Story by OceanCatsEye on SoFurry

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It had been a rather boring couple of months for police sergeant Curt Conners, the sergeant was in his patrol car parked by the side of the road and across from the hideout of a couple of criminals.

"Are you...sure that your informant was telling the truth Sir? asked the rookie sitting next to the older man.

"Of course he was O'Donnel" replied the other cop without even looking at the rookie.

"Is this...K-king Shark really as dangerous as people say"? asked O'Donnel.

"YES HE IS AND DON'T YOU EVER FORGET IT!" exclaimed Curt with a icy tone.

O'Donnel watched as the sergeant opened the door and exited the vehicle and shifted in his reptilian form, the rookie's eyes glued to the plump ass cheeks that strained against the fabric of the sergeant's uniform pants.

"Sssstay here" said the fully transformed police sergeant as he cloaked himself and began hunting for King Shark.

While O'Donnel was fairly new to the force, he had been informed by other officers as well as the police chief that the sergeant was not exactly a normal police officer, but seeing the man transform in such a fluid motion right before his eyes was truly a sight to behold.

The sounds of roaring and hissing shrieks had caused the younger officer to exit the car and follow it to its source. Pulling his gun from the holster, O'Donnel moved towards a area that was undergoing construction and saw to large inhuman forms going at it.

The shark man leapt at the sergeant, only for the officer to sidestep and gave him a hefty wallop with his long muscular tail that sent him crashing to the ground, the lizard pulled out his nightstick from his service belt and twirled it expertly between clawed fingers.

The rookie watched with bated breath as the sergeant and the shark man clashed once again, King Shark's jaws snapped at the officer, before Curt hissed and gave the shark a wallop across the face with the nightstick.

A roar of pain was emitted by King Shark as the sergeant's baton hit the mark, the shark let loose a bellow of absolute fury before charging the officer, only to miss him as he leapt up and belted him over the head with the baton as he flipped over him like in a Kung Fu movie.

The Lizard landed gracefully and puled out a greenish crystal that was held by a string, before swinging it in front of the still dazed shark for a few minutes, before approaching the downed King Shark.

The sergeant's cock began to press against his uniform pants as he came to stand in front of the shark, a reptilian hiss was emitted by the cop as he brought a scaly hand to his crotch and gently rubbed it.

O'Donnel's own cock began to harden as he watched from behind a bulldozer, Sergeant Conners skillfully lowered his trousers as King Shark moved to get up, only to stop once he saw that the Lizard was standing before him with his pants down while holding the nightstick and tapped it against his other hand.

"Ssssuck!" hissed Curt.

King Shark got to his knees and bent his massive maw down towards the officers erection and engulfed it, a pleased hiss followed as the shark bobbed his head up and down on Curt's rock hard cock.

"!" moaned the sergeant with a raspy hiss.

O'Donnel had fished out his own cock and was moving his hand up and down on it vigorously, Never in a million years did Officer O'Donnel think he would ever see sergeant Conners getting a blowjob from a well known criminal and King Shark no less.

Sergeant Conners threw back his crested head and let out a shriek as he blew his entire load into the sharks maw, then gently pulled out from the other's mouth and put his baton under his chin and tilted his head up.

"Good ssshark" said the seemingly pleased cop.

Sergeant Conners reached down and withdrew the handcuffs from his belt and bound King Shark's hands with them, before hauling him to his feet and smacked his ass several times with a powerful reptilian hand.

The sound of the smacks were like gunshots to officer O'Donnel as he winced with each one, Curt pulled his pants back up and headed back toward the car with his prize, causing the younger cop to quickly put his cock away and sprinted towards the cruiser.

O'Donnel was whistling innocently when the sergeant put the bound prisoner in back of large police vehicle, before getting in the drivers side and fixed the younger man with a look before starting the engine and driving off.

"Enjoy the ssshow?" asked the sergeant with what could bee interpreted as a smile on his reptilian face.

"W-wait...y-you...knew? asked O'Donnel with surprise and a touch of fear.

"Of course I knew" informed the sergeant with a slight raspy laugh.

"H-how?" asked O'Donnel.

"I could sssmell your arousssal a mile away" chuckled the older cop.

"Sarge, you may want to change back" said O'Donnel as they pulled up to the station.

Truth was, everybody in New York knew about the sergeant being the infamous Lizard, so it was a big shock for officer O'Donnel to see people being friendly to someone who could quite literally rip a person to shreds.

Just as O'Donnel and Conners had gotten King Shark out of the vehicle, a very familiar red and blue superhero came into view.

"I-is that...King Shark? he looks like he just got his whupped by New York's resident lizard cop" laughed Spiderman as he took in the sorry form of the villain.

"As a matter of fact, he did" snickered the younger cop.

"Shut it O'Donnel!" commanded the annoyed sergeant.

"Dude! that was way harsh, take a chill pill Lizzy" laughed Spiderman.

The young hero kept laughing for a bit, but screamed like a girl when the Lizard leapt at him and caused the hero to web sling away.

"O'Donnel" I've got some stuff to take care of, you've got things handled here don't you? asked the sergeant.

"Yes Sir!" replied the younger cop as he and another officer led the prisoner inside to book him, before taking to the sergeant's house.

When Sergeant Conners returned home later that day, his son had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him, Curt went over to where his son was sleeping and gently a fatherly kiss or the reptilian version of one on his head.

"Ssssleep my ssson" said Curt before pulling away and went upstairs to use the bathroom, not realizing that his two dogs had herd their master coming home and made their way to find him.

"Thissss will feel so good" hissed the sergeant as he whipped down his equipment belt and uniform trousers, before planting his meaty reptilian ass on the toilet and let out a loud fart.

The sergeant's two curious dogs had heard the noise and padded over towards the bathroom and went in, Curt jerked in utter shock as the dogs actually approached him and sniffed at the police sergeant's crotch.

Sergeant Conners had read stories online about men getting their dicks licked by dogs, and was rather curious about doing it himself, Curt's heart started beating faster in anticipation as he was about to live out a deep seeded desire of his.

The police sergeant let out a sigh of relief as a a pair of wet noses brushed against the side of his crotch, letting a content sigh escape him, as he observed the two dogs with his keen reptilian eyes.

Curt lifted his cock up with a hand, allowing the dogs to sniff at it, before one of the dogs gave the tip of the shaft a quick lick, hissing in pleasure as the dogs tongue licked his penis once more with a bit more force.

Curt's head spun as the dog licked at the thick shaft, the lapping tongue sending jolts of pleasure throughout his body, Curt morphed back to his human form, closing his eyes and let the dogs service him.

"Ahhhhh....lick daddy!" exclaimed Curt with a choked grunt as the feeling of the dogs tongues was absolutely incredible, the sergeant's breathing increased as the dogs assaulted his penis.

Curt gasped at the feeling of his pets tongues on his cock, the officer's sharp grunts turned to raspy hisses as he turned back to his lizard form.

The dogs yelped in surprise at seeing their owner turn into a reptilian creature right in front of them, the dogs sniffed at the Lizard's cock, before lapping away at it like nothing had happened.

A loud fart reverberated in the bathroom, before something landed in the bowl with a splash, sergeant Conners felt his arousal increase as he took a dump while being serviced by his dogs.

The sergeant's swollen cock was beginning to get sensitive form the constant licking, but even if he pushed the dogs away, they always seemed to come back and continued to torture the poor cop.

Curt was sure that everybody in the neighbourhood would think that a monster was loose, due to all the ear piercing shrieks he was making.

"P-please....ssstopp! daddy can't handle any more" cried the Lizard.

The dogs kept going, even as the sergeant wiped his butt and stood up.

One dog went behind the Lizard and bathed his ass with his tongue, while the second dog lapped at his cock and balls, a shriek was all the warning the dogs got before Curt bellowed and rope after rope of lizard cum shot from his cock like a cannon.

Curt was so tired after such a powerful orgasm, that he barely even felt the dogs cleaning his shaft with their tongues, and fell asleep in the middle of the bathroom with the two dogs.

After his son had left for school the next day, Curt had showered and was heading downstairs in his police uniform, the Lizard pulled his nightstick out and made his way down to the basement where King Shark was hanging in the middle of the room by a rope from the ceiling.

Curt went over a smacked the captive's face, before circling the captive like a shark.

"W-what do you want from me" asked King Shark tiredly.

"Do you know who this is" asked Curt as he produced a picture from his pocket and shoved it in the captive's face.

"THIS IS MY WIFE, THE MOTHER OF MY ONLY SON, AND ONE OF MANY PEOPLE THAT YOU KILLED!" snarled the sergeant, before jamming the baton into King Shark's gut and once again circled around him and slammed the baton across his bare ass.

"Let's be clear about one thing, while I won't kill you, I will make you sssuffer for what you've done" said the Lizard as he smacked the bound shark man's ass with his nightstick before raking his claws down the bound male's back.

"Arrghhh!" exclaimed the captive as the sergeant came around to stand before him.

"You're probably wondering why I look the way I do" stated Curt as he walloped the shark in the gut with the baton, feeling his cock harden in his uniform trousers as he moved behind the bound shark and withdrew a vile of liquid off the nearby table.

"Thissss isss lemon juice, while I use it for cooking, it has another use as well" hissed the Lizard as he popped off the lid and began to move behind the now very scared shark.

"Lemon juice is also quite painful when applied to cuts, now this this will ssssting quite a bit, so feel free to scream in absolute agony" said the Lizard as he poured the entire vile of lemon juice on the bleeding scratches on King Shark's back.

Curt felt very little if any sympathy for the shark, as he let loose the loudest most pain filled filled scream that the sergeant had ever heard, as the giant shark man thrash in his binds.

Once King Shark had stopped screaming like a banshee, Curt went up to the bound shark, seeming to smile as he caught a glimpse of this captive's erection and chuckled as he went behind him and began licking his ass.

King Shark let out a hoarse moan as the sergeant's tongue made contact with his bottom, only to thrash in anguish as the cop went back around to face him.

Curt knew that King Shark's will nearly broken, while it would've been easier just to take him to prison, Curt figured that no amount of prison time would ever change him and took it upon himself to punish the beast.

The sergeant had lost track of time, because the sound of his son and some of his friends was coming from upstairs, Curt gave King Shark one last swat on the ass before heading upstairs.

The sounds of children screaming in terror, could be heard throughout neighbourhood as the the police sergeant sent the other kids on their way, with a series of angry shrieks.

"Dad! did you really have to scare my friends?" asked Billy with a whine, as Curt eyed the big juicy cricket that landed on top of his cheeseburger, before his long slimy tongue shot out and snatched the burger along with the cricket and ate both all in one go and let out a loud belch.

"Ewww, that's so gross Dad!" exclaimed Billy with a giggle.

"Your old man's still got it" said Curt proudly, before coming around and scooping up his son, taking him to get ready for bed.

After putting his son to bed, Curt was in the middle of his before bed piss, when one of his dogs came over and lapped at his penis.

When he finished peeing, Curt went to his bedroom, flanked by his dog who eagerly watched him undress, before assaulting his butt with his tongue.

Curt quickly went and sat on the bed and spread his legs a little, offering his exposed crotch to the exited beast, moaning and panting with every lash of his dog's broad tongue.


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