you think it is. He is knows more than you think. You see Esper had Len hidden away and only that sword...." She was cut off there by another loud knock at the door

"Open up in the name of the King of the lands." Said a Voice

"Damn I thought we had more time." Said Lynn

Before Zach could say anything the door was busted down and two of his Knights walked in. They both drew swords and pointed them at the two of them one saying "Lynn you have been marked as a Traitor to the crown and are hereby to be killed on sight."

Zach moved in front of her and said "Lynn jump out the window and run. I don't know if I can trust you yet but for now I'll have to. Get out of here now."

"Zach one last thing, please be careful with your power if you don't watch it you'll lose yourself and kill many people." Said Lynn then she jumped out the window

The Knight who had spoken before yelled "You'll pay for that."

"Stand down at once in the name of King Zach McVanson." Said Zach

"Nice try we only listen to the real king and you're not him."

Zach growled and turned into his Reaper form, his white fur going to black, his markings covering his body and turning gold, the tip of his black tail going whit and the tip of his white one going black, and his wings burst from his back. He smiled at them and said "You better listen to me now or die."

There shocked faces vanish quickly and the one said "Sorry Sire but like we said we only work for the true king. Soon to be King Savage."

There was a scream from out the window and Zach ran to it and saw 50 Knights around the Pub one had Lynn. He growled and felt that rage filling him again. He looked back at the two in the room and said "You will regret betraying me like this." And he attacked

The two knights died before they knew what had happened. Zach stood there with blood all over his hands as he slowly walked to the window. He jumped from it and slowly fell to earth his wings spread wide. He landed a few feet away from the one holding Lynn growling as blue lightning ran up his arms. He felt a strange new hunger and power overpowering him and he liked it.

The male holding Lynn seemed to be frightened of him and without thinking he let Lynn go and she ran off into the dark night. Zach smiled and grabbed the Knights head. His body shook and blood started to flow from his ears, eyes, and muzzle as the blue lightning flowed into him. Finally he died and Zach dropped him. The rest of the knights surrounded him all of them showing that they would die rather than run away.

"This will be fun." Said Zach and he attacked

Not one of the Knights lived nor did they even scratch Zach as he fought. Zach found himself laughing as each one fell. Some died by his power attacks, some he ripped their heads off, and others tried to run only to get a sword thrown into them. Finally only one was left and Zach held him up high standing in a pool of dark blood. He shook and cried as Zach looked into his eyes smiling at the helpless Feline he held.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked the Knight

"Orders from Savage. Were to work are way into your kingdom and play the part of your knights for a while then when you seemed weak we were to take you to lord Savage and anyone you were with at the time." Said the Feline

"How many of you were there?"

"After the ones you killed now I'm the only one left. I'm sorry please don't kill me I was only doing what I was told I won't do it again I promise." Said the Feline his tears falling fast and hot onto Zach's hands

A loud chuckle flowed from Zach's lips and he said "I don't ever let someone live who has betrayed me." And with that he let his claws sink deep into the Felines throat blood spilling out as he gasped and tried to kick free but it was too late. Zach had plunged his claws into the two main arteries in his neck. And within a minute he died and Zach tossed the corps onto the rest.

He turned and saw a few people looking at him with fear in their eyes. He smiled at them and spread his arms wide standing on a large pool of blood saying "This is what you get for crossing me. I am the King of this land and don't any of you forget that. I am powerful and no one can ever stop me. If you try you'll join them." He pointed at the pile of bodies. "I took down 50 Trained Knights with my hands. Let that be a lesson to you all that the Demon Knight also called King Zack is still the ruler. If I find out anyone here is working with my enemies then I'll not only kill you but your family as well."

A female ran up to one of the dead males and cried yelling "My husband was a good man how could you do this to him? He was forced to work for that monster you speak of dear king."

Zach looked at her for a long moment then with a flash of his hand he cut open her neck too saying "Like I said I'll kill your family too, and your husband wasn't a good man, he was nothing more than dirt."

People all started to move back most of them leaving not wanting their king to see them or think they were all part of this too. The Female grabbed her neck gasping for air and falling into the pool of blood. She twitched and tired to move but was losing blood fast. Then soon her body stopped moving and her eyes went blank looking up sightless into the star filled sky.

Zach laughed and laughed opening his wings ready to fly back to his castle when another female walked forward only she was only about 3 years old holding a stuffed animal. She walked up to the female who he had just killed. She put a hand on her and shook the lifeless body.

She then said in a high and sweet voice "Mommy wake up I'm cold...why are you sleeping please get up."

Zach raised a hand to make the child quiet down by killing her too but when he went to strike he froze. The little girl had looked up at him and into his eyes not showing an ounce of fear as she said "My King why did you hurt mommy. Please make he wake up. She is sorry."

He felt a tear run down his face and he said "Child...she'" he couldn't even say a word to this child. So he jumped into the air and flew away. The eyes of that little Female pup still stuck in his head as though he was still looking at her. He flew to the top of his tower where his room was and landed on the balcony and Screamed his rage to the night.


"Master there you are I was starting to get worried." Said Viento who was still on the bed

Zach couldn't say a word to his partner. At the moment his head was filled with pain and he had no idea why. Then finally he saw what it was that was getting to him...he was a monster his heart was Evil and filled with Dark thoughts just like they said had happened to the other Reapers of old.

He sat on his bed and said "I have a Dark and Evil Heart.......And I think I like it." A smile pulled at his lips and the laugh that could send a chill down your spine filled the room. But still Zach couldn't get those eyes out of his mind or the feel of Lynn's body pressed against his...

That is it for now I hope you enjoyed the first installment of the second Story for the To be Series. This one will be To be the Reaper. I also hope you liked the new character I added Demi. He is the Creation or our winner from my contest and will show up a lot during this Series. Now what will happen with Zach or with the Wolves and Fox's or even to Lynn, Amy, Mary and Raven, and what is up with Viento. Find out next time and as always thanks for reading if you find Problems in the story like Grammar and Spelling please keep it to yourself I do my best to get the story edited.

Demi, Zach, and the rest are all the Property of me Drakowolf and may not be used without first asking me.

Demi was Created by Angel the vamiric and I Thank her for the Character. All credit for his creation goes to her.

Nik belongs to my best friend Sonic Fox

The Dragon and The Wolf

Story (c) 2010 by Drako Wolf. All rights reserved. Characters Sheba, Tella, Art, Alastair, Talon, Maria, Ken, Markus, Eskey, Dr. James Albert, Ryan, Jack, and Queen Reisa © Drako Wolf The Dragon and The Wolf ...

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Path to Chaos

Story (c) 2010 by Drako Wolf. All rights reserved. Characters Drako, Ariel, Demona, Fell, Chaos, Ray, Riley, Sarah, Ti, Bain, Talon, Marick, Toga, Sheba, Alastair © Drako Wolf Path to Chaos ...

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The Demonic King

Story (c) 2009 by Drako Wolf. All rights reserved. Characters Zach, Len, Amy, King Esper, Captain Collin, Grant, Mary, Raven, Savage, Lord John, Lord Fen, Ken, Dr. Richman, Emily, Zap McVanson, Haliflora, and Lynn © Drako...

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