Deviant Delights #26 - Something Old, Something New

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#26 of Deviant Delights: Vol. I

Seth spends some time in a familiar realm with an old friend, leading to new realizations about old feelings. Jared begins having dreams of a strange place that may or may not exist.

"...I forgot how beautiful this all was," Seth said, observing from the bubble he was in. He'd offered to change his form on his own, but Dylann had insisted on carrying him from the Maelstrom as he was. Which meant he got a front row seat to the passing seascape as he rested comfortably in Dylann's giant hand.

"I'm happy to hear that," Dylann said, his voice carrying to Seth easily enough. "Sorry about the Maelstrom. You handled yourself well this time, though. For a landlubber."

"Now you're just being mean," Seth laughed at the seagoat. He always forgot just how big Dylann was in his own realm, being so used to his human form on Earth. "But yeah. I remember it being easier to swim through."

"You had a tail fin, then."

"...Right. I did. Why didn't I think of that this time? And after saying it'd be a cinch, too..."

"It's okay. Easy to make a simple mistake like that, especially with you riding a motorcycle lately. How are you feeling, by the way?"

"...I feel fine," Seth said, sighing. "I mean, I don't feel like bowing down to you any time soon, if that's what you mean."

"That's good, then," Dylann said, seeming more regal than usual. "It's sometimes hard for a daemon to return to a place where they once served an Elder. Let me know if you feel different, and I can take you home myself. I know you can travel, but the only way in and out of this realm is..."

"...through the Maelstrom. I know. You designed it that way," Seth said, shaking his head. "I know it's been a while, but I do still know things about this place. Though how much it's changed since I've been gone, I couldn't say."

"Try not to think about that, for now," Dylann said, his trident loosely gripped in his other hand. Seth kept examining Dylann, already knowing what to expect in the seascape around them as Dylann swam quickly with his powerful tail. He'd forgotten just how thick his arms were, how muscular his chest was... feeling a bit aroused, Seth turned his attention away while masking his sudden bashfulness.

"I forgot how breathtaking the palace is," Seth said, his discomfort forgotten as the structure in question came to view. "...I used to live there. Wow."

"Yes, you did. When you weren't exploring in other realms, anyway," chuckled Dylann. "...Are you sure you want to continue? This is the heart of my power, remember that. I can't shield you fully from it."

"I'm sure. I'm not the same as I was before. Not saying I'm strong, but... I'm just different than that mortal who disgraced himself in front of you and Pride. Sure, it's kinda hot to me now, but... it was still a shameful display."

"Hm... if you're certain. Though I fear you're already feeling it," Dylann sighed, continuing forward. "But as I have said, you are free to come and go as you please. It's as you say. You're not that mortal I took into my service so long ago."

They didn't say much more as Dylann glided into the palace, servants and denizens greeting or bowing as he passed... but more than a few looked at Seth with curiosity or disdain. Whether they had known him before or not, they knew him for what he was now. A lust daemon. Though he supposed it helped their opinion of him with how casually he was dressed at the moment. Yeah... even though he'd dried them off, they were just going to get soaked again later, weren't they? He made a note to spirit them away when he'd have to get... changed. It was only when Dylann rested upon his throne that he placed the bubble down onto a stand made for it. While Seth wished he could have stayed in his hand for a bit longer, he understood how uncomfortable it was to just constantly hold his hand like that.

"...This is nice," Seth said, not sure what to say. Dylann hadn't said a word for a little while now, and whenever he looked up at him he simply saw the seagoat with his eyes closed in thought, his head reclining on his free hand.

"You must think me rude," Dylann chuckled wryly. "But... thank you. It is nice. Reclining here has made me realize just how much energy I've used up recently. I was... well, recharging really. Almost like dozing off."

"No, I get it," Seth said, ignoring the stares from everyone around them, even though most pretended to be involved in their own conversations or tasks. He was glad the bubble's magic made it so he didn't have to shout at all to be heard by Dylann. "I'm fine just sitting here for a bit, myself. I'm actually working up my nerve, honestly."

"Take your time," Dylann encouraged. "You don't need me to change you this time."

"...What will they think of me?" Seth said, sighing. "A lust daemon pretending to be one of them."

"Whatever they think, they will answer to me. You are my guest, are you not? To insult you is to insult my hospitality and judgment."

"...Oh, yeah. I guess that's true," Seth said, feeling a bit of relief. He thought about how he was like when he was with Orias, but somehow he felt trying to fake it wouldn't help him this time. Besides, he was here to get away from all that for a while. It was better to do things his way... whatever way that meant, anymore.

"Would you like to know what I am doing? Besides recharging my energy," Dylann suddenly said, catching Seth by surprise.

"...Sure. Lay it on me."

"I am comparing the feeling of this realm now to when I left. I am correcting major flaws, such as an unexpected rift or damage from a natural disaster... I am checking how each of my subjects feels in this very moment, and lifting up those who need me most. Among other things. I am also altering the flow of time in this realm. Do you remember how I do that?"

"By changing where the realm is in comparison to the rest of the multiverse. It's less a change of time and more a change of time relative to a destination, such as Earth. Which is what most Elders these days use as a measurement, seeing as Earth is one of the few realms plentiful in all kinds of different mortal energy... holy shit, I'm a nerd."

"Scholar, I'd call it. But yes. You do remember, it seems."

"Yeah. I do. It's kind of easier here, though. There's a lot of nostalgia here. A lot of memories made."

"They do say if you want to try to remember something, you should put yourself into similar circumstances as when the memory was first made," Dylann said, nodding sagely. "At least, I heard someone say that once. I don't know how true it is myself."

Seth laughed at that, putting him more at ease with his situation than before. It was just like Dylann to say something like that these days. He'd really loosened up, hadn't he? Still, he couldn't help but feel the power emanate directly from him while he was in this form. He was so much more powerful than him. Somehow, that calmed him down rather than put him on edge. If nothing else, they were friends by this point. He was safe here.

"Alright, fine. I'm ready," Seth sighed, already naked as he magically whisked his clothing away. They'd be safer there, between dimensions. They were coming off either way for this.

"Very well... just don't panic. I'm here," Dylann said. Before Seth could protest or tell him he'd be fine, the bubble had already popped. Rushing in to fill the empty space, seawater surrounded him on all sides... but instead of panicking or beginning to drown, he was already breathing with newly formed gills as his body changed and enlarged. As much as he grew, however, he kept himself as small as the normal denizens of the realm, though he had to admit he felt a thrill in watching his legs knit together again. He could have sped it all up, but he wanted to see and experience it. Savor it, at least this time. It had been a long time since he'd seen those silver scales shimmering in the light so elegantly. The more thuggish form he'd had for a while now slimmed down, though his muscles remained powerful... perhaps more powerful than before. His ears were replaced with fins on either side, traveling from where his ears once rested to his jawline; it felt strange to feel them like that again. As his tail fin finished forming, he felt his forearm fins emerge from his skin and fur... though even his fur felt sleeker now, more built for the water than for land. He felt he was complete enough, before turning nervously toward Dylann.

"How do I look?" he said, suddenly very aware of his assets on full display.

"You're missing some things. Your runes and leylines. Your size and height. Though I see you kept some of your markings on your fur. Your eyes are a deeper purple now, as well... but ah... you look good, Seth. I apologize. I meant to compliment you, not criticize..."

"...If I remember right, the height and size thing is a... status symbol. I am not your second, you know? Not as I once was."

"You never officially resigned, either. Yes, I have new advisors now. But I would be honored to have you returned to your normal size. But only if you wish it; I would not wish to impose on my guest... and close friend."

"...Okay. I held back a bit because I wasn't sure, but if you say it's fine then..."

"It is okay. But do what makes you comfortable. Not me."

Focusing, Seth allowed the rest of his transformation to occur as runes and symbols formed along his tail; now that he knew more about magic and had control over it, he gave it new flair and mystery, yet if one were to look at him they wouldn't think it too gaudy. His aura surrounded him, denoting his magical nature even as he began to grow and expand even larger. When he was a head shorter than Dylann himself, he felt his muscles expand with new strength and power... he had forgotten this feeling. This confidence. Opening his eyes, he smiled.

"What an elegant display of magical expertise," Dylann said, his voice carrying through the room. It was made clear to everyone he had not used his power once to help Seth. "I'd say you've improved, even. You used to struggle so much, at first."

"But I learned. I grew," Seth said, remembering his early days as a scholar and mage. "Though I think some here might... well, not approve of me. I'm sorry."

"Let me make it perfectly clear, then. Seth is my guest. And, as some of you may remember from years long gone, my close friend and advisor. If you have a problem with him, you must take it up with me. Do we have an understanding, my people?"

"Yes, lord," the room chanted in unison, and Seth almost felt himself join in. Focusing, he realized Dylann wasn't kidding about already feeling it.

"Good. Now leave us. I wish to speak with him alone."

As the room began to clear out, Seth gave him a puzzled look. Still, he remained where he was and waited patiently. It wasn't long before he found himself floating before Dylann.

"Why speak with me alone?" he finally asked, finding his words.

"Why not?" Dylann said, shrugging. "Besides, they were getting a bit too... well, you know how it is. You return home after a long voyage, and suddenly everyone wants to be the one to get your attention. I was feeling crowded."

"Then why not make me leave, as well?"

"Truth be told, you put me more at ease than anything here," Dylann said, rising from his seat to float before Seth, his trident resting in his hands. Bowing, Dylann dipped his head to Seth's eye level before looking up at him. "Will you spend the day with me, my friend?"

"Of course," Seth said, smiling. "I... I'd like that."

"I am glad to hear it," Dylann said, extending a hand to Seth. Taking it, he was lead away from the throne toward a familiar corridor. "How about we start with the library? We've gotten more books since you were last here. Some aren't even translated yet."

"I can't wait to see it," Seth said, smiling. "But ah, what about that business you have to attend to?"

"It's already finished. Or did you think I had an audience scheduled?"

"I sort of did, though... I guess you never actually said that, huh?"

"Well... my business for the day is finished. Other than showing my friend around my realm, of course... but I find that to be more pleasure than business. Don't you?"

"...Yeah," Seth said, smiling. "Better than where my head was at earlier, at least."

"Why don't you tell me more about that, if you don't mind. Share only what you're comfortable with."

"...Maybe later," Seth sighed. "But ah... could you do me a favor, for as long as I'm visiting?"

"What is it?"

"Could you... call me Ortun? Like how you did in the cafe, earlier?"

"...Of course," Dylann said, smiling in surprise at him. "I can do that, Ortun."

"Thank you, Dylann."

The two merfolk calmly swam down the elegant corridor, and Seth couldn't help but squeeze Dylann's hand just a bit tighter. He'd... forgotten how much of a gentleman Dylann could be, when he wasn't busy trying to fit in with the rest of the mortals on Earth. It was a side he rarely saw anymore... but maybe he would come here more often, if it meant he'd get to spend time with Dylann again.


Jared couldn't see where he was going. His eyes were just fine, but wherever he looked was covered in a dark mist. Fog, smoke... whatever it was, it obscured everything. Everything but the sounds, anyway. It started distorted, hard to make out... a random blip or stutter from time to time as he tried to find his way out of here. Wherever here was, anyway. He didn't know where he was or why, but he did know one thing: he had to get out. Or else... something. He couldn't remember.

Something brushed past him, causing him to jump back in fear. He hadn't seen what it was, but he felt it. Somewhere just out of sight, but not out of hearing as it laughed as if it were caught in a slow-motion playback of some kind.

"...I'm dreaming. Gotta be," Jared said, closing his eyes tightly. No good; he could see the mist even with his eyes closed. And it did nothing to block out the sounds anyway. He was half-tempted to pinch his cheek or something to wake up, but he'd done enough lucid dreaming to know that cliche was just unnecessary. Still, he should have woken up just by willing it, if he was this aware. Either this was one hell of a dream, or he had a bigger problem.

"Why does this all sound so familiar," he said out loud, more to hear his own voice than anything. Even if he'd been keeping track of how long he had been walking, time seemed meaningless here. His phone wasn't working properly; whenever he tried to use it, some flashing light or distorted garble caused him to turn it off again. Fumbling to put it back in his pocket, he accidentally dropped it; cursing, he watched as it bounced into the mist around him. Great, of course the phone protector would work against him like that. He tried to find it again but couldn't, even though it couldn't have gone far. Sighing, he gave up and scratched his head. What was he going to do?

"You seem lost."

"Ah!" Jared said, jumping out of his fur almost as he turned toward the voice. A strange sight caused him to tilt his head in confusion; it looked like an old man in some old robe or traveling cloak... he assumed at least, judging from the walking stick. He couldn't see it well enough, but it seemed to be pointy at the top. "I... where are we, ah... sir?"

"You really are lost, if you don't even know that," the old man chuckled, his gravelly voice muffled slightly by the mist. "Can you not see?"

"No. I can't," Jared said, nervously looking around him. "I thought I was dreaming but I can't even wake up. I don't even remember how I got here."

"Oh, I see," the old man said, softening his tone. "Well... you may travel with me for a while, if you like. Even if you are lost, you need not be alone."

"Will you lead me out of here?" Jared asked, causing the man to shake his head.

"I cannot. Not yet, at least. And where I go, you cannot. But we are not yet there, and I'm sure you would rather be lost with company than lost by yourself."

"...Okay," Jared said, though he was still a bit wary as he walked towards him. "I'm... Jared, by the way."

"Well met, Jared," the old man said, his smile warm despite his ragged appearance. "Though I must admit, you are certainly the first of your kind I have seen become lost here."

"What does that mean?" Jared asked, curious. "Do anthros come here often?"

"I'm not familiar with that term, though I assume it is what you call yourself?"

"I've never met anyone who didn't know what an anthro was... are you a daemon, sir?" Jared asked, eliciting another dry chuckle from the man. "What's so funny?"

"I am no daemon, though yet again you surprise me. You do not know where you are, yet you know of daemons. Yet, that is not the only interesting thing about you."

"...I don't really know what you mean, mister...?"

"You really insist on a name... but I would as well, were I you, so a name I will give," the old man said, causing Jared to wonder if he wasn't a little bit senile. "Well... let's see... you found me, even though you were not looking for me. So you may call me Fundinn."

"...Well, it's something. Are you... from another realm then, Mr. Fundinn?"

"Just Fundinn, if you please. And you could say that, seeing where you are... well, you can't see, I suppose. Yes, that won't do. Won't do at all."

"Why can't I see, though?" Jared asked, watching Fundinn look at things that Jared clearly couldn't. "Where am I even?"

"Well, you are... at a crossroads, of sorts," Fundinn said, clearly holding back in his explanation. "The mist obscures your vision, for you are not really supposed to be here. Though every once in a while, a mortal such as you finds this place anyway. It's different every time, though you seem to believe you are dreaming. So it is reasonable to believe you have found this place in a dream, though I am here in the flesh."

"...How do I get back, then?" Jared asked, trying to be patient.

"You find your way back, obviously," Fundinn said, laughing. "Though you may have trouble doing so in your current state. If you are lucky, someone kind may lead you back."

"Why not you?"

"I am not someone kind. If I were, I would have lead you back instead of leading you somewhere you cannot see. But... we are to part ways soon."

"But you can't just leave me here!" Jared nearly shouted, panicking. "I-"

A bird suddenly flew in from somewhere, causing Jared to pause at the weird sight. Landing on the old man's shoulder, he stopped as it leaned in towards his ear. Jared couldn't quite see with how dark it was around them, but he could have almost sworn it was whispering.

"I have a trial for you, Jared," Fundinn said, smiling. "If you pass, it will allow you to leave this place and find your way back. If you are willing?"

"I don't see I have a choice," Jared sighed, frustrated. "What trial?"

"My raven here, follow it. But not with your eyes," Fundinn said, causing Jared to throw his hands up in disgust.

"What, am I supposed to smell my way out of here?" Jared said.

"Oh, have you done this trial before?" Fundinn chuckled, before reaching up to the bird. It hopped onto his finger, and before Jared could protest it was practically in his face.

"Guh!" Jared said, expecting some foul smell. Though he realized whatever he was smelling, it didn't remind him of any scent he knew. Instead, he began to remember everything he had ever done. The memories of when he was in the hivemind came back full force, causing him to shudder in revulsion. Great.

"Follow him," Fundinn said, as the raven flew off into the mist.

"I can't smell him like this," Jared sighed, abandoning his hope. "Hell, you made things worse for me somehow."

"Well you are right about one thing, Jared. You can't smell him like that. You need a different form to do that."

"I'm a mortal, remember?"

"And mortals can possess magic," Fundinn said, as if it was obvious. "Are you not some sort of sorcerer's apprentice?"

"No, I'm just a normal, ordinary guy!" Jared shouted, enraged.

"...Are you so sure you're 'ordinary'? Try changing into a form you believe can track my raven. Humor me, if only to prove me wrong, yes?"

"...Fine," Jared said, closing his eyes. He could still see the mist, though not Fundinn as he mentally formed an image of what he imagined a sabertooth tiger must have looked like. He made sure to emphasize it could track any scent he remembered, and before he realized he was already shifting. Opening his eyes in surprise, he looked back up to see Fundinn smiling at him.

"Truly interesting," Fundinn said, nodding in approval. "Though you may have trouble speaking that way. Still... if you can follow my raven, you will find your way home, Jared. Farewell."

As Jared made strange noises with his throat, trying to speak out and ask him to wait, Fundinn walked into the fog and was lost to him. Instead of panicking and trying to follow, however, he inhaled through his nose... and was able to smell the bird from before. Running after it before he lost the trail, he ran until it was almost natural to him in this state. He was even having a bit of fun before the trail stopped, and the raven from before was on some kind of low-hanging branch. Roaring in triumph, he began to climb up after it; just as he was about to try to climb out on the branch that clearly couldn't support his weight, he realized the bird was already landing on top of his head. He wasn't sure how to respond before the bird's beak flashed, pecking him right between the eyes.

"Fuck!" Jared yelled, falling out of bed. Rubbing his forehead, he seethed at the pain before he wearily looked around. He was home. Sighing in relief, he mentally reviewed what had happened.

"What a strange dream," Jared said. After all, what else could it have been? He'd been having lots of weird dreams lately, though this was the first in a while that hadn't been related to drones or hiveminds. Looking over to his nightstand, he sat back on his bed before opening the drawer and withdrawing a small spray from it. It was unopened.

"...No," Jared sighed, putting it away again as he began to zone out. "Don't... don't need it. I'll be fine. I'll be fine..."

Before he knew it, his alarm was blaring. Immediately turning it off, he calmed down before looking at the time. How the fuck had three hours passed just from sitting there? Grumbling, he stood and headed to the bathroom. He had to get ready for work.


"You look like shit," Uther said, causing Jared to laugh.

"I look better than I feel," Jared said, smiling. "But you're one to talk. Have you even slept?"

"I did... just ah..." Uther said, blushing hard as he smiled. "Yeah."

"...You're seeing someone, aren't you?" Jared asked, smiling as Uther winced a bit. Bingo.

"Is it really so strange if I am?" Uther asked, sighing. "What about you and Davin?"

"I've been... we've been kind of doing our own things," Jared said, a sad smile on his face. "Believe me, I want to see him but... we're both kind of going through hell if you haven't noticed. You know."

"Yeah, I know," Uther sighed. "Sorry. Are you at least going to therapy?"

"Who isn't these days?" Jared asked, before grabbing a glass. "The usual?"

"If you don't mind," Uther said, taking the hint to change the subject. "Where's Seth? Isn't it Saturday?"

"He quit, remember?"

"...No?" Uther said, confused. "When the fuck did he quit?"

"He came in and cleaned out his stuff a while ago. Just came in and out without speaking to anyone. So I heard. I wasn't exactly at the bar when it happened. I was seeing Liam in his other office."

"Oh. That's why he was there," Uther sighed. Jared finished making his drink before placing it in front of him. Thanking him with a nod, Uther grabbed the glass and turned so he could see the stage better. But...

"You don't usually watch, Uther. What's up?" Jared asked, trying to clear the air a bit with more lighthearted conversation.

"Can't a man watch half-naked consenting adults striptease on a Saturday night?" Uther joked, blushing even harder as he took a swig. Jared swore he was turning into a tomato. "I've ah... gained some insight into life recently."

"...Huh. Nice," Jared said, though he had his suspicions. A shrill drunken voice gave his thoughts life as he winced.

"Heyyyy, who'd you fuck Uther?" Maeryn said, earning a few looks and smiles from nearby patrons. Most were too focused watching the show, and a hoot or holler wasn't too uncommon.

"...Hey Maeryn," Jared said, feeling extremely awkward all of a sudden. "...What can I get you?"

"In a minute, sweetie," Maeryn said, holding a polite finger up at Jared. "I wanna know who lover boy's got in his sights!"

"I don't think you should-"

"It's Clay, alright?!" Uther hissed, causing Maeryn to back up a bit.

"Soooorrry," Maeryn said, though a faint smile told Jared he'd done it on purpose. "But... still, I'd think you wouldn't want to see that guy again after what he did to you."

"You wouldn't understand," sighed Uther, rubbing a hand through his hair. His jacket sleeve slipped down, revealing a tattoo of a band of flowers that Jared had never seen before. It was stunning. "Can we just watch the show?"

"Okay, now I know we have an impostor among us," Maeryn said, spinning Uther's stool with his foot so that Uther faced him. "You never watch the show. Hell, you can't even come in on a Saturday without looking like you'd rather jump out of your own skin. What's up? Oh, and get me the usual, Jared. Please?"

"Look, bro," Uther said, a different look in his eyes as Jared mixed Maeryn's drink. It felt like he was ready to take a swing, the way his shoulders popped back and his chest puffed out. "If I want to see a show, I don't see how it's any of your business. Back off."

"...Maeryn, stop harassing my customers."

"Fiiiine," Maeryn said, looking up at Liam. Jared was used to his boss randomly popping up at the bar, especially since they had worked together before. "I was just teasing anyway. Sorry, 'Uther', if that IS your real name... oh wait..."

"Maeryn! I won't tell you again. Stop it," Liam warned, before Maeryn shrugged. Taking the drink offered by Jared, the Envy daemon sipped through the straw as he leaned on the counter in front of him. Uther turned back toward the stage, a proud smile on his face.

"Um... hey Liam," Jared said, trying to at least greet him. It was harder than he wanted it to be.

"Jared," Liam said, looking just as awkward. "...You look like shit. Have you slept?"

"I managed a few hours, but I had a weird dream. Uh... not the usual weird dream, that is."

"Wanna talk about it? Or do you want me to make Maeryn go away first?"


"No, that's fine," Jared said, shrugging. "I know you're joking, but I think it might help if I did talk about this one. If that's okay."

"I'm fine with it if you are," Uther said, and Maeryn simply leaned over with interest. Jared began telling them what he'd experienced just hours ago, and they mostly seemed to listen just out of polite curiosity. When he mentioned the name Fundinn, however, Uther and Maeryn both looked over at him, before looking at each other.

"What did he look like?" Maeryn asked.

"Just an old man with a walking stick. And a pet bird, I guess, but I was getting to that."

"I see," Maeryn replied, sipping thoughtfully. "Was he a raven? The bird, I mean, not the man."

"Yeah, actually," Jared said, now curious himself. "How did you know that?"

"Oh, honey, they appear in dreams more often than you'd think. Wild guess," Maeryn laughed, though Jared wasn't so sure. "What happened next?"

"...Well, we walked and talked for a bit. He said if I could follow his bird - ah, raven - then I could find my way home. But I had to do it by tracking him."

"Like, with your nose? Ew," Maeryn said, wrinkling his own nose. "What a way to wake up. Bird butt in the face."

"...Actually, I didn't wake up then," Jared said, and Uther and Maeryn shared a glance again. "I turned into well... it's embarrassing to admit it, but I turned myself into a big sabertooth tiger and tracked it down."

"Like... with four paws? Huh, thought you'd be more of a wolf guy," Maeryn said, shrugging. "You woke up then huh?"

"Yeah, ended up on the floor, but my forehead hurt like hell when I did. Bird pecked me like it was digging for a worm, ugh," Jared said, rubbing his temple. "I took some aspirin but, I think the music's just making my head hurt worse."

"Maybe you bumped your head when you fell out of bed?" Liam suggested, causing Jared to shrug.

"Pretty sure I landed on my back, but who knows. Wouldn't be the first time I woke up with a random bruise. Honestly this isn't the first headache I've had this week, and it probably won't be the last."

"Okay, so, who's gonna tell him? You or me?" Maeryn said, looking over at Uther.

"I think you're more qualified," Uther said, shrugging. "Go ahead."

"Tell me what?"

"Honey, that wasn't a dream. Well, it was, but it wasn't," Maeryn said, finding the words. "I can't tell you too much yet, but basically you're not the first one to dream this sort of thing."

"...What sort of thing?" Jared asked, concerned. "Is something wrong with me? I-"

"Oh! It's nothing bad. Well, depending on your definition," Maeryn said, taking a sip from his drink. "But if you have that dream again, well... come talk to your Uncle Maeryn, okay?"

"What makes you think he's going to have it again?" Liam asked, curious himself now.

"Because he passed the test," Uther said, and Maeryn nodded. "Hell, just getting to that place is a test. I've never seen it. Not in any of my lives. And a lot of them tried."

"Anyway, I can't say what exactly you'll dream of next. If you dream it," Maeryn said, cutting Uther off. "But don't panic. And don't feel like you're forced to accept anything he asks you. Ol' One-Eye would love to make you think that, but you have every right to refuse. However, if you DO accept... you have to see it through. That's the rule. Got it?"

"Accept what? What'll happen if I don't 'see it through'? The fuck?"

"Not for me to say. Hell, I've probably said too much," Maeryn sighed. "Just forget I said anything, if it helps. Enjoy what happens next, or turn your back on it. Up to you, kiddo."

"Not sure I get it when he talks like that," Liam said, though he seemed less confused than Jared did. "But you should listen to Maeryn on this one. I rarely see him serious about anything."

"Well, I know one thing; I am serious about getting another drink, if you don't mind sweetie?" Maeryn asked, already back to goofing off. Jared automatically began making the drink as he was lost in thought, his movements seeming just a bit off as Liam watched him. Serving the drink, Jared stood there and waited.

"Jared, let's talk," Liam said, snapping Jared out of it. Following Liam until no one was directly by them, Jared waited until he turned to look at him with a concerned look. "Are you taking your meds?"

"...Yeah, why?" Jared lied, not wanting to deal with even more stress.

"Are you sure? Because I just saw you serve Maeryn a drink like it was an order from a superior, not a customer. Not to mention you had this weird look in your eye. If you're skipping your doses..."

"I'm taking them!" Jared hissed, before flattening his ears. "Sorry. It's just... rougher for me. Okay?"

"I guess that makes sense. Even I'm having trouble," Liam said, sighing. "Alright. I'll believe you. Just come talk to me if you think about going off your spray. We can keep each other accountable or something."

"Are you okay?" Jared asked, concerned. "I know I haven't talked much to you guys, but..."

"I'm going to preface this by saying it's not your fault. Okay? Probably sounding like a broken record by this point, but it's true. I already had a huge fetish for that sort of thing before... well, you know all that. But that was more intense than I'm used to. I sometimes... think about slipping back into it. And that thought should terrify me, but it doesn't."

"...Yeah. I know what you mean," Jared said. "I feel like even when this is over I'll still have a thing for it now. It's easy to slip into that mindset..."

"...Yeah. Easy," Liam said, shaking his head. "Which is why it's important to take your meds, okay? That's pretty much the only thing keeping me from actually doing it. Aside from therapy, but you know how busy I can get."

"Ah fuck, I have therapy tomorrow," Jared sighed. He'd completely forgotten. "And I'm scheduled..."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'll cover your shift if you promise me you'll go to your session. Okay?"

"...Okay," Jared said, smiling. "...Oh, um. Do you know what's up with Uther, though?"

"What do you mean?"

"...He seemed off somehow, earlier," Jared said, not sure how to describe it. "I don't know. Maybe it's just my imagination, but for a minute he seemed different."

"I'll keep an eye on him, but I'm worried more about you. Weird dreams and therapy aside, I'd like you to rest tomorrow after your session. No impromptu shifts. If you come in I'll send you home."

"Okay. But I better get back to it now while I'm here," Jared said, causing Liam to smile.

"Yeah. Me too," Liam said, before winking at him and turning toward the stage. "Take care of yourself, Jared."

Jared turned to serve more customers, managing to avoid any more 'episodes' as he focused more on conversations than tasks. Despite everything, all the talking actually helped soothe him. He even peeked over at the stage more than a few times when he was cleaning glasses, getting an eyeful. He looked down at his own body, flexing his biceps for a moment. Hm... what would it be like? He often wondered...

"You should go for it," Davin said, causing Jared to nearly drop the glass he was cleaning. Oddly enough, it was his accidental experience in dropping them that saved the day this time. Breathing a sigh of relief, he placed it down before turning to Davin.

"I couldn't..."

"...You sure? We do amateur hour soon, and there's masks you could wear. Glamours that hide who you are and make them forget what you looked like after you take them off. And we have a few open positions, too. But you don't have to if you don't want to. You just seemed interested."

"...They wouldn't know it was me?"

"No. Be a useless glamour if they did," Davin chuckled. "People are a lot more supportive here than you'd think. A lot of them love seeing new dancers try out. If nothing else, you'd have something to smile about. And... maybe I could teach you a few moves, later. If you want."

"Maybe. I have to finish my shift here first and-"

"Go," Davin said, smiling. "If anyone asks for you, I'll say you're officially on break. Just go talk to Mark. He's good at keeping this a secret, and he has a good eye for talent."

"Isn't it his day off?"

"You think he'd miss Saturday?" Davin asked, pointing at the stage. Jared could make out the lion anthro in question hooting and hollering with the rest of them. "He'll take care of you. Because if he doesn't, I'll chew him out later. And so will Liam. And half the dancers, now I think about it..."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it stud," Jared laughed, though he couldn't help but feel there was a bit of awkward tension between them still, no matter how they played it off. But he realized it wasn't a bad idea. If nothing else, he'd just go and see what it was like with no consequences. Nodding, he gave Davin a quick kiss on the cheek before moving out from behind the bar.


"What's wrong?" Seth asked, stopping mid-sentence. He was suddenly very aware Dylann hadn't said a single word, his head resting against his free hand. They were seated at a table, a pile of books there from when Seth had been showing him his favorites.

"Nothing," Dylann said, smiling. "I just love watching you talk about all this. You're very passionate."

"...You wouldn't think it to look at me now. On Earth, I mean," Seth quickly corrected. "Who the hell am I, Dylann? I'm losing sight of that, I think. Not because I've been here, but I mean... I just don't know what to think of myself."

"I think you are whoever you want to be," Dylann said. "Not very helpful, I suppose, but it's true. So I guess the real question is who do you want to be, Ortun?"

"...Can we get some fresh air? Or, water... you know what I mean!" Seth said, flustered all of a sudden. Looking around the grand library, with its stories of shelves and books, he suddenly felt very small and insignificant.

"Sure. Let's head to the garden," Dylann said, a small flick of his tail enough to unseat him as he righted himself. Taking his outstretched hand, Seth was lifted up like he weighed nothing... though he supposed the water was mostly to blame for that. He'd forgotten how convenient some things were underwater as opposed to on land. Without a word, he let the seagoat king lead him through the familiar passageways, until they were finally outside. The garden looked even more breathtaking than he remembered. When they reached the pavilion at the center, only then did they stop.

"Why did I ever leave...?" Seth asked himself, before shaking his head. "I mean, uh... sorry. This must be hard for you."

"I made my peace with it, and it wasn't entirely your choice," Dylann said, resting his hands on the railing as they both floated there.

"Staying here to begin with, or being taken away?"

"Both," Dylann said, a sad look in his eyes. "...Do you want to go home, now? It was nice having you here, if only for a little while..."

"...No. I want to stay," Seth said, resting a hand on Dylann's.

"You can stay as long as you wish," Dylann said, looking into Seth's eyes. "Just... let me know when you want to leave, if only as a courtesy. I won't stop you from staying or going, though. You're always welcome here. I meant that."

"I'll hold you to that," Seth said, smiling. As if realizing what he was doing, he quickly took his hand back as he felt flustered. "Um... sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Dylann said, resting a hand along the side of his face. "I may be ancient, but I'm not blind. I've seen how you've been looking at me this entire time."

"...I... but what about..."

"A daemon feeds off his aspect, whatever form that takes. But it doesn't mean he has to follow it himself in every aspect of his life," Dylann said, taking Seth's hand and holding it out to the side. "Just because I am Temperance, it doesn't mean I'm chaste or monogamous. Truth be told, I've only ever seen Earth mortals cling so strictly to that last one. But then, daemons tend to live longer."

"You sure it's okay? Zale and Mark, I mean?" Seth asked, drawing closer as he rested his free hand on Dylann's shoulder. They were inches apart now.

"They're seeing each other more than they're seeing me, though they do like to include me in their fun a lot. While it is no secret I am fond of them, I am also fond of you. How could I not be? You are intelligent, charming, confident... you have utterly captivated me. And, unless I have been misunderstanding your actions today, I have captivated you as well."

"...Maybe I should go home... after all?" Seth asked, unsure of what to do.

"If you wish. But will you dance with me before you go?" Dylann said, resting his own hand on Seth's waist.

"...Yes, I will," Seth said, smiling. He could feel power brimming from Dylann for the briefest moment, before music began playing from seemingly nowhere. It was an older song, not one known on Earth, but it made Seth's heart flutter.

"This is my favorite," Seth said, looking into Dylann's eyes. "You remembered."

"Do you want to know a secret?" Dylann said, smiling back at him. When Seth nodded, he leaned closer in conspiratorially. "This is my favorite, too."

"I know," Seth said, smiling. "Who do you think played it for you when you were having a bad day?"

"I always thought it was one of the servants," Dylann said, surprised. "You really did that for me?"

"I did a lot of things without telling you," Seth said, his memories as Ortun clear as day. "I admired you. In more ways than one."

"Why did you never..."

"It would not have been fitting of my station," Seth sighed. "I..."

"Ortun... my word is law here," Dylann said, spinning him around gracefully. "What is and is not 'appropriate' is up to me. But is that why you buried yourself in work all the time? If only I'd known, I could have eased your heart."

"...I..." Seth said, before he realized just how close Dylann's face was to his. Of course, they were close right now. They were dancing. But... somehow they seemed even closer now. He felt something inside him urging him forward, though at the same time something just as forcefully held him back. Shutting it all out, he closed his eyes. What did he want?

"Ortun, are you alr-" Dylann managed to say, before Seth brought his lips up to Dylann's. Stunned at first, he reciprocated with as much passion and tenderness that the merwolf was showing him. It wasn't like when Seth kissed Orias, or anyone else for that matter. It was innocent... pure. He wasn't sure how long they stayed that way, but when Seth pulled back he smiled and averted his gaze.

"...Ah... I..." he stammered. But before Dylann could reassure him again, Seth felt something shift inside. It wasn't painful, but it was the first time he'd ever experienced it. "What the..."

"...You've shifted," Dylann said, eyes wide with surprise. "Your aspect. It's different now."

"How can you tell?" Seth said, though he already suspected the answer.

"...I feel all Temperance daemons in my realm, Ortun. You know this. Even if I close my eyes, even if I stop holding you... I can still see and feel you. I... if I had known you were... but then, I should have known. I'm sorry."

"For what?" Seth asked, smiling. "Isn't it common for daemons to shift like this?"


"You said I was welcome to stay, or to go," Seth said. "Just because you have influence in this realm doesn't mean you're responsible for everything that happens. I could just as easily have been lusting after you this whole time."

"...What are you saying, Ortun?" Dylann said, his heart beating faster against Seth's.

"What I should have said so many years ago," Seth said, resting his head against his shoulder. "I love you, my liege."

"And I love you," Dylann said, the words sweeter than the music around them to his ears. "But what about Orias?"

"I love him, too," Seth said, laughing. "And if he loves me, he will accept this about me. We're not monogamous, either. And I'm not going to stop seeing him just because you're my king now."

"It wouldn't be right to keep you two apart," Dylann said, laughing. "I'm just not sure how I'm going to tell Liam about this. We're business partners, remember?"

"Oh... I can see how that's gonna be awkward. But I mean, I did quit my job there, so... it's not like he can be mad that you're 'stealing away' one of his dancers, you know? Besides, if I know Liam, he'll be happy for me. For us. Though I fully expect to never hear the end of this. He likes to tease, you see."

"Oh, I can hear it now. 'I risk my ass for you and what do you do? You swim right back to him'. Or something like that."

"Well, we can work on your impression later, but yeah. Something like that," Seth said, happy to just stay on that pavilion. "Though, if I must say... you are..."

"Don't say it," Dylann warned, smiling as Seth laughed.

"...quite the catch," Seth said. Groaning, Dylann expertly spun him around before they finally stopped dancing. Dylann held Seth close, the merwolf basking in the presence of his new elder. It wasn't like when he was a mortal, where he'd viewed him as nearly a god. But he still felt himself feeling subservient all the same.

"...It is nearly sunset. Will you join me for dinner?" Dylann said, finally breaking the silence. "I would have you sit at my right hand tonight, Ortun."

"I'd love to, my lord," Seth said, feeling honored. "But won't I be encroaching on your..."

"I have no Second. I still haven't brought myself to replace any of you. And believe me, there are plenty advisors chomping at the bit to prove themselves to me. No, you won't be encroaching on anyone."

"...Then I'll see you at dinner," Seth said, feeling a bit of pity for Dylann. He also couldn't help feeling a bit touched; he hadn't been replaced. Still, it would feel a bit weird sitting in his old seat. But if it meant being closer to Dylann, well... he'd manage. Smiling, Dylann hugged him before moving away, though Seth noticed he kept looking back at him every so often. Seth couldn't help but accidentally meet his gaze every time he did, blushing every time. It was a good thing he'd decided to stay out in the garden, or else he might have hyperventilated a bit. Controlling himself, he waited until a smaller merfolk came to fetch him for the evening meal an hour or two later. Thanking him, he began swimming toward the dining hall, his memories guiding him along the way.

Deviant Delights #27 - Turning a Blind Eye

Jared was nervous, but everyone backstage was supportive. Mark had given them the rundown, and most were pretty chill in showing him the ropes as well. They showed him all the different masks he could use, with separate glamour attachments, but...

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Deviant Delights #25 - Damage Control

"...So that's why we couldn't remember you. All because of that little thing?" "Yeah," Uther said, the bracelet resting on Liam's desk. "Made me forget all of you, too." "...You know you're not supposed to make shit like this, Clay," Liam said,...

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Deviant Delights #24 - The Ghost in the Machine

Seth opened his eyes. They were in the bar, but... it was way too quiet. The familiar haze of lust hit him, though it felt different than the last time he was there. He shook his head to clear the arousal building within as the protective runes...

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