Be Careful What you Roll for, Part 3 Dragon

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#3 of Careful what you roll for

Part 3 of this story is certainly a bit different for me. As I said on the previous chapters, each chapter explores different kinks. This is the shortest and horniest of the chapters and it is my first real foray into bondage and dragons of course. It's a bit stronger than my normal stuff, so has been marked extreme, though I suspect it might be mild for those really into bondage

Anthony yawned as he closed his front door behind him. A good fun night, and he had enjoyed it. Though he was tired he couldn't help but flick his mobile phone on and start browsing the Growlr app. It was so much easier than waiting to meet a guy, then strike up a conversation find out if he's gay and single. Just check out people nearby, awake and see if any of them are looking for some no-strings fun. No strings, sometimes no names. His balls got drained, though he had had one or two regrets. Mostly when he found out a little more than he wanted to know about one of the guys he had some fun with.

He shuddered to think of it and decided to close the app down. It was late and he could always make a bad decision tomorrow instead. For now, he had a nice fantasy about a sexy dragon all cock-ringed up and ready to play. A no-strings-attached date with his right paw, no risks and no regrets either. He tossed his keys on his kitchen bench and trotted up his stairs, not even bothering to turn the lights on.

It took him moments to strip and he tossed himself down on the bed with a grateful sigh. A long fun evening over and done. The cheetah ran a spotty down his chest and began to grope his furry sheath. A soft purr slipped out of his chest as he teased his furry balls, his pink tip slipping free. In his mind, he pictured that big buff golden dragon, his cock erect and ready. Eager to do whatever he asked, just to be allowed to cum.

"Yeah, I don't know what you think is going to happen. However Sarkiran the Mighty does not bend over for any thief or trickster," Anthony's eyes flew open and his jaw dropped. Standing in the doorway to his room was a huge creature. Easily seven and a half foot tall, maybe more. Broad at the chest and hips. Thick muscle rippling along his golden-scaled form. A mane of red hair hanging down rakishly over one side of his long elegant muzzle. A slightly amused sneer on his face.

However, the cheetah's eyes could not stay on the golden face. They slipped down to where a huge equine cock was bobbing. Its flare was almost as big as Anthony's fist and it looked long. It glistened slightly in the moonlight as precum dripped out of the tip, a strange scent of honey was in the air. The room suddenly flared with light and his eyes darted up just in time to see a small puff of flame come from the dragon's flared nose and light a long black cigar. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself, thief?"

"I... I'm not a t...t..." Anthony began, his mind spinning at the impossibility while in his paw his cock slipped out to its full length. His mind may have been confused, but his body knew that it liked what it saw.

"Not a thief? Ha! I bet you claim you're not a trickiest either," snorted Sarkiran as he took a pull on his black cigar and stepped closer, exhaling a huge puff of smoke in the feline's direction. A clawed hand waved at the beast's huge erection and a single claw pointed to a glistening ring. Golden and encrusted with rubies. "I'm sure you didn't give me this little 'gift' now did you?"

The golden cock ring of Ur'Huh, somehow Anthony just knew that what it had to be. It was utterly impossible. For a moment he wondered if his friends had slipped something into his drink or his Cheetos. However, he knew that they would never do anything like that. "I... that was a game, just a bit of fun. You were made up."

"Well, maybe it's time for me to have a little bit of fun," the dragon muttered stepping to the end of the bed and towering over the cheetah. He took another pull on his cigar, the red glowing tip lighting up his grinning face with an eerie red glow.

"Fun? You mean..." Anthony gulped and trembled.

Sarkiran burst out into a deep laugh and sat down at the end of the bed, "relax kitty. I don't take them that's not willing and wanting. So when I take you, and I am going to take you, you will be willing and wanting it." Another long pull on the dragon's cigar and a strong puff of smoke. The scent of honey was now masked by the thick cigar smoke.

Waving a paw before his face the cheetah muttered, "you know those things will kill you, right?"

Sarkiran took the half-smoked cigar out of his mouth and looked it over, then he snorted a puff of flame lighting the room as he began to laugh, "my lungs are made of asbestos and I breathe fire. Do you really think a little nicotine is going to kill me? That sort of thing only affects mortals, such as you. However, if it bothers you..." the dragon opened his mouth and there was a soft hiss as he stubbed the cigar out on his own tongue.

Moving himself up into a seated position, Anthony's mind began to rally, "how does a fantasy creature like you know what nicotine is?"

For the first time, a flash of doubt flashed across Sarkiran's face. "I don't know. I just know. Same as I know that I will never stop being horny, never cease needing release until you give me permission and I cum. Then this ring will come off, as I do. You trapped me..."

"No... well, yes. I mean in the game I did. In real life, I would never..."

"Never what?" Sarkiran smirked. "Never use such trinkets to bind your lovers? We both know that's a lie. I know what's in there." As he spoke the dragon pointed another sharp claw at the feline's closet. Anthony looked confused and the dragon added, "two sets of police-issue handcuffs, one spreader bar, five different ropes, three ball gags, one..."

"Ok, stop!" Anthony burst out, alarmed to hear the scaled beast just rattle off an inventory of his bondage toys. "Look, yes I'm into that stuff, but so are the people I use it on. Always with consent and safewords and..."

"What's my safeword?" the dragon cut in again sharply.

"I... look, I didn't... I mean it was a game and a bit of harmless make-believe. In my imagination you'd have been totally into it," insisted the feline earnestly.

"Good, cause, in reality, I am totally into it," laughed the dragon and he moved, his huge clawed hands landing either side of Anthony's legs. The huge golden beast began to crawl up him. "I'm into it, you're into it. So what's the problem?"

"The problem?" Anthony asked as he felt dwarfed as the dragon's shadow drew over his body. "You're a fucking magical beast."

Sarkiran smirked, crawling further up the cheetah. Anthony gasped as he felt something warm and firm stroking up his thighs, he knew it was the dragon's erect cock. The golden head dipped down and strangely silky smooth scaled lips were pressed to his, he did not resist. In fact, he returned the kiss with a hesitant but growing passion and fever. Their lips parted and Sarkiran's lips pressed to his ears and whispered, "do you want me to stop, or go away?"

Anthony's head shook and the dragon chuckled, "you can do better than that, kitten."

"," the feline admitted, feeling oddly relieved to hear his own voice admitting his feelings. He knew this was impossible, but he figured he could work out the whys and wherefores in the morning. For the night he could fuck a dragon, or more accurately be fucked by a dragon. The rest of the mystery was future Anthony's problem and that guy could handle it. future Anthony could handle anything.

Those huge clawed hands stroked down his chest, and his entire body trembled, this time with lust and need. "There, I told you I would take you and you'd be wanting it. Such a beautiful furry body you have. Maybe if you do well I'll take you back to my hoard. You can be my hoard whore and we will have such fun together."

Moaning softly Anthony did not reply, he just felt the wonderful tingles of such strong hands caressing his lithe frame. He pushed up into the dragon's hands and felt something firm against his inner thigh once more. Sarkiran's muzzle nuzzled against his neck and he heard the beast inhaling his scent. Leaning forward, he placed soft kisses on the dragon's broad muscular shoulders. The scares large and coarse against his lips. Trembling his paws reached up, stroking and caressing the broad chest above him, exploring in wonder the perfect physical specimen that was to be his lover.

A deep rumbling moan of pleasure echoed from that broad chest through the cheetah's fingertips and into his ears. "Of course, since we both like certain things. How about we make this a little bit more fun?"

Anthony gasped as a clawed hand clasped gently around his erect maleness and stroked softly. More fun? Than having sex with a real, flesh and blood, horny dragon? Was that even possible? He was determined to find out. "I... would be up for more." the Cheetah admitted, feeling his entire body tingle at the possibilities. He knew that he was going to be bred by the beast, Sarkiran had told him so. However, his mind thrilled at the possibilities. He had a range of huge toys that he'd played with and the thought of that huge cock filled him with desire.

"No need for such crude things as in your closet," chuckled the dragon, sliding down the bed, pulling away from the cheetah's protesting paws and body. Then he snapped a couple of his clawed fingers and Anthony yelped in surprise. His wrists and ankles were grabbed by something and he was pulled roughly down into a laying position, his legs spread wide. Glancing around he could see the faintest glow around his wrists and ankles. A faint outline of four dragon claws holding him down.

Magical bondage! Anthony licked his lips and moaned softly, "oh fuck, yes!"

Another chuckle slipped from the dragon's lips as he clicked his fingers again. Anthony yelped in surprise as his legs were suddenly wrenched from the bed and thrown high over his head and held there. His body bent double, exposing his tail hole and leaving him utterly at the mercy of his new lover. The bed clinked softly as the dragon moved into position.

Strong clawed hands stroked over his thighs slowly. A deep rumbling moan escaped the lizard's lips. Anthony shivered as the magical creature took its time, slowly stroking and caressing his buttocks and thighs. His cock throbbed each time the clawed fingers moved up his inner thighs. Moving to a hair's breadth from his balls, or cleft buttocks. Yet each time the claw did not cross that line moving away again. Leaving the cat trembling, with each motion his desires and needs grew. Yet those magical paws held him firmly in position. He was utterly at the mercy of the golden dragon's whims.

A single claw was pressed through his fur, lightly scratching his skin. Anthony moaned as it moved slowly up his thigh and then down towards his furry sack. Sending tingles down the cheetah's spine as he anticipated the feeling of a scaled paw wrapping itself around his cock. Or thick fingers thrusting into his well-trained ass. Biting his lips he felt that claw inch up to his pucker, his heart began to race. Then suddenly the claw moved away and he cried out in frustration, "please just..."

"Shhhh! My pet." chuckled Sarkiran, as his claws returned to their stroking and exploring. "Don't think you can tell a magical being such as the Great Sarkiran what he should do. You are his plaything now." A golden head suddenly hoved into view between the cheetah's well-spread legs. The huge body leaning right over him. Sarkiran pressed his lips to the cheetah's ears and whispered, "and you couldn't be happier to be my plaything."

As the dragon spoke, Anthony felt a thick finger pressing to his pucker. It pushed in deep and quick, the digit warm and yet slick with some lubricant the cheetah had not seen. He spent no time wondering on that for a beast that appears by magic and could summon magical bondage to have access to lubricant was hardly a surprise. However, he did push back as much as he could against that invading digit. Gasping as the clawed finger seemed to find his every sweet spot and hit them over and over. "Oh fuck!" He whimpered softly.

A soft chuckle rumbled into his ear, "very soon my pet, very soon." Sarkiran whispered, his mighty head pressing into the nape of Anthony's neck. The cheetah gasped as he felt powerful and sharp teeth nibbling on his neck and shoulders. A second finger was pressed to his ass and he whimpered as he opened up wider. Those thick digits moving back and forth quickly finger fucking his ass. While between his legs his cock throbbed and spat out drops of precum as it begged him to touch it.

Weakly the cheetah struggled with his paws trying to get one free so he could grasp himself. He knew that was not allowed and yet could not help but try as his cock begged him to touch it. The pleasure inside his ass growing with each passing moment. The magical hands held him firmly in position, no matter how hard he tried to kick his legs or jerk his arms they did not budge a single millimetre.

"I think someone is ready for more," snorted the dragon. His golden form lifting up and getting quickly in position behind the prone feline. Anthony gasped out as he felt a thick cocktip pressing against his pucker. Gulping he tried to relax, while inside he was squealing with barely contained glee. He'd been fucked by horses before and did love their big thick cocks. That wonderful flared tip, the medial ring that tickled his insides so wonderfully. Such wonderful girth and then the best feeling of all a heavy huge pair of nuts slapping lewdly against his wanton hole.

"Yes, oh fuck yes, I am. I'm ready, so very fucking ready," confirmed Anthony still struggling on instinct, desperate to get his hands on his cock.

Sarkiran smirked, "There's something special I want you to feel." As he spoke the dragon clicked his claws and one of the magical hands holding his wrist down moved suddenly. Anthony's hand was yanked down and his palm pressed down against his stomach. Just inches from where his drooling cock was trembling and begging him to touch it.

Anthony was not sure what the dragon was wanting him to feel. However, he had little time to wonder as that huge battering ram against his entrance suddenly thrust. Bashing its way through his defences easily that thick flare spreading and stretching his ring. The cheetah squealed out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Sarkiran did not slow down, the huge golden beast thrust forward quickly shoving that thick meat hilt deep in one smooth motion.

The cheetah's eyes went wide as he felt what the dragon wanted him to feel. His stomach expanding out as that thick equine shaft hilted inside his slender body. Sarkeiran moaned deeply, "fuck so tight... for now anyway." There was no time to speak the huge beast suddenly started to rut. That long thick equine cock pulling back quickly until just the flare remained and then thrust forward filling him again. His fingertips lifting just a little as it came to rest deep inside him.

"Oh fuck... oh you're so..." was all the cheetah could get out before a third thrust made him squeal in pleasure. Then a fourth Sarkiran wasting no time setting up a rapid pace. Huge golden orbs smacking off his spotted cheeks as the beast took his pleasure in his helpless form. With each thrust, he felt his fingers lift and the feel of it moving inside him. Knowing what it was it made his cock ache and throb in a way it had never done before.

Utterly lost to the pleasure and entirely at the dragon's mercy. Anthony lay back crying out again and again in pure bliss as his ass was ravaged by the savage beast. The air lighting up with puffs of flame as Sarkiran gave cries of pleasure as the feline squirmed around his thick dick. Over and over the brute fucked and then his voice suddenly called out, "I need your permission to cum."

With a gasp, Anthony remembered the magical cockring. His body was clenching down around that thick dragon shaft, milking it desperately. Yet that beast could not cum, until he gave permission. He laughed internally to realise he had control over such a huge and powerful beast. Anthony's own cock leaking and oozing more and more precum his need to orgasm desperately overriding everything. "Fuck me to orgasm and you may cum!" The cheetah screamed out. It was permission and a challenge to the brute dragon. Make him cum hands-free and the dragon could cum all it wished.

Roaring with a mixture of rage and lust the dragon picked up the pace. Suddenly laying down over him. He stared up into the beast's glowing eyes as Sarkiran's mighty hips pumped his thick cock in and out with desperate need. Each thrust he felt the pressure inside himself building. His entire body fought desperately against the restraining claws. The need to cum absolute flooding every part of his mind. He knew nothing but pleasure and frustration as with each buck the dragon drove him nearer to the edge.

His cock felt like it was on fire, it tingled with a burning need. While his fingers felt that massive flared tip moving around inside him. With a yowl of a feral cat, Anthony felt the damn break. His cock began to spray uncontrollably. Soaking his hand and stomach. While Sarkiran bellowed with pure bestial delight. Under his fingers and inside him he felt the force of the beast's orgasm as he fucked desperately breeding the feline full of every last drop of dragon seed.

Anthony lay back panting heavily, utterly spent. A few moments later Sarkiran pulled out and the dragon reached down to his own cock. The two lay together panting heavily in the afterglow. The magical claws vanished and Anthony gave a happy contented sign as his legs lay down on the bed and his back stopped complaining. As he purred and moaned in the afterglow. Sarkiran's claw moved over his and then he felt something being pressed into his palm.

The cheetah was too exhausted and content to think. His fingers closed around the round object and just as he realised what it was it vanished from his paw. Anthony felt a pressure around his crotch and suddenly his cock was fully and painfully erect again. His heart racing and his body screaming that it needed release. He looked up into the dragon's smirking eyes. Knowing that the cockring would keep him stuck on the very edge of orgasm until he was given permission to cum.

"Do you want to come with me, and be the whore of my hoard?" The dragon asked with a slightly mocking voice.

Anthony could not form words as his body screamed at him that it needed more, that it needed release. He nodded his head dumbly, hoping that Sarkiran would not keep him waiting all day. He knew now why the dragon had been so annoyed he had been wearing the ring less than a minute and he knew he would sell his soul for permission to orgasm.

A moment later the room was empty, with no evidence of their activities. Save for the wet patch on the cheetah's bed.

I have just published a brand new anthology of sexy orc stories, please see the information in the journal below for links on where you can buy a copy.

Orc anthology

I published an Ebook of sexy orc story series, The books can be found at the links below.Thanks for reading UK US

I have a patreon where I post all my stories at least 2 weeks prior to public posting, plus where I post a lot of WIP ebooks etc

I've just published a new Novella available in both ebook and hardcopy (after a vote on twitter showed an overwhelming desire for a hardcopy to be available)

Amazon UK Ebook

Amazon UK Hard Copy

Amazon USA Ebook

Amazon USA hard copy

Smashwords version

My other novels and ebooks can also be found on Amazon and Smashwords

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