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8 years I have been a Pokémon trainer, capturing and training Pokémon of all kinds, but my favourite one would have to be Cyndy. She is a ninetails, and I caught her, well, sorta caught her.

Actually, I rescued her from almost drowning. She had fallen in a fast flowing river when she was a vulpix.

I was 11 at the time, and I swam out, with a rope tied to my body, and plucked her from the freezing cold water.

She had swallowed a lot of water, I thought she was dead at first, but after performing CPR on her, she coughed up the water.

Then I started a fire and kept her warm with my own body heat. She felt so warm under the blanket; her fur was soft and silky.

Soon, we were asleep, her head resting on my stomach.

I was woken by Teddy poking me in the shoulder; he was a teddiursa, only level 6, just a baby.

"Yes Teddy?" I asked, yawning.

"Breaky?" he asked, thumb in his muzzle, so cute, I couldn't help but smile.

"Sure, biscuits? Or porridge?"

"Porridge pwease." He replied, bouncing up and down.

"Ok, porridge it is." I said, and then looked at the young vulpix, still fast asleep, curled into a ball.

"Heya sleepy head, going to sleep the day away?" I asked, rubbing her ears. She just murred and opened her beautiful eyes, looking at me with something like affection.

"No." she said, using her ESP ability, like all Pokémon have, to communicate with their trainers.

As I was preparing the breakfast, she followed me around and watched what I was doing, always observant.

"Do you have a name?" I asked her, smiling.

"No name." she said, slightly sad.

"Ok, what about.... Ummm.... Cyndy." I said, scritching her head, which caused her to wag her tails with pleasure.

"Yes, I like that very much, master." She replied.

"Master? I'm not your master." I replied, a look of surprise on my face.

"Yes you are, master. As you saved my life, I am forever in your servitude." She explained, looking at me in my eyes. Damn, her eyes are so hypnotic, so full of mystic.

I just smiled, and petted her head.

"Ok, do you like porridge?" I asked.

Cyndy just shook her head.

"Never had it before, master." She said, cautiously sniffing the contents of the saucepan that was sitting the fire.

"Ok, trust me, it's delicious."

Cyndy just shrugged her shoulders and waited, watching me cook, as Teddy drooled and sat, fidgeting in anticipation.

Soon, it was ready, and I got 3 plates out and filled them with steaming hot piles of porridge. I poured a large helping of milk and honey on Teddy's serving, which he loves, then handed Cyndy her plate.

"Careful, it's hot." I warned her, which she sniffed at slowly.

"Milk master?" she asked, her tummy rumbling.

"Sure thing." I replied, pouring some milk in her bowl.

She cautiously had a small lick, and her reaction was instantaneous, her eyes lit up and her muzzle drooled and her tail wagged furiously.

Soon, she was eagerly slurping up the lukewarm porridge, some on her muzzle. She looked up at my smiling face, and I couldn't help but laugh at the mess on her beautiful red fur, looking at her muzzle made her eyes go cross eyed, which had me rolling on the ground in hysterics. She blushed and licked the porridge off, then nuzzled my cheek, which ceased my laughing.

"Danger." Cried Teddy, running up to me before cowering behind me, clutching my leg in fear.

Getting up suddenly, I noticed another human approaching. He was an adult, wearing a uniform, with a large letter M on the front of his shirt. Oh oh, Team Missile. I thought, trembling in fear. Team Missile was another evil organisation similar to Team Rocket, but more organised and nastier, as they do illegal things within the parameters of the law, and never seem to get caught.

"Ho, a little pipsqueak." He sneered, stopping in front of me.

He reached into his pocket and produced a Pokéball, and released the Pokémon inside. I knew the challenge, and the risks, I could lose all my Pokémon to him, but I could also gain as well.

But my blood froze and my gut plummeted as I gazed upon the Pokémon before me.

It was a Tyranitar, and I knew that it was powerful, as they only evolve at level 55, oh man, I'm going to lose.

<Don't give up hope, you have the strength to prevail.> Whispered a female voice in my head, and I just smiled.

"What are you smiling at short bean." The adult sneered, "I'm about to take all your Pokémon"

"I don't think so." I replied, taking out my own pokeball, and released the Pokémon within.

"Go Torch." I shouted, as my Cyndaquil emerged.

When he saw my pitiful small Pokémon, the man from Team Missile just laughed, then shouted. "Tyrant, Earthquake."

The ground shook, I fall on my butt, and my Pokémon fainted from the shock blast of the overkill attack.

"Do you have any more, or shall I just take what you've got." He gleefully replied.

I tossed another Pokémon out, a level 8 pidgey, and he clapped with glee.

"Clever, clever boy, Earthquake is useless, however.... Tyrant... Crunch."

Another Pokémon fainted.

"Any more?" he demanded.

I looked down at Teddy, who was trembling. No, I couldn't.

"Me, I'm next." Replied Cyndy, stepping forward.

"No Cyndy, don't. He's to powerful." I pleaded.

Cyndy just smiled and looked at me.

"Let me try master, for all the kind and wonderful things you did for me." She replied, then growled at the towering Tyrant.

"Ok...but please be careful." I replied.

"Yes master." She said.

"Ho-ho-ho. A vulpix, and what a pretty one indeed. She'll make such a nice addition to my collection."

"Don't be too sure, jerk." She snarled, then launched her attack.

She started with a roar, which caused the Tyranitar to cringe, then she followed it up with a quick attack. Tyrant was caught off guard, and stumbled, which gave her the opening she needed to release a devastating fire blast.

Both me and the Team Missile guy stood opened mouth by such an awesome attack, that neither of us said or did anything for a few seconds.

"YES!!" I exclaimed.

"NO!!" he cried, as his powerful Tyranitar fainted.

"NAH! In your face." I jeered, poking my tongue out and pulled my eye lid down. (As in the anime cartoons... :P )

The adult stood fuming, then his mood went from shock to nastiness, as he released his next Pokémon.

"Don't get too cocky, runt." He replied.

My jaw dropped and Cyndy quivered in fear at what was before her.

It was an Entei, one of the most rarest and powerful Pokémon you could ever see.

Well, even though Cyndy defeated Tyranitar easily, I knew that she couldn't defeat this beast, so I called her back.

Reluctantly, she obeyed, walking back and laying beside me, resting after her battle.

"Giving up, are ya?" he sneered. "Well, I don't blame ya."

"No, never." I yelled.

<Ok, now's the time. Lets show this jerk what you've really got.> Whispered the female voice again.

"Are you sure?" I replied.


"Ok. I call forth... Suira." And with that, I released my final Pokémon, the one that my father gave me, the same one that informed me of Cyndy's plight.

When she emerged from the Pokeball, Cyndy gasped with wonder while the Team Missile member's face drained of colour. He knew that he was beaten.

To be continued...

TITZ 'N' AZZ Day 1

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