Black Cats
This is the revisited version, so it is spell checked and added toi black cats pain, running unchecked through my skull, was the first sensation i felt as i came to. i could see nothing, nothing but blackness as my whole world shook.
The Black Cats
The leader yab ( based off of my fun caring and rather clumsy life style) is the leader of the black cats. he like myself has a dark side that spring up everyone once in a while.
The Witch's Black Cat
A first, since she loved making her own costumes and had been doing it since she was little, but evelyn had insisted on a couples costume this year, specifically the iconic witch and black cat. callie was the black cat. _literally_.
The Black Cats ( Revised )
Anyway this is the 1st part of the story the introduction to the black cats hope you all enjoy it.
Black Cats Path
Disclaimer out of the way :p * * * "black cats path" - trist reinstone a vampire feels many things in its existence. the strongest of emotions erupt throughout its being like a gazer.
The Adventures of the Black Cat
"nnn..." was all the black cat could say. ~ later ~ commissioner barton entered the crime scene. he saw the sight several times already, but it remained a mess nonetheless. the black cat was sprawled on the floor of the bank.
The Yard Sale
And there was nothing, nothing at all that interested the black cat. two-too twillinger, searched but saw nothing interesting. but since the day turned gray with a heavy mist falling and its associated fog, everyone else had left.
A Black Cat\\\'s Tale
The black cat made his way through the crowds of his peers making no particular attempt to dodge anyone as he made his way to his locker.
The Black Cats (Finished story)
Little did the black cats know this was the the start of their greatest adventures and trials. this is how the black cats would become famous and one of the greatest mercenary bands known throughout the destroyed and messed up world they live in.
Ch. 0 - The Black Cat
More like... the black cat.
The Maryville Amazing Maize Maze
More-so even than the actual black cat anthros that had to live with it day in and day out. quin always had to hold her tongue around them; most of the witches and other occult practitioners she knew were black cats.
Hypnotized Love - Part I
Simon looked to see his black cat waving hysterically at him. she mouthed 'i love you' to him. he smiled as he nodded her direction. "now. simon, will you sit down here for me?"