Chapter 15: Like Father, Like Son

Story by Foxfyre on SoFurry

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#15 of Rohan's Journey

Surprise, surprise, here's a Chapter. Tags are at a minimum to keep the surprises a surprise. Please, comment, critic, the usual. Hope you guys like it.

Rohan and Kitara were awoken to a violent pounding on the door of the house, followed shortly by a familiar voice yelling at them in impatience, with a strong undertone of fear.

"Rohan, lemme in, please!" came Toren's voice from outside. Rohan rolled off the bed and onto the floor, wincing a bit as he landed with a thump. Kitara whined a bit in annoyance.

"Rohan..." She said, obviously not wanting him to leave her.

He got up and gave her a quick kiss, "I gotta let Toren in, put something on or be a wolf." She didn't move, changing into a wolf and curling up, watching the door with hazel eyes. Rohan changed back into his human self and pulled on his pants before yelling at Toren, who'd kept pounding unabated on the door.

"Toren, stop that already, I'm coming."

Toren stopped hitting the door, but yelled one last thing "Well hurry up, I don't wanna be out here if he comes back!" Rohan wrenched open the door, looking worried as his brother tumbled inside.

"If who comes back?" He asked, shutting and locking the door.

"The fox demon." Toren replies, not looking calmed at all by the lock on the door.

"Fox demon? Green eyes, around six feet, named Tanis?" Toren nodded

"Yeah, he said to come get you."

Rohan crouched down and grabbed Toren's shoulders. "What did he say?" The boy looked more scared by Rohan's reaction than he had been at the fox.

"He said you needed one more lesson, something really important... Please let go, brother, you're hurting me."

Rohan loosened his hold and looked up at his mate, who was still lying on the bed. "Sorry Toren. Kit, could you make sure nothing happens to him?" Kitara nodded slightly, wondering what Rohan was so worried about.

"Thanks Kit. I'll be back later, if the people in the village ask, I'm going to my house to get something, got that Toren?" He said, looking down at his brother mid-sentence.

Toren nodded "S-sure." Rohan looked around and grabbed his shirt, throwing it on before opening the door and heading outside.

Toren locked the door behind him and gave Kitara a worried look.

"What was that about?" He asked her, voicing his concern more than asking a question. Kitara whined a little, not sure Rohan wanted his brother to know. Toren walked over to her and scratched her head in passing, lying down on his own bed and staring up at the ceiling. Kit got up and leaped the gap between Rohan's cot and Toren's bed, padding over to him and curling up next to him. Toren reached over and scratched behind her ears, prompting her to move closer and set her head on his chest, looking at his face.

"Do you know where he went?" He asked, rubbing her head with his thumb. She shook her head, lying to him. Rohan had told her about Tanis.

"Oh... Well, I hope he comes back soon." She yipped in agreement and gave his hand a lick before curling up into a ball of black fur and trying to regain the sleep she'd lost during the night. Toren sighed and closed his eyes, deciding her idea was good.

Rohan walked to the path where he'd come into the village two days before. After reaching the edge of the village, his calm façade fell away. Glancing around, he made sure no one was watching before stripping off his clothes and becoming a demon again. Sprinting off in a streak of silver, leaving only pawprints as evidence of his passing, Rohan headed for his home, it was on the way to where he and Tanis had trained, and he need some clothes that fit. Arriving a little over an hour later, he pulled on his clothes and got a drink at the nearby stream before running off for the cliffs.

About five minutes later, he arrived at the clearing next to the cliffs where he'd gotten training from Tanis. Panting heavily and looking around for the vulpine, the wolf sat down and waited for him to come out, he knew he would sooner or later, he just hoped it was sooner.

"Rohan?" Tanis said from the forest.

"Tanis?" Rohan asked, standing up and looking toward the source of the voice.

"Rohan, you're here, good." Tanis said, stepping into the open.

"What did you want Tanis? You said you were leaving yesterday, but today you went and found my brother? What were you thinking?!" Rohan said, advancing on the smaller fox.

"Listen, I don't have much time. I've got to tell you what I can."

Rohan stopped, glowering as he waited. "Hurry up then."

"Be quiet and listen. I found out recently that there's trouble in the Lupine cities."

"What'd yo-"

"Shut up. There are cities of demons, far out in the wilderness, where a majority of the demons reside, they move around during the changing seasons, but each location is the same from one year to the next, so it's a bunch of moving cities. Most are based on the species of demons, foxes, wolves, weasels, you get the idea. Each city is the head of the government for each species, the people decide who leads them, which is far better than these humans. Anyway, there's something going on with the wolves, a silver wolf just became the leader, he started making an army, preparing for battle, changing laws, he's basically made himself a king. The rest of the demons are ignoring this, claiming it doesn't involve them. But I think I know who it is, and I think you're the only one who can fix this, I think it-"

"Ah, Tanis, so good to see you again, it's been too long, don't you think?" Said a deep voice from the forest, interrupting the fox. Tanis stopped mid-sentence and spun around, looking for the source of the voice.

"Lashen, you've found me it seems." (Law-shin) Rohan looked around, trying to find where the voice was coming from, just like Tanis. Suddenly, he smelled metal, and his fur stood on end.

"Tanis, loo-" Rohan was cut off by a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder, knocked to the ground as Tanis was thrown into him.

"I never was one for conversation." The voice said with a laugh, coming closer. Rohan pulled Tanis off of him and shook his shoulders.

"Tanis! Tanis wake..." He trailed off as his eyes locked to the patch of burnt and bloodied fur on his teacher's chest.

"My, my, my. You look a lot like him." The voice said with a chuckle. Rohan growled in fury and turned toward the voice, standing as he did.

He saw the killer, a lion. The lion had to be at least 6'6" wearing a loose shirt and pants under a heavy cloak. The hood was down, so his fiery mane was easily visible, standing out against his tawny fur and the light-colored clothes. His sky blue eyes shone brightly, split with the standard feline pupils, just as Rohan's were. Rohan gave him something to think about, bursting into a column of silver flames, as his anger took over, flooding his eyes with red except for the very center, where the feline stood.

"Ah, I see you share his temperament as well. I think I'll leave then, if the old adage proves to be true and it really is 'like father, like son', I don't have much choice." With that, the leonine figure left in a burst of sky blue flames, opaque, but still managing a light color. Rohan howled in anger, sending birds into the air from their roosts.

Lashen looked back over his shoulder as he heard the howl. No, he definitely didn't want to find out if he was like his father. Arriving at a small clearing near a stream, he looked around.

"Ekimi! Come here." (Eh-key-me) He yelled, looking around for someone. From the stream a human girl of around 15 stepped out, clothed in a shirt and pants. Upon second glance, one would see that she wasn't entirely human, she had feline ears atop her head and a tail, both brown, neither very dark or very light, with her hair the same, and as she gave a quiet mew, fangs were visible in her mouth. Her eyes were rather odd, the left a light green, and the right a darker blue, both had feline pupils. Around her neck was a collar of black leather, attached was a leash of the same. Holding out her hand to him, she offered her leash. He took it and gave a tug, starting to walk onward. Mewing again, her ears fell to her head and she quickly followed, staying a bit behind. He didn't give her a second glance, knowing she would follow. She stayed at his pace, falling behind would mean a painful pull on her neck from her collar.

"Where're we going, Master?" She asked in a soft voice, sweet nonetheless.

"A village." He replied. She sighed, there wouldn't be a better answer if she bothered him with more questions, only a painful tug or another form of punishment.

Rohan calmed a little after the earth-rending howl, but remained shrouded in flames for a few more minutes before he could calm down enough to bring his power back under control. Kneeling down, he looked at Tanis again, eyes drawn to the blackened fur in a jagged circle on his chest. Tearing his eyes away, he looked at his friend's face, but that just made things worse, he saw Tanis's eyes, as green as ever, but cold, not carrying the warmth of life. Reaching out with a paw, he closed his eyes for the last time, both as a courtesy and to remove the sight of them. He didn't feel sad really, just... emptier. Even without sadness, tears flowed down his face, falling to the red fur of the fox. Sitting back, the wolf once again found himself looking at the burnt flesh of the wound. Getting up, he got to work. For the second time in a week, he was digging a grave. This one went much quicker than the last, he was in shock, and almost didn't believe Tanis had died, but every time he doubted, he remembered the horrible wound, and saw the truth, but he was able to use his magic, so the digging was done in a very short amount of time. Carefully, he lowered Tanis's body into the hole. With a wave of his paw, he replaced the dirt in the hole. Finding a large rock, he set it at the top of the grave as a headstone, using his magic to carve a simple marking. 'Here lies Tanis, a teacher and friend.' Not wanting to return to Toren and Kitara quite yet, he sat down where he had just ten minutes earlier, when Tanis had still been alive. He tried to remember what had happened, some clue as to who the killer was, what the lion had gained, anything. The fog of the anger retreated farther and farther, and he gradually remembered what the lion had said. 'You look a lot like him... I see you share his temperament... Like father, like son...' Did that mean he had known his father... Had Lashen killed his father? Sighing, Rohan began the long walk back to the village, it was some 3 ½ hours away, he'd run fast to get here so quick, but he didn't want to get back nearly as quick.

There was one more demon headed toward the village, with a leash in his paw and a girl in tow. Having gone further north to get Ekimi, Lashen was now faced with a dilemma, he could continue on, but probably wouldn't be able to do anything when he got there, or he could wait out until morning, and go then. Deciding it was better to wait, he stopped at the next clearing, Ekimi, however, did not. Having been concentrating on keeping his rather fast pace, not on whether he was actually using it, she ran into him when he stopped.

"Watch where you're going." He said in a slight growl.

"Sorry Master..." She said quietly, looking down. The lion sat down on the grass, leaning against a tree. Yanking her leash down, he forced her to follow suit, she landed on all fours right next to him, rubbing her neck.

Disclaimer** : **** By continuing to read past this disclaimer you agree that you are not under the age of 18 or the age that your local laws prohibit the viewing of sexually explicit material. By continuing you also agree that I am not responsible in any way for your actions. If you aren't old enough and you still continue, then please make sure no one else underage will be able to view this. In addition all characters described herein are solely my creations and are in no way meant to resemble anyone elses. Enjoy!**

He looked at her and gave a slight smile, pulling on her leash, he drew her close to him and delivered a kiss to her lips. She didn't kiss him back, but that didn't seem to slow him down a bit, kissing her deeply, sliding his tongue into her maw and flicking it around. Pulling back, he just smiles more. She whined, not liking the look in his eyes as he looked at her. Lifting his rear from the ground, he tugged his pants down, revealing his sheath to the night. She mewed and looked away, but he would have none of it. "You know what to do." Mewing again, she kept her head turned. Snarling a bit, he pulled hard on her leash, bringing her head down to his hips. She looked up at him, but with one look at his face she knew she couldn't get out of it, so, with an inward sigh, she bent down and licked his sheath from his balls to the tip. Taking it in her hand, she began to stroking his furred sheath as it bulged beneath. As the tip of his flesh emerged, she made no move to change her mode of pleasure. Displeased, Lashen set his paw on her head and pushed her down, forcing his meat into her maw.

"Do it, or I'll do it for you." He said, laughing a little. Gagging she pulled up and shot him a dirty look before going down again, this time sucking on his emerged tip. Swirling her tongue around it as it grew into her mouth, she still stroked his shaft with her hand, coaxing more into the open.

"Ahh..." He said, beginning to purr slightly, "That's much better." She mewed around his member, which was now fully exposed, and measured about an average six inches, perhaps a bit bigger. She still sucked only on his tip, doing the minimum required to keep him satisfied. Noticing the lion giving her a look that was distinctly not satisfied, along with a halt in his light purrs, she began to bob her head up and down, wrapping her tongue in a warm spiral around him as she pulled his cock into her mouth. His purrs grew louder and louder, starting to sound much like rolling thunder. She started moving faster, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. The lion, however, had different plans, but had no objection to her sudden enthusiasm. As her tongue worked furiously and his tip hit the back of her throat each time, causing her to gag a little, he set his paw atop her head.

"You're doing good." He said, giving her a rare bit of praise. "But you can do better." He finished, shoving her head down and making her gag again as his shaft was forced down her throat. Seeking desperately to breathe, she tried her best to deepthroat him, managing alright, before long, he let his paw up a little, and she immediately pulled away as far as she could, hoping to get relief for her throat. Holding a hand to her throat and rubbing it, she looked up at him half-angry, half-sad.

"Aww... Does your throat hurt? Lemme give you something for that." He said with a laugh, making her head bob up and down again. After a few seconds, and with little warning other than a small bit of pre, the lion came in her mouth, shooting his seed right into the back of her throat. Swallowing quickly, as she had little options, she managed not to choke.

Letting go of her head completely, he laughs again.

"Lie down." She shakes her head.

"I said lie down. You'll do it, now." She shook her head again and gave a mew of defiance.

"Then I'll make you." He says, springing forward and knocking her to the ground, lying beneath him.

"You need to learn to do what I say." He said to her, virtually ripping her pants off. Pulling her shirt up past her budding breasts as he moved atop her, he gave them each a rough squeeze, making her whine in displeasure.

"Shut up." He told her, taking only another moment to position himself before stabbing his hard shaft into her tight, young folds. She squealed and struggled to get away, but Lashen was bigger, stronger, and in no mood for defiance. Pinning her shoulders under his paws, he began to thrust his barbed flesh into her, hard and fast. She cried out in half-pain half-pleasure as he did, not minding the forward stroke much, but as he pulled out each time, she felt like she was being torn apart from the inside. Being a half-demon, she didn't want to think of what her human mother had gone through, with no feline blood to help her cope with the feeling of a barbed shaft. Pounding hard into Ekimi's soft slit, the lion quickly grew on his second orgasm. Groaning a bit with every thrust, with purrs to rival the first, he reaches down with a paw and shifts her hips upward a bit, giving him additional reach with each thrust. A small time after this increase in pleasure, he once again shot his cum into her, filling her pussy with warm juices.

"Let that be a lesson to you." He said to her, pulling out with agonizing slowness. Dripping cum down onto her he yanked her to her feet immediately, by her leash, giving her no time to recover.

"Come on, we're cleaning up." He said, leading her to a stream a few minutes away. Once there, she collapsed into the cool water and began her attempts to get his cum out of her. He washed off quickly and sat down against a tree, closing his eyes.

"Give me your leash when you're done." He said, starting to cat-nap. She didn't dare disobey, not so soon.

So, when she'd cleaned herself the best she could, she walked over to him and tapped his shoulder, giving a quiet mew, "Master?" He opened his blue eyes and took her leash, leading her back to where they'd come. Lying down on a soft patch of moss, he patted the ground in front of him.

"Time to sleep." Said the lion. She immediately plopped down and tried to go to sleep, knowing he liked getting an early start.

Rohan arrived back at the village in the late afternoon, almost forgetting to change back to his human form. Padding to the house where Toren and Kitara were, he pounded on the door a few times, yelling "Hey, it's me, lemme in." The door opened almost immediately, with a worried-looking wolfess standing on the other side, back in her demon form. Rohan quickly shut the door and locked it, ignoring the flood of questions he got from the pair, walking to his cot, he collapsed on top of it and fell asleep almost immediately, too mentally and emotionally exahausted to answer them right then. Kit gave up and crawled into bed next to him, rather, on top, then partially beneath him, the cot wasn't meant for two. Turning him to face her, she gave him a soft kiss before she hugged him "I'm glad you're back, I was worried." But he was already asleep. Having slept most of the time he was gone, Kit stayed awake and watched over him while Toren attempted to get some sleep, although every few minutes he would sit up and look over to make sure nothing was wrong. So passed the day, Rohan exhausted, Toren and Kitara uneasy, Tanis dead, Lashen and Ekimi asleep in the woods, and the village woefully unprepared for what the next day would bring.

Well, what'dya think? Probably not what you expected. Yes, I put this as Extreme, I'm fairly certain 15 years old is a little young to count as just normal yiff.