Dance Academy Cockfest - Chapter 2

Story by Bruno Hirschkoff on SoFurry

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#16 of Bond of Brothers

Tracey gets it into his head that it would be a great idea to deliberately be as horny as possible for his next dance class to try and get the attention of Sammael.

Spoiler; It works.

Bunnybuns McSlutterton & Buckmeat Cummingsworth

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Dance Academy Cockfest

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~ a Bond of Brothers Side Story ~

© 2021 Bruno Hirschkoff

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Chapter 2

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"Out of their wounds may Furies swarm, to cut you down, my dear!"

"My dear, my dear, speak up! The Gods cannot hear us."

"Filth, filth, to kill a child!"

"Very good, Maddwyn!" Sammael said, watching and offering advice from the side while Maddwyn the doe, Jax the marten and Zak the wolf, along with a couple of his other students, performed leading roles from a classical Athonian play. The remainder of his class filled lesser roles, and were all given voice as members of the Chorus.

Zak lay motionless on the parquet floor, red rags spilling forth from his clothing in a dramatic facsimile of blood. His eyes were wide open though, probably because he could see right up the leg of Maddwyn's loose athletic shorts.

"Alright, Jax, I want to hear rage in your voice. Speak from the depths of your soul!" As Sam spoke, he demonstrated what he meant, projecting his voice to boom through the dance hall.

Jax was a slender, long-bodied marten, probably the same age as Tracey or perhaps a few months older. Meek and softly spoken, he did his best, his voice breaking into squeaks as he bellowed his closing lines. Zak snorted with laughter at his attempt.

"Zak, that's enough! You're supposed to be dead!" Sam chastised him.

"M-Mighty Bezar, God of Flame, do you hear?

She spits upon us,

Crushes us, that foulness,

That t-tigress who killed her sons..." Jax paused, eyes flickering nervously to Mykia--an actual tigress, who watched on from the Chorus with her usual nonchalance.

"...As long as life is left in me,

I'll weep for them, remind the gods

Of how you murdered them,

Refused me their touch!

The right to bury them! My sons!" The marten found his voice, advancing on Maddwyn.

"Oh why did I sow that seed? Why make them--for you to kill?!"

"Excellent work, Jax!" Sammael clapped. "Don't worry, when this was written, the world was a very different place. There were no Felidae on Athon. This is all about expression and developing your stage presence! Now, all in Chorus, let's close it out. Exodos!"

"Upon Seilyr, Bezar holds the balance," the monotonous chant of a dozen voices began, Zak, Jax and Maddwyn among them, their roles completed. "Expect the unexpected. What mortals dream, the gods frustrate; for the impossible they contrive a way. So it was with what happened here, today."

Sammael applauded loudly, and all twelve students bowed. Gerald watched on from the dance hall doorway, a smirk on the elk's muzzle. Sammael's students were improving rapidly. The young buck was demonstrating his value to the academy, that much was clear. The students seemed to feed on his flamboyant, extroverted nature. Someone was going to need to have a chat with that obnoxious wolf boy at some point, though, perhaps move him into a different group who wouldn't have their confidence dented by his thoughtlessness.

"Very good, very good," Sammael said, raising his arms to recapture the attention of his students. "Now, I know homework isn't our usual way..." a chorus of groans rippled through the group. "But for our next rehearsal I'd like everyone to have read and understood 'A note on ejaculations' in the back of your script books."

The groans turned to giggles, then to laughter.

"Ejaculations!" Zak ejaculated, with an emphatic thrust of his hips.

Several of the older students, Jax among them, seemed more embarrassed than titillated by the antiquated use of the word. Tracey, though, appeared confused.

"Alright, alright, calm down!" Sammael laughed. "Open your books, you'll see! 'Ejaculations' in the performing arts..." another titter of laughter; "...refers to a sound or a word you use to express fear, or joy, or shock. They vary from language to language, so if you wish to portray a character from say, ancient Athon, it's important to understand their ejaculations!"

Sam was deliberately pressing the button now.

" most definitely does not refer to the thing boys do at night when they think no one is listening!"

_Oh, THAT'S what that is! _Tracey's ears must've pricked forward, because Sam flashed the bunny a wink.

"Alright, class dismissed! Tracey, would you hang about after you've gotten changed to help me pack up, please? Thank you."

Tracey followed the rest of the students into the change room, although instead of stripping out of his leotard and undershorts, the bunny simply pulled on his sweatpants over the top, while surveying the sudden explosion of nudity all around him. He was growing to like those moments more and more. The casual exhibitionism of a shared changing room excited the bunny in ways he'd never anticipated. Jax the marten had an erection which he was--poorly--attempting to conceal. Mykia the tigress had noticed, and drew it to the attention of Maddwyn and a couple of the other girls. An explosion of giggles and furtive glances followed. From where Tracey sat, he had an uninterrupted view. The bunny stared quietly, trying not to draw attention to himself even as he groped himself through his sweats and Lycra until he had one too. His heart rate increased and it was only when he noticed Jax staring right at him that he hurriedly looked away, feeling a familiar throb and ooze of wetness into his Lycra.

"I think yours is bigger," came a quiet, effeminate voice from beside Tracey.

The bunny jumped. How had he not noticed Brook the gazelle right there next to him, staring right into his crotch? Brook giggled, shouldered their backpack, and trotted out of the change room without another word.


"So what kind of dance do you want to learn most, Tracey? You mentioned your brother Avery last week, do you know what he does?"

Tracey's ears flushed pink at the question, to which Sam already knew the answer. Sam knew, and Tracey knew that Sam knew. But Sam didn't know that Tracey knew. Ugh, this is confusing!

"Yeah, he told me. He's an adult performer," Tracey conceded with a shrug, although he tactfully left out the part where he knew that Sam was, too.

"Oh-oh really? I uh... that's interesting. You'd be a good adult dancer, Trace. Shit, no, I mean uh... what I mean is, you've got a really nice body and uh..."

Tracey watched Sammael squirm for a good long minute before flashing his dance instructor a knowing smirk. They were alone in the echoing dance hall, taking their time packing down the afternoon's stage props in preparation for a much more advanced class to rehearse later that evening.

"Can you teach me some moves?" Tracey prodded.

Sammael's heart skipped a beat. How much did he really know?

"Well, I... I don't... I wouldn't know, would I?"

"Sam, don't worry!" Tracey rolled his eyes. "I'm cool with it. Avery told me about the Boys Club. Do you ever dance... _naked?" _

Sam opened and closed his mouth a few times. He was not expecting this. Not at all. But the way Tracey's eyes wandered hungrily over him while he absent-mindedly groped himself caused blood to rush into the stag's groin, and away from his brain.

With a sigh, Sam relented. "Alright. But you tell _no one _about this, got it? I know you're an adult but not everyone at the Academy is. They can't know about the Boys Club."

Tracey nodded enthusiastically.

"Right. Well, it's all in the hips. Core strength, remember? Because when you're on a stage somewhere like the Boys Club, the people are there to see your ass, and your dick. And those things are right at their eye level, so you gotta make your junk the centre of the show, without necessarily just whipping it out. Tease the audience. Make them really want it."

Sam demonstrated, backing up against a doorframe and gyrating on it. Tracey was transfixed by the way Sam moved. It was so fluid. He rolled his hips, spun smoothly on one cloven hoof, perked out his toned, round buttocks and rolled his hips up and down, in and out.

"Like that, yeah? You try."

Sam stepped back, and Tracey moved up to the doorframe. The bunny was clumsy and awkward at first, but with a moment's guidance from Sam, he managed to perform a passable pole-drop and hip-rise, perking his ass out right at his instructor with a sultry gaze over his shoulder.

"Yeah, that's the stuff!" Sam said, keeping his voice calm with some effort. "Now come on, let's finish packing down."

Tracey pouted, but complied. Wonder if that made him hard...

The equipment room was tiny, and packed with stage props, exercise equipment, lights and AV gear. Tracey wriggled his way in, taking equipment from Sam and depositing it on shelves under the stag's guidance.

"Those ones go right up the top, near the back--see that space beside the microphones?" Sam pointed.

Tracey took the box he was given and stretched upward on the tips of his toes. He couldn't quite reach. He jumped, but even that wasn't quite high enough.

"Ugh, it's too high! I can't get it," he complained.

"That's okay, I got it."

Instead of waiting for Tracey exit the tiny space, Sam stepped in with him. It was virtually impossible for both of them to be in there without touching. Tracey felt a thrill of excitement run through his body as Sam stepped in close. The stag was a good six inches taller than Tracey and could reach the top shelf easily. But to get there he had to pass the bunny. He wedged himself behind Tracey, and reached above him to take the box from the bunny's hands. Tracey melted back against the warm firmness of Sam's body. It was the first time anyone had so openly pressed themselves against him, and for Tracey it felt _long _overdue. Subtly, the bunny pressed backward, pushing the pert, firm globes of his buttocks into Sam's groin. Sam exhaled shakily between Tracey's ears, and the bunny could feel the firm ridge of Sam's penis through their combined layers of clothing, wedged firmly between his buttocks. The stag's free hand slid down the slinky Lycra of Tracey's leotard, all the way to the waistband of his sweatpants and around to his tummy. It was so simple, but it set the bunny's youthful hormones on fire. He was stiff as a board in seconds, and by the feel of it, so was Sam.

Sam deposited the box and lingered there for a long moment in silence while he hardened against Tracey's body. The bunny leaned back into him subtly, and Sam made a small circle over the bunny's navel with one fingertip, trailing it teasingly downward until it bumped his waistband. Tracey giggled. Sam felt the bunny's little cotton tail wiggle against his belly, and gingerly pressed his hips forward to grind into that gorgeous, perky butt. He was expecting Tracey at any moment to pull away and run, or to call him out for being a pervert, but he didn't. Tracey tilted his head back and laid it on Sam's chest, and the stag automatically let his other arm fall around him, hugging him to his chest.

"You've got a boner," Tracey giggled. "That feels so nice..."

Sam's heart fluttered. No one had the right to be this adorably hot.

The stag nodded. "Mmhm. Bet you do, too."

Tracey bit his lip adorably and squirmed. "You better believe it."

He tugged out the waistband of his sweatpants, and Sam gazed eagerly down into them over Tracey's shoulder, to where the outline of the bunny's rigid flesh stood proud of the otherwise smooth, gently curvaceous lines of his Lycra-clad body. Tracey gently, almost tentatively, took Sammael's wrist and pushed the stag's hand down into his sweatpants.

"Wow, yeah, that's most definitely a boner," Sam said, trying his hardest to keep his voice level as he ground his palm along the hard ridge in the bunny's lycra.

Sam's cock throbbed with need, and the stag could feel precum welling up thickly into his foreskin. That was going to leave a wet spot when he softened. If he softened.

"D'you like it?" Tracey asked, a slight tremor in his voice.

Sam exhaled hotly over Tracey's ear, gyrating his hips slowly against the bunny's butt and offering a breathy "uh-huh!"

A little breathless himself, Tracey wriggled around in Sam's arms to face the stag, gazing up at him with his long ears drooping down over his shoulders. Sammael's hands came to a natural rest on Tracey's hips, before sliding around to the bunny's buttocks, inside his sweatpants. Tracey gave a little mewl that turned what remained of Sam's restraint to jelly, and pressed into his instructor. Their hard bulges ground and pressed together, and Sam moved his hips side to side to rub and flick them off of one another. The sweet musk of bunny boy rose on the heated air between them, and Sam breathed it in deeply.

Things might have progressed even further in that moment, if it weren't for the sound of distant voices from beyond the dance hall. Early arrivals for the evening rehearsal! The heated moment between stag and bunny dissipated, with Sam glancing fearfully towards the open door of the equipment room.

"Shit. Tracey I'm sorry, I lost control, I should never have..."

Tracey snorted and rolled his eyes. The bunny hugged tight around Sammael's waist. "It's fine, Sam! I... I like it. A lot. No one's ever done anything like that to me before, it feels really good..."

"Wait, really? No one?"

"Nope. Total virgin," Tracey mumbled.

"We should get out of here before we get caught, I don't want to risk this job."

Tracey nodded a little reluctantly. There was still equipment to put away, too. Slowly, with one last little grind and a flex against the bunny, Sam pulled back. Somewhere deep in Tracey's horny brain, Avery's voice cut through, repeating the warnings he'd given his brother about the stag. Tracey dismissed it.

"I need to pee," Tracey announced.

"So do I, haha! C'mon, let's get this junk put away first, it'll only take a moment."

Between them, Sam and Tracey put away the last of their props, by which time the bunny was dancing on his toes and groping himself to stem the flow. They exited the dance hall hastily, after a moment of confusion from Tracey about why they were moving away from the change rooms, where the bathrooms were.

"C'mon, we'll use the staff facilities!" Sam said, steering Tracey through a maze of corridors in the bowels of the Academy.

Tracey's bladder sloshed as he walked. He wasn't in any position to argue! The bunny certainly didn't want to embarrass himself by having another accident, and especially not in front of Sammael.

The staff bathroom was old, much older than the change room adjacent the dance hall. The familiar acrid pong of a very well-used facility assaulted Tracey's twitching nostrils the moment Sam opened the swinging door with a hoof to usher him in. There were three cubicles along one wall and a big steel trough urinal against the other, with hand wash stations alongside. Tracey's ears swivelled back and forth, a moment of indecision gripping the bunny. Should be maintain his modesty and use a cubicle? Or step up to the urinal alongside Sammael? Tracey desperately wanted to feel his instructor's eyes on him again, and his hands. And the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the stag's cock was too good to refuse. In a sense, it was fairly obvious to Tracey that Sam's invitation to the staff bathroom was an invitation to go further. He took the opportunity.

Sam was already moving up to the trough.

His decision made, Tracey stepped right up alongside him. Sam quirked an eyebrow. Brave bunny! Or just horny. Sam settled on 'both.'

"You're wearing a lot of layers there, Trace," Sam observed.

Oh no!

Tracey registered a moment of panic, feeling his bladder weaken. Sweatpants, leotard _and _undershorts? How was that going to work? Hurriedly, the bunny shucked his soft pants down to his feet and kicked them away across the bathroom floor. Sammael ogled him shamelessly. There was a sizeable wet spot where the tip of Tracey's penis sat. The bunny still had an erection.

By that time Sam had tugged himself out of his athletic shorts and underwear. His foreskin issued forth a thick, messy gush of precum over his fingers when he pulled it back. He grunted and, with a flick of his tail, sent a powerful stream into the urinal trough. Tracey was torn between undressing himself properly and potentially missing the chance to catch a glimpse, and... he dared not contemplate the alternatives. With a hasty wriggle and a squirm, Tracey slipped the shoulder straps of his leotard down his arms and send the white spandex garment flying to join his sweatpants. That left him in only his dark blue undershorts. Shakily, the bunny stepped up to the urinal grate. His gaze fell directly and very deliberately on Sammael's junk.

The stag didn't attempt to hide himself. Holding down his waistband well beneath his balls with one thumb, his other hand held back his loose foreskin, exposing a shiny, wet tip. Tracey had never seen an uncut one up close before. The bunny licked his dry lips. Sam was watching him. Boldly, the bunny shoved down his shorts to his knees. Sammael actually groaned, just quietly, at the sight of Tracey's ragingly hard cock as it sprung from its cloth prison, pointing so rigidly upward that Tracey needed to push it down with a thumb at the base and tilt his hips to aim it anywhere close to the urinal trough. Even when his bladder was empty, the stag didn't put himself away. It was obvious the bunny wanted to see.

Their eyes met momentarily and Tracey gasped, hurriedly averting his gaze.

Sam chuckled. "Don't worry. I wouldn't have invited you up here if I didn't think you'd sneak a peek. You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself."

Steadily, Sammael's penis stiffened to the sight of Tracey, standing all but naked right beside him. The bunny hazarded another look. Tracey felt his cock twitch involuntarily. The rising heat and subtle sting that usually came right before he came was there, just from sheer excitement. If he didn't need to pee so badly, half a dozen strokes would've set him off.

Sam turned towards Tracey, an obvious sign that he was quite alright with showing off a little. His uncircumcised penis bobbed gently with his elevated heart rate. When he let go of it, the skin slid forward, almost completely covering his slick, tender-looking glans. The bunny, by contrast, was circumcised. His glans was dry, but shiny and smooth with the strength of his erection. He looked to be a fairly loose cut, although his faint scar was almost halfway back along his shaft, and seemed to have plenty of mobile skin.

"Can you pee when you're hard?" Sammael ventured. "Should I leave you to give you a chance?"

Tracey shook his head hurriedly. "N-no! I mean yes. I mean, I can pee, but it's messy. Sprays out sideways and stuff."

At no point after that did the bunny's eyes wander from Sammael's erection, and the stag turned more towards him, rolling his foreskin juicily back and forth over his glans with forefinger and thumb. Tracey gripped his smooth coin purse balls roughly in one hand, tugging downward on them and shoving his hips forward. Watery precum welled up and dripped from the bunny's urethra, and he furtively rubbed his open palm up and down the underside of his cock a few times with a shaky grunt.

"Don't worry if you make a mess. Take a step back if you need to, just let fly."

Tracey swallowed thickly and nodded. His bladder stung with need. After another flurry of furtive, almost absent-minded masturbation, the bunny squared up to the urinal and jutted his hips backward to get the angle right. Tugging his balls downward to aim his penis at the steel trough, he concentrated hard. Sam smirked.

Tracey's stream began with a dribble. A messy spritz of droplets followed when he clenched. Then a stream. A slender, thin, weak arc that split in two, and became messier as it strengthened. There would have been no way the bunny could have got it into a bowl if he'd been trying in a cubicle. He exhaled shakily with relief as his bladder was finally relieved, the unsteady, messy stream dribbling and splattering noisily right up near the top of the trough, almost at chest height. His eye kept darting over to Sam. His instructor's cock, that only minutes earlier had been pressed up against Tracey's ass in the equipment room, stared him in the face. His foreskin was loose, the overhanging fold of skin parted just a little to expose glistening flesh within.

Tracey squeezed his penis. It had softened just slightly while he peed, but surged back to full-strength as soon as he was done. He milked out the last drops, although when he shook them off, the action devolved into another round of furtive rubbing, almost beyond his ability to restrain.

"Gods, look at you. You can barely restrain yourself, huh? D'you jerk off a lot?" Sam asked quietly. His voice was a little shaky, Tracey noticed.

"S-sorry, just really excited. Um... yeah, I guess?"

Sam laughed. "Typical bunny, right?"

The two dancers, student and instructor, stood in silence for a long moment of mutual appreciation.

"You should really put your clothes back on," Sam suggested, at length.

Tracey nodded reluctantly. "I know. Ugh, I'm gonna have a boner all night!"

"Not if you keep rubbing it the way you were just now," the stag grinned, winking knowingly.

Tracey's ears perked forward. Could he tempt Sam to go further with him? Avery's warnings about Sammael suddenly seemed insipid and wildly misplaced.


Tracey lay awake.

Ejaculating. ...the thing boys do at night when they think no one is listening!

From the bunk beneath him, Tracey could just make out the rhythmic _shff-shff-shff _of Avery's hand moving against the inside of his blanket, and the staccato, shallow breaths that went along with the nightly--sometimes twice or thrice-nightly--activity that Tracey knew without a doubt he was engaging in.

In spite of his rampant teenage hormones, Tracey had somehow missed out on any kind of meaningful sex education--and because he was a bunny, most people assumed he sort of instinctively knew it. He'd never associated masturbation with sex, and as such the terminologies never crystallised in his mind. It just felt good, that was all he was concerned about.

The familiar sound from below made Tracey hard. That in itself was no surprise. Bunnies have extraordinary libido. His ears swivelled against his pillow. If Avery knew he was awake, he'd stop. But Tracey didn't want him to stop. Quite the opposite. Since starting his dance classes with Sammael, Tracey's curiosity had only grown. The younger bunny shuffled his pyjama pants down as slowly and silently as he could. He fondled and tugged his balls, sliding his shaft along his inner forearm and rubbing the head into his soft belly fur. That caused a pleasant tingle. Tracey palmed his glans, pushing his shaft down and capturing it between his thighs. A flex brought it back to his tummy with a dull whack.

There was a pause and a shuddering sigh from beneath, and then the sound of Avery's blankets being pushed down. The _shff-shff _of his hand on the inside of his blankets was replaced by a rapid, rhythmic fleshy noise. Tracey's curiosity overflowed, along with a drop of precum into his navel.

"Hey," he whispered harshly, rolling onto his side and peering over the edge of his bunk in the darkness. "Hey Av."


Avery had stopped. He was laying there in total silence. Tracey could just barely make out the form of his naked older brother, his blankets bunched around his knees. He squinted, trying to make out the sight of his cock, but he was holding his hands over it.

"Are you ejaculating?" Tracey whispered.

"What?" Avery grunted sleepily.

"I can hear you doin' it!"

"Doing what? Go to sleep, Tracey!"

Tracey huffed quietly, but flopped back onto his bunk. Dammit!

Avery's balls tingled and ached. He'd been _so close _to cumming. Moments away, at most. His little brother had blueballed him hard. Perhaps he shouldn't have stopped. He waited a few minutes, and then risked curling his hand around his tingling cock again. He barely contained his groan of pleasure. He couldn't deny that it was exciting, suddenly, to think that Tracey knew what he was doing. As if he hadn't known for years already. Avery suppressed those thoughts aggressively, but deep in the core of his horny mind, he was picturing the look of horny shock on Tracey's face that occurred when Avery interrupted him. His little brother's cock was significantly larger than his own.

Avery kept one ear open while he masturbated, working his saliva-slickened cock in a tightly-clenched fist. He went as slowly as he could, trying to minimise the noise he made.

Tracey listened intently.

Finally, his boldness won out.

Tracey began to masturbate with intent. He wasn't even trying to be quiet. Avery growled (insofar as an extremely gay bunny _can _growl) and kicked the underside of Tracey's bunk. Tracey giggled quietly, and kept going. He rubbed himself with furtive little flurries of open-palmed strokes, pressing it tightly into his velvety fur, alternating between his tummy and his thigh. There was no rhythm to Tracey's technique--indeed, no technique at all. It was pure sensation-seeking, pure friction, although he at least was eminently familiar with his ultimate destination.

After a moment of conspicuous silence, Avery resumed.

Tracey squirmed in delight. Precum oozed forth from the younger bunny's rigid flesh, and he smeared it wetly around his glans with one palm, gripping his base with the other. It made a lewd squelch, which turned into a rhythmic _schlick _sound while he rosy-palmed himself into a quivering, trembling mess of horny bunny boy.

Beneath him, Avery ceased trying to be quiet. The rhythmic, wet slap of his older brother's urgent masturbation was like music to Tracey's ears. But what was even better, was when moments later, Avery grunted. Their entire bunk-bed trembled and shook rhythmically a few times, and Avery relaxed with a loud sigh.

Tracey was seconds behind his older brother. He rubbed his glans wetly, rolling his palm over it vigorously until he felt the familiar rising heat, those swarming butterflies all concentrating their fluttering wings right into the very tip of his straining penis... His orgasm was unstoppable when it happened. The sudden rush of burning pleasure caused Tracey's spine to arch upward off of his bunk, jutting his hips high into the air. A rush of slippery fluid slickened his palm, and he collapsed down onto his mattress, breathing hard. For lack of anything else to do with it, Tracey wiped his hand off on the edge of his mattress.

Beneath him, Avery was silent once again.


Avery avoided eye contact with Tracey the following morning. When Tracey tried to catch him alone, Avery just scowled and hurried away. Tracey supposed he'd probably pushed his brother's boundaries. Maybe it would take a while for Avery to get used to the idea of not having to hide stuff like that from him! It never occurred to Tracey that for most people, sexual openness between siblings was a sensitive topic, at best.

_I'll ask Sammael about it! He'll know. _


Tracey didn't masturbate for the whole day before his next dance class. It was out of a mixture of daring and curiosity; it was obvious to the bunny by now that his dance tutor liked it when he was conspicuously horny in class, and Tracey wanted to impress him. But the bunny also enjoyed the breathless excitement that came when he was really, really turned on. The way it tingled through his whole body, making him even more aware than usual of the size and heft of his endowment, felt extra nice. The challenge for him was not compulsively indulging in his bodily desires whenever they arose--which was often.

He arrived at the Smithy Lane Academy early. Maybe he'd get to see Sammael alone for a few minutes. Even the thought of that caused a little flush of adrenalin to tingle through his slender frame. With his backpack slung over one shoulder, the bunny stepped into the empty dance hall. The lights weren't on yet, but he could see a glow coming from around the change room door.

"Hello?" He called.

There was no reply, and his voice echoed around the empty space. Sam was nowhere to be seen. Tracey lurked for a few minutes, before deciding it would be best to get changed before the bulk of the other dance students arrived. He trotted to the change room door, and pushed through it into the now familiar space. Lockers lined both walls, and there was a double bank of them down the centre too. Metal benches were bolted to the tiled floor in front of the lockers. The change room was empty, aside from a single backpack on a bench down the far end. Tracey's ears rose, dishing forward to listen for any sound.

"Mm, yeah, tell me how much you want it, Mykia..."

It was little more than a breathy whisper, punctuated by shaky, excited breathing, but it was more than enough for Tracey to get an idea of who it was. Jax! Really?!

Silently, the bunny deposited his backpack and padded closer. The heightened breathing grew more obvious the closer he got, echoing subtly from the hard surfaces of the change room. Jax the marten came into view when Tracey tentatively poked his head around the end of the central bank of lockers. He was sitting slouched down on a bench right in the back corner of the change room, with his shorts around his ankles. He was holding his cock tightly in a clenched fist, stroking it up and down with obvious intent. A rapid, rhythmic slap accompanied his activity, the sound of his balls bouncing off of his hand.

A thrill of voyeuristic excitement coursed through Tracey's body. The bunny stared, fondling himself roughly through his shorts. He couldn't quite tell but it looked like Jax was circumcised, like Tracey--a new concept, the alternative to which Tracey had been utterly oblivious until the previous week with Zak and Sammael. And suddenly, it was a thing he wondered about everyone he crossed paths with. As much as sneaking a peek excited Tracey, the notion of joining in with the marten seemed even better. In a rush of teenage arousal, the bunny dropped his shorts and stripped out of his shirt, leaving them on the floor where they fell. Wearing only his tented underwear, he stepped boldly out into Jax's view.

The marten froze. The look of horror on his face was quickly replaced by--was that relief? Tracey was taken aback by that. Jax was one of the most reserved students in the group and Tracey was more than a little surprised to see him exhibiting none of his usual shyness.

"Tracey! Thank the gods it's only you. You scared me. I thought you were...uh..."

"Mykia?" Tracey suggested, grinning.

Jax blushed. "You heard that, huh? M-maybe. B-but it' I mean, I was just... you know... so I don't get a stiffy in front of her again... or in front of like, the whole group."

"Oh. Well, don't let me stop you if you wanna keep ejaculating!" Tracey said, proudly using his newest word.

Jax tilted his head quizzically. "What? I didn't get there yet!"

"Huh? I just saw you! You were doin it just now!" Tracey protested, groping himself openly and staring at Jax's groin, where the marten's hand was still curled around his erection.

"No, I was _masturbating. _You know, jerking off? Ejaculating is what happens at the end, when you cum. Tracey, how do you not know this? You're like, the horniest guy in the whole group, you've _always _got a boner!"

Tracey squirmed, caught between embarrassment at being corrected and excitement that Jax had noticed his rampant arousal, and seemed not to mind it. For lack of a better reply, Tracey shoved his underwear down to mid thigh and exhibited himself to the marten. Jax snorted with laughter and, to Tracey's delight, let go of his penis, pushing it downward with a thumb at its base to show off right back to the bunny.

"Nice," Tracey commented, stepping up closer until his throbbing erection was right at Jax's eye level, only a few feet away. "We're kinda the same, but yours is pinker'n mine."

"Y-yeah, it um... goes kinda red when I've masturbated a lot, cos I'm pretty rough with it. Doesn't yours?"

Tracey shrugged. He'd never noticed.

"You gonna join in or what?" The marten prompted.

Before Tracey could respond, Jax resumed his prior activity as if he'd never paused. He spat into his palm and twisted it wetly around his rigid flesh a few times, then began to pump his cock through his fist with the same force and vigour Tracey had observed moments before. The bunny sat down next to Jax and stared for a long moment.

"What's the matter? Haven't you seen anyone else do it before?" Jax grunted.

"I... of course I have!" Tracey lied. It wasn't a _total _lie, he supposed. Or was it? He'd caught glimpses, but no one had ever done it so openly in his presence. "I've just... never seen anyone do it like _that _before."

"Huh? This is how everyone does it, isn't it?"

Tracey wrestled with his intentions for a moment. He really did want to go to class as horny as he could manage, to try and get Sammael's attention again. But this was a whole different kind of excitement. It felt more normal, to Tracey. Less taboo than wanting to rub dicks with his dance tutor. Even as he thought it over, the bunny was aimlessly palming at his cock, rubbing and squeezing and pushing it around aimlessly. Jax was watching him. So Tracey demonstrated for the marten, gripping his root with one hand and vigorously palming his glans with the other. His toes curled and he trembled with the sudden onslaught of pleasure.

"Huh, that's weird," Jax commented. "That's called 'rosy palm.' I do it sometimes, but it doesn't make me cum. Try it this way, it's how everyone does it."

Jax slouched down a little further and spread his legs to give Tracey a better view, urging the bunny to stroke his cock the way he was. Tracey had to admit, the sounds of Jax's masturbation matched the noises Avery made in the bunk beneath him every night. So he copied, loosening the grip of the hand around his root and instead moving it up and down. It gripped and caught on his shaft skin, and at first Tracey couldn't see the appeal. But he observed Jax more closely in what had rapidly turned into a lesson in self-pleasure, and soon worked out that if he squeezed it a bit harder and moved the loose skin of his shaft against the back of his glans, it felt pretty nice.

"Mm, yeah that's it," Jax murmured. "I can't believe I have to explain this to you, but it's just like... you're trying to simulate sex with your hand. Up and down, in and out, you know? C'mon, this is like, a basic instinct."

Tracey didn't know, but he nodded sagely. It made sense.

In the moments that followed, Jax lapsed into horny silence, the only sounds coming from him the rhythmic, wet slap of his frantic masturbation, the rattling of the metal bench beneath the boys, and the marten's elevated breathing and occasional breathy moan.

"So is there anyone in the group you're thinkin' about there, Trace?"

The bunny almost blurted the truth, but stopped himself at the last moment. Happily, Jax wasn't paying that much attention.

"I'm so fucking into Mykia. She's so hot. Just... want her to pin me down and snarl at me, oh fuck... I caught a glimpse of her pussy last week. She was bending over and I was behind her. Got me hard in like two seconds. Just wanna taste it, I... Ah!"

The marten suddenly convulsed. His eyes flew open and he hurriedly launched himself up onto his feet. Turning to face the lockers behind the bench, Jax worked his cock for a few more seconds, and then gave a loud, hoarse moan of pleasure. It was right at Tracey's eye level. The bunny stared open-mouthed as Jax's hips bucked and shook, the marten's balls clenched up hard beneath his shaft. A few thin streaks of opaque, sticky cum launched through his clenched fist to splatter the door of the locker he'd been leaning on.

Tracey rubbed himself up and down with rapid, awkward motions. It was an almost totally new action for him and he had no muscle memory for it, but it certainly seemed to be a more reliable way to make himself cum. It was similar to the way he palmed himself through his clothes, but with a closed fist instead. How had it never occurred to him? Tracey stored away the new information in his mind, and after a moment of contemplation realised that Jax was hurriedly getting dressed in his undershorts and leotard ready for the impending class. There was no time left, and Tracey was reminded of his day-long abstinence and the reason for it. His cock tingled and ached with the strength of his erection, but he forced himself to stop playing with it. By the time Tracey had stood and collected his discarded clothing, the bunny and the marten could hear voices from the dance hall outside, rapidly approaching. Just in time.

Jax chuckled as he watched Tracey stuff his stubbornly persistent erection into his shorts and leotard. It was painfully obvious, and almost every one of the dozen or so students in the class noticed it as they all filed in to change. But attention was suddenly drawn away from the bunny by a shriek from the back of the change room.

"Okay, which one of you little _freaks _jerked off on my locker?!" Mykia shouted, bursting around from behind the central bank of lockers, holding her sticky hand out as far from herself as she could.

Jax made eye contact with Tracey, and shrugged imperceptibly. The marten looked immensely pleased with himself.


After a few weeks of dance classes, Tracey getting erections in his Lycra was so commonplace that most of the other students didn't give it a second thought any longer. But Sammael seemed to enjoy the sight and his own indulgence in it more and more, and that only made the bunny bolder. And today of all days, after abstaining for a whole day and then his 'lesson' from Jax, Tracey's cock had absolutely no chance whatsoever of softening.

Sam led the class through a range of yoga-based exercises, focusing on core strength, agility, breath control, posture and balance, and walked amongst his students correcting posture here and there.

"Very good, Jax. Let's see you move from the baby cobra pose, through a half-standing fold and up into a tree position," Sam instructed.

The marten moved through the series of poses, utilising Sam's movement techniques to slip fluidly from one to the next as if weightless. That was the point of the exercise--the movement, not the pose itself. He paused in the half-fold to give Tracey--who was right behind him--an upside-down grin and a wink between his legs. He brought his arms one by one back above himself, and rose effortlessly to what looked like a ballet position, before lifting one leg, knee out, to finish with the tree pose.

"Excellent! Everyone else, follow Jax's lead!"

A dozen students dropped to the baby cobra, backs arched and upper bodies raised. Sam walked a lap of the loose group, the ever-watchful mentor. Even the way he walked was reminiscent of a dancer, Tracey found himself thinking. His upper body was immobile, and he moved almost with a sort of stealth, as if he were always on a catwalk.

"Eyes forward, Tracey. A dancer uses all of their senses to map the space around them, not only sight. Now, everyone, raise your hips, keep your legs straight! Walk backwards on your hands if you need, although ultimately you shouldn't have to. Think of a seed germinating, the way it curls upward from within the husk to emerge into the sunlight. Yes, yes! Very good, Mykia."

Maddwyn and Mykia shared a quiet giggle over something Sam had said, although the reference was lost on Tracey. As the bunny rose into the half-fold, Sammael was right behind him. Staring directly at the bunny's upturned buttocks. Mimicking Jax, Tracey flashed his tutor an upside-down wink and a grin, and arched his back slightly to push his hips outward even further. Sammael was, momentarily, speechless. Tracey's eye fell to the stag's crotch, and he noticed that Sam had one hand in the pocket of his loose shorts, and seemed to be fondling himself. Tracey flexed his cock firmly and felt it ooze into his Lycra. The bunny could feel the slickness of the wet patch in the front of his undershorts, and knew his erection was going to be extra obvious when he rose to the tree pose. Knowing Sam was staring, it tingled and throbbed against the inside of his Lycra, and the gentle friction of the fabric sliding against it elicited a shaky huff from the bunny.

Sammael moved up close behind him. Tracey swallowed heavily.

"A-alright, now... just the way Jax did, everyone rise into the tree pose. Bend only from the hips, I don't want to see any hooves or feet moving. Walk backwards a pace on your hands to bring your legs vertical, then raise your hands up behind your back to balance yourself."

Tracey did so. That brought his tight, Lycra-clad butt closer to Sammael. The stag did not take a backward step.

_I bet he's hard over me, _Tracey thought smugly.

The bunny could feel the tightness in the backs of his thighs and calves at this position--it was something he couldn't have done only a few weeks ago. Sam's stretching and toning exercises were starting to make sense. He tightened his core, and fluidly swung his arms back and up, holding them out from his hips and rotating through the shoulder as he lifted his torso, arching his back to 'grow' into a tree.

As he pushed upward and began to raise his right foot to his left knee, Sammael was right there. The stag's hands rested educationally on Tracey's body, tightening his posture and centring his spine.

"That's it. Keep your hips level, push them forward."

Sam's hand went to Tracey's hip. The lycra of his leotard and undershorts, which had dragged deliciously against the underside of his rigid bunnyhood all the way through the previous movement, tightened as Sam squeezed his hip. Tracey felt a burning tingle that began in his balls bloom through his whole core, and gasped. He heard Sammael breathe in deeply through his nose right beside him, and the stag's hand squeezed the bunny's hip a little tighter. Tracey's hips shook and he shoved them forward, gyrating against the sudden explosion of pleasure emanating from his crotch. Out of nowhere, he was teetering on the edge of orgasm, right there in the middle of his dance class!

Sammael, having determined that in that moment no one was watching, gave in to temptation. He leaned forward over Tracey's shoulder briefly, gazing down at the clear outline of Tracey's straining erection. On the premise of guiding the bunny to keep his spine vertical, Sam placed his hand on Tracey's lower tummy. Tracey's cock pulsed hard, flexing visibly.

_He's gonna touch it! _Tracey thought. _C'mon, do it! Fuck, I'll cum if he touches it... _

It barely needed to happen. A slow, heavy throb pulsed through him, and then another. Sam's fingers were barely half an inch from the tip of Tracey's cock, and the stag could feel the dampness of the bunny's precum. As subtly as he could, Tracey rolled his hips, pushing his cock upward against the inside of the Lycra. It was enough. It bumped Sam's fingers, and the stag exhaled hotly against the back of Tracey's neck. His fingers slid downward. Tracey trembled. It was only Sam holding him upright. His tutor squeezed the bunny's straining penis just once, and only for a split second. Just long enough, though.

Tracey trembled and shook, and his hips bucked forward. He stumbled, dropping his raised foot to keep his balance... and orgasmed. His eyes rolled back in his head, and his cock pulsed rhythmically and hard half a dozen times. Hot fluid gushed forth into his undershorts, oozing thickly through them and his leotard and drooling down the underside of his cock to drip onto the parquet floor of the dance hall.

Sammael stepped back hurriedly. He'd known the bunny was ridiculously turned on, but did he really just cum from a single touch, right there in his leotard in front of the whole dance class? The stag opened and closed his mouth ineffectually a few times. Tracey's eyes widened. Still mid-orgasm, the bunny fled, holding himself in his hand as he dashed awkwardly for the change room, his cock pumping forth thick, gooey jets into his Lycra as he stumbled away. Every other pair of eyes in the class was on the stag, then.

"I uh. Jax, Mykia, could you two please lead the others through some more movement routines of your own design, please? I'll be right back, I'll just uh... go check if he's alright," Sam improvised, before he too, fled the dance hall.



Sam pushed open the change room door slowly and peered around it. Tracey was nowhere to be seen, but one of the cubicles at the back was occupied. Sam approached, and gently tapped on the door.

"Tracey?" he repeated. "Are you alright?"

The bolt opened with a click, and Tracey let the door swing open. He'd stripped off his leotard, and stood there in only his blue undershorts--which bore a large cum-stain, dripping down his thigh. He seemed a little flustered, but his eyes were half-lidded and his mouth open with heated intent. He even pushed his hips forward a little and made a point of letting his gaze linger on the stag's groin.

_This kid is unbelievable, _Sam thought.

Aloud, he said; "Did you just cum, right there in class?"

Tracey nodded, perhaps slightly unsure of how his response would be received. "Mmhm. I hadn't done it all day, and I was really turned on..."

"Fuck... Tracey, I..."

"I dreamed about you doing that."

Sam inhaled sharply. "Uh. I see... Did you... intend for it to happen, then?"

"Not really," Tracey shrugged. "But I was _really _horny and um... I dunno, it's never just... happened like that before. Not so easily. I was right on the edge before you touched it and that just set it off."

"I notice you spend a lot of time in class with an erection, have you considered maybe uh... taking care of it before class, to avoid the embarrassment?"

Tracey looked Sam up and down slowly. It was clear that the stag enjoyed seeing him with a stiffy. He enjoyed being close to him. Even touching him, as it turned out. Tracey decided to put his cards on the table. The precocious little bunny grinned, and stepped forward to rest a hand tentatively on Sammael's hip. The stag didn't pull away. Tracey's heart raced. He was getting another stiffy, and tweaked at the slippery Lycra with his other hand.

"I didn't play with it all day today so I'd be horny in class today. I know you like seeing' it, and I like showing it," the bunny said. "Last week when you... you know, in the storage room and up in the staff bathroom... no one's ever done that with me before."

"Mm. Well... I cannot believe I'm doing this, but... you're right. You've got my attention. You're pretty keen to show off, aren't you?"

Tracey replied by pushing down the front of his sticky shorts. His cock bobbed stiffly between them, and lust burned in the bunny's eyes.

"Gods... Tracey, we're in the middle of class! I think maybe you should sit out the rest of this class in here... jerk off or something. You know as well as I do that _nothing _can happen between us..." Sam leaned in close to whisper in Tracey's ear, barely audibly; "...if there is any chance of anyone else finding out. Got it?"

Tracey mewled quietly, and slid his arms around Sam's waist, pressing close against him. He giggled suddenly.

"You're hard," the bunny murmured. "I can feel it."

Sam groaned, and slid his hands down to roughly grope Tracey's taut, toned buttocks, pulling his hips tight to his own, just momentarily.

"You little demon..." the stag murmured, before stepping back. "No. That's enough for now. I have to get back to teaching this class. Meet me in my office after class, please. We need to talk."

Sam swept back out of the change room, past Jax and Brook, who had just at that moment worked up the curiosity to open the door and peek in. What they heard was Sam apparently ordering Tracey to his office after class, but nothing more.

The stag seemed flustered and was walking with a slight limp as he returned to the dance hall, and Jax peered in. Tracey had shut the cubicle door again, though, and the marten couldn't see anything--although he had a fairly good idea of what had transpired. The next time he saw Tracey, when class concluded some twenty minutes later, the bunny was sitting fully-clothed on the bench in the change room looking extremely pleased with himself.

"Hey," the marten said, approaching the bunny. "What was all that about?"

Jax sat beside him, his fur and leotard damp with sweat from what seemed to have been a fairly intensive workout. Tracey squirmed and giggled softly.

"I ejaculated," he said, matter-of-factly.

Jax's eyes widened. "What?! In class? How?"

"I didn't finish after you did earlier, and didn't do it all day either. I just... it just happened!"

"Wait, you didn't do it _all day? _How often do you do it?!"

Tracey shrugged. "Dunno. Five or six times, I guess? If I've got the space and privacy? I have a lot of siblings, so sometimes I have to be really quick about it. Just now I did it how you showed me though, and it worked really well, I got there in under a minute and it was really good."

"So you usually jerk off like six times a day, you didn't do it for a whole day, came in the middle of dance class, and then ran away to the change room and did it again straight away?!"

"Yeah, so?" Tracey shrugged.

"I guess it's true what they say about bunnies, haha! What does Sam wanna see you about? Are you in trouble?"

"I dunno, probably!" Tracey lied.

"I think he's into you."

The bunny was silent.

"He's pretty hot," Jax persisted. Tracey couldn't argue with that. "Hey so uh, I'm gonna get changed and go home--see you next week, yeah?"

"Sure! Oh Jax?"



"For what?"

"You know... showing me how."

The marten flashed Tracey a toothy grin, and scampered back to his locker to change. And probably, Tracey thought, to try and get a glimpse of Mykia naked again.


"Come in, Trace. Shut the door, good lad."

Tracey scuffed his feet on the carpet of Sammael's office, and dumped his backpack behind the door as he entered. The stag was sitting behind a small desk, reading through his lesson plan for the following week. He dropped the paperwork and raised his eyes to the bunny boy. A smirk played at the corners of his mouth. It was like a scene from a cheesy military drama, right before the maverick Marine declares they're going after the bad guys no matter what the CO says.

"Now. About what happened today. Do you want to tell me anything else? Why, how, what was your thought process around all of that?"

"Well..." Tracey began haltingly. Sam's tone of voice was soft and welcoming. "Well... I... I don't know, it just happened! I was really excited and couldn't stop it and..."

"That much is obvious. But I think you had a motive. You intended to come to class worked up and show off to me, didn't you?"


"Interesting," the stag said. He stood from behind his desk and stepped around to lean on the edge of it, facing the bunny. There was a large and distinct wet spot in his shorts, up near his hip. "Don't worry, I'm not mad about it. But if you're going to do stuff like that... make sure it's a bit less public than that."

Tracey bit his lip and glanced around the small, windowless office. "You mean like... in here?"

Sammael didn't reply, but flashed the bunny a smirk. In a flash, Tracey had launched his slender body into his outstretched arms.

"I like it when you touch me," the bunny said breathlessly. "No one's ever touched me the way you do, it's like you have magic hands."

"Mm, like this?" Sam murmured, sliding his hands down beneath the elastic waistband of Tracey's sweatpants. Beneath them, the bunny still wore his blue lycra undershorts, and Sam grinned as an idea crossed his filthy mind.

Fresh arousal surged through Tracey's body. He could feel once again the firm ridge of Sammael's erection pressed to his lower tummy, and rose to his tip-toes to bring his own up against it.

"You get turned on pretty easily, huh?" Sam commented.

"Mmhm. I jerked off again after you came into the changeroom."

"And you're still this eager?"

"Duh, I'm a bunny!"

In the privacy of the office, Sam didn't hold back. Tracey shivered as the buck's hand slid down the front of his sweatpants then, firmly squeezing and groping him through his sticky undershorts. Even as Sam's hands pushed down his sweatpants, the bunny was working his tutor's athletic shorts down his toned thighs. Sammael was wearing a tightly-fitted pair of lycra boxers beneath, upon which there was a huge patch of slippery dark wetness--just as big as the wet spot Tracey made with a full-blown ejaculation. But it was more than a bit of bulge-groping Tracey was hoping for. Almost everything Sammael did was Tracey's first, but the bunny, with the haste of his youth, was eager for more. The feeling of Sam's hand so deliberately, so firmly squeezing and rubbing his cock with so much less trepidation than before set him afire with lust and boldness, and he hooked his fingers into the stag's waistband, pushing his boxers down. Sam groaned. His thick, drooling, uncut penis swung heavily free, bobbing rigidly in the very small space between them, and Tracey's undershorts made their way to the floor moments later at Sam's behest. As they had done at the urinal the previous week, they simply stared at each other in mutual appreciation for a long moment. Sam resisted the urge to simply manhandle the bunny; it was important for him to be in charge of whatever came next.

Sam wasn't disappointed. Tracey stepped in. Tentatively at first but with rapidly building confidence, he touched the stag's cock. It was heavy and warm, and the skin was stretchy and mobile, covering his glans completely even when he was erect.

Sam's hand dropped gently to Tracey's. The bunny's circumcised penis was very much above-average for his body type. Sam squeezed it, and Tracey groaned quietly.

"Hey. Whose is bigger, d'you think?" Sam murmured into the bunny's ear.

He moved in closer, and gently replaced Tracey's hand on his cock with his own. Bringing their two rigid lengths alongside each other, he slid forward until Tracey's tip bumped his fuzzy groin, and vice versa.

"Hah! We're the same length! Does that mean mine's gonna be even bigger'n yours? Y'know, when I'm older?" Tracey giggled, deliberately putting a childish inflection on his words.

"Wait, what?!"

"I'm kidding, you nonce. Figured you'd like it even more if I acted as old as I look."

Sam grunted hornily, but didn't qualify that with a response. He pulled back, and held Tracey's penis in one hand and his own in the other. His foreskin was filled to overflowing with thick, gooey, richly musk-laden precum, and he mashed it wetly over Tracey's drier, exposed glans, milking it forth to coat Tracey's cock in his scent. The bunny's toes curled.

"S-Sam... hrrng..."

"Gods you're such a little hottie," Sam lisped.

The stag's breathing was elevated. He'd been fantasising about the bunny for weeks, and here he was in his office, breaking every rule in the book. It was even hotter than Sammael had dared to imagine it. With the bunny's cock slick with his precum, Sam curled his hand around Tracey's length and began to stroke it, slowly and tenderly. The bunny almost collapsed.

"Whoa whoa, easy there. Here, lean against the desk," Sam said, spinning him around. "Is this different to how you do it yourself?"

"Mmhm! Jax uh... taught me a new way to do it just earlier today... first time anyone else has done it to me though! Fuck..."

Sammael grinned broadly. He was barely moving his hand. A subtle twist, a little tug and a stroke here and there, heavily focused on Tracey's glans, and the little bunny was just about going into orbit. Tracey pawed aimlessly at Sammael's cock in return, holding it and rubbing open-palmed along it with a furtive, unpractised motion.

_Does this kid not know how to stroke a dick? Even his own? _Sam dared to wonder. A throb from deep within sent a thick drool of precum over the heel of Tracey's palm, and the bunny cautiously lifted it to his muzzle. He sniffed it experimentally, and then dabbed it onto his tongue.

"Taste good?" Sam grinned.

"Tastes different to mine!"

Sam tightened his grip on Tracey's cock. His precum lubricating the bunny's length, he very slowly began to pick up his pace, until he was properly working it. Tracey lost what little focus he had left. The only thing in his universe was his dance tutor and the burning hot pleasure pulsing forth through his body from the wet friction Sam delivered to his raging cock. Sam was somewhat surprised. Even circumcised as he was, Tracey's glans was very friction-sensitive. He was squeezing it a good bit harder than he would his own, but the bunny seemed to love it. Subtly, he picked up the pace again.

Tracey's fuse was lit within moments. The bunny pawed at Sammael's chest, gripping his shirt and fumbling with the stag's cock while his tutor jerked him.

"Ahh! S-sam, I'm g..."

The bunny convulsed violently, just once, and a messy spritz of cum erupted through Sam's clenched fist onto the stag's thigh. Then another, then a dribble that ran down over his fingers.

"Oh fuck..." Sam groaned. "That's... that's insanely hot, Trace."

The sight of Tracey's thin, watery cum, his third in the space of an hour, had almost made Sam cum, and he was eager to follow through.

"Now you do mine..." Sam commanded.

Tracey, even in the mind-fog following his third orgasm, nodded eagerly. Sam seemed to really want it, now! He loomed over the bunny, his cock so hard that it looked... angry, almost. The head was purple and shiny, peeking out from within the veiny skin that covered it. It was very, very wet, too.

Tracey gripped his tutor's cock in both hands, and began to move back and forth, sliding the loose skin along with his grip.

"Oh fuck, yes, that's it. Keep that up," Sam groaned, assisting Tracey with his rhythm by rocking his hips, effectively fucking the bunny's slender hands.

Tracey stared at it. Amazingly, his own was still hard as well--those bunny genes, Sam supposed. On a whim, Tracey shuffled upward until he could grip both his own and Sammael's cock at the same time... holding the two shafts together and allowing Sam to rock his hips into his grip. Sammael braced himself on the desk on either side of Tracey. It rattled and shook beneath the weight of Sam's eager thrusts, but the stag was too far gone to care about the noise.

"Ahhn... I'm gonna cum, Trace... gonna cum on that cute little body..."

Tracey swallowed thickly. He'd been fantasising about this moment.

Sammael shuddered. A thick, opaque drool splattered forth onto Tracey's tummy. But the stag hadn't orgasmed yet. That came moments later. Sam sucked in a sharp breath and squeezed his eyes shut tight. He held that breath, releasing it in guttural grunts, while his body convulsed and bucked--Tracey could _feel _Sammael's penis pulsing rhythmically right against his own. The flood that erupted from it caught Tracey by surprise. Thick, gooey jets of slimy, thick cum blasted forth, streaking his fur with their heavy warmth. There was so _much _of it! Tracey had been expecting a few drops, perhaps, like his own! Not this... this geyser! It was incredibly hot. But very, very messy.

When Sam was done, he stayed over Tracey for a long moment, breathing hard. His cock softened quickly in Tracey's hands, even as the bunny's remained stubbornly erect.

"Are you alright?" Sam managed, eventually.

"Uh huh! Wow. You cum a lot!"

"Ah! Haha... well... I don't usually make _quite _that much, but... what can I say, you turn me on something fierce. Sorry for the mess. Uh...we should... find you a towel, I suppose. You'll have to shower as soon as you get home, too, so you don't smell of me."

Tracey rolled his eyes. "Of course. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Sam flattened his ears back and silently produced the bunny a towel from somewhere in his desk. It was, Tracey noticed, not a perfectly fresh towel.

"Oh, I uh... I'm planning to invite a few of the students to the Aquatics Centre next week--just a little social outing. D'you want to come along? I haven't invited anyone else yet, so don't mention it."

"The pool?!" Tracey's mind immediately went to aquatic boners, and he nodded eagerly. "Sure! Count me in."

As he walked home shortly thereafter, something was stuck in Tracey's mind.

Sammael ejaculated _so much. _It had taken Tracey a good five minutes to scrub the majority of the stag's cum out of his fur.

Could that mean his older brother, who was the same age as Sammael, came like a geyser in the bunk beneath him every night, too? What in the world did he _do _with it all, afterwards?
