
Story by Azusis on SoFurry

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A nervous roommate gets some hands-on tips before his date.

Thank you Sal for commissioning this fun piece! I am currently open for commissions. I offer one type of story commission of this length (4,500 - 5,500 words) for $100. I write topics acceptable to SoFurry's AUP. Feel free to note me here or on Telegram @ Azusis


Even an apartment supposedly designed for feral dragons had its quirks. In most complexes the feral apartments were designed differently than anthro ones for obvious reasons. But in older ones like these they tended to be retrofitted, which was a nice way to say they just gutted them and made the hallways and doors wider. At least this apartment had a nice view, located on the second floor of the building and facing west. Outside of the large living room window it had a picturesque sunset view of the green space below, occasionally filled with screaming hatchlings and cell-phone addicted parents.

Sal bumped into the kitchen table as he walked from the kitchen to the living room, his hip dragging it along with him. Sal was a feral emerald green dragon with smooth scales, sky blue eyes, and black horns and claws. A real feral apartment wouldn't have such a tight turn to get from one place to another, Sal thought.

"Stupid thing," he said, turning to knock it back against the wall with a push of his muzzle. "Why do we even have it?"

"It's good for board games," a voice responded from the living room.

Sal peeked his head around the corner to look into the living room. Early afternoon sunlight streamed in through the window, making his hanging plants quite happy. Against the wall to his right was a large TV with speakers Sal had just procured off of Dragonslist, and directly across from it was a single large and currently occupied couch.

Another feral dragon, this one blue in color, sprawled on the couch. His slender head lay on an armrest and with one wing draped to the floor while his tail _tap-tapped_a remote. A seemingly endless and uninteresting catalogue of movies scrolled by on the TV. The blue dragon had lighter blue eye-patches around his eyes and shades of darker blue on his paws and feet. His claws and horns were white, in stark contrast to Sal's black ones. He was also Sal's roommate.

"Azusis, the last time we used it for board games we ended up on the floor."

Azusis' twitched an earfin, but he didn't look up from the endless scrolling. "It's not_my_ fault our friends insisted on playing Game of Thrones with the expansions. We need a bigger kitchen table for that."

Sal rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure that game was your idea."

Azusis grinned and tilted his head over so he could look at Sal. "Maybe. So what has you so worked up?"

"Worked up? I'm not worked up."

"Well, your claws haven't stopped tapping since you bonked the kitchen table, and I'm pretty sure this is your fifth lap around the apartment."

Sal put one of his paws over the other to stop the tapping. "I'm just excited, that's all. I have another date tonight with Safina." Safina was a super cute purple dragoness Sal had just started seeing a month ago. He wasn't sure if they really qualified as 'dating' or 'exclusive' yet, but she hadn't said no to any of their last four Friday nights together.

"So? You always have a date with Safina."

"Not always. I mean, okay fine, every week since last month. But it's different this time."

"She's taking you to an underground BDSM rave?"

"I- what? No!" Sal's green cheeks flushed red.

"Aw, that's too bad. I was going to invite myself along."

"Y-you're weird, you know that?"

"Yeah." Azusis smiled. He was way more comfortable about stuff like that than Sal. "Fine, so you're not going to a super fun mixed species underground BDSM rave, so what are you doing? Don't tell me movies again."

"Actually..." Azusis groaned. "...she wants to 'Netflix and chill'. Her words, not mine."

Azusis' tail wagged. "That's not movies."

"I know!"

"I didn't know you two were so... serious."

"We're not. I mean, maybe? She's like, well, she's like you. You know, a bit more open about... stuff."

"Your muzzle is unable to say the words that she's more casual about sex than you are."

Sal hissed and ducked his muzzle down. "Maybe casual isn't the perfect word, but yeah."

"Fair. So the thought of the possibility of sex with your hot dragoness girlfriend sends you into a nervous pace for the past hour? Not sure everything is adding up, unless you don't want to. I mean," Azu's tone shifted from his usual always-sort-of-joking to I'm-serious-and-thoughtful, "you should never feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do. If you're not ready, she'll understand."

"Yeah, I mean, no, but thanks. I like her. A lot. I'm just nervous about knowing what to do, you know?"

"You mean you don't know where to put it?" The always-sort-of-joking tone was back.

"I know where to put it!"

Azusis laughed so hard that his tail thwapped the remote across the room. "Oops. Okay, well I'm glad you know that much. So what do you not know how to do? To be fair," Azusis hm-hmmd, "there is quite the variety of activities, positions, toys..." His voice trailed off with all the tantalizing hints of things Sal didn't have any experience in.

"Azu," Sal said, sighing. "I'm just talking about the basics here. Like, how do I know when she wants to? And if I know she wants to, how do I start? _Where_do I start?"

The blue dragon's head tilted as he thought, taking Sal's words a bit more seriously for once. "Those are actually pretty good questions, you know. Every time is different, and every dragon is different. You just sort of know."

Tired of talking to his roommate from around a corner, Sal walked into the living room and flopped unceremoniously onto the rug in front of the couch. "Well I _don't_know."

Sal felt another tail softly stroking over his. His tail went stiff at first, and then relaxed, letting his roommate give him some physical comfort. "I could try and show you, a little. If you want," Azusis offered, the blue tail continuing the soothing motion. "I guarantee she's unique, but there are some, uhm, basics we could go over."

"Would you? Oh, please!" Sal stood up. "Okay, so, am I me, or are you me?"

"How philosophical."

"You said you'd help!"

"Okay, you're you, and I'm Safina. Step one: choose something on Netflix that's boring. No explosions and nothing too sad. Put on something you've both seen before."

Sal looked around for the remote, grumbling. He found it beneath one of the plants near the window. "I'm not sure this is what I meant by tips," he said, but he scrolled through the movies anyways. "Uhm, we've both seen Lord of the Rings, does that work?"

"Absolutely not! Anything else!" Azusis shrieked, diving for the remote.

"W-what? Why?" Sal kept the remote away from prying blue paws, wanting to learn this part for himself.

"It's too good! Don't tempt me Frodo," Azu said in his best Gandalf voice. "You'll get distracted by the awesome movie. Don't put on anything that awesome."

"So... complicated..." Sal held off his roommate with a wing while he scrolled and scrolled before settling on Kung Fu Panda. "Does this work?"

"As long as it's not the second one, then that's fine."

"Why- you know what, nevermind."

Azusis settled himself back onto the couch as the introduction credits began to play on the screen. He folded his wings behind himself, propping himself up on his arm. Sal noticed in this position one key difference between himself and Azusis. While Sal's hide was made of many tiny scales on his back and larger, plated ones on his chest, Azusis was a different species with a more mammalian hide. But that wasn't the difference Sal noticed. The difference was all scaled species tended to have their genitals neatly tucked away in a genital slit, and Sal was no exception, and mammals... didn't. Sal could clearly see the Azusis' sheath and balls between his hind legs, out in the open.

"While flattering, you might not want to stare at her quite so intently." Sal quickly turned his gaze away and mumbled something incoherent. "Okay so, I'm her, and you're you, and the movie is starting. I'm here alone against the couch what do you do?"


"Nope, no uhhh. She's your friend. She's a dragon. Just get over here and act happy to be here."

Sal obliged, mumbling something about how he knew how to do this part. "This isn't the stuff I need help with," he grumbled.

"Looks like you do. Why are you sitting so far away from me? You'll make her feel unwanted. Come in close, put your wing around her. Watch her body language. See if she leans into you or stiffens away. Girls like to think you can read their minds, but you can't, so you have to read her earfins."

"She doesn't have earfins."

"Figure of speech."

Sal smiled. She didn't have earfins but she did have the cutest purple tail he'd ever seen. He scooted closer to Azusis and wrapped a big green wing around him, pulling him close. The blue dragon nuzzled at his side, rubbing his muzzle against his chest scales. He wasn't watching the movie at all.

"Uhm..." Sal fidgeted, unsure what to do next. How far did Azusis want to take this roleplay? On one hand, Sal appreciated the tips. On the other hand, Azusis was a drake and so was Sal, not that Sal was against such things, really. But as far as he knew no one, and especially not his roommate, knew about that.

"Sshh, practice. Okay, she's nuzzling up against your chest, clearly sending some signals she's enjoying your presence more than the movie. What next?"

Sal blinked. "Keep cuddling?"

"No! That tells her you're not interested. Kiss her."


"_Yes!_She's got her head on your chest. Nuzzle down between her eyeridges and lick her, nibble on her ears. Does she have ears?"

"Uh, yeah. Not fins but small, horsey ones."

"You probably shouldn't call your girlfriend horsey."

"You asked!"

Azusis nipped at Sal's chest, grinning to himself. "Yeah yeah. So what're you waiting for? Try it on me. I won't mind, seriously. I promise."

"Alright..." Sal tucked his muzzle down against Azusis' forehead, his nostrils flaring slightly as he nuzzled down against him. What was he doing, this was his roommate, not his girlfriend, his mind seemed to yell, while his body hugged Azusis closer. His forked tongue snaked out to slide right between Azusis' eyeridges, licking down the soft blue hide. Sal had never licked his roommate before - he was pretty sure that was something most roommates didn't do - but oh, he was soft, so different that his own hard scales. Azusis let out an encouraging _hrrmm_noise, something between a purr and a growl. Grinning, Sal repeated the gesture more firmly this time, pressing his tongue down against Azu's head.

"Mrrrf," Azusis said, an earfin flicking against Sal's cheek. Sal nipped at it, grabbing it gently between his teeth. He pulled on the fin, gently tugging it back against him. Azusis squirmed against his chest, his tail-tip curling in on itself as the blue dragon huffed against Sal's broad-plated chest.

"How was that?"

"Th-that was very good." Azusis licked against Sal's chest, pushing his dark blue snout again him. "Is that ok?" Azusis asked, nuzzling into the wet spot he had left on Sal's scales.

Sal nodded with his eyes closed, his mind picturing a whole lot more. His mind kept switching Safina and Azusis, purple and blues mixing, confusing and elating at the same time.

"If that happens... I could show you what might happen next."

"If what?" Sal asked, his eyes blinking open. "Oh!" Sal followed Azu's gaze down his chest and to his groin, where the tip of his tapered blue penis was poking through his slit-scales. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean- " His voice trailed off as he watched Azu adjust himself so his muzzle was positioned lower, closer to Sal's crotch.

"I won't if you don't want me to," Azusis said, his muzzle tantalizingly close to Sal's cock, "but I think your body wouldn't mind some more tips for tonight."

Sal's mind spun, swinging rapidly between 'oh no what have I done I need to go lock myself in my room right now' and 'oh god yes I want to feel his muzzle on my cock.' One sounded vastly more appealing than the other.

"If you really don't mind, I mean, just for, you know, experience," he mumbled.

"Right, for experience. Well at this point she'll probably do something like this." And the next thing Sal knew Azusis' wet, hot muzzle was wrapped around Sal's cock-tip. Sal groaned, his toes curling against the carpet. Azu opened his maw wide, giving Sal's erection space to grow inside that inviting space while Azu's pink tongue snaked down his shaft, pushing into his male-slit to coax out more of his length.

Sal, unsure what to do with his paws, rested one of them on the back of Azu's neck and squeezed reassuringly, kneading his knuckles into him like a good lap-dog. Apparently this was the right thing to do because Azu's tail started wagging again.

Sal had an impressive length that soon over-grew the space Azu had inside of his little blue muzzle. Right when Sal was starting to get concerned Azu moved his muzzle sideways, moving from suckling his cock to the back of his throat to licking at it sideways, his tongue curling around Sal's base while his tip hung free in the air, dribbling blue precum down onto Azusis' cheek.

"Azu..." Sal moaned, his hips pushing up into the air into an imaginary slit.

Azusis' muzzle worked its way down his now fully-erect shaft, his tongue curling and lapping around his throbbing length. Sal's blue cock twitched, dribbling out a small spurt of pre-cum that dripped down his shaft and onto Azu's nose. Azu pulled back, licking the salty substance from his muzzle.

"Do you want me to stop?" Azu asked.

"...n-no." Sal said softly, his paw still kneading against Azu's neck.

"I didn't think so, but," Azu layed his head on Sal's thigh, his hot breath huffing over Sal's erection, "it never hurts to get consent multiple times. She could be into it at the beginning, get nervous and want to stop, but wouldn't say anything unless you asked."

Sal nodded, his horny brain struggling between using his paw to push Azu's muzzle back towards his cock and listening to his words.

"Here, you try."

"Er, try? You want me to lick...?"

Azu grinned and poked Sal in the side with his tail-tip, causing him to flinch. "I assumed she was cis, but if she's trans and you want practice, we can do that too. But honestly, it isn't really my thing."

"What, seriously? And yeah, no, she's cis."

"Okay, cool! And yeah I know I'm weird. But anyways, no, I was saying you should try asking her- me- if I want to continue. But do it in like a sexy way."

"Uhm," Sal thought, not very good at thinking on his feet. "Do you want to have sex?"

"Yes, but not very sexy. Try a little subtlety?"

Sal sighed. This was difficult. His erection started to recede slightly. Maybe drakes did only have enough blood to run their brain or their cock and not both. "Alright, fine fine. Uhhh...," Sal closed his eyes, trying to picture himself tonight with Safina in this exact situation. Him on the couch, her nuzzling between his legs, sucking, licking, him wanting to ask if she wanted more. "You're amazing," he said, squeezing Azu's neck. "I have a condom if you'd like..."

Azusis purred, his tongue lapping around where Sal's cock emerged from his vent, the appendage dipping into his soft, sensitive flesh. "That's not bad. Insinuation and protection. Nice."

"Yeah?" Sal perked up, his confidence boosted.

"Yeah," Azu said, rubbing his soft nose against Sal's cock. He huffed, taking in his male scent, his tongue trailing upwards all along the underside of his shaft until he reached the tip. The pink tongue curled around his tip, guiding his shaft back into the warm, wet orifice of Azu's muzzle. While Azu said he wasn't into having his cock licked, he seemed to have a bit of practice in giving oral.

Sal rumbled happily, his tail swinging around to stroke at Azu's thigh. He hadn't given any attention to Azusis he thought with a little bit of guilt. From his perspective he couldn't actually see if Azu was aroused or not while he lied back on the couch, legs splayed, and Azusis sitting on his side on the floor, lapping at his groin. His question was answered immediately by Azu lifting his top leg, revealing an obviously swollen sheath with a pink-tip peaking out of his blue sheath. Sal smiled, his tail tip tenderly lifting against Azu's sac, feeling the weight of his balls with his tail.

This elicited a strong rumbling from Azu's chest as the blue dipped his muzzle, taking over half of Sal's cock into his maw before pulling back up and repeating the motion, suckling him with lewd, wet noises. Azu lifted a paw to press against the base of Sal's cock where his muzzle couldn't reach, groping and squeezing.

This continued for several minutes, with Azu slurping against him and Sal teasing between Azu's legs with his tail. Sal curled and uncurled his hind claws as he started to feel a familiar pressure building. Like most drakes Sal could reach himself with his own muzzle, and had tentatively tried it several times, but never to completion. The sensations were very different with someone else doing the work, so to speak. He spread his legs a little wider and pushed into Azu's maw, growling softly. "Azu..." If the blue didn't stop- well- there'd soon be a sticky mess either in or on Azu, depending on the blue's choice.

But Azu did stop. Suddenly, in fact. He pulled his maw back completely, leaving Sal gasping and twitching in the free air, dribbling a copious amount of pre-cum down his shaft and onto his belly plates.

"Azu! I was- almost-"

"I know, I could tell," Azu said with a grin.

"Did you not want...? It's fine if you don't," he added quickly.

"Oh I certainly do. But I think if you came now, our instruction would be over too soon."

Too soon? Sal wasn't sure what Azu meant. Everything up to and including this point had been incredibly helpful. He already felt a lot more confident heading into tonight.

"You mentioned a condom," Azu inquired.

Sal mumbled. "I did. I mean, I was planning on picking some up on the way over to her place tonight. But I don't have any on me."

"Don't worry about it, you can have some of mine!" Before Sal could protest Azusis hopped out of the living room, almost as if he was looking for an excuse to head into his bedroom for something. Sal deflated a little, his mind confused. Azu said he had wanted more, but now he was talking about condoms with Safina and had just left him in the living room? Sal wanted more but wasn't sure with who at this point. Azu? Safina? Both? Was it just his cock thinking for him again?

Azu returned with more than just a package of condoms. He sat down on his haunches on the floor and laid out what he had returned with - a bottle of lube named 'Slick Drake,' a package of (six!) condoms, and oddly, Azu's cell phone.

"Okay, more talking time. Condoms are good for preventing eggs-"

"I know that," Sal mumbled.

Azu continued as if he hadn't heard him. "-and STDs."

Sal fidgeted. "I already got tested."

"That's good! But you won't know if she has until you ask. So, ask me."

"Fine... okay. Uhm. I don't know how to ask."

"Just say the words."

"H-have you been tested?"

"Yes!" Azu said, grabbing for his phone. "Let me show you." His thumb-paw quickly signed him into his phone and into his healthcare app, and sure enough, an STD panel showing all negatives was soon displayed on the screen.

"This is so embarrassing to talk about," Sal added. Still, he did feel better. It was like an invisible weight had been lifted, something he hadn't been aware of consciously but was now answered and solved.

"It's okay, you don't need to be embarrassed. Will you show me yours?"

"Uhhh, sure, just a second." Sal's cock had retreated fully by now. He got up off the couch and walked to the dining room table, his muzzle nosing around for those test results he had gotten in the mail last week. He found them buried under some bills. He grabbed the paper with his muzzle and brought it over to Azusis, setting it down next to the assortment currently on the couch.

"Great!" Azu said, quickly scanning the paper. "It was really smart to get tested last week," Azu said. "Maybe you were expecting a bit of Netflix and chill with Safina, hmmm?"

Sal pushed against Azu's shoulder with his own as he sat next to him, noticing the difference in their sizes. With both of them sitting side-by-side, Sal was a good head and a half taller than Azusis.

"Okay, so we've both shown that we're safe. What's next?" Sal asked.

"I'm sure all that can be of a mood derailer mid-groping. Best to ask earlier, but then that can_weird for the first time as it sets this sort of expectation, so it might happen like this. So if that happens I'd recommend starting back at the beginning- nuzzling, cuddling- but more forward. You _know she's interested now. Here- nuzzle me and push me on my back."

Sal blinked. "What!"

"Well, gently. But yeah! Nuzzle her, me, and specifically guide me onto my back like you know what you want next. You have consent, you're all clean, as long as you want to, that is."

Well, this was still just for practice, Sal thought. And it was good practice. He really had learned a lot, so why not continue?

Sal did as Azu asked, nuzzling and pushing against it. It was awkward at first but with Azu reciprocating, it soon felt natural. They nuzzled against each other's neck, huffing and purring with Sal nipping at Azu's earfins. Sal's paw groped at Azu's tailbase, squeezing the soft mammalian flesh, so pliable under his strong paws. Azu seemed to really like that. "That's a good spot for any dragoness," Azu rumbled as he pushed his muzzle up under Sal's. "The base of the tail where tail meets body, the curves that lead down under her tail - perfection."

Sal nodded and nuzzled down between Azusis' eyeridges, his paws working their way up from Azu's tail base and onto his skinny sides. He applied gentle pressure to one side, encouraging him to lay down his side but not forcing him to. It was like asking, but with his paws.

Azu obliged. "That was really good," Azu said, his tail wagging and thwapping between Sal's hindlegs while Sal stood over him, huffing against the blue's neck.

"Thanks," Sal said. He really was feeling more confident with all of this. He placed a single paw on Azu's shoulder and applied the same pressure, moving him from his side and onto his back. With Sal standing over him they were now belly-to-belly while their muzzles kissed and licked against each other. Sal moved his muzzle lower, dipping to gnaw on Azu's shoulder while he settled down on his four legs, literally laying atop the blue, letting Azu feel his weight.

This simultaneously did a number of new, extremely pleasant things. Sal's rigid cock slid against Azu's silky smooth underbelly, smearing his precum against Azu's blue hide. At the same time Azu's own cock twitched against Sal's green-plated scales, side-by-side with his own shaft. The heat from both of their bodies radiated against one another in their affection, enough for Sal to spread his wings to cool himself.

Azu bit down on Sal's shoulder, playfully.

"Ow," said Sal.

Azu rolled his eyes. Sal couldn't see Azu's eyes at the moment, but he swore he could feel the eyeroll in Azu's reply. "Uh-huh. You should grab that lube with your wing-hand," Azu suggested. "If you want to. Honestly- I think I've taught you everything I could. This is purely if you want to." Azu pressed his hips up against him for emphasis.

Sal definitely, definitely wanted to. He grabbed the lube and sat back on his haunches, struggling with the cap, probably because he kept glancing down between Azu's legs.

"Wait! I lied."

Sal squirted a big gallop of lube on his throbbing cock. "W-what?"

"I lied, there is one more piece of advice."

"Oh," Sal said with a sigh of relief. He rubbed the slippery lube up and down his cock.

"Even if you're both tested, and let's say she can't get egg-heavy, you should still ask if she wants a condom. Some dragons want extra protection, just in case!"

Sal looked down at his hard, fully lubricated cock.

"Oops. Uhm, did you want a condom?"

"No," Azu said, twirling his blue tail with Sal's.

Sal rumbled, happy that he hadn't messed that part up at least. Azu was right- it was good practice to not assume! He looked around the living room, unsure what to wipe his lubed up, sticky paw on.

"My tailhole," Azu suggested, seeing Sal scanning the room.

"Oh, that makes sense." Sal reached down, rubbing the slick fluid against Azu's tailhole. He could feel Azu clench up initially as his touch before relaxing, the tight ring of muscle hot against his paw. Sal blushed. For some reason fondling your roommate's tailhole felt more personal than dribbling pre-cum into his maw.

"First time with tailhole sex?" Azu inquired.

Sal nodded and set the lube aside, resuming his position of crouching over the blue. He licked a long, wet mark against Azu's keel, dragging it up to the blue's neck where he started nibbling again, letting their bodies align naturally. Sal could feel Azu shifting his weight, using his tail and wings to lift his hips up slightly to improve the angle. Sal's hard cock nudged up against Azu's balls before dipping lower, feeling the soft, hot flesh dimpling against him.

"Good," Azu said. "Slow is good. I guess I can't stop giving tips."

"I like your tips."

"I like _your_tip." Azu pushed his rump against Sal for emphasis.

Sal grinned and nibbled at the blue's neck. Using his hindpaws he pushed his hips forward, his rock-hard shaft more than ready. If he admitted it to himself, which he wouldn't, he had been crushing on Azu since day one. And now he was feeling that blue's pink tailhole quiver against his touch and spread ever so slowly, letting Sal's tip penetrate his body.

Sal felt an immense heat and tightness move along his cock as he sunk the first few inches of himself into the drake. Azu squeezed around him with encouragement, making him growl. Sal withdrew slightly and bucked his hips, sinking another few ridges into the blue rump.

Azusis' tailhole clenched around him, holding him tight. Past the initial tightness his body felt silky smooth, hotter than a maw. Feelings of intense pleasure rippled through Sal as he hissed, starting the bucking motion over again, and again, each thrust of his hips sinking another inch of his cock into Azu. The movement made for a strong stroking sensation around his cock, that tight rump squeezing along every inch of his penis as Sal moved himself in and out of the drake.

Azu's own cock twitched and rubbed against Sal's chest, sandwiched between soft blue flesh and warm belly scales. Azu didn't seem to mind. Just the opposite, in fact. He wriggled and squirmed, gasping when Sal sunk deep within him, his blue tail wriggling beneath Sal's larger tail.

Waves of tingling pleasure pulsed through Sal's body. It started in his groin and spread from tail-tip to snout, filling him with an intense happiness. Yes! His body said. Everything was right, everything was wonderful. Breed him, fill him, give him your love, hold him close. Sal listened to his draconic instincts and to Azu's body language, noticing the squeaks he got when he thrusted deep and the purrs that emanated from within Azu's chest when Sal hit a certain rhythm, pulling out to his tip before pushing back in, never stopping. It was in this motion that Azu really started to whimper, the blue's maw reaching out to bite down on Sal's shoulder. The blue couldn't hurt him beneath his hard scales but it was cute all the same.

Sal growled in return, unable to hold back. He thrusted hard, each movement rocking Azu's body into the apartment floor until he was at his last and final ridge. He paused here for a moment to push slowly but firmly into the squirming and sticky blue, urging him to relax and let that final thick ridge into his body. It happened slowly; Azu's tailhole giving in to the pressure, widening to allow that final length of hot cock into his rump, mating him fully.

At that moment Azu's anal muscles squeezed hard around Sal, suddenly and without warning, again and again. A warm, thick rope of cum splurted up onto Sal's chest before falling back onto Azusis. The blue's pink cock twitched in rhythm with his squeezing tailhole, his toes and tail curling, drawing Sal closer to him.

The hard squeezing around his cockbase sent Sal over the edge. His shaft pulsed, his tail flagging upwards as he squirted a hot, thick rope of cum into Azu's rectum. His cock twitched to his own stronger, slowly rhythm than Azusis, each flag of his green tail signaling another deposit of dragon seed into the blue. Sal's hind claws dug against the carpet as he pushed into him, wanting to get his cum as deep into his mate as possible. He didn't mind the sticky mess coating his belly scales; it was kind of cute, if he thought about it.

Azu's orgasm tapered off before Sal was finished, but that didn't stop the blue from squeezing firmly around his base with each consecutive pulse of Sal's shaft. Azu milked him for every drop, pushing his hips up and into him as his tailhole filled with the hot sensation of a rather sizeable volume of dragon cum.

After several minutes Sal's orgasm finally receded. Sal leaned down to nuzzle nose-to-nose against Azusis, licking over his snout while he could feel his cock softening. Azusis had already fully retreated within his sheath as Sal tugged back, leaving Azu's rump with a lewd glurp as his last ridge tugged out of the blue's well-bred hole.

Azu purred, laying his head back against the floor.

"You okay?" Sal asked, licking against the underside of Azu's jaw.

"More than okay. Good. Great. Awesome? Definitely full."

Sal hunched his shoulders guiltily. "My species, uhm... yeah. We cum a lot."

"Yeah, I know." Azu wriggled, showing off his slightly-swollen abdomen. "So, I think you better shower before your date. And you should also let her know you aren't an exclusive thing, in case she's assuming that. Oh and,"

"Yes?" Sal said, amused at Azu's post-coital talkativeness.

"I'm happy to Netflix and chill with you anytime."

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