Around Town - Commission for Basque

Story by TheGreatJaceyGee on SoFurry

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Manny Magdeleno is a famous soccer player with some errands to run. However, he forgets that mating season for minks has begun, and goes into town carrying with him a very persuasive odor. He encounters 3 people who learn just how strong a mink's musk can be.

Commission for Basque

Manny Magdeleno woke up that Sunday morning blissfully ignorant of the sexual carnage he would be responsible for in the coming hours. He had dreamed of his family, an innocent and wholesome vision that had him feeling upbeat. It ill-foretold the coming debauchery he would soon find himself in.

His dewy eyes creaked open, transitioning him from the imagined company of his family to the blurry image of his ceiling fan. His bed was a disorderly mess; all that covered him was a thin white sheet, reaching only to just above his pubis. His arm was bent above his head while the other tucked itself into the sheet, resting his paw over his crotch. He was a mink, coated in a fantastically white fur that out-glowed even the snowy bed sheets around him. He was tall and built sturdily. Under his luxurious layer of alabaster fur was a perfectly chiseled physique brought on by his career as a professional soccer player. Every muscle in his trunk stood out with profound definition, from the burly duo of pecs jutting from his chest to the deep V etched between his hips.

He sat up and stretched with an exaggerated yawn that showed off his sharp teeth, curling tongue, and coal-black gums. His muscles and tendons popped loudly as his fluffy white mink tail wisped around behind him. He checked the alarm clock on his nightstand. 8:46, it read.

He swung his legs out from the sheets and stood off of the bed. He gave himself a full body stretch, arching his back and lifting his arms above his head into a big Y. The rest of his physique was on display, showing equal definition to his torso. His legs were strung taut with muscle, from his sharply edged achilles up to his angular buttocks. Most notable, however, was the audacious rotundity of his scrotum. Hanging from his crotch heavily, it was an enormous purse of flesh carrying two spheres neatly packed side-by-side. His sheath was a thick nub covered in fur. Hidden behind that cherubic stub of delicate softness was a hellacious monster, presently dormant, but ready at any moment to reveal its awesome size.

He reached down and squeezed his hefty fruit, nonchalantly smacking his dry lips. He loved to feel his orbs rolling against another and in his palm. He felt his cock stir in its sheath. He let go of himself. It was too early for him to deal with that. He went to his wardrobe and opened the top drawer for his underwear. He slid on a pair of black compression shorts. They clung to his package tightly, bowing forward to create an intense bulge. They were the kind made special for horses, a fact he held with some pride.

He went to the side of the bedroom where a large window was covered in vertical blinds. He slid them aside, and was greeted with the sun-drenched view of the city. He lived on the outskirts of the city in a large home. Being able to wake up each morning and see that intensely unique skyline colored over by the orange morning sun was the greatest luxury afforded him by living there. It was his city, one he had adopted ever since he was drafted by the Perth Rush Hour, the soccer team he played for. Drafted in 2012, he moved here from Italy and tried his best to learn the Canadian way of life. He perfected his English, bought a house, bought a car, and lived a quiet life of luxury he earned through his multi-million dollar salary.

Of course, few people cared if he spoke English, where or how he lived, or how much money he made. All people really worried about was if he could score goals, something he was very, very good at. Very early in his career he had established himself as one of the premier strikers in the league, cutting opponent's defenses apart and racking up goals at will. He was elected team captain and signed the biggest contract the Canadian Soccer League had ever seen. He earned the nickname "The Ghost," thanks to both his white fur and the way he seemed to float across the field when he scored. He thought it was kind of demeaning at first, but he grew to like it. The fans loved him, the women especially.

Manny left the window and went to his kitchen to eat breakfast. He brushed his teeth, combed his hair, then got dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants. It was late February, and he still wasn't used to the fierce Canadian chill. His thick fur helped, but growing up in the semi-tropical Mediterranean meant his blood was never quite up to the task of bearing Jack Frost's cruel nip. He had some plans that Sunday. He would visit the gym and run a few kilometers, he would visit his favorite outlet store for some new clothes, then return some library books for a new one. Simple. Innocent. Nothing worth thinking too deeply about.

But as he walked out of his house and locked the door behind him, he unknowingly sealed away any chance of that Sunday being normal. His morning routine, so fixed and regimental, had proved detrimental. He'd lost track of the time. He could hardly be called upon to tell what the day of the month was. It was February 27. Mating season for minks was in its opening stages. Deep in his loins was a bubbling chemistry of pheromones ready to disperse and attract potential mates. That potent, mind-dissolving musk minks are known for was making its way through the glands in his backside, seeping through tiny pores and coating the inside of haunches. He whistled to himself as he walked to his garage, ignorant of the sexual proximity mine he carried with him.

With his anti-musk deodorant sitting unused and forgotten in his medicine cabinet, he entered his garage and started his car, a red Ferrari Portofino. He threw his gym bag into the passenger seat, opened the garage door, and zoomed out. He drove to Carroway's gym, a private establishment usually reserved for high-paying customers like celebrities and famous athletes. It was still in the morning, with hardly any people inside. A lone staff member stood behind the reception desk. Two people were on treadmills side by side, jogging. One was a black cat, a woman, the other an orange cat, a man.

Manny checked in. "Morning Manny," chimed the staff member, a gazelle named Alex.

"Good morning," Manny said back with his suave Italian accent. He was one of the more famous faces that could be seen there. He chose this place above all others because it championed privacy for its clientele. There was the Rush Hour's team gym, but he hated going there and working out with his teammates. Not that he disliked them personally, he simply preferred working out on his own, without the direction of a coach or trainer.

Of course, that day wasn't supposed to be anything crazy. He just wanted to enjoy a morning drive to the gym and have a nice 10 kilometer run. He would listen to some music or a podcast, maybe watch some TV, and enjoy the time to himself.

He went to the locker rooms where he put his gym bag and sweat clothes. He was left in his running shorts and shirt. He came back and chose a treadmill two spaces to the right of the feline couple who were jogging. They didn't spare him any thought. The black cat was Nikki, a bombay with hair so dark it was like looking into a deep hole. Her eyes were an edgy green, staring ahead staunchly as she jogged. Her body was a well-toned machine kept hidden under her obsidian coat of fur. She wore a tight purple sports bra and work out shorts that moved along with the steady pump of her powerful legs. She had been jogging for several minutes now, lost in a deep runner's high.

To her left was her boyfriend, Sam, a man desperately trying to keep up. He wore a blue shirt and black shorts darkened with wet stains. He was dripping in perspiration, having dropped his pace beneath Nikki's minutes ago. Every so often he had to plant his feet on the sides of the conveyor to catch his breath. Towards the beginning she had egged him on, trying to get him to man up and stay with her. She finally gave up, ignoring him completely and leaving him to suffer.

Manny got on his treadmill and started it. The running belt kicked into motion and slowly accelerated. He started off at an easy pace, not planning on doing anything too strenuous. He popped his earbuds in and selected one of his favorite true crime podcasts. He jogged while listening to the two narrators casually discuss a particularly gruesome murder, a lovely distraction.

A few minutes passed and he increased the treadmill's speed. beep beep beep. The treadmill's motor hummed louder as its belt whirred beneath his pumping legs. His mind was fixed on the podcast, hanging on every word to help him ignore the inevitable burn that rose in his muscles. A slight sweat broke out across his fur, progenitor to what would be a heavy soak if he ran long enough.

Nikki hadn't noticed him whatsoever, entranced by her jog as she was. Manny was a familiar face, and not one she paid too much attention to. She wasn't a sports fan as much as she was a health nut. She couldn't have cared less who Manny was, be it a famous soccer player or Jesus.

That was until a gossamer yet distinct odor brushed across her nostrils.

snif. snif-sniff. Sniiiiifffffffff

Her face furrowed into a scowl. She looked at Sam. No, it wasn't him. She aimed her nose down at herself and gave an investigative whiff. She was sweaty too, but whatever this was, it wasn't sweat. It was sharp and heavy, jutting through the aura of perspiration like a lone tree in a prairie.

It got heavier. She tried to ignore it, but it stung in her nose and singed her lungs. She had to slow the treadmill. She was getting annoyed as well as curious. Sam took it as a sign to slow down. He regressed into a speed-walk. He caught her scowling around, flexing her nose as she whiffed the air incessantly.

"What is it?" he huffed.

"I smell something." she said, emerald eyes darting around.

"What does it smell like?" He tried whiffing the air but couldn't pick anything up over the reek of his own sweat.

"I don't know." She shook her head. She looked forward and resumed her jog. "It's nothing."

But it wasn't nothing. It was inescapable, clawing at her nose like a pestering imp. She felt it sweep down into her chest and infuse itself throughout her trunk. It wafted down her tummy like a cloud of silt resettling a riverbed. It welled in her groin.

That's when the real reaction started.

Nikki's back straightened as an exigent ache blossomed in her nethers. Her eyes went round and her legs went wobbly. She nearly toppled over before she hastily slowed the treadmill all the way down to a walk.

"You OK?" Sam asked, once again seizing the opportunity to catch a break.

Nikki didn't respond. She felt her feminism tremble in her shorts. A fierce round of goose prickles erupted across her fur, bristling it and her nipples. Her tail zipped upright as if shocked by electricity. She started panting heavily, but not out of exhaustion. Her eyes were like saucers. What the fuck is going on?

She killed the treadmill and slowed to a halt. She grabbed the arm railings and bowed her head. Worried, Sam shut his off and jumped next to her.

"Hey! What's up?"

"I don't know," she grumbled through gritted teeth. Her pussy was on fire. The muscles in her trunk trembled. She covered her face with her paw, blushing ferociously. She wasn't about to say 'I'm horny' out loud. "I feel lightheaded." That was an understatement as her consciousness began to swoon under the encroaching influence of that awful stench.

Sam wrapped his arm around hers. "Here. Sit down." He helped her off the belt and sat her down on the edge of the treadmill. She faced Manny who caught the two of them out of his peripherals. He looked over and saw Sam helping a shaky Nikki to sit. He plucked his earbuds out and slowed his treadmill.

"Is everything alright?" he asked.

Sam looked up. "She said she's lightheaded."

Manny immediately hopped off of his treadmill and yanked his water bottle out of its holder. He kneeled in front of her and offered it.

"Here. Drink."

Nikki slid her paw up to her forehead and looked up at him. He looked concerned. It was her first time really ever interacting with him. She noticed how handsome he was, how the glossy black of his irides stood out against the snowy white of his scleras and fur.

That wasn't all she noticed. The odor was drilling into her nose with brute force. Every inhale was a punch in the face and a bite of arousal in her loins. She knew what it was now. She slid her paw back down over her face and hid it. She clamped her legs together.

Manny thought she was rejecting it because he had drunk out of it. "Do you want me to get a bottle? I can get a bottle."

"I'll get her a bottle," Sam said. It caught Manny off guard how assertive he sounded.

Manny didn't want things to escalate. "Alright."

Sam got up and went to the mini fridge stacked with complimentary drinks, leaving Nikki in the suffocating cloud of Manny's musk. She shoved her face into her paws. Her face and her pussy were on fire. She squeezed her thighs tightly. Mixing with the sweat was a flood of juices seeping from her slit, soddening her crotch and leaking through it in a tangible drip. She rocked back and forth in her seat, begging for it to stop. Nasty thoughts drilled into her mind. She saw Manny naked, his giant cock, his toned muscles. She pictured herself burying her face into the cushion of his scrotum, taking lung-swelling inhales of that luxurious odor. She saw herself bending over and spreading her ass cheeks to display her sopping cunt for Manny to stuff, which he did zealously.

Her teeth bared into a snarl. Stop! Stop! Stopstopstopstopstopstopstopstop-!

Sam came back with some water. "Here!" He held out the bottle to her. "Drink this."

Nikki thanked him by swatting the bottle away, sending it crinkling down the carpet floor. That surprised both of the men, who shot each other a wide-eyed look.

"Baby," Sam said, squatting next to her. "What do you need? How are you feeling?"

"Do you need an ambulance?" Manny asked.

"I don't think we need all that," Sam said sternly, looking at Manny in a way he didn't like.

What's with this guy? "I just wanna help. If she's having heat problems she might need an ambulance."

"I know that. I just don't think she needs an ambulance."

Alex had caught the commotion from behind the front desk. "Is everything OK?"

"No," Manny said. "She needs water."

"We don't know what she needs." Sam said.

"If it's heat problems she needs hydration. I play soccer, I know."

"I know you play soccer. I know who you are." He said it as if facing a challenge.

"I'm just saying. She has to drink." He was really starting to dislike this guy. Come on man, it's not like I'm trying to fuck her or anything.

Alex walked up to them, carrying the water bottle Nikki had slapped away. "Here. Give her this."

"We tried," Sam said. "Come on baby, drink."

"What's her name?" Manny asked.


"Nikki, honey," Manny said, inciting a fierce look from Sam. He said it purely with friendly intent. He called everyone 'honey'. "You gotta drink. We don't want you passing out."

"Yeah, baby. You gotta drink," Sam insisted, closing in on her, sounding like he was trying to be louder than Manny.

It was too much.

"Will you guys just shut the FUCK UP?!?!"

The three men jumped like crickets at the sudden shout of her voice. She shot upright, face ablaze in fury. Her cheeks shone red even through the dense coating of black fur. Her green eyes were like daggers, stabbing straight into Manny's.

He stood up and stumbled backwards, almost toppling over the treadmill behind him. Her mien softened as she realized what she did. Guilt ran across her face as she sat it back into her palms.

Sam rubbed her back. "I'm sorry, baby."

"No... I'm sorry..." she said quietly. She reached her paw out. "Give me the water." Alex handed it to her. She twisted the cap off and swung her head back, chugging as much of it as she could. Silvery bubbles ran up the bottle as drops of water dribbled down her chin and neck. She downed half of it before taking a deep gasp. She was still really, really horny, but she was getting a hold of herself. "I'm fine. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. No problem. Just needed water. I'm fine." Before anyone could object, she stood up and wiped the water off of her lips. She looked at Manny. Her eyes fell on his then traveled down his immaculate torso. They stopped around his crotch. There it was, budging against his shorts subtly, but not without some pride. That was the source. That's where she could get more.

Manny saw where she was staring. A smug grin hinted across his lips, but he fought it back. Relax. She's got a boyfriend. Still, he couldn't help but run his gaze around her body in return. He loved how she held a womanly form, not in spite of but because of her athleticism. Her thighs were thick trunks of muscle. Her core was bumpy and toned. Her fur was mesmerizingly black, bringing out the precious gems of her eyes.

Sam was aware of the two checking each other out. He didn't approve. "You feeling better, baby?" he asked, resting his paw on her shoulder.

She jolted at his touch. She looked back at him with surprise, then at his orange paw on her shoulder with what looked like distaste. She took his paw and slid it off as politely as she could.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She shot Manny one last look, glanced at his bulge (How did I not see that sooner? He's fucking huge), then got back on the treadmill. She put her earbuds back in and casually resumed her jog. She was still extremely horny. Liquid arousal was seeping down her thighs. She kept herself dignified though, and focused on her workout.

She was going to take care of things later.

* * *

Manny started his jog over from the beginning and finished in a little less than an hour. Nikki and Sam had left since then. Manny thought the whole ordeal was bizarre. Nikki went from looking on the verge of passing out to ogling his bulge hungrily. Her and Sam finished their runs like nothing had happened, then slipped out of the gym wordlessly. Manny didn't pay them any mind. By then he was already back into the grind.

Sweating heavily and rubbery in the legs, he decelerated the belt and then killed it. He hydrated himself and then retired to the showers. He entered a stall and slid the blue curtain behind him. He cut the water on and stepped into the conical drizzle. He didn't wait for it to get hot. He loved the shock of cold water after getting hot from a workout. His white fur soaked under the warming stream, clinging tight to his skin. The sweat washed away from his body, and he began lathering himself in body wash.

As the suds oozed down his fur and plopped to the tile floor, swirling around and into the drain, he heard the locker room door open, shut, and then lock. He frowned. Did someone just lock me in here? He heard footsteps approach his stall. He stopped scrubbing himself and listened. He heard nothing over the continuous hiss of the showerhead. Shrugging it off, he resumed rubbing himself. Maybe it wasn't a locking noise. Nobody would lock the door at this time.

That became the least of his worries when he heard the rapid swoosh of the shower curtain being drawn aside. He jumped out of his skin and spun around, shielding his privates with his paws and closing his legs.

There, holding the curtain aside, was Nikki, a proud figure of void-like black. Her paw was on her hip. Her expression was resolute, her green eyes drilling straight into his. She was wearing shorts and a tank top.

"M-ma'am!" Manny said, cowering away. "W-what-?"

"Shh," she hushed, putting her finger over her lip. She stepped into the shower and closed the curtain behind her. "Don't worry. We're alone."

"This... this is the men's locker room."

"Yes. I know that. You can stop acting modest, I already know what you've got. Let me see it."

Is she crazy? "I'm sorry... I don't... I'm not sure..."

"Here, let me help you."

Manny watched in dumb shock as she walked up to him, casually grabbed his wrists, and pulled his paws free of his crotch. She laid eyes on his awesome manhood. Manny could've batted her arms away and told her to fuck off, but she moved with such conviction that he was afraid to oppose her.

Her green eyes went wide. Her jaw fell in a soft gasp. She was wrong when she thought that he was huge. He was a leviathan, carrying a giant pouch of masculine flesh that sprouted a sheath she knew full well contained another monster.

"Oh my God..." she whispered. "You're fucking enormous."

He got that a lot, but never quite so invasively. "Ah... Thanks. Is there a reason why you're doing this? I like it, you're very pretty, but-"

"Earlier, when I looked like I was ready to faint, do you know what that was?"

"Were you thirsty?"

"No. Well, I was, but that wasn't it." She looked down at his overzealous crotch. "I caught a good whiff of something that almost knocked me on my ass. Frankly, it made me really, really fucking horny, like I've never been before. You came over to help, and I realized it was coming from you."

Manny's heart plummeted. It was February, moving over into March. Mating season was starting, triggering his musk. It had totally slipped his mind. He forgot to use his deodorant like every mustelid is supposed to, especially minks. Now he was being confronted with the consequences.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry. I-"

"It's Nikki, and no, don't be sorry." She put her paw on his abdomen, sinking her fingers into his wet fur and feeling the density beneath. Her touch was delicate, making sure to inspect every single detail of his musculature. "I've never really gotten to know you." Her paw fell down his tummy, broke through his wiry bush, then cupped the underside of his burdensome scrotum.

Manny felt his heart quicken into a heavy beat. The touch of her paw sent a faint buzz rolling up his loins. His cock stirred in its sheath, ready to expose its true majesty. He wanted to fuck her bad. Still, he was a gentleman.

"That man you were with, what was his name? Mmf..."

"Sam. He's my boyfriend."

"Yeah... Does he...?"

"Does he know?" She shook her head. "Let's not talk about him. He's a jealous prick anyway."

Manny managed a chuckle. "Yeah, I could tell."

She rubbed her paw up his sack and caressed his sheath. The furry skin distended around his cock, unveiling its black tip. She stroked her paw on his fuzzy nub, further enticing it from its home. Even through the steam of the shower, Manny could feel his face get hot.

On and on his cock grew, coming out of him like a black serpent leaving its den. She marveled at his remarkable girth. It just kept getting longer and longer until finally it apexed well over a foot from its hilt. It was a vivacious column of hard, black flesh striated with thick veins. She was in awe of how hard and large it felt in her grasp, barely letting the tips of her thumb and middle finger touch each other. It was the pinnacle of male achievement, solidifying Manny as a reproductive beast.

But that's not what brought her to him. What drew her in was that otherworldly musk that was beginning to suffuse itself in the vaporous atmosphere of the shower. It reunited with her nose and electrified her senses. It bled into her lungs and creeped back down into her loins which once more began to leak. It made her grip tighten around his cock. Her nipples got hard.

"Fuck," she hissed. She quickly removed her tank top and unhooked her bra. Her nipples were a startling pink against the pitch backdrop of her fur. She fell to her knees, stroking his massive cock to bring forth even more of that sweet, sweet aroma. She angled up his cock and burrowed her snout into the plush embrace of his balls. She inhaled deeply.


Her head lurched back as she took that decadent whiff, pleasure written across her face. "Uhhhhhhhhh...." she sighed. She was getting drunk off of him. She buried her face into his swollen pouch, wriggling her nose and sniffing greedily.

Manny could only watch dumbfounded as this woman whom he hardly knew engorged herself on his musk. He'd heard stories of this kind of thing happening, married women abandoning their vows thanks to the influence of a mink's potent odor. His mother had warned him never to go out during mating season without putting on deodorant, or else he'd be caught in a swarm of uncontrollably horny women. He thought that was silly, but still did well to keep himself covered up every mating season. That was until now. Just one day of being careless and here he was having a mindless cat whiffing his balls and kissing up the underside of his cock. Nikki was a stoic woman, but not even she could escape the inexorable draw of his sex.

He had to admit, it was pretty amazing. Pride bloomed in his chest. He knew women loved that smell; the many women he had sex with went bonkers once the arousal made him start leaking. He had no idea that it could rip a woman out of reasonable thought and turn them into a cock-hungry slut. It made him feel powerful, like he could control any woman he pleased.

"You like that, ah?" He cupped her cheek and caressed his paw up the side of her face to her hair."

"Mmm, yes..." she said dolefully. She licked and smooched at his purse, now thoroughly coated in his magnificent oil. It stained the fur on her face and burned hot in her nostrils. Her cunt was on fire, begging to be filled by his enormity. She couldn't bring her face off of him though, as if she was afraid it would vanish the moment she left it. "God, you're so fucking big... Oh fuck."

"Heh, thank you. Bigger than his?"

"Oh God... You have no idea." She brushed her paw up and down his length, almost playfully. She rubbed her cheek against that dense pillar and purred. Her black cat tail flicked behind her gaily while her butt wiggled. She could feel the moisture seeping from her lips soak her panties and creep its way down her pant leg. "Mmmm, you gotta fuck me." She hated how desperate she sounded, but God damn was it the truth.

"Sure. I can do that. First you gotta let go."

She came off of him finally and stood up. In a flash she was bottomless. She leapt onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his trunk. She was as nimble as a whip. She pecked at his lips and cheeks. She grinded the crevice of her buttocks along the top of his cock.

He grabbed her buttocks and squeezed. Damn. She knows what she wants and how to get it. He kissed her back as best as he could. She was going wild with her lips across his face. He carefully lifted her up until her bottom was several inches above his navel. She looked down and rounded her eyes at how high she was. He reached for his cock and aimed it up at her needily quivering cunt.

"We should go slow. I am very big," he said, only partially bragging. Many women couldn't handle him, that was just a fact. Some had hurt themselves trying. Nikki didn't listen. She forced herself down and sat her cunt on his tip.


Her head arched back as her maw opened to release a meaningful sigh. Instantly a surge of delight rippled up into her trunk, shivering her thighs and tingling at her nipples. Her cat tail trembled in an epileptic fit. She swirled her hips, savoring that heavenly penetration of joy stabbing it's way up into her.

"Ohhh... Oh..." She buried her face into the soft of his neck, muffling her desperate moans. That was good, because otherwise the whole gym would've known what they were doing. She whimpered into his fur and extended her claws, dragging them along the plain of his back. She humped her hips on him. God... He's so fucking deep...

"Uhh... Oh, God it feels so good..." she whined into his ear. "Mmm... I want it so bad... Uhh... Um... Uh...."


"Manny... Ohhh~"

Manny snickered. He didn't mind. "Do you think you can take it?"


"Are you gonna take me inside? Or do you wanna keep grinding it there?"

She looked down. There she was, still straddling the head of his cock. Strands of her juices drooled down his extensive black pillar. Her vulva had hardly enveloped his tip. Wait. He was never inside? The sheer presence of his cock against her cunt created a sense of penetration deep inside of her. If she was already moaning with him just pressed against her, what was him actually fucking her gonna make her do?

"I-I thought you were inside already..."

Manny laughed. If he had a dollar. "Not quite. Do you want it inside? It might hurt."

Nikki looked at his devastating cock with some anxiety, but she wouldn't be swayed. She was too horny.

"Yes... Put it in me..." She clutched two fistfuls of his hair. "Fuck me... I didn't come all this way to back out."

"Heh, OK then." He went to grab her midriff to guide her down, but she stopped him.

"No. Let me do it."

"OK, you're the boss."

Indeed she was, forcing her weight down on his nigh unbearable manhood. She bit her lip and whimpered as she felt herself stretch around his girth. Telling her to continue more persuasively than the pain telling her to stop was the powerful pleasure she felt and the still-present influence of his musk. Down and down she went, face scrunched, until finally her lips distended around his tip and swallowed it.

"Huh! Unh! Ohhh~!" She grinded her teeth and held herself there for a few moments. Her vulva bulged painfully around his cock, stretched to its limit. She tried to remain stoic, but the conflict of pain and delight ripping through her insides prevented that.

Manny rubbed her back soothingly, letting her go entirely at her own pace. It was something he had learned to do with almost every woman. He winced at the rake of her claws against his back and the nip at his collar, but he had grown used to it. He had to be as willing to accept as much pain as he delivered.

That pain gradually waned, and Nikki's retorts of discomfort devolved into gurgling moans of joy. Her buttocks quaked as she slid her cunt down his shaft. This was what she came for. His cock was a sceptre of raw delight that triggered her voice into a high pitched whine. She fell down effortlessly until his tip pushed against the ungiving gate of her cervix. Her lips still had inches until they would've reached his balls.

With no conscious control she lifted herself up until her cunt just revealed the bottom swell of his tip. She descended smoothly, squelching her wet, velvet flesh along his. Up and down she fell, absorbing as much of him as she could and loving every inch. She moaned loudly, not bothering to muffle her voice in his fur.

As much as Manny loved it, he couldn't help but get a little anxious. "You uh, locked the door, right?"

Moaning too hard to form a proper word, she showed him her paw. Dangling from a ring wrapped around the root of her middle finger was a silver key.

"Ah. That's good." Still, he folded his ears back against the deafening echoes of her moans.

The fluid up and down of her body deteriorated as the ecstasy robbed her of coordination. Soon she was plunging on him with no effort, surrendering herself to gravity. Manny grabbed her trunk and brought her back to a rhythm, thrusting his hips forward in tandem with each descent. Nikki felt the brunt of his strength, lifting her with ease and plowing his God-like cock into her deeper than she could fathom. They were Yin and Yang exemplified, a sheet white tower of man enmeshed with an infinitely dark furred woman.

"Ohhhh fuck me... Oh God!!! Uhhh....! I... Uh.... It feels so fucking good... Uhh... Um... Uh..."



Soon came that burgeoning feeling of an impending climax, swelling inside of her like an overburdened boiler hissing and popping with steam. It finally ruptured, ripping through her entire body in a violent explosion. She whipped her head back and wailed loudly. Her cunt hissed as it squirted a geyser of water around his cock which dribbled down his balls and onto the wet tile below.

Manny didn't stop. He kept his lovely pace, smiling triumphantly as the moans of a taken woman rang in his eardrums. He softly kissed her cleavage and nibbled her at her sternum. His continuous thrusts helped prolong her orgasm. She trembled violently to the very last moment up until that Homeric climax ebbed away.

Neither of them were finished. Manny was taking her along for the ride up until his own orgasm, which wasn't even close. He was happy just to watch her moan and squirm on his cock, like so many women had. He was able to deliver more orgasms, each one woven into the next as an otherworldly siege of ecstasy that had Nikki's voice bouncing off the walls.

Finally, Manny felt his own orgasm building up inside of him, ready to burst. "Ahh... Nikki, honey... I'm gonna cum, alright?"

"Yes! Oh fuuuuck... Cum, pleeeeeeaaase..." she wailed.

"Aah~... Inside?"


"Heh... Alright... Hah~! Here we go... Uhh~!"

It was one final series of pumps, slow and deep, that shoved Manny over the edge, bringing Nikki down with her. He flashed his teeth and black gums in a snarl as his cock exploded, unleashing a surge of impossibly thick cum point blank against her cervix. His fat cock swelled and throbbed with each colossal pump. White seed seeped and squirted from between the tight grip of her cunt around his girth.

Nikki's head threw back as she let loose one final, gurgling moan. Her tummy sucked inwards and her hips bucked erratically as heavenly fireworks burst along her groin and up into her core. Her whole body was wracked in ecstasy, aching across every muscle and bone. She felt his masculine nectar lay claim to her fertile womb, drowning it in his fecundity.

Their shared climaxes ended, leaving the two panting in the steamy mist of the shower. Nikki squirmed and whimpered on him, blushing fiercely. She was so embarrassed. No man had ever made her cum like that, and so many times. Though there was the definite guilt of what she had done to Sam, she was glad she had decided to go after Manny. There was no way in hell Sam would've ever made her so satisfied.

Manny packed her cheek. "Ahhh~ Stupefacente... And how did you like that, honey?"

"Mmmmmmmmm~..." She brought her face around and weakly kissed his lips. "Fuck... That was so fucking good... Oh my God..." She wriggled her hips, sloshing the copious amount of cum inside of her. "You're so good..."

"Hehe, thank you." He gently lifted her off of her. His cock slooped out of her, uncorking her and allowing a fat wallop of cum to slop out. He placed her on her feet. She stumbled, feeling woozy. He kept her steady. "Ah! Careful!"

"Mmf, thanks. Shit..." She was coming off of the high of his musk and the ecstasy. She rubbed below her navel where he had left a sizable void. Thick strands of white oozed out from her gaped lips. "Shit. Move." She rudely shoved him aside and stepped into the shower. She spread her legs and aimed her crotch into the stream, scrubbing away the gunk. Manny just watched, amused. His cock limpened and slowly fell back into his sheath.

"That was... ah... Nice of you, Nikki."

"My pleasure," she said flatly, returning to her usual stoic self. "You can go now. That was amazing. Fuck, so much..."

"Ah, um... OK. Bye." He picked up his gym bag and started getting dressed.

"Don't forget this," she said, holding out her paw. The key was still wrapped around her finger."

"Ah, yes. Thank you." He plucked it from her paw and finished getting dressed.

"Until next time~" she purred as he slid the curtain open.

He looked back and grinned. "Yeah, until next time."

He slid the curtain closed behind him, grinning like an idiot. His balls felt heavy, in spite of the massive unloading they had just performed. They rung with the lingering satisfaction of having completed a demanding task. That was something he could get used to.

He unlocked the locker room and stepped into the gym. Waiting for him were two gentlemen, a dog and a deer, bathed in sweat. Their heads snapped up to look at Manny, then quickly looked away. They didn't dare make eye contact.

Shit. So I guess they heard. Manny just kept walking, ignoring the many people around who shot him knowing glances. Some of them smirked, others sneered with disgust. He fought back a smug smile while he went to the front desk and dropped the keys. There was Alex, focusing on his computer as hard as he could, blushing like mad. Manny felt a little sorry for him.

Manny left the gym and sat down in his car. He stopped to ask himself, Now what? He had planned on going clothes shopping, but everything felt too surreal to do anything. How was he supposed to do anything for the rest of the day after that fiasco? He certainly didn't mind, he just doubted anything else would top it.

And there was the musk issue. Musk had a terrible habit of going completely unnoticed by the person supplying it. He could be reeking at that very moment and not have a clue. Should he go home, lather on some deodorant, and call it a day?

No. I've got plans to take care of. I'm not gonna let this stop me. He turned his car on and backed out of the parking space, ready to run his next errand. He was sure nothing else was going to happen. Besides, what were the odds of something like that happening twice?

* * *

Franco's was a high-end clothing outlet located downtown, along a strip of some of the city's finest clothing shops. Manny frequented the place whenever he needed clothes for an upcoming event, be it for awards or dates. It was his favorite place for fine clothing thanks to the man who owned it, Riccardo Franco, a fellow Italian whom Manny enjoyed speaking to. With his family all living back in Italy and the city having a dearth of his country folk, he always enjoyed having conversations in his native tongue.

He stepped into the crisp air of the store where designer clothing was wrapped neatly in plastic in stacks and on shelves. The place had a friendly, rustic feel while maintaining a very clean atmosphere, well lit under fluorescent lights.

Manny, one of the establishment's more famous clientele, was recognized and greeted by the receptionist, a blue jay. She told him that she would let Riccardo know he was there.

He thanked her and began browsing the shelves for something he liked. He didn't have anything particular in mind, nor did he really have an eye for fashion. Riccardo did, which is why he waited.

"[And what brings you to my shop today, eh?]" asked a voice behind him in Italian.

Manny spun around and saw Riccardo. He was a marmot, short and stout, with an expansive paunch that stretched the green sweater vest he wore. His belt looked ready to snap around his grandiose waist. A tailor's tape hung around his shoulders.

Manny smiled and hugged him. "[Ah, nothing much. Just satiating my appetite, I suppose.]"

"[No award ceremonies? No lucky lady?]"

"Ehhhh... [Not quite.]" I think I'm the one that got lucky.

"[So, you come into my shop, not knowing what you want, expecting me, your friend, to pick something out for you?]" It was their friendly habit of exchanging feigned offense. "[And why should I do that for you?]"

"[What? Are you gonna turn my business away? What kinda place is this? Maybe I should go across the street and see if they know how to treat their customers.]"

"[Ah, they'll treat you like shit over there. They don't know you like I do, unfortunate as that is for me.]"

Manny chuckled. "[I'm stuck with you then.]"

"[Yes, now let's find you a new outfit so I don't have to look at you any longer than I have to.]"

Manny laughed and followed Riccardo to find some new clothes. Nearby was a married couple browsing dresses and suits for an upcoming wedding. The woman was a bernese mountain dog, featuring long black fur run through with a curtain of white up her chest and through her face. She had long, curly brown hair. She was a big woman, sporting massive hips and an ass that carried a demanding presence of its own. Her hips swerved into her curvy trunk, then ballooned again into her massive bosom, equally ostentatious as her behind. She wore a tight shirt and winter jacket. Her legs were powerfully thick. Her bushy tail hung behind her half-curled.

Her husband was a much less imposing figure, several inches shorter and somewhat scrawny. He was a golden retriever wearing a blue polo shirt he hardly filled and khakis. Perched on his snout were thick glasses. He wore a patient smile as he watched his beloved wife peruse the menu of dresses. He was terrible at picking out clothes for her, because he thought she looked beautiful in every last one. Every question of "does this one look good?" was answered with an emphatic nod. He pictured her in each one, which instantly made them pretty.

He glanced past her for a moment and saw Manny chatting with Riccardo. His eyes lit up. He tapped his wife on the shoulder.

"Hey, Dina, look."


He pointed at Manny, grinning. "Look who it is."

She looked over and saw Manny. Riccardo was holding a light blue shirt up to his chest, asking him something in Italian.

"Who's that?" she whispered.

"That's Manny Magdeleno."


"He's a soccer player. He plays for Rush Hour."

"Matt, you know I don't follow sports."

"I know, I know, but he's really famous, at least in soccer. It's pretty cool we get to see him."

She could see how excited he was, grinning from ear to ear. God, he's precious. "Why don't you go say 'hi'? Ask him for a picture."

"No, I can't. He's busy."

"Don't be shy. I'm sure he gets approached all of the time."

"I know, that's why I don't think I should. I don't wanna be another person bothering him."

Dina scoffed. "I'm sure he's used to it. Just wait for him to stop talking to Ricky and go say hello. You don't have to do anything crazy, just say you're a fan." He still wasn't sure. She loved him to pieces, but he could be a real pussy sometimes. "You want me to say something?"

"No!" he hissed. "I think we should leave him alone."

Manny, meanwhile, had caught the couple debating out of the corner of his eye. It was a common sight, people arguing in hushed tones so that he wouldn't hear them.

"[If you'll just give me a second, please,]" he told Riccardo.

"[Why?]" He looked over and saw the two dogs debating. "[Ah, fans of yours?]"

"[Looks like it.]"

"[OK then, go and say hello. Make someone's dream come true.]"

Riccardo left him alone. Manny looked at the couple and smiled.

Matt's soul left his body. "Shit! He sees us!"

Dina looked over at him and smiled. "Hello!" she called out with a wave.

Manny waved back. Matt's face flushed red.

Dina leaned in towards him. "Come on, let's go."

Before he could protest, she grabbed his paw and dragged him along as she approached Manny.

"Hello!" Manny greeted.

"Hi! Manny, is it?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Yes, I'm Dina. This is my husband Matt. He's a huge fan of yours, and we were wondering if you could spare us a photo." Matt stood behind her, paw still trapped in hers, looking like a nervous wreck. His palms grew sweaty and his fists kneaded.

"Of course!" Manny, for whatever reason, was in a particularly good mood.

"Thank you!" Dina let go of Matt's paw. She looked at him and nodded towards Manny. Well, go on.

Matt gulped and composed himself. He managed a weak smile and shook Manny's paw. "Uhh... Hi. I'm Matt. Nice to meet you. I'm a big fan."

"Thank you! Nice to meet you, Matt. It's always nice meeting a fan. You want a picture?"

"Uhh, yeah. Dina, could you-?"

She was way ahead of him. She took a few steps back and pulled out her phone. "Get together you two!"

Manny held his arm out for Matt. He stiffly sidestepped into it and put his arm around Manny's back. He barely let his paw brush the back of his sweatshirt; he was so nervous about touching him.

Dina snickered. Matt looked so nervous and small standing next to Manny. Manny just smiled as brightly as he would for any other photo. Dina had to admit, he was pretty fetching. Tall and handsome, he looked very athletic. She considered something for a moment, then shrugged it off.

"Say cheese!"

"Cheese," the two men said in unison.

Dina didn't hit the shutter button. Her thumb hovered over the plain white button, paralyzed. She remained frozen.

sniff sniff

Her nose twitched. It had chanced upon something faint, but very strong. Soon a sharp buzz was melting down her lungs and into her trunk. She whiffed it again.

Sniff snifffff

Suddenly her tail shot upwards and her eyes went round. A cataclysm blew up in her groin where her feminism began to leak. She inhaled sharply, sucking in that aroma and further intensifying the reaction. She lowered the phone, her eyes twitching and unable to focus. Her thumb brushed the shutter button, catching a jilted, out of focus shot of a confused Manny and a worried Matt.

"Dina? You OK?" Matt asked.

"Aah...I don't know." She dropped the phone. She took another whiff, and then gasped sharply. Her cunt felt like it split itself open, releasing a hot flood of arousal that soaked her panties. Her legs began to crumple. She eased herself down to sit. "Aah~ Oh my God..."

"Dina!" Matt rushed over to her and kneeled beside her. "What's wrong?"

Manny knew, and so did Dina. She looked up at him accusingly. You're doing this to me?

Manny's heart sank. Shit! Shitshitshit! I should've gone home!

Matt grabbed her paw. "Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me."

She squeezed his paw hard enough to make his jaw fall open. She grabbed his shirt collar with her other paw and yanked him forward. She brought his lips to his ear and growled something.

Matt's look of confusion and concern turned to surprise. His eyes peered up at Manny who couldn't tell if he was mad or disgusted. Manny looked around and saw that nobody was around. I gotta find Riccardo.

"Ah, I hope you are OK, ma'am," he said hurriedly. "I'll go get help." He turned to walk away, but was rudely halted by a yank on his tail that almost made him yelp. He looked back down and saw Dina's paw firmly clutched midway up his tail. An expression of fury rode her face. Manny didn't know if he should call for help for her or himself.

Matt calmly pried her paw off of him and stood up. He didn't appear nervous anymore. He walked around in front of Manny.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, Mr. Matt," he apologized. "I didn't-"

Matt hushed him with a sharp wave of the paw. "There's no need to apologize, Manny. You did nothing wrong." He sounded like he was talking down to a student, not up to a man who had just made his wife horny. "Dina informs me that she can smell your musk. It's gotten her very aroused."

It hurt how bluntly he put it. "Ah, yes. I'm very sorry. I'll leave if you need."

"No. Like I said, don't apologize. You don't have to go anywhere. In fact, we want you to stay."

"Really?" That was odd. "What can I do?"

Matt crossed his arms and chewed the inside of his lip. "Well, if I'm going to be frank, would you like to have sex with her?"

Manny simply did not register what he said. He heard it clearly. He was able to decipher every individual word and put them together to form a complete sentence. However, his subconscious blocked and refused to understand it due to its sheer absurdity.


"My wife, she's very horny, thanks to you. Do you want to have sex with her? I know it may seem rude to ask so abruptly, but you got her really excited and she insists."

Manny narrowed his eyes. He gave a doubtful turn to his head. He didn't know whether his ears were working right, or if he had lost his mind. Did this guy, who just seconds ago looked ready to pass out, just ask him to fuck his wife?

"You're... Are you serious?"

"Completely sir. Again, to put it bluntly, I'm a cuck. Dina and I have an agreement that she can have sex with other men while I watch. I've never seen her this riled up before. She's very adamant that you satisfy her."

Cuck. Sex with other men while I watch. Those were words and phrases Manny was familiar with, but had never prepared to hear and deal with up front. He had heard about guys like this before, the ones who got hard over watching their girlfriends or wives get fucked by other guys. He didn't think he'd ever run into one personally, let alone be recruited by one.

He looked past Matt and down at Dina, who still sat on the floor. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, beating air through her flaring nostrils. She bit her lip and squirmed her thighs together. She gripped the hem of her skirt and wrenched it down. Her light brown eyes glared up into Manny's. She looked fierce, as if ready to leap up on him and fuck him herself. It was that same look of dedication he had seen on Nikki in the shower. He was worried what she would do if the answer was 'no'.

He looked back at Matt. He seemed soldierly, standing there ready to get what his wife wanted. He nearly wanted it as badly as she did. Is this guy really gonna watch? He looked back down at Dina, then down at the floor. He took time to reflect on how if he had just put on the deodorant that morning, he wouldn't be in that mess.

But he wasn't complaining. It was pretty flattering.

And besides, who was he to deny this adorable couple?

He smiled. "Alright. I'll do it."

Matt's stoic mien split into a giddy grin. "Really?"

Manny didn't have time to say 'yes' before Dina rocketed to her feet and wrapped him into a tight bear hug that squeezed the air out of his lungs.

"Whoo! Heh, you're welcome. Ah!"

Dina didn't say anything. She just kept squeezing as she absorbed his masculine aura and felt up his athletic frame. They stood there like that for several seconds before Matt politely tapped her shoulder. She let go and planted a fat kiss on Manny's cheek. She put her lips to his ear and whispered.

"Thank you so much. I know you're gonna fuck me real good."

That got a stir out of Manny. "Ah, yes ma'am~"

She let go and looked at him saucily. The way she drifted away from him was like she was floating. She eyed him up and down, loving what she saw. He could see her estimating how big he was. You won't be disappointed.

She wasn't anything to be scoffed at either. She was a robust woman with ample meat on her bones everywhere she needed it. Her tits were divine, looking like giant twin cushions of fluff begging to be acquainted with. Her ass was something else too, grabbing and holding his attention.

Matt could sense the electricity crackling between them. He loved it. "Come on. Where do you two want to go?"

Manny moved his lips to say 'My place.' That way he could go home and apply the deodorant. Again, Dina afforded him no chance.

"The dressing rooms," she said firmly. Before he could protest, she grabbed Manny's wrist and yoinked him in that direction. Matt followed briskly.

"[Manny! Wait!]"

Manny's heart sank. He turned and saw Riccardo trotting over to him with his finger raised. Dina let go and went to the dressing rooms with Matt. Riccardo met up with him, not appearing to have noticed the couple.

"[I saw you going to the dressing room. Aren't you going to see what I've got for you?]"

"[Ah! Yes. I'm fine. What you showed me was great.]"

Riccardo lifted an eyebrow. "[All we looked at was a shirt.]"

Shit! "[Ah, yes. I think I'll just stick with that for today.]"

"[Really? Are you sure? It's just one shirt.]"

"[I know. That's all I need for now. I'm going to try it on now.]"

"[Try it on? It's your size. I know it'll fit you. It's the same you always get.]"

"[I know. I just want to try it.]"

Riccardo still looked confused, but he refused to continue. "[Whatever. Just make sure you pay for it before you leave.]"

"[Yes. I will. Thank you.]"

Riccardo narrowed his eyes. Manny always responded to such derisive comments with one in turn. He walked away, suspicious, but didn't question it further.

Once he was out of sight, Manny peeled away to the dressing rooms. It was a long hall lined with six stalls, each one with a black curtain. This is gonna be the second time today I've had sex behind a curtain in a tight space. Five were open; the last one on the end was closed. He cautiously approached it and knocked on the wall dividing it from the stall next to it.

"Come in~" purred a voice.

He opened the curtain and stepped inside. Dina was already out of her clothes, down to her underwear and bra. They were black with a lace pattern, perfectly see through. Her giant pink nipples poked against the taut fabric while her panties clung to the moist surface of her fur. Her back was to the wall and her foot was kicked up. One paw toyed with her brown curls.

Matt was sitting on the bench. His paws were on his knees which were knocked together. He rubbed them anxiously, looking forward to the coming display.

"Hey, handsome..." Dina said.

"Hey, gorgeous." He looked at Matt, wondering if it was OK to say that. Matt just smiled at him eagerly, looking happy to just be there.

Dina came off the wall and hugged him. Her huge breasts mushed against his chest. She kissed him softly and slid her paws up his sides and back. Through the loose fabric of his sweat clothes she could feel his dense muscle. She hummed and tilted her butt, swaying her giant doggy tail.

Manny kissed back, but didn't yet touch her. He shot Matt a look. There he was, wearing that same eager look. He clenched his fists on his knees and bit his lip. Manny carefully laid his paws on Dina's butt, which got him even more excited. His golden tail wagged behind him.

Manny closed his eyes and enjoyed the soft comfort of her ass. It was impressively heavy and soft, feeling like a designer cushion made for pleasure. Dina rolled it in his palm, murring into his lips. She slid her paw up to his chest, scratched the canyon between his pecs, then dragged it down his trunk to his groin. She felt up his crotch, then suddenly came to a stop. She let go of his lips and looked down, frowning.

"What is it?" Matt asked.

Manny grinned. She didn't believe what she was feeling.

She pried a finger into his waistband and pulled it down. There were his compression shorts, a cherry red pair he had replaced the black one with. It swelled with the presence of his scrotum. Dina and Matt's eyes went wide. She let his pants fall to his ankles and tugged down his underwear. His cock was making its way from his sheath, gradually regaining its mighty stature. The couple watched in awe as it continued to slide out, finally reaching its zenith at a length neither of them had witnessed before.

Matt's smile was gone. He was struck dumb by Manny's masculinity, which achieved a tier far beyond anything imaginable. He felt his own cock quiver in his shorts, as if cowering in the presence of a predator. It pressed hard against his pants, urging to be let free. He didn't know if he wanted to. Pulling out his already paltry cock would've insulted Manny's with its mere presence.

Dina, meanwhile, was falling in love. She fell to her knees and began stroking that monster. Her jaw was hung in an expression of pleasant disbelief. Her eyes couldn't stop running down its length, reconfirming over and over that it really was that big.

"Oh my God, baby... He's so big... Look at it," she said.

"I see it," Matt said sardonically. He couldn't hold it back any longer. He unzipped his pants and wriggled them down his thighs. He pulled his tighty-whities off of his cock, revealing it to be a stubby, inadequate pillar of pink. He stroked it gently as his eyes were locked on Manny's cock.

Manny looked down at his penis and couldn't help but crack a grin. Damn. No wonder she sleeps with other men. I kinda feel bad. Not bad enough to stop Dina from touching him, however. She kissed the head and smooched her way down that thick black column. She sniffed between each kiss, intoxicating herself on his musk. She buried her snout right into where the hilt of his cock met his scrotum and whiffed deeply. She groaned out a sigh.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh..." She opened her maw and wrapped it around the head. She suckled tenderly, helixing her tongue and slavering around his meat. She bobbed her head forward and back slowly, humming and moaning through her nose.

Manny laid his paw on her head. He played with her soft curls, admiring how bouncy they were. He took the time to remove his top, leaving him in only his shoes. Dina smiled around his cock and felt up his taut abdomen while still engorging on his cock and smell.

Matt thought about the many times he'd kissed Dina's plump lips, the same ones now rung around Manny's huge black cock. He thought about kissing them afterwards and tasting the heavy musk that remained. He licked his lips, wondering to himself what it tasted like and how good it must've felt to have something that big in his mouth.

Dina came off of Manny with a faint mwah. A thin strand of spit connected her lips and the tip. She smiled up at him and twisted her paw down his shaft.

"Fucking hell... You're so damn big. Isn't he, baby?" She looked over and saw Matt masturbating. "Aww, you're touching yourself already?"

"Y-yeah..." He sounded like a child.

"You like it when I put big cocks in my mouth?"

He gulped and nodded.

"I know. I like it too." She kissed Manny's tip. "Just be a good boy and don't cum before we do, OK? We left your cage at home, so you're gonna have to be a good boy on your own. Think you can do that?"

"Yes ma'am..."

Manny pitied him dearly. He'd never seen a man act so pathetically, and seemingly without shame. It was hard to feel bad for him though. The way he stroked his diminutive member meant he definitely enjoyed it. Matt saw the way Manny looked at him. He crumpled in his seat and looked away, face beet red. He tugged on his cock hard.

Dina unclasped her bra and took it off. Her huge breasts settled into their natural form with a healthy wobble. Her nipples were two large coins of pink dotted with tiny bumps. She stood up and slid out of her wet panties. Her cunt was parted open nastily, exhaling the aroma of her arousal. She kissed him some more before she turned around, bent over against the wall. She cocked her tail up, presenting her titanic posterior.

"Fuck me, Manny. Make me cum my brains out~"

"Ah, yes ma'am. I should go easy, I'm very big."

"You'll do no such thing," she growled. "I'm a big girl. I can take it. Fuck me with that big cock of yours and don't hold back."

"Hehe, alright." He approached her and took the time to massage her massive haunches, swirling his paws around their imposing curves. She hummed merrily, then gasped when he gave her a playful spank. She cooed and wiggled her hips, swaying her bushy tail happily. He stood behind her and grabbed his cock. He prodded it against her sloppy, moist cunt. She moaned.

"Shhh," Manny hushed. "Be very quiet. We could get in trouble." Especially me. "Do you think you can do that for me?"

"Hnnnn... I don't know..."

"Here," Matt interjected. He picked Manny's sweatpants off of the floor and handed it to him. "Have her bite down on this. It might help."

"Ah, smart." He took the pants and held it in front of her mouth. She was struck by the musk that had permeated into it. She stuffed it into her jaws without hesitation.

"There we go," Manny said. "Here I come." He pushed his hips forward. To his surprise, his tip breached her vulva with relative ease. He slid into her with little issue, and found himself buried up to the hilt after only a few seconds. She wasn't lying, she could in fact take him. He suspected that he wasn't the first well-endowed gentleman to lay claim to her.

Her head through back as she let loose a muffled groan. The flesh across her body jiggled as it was run through with a delightful shiver. She melted against the wall, eyes rolling into her head. Manny drew back and began fucking her. She was roomy enough to allow deep, heavy thrusts, but by no means lacked a firm grip that electrified his entire length.

Matt was enthralled. He admired the perfectly fluid roll of Manny's hips. It was surreal how that entire black pillar was able to disappear into his wife's greedy slit. He leaned forward on the bench, hypnotised by that rhythmic weaving of flesh.

Manny saw him staring and smiled. He tilted his hips a little, allowing Matt a better look. He waved him over with his fingers. It's OK. Come look at this dick. Matt got off of the bench and kneeled beside them, eye level with their intimates. He could see every fine detail across Manny's cock, every vein, every fault, every muscle. It glistened in Dina's juices, looking like a monument of obsidian. Her cunt squelched around it rudely. It was an artistic creation of nature unrivalled by anything man could make.

Matt laid his paw on Dina's buttock and massaged it. She felt him and looked back down. She opened her mouth to speak, letting the crumpled sweatpants fall.

"Ohhhh, Matt..." she moaned as quietly as she could, rocking with the steady pump of Manny's hips.

"Does it feel good?" Matt asked.

"Oh my fucking God, baby... It's incredible... His cock is so good... It's so deep..."

"I can tell." He smiled up at Manny. "You're really good at this. Your cock is awesome."

Manny chuckled. "Heh, thanks." It was far more uplifting to have his manhood praised by another man than by a woman. He was used to being complimented by women or gay men, but when a straight man spoke his respect, it was something special.

Dina struggled to contain her moans. She whimpered and groaned through her nose, trying to hold the breath in her lungs as best as she could. There was the occasional squeak, but for the most part she stayed quiet. Loudest was the wet schlick of her nethers and the meaty plap of her ass being pounded. It was so adorable the way Matt got face to face with Manny's cock. She loved it when he worshiped other mens' endowments.

"Manny... Huhhh~ Oh... Can Matt... Mmm... Touch you? Oh~"

Manny looked back down at Matt. He was looking at his genitals like they were some priceless artifact. "Sure. I'd be insulted if he didn't."

Matt smiled. Dina told him to say thanks. "Thank you." He scooted around to Manny's back side where he got an up close view with his buttocks. They were two cinder blocks crunching together in tandem with his thrusts. His white mink tail brushed across Matt's face. He closed his eyes and delved into its heavenly softness. He hugged it and buried his face into it. He grabbed the base of Manny's thighs and rubbed his paws up to his butt. He could feel every individual sinew work to fuck his wife. He groped his butt, tickling Manny into a giggle.

Then it finally hit him.

sniff sniff sniiiffff

That powerful musk had finally registered with the submissive part of Matt's brain, striking him into a horny mess. He gasped softly, being directly in the path of that wonderful aroma's waft. It made him feel weak, small, like he deserved to have his wife fucked by someone as strong as Manny. His tiny cock throbbed and leaked a bead of precum. It was more than he could handle.

He thrust his snout forward and entrenched it in Manny's backside. His face was met with that burning oil which sizzled his smell and burned his eyes. It was so fucking good. He whimpered and moaned, taking deep, deep whiffs.

"Ahah! Ah, that tickles!" Manny giggled.

"Wha... What's he... Oh... Ohhh.... What's he doing? Mmmm..."

"Heh, nothing... He's fine," Manny said, grinning down at the man whose muzzle was ensconced in his ass. It was so empowering, having this cuck bow so zealously to him. It drove Manny's cock even harder into Dina, that man's wife. He clapped his enormous balls against her ass which rippled with each impact.

Dina squealed once before Manny clamped his paw over her mouth. She couldn't contain herself anymore, being thrown into a pit of undeniable pleasure by Manny's huge cock. She moaned and hollered into his palm. She came hard, buckling her knees close to collapsing.

Matt heard her muffled wails of ecstasy and tightened his grip on Manny's ass. He loved it so much when other men made Dina cum, something he could never do with his own measly cock. Fierce jealousy tore at his emotions, both towards Manny's endowment and talents, and towards Dina for being the one enjoying it.

Manny, naturally, kept going. Dina came again and again. She left whitish cream across Manny's shaft with each orgasm. She'd never had so many in that span of time, and never so powerful. She doubted anything would compare from then on.

Soon came Manny's climax. He delivered one last trio of devastating thrusts before planting his hips on her ass and exploding. Cum spewed from his tip in giant ropes, covering every inch of her inner walls. His cock throbbed and his balls lifted.

Dina had her final orgasm, one that dwarfed all of the ones previous. She nearly collapsed to the floor under the crippling weight of ecstasy. She howled into Manny's palm and arched her back, savoring the feel of his molten warmth shooting through her womb.

Matt was thrown over the edge himself. The emotional impact of their orgasms and the sensation of Manny's pulsing against his face triggered his. His cock spat thin tendrils of his cum into the air between Manny and Dina's legs. It fell to the carpet flaccidly, creating tiny trails of white. He whimpered and squirmed up until the last drop oozed from his tip.

Manny pulled out of Dina, pushing Matt back with his butt. Dina, huffing and puffing heavily, flicked her tail and hummed.

"Oh... my... God... Manny... Oh~ That was so fucking goooood..."

Manny, who was a little out of breath too, laughed and parted one of her cheeks. He watched his seed ooze from her plundered cunt, slopping to the carpet. "Good... Ah, I'm glad you liked it."

Dina put her paw over her cunt and walked clumsily over to the bench. She sat down and spread her legs with her paw still covering her slit. "Come here, baby."

Matt, whose face was plastered in Manny's oil, woke up from a stupor. He looked like he had been through the wringer. He got on all fours and crawled over to Dina. He kneeled between her legs.

"Were you a good boy?" she asked?

He nodded weakly. "Yes ma'am..."

"Did you make cummies?"

"Uhh... Yes." He looked down at his knotted cock." "I did. Only when Manny came."

"Good boy. I see you got his musk all over you."

He gulped, looking ashamed. "I did. I see why it got you horny. It's fucking amazing..."

She giggled. "It sure is. Now come here." She lifted her paw off of her nethers. Matt scooted closer and lapped at the liquid slag of cum oozing from her. He buried his snout into her crotch, licking up and swallowing every precious drop of Manny's potent seed.

Dina closed her thighs around his head and pet him. "Does it taste good?"


"Is there a lot?"

"Oh my Guh... There's so much..." He grabbed underneath her thighs like carrying two tree logs over his shoulders.

"I know there is. Be my sweet boy and clean it up for me~"

"Mmm... Yes ma'am." He obeyed fervently, digging his maw into her wet folds and gulping down every last morsel.

Manny watched with both pity and admiration. Here was a man reduced to a cuck, the most miserable kind of man there was in his eyes. But Matt didn't seem miserable. He loved every second of it, both being humiliated and having the woman he loved be pleased so wonderfully. They clearly loved each other, and Manny couldn't knock them for that.

Matt cleaned the last vestige of Manny's cum and lifted his face. "That's it... That's all of it, I think." He licked his lips.

"Good boy," Dina said. "Come here."

He got up and kissed her. Their tails wagged as their lips gently locked and smacked. Matt then rested his face into her cleavage where she patted him softly. Manny had to admit, they were pretty cute together.

"Thank you so much for that, Manny," Dina said. "I've never cum so hard and so many times before, honestly. Matt here enjoyed it too, didn't you?"

He looked up from her tits and nodded at him. "Yeah... You were amazing. Thank you so much for making her so happy."

Manny scratched the back of his head modestly. "Ah, my pleasure." He looked down at himself and saw how much cum still leaked from his tip. The stall reeked of sex, and much of it stuck to him. Not to mention his musk which still coated his backside. He wasn't in a shower this time, so there was no way to clean off.

Dina read his mind. "Matt, baby, can you clean Manny off? Is that OK, Manny?" Matt looked up at Manny hopefully.

"Ah, of course. Hehe..."

Matt crawled up to Manny and held his semi-flaccid cock. He dabbled his tongue against the tip, clearing away his remaining seed. He licked up and down his shaft, stole a quick kiss on his balls, then took him in his mouth.

"Ahah... That feels good. Thanks," Manny said.

Matt just closed his eyes and savored the weight of Manny's cock in his mouth. This was what he'd been yearning for after so long. It lived up to the hype. Once Manny was clean he came off of him and wiped his lips. He smiled up at him.

"Damn. You're something else, you know that? I'm glad we ran into you." He spoke as if chatting with a friend from work.

"Ah, me too."

Dina stood up. She hugged Manny and thanked him one more time. The three got dressed.

"Will we ever see you again?" Matt asked.

"Ah, I don't know. I'm not looking for any casual relationships right now." What was the point when you could make any woman you wanted horny?

"That's OK. We'll let this be a fun memory."

"Now hold on," Dina butted in. "I don't know about you, but if I ever run into this stud again, we're going at it."

The two men laughed, Manny somewhat uneasily. They gave their goodbyes, then Manny opened the curtain. The dressing rooms were mercifully vacant. He snuck his way out as casually as he could. The married couple waited a few more minutes so they wouldn't be seen with him. He walked towards the exit when a familiar voice chimed.

"[Hey! Where are you going?]"

Manny groaned. He turned around and saw Riccardo. He wore a bitter look that made Manny nervous. This is it.

"[Are you leaving? You're not going to buy anything?]"

"[Ah, no. Sorry. I didn't like that shirt.]"

Riccardo held his arms out in an are you kidding me gesture. "[Then try some new ones! You were in there for a while. What the hell were you doing?]"

Manny gulped. "[Ah, I was debating if I liked it or not. I tried some other ones. I didn't like them either.]"

"[Then let me show you some more!]"

"[Ah, I'm sorry, Riccardo. I have to go.]"

Riccardo's shoulders slumped. "[Unbelievable. Whatever, go on with your day. Next time, though, you aren't leaving until you've bought out my entire shop.]"

"[Of course. Goodbye.]" He whipped around and hightailed it out of there.

Riccardo shook his head and went back to business. Two dogs walked past him. He didn't spare them any thought. He walked by the dressing rooms and saw one of his employees, Jacob, come out. He was a ferret, and was smiling from ear to ear like an idiot.

"What's got you so happy?" Riccardo asked.

Jacob contained his smile and cleared his throat. "Mmm, nothing sir. I just remembered something funny."

"What were you doing in there? I was looking for you earlier."

"Um, collecting clothes."

"Alright, where are they?"


"The clothes. If you collected them, where are they?"

"Oh! Yeah, I'll go get them."

"Yes, please." Riccardo shook his head and moved along. Everyone's acting crazy today.

* * *

Manny was in his Ferrari, already driving down the street. He was eager to get away from that place. Riccardo didn't seem suspicious, but he wasn't about to stick around and wait until he was. Twice. Twice that day he had made a woman horny and fucked them. Both of them were taken, but that didn't stop them from begging for his cock. Hell, one's husband was there for the whole thing, and even he was not spared the influence of Manny's musk.

Common sense told him to go home, put on the deodorant, call it a day then go to sleep. But he wasn't done. He had library books to return, and he planned on maintaining his perfect record of on-time returns. It was a library, how many people still went to those? If there were too many people, he would return the book and then leave. Don't make any impact on anyone. In and out. His more arrogant side told him to go and see if he could wrack another body for the day. You've already got two. Why not more?

He tried to ignore that horny devil on his shoulder as he drove to the public library and drifted into the parking lot. There weren't many cars there, which was a good sign. He got out and sniffed the underside of his sweatshirt. He couldn't smell anything, but that didn't mean it wasn't there. He took a deep breath and strode to the front door with his books.

He walked inside and found the place mostly vacated. The only soul in there was Ian's, the librarian. He was a short arctic fox with poofy white fur not unlike Manny's. He wore a neatly tied bow and a slim sweater vest. Everything about him was prim and proper, to his neatly combed hair down to his polished shoes. His eyes were a shiny blue, sitting behind half-moon glasses attached to a cord around his neck.

He sat behind his desk and looked up from his computer. He smiled. "Hello there, Manny!" His voice was boyishly melodic. "Lovely seeing you here. Returning some books, I see."

Manny sighed with relief. It was always nice being greeted by Ian, now especially since he was the only person around and not a woman.

"Yeah. Trying to keep up the good record."

"You're the best, Manny. Bring them over and I'll take care of them."

Manny walked over and handed him the three books. Their fingers touched for a brief moment. Ian's nose twitched and his tail flicked. He took the books and piled them on the desk.

"Will you be checking anything out today?"

"Sure. I'll look around."

"Good. Stick around for a while, it's boring as all heck around here."

Manny chuckled. "Want to trade places?"


"Ah, nothing. I'll look at some books."

"OK. Find something you like."

Manny walked into the aisles of books. Ian watched him until he disappeared, then cursed to himself. Idiot! Calm down. All you did was touch his finger. He shook his head and went to work checking in the books. It would distract him from thinking about his crush.

Manny spent his time in the mystery section. He found solace between those towering shelves, alone and far away from all of the sexual nonsense of earlier. He didn't mind fucking those womens' brains out, but he finally decided that twice was enough for one day. It was time to forget all of that and find something to read. He was a fan of mysteries and true crime, rarely venturing outside of those two genres. He scanned the selection, looking for titles and authors that sounded interesting. He plucked one from the shelf and read the back cover. If the synopsis piqued his interest, it usually meant he would read it.

He was busy reading the summary when Ian came down the aisle with a book cart. He pushed it in front of him and swerved behind Manny, careful not to bump into his ankles. He made it past him without incident. Whew. I swear if I'd hit him, I would've-

Manny's head recoiled back as if he'd seen something awful. His eyes went round and his nostrils flared. His introduction to Manny's musk was not the subtle whiffs Nikki and Dina had been put through, but rather an open-palmed slap in the face as he walked straight into a thick cloud of it.

The reaction was immediate. His back arched, lifting his butt and tail into the air like a whisp of smoke rising from a blown-out candle. He lifted on his tippy toes as a buzz of energy surged between his buttocks, parting them slightly. He felt his tail hole twitch and his bitty cock unsheath. That visceral reaction of arousal intensified into an involuntary orgasm that bled pleasure across his loins.

"Huuuuuhhhhhhh~~~!!!" He moaned effeminately. Cum spit from his penis and darkened his crotch. His mouth fell open into an erotic O, twitching as delight nipped across his quivering thighs and buttocks.

Manny's heart nearly gave out when he heard him. He thought Ian was pulling some kind of joke, until he looked over and saw him struggling to hold onto the book cart and stand up right. His knees were buckling and his tail was swishing in the air wildly. Manny could see half of his face. There was no faking that look of pleasure.

"Not you too..." he muttered.

Ian's eyes opened and looked back at Manny in horror. He tried to compose himself, but the aroma was too strong. Cum was seeping its way down his underwear and into his pants. His face was a deep red.

"Uhhhhh... Oh fuck... I'm sorry... I...I-"

"No, no. Don't be," Manny sighed, rubbing his paw over his face. "It's my fault."

"I-is that... is that your..."

"Yes, it's my musk."

"Sweet Jesus... It's very strong..."

"Ah, trust me. I'm aware."

Ian fought to compose himself. "I'm sorry... That was rude. I-"

"No. You didn't do anything wrong." He scratched the back of his head. "So, uh... You're... eh... gay, yeah?"

Ian blushed harder and nodded.

"Ah, nothing wrong with that." He took a deep breath. "Do you want to, you know..."

"YES." Ian didn't think he was capable of such a vicious sounding growl, but there he was directing it right at Manny. He hated himself for sounding so demanding, but it very well reflected how he felt. He needed Manny's cock, badly.

"Ah, yes. That's alright. Do you have a place where we can?"

"Muh-my office. W-we can lock ourselves in there... close the blinds..."

"I see. Are there any curtains?"

"C-curtains? N-no."

"Ah, forget about it. Let's go."

Ian tried guiding Manny to his office, but could hardly walk in the presence of that powerful smell. Manny helped him, but being so close only made him hornier. Finally, he leaned him back and scooped him up into his arms. Ian gasped, feeling as light as a feather. He nuzzled his chest and cuddled up to him. He murred tiredly.

"Point me to your office," Manny laughed.

Ian pointed the way. Manny carried him there. He wished he could just fall asleep in his arms forever. But first, there was the unbearable horniness to take care of.

Manny opened the office door, sidestepped into it, then closed it behind them. He sat Ian down and shut the blinds. He looked down at the drunken fox and saw the wet stain on his crotch.

"Made you cum already, eh?"

Ian nodded. "God, it was so strong. I couldn't stop it..."

"That's OK. There's more where that came from." Manny started to undress. Ian watched raptly, devouring his gorgeous physique. Off came his pants and underwear, and Ian's jaw dropped.

"Oh... Oh my God..."

Manny just smiled. He was almost getting used to people wowing over his genitals. Almost.

Ian got off the chair and kneeled in front of him. He caressed Manny's balls and rubbed his sheath. His cock crowned and slithered forth, forcing Ian to lean back as it approached his face.

"Sweet Jesus..."

He rubbed it with his paws and began kissing it. Soon he mushed his face into Manny's scrotum for a healthy dose of musk.


Ian's tail flicked upwards and swayed girlishly. He wiggled his butt and whimpered, having lost all semblance of dignity and self-control. He kissed Manny's orbs, loving the feel of their weight against his snout. He kissed up the underside of his cock and looked up at him.

"Jesus Christ... So fucking good..."

"You like it, eh?"

"Yes," he said in that demanding growl.

"Take your clothes off. Let's have some fun~"

Ian obeyed hastily. He undid his bowtie in seconds and tore out of his sweater vest and shirt. He stood up and squirmed out of his pants and underwear, revealing his precious little pink cock and nubby knot. He spun around and bent over the desk, cocking his tail up.

"Fuck me."

Manny couldn't help but laugh. "Easy now, I'm pretty big. Why don't we prep first?" He got on his knees behind him and stroked his snowy fox tail. His butt was perfectly cute and round, having lovely curves yet still able to fit in Manny's palm. He rubbed up and down his thighs, then parted his haunches. There was his rosy star, inches above his tiny fruit hanging below.

Ian shook like a leaf, then promptly gasped when Manny graced his hole with his tongue. He bit his lip as Manny's tongue slithered inside of him, jabbing and flicking about spastically. Sharp tingles of joy ripped up his insides with each lash of Manny's tongue.

"Huhhh... Ohh..."

Manny lathered his pucker inside and out. He pulled his tongue out and dipped in two fingers. He was tight, but not unused. It wasn't going to be easy for him. Manny stood up, gave Ian's butt a friendly pat, then sat down in a chair. His cock sprouted from him proudly.

"Come here, ride me."

Ian looked back at that astounding column. He felt his pucker tighten just being in its presence. He stood up and backpedaled to the chair. He bent forward slightly and hotdogged his haunches along Manny's head. Another shiver tore through him, fluffing out his fur and perking his nipples.

"Ah..." He rested his paws on Manny's knees and glided his ass up and down his cock. He twirled his hips into a majestic circle, jostling that manly pillar along with it. His white fox tail swayed to and fro; Manny played with it, loving how soft it was.

Finally he lifted himself up and planted his tail hole on the tip. Anticipation tensed his muscles. He took two deep breaths, then applied his weight. His pucker yawned and swallowed the head. He hissed in pain, then very carefully brought himself lower.

Manny massaged his paws up and down Ian's back, witnessing every individual twitch of his back. He let him take his time, knowing that it wasn't comfortable. He was ready for him to come off of him and declare that he couldn't do it at any moment.

But he didn't. The influence of Manny's musk was too powerful, dragging him down lower and lower until he reached his limit, just above the halfway mark.

"Uhhh... That's all I can do... Uhhh..."

"It's OK," Manny said. "That's perfect."

"Ohhhh... You're so big..."

"I know. Take your time."

He did, rising and falling back down with an easy torpor. He moaned softly with the occasional hiss or gasp. Manny watched patiently, more than willing to sit there as long as he needed to. It wasn't too long before Ian hit a rhythm, garnering speed and rolling his hips some more. The retorts of pain stopped, and he vocalized his approval.

"Ahhh... Manny... Ohh... Fuck..."

"That's it. That's good." Manny sat up right and kissed the nape of Ian's neck. He reached his arms around and petted his tummy. One paw slid down and fingered his delicate cock.

"Ohhhhhh.... I've wanted this for so long... Uhh..."

"You have?"

Ian nodded. "Y-yeah... I kinda... Uh, always had a crush on you... but I thought... Mmmm... Oh~ Oh fuck... I always thought you were straight..."

"Ah, I see. Well, this is a helluva way to find out otherwise, eh?"

That got a laugh out of Ian. "Y-yeah... Mmm... A real pleasant surprise... Ah~ Do you think you can... Mmm, get me back over the desk?"

"Absolutely." He grabbed Ian's midriff and very carefully stood up. He bent him over the desk, sending papers and organizers scattering. Ian gripped the far edge of the desk and squeezed tight. Manny held his hips and began fucking him. Ian moaned.

"Fuck... That's so good... Ah~! Uhhh... Manny...?"


"You're Italian, right...?"

"Um, yes?" He didn't see what that had to do with anything.

"Uhh... Can you... say something... Nnn... Italian in my ear...?"


"Something Italian... Say something sexy... Ohhh~"

Manny laughed to himself. He thought it was funny how people thought Italian was a language of love. He always considered it the language of heated arguments. With nothing else coming to mind, he leaned forward and whispered into Ian's ear.

"Venderò la mia casa molto presto. Ho sentito che è un buon momento per il mercato immobiliare in questo periodo dell'anno."

Ian's head threw back in a loud gasp. That seductive thrum of Manny's voice electrified him, triggering a heavy flow of pre from his cock. Manny straightened and quickened his thrusts. Each brush of his thick cock against Ian's prostate milked another load of precum. Ian whimpered and moaned dramatically, squealing Manny's name and pleading for more. He gave it to him, thoroughly enjoying Ian's loving embrace of flesh.

"Uhh.... Manny... I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum!"

Manny's body gave him a similar memo. "Ah, ah shit... Me too. Ah~!"

He maintained his tempo and depth to the very end when the two of them unleashed their seed. Ian howled desperately as his penis spewed sharp ropes of cum against the wall of the desk, defiling it with splatters of white. Manny groaned as his third orgasm of the day blew its way through Ian in large spurts. Ian could feel the mighty pulse of his cock, further catalysing his own climax.

Ian slumped on the desk, panting and whining happily. Manny pulled out of him with a gross schhp. His tail hole was a gnarly O, oozing white cum down his taint and scrotum.

"Mmmmm, Manny..." Ian staggered upright. He arched his back and ran his paws down his buttocks. His tail wagged. "That was incredible."

"You're right... it was." With his loins aching painfully and his balls spent, his cock retreated back into him solemnly. It had done a stellar job for the day; it earned some rest.

Ian turned around to hug him. They kissed some, gently swaying in each other's arms.

"Mmm, I'm glad you didn't cover up that musk," Ian said.

"Heh, so am I. I just hope I don't affect anyone else on the way out of here."

That snapped Ian back to reality. "Shit!" He hustled over to the blinds and peeked through them. "I don't see anyone. Was I loud?"


"Fuck." He hustled over to his cum strewn desk and gathered up his clothes. Manny's cum was still gooping out of his backside. "Shit shit shit." He ripped some tissues out of the box sitting on the corner of his desk and wiped himself and the desk as clean as he could. He hurried to put his clothes back on, then noticed that Manny was still naked.

"What are you doing? Get dressed, dummy!"

Manny put his clothes back on. Ian creeped to the door, opened it, and peeked outside. There was nobody in the immediate vicinity, but by no means were they in the clear.

"I don't see anybody. Let's go." They walked out as casually as they could. Ian's normally well-kept clothes were a wreck, though he walked with his usual precise stride. They rounded a corner and saw a woman, a husky, waiting with an armful of books for the librarian. She saw them and rolled her eyes.

"Finally! What was the hold up, Mr. Lowry?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Scott. I'll be right with you." He awkwardly zoomed to the desk and began checking out Mrs. Scott's books. "I do apologize for that, I had to help somebody with something." He shot a look at Manny, who smirked back.

"Don't worry about it," she said, still irritated. "Just wanted to know where you were, is all."

As Ian took care of her books, Manny returned to the mystery aisle and picked up the book he had been looking at earlier. He got in line behind Mrs. Prescott and waited patiently.

Ian scanned the last book, placed it in her bag, and slid it to her. "There you go, Mrs. Prescott! I hope you enjoy them."

"Me too. Thank you."

"You have a nice day!"

"You do the sa-"

She stopped mid-sentence. A scowl came over her face.

sniff sniff

"Do you smell that?" she asked.

Ian's eyes went wide, but he maintained his smile. "Smell what?"

"That... smell. It's coming from something." She looked behind her to look for the source, and found nothing.

Manny was already out of the door.


The Gauntlet

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David Von Foxkin's Working Relations

For Ted Roberts, Till University was the obvious choice, ladies' man that he was. Till was only in its second year of being a co-ed establishment. For more than half a century Till was for women only, until finally the board of directors decided Till...

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Loman's Journey Part 2

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