Samhain Seduction

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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Samhain Seduction

An anthro vixen, orange furred with a black center stripe as well as the black stripes of a tiger, black gloves and socks as well as a sable tip to her tail and pink hair wakes up naked in a dimly lit cavern. She stretches and caresses her own breasts as she walks out towards the cave entrance. Outside the stone hill of a mountain and waterfall that serves as her front door the sky is overcast as a light drizzle has started to fall.

Stone Hill Mountain is a kind of fixture in the Witch Woods as it is part of the Witch's Peak mountain range and one of the entry points to the region once you get past the thousand lakes of crystal blue death and the waterfalls that feed them. It is said that the dead do not rest here and even the friendliest of residents eventually turn surly just to survive. Lillith Feyblood carries out the carcass of a male rabbit in the livery of a Witch Hunter of the Inquisition branch of the Church of the One True God as an indication that in life he was a fanatical follower of that religion and zealously served its jealousy of other and older religions, such as the Green Way that Lillith serves as a Witch-Sorceress.

"You really should have known better," Lillith coos to the corpse. "You come to the Witch Woods seeking one of us to capture and eventually burn at the stake for practicing our faith. But you didn't expect that I'd be ready for you? At least you were god, first in the sack and then in my oven." An octopus of unusual size grabs the corpse of the paladin. "Yes, yes, you can have the leftovers!" She lets it go and watches the body vanish beneath the waves. "Honestly! The lake monsters are really starting to get aggressive. Guess I should cut back on my offerings..."

She then goes wading and avoids one set of tentacles narrowly but not another. The tips explore her tail hole and crevasse as well as caress her breasts. But the manner is more to give her pleasure than anything else.

When the lake monster finishes molesting her, Lillith bathes and then dons a slinky suit of black leather armor that accentuates her curves, thigh high boots and silver bracers, A simple silver crown with a red gem over her third eye chakra finalizes the outfit before climbing the stair to the apex of the mountain. Once there she selects a simple, yet elegantly enchanted broom and flies out into the rain.

She flies over to a redwood tree that serves as a community center for the region. Lillith checks her broom into the closet and goes for a drink. The rain didn't mean much to her since the region is mainly a temperate rain forest which means that residents rarely see the sun.

After making her order Lillith finds a table in the common room to sit and pull a book of spelling from her satchel to read. Shuffling shrubbery approaches her later to disgorge a tankard of mead and a bowl of stew with bread on the side. Lillith thanks the shrub before settling down to eat when a fellow beast folk capture her attention.

Beast folk, the generic term used to describe humanized humanoid animals like Lillth are new comers as far as sentient species go. Elves and dwarves have lived on the planet longer but while they treat the beast folk like children but are not hostile to them. Even the plant folk who attend the Giving Tree as the place is called treat beast folk with a measure of respect that humanity reserves for itself and sees the beast folk as potential slaves as they see most other species on the planet, sentient or not.

Conversely the wolf that caught Lillith's eye, black furred with orange stripes, purple eyes and green hair, saved her from a band of human slavers who were plaguing the region. He wears the black and green leather and chain ensemble that marks him as a Knight of the Green, a ranger fully empowered by the faith with the power of nature itself. Lillith got her training from the fey so she shares his faith and to her he is more the Holy Knight and Sacred Hunter than any paladin she may meet.

Humans are not exactly welcome at the Giving Tree and especially those whom serve the One True God as they tend to treat everyone who does not worship at their altar as servants at best and godless heathens fit only as slaves at worst. Of course they would have to survive long enough to actually reach the Giving Tree and get served and since they are at war with all the godless heathens the Green Knights have taken up a policy of killing humans when they find them for the good of the forest. Cullen Dogwood is a fully accredited Knight and takes a table near the vixen, nodding her way as he sits down.

"Good Morning, Madame Feyblood," Cullen says amicably. "How are you doing? I hear one of the Inquisition scouts was prowling about."

"I found a rabbit the other day and preyed upon him," Lillith relates. "I fed the carcass to a lake beast before coming over here."

"Be careful you don't over feed them," Cullen warns, "They might get a little over friendly."

"A little late for that," Lillith giggles. "I had a naughty tentacle thank you afterwards."

They both chuckle until a bell starts to ring.

"Proximity alarm," Cullen notes as he grabs his bow, "And unless there's another Green Knight that means I'm on sniper duty. Make sure the shamblers leave my breakfast alone, please?"

"Sure thing," Lillith says with an emphatic nod. After he leaves she sees a dryad or wood nymph come to clear the table. "Cullen's coming back, Maya, he heard the guard bell ring."

"He's the only Green Knight here now," Maya states, "I'll tell Tree Mane that he's got back up."

Treemane is the tree man who runs and "owns" the Giving Tree as the Chieftain of the Oaken Shield tribe who claim this region as their territory. Elders like Treemane have some druid training so they are weary of those who follow the One True God who take the attitude that their god gave them dominion over all and thus the world is theirs to trash. Any who disagree are heretics or worse and thus subject to termination.

Lillith idly looks out over the roads around the Giving Tree and sees human males in black leather covering them from head to toe including their faces. The only identifying mark on them is a dagger like cross in red which concerns her as this is the symbol used by the Inquisition as their faction emblem. She grumbles to herself as there is no way to notify Cullen without alerting the Inquisition as well.

As soon as they wheel out a barrel with the fiery teardrop symbol known to wizards, witches and sorcerers and alchemists as liquid fire the shooting starts. Arrows find their marks in the skulls of the saboteurs while they try to set up what amounts to a flame thrower to burn down the Giving Tree. Lillith chants softly to create bolts of crimson energy vaguely shaped like angry bees that race to end their existence by delivering their sting; slamming into the driver and his companions as they start to bring up crossbows to shoot the archer that killed their compatriots.

The few Inquisition zealots left realize they've been made and immolate the wagon and try to roll it into the Giving Tree but Treemane casts a spell that mires the burning vehicle in deep mud. The screams of the dying fall on deaf easy as the nature worshippers in the Giving Tree know better than to try and help the flaming zealots who were looking to inflict the same fate unto themselves. Mounds of vegetation shuffle towards the burning wagon with pounds of bratwurst, knockwurst and frankfurters inside roll into the flames to rotisserie cook their sausage payloads.

The spirits of those just slain rise from their fallen flesh with those whose demise was inflicted by fire merging with the flames to float free of their funeral pyre to continue their murderous march towards the Giving Tree. Rain clouds start to form above the Giving Tree as chanting begins from Treemane, Cullen, Lillith, Maya and other weavers of magic whether they be druid, ranger or witch, all lend their faith and power to a spell of protection against the fire wraiths approaching to assault the Giving Tree.

Zealots in life the shades retain their hatred unto death and beyond; caring more for the destruction of the "godless heathens" that the salvation of their own precious souls. The rain is fortified with Pagan faith and while the zealots cry out to their deity to fortify them with the power to smite the enemies of their faith their prayers go unanswered as if their deity did not exist. Faced with the onslaught of Holy Water the fiery rage of their indignation consumes their very souls and is washed away.

The smoky shells become will o' the wisps, pale lights wandering aimlessly throughout the forest until they encounter monsters that exist to devour lost souls like what they have become. Back at the Giving Tree a celebration gets started as everyone that participated gathers and prays as one to thank the power of Nature for their salvation this day. Zealots that Cullen killed have their corpses mystically preserved and their heads stacked on a stake outside the Giving Tree as a warning to all fools serving the heresy of the One True God that their shenanigans will not be tolerated as the uniform of one is put on a mannequin holding a placard to commemorate the day.

Lillith and Cullen take their meal together in the aftermath as the witch-sorceress decides she wants the ranger in her life. Cullen is honored by the attention and is amendable to what she wants especially if it means sharing a bed with her. For her part Lillith is thinking of bedding the ranger but she is not sure how long the infatuation will last.

The celebration of Samhain is quickly approaching and while the festival is a time to honor the fallen starting new relationships is not something done at this time. Cullen and Lillith both know this and because of it neither are in a rush to do much to act on their mutual attraction although spending time together is amendable to both. Among the activities folks do in preparation for Samhain is the creation of one or more Jack-O'-Lanterns and to start that project they pay a visit to a pumpkin patch.

Commoners from outside the wooded mountains, mostly humans, but some elves as well, wander up and down rows of pumpkins looking for one to harvest. When Cullen and Lillith are there their ears pick up whispers from frightened parishioners of the Church who are looking for good Halloween pumpkins fearfully converse amongst themselves of having the distinct feeling of being watched. . Both the wolf and the vixen chuckle amongst themselves as the veracity of those claims would frighten the poor humans something fierce.

Scarecrows are everywhere in the pumpkin patch, made of straw, cloth, leather and wood for most part but a few have something extra: Magic. Ancient druid rituals have brought some of the scarecrows to life after a fashion. They were created as guardians to watch over the fields and protect against sentient malcontents.

Animated scarecrows have their own interpretations of fun and games that get them into trouble a lot as not everyone appreciates a good scare, especially if one is on the receiving end of said frightening. Rangers like Cullen are expected to occasionally come by at random intervals and make sure the scarecrows don't get too overzealous in what they do and while he is here with Lillith, Cullen keeps an eye out for movement and any malicious scares that may be in offing. Of course any reports from the elves are taken seriously as elven commoners are the ones that raise the pumpkins and thus don't want their customers scared off.

One family in particular has young children with them, including children too young to speak their fear as the sounds of crying babies can be heard throughout the patch. Cullen catches one of the animated scarecrows trying to sneak up on the family of humans and decides to intervene. A quick spell causes the very vines of the patch to trip up the scarecrow and send it tumbling to the ground and instead of scaring the children it ends up amusing them instead.

Horrible Harry has been working these fields for as long as anyone can remember and "his" vision of fun is very mean spirited. The cries of children, especially frightened children fills the void where its heart should be with sadistic glee. Cullen prevented him from scaring the children like he wanted and that made him very angry.

"Curse you, Cullen!" Harry screams. "I had them right where I wanted them. It would have been a perfectly terrifying scare!"

"Harry," Cullen growls, "We tell you every year about this sort of thing, and yet year after year one of us rangers catches you trying to terrorize young children. I am very close to recommending that you be added to the bonfire at the end of the season."

"No, no, no, no, please, Cullen!" Harry yells on his knees with his hands in prayer begging Cullen to reconsider. "I'll be good! I'll be good!"

"I doubt it," Lillth growls, "I've seen the reports and you continually disobey the parameters we set for all scarecrows. You give the Inquisition reason to come after us!"

"But it's almost Samhain!" Harry whines.

"That's not an excuse and you know it!" Cullen yells.

"You know, Cullen," Lilltih says with a dark smile, "I'm starting to think that Harry really should be fired for all his shenanigans."

"You bitch!" Harry shouts and extends wooden claws from his hands. "I'll kill you before that happens!"

"Cullen!" Lillith yells and throws him an obsidian sphere. "Apply that to your sickles! Hurry!"

"Alright," Cullen says as he just obeys her without really thinking about it until the ball of volcanic glass heats up and melts onto the blades of his twin war sickles. "It's gonna be a hot time in the old fields tonight!"

No sooner had he said than a wreath of flames engulfs the blades of his sickles. Tossing him that spell sphere was quicker than trying to cast an actual spell and less chance of it failing as well. Cullen slashes at the scarecrow as it pounces Lillith and leaves deep gashes in her sides from its claws.

Setting a scarecrow on fire is the only way to ensure its demise due to the enchantments put on frame as part of its construction. Once Cullen's sickles with their temporary enchantment sink deep into the scarecrow's body the magic flames do the rest. As Horrible Harry burns Cullen rushes over to Lillith who is dying from her wounds.

Cullen sings a song of healing and praise to nature s his hands start to glow. Lillith's wounds close and her condition stabilizes thanks to the spell Cullen casts upon her. Behind them Horrible Harry drops to his knees before collapsing in a pile of ash.

Lillith opens her eyes and smiles at Cullen even as another scarecrow watches. Terrible Tonga was constructed with an angry tiki mask for his face and red pinpoints of light starts to form in the eye sockets indication anger and rage. Unlike Harry, Tonga tries to be more subtle in his scares but seeing them burn Harry has put him on edge.

The two canines select a suitable pumpkin for carving and return to Lillith's home to carve it. What they are unaware of is that Scarecrows like Tonga can sense where any pumpkin is when taken from the patch as part of some dark pact made by a faction of evil druids long ago who used the scarecrows to terrorize the land. This is actually why some of the scarecrows act the way they do and even now they plot in secret to exact revenge for Harry's burning.

In Lillith's home Cullen carves the pumpkin as Lillith herself prepares a special candle that will be placed inside the oversized gourd. The candle itself is black with specks of purple and green throughout that seem to sparkle. Cullen carves a scary face into the side of the pumpkin as is traditional for a Jack O' Lantern which causes Lillith to giggle.

Carving the pumpkin also gets his clothes in a huge mess which also amuses Lillith. Knowing full well the lake hides a monster within; Cullen strips himself and goes for a swim to partially clean himself off. Eye stalks watch him swim but on his thighs is the tree of life as a tribal tattoo marking him as a Green Knight and part of the same organization as Lillith herself which causes the lake monster to consider Cullen someone it should not attack.

Tattoos on furs like Cullen and Lillith are inherently magical as they need to shine through the fur of those that wear them. Green Knights like Cullen are tattooed as part of their initiation ritual and a kind of rite of passage into adulthood. In receiving the tattoos, he was required to repeat his oaths over and over again to commit them to memory and as part of the ordeal he had to endure.

Witch-Sorceresses like Lillith as well as fey and certain plant creatures like Treemane as well as most druid can sense the ancient energies that linger around Green Knights like Cullen which is how they are recognized. To those he is beholden to as a Green Knight, Cullen cannot disguise himself but as of yet, most Inquisitors cannot key in on the energies to pinpoint the knights for assassination as it is known they want to do. For the Inquisition, the Green Knights are the biggest hurdle they have to overcome before they can slaughter druids and witches wholesale and clear the way to convert the region to their religion, by sword point if necessary.

Lillith contemplates this as she watches Cullen swim out to the falls. A feeling of lust comes over her and compels her to strip herself and join him. Under the falls Lillith comes up underneath Cullen on purpose with lustful designs.

She begins by licking and suckling at his scrotum to get his cock out and ready to play and once that happens she starts suckling his phallus in earnest. Below the lake monster is watching, and while it does not fully understand what is going on, it still gets enough of it to be entertained by what it is witnessed. For her part the vixen is beginning to suspect that they have an audience and a part of her wants to deeply blush but that would tip off the monster of her discomfort and finding out what reaction that would provoke is something she is not yet willing to discover.

Once Cullen's phallus is out and hard enough, he presses Lillith against the wall in back of the waterfall to brace her for his thrusting. His muzzle goes down to her bosom so he can lick and suckle at her tits. For her part the only thing coming out of Lillith's muzzle are moans of pleasure as she lets the wolf just take her.

Apparently Cullen is at least practiced in some of the arts of love making because once he slips his cock into her pussy, he is able slide his member in and almost out of her effortlessly. Lillith's vagina squeezes his phallus as it invades her body, caressing it and giving them both increased pleasure the longer they keep going. The fact that she can get pregnant from choosing to mate with a wolf is in the back of her mind as contraceptives are not specialty and she has not brewed that particular type of potion in over a month.

Her body is ultra receptive to this activity and somewhere the fact that her time of the month hasn't occurred comes up to part of her thinking but is patently ignored in favor of the pleasure of having a wolf fuck her like she has wanted to be fucked in such a long time continue. When his knot starts to form the realization that she could be impregnated comes a little further to the forefront of her mind as questions arise in her mind as he continues to thrust, recede, thrust again and suckle at her tits. As the growing knot makes normal sex harder and harder, Lillith starts to evaluate herself as a potential mother and Cullen as the male who would father her kits.

She smiles as in some ways this is a classic tale come to life with her as Red Riding Hood and Cullen as the Big Bad Wolf with the only difference in most tellings Red is usually human. But this is the end result in some of the more adult version in that Red submits to the wolf and becomes mother to his children willingly. Ultimately the fact that he is a ranger and a Green Knight colors her decision to continue submitting sexually to this wolf as by their own laws he will do what he can to provide for mother and child as well as the fact that Cullen is known for the fact that if he does father a child, he does absolutely whatever he can above and beyond what he is required to do to provide for his offspring.

Cullen howls in pleasure when he climaxes inside of Lillith and the feeling of his semen inside of her furnishes a big smile on her face. If she is to be a mother, Lillith reasons, it will be because the divine force that drives and controls all of nature has decreed it and as one who worships nature, neither Lillith nor Cullen are willing to challenge that will as the wolf fills the vixen's womb with his seed. Lillith smiles as she knows that if she is not pregnant now, she soon will be, especially if they keep this up.

The sounds of metal scraping stone can be heard off in the distance as Tonga and other scarecrows of his ilk, travel the twisting passages through the mountain in single file carrying scythes and pitchforks. Only the sound of metal on stone gives away their presence as a couple of them drag their weapons along with them. Their victims are currently enjoying each other's company and are not really hearing the noises from down in the tunnels.

Cullen's cry of ecstasy causes one of the scarecrows to bang its pitchfork violently against the walls as a warning and intimidation attempt. It only alerts the pair to the fact that they have visitors coming. All five scarecrows march on silently save for the fact that they tap the walls of the tunnels in an eerie rhythm.

Both wolf and vixen are annoyed at having their fun interrupted by company, whom they suspect is the Inquisition is coming for them. By the time the first scarecrow has made it out of the tunnels, Cullen is dressed and ready with his bow. The scarecrow gets ready to throw its pitchfork at Cullen as the ranger casts a spell on his arrow that ignites its head.

An archer with a flaming arrow is a major threat to the scarecrows but only the front one can see him as it shuffles up as quickly as it can and throws its tool at the ranger as he releases the string to send his fiery missile on its deadly way. Cullen is knocked down as the pitchfork impales him through the abdomen as the thrower is set ablaze by his shot. Lillith begins to cast a spell to set a curtain of flame in front of the tunnel mouth as a scythe wielder emerges.

Cullen is dying from his wound as the lake monster reaches out with a tentacle to remove the implement which allows Cullen to cast a healing spell on himself as he is barely conscious. Another pitchfork carrier runs up as best he can and tosses its weapon at Lillith only to have its aim spoiled by one of Cullen's arrows. The other two scarecrows are torched as Lilltith firewall springs to existence as soon as they charge for the entrance.

The lake monster tries to grab at the scarecrows but its tentacles are sliced off by the scythe wielder even as Culled immolates its partner. The scythe wielding scarecrow is Tonga himself who transforms is scythe into a kusari-gama which is a sickle on a chain that he whips around himself so fast that Cullen can't hit him with his bow. Tonga laughs at the mammals as they can't affect him until Cullen changes his tactics.

"Pitiful living creature!" Tonga taunts. "You cannot hope to destroy me! I will kill you here and now and then torch your house and leave this place a ruin. My chained sickle is to quick a defense for you to penetrate!"

"Don't be too sure of yourself, Tonga!" Cullen yells as he throws a blackened clay jar with a fire symbol on it. "There are other ways of getting through your defenses."

"I'll shatter it with my sickle, Cullen!" Tonga boasts and does just that but the jar was filled with liquid fire or alchemist's fire which starts the burning process as soon as his form is doused with the volatile chemicals. "Noooo! It burns! You turned my defense against me! Curse you, Cullen Dogwood!"

"You realize to him that was cheating?" Lillith asks with a giggle. "But it was a good call. But who made that jar? It's not a maker's style I'm familiar with?"

"I make my own alchemist weapons," Cullen admits, "it's a business I do on the side to make money."

"And since as a ranger of your level of experience," Lillith says, "You have the magical ability to make some of the more wondrous application of alchemy."

"Yeah, but outside of stuff like alchemist fire, frost and spark," Cullen says, "The only other things I make are tanglefoot bags."

"You actually have a use for those?" Lillith asks. "The fiery, electrical and super cold liquids I can understand but the goo bags?"

"Comes in handy for capturing subjects or just slowing them down," Cullen relates.

"I'm surprised you don't make flasks of acid," Lillith says. "I've been thinking of making a vat of lye for here in case I need it."

"Your friend the lake monster might get disappointed," Cullen teases.

"Oh, come inside so we won't be watched," Lillith orders with a giggle.

"Yes, Ma'am," Cullen states and follows her inside.

In Lillith's cave the pair put away their weapons and lay down on a pile of furs that the witch keeps as her bed. Cullen again pins, Lillith, this time to the floor as he licks and suckles at her tits while she reaches up to massage his scrotum with a smile on her own muzzle. Lillith moans in pleasure as she spreads herself and waits for Cullen to invade her body once again.

Slowly but surely Cullen inserts his phallus past the lips of her labia, only taking his muzzle away from her bosom for a second to make sure he is doing what he wants to do before returning and letting his instinct do the rest. As he did at the water fall, Cullen's cock slides in to the hilt before receding to near complete egress before thrusting in once more. The jack o' lantern leers a wicked grin at them from the corner it was placed as the wolf and the vixen are busy at play.

The nagging thoughts she had before do not resurface again as she knows full well what she is doing. Neither wolf nor vixen intend for this to be the first act that will cement them as a couple but if nature demands they be father and mother to a folf then so be it as far as they are concerned. For right this moment the pair are enjoying the interplay of their bodies and the intimacy shared by a male and female with great power who worship at the same altar.

Cullen does not howl his climax again as this time he is getting tired. Lillith just smiles and wraps herself around him. She is tired herself and the idea of falling asleep with a wolf inside of her is one she is one she is very much in favor of as they drift off to sleep in each other's arms with the knot sealing them together even after he has squirted his seed into her womb.

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