Be Careful What you Roll for, Part 2 Bugbear

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#2 of Careful what you roll for

Sorry it's a tad later than promised, although I said Wednesday I never said which Wednesday. Part 2 is far more sexual than part 1, the next two parts are very sexual. The idea of the anthology was to explore different kinks in each sub story. The first one covered transformation and knotting. This one is all about size difference, one of my personal fave kinks. It's...graphic and I hope you all enjoy. Also my first inclusion of a bugbear, nice big fun guys they are!

Also, I just released a new orc anthology information on it can be found in this journal,

Dave yawned as he climbed out of his taxi. He paid the lion taxi driver and gave him a flirty wink. Which earned him a scowl. Clearly straight and possibly just a tad homophobic. It looked like he was going to be spending the night alone. Which was not a new experience for the rabbit. With the warm buzz of at least two too many rum and cokes in his head he opened his front door and entered.

Flicking on the lights and dropping his keys in the bowl on a small table beside the door. His coat was removed and tossed in the vague direction of the coathook. He missed by a good few inches and then he felt something. It came up through his toes a powerful thump of heavy footsteps. His last boyfriend had been a horse and he had made similar sounds. Similar but much quieter.

Reaching into his pocket for his mobile phone, the brown rabbit prepared to call the police. Only for the door to his kitchen to open and into the room stepped a creature. A huge hulking beast at least seven-foot tall. Covered in thick wheat coloured fur. Its broad chest and shoulders rippled with muscles and at the bottom of its tree-trunk thick legs, were two dinner-plate-sized hooves.

Its face was a strange mix, somewhere between human and animal. The nose was actually quite cute, and its eyes were staring at him. Whatever it was, it was dressed in only a loincloth and in one arm it held a huge battleaxe, double-sided with a spike on the handle. For crushing the skulls of its fallen foes. While in its other hand it held a can of diet coke, the full-sized can looked like a miniature in the beast's huge hands.

Dave's phone slipped from his fingers as he vaguely recognised the beast from one of John's many books on the creatures of dungeons and dragons. A bugbear, just like the one from the game that night. It gave him a broad grin and with a deft motion tugged on the knot holding up its loincloth. The scrap of material fell away to reveal the thickest cock Dave had ever seen. "You owe me a good suck."

The rabbit froze, his eyes staying locked on the creature's huge black member. This could not possibly be real and yet as the beast walked over to his sofa and placed his battleaxe on his coffee table, and the cheap plywood cracked under the weight, he knew it was real. "Oh sorry, didn't mean to do that. Are you gonna get over here, or what?"

Taking a huge breath, Dave gulped and then shrugged his shoulders. His shirt was torn over his head in a moment and his jeans followed them quickly. It was crazy, it was fantastical and utterly impossible. It was also probably a once in a lifetime opportunity and the rabbit had learned long ago not to look a gift horse in the mouth. When given the option look them in the cock, it was so much tastier.

"Er, you have a name or sommat?" The brute asked him as he approached and knelt between his legs.

"Dave, what's yours?" The rabbit replied, feeling somewhat surreal to be kneeling down between the beast's thighs. Thinking that if it suddenly clenched its legs together then he would at the very least end up with a cracked rib or ten.

"Oh that's very exotic, never heard of a name like that before," the beast replied with a smile. "Then you look exotic too, such a beautiful little thing. Got to admit I like little guys like you. That's why I let you lot go. Plus who doesn't like having their cock sucked?" The creature put the tiny coke can to his lips and drained it dry and then tossed it over his shoulder. "Oh sorry, you asked my name. It's boring I'm afraid, nothing fancy or classy like yours. Sennacherib-a-Cortath, but me mates call us Senny. They lives just down the hill from the bridge. Like a day's walk. Bet they'd all like to play with a sexy little guy like you. Ah, could introduce yous if you'd like. Or there's a band of orcs in the woods ta the west. I has me fun with them sometimes and I bet they'd find you fun. Just saying."

That was a lot of information to get and Dave was not ready to process any more than he had to, "er... nice to meet you, Senny."

"Can I ask you to tug on me balls too? I likes it when someone does that. Happy to return the favour afterwards too. Never tasted someone as unusual as you and I bet you tastes real good," the bugbear asked him and in an odd way it really helped to hear it. Not just because good communication between lovers is a cornerstone to having good sex. Because somehow no ethereal beast magicking its way into his home would ask for a ball tug if it had ill intent. There was no logic there and Dave knew it. However, he suspected logic had been left behind with the slightly homophobic cab driver. Now he was stuck with utter chaos, but when utter chaos had a huge throbbing cock he was not going to complain about it.

Reaching out with a trembling paw, he lightly touched the thick shaft before him. Pulling his hand away quickly, as if it was burning hot, or might explode. However, all that happened was his fingertips remembered the feel of a warm hard cock and craved to feel it again. It was physically there, or his fingertips thought so. His paws returned, this time not pulling away, running up and down the powerful length. Senny was not the longest cock Dave had taken, but he was the thickest by a country mile. Wrapping both paws around the base he could not get his fingertips to meet.

Dave gulped and gasped in awe. Upstairs he had a draw full of toys, the biggest ones he could get. Some people called him a size queen, he just shrugged. He knew what he liked and he liked what he knew. Right then his teardrop tail was quivering at the thought of such a thick slab of meat forcing its way inside him.

"Mmm, a little bit of groping is alright, but I definitely remember you saying you'd suck me off," the words rumbled down from above and Dave glanced up into two big brown eyes. They had a gentle look to them he had not noticed before. Maybe because he had been far too busy noticing the huge muscles, body and the sharp teeth. However, those eyes were also full of horny lustful energy and that was something Dave knew all too well.

Smiling the rabbit replied, "sorry, just wanted to take a moment to admire this. Not sure I'll ever get my paws or lips on another quite like it." In shape, it was roughly similar to a human cock, a nice big glans and coronal ridge and a smooth shaft. Yet the thickness, oh the girth of this boy, no human could ever hope or dream to match up to it. From the tip a few drops of clear liquid began to run, dripping down the shaft as the bugbear's hips began to move clearly enjoying the attention from those inquisitive bunny fingers.

However, Dave knew that he had to do more than grope. Expectations had been laid out and his mind brought up another delightful reminder. A promise of a favour returned. A blow for a blow, far more fun when dealing with sex, less so in fighting. He had tasted a good range of different cocks, as an open-minded and ever forward guy. Dave wondered what a magical creature's cock would taste like. Although his wondering was not for long as without a warning his head darted forward.

Senny's voice lifted up in a deep moan of pleasure. While Dave's mouth was filled to capacity, shoving his face as far down the thick shaft as it could. The thunderous bulk pressing to the back of his throat. Dave had deep throated a horse once, and while he did not regret it he remembered having a sore throat and a raspy voice for a week or two afterwards. Not something to regret, but also not something he thought he should repeat, especially on a monster cock like the one throbbing against his tongue.

So he sucked and slurped eagerly bobbing on the few inches he could. While above him the beast moaned and panted in pleasure. "Fuck... oh yeah, you knows your business alright." The words might have brought a blush to the cheeks of less experienced men. To Dave they just brought a sense of pride, he was good at what he did and he did it as often as he could find someone willing. Swirling his tongue around the huge fat glans and meatus, enjoying the heavy musky taste. The taste of manly sweat, fresh and sweet like it had not sat long on the body. His nose was utterly dominated by the beast's scent. Every lungful of air was so thick with bugbear musk it was like breathing treacle.

His eyes closed as he savoured the scent, taste, feel and sounds of his magical lover. Maybe it was all some dream or hallucination. Maybe one of the guys had slipped a couple of edibles into the snacks at the game. If so he would have to find out exactly what, and do some more. Real feeling tasting, moaning sexy fantasy beasts he could see himself becoming an addict overnight.

Holding just the tip in his mouth, he slipped the tip of his tongue under the beast's foreskin. Gasping as the flavour intensified on his tongue, bitter drops of pre flowing regularly. He swallowed them all eagerly as he explored. Dave jumped as a huge hand landed on his head. However, all the bugbear did was stroke his ears and moan in pleasure. The huge mitt was able to cradle his entire head and more.

Dave shuddered to the feeling. Stallions, bears, bulls, his ex-lovers all had one thing in common they were far bigger than him and he loved that. Not just cock size, but body too. There was something about laying under a man two or more times your size, their brute strength able to do anything they wished to him. Yet he wished for it all too, the power and strength just breeding and claiming him. However, he felt safe and protected, if Dave had a type it was the gentle giant.

Moaning softly as he felt that huge hand stroking his head over and over. Remembering what the bugbear had said he pulled a paw off the thick cock and reached lower. Two of the fattest nuts he had ever felt, far too big to fit in one paw. Sweaty and moist to the touch. Stroking his paw down he got a grip on the leathery sack and gave a gentle tug.

The response was immediate, a deep cry of pleasure, hips thrust upwards forcing that thick cock as deep into his mouth as it could go. Then a flood of precum so copious it leaked out of his stretched lips and down his chin. Another tug and the bugbear thrust again while roaring with pleasure. "Fuck!...yeah just like that!" A gruff voice panted from above him.

Dave groaned deeply, his own cock painfully erect and leaking precum onto his carpet. However, he had no time to deal with his own physical needs, he had both hands literally full with the monster's huge and delicious cock. Slurping and sucking, his tongue lapping up the copious volumes of pre. His face and neck felt wet and sticky with the bugbear's juices. Dave's palms were soaked with sweat and precum as he continued to tug on those huge and no doubt productive fruits.

Hips started to buck with every tug, getting into a fast-paced rhythm. Dave smiled as he opened his eyes and glanced up. Such an enormous beast, a brutal fighter no doubt, probably a match for every man he had ever met. Yet he knew that he was in total control of it, his mouth and hands were playing the huge beast's lusts like some filthy piccolo. He drove the brute's guttural music up to a crescendo.

That huge mitt on the back of his head suddenly pushed forward as his home filled with roars and snarls of a beast in heat. In his mouth the thick maleness erupted, jet after jet of thick musky seed flooded his mouth. It was thick as oil and stuck to his tongue as he tried to gulp and swallow to stop himself from drowning. Over and over the cock throbbed and more and more of the beast's seed as emptied into him.

Rivers of it leaking from his lips, running down the black glistening length and his cheeks. Just as his lungs began to burn with the need for oxygen the huge paw on his head released. Gasping desperately for air Dave pulled off the beast's cock. Only for thick spouts of the monster seed to land all over his face, he was coated in the beast's fluids. Much more of it landed on his carpet and sofa. The rabbit gave a silent thanks that he had scotch guarded everything.

He knelt there directly in the line of fire. Closing his eyes and just feeling the warm cum raining down over his face, chest and body. His cock tingled as droplets landed on it and began to run down, merging together to form little streams and then drip from his furry balls. All the while his paws grasped that thickness and jerked it, milking the beast for every last drop he could extract.

When the flow had finally slowed to a few drops, the rabbit stopped his paws. He opened his eyes and looked up at the huge brute. Senny's mouth was open and his huge tongue had flopped out as the bugbear panted lost to the bliss of the afterglow. "Fuck, that was a suck and a half." The beast eventually muttered as it started to regain its senses. "You want me to return the favour?"

"Yes!" Dave's answer burst from his lips without a single moment's thought or hesitation. He was on his feet in seconds, his erect cock bobbing around eager for some attention. Senny smiled and then he rumbled a laugh, "seem like I'm not the only one who likes a good suck." the beast observed and Dave shrugged his shoulders. He knew one or two people who did not care for oral and he respected that. However, most people loved it, he loved both giving and receiving and a good sixty-nine best of all.

Senny reached out with two huge paws. Dave trembled to feel those huge hands they engulfed his waist easily and he shuddered at the feeling. Then he felt then pushing and he took a step or two backwards. As the huge bugbear bent down he realised he had been standing far too close for the huge beast to bend far enough to reach his cock. He gulped and trembled a little to see the bugbear's sharp teeth. He'd had a blow job from a couple of predators before and knew that most were careful of their teeth. Though he'd also had one that was a little too eager and his nice sucking had ended up painful and with a mouthful of blood.

Still, despite his natural fears with a new and fantastical partner, he could not take his eyes off that huge head. He gasped deeply and audible as he felt warm breath flowing down his drooling cock. Then he sighed with content as a broad, moist tongue lapped over his length. Lips sealing around it and the huge beast began to bob. Dave's length proved no challenge for its huge maw, he was sucked right down to the root and back. A warm tongue rolling and stroking against his maleness. Senny moaned softly and Dave could not help but smile to hear that the beast was enjoying his taste.

His hips began to move on their own, thrusting and fucking the huge beast's mouth. Dave's hands stroked the huge bast's hair. It was surprisingly soft and silky. Its pointed ears were halfway between an elf's and a dog's. They were sensitive to his fingers too and as he stroked them he felt Senny increase the suction in response. Unable to hold back the rabbit humped forward faster, giggling a little as his nuts smacked off the huge beast's chin.

The pleasure grew by the moment and his cock had been desperate for attention for far too long. Dave knew he could not last long in the bugbear's warm mouth and he did not care. He cried out as his cock began to jet and his entire body trembled as it was awash with pleasure. The brute did not seem to mind his lack of warning. All Senny did was continue to suck. The broad tongue lapping over his cocktip often to clear away the rabbit's juices as he shot.

Dave's head was spinning and he felt the warmth around his cock vanish. Suddenly a huge head was pressed to his, lips to his lips. A tongue far bigger than any he had ever felt before was pressed into his mouth, dominating it with ease. Then he tasted something familiar, cum his cum to be exact. With no other option, he sucked on that tongue and swallowing his own seed willingly. Two huge paws stroked up and down his naked flanks and then onto his buttocks and tail.

The kiss was broken and the bugbear smiled, "ah know I agreed to just a suck. However, I was wondering if you might want to ride? I bet you are a good tight fuck. I promise to go slow and not..."

"Go fast!" Dave cut in as he pushed the bugbear hard. He intended to push the brute back onto his sofa so he could get at that thick cock once more. Only he might as well have tried to move Everest but pushing it with his bare hands. However, this mountain gave in to his request, smiling happily and sat back in his chair. Those huge paws reached up rested behind the bugbear's head.

Jumping eagerly he hopped up onto the sofa and the bugbear's lap. His leg's spread very wide and that wonderful thick meaty pole hot dogged up between his buttocks. Those soft brown eyes looked at him and muttered, "you don't have to, I don't want to hUUUGHT!" His words were cut off as Dave lifted himself up, positioned that thick shaft at his entrance and sat down just as hard as he could. Despite years of riding both men and toys of as big a girth as he could find, it was not a pain-free entrance. Dave gave silent thanks for having had a session with his toys earlier that day. Or he knew he would have just done himself some damage.

As it was his lithe frame swallowed the huge black meat with a bit of effort and pain. However, as his buttocks came to a rest on top of the beast's two huge nuts. Panting deeply he made sure to stop, letting the pain fade as he laughed at the shocked and delighted look on the bugbear's face. Leaning up he kissed Senny's lips softly and muttered: "hope I did not hurt you." Senny moaned softly and the kiss was returned. Those wonderful large paws stroked up and down his back and chest, as the beast admired his form. Dave moaned happily enjoying the feeling of strength in the paws that caressed him.

However, as soon as the pain had faded he began to rock in that lap. Leaning forward to rest his head on Senny's broad powerful chest. Hearting a loud heartbeat, growing faster as he continued to buck. Ramming an inch or more of thick cock in and out of his depths. His entire body strapped around the thick length, trying to hold the delicious meat inside him. Tilting his head up he found Senny looking down. Their lips met again and this time the kiss held. Warm tongue pushing gingerly into his mouth. He welcomed it with his own, sucking and savouring the oddly sweet taste of his beast lover.

The two were moving as one, just a few inches sliding on and out and yet it felt like a foot. With each buck Dave cried out in pleasure, his cries were met by moans from the bugbear. The pain of the initial entry had long since faded and all that was left was the wonderful feeling of being stretched and filled. The cock was so thick that with every motion it pressed hard against his prostate and he felt that wonderful tickling pleasure growing inside him.

His erect cock was pressing into the bugbear's stomach fur, it was wonderfully soft and growing wet with his precum. The poor creature would need to groom thoroughly and wash afterwards. From the tightness on his face, neck and chest he knew he too would need to wash and groom some cum out of his fur. A very small price to pay for such a wonderful encounter. Senny's huge paws grasped around his waist again, lifting him up and pushing him down as if he weighed nothing.

Dave had no choice but surrender control to the bugbear. Their lips never parted as with each passing moment their passion grew. The room filling with the squelching sounds of his stretched ass being fucked full beyond capacity with thick throbbing meat. Pushing hard the rabbit tried to move faster, desperate to feel more. Every fibre of his being was screaming out for more. His cock was throbbing, and aching with the need for release once more.

Breaking the kiss Dave cried out, "faster, harder...fucking breed me!" For a moment the bugbear froze, every muscle stopped as if in shock. Then just as Dave was about to beg once more Senny began to move. Those huge paws grasped him desperately, almost painfully tight. While the huge hips under him thrust upwards. Dave cried out in a little pain and yet he kept pushing down. His body screamed at him for more and he couldn't stop. He was drunk on the pleasure and the feeling and his cock was begging with him to keep going.

Inside him the massive cock rammed harder and faster, those heavy nuts slapping lewdly off his ass. While the room was filled with noise, their joint unrestrained cries of passion and pleasure. No words only animalistic sounds as the pair writhed and bucked lost to the bliss of each other's body. It was Dave who gave first, the constant pounding on his prostate forcing him over the edge. His mind went white as the pressure inside him built beyond his control. Dave's cock throbbed and sprayed over and over, while his tight ass clamped down on the invading thickness squeezing and massaging the spasming thickness inside him.

Senny was bucking upwards growling with bestial lusts. While inside the rabbit so much bugbear jizz was flooding him that it was pouring out in rivers, pooling on his sofa and soaking deep into the fabric. The two rocked together panting desperately as their orgasms slowly faded. A large pressed up to Dave's huge ears and he heard him whisper, "come back with me to my bridge and ride me every day."

"Oh yes," whispered the rabbit, laying his head down on the bugbear's broad chest, melting into the beast's powerful embrace. Senny placed a soft kiss on his head. Then they were gone, a destroyed coffee table and cum-drenched sofa the only evidence that anything had happened.

I have just published a brand new anthology of sexy orc stories, please see the information in the journal below for links on where you can buy a copy.

Orc anthology

I published an Ebook of sexy orc story series, The books can be found at the links below.Thanks for reading UK US

I have a patreon where I post all my stories at least 2 weeks prior to public posting, plus where I post a lot of WIP ebooks etc

I've just published a new Novella available in both ebook and hardcopy (after a vote on twitter showed an overwhelming desire for a hardcopy to be available)

Amazon UK Ebook

Amazon UK Hard Copy

Amazon USA Ebook

Amazon USA hard copy

Smashwords version

My other novels and ebooks can also be found on Amazon and Smashwords

My UK Amazon Author's Page

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My Smashwords Author's Page

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