Pim chapter three and four.

Story by Mericus on SoFurry

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Chapter three and four in the explanation of a city in my TTRPG and the world where the game takes place, seen through the eyes of the people that live there, mostly from the main character's perspective. The extreme loyalty of the Order of the Star, and of individuals capitalizing upon situations.

Somebody grabbed his left pastern and drug him out into the early morning darkness, through the staked down bottom of the teepee.

It was cold out here, they kicked him in the mouth, before he was even awake, his teeth held for a second then after repeated knees his teeth bent inwards, he was let go for a second. Blood filled his mouth the pain was awful, he could not get a word out, it was pitch dark, then somebody punched him in the stomach, then again, he was moaning in pain the blows only stopped for a armored finger and thumb inserted into his bleeding and front toothless mouth to scrape out the rest of his teeth, another toe kick to his stomach and he was thrown to the ground. He writhed in agony, he could not see in this darkness somebody beat him and kicked him, the voice then spoke, "Throw up slave, throw up that cum you drank".

Something grabbed his cock and then the slice then happened a blade cut his cock off at the base, "You won't need that anymore bitch!"

Then another grab picked him up by his balls, he screamed in pain and fumbled his hands towards where his cock used to be. Only a bloody stump, he choked back the shock of getting emasculated in an instant. Then again the knife sliced off one testicle; he dropped to the ground again as another kick hit him in his nose. He heard the small bones crack, and his nose filled up with blood, a burning device was then thrust into his sheath next, after he was flipped over; he was lying on his back but could not see anything.

And searing hot pincers cut off the rest of his cock inside his sheath all the way inside to the base, he screamed again, this was not stopping he couldn't see anyone, Benny was nowhere to be seen, more blows to his eyes and face, he tried to cover his face and then his other testicle was cut off.

"Now you look like a bitch, BITCH!" the evil brutal man said, then he was pushed down onto his face, and he felt a large cockhead part his ass and get shoved inside his rectum, it pulled out and he was thrown down to the ground again. "what the fuck do you want, It's my turn now!" he heard the evil man say, Pim was in shock and his nerve ending screamed in agony, he felt around himself, half asleep still, and drunk too, he couldn't believe what just happened.

Holding his face in one hand and his groin with the other, his agony was terrible he was crying, begging for mercy, "Pwease, I give, dbon't hurt me ammy more!" his mouth was all swollen with blood and pain, he was not talking right, he felt warmth on his neck from his own blood. A needle was stuck in his leg and something deadened him for a second, he felt the parting, he was cut off from his mentor.

He heard several gun blasts, some feet ran off into the night, another man screamed and then there was a body hitting the ground next to him. It was all so sudden, he cried in agony and felt all his front teeth and junk were gone; nothing was in his sheath except screaming agony. That body began to curse" You dare kill ME I am Malukef the destr-..." He was cut off before he get completely back up, wet warmth spattered on Pim, still completely surprised by everything that had just happened, the whatever else in that injection worked fast, Pim closed his eyes, he fell down into darkness.

He went unconscious; something else was injected into him in that first bite of a needle it dumped him into an abyss of darkness, and something else cut him completely off from his Mentor, he shuddered at what that meant, it was lead.

It was dusk when he awoke again, he was tied to the tree again, he could not see very well and had to breathe through his mouth, agony at the still raw nerve endings where his teeth had been, his fingers felt the crusted blood of his groin. His head was on fire and throbbed in a hangover; he thought of his pain only he was sore everywhere, he was hard to even breathe. Pim looked around through his swollen eyes for his torturer, he could not see him.

A face of the football headed one came into view. "You look pretty bad." He said, and untied Pim from the tree. "Malukef is dead, we killed him, Benny got his throat cut in his sleep then you were beat up by the Dagger Triad. The other two got killed, killing him; only J'kael and I are here, the others took off into the early morning. Kaetch all run like scared bunnies in a fight!"

He was talking to Pim who was too beat up to answer. "We had some healing salve to use on most of your wounds. We left the camp with the dead and dying in it. Only we two are left, seems the other two Kaetch stole all the stuff, your bracer too. I'm Cloud so I took your gold, I am also a Star and the Harp over there is going to join too, we've known this was going to happen someday. You just rest for a while, and be still, I'll help you over to the fire, so you stay warm."

The Ogrensi hefted up Pim like he weighed nothing the Ogrensi's bat shaped wings they ruffled the leaves of an oak tree as he picked up Pim to stand on his shaky hooves.

"You were supposed to be passed around for the next few nights, before we prostituted you out. But you rest now, here this will ease the pain," the Ogrensi took out a small vial and helped Pim drink it.

The pain all ended as soon as it touched his lips, Pim drank it all down without hesitation, and it felt so good to not be in so much pain. "Twank d'you' he heard someone say, then fell into darkness of sleep, as the familiar feeling washed over him, Pim thought back the needle had this stuff, 'pain killer' in it, besides the lead.

He woke up to the rising sun. Under the furs he was still naked he still had big breasts on his chest and fillies body with wide hips. He felt down, his balls and cock were actually gone.

He felt around in his mouth with a still raw bitten by his own teeth; tongue. And he found out all his front teeth upper and lower were all gone. He fell back and pulled the furs over him lying down hoping this nightmare was not real.

The Ogrensi was adding more wood to the fire, the big ram headed H'Emorael in the old double breasted uniform came up and sat down next to him. "Hey, umm bitch, we don't have any money, so we are going to use you to get some. Here is some more of that painkiller". He lifted up Pim's head and Pim eagerly drank it down, it made all the soreness and rawness inside his mouth go away. The seared flesh of the inside of his sheath he also felt nothing. Just it felt strange there was nothing between his legs anymore. He looked up into the savior's eyes and tried to speak; his mouth was feeling okay but was still swollen. "ubb bmy mn'amme izz bnoht bwitch!" he tried to say it was all blubbery sounding.

" I think you said your name's not bitch is that right?" The H'Emorael asked.

Un hum!" Pim said. "Ibbb's Pwihm. " it was really no use he still couldn't talk that well. But still tried, "...kin ny habb zomm mbore pwain 'kwiller?" He got out that little communication. The pain killer felt so good, he felt light like a cloud in the sky, he kind of felt like he could float up right now. He should be moaning in agony from getting castrated, emasculated then totally clipped short, kneed in the teeth and beaten up by the evil man that was shot back in that camp, then decapitated by somebody's sword after he Saved, run out of Save and you don't come back.

"This stuff is not cheap, tell you what, let's get you a different one, its powder just try and snuff it up your nose, it's not bloody on the left side!" he came up with a little plate, Pim moved over to face the hand that held the plate. "Just one quick inhale then you will feel pretty good!" the Ram headed guy coaxed.

Pim huffed with his nose the powder burned like acid, but the H'Emorael plugged his nose with his hand, Pim breathed through the caked blood pulling the powder into his nasal passages, to breathe at all. It tasted like vehicle fuel smells running down the back of his throat as he could taste it on the back of his tongue.

Pim screwed up his face to the taste, but his nose when completely numb, a feeling of pure joy ran through his body then. Shocked and surprised he looked at the H'Emorael right in those goat eyes then at the plate with more powder on it. The H'Emorael added some more powder to the plate, excited Pim reached out with his nostril and snorted up a long huff, cleaning the plate of powder,

Pim's whole face went completely numb. And he felt so wonderful. All his pain and trauma dripped off into the ground, like rainwater it flowed out of him to not be there at all anymore.

He felt a little strange now too, he was getting aroused. An impossible thing he thought since he lacked a cock or balls. He smiled though. His blood seemed to quicken in his veins and he felt hot under the furs in the brightening morning. He pulled them off; both his breasts were full and erect, the nipples engorged and pointing straight out and huge shining nearly electric hot pink plus they both felt hot in the cool morning air, Pim felt himself was perspiring, on his sides.

He smiled again at the H'Emorael. "Well okay, now you should enjoy this!" the ram said. He stumbled up off the ground then undid his scabbard and began to unbutton his double breasted shirt; next he undid the lacing of his armor and bent over to drape it off along with the uniform shirt.

He had a very nice muscular back Pim admired; the H'Emorael's ribs that looked like they never had ever any fat on them, his stomach cut down into a magnificent groin inside his pants, like you could put a fist down each side into his pants to his thighs, from the hollows on either side of those thews.

He had a shiny blanket of fine hair over a well developed man's chest, full pectorals and an eight pack of muscles going down his stomach. He had the short hairs on his tummy that looked so astonishing and they seemed to glisten in their white hairs mixed with grayness in the morning sun, the Ram continued and gripped up one of the ties at the top of one leg armor's tassel ties, to undone then the other leg's armor, then the pants underneath, his own pinkish spike tip was protruding out of his giant rams' sheath his nuts in a long low hanging fuzzy scrotum that hung well to his knees, came out to sway as he took off his pants and codpiece undergarment.

He then got some more powder putting it on the plate and snuffed it up in one nostril then the rest in the other. "Oh I want to join you," He explained: "This won't hurt at all I'm going to be really gentle with you and go extra slow, he smiled revealing sharp canines like a wolf would have.

He got Pim up to fumble him around in his very strong arms a wisp of musk hit Pim's one good nostril sending flames of passion into him, he longed for his own cock back right now. "Hey um let's get you turned around, and ... ." he trailed off getting Pim to move his long legs around and out of the way, "You just face that way and I'll ...just ... get " he trailed off making grunting noises, getting on the ground behind Pim.

A soft fuzzy face parted Pim's cheeks with his goat like nose, and a soft wet tongue lapped across Pim's rubescent taint, sending a wave of rapture through Pim, he quivered in delight, the tongue then slide inside Pim's tail underside across the quivering flower and he felt the warmth of the Rams breath on his tail hole and between his cheeks. The ram held both of Pim's butt cheeks in his hands parting Pim's willing ass into that moist tongue lapping around and just getting a tiny bit inside his orifice.

A wave beginning at Pim's tail rushed up his spine as that tongue pushed inside him, Pim groaned out in surprise and elation.

"Owwwwhooo!" Pim said in reaction; the tongue was lapping wetting him there like a dog sloppily did for delicious gravy, the Ram was licking in deep inside Pim's caracole making him grind his nails into the ground he was splaying his hands upon while kneeling on his legs and holding the turf with his hands. Pim's eyes were wide, then closed, the greens of the grass around him was so much greener than he had ever noticed before.

The tongue continued. Little rivulets of excitement quivered up Pim, his gluteus was getting really sloppily wet now.

If he had a cock still it would have dropped out and be hanging half way upon the ground beneath him.

Then the ram rose up "Hey look at this", Pim rolled his vibrating pleasure filled butt to one side to look back at what the Ram was holding: a huge thick cock with a big bulb at the end ending in a point instead of the flat headed baseball bat Pim used to have. It dripped precum on down its throbbing length, and the H'Emorael said, "Yeah, you are going to enjoy this!" and he pulled himself up with a change in his grip on Pim's butt. To Pim's wider fillies hips with both hands, then rose up closer with the bobbing cock of his fully two feet long slipping easily into Pim's well lubed hole.

As soon as it touched Pim's skin a resounding shock went through Pim like a sudden bolt of electricity, Pim inhaled quickly and deeply there was some restriction in his inhale but he could not feel his bruised ribs from yesterday's rude awakening and torture. Still there was some restriction.

He gulped some of the air he had just inhaled down into his stomach; the bulb began to slowly go on through. Pim shuddered it felt so effervescent, he should be being revolted and try not to get reamed like a virgin filly, but he felt so good right now, he just knelt there with this pressure in a new and exciting spot. The powder had mixed with the 'pain killer' and he felt it inside his thigh bones, the current it made felt good, the cool morning air was like a soft cool pillow around his naked legs.

Then it popped through and began inside, stopping then, some pressure on his left side as the Ram changed his legs' position, "Are you okay?" the ram asked kindly.

Pim just nodded letting out his full lungs, then as he began to inhale the bulb was pushed in deeper into his hole that was stretching in a pleasurable way, not like yesterday in that quick corn hole violation, but this is a nice well lubed slide.

The Ram's girth was strange not round but had a definite dual barrel shape a lesser size than the main shaft above it was pushed in deeper pushing under his rectal opening and on through to his prostate and beyond.

As soon as it touched his prostate Pim moaned and giggled in delight at the same time his breathing was in short gulps and gasps.

"I can still go deeper, is that okay? Pim you are really tight you feel good under me!" the Ram smiled out, continuing his slow motion thrust.

His left hand reached around and grasped Pim's soft breast, more feelings shot through him he moaned in exuberance to having his bare breasts stroked, a finger and thumb came up and caressed and squeezed his nipples, this send a shudder of pleasure across his chest, and for only a moment he forgot about the post sliding into him.

The bulb stopped at his colon, Pim turned to one side and said "Pwease go dweebber!" Pim tried to smile but he drooled instead his face was still pretty badly beaten; surprised he had said that, he was awash with mixed emotions. "I am a faggot now, I thought it was just one time, but this feels so exciting, I don't know' Pim's mind raced through all the repercussions of being a queer sissy faggot liking this thing happening right now. He didn't want it to stop though, but that too bothered him, he'd asked the Ram to go deeper and was moaning in delicious rapture.

The powder in his veins excited every corner of his being, no pain only new and exuberant things.

His memories remembered his younger past; he used to dream about girls wondering what it would be like to have his first time with a filly, or some older seasoned mare, but now he was being the filly, sporting nothing between his legs just like a brood mare.

He loved having his big breasts stroked and grasped in the strong man's gentle hands now that ram's weight was resting on Pim's back as he stroked and kneaded Pim's breasts, Pim was alive with encompassing waves of ludicrous force going across his chest and he moaned heavily out loud, "Ooow hooo!" he said clearly, Pim felt more wonderful than with Benny.

The bulb began to push against his colon opening the girth slid across his prostate tingling sensations of bliss with little bolts of electricity sent to both of his hip sockets the bulb popped through and continued on, it was a little uncomfortable, but the rest was too good to say anything or ask his lover to stop. The tingling got higher in vibration. He wiggled in delight to the first stroke, first time, and first pleasures.

He gulped at the size of the shaft as the Ram stopped thrusting more of himself deep up inside Pim. He could feel it throb almost inside his stomach. "That's as much or as far as I've got; this is the hilt, I'm going to pound you now, I will be doing a lot of work and won't be able to do more than make pleasurable noises." The H'Emorael said, almost like an apology.

He pulled nearly all the way out in a quick stroke, a wave of ecstasy flowed over Pim, the hands on his breasts changed position and the first thrust fell like a giant semi stiff fence post, sliding across the full bottom of his insides, shocks and blissful waves of excitement and feelings he'd never felt before, came in at each crush into his prostate, the colon was pushed through on each thrust, now he realized what Benny had felt, Pim began to groan and scream in delight at the same time out loud, "oooiiih, oooiiih!".

Each thrust was sending him forwards, he had to get up and reset himself on the grassy ground several times during the pleasurable pounding, and he kept losing his grip on the ground with his knees where most of the pressure bore down his thighs. He elected to roll his knees out a little ways and cross his legs behind himself in a kind of lock to keep from being pushed over, he tightened his inside leg muscles that too felt so good to flex them after all that pain. He arched his back to allow the thrusts easier access, and this allowed his breasts to get griped and grasped as the thrusts continued.

This made the Ram go faster, making his pounding become more intense the ecstasy magnified because Pim had opened his ass to getting more of the thrust, making it easier for his Ram to get in every inch of himself, and less friction from Pim's butt cheeks.

Each stroke those long nuts in the sack swinging into Pim's groin with nothing to hit. "Oh you feel so good!" The H'Emorael screamed out.

. His hands pulled off then on again and grabbed Pim's breasts and Pim felt them being pulled up and out from his chest on each pump into his hole, the strong musk of this big man wafted up into Pim's one good nostril sending new pleasures and awakening feelings he'd never even dreamed he could have, this hot man, gripped him in mighty arms, the soft and warm goat fur stroking his body making new pleasures just from sliding across his naked skin.

The Ogrensi dropped what he was doing looking directly behind him without having to turn his head or turn around at all: his eyes swiveled directly back behind him.

He was unable to stand it anymore; the Ogrensi came over and took off all of his clothes too, he held up Pim's face, caressed it and combing the hair from Pim's eyes, he pushed his cock into Pim's mouth, and Pim remembered Benny for an instant and opened his jaws, his breath was hot on the ten incher the Ogrensi had. His cock was a bright green round shaft shaped more like he used to be: Rhiaxian-like with the thick baseball bat flat head, pressed into his panting mouth; he sucked on it as it stroked inside.

The Ogrensi had a strangely sweet musk about him, not that bad but just strange smelling like a buttery potato in a way.

The Ogrensi stroked Pim's face tenderly as he was bounced forwards upon the Ram's relentless strong plowing motion. The Ogrensi cock on his mouth began to stroke and only stropped when Pim had to breathe more. He began again as soon as Pim closed his hot mouth around his cock again. He continued to stroke Pim's long face petting his poor swollen nose and grunting out pleasurable noises as Pim sucked on his throbbing cock. Sweet butter taste of his precum leaked out, encouraging Pim to suck harder, which he did. "Uuuuuwwwwuuueee - you are good at this!" The Ogrensi yelled out, as the first twangs of this special pleasure upon his long cock.

The Ram began to go faster, making it impossible to continue upon the gentle giant caressing Pim's face. The Ram let out a scream and rose up high then shoved into Pim slightly deeper, Pim thought, 'Oh you did have more of you after all.'

The flood gates opened and those huge balls in the fuzzy sack pulled up blasting the Ram's cum into Pim's insides, Pim fumbled up the Ogrensi's cock into his mouth and continued sucking again the Ogrensi smiled back letting Pim do all the work including stroking his tongue side to side on the action he first used on Kaetch cock two days ago and bobbing his own head forwards and back, The Ram's hot cum filled Pim to bursting, that two foot long hose pumped what felt like gallons into Pim, it felt strange and wonderful, the Ram held him so tight now, and grasped Pim's breasts again making that wave of pleasure go through his body from his insides and his chest.

Pim fell into a lust he had never knew existed, it was giving him so much for such loving gentle sex fiends.

Then the Ogrensi tensed and blasted sweet butter down Pim's throat, filling his mouth up with the delicious cum, Pim was sucking down as much as he could get. Here too the electric pleasure waves cascaded through his face and vibrated his nostrils, his right nostril cleared in a second the Ogrensi's cum began to flow. The Ogrensi held Pim's face in a strong grip.

The beautiful body of the Ram rested still pumping into Pim in his afterglow. He sweated on his stomach making it slippery now on Pim's hairless back. The Ogrensi fell back panting hard; he was still thinking straight - not on any drugs. He did not snort any powder either. He did have a bright grin on his football shaped head, though.

He got up and kissed Pim then right on his lips and sucked on Pim's still buttery tasting tongue, surprising Pim at his gentleness for such a giant.

He got up and donned his clothes and put back on his armor, settling his racial axes back in the axe weapon sheathes at his sides, then the twin barreled shotgun over on his back. He kneeled down again looking at Pim and kissed him again this sent pleasure through Pim's face all the way back to tingling around to the back of his head. Then stood up again "Thank you, you pretty boy!" He walked back over to stuff some more wood into the fire, and rummaged in a sack, close by.

Finally the H'Emorael slide off Pim and onto the ground a back flow pop sound came when his much larger bulb came out, and a sea of Ram cum flowed out of Pim's now hugely gaped hole, red and still on fire wanting more.

Pim should have cum but with nothing to cum with he was still waiting to, his heat slowly subsided. He then got up cum running down his legs, he felt around with his fingers but only found the pinched off area inside, nothing at all remained of his manhood, just an opening to pee with, frustrated he just sat down. His butt still leaking cum. "D'You tboo suhr cumb a lot" he said feeling better a little "h'got abbymore ofb dat pwowder?" He blubber-mouthed out still swollen his speech was sloppy and dripped spittle toot.

The ram reached over for his top shirt, the double breasted uniform one, and pulled out that little bag, "No, I guess we are out, we'll have to go get some more.", He got out a vial of the 'pain killer'.

"You can drink this one but you should wait until the pain returns sometime tonight. We are all herbivores here, and have some food." he laid back still panting.

" We'll go tomorrow, for more 'supplies'" he smiled and looked over to the Ogrensi looking backwards behind him again, J'kael winked at the Ogrensi still not making any noises at all even though he did not wear any soundproofing cloth over his normally clicking mail.

J'kael's long cock was lying outside of his sheath. Pim turned around and began licking it, getting the taste of the musky Ram into his mouth, savoring that love post. His taste was not very sweet, but was more iron tasting, a strange combination those two tastes.

Pim licked up the Rams still leaking bulb into his mouth, the H'Emorael did not object and just lay back as Pim sucked on his cock even though it was flaccid.

It was too long to get all of it into his mouth, J'kael said, realizing was trying to, "You don't have to get all of it in your throat, I am perfectly fine to have you suck on what you can."

"Here, come up and sit on my thighs, then you can press your breasts around my cock as you suck on it." He told Pim: "You are doing a great job." He told Pim patting his muscular naked thighs, showing where to sit.

Pim let the cock fall from his mouth and did as was suggested stretching his thighs over those muscular man's legs, this felt good inside his still on fire inner legs, still burning with passion.

He bent down and pulled up the Ram's long cock in between his breasts and slipped the head bulb and some of the length back into his mouth, and then used his hands to press his breasts into the getting hot post stiff again.

After a single minute the Ram moved, "This is great but let's do something different." Pim looked on in soft excitement, the Ram put Pim on his back and hiked up Pim's long legs up that stretched out and over feeling wonderful too, Pim was enjoying this too just having his legs stretched over his body to have that love post go back inside his socket, a wave of pleasure sped up inside of Pim, as soon as the thickening bulb inserted into him again. "Mmmmmm!" Pim moaned out in pleasures forbidden until now, he really needed to cum.

"I'll have to pound it out of you, what little there is left, not until you 'Save' them back anyway." J'kael said to Pim while he shuffled his legs underneath Pim's butt and back, sliding nearly all of his twenty-three inch long pole into Pim's deep well stretched out hole. J'kael began to stroke; his cock was pretty hard again after getting that blow job and even after fucking Pim a good fifteen minutes ago.

He bent forwards and began to knead and grip Pim's breasts in his hands, more electric pleasures came from his chest getting man handled, his butt felt so wonderful now as the giant post re stretched him out inside again the bulb struck at a different angle into Pim's prostate. This opened his eyes wider, he felt the pounding action was stirring something he'd only felt with Benny.

The pounding got harder more forceful mostly in only one place inside Pim. He looked at J'kael, 'you are doing this for me' Pim thought, "Bwow, ooooiiiih!" Pim said out loud.

Pim returned to heaven. The pounding increased as well as the pleasures, he felt a stirring in his phantom balls, there was nothing there but he felt that familiar pulse began to get stronger in intensity. Pim stroked J'kael's thighs and his sides.

A force started in his groin then spread out to the tips of his fingers and through the bottoms of his hooves, Pim tensed his legs hard and pulled them down with his arms. J'kael's hands were only pressing into Pim's breasts not only grasping or stroking anymore. Then it happened the explosion, Pim was coming stronger than he ever had before more than in whacking off, more than recently with Benny, it felt incredible wetness filled his vacant sheath, he was Cumming, finally.

The Ram shoved himself deep again into Pim's bowels then that little bit more like before, his hips arching out wider as he thrust his spurting cock into Pim deeply, rolling his body around to move it in different directions. He fell on top of Pim again his balls filling Pim's belly up again, with his hole so well stretched cum leaked out around that pleasure post.

A heat washed over Pim and he came, finally without balls or a cock at all, he hugged the Ram tightly as he could. It felt so warm and wonderful. They both lay there for a time, then J'kael rolled off, his pork roll slid out easier this time, but not as much cum came oozing out, Pim could feel it still deep inside him warm and filling, like he ate a giant festival meal. Pim reached over with his mouth and kissed J'kael. "Twank dyou, dbat bwaz zso bwondber-bul" he still had swollen lips and no front teeth.

He felt sticky hot cum inside his own cock-less sheath with his fingers. J'kael sucked on Pim's fingers and rolled over to kneel at Pim's groin, "Don't want it to go to waste" he said smiling up at Pim with his legs still resting on either side of his head.

The Ram started to lick Pim's sheath, and was able to get his whole nose and mouth in there, lapping and sucking up Pim's last load. The tongue inside such a forbidden place make Pim laugh in joy and pleasure just heaped upon pleasure. He did not have a post and a set of nuts of his own but this was just more icing on the cake.

Pim stroked his own breasts fingering around his still hard nipples, everything around him was so green and alive. The tongue even lapped his wound where his cock used to be. That sent a few pains overwhelmed by ecstatic ticks up his body through his groin.

A goat narrow pair of lips sucked on the opening getting all of Pim's cum out of it. Then drew out Pim's sheath which was as wide open; as his gaping hole in under his permanently upraised tail was.

J'kael pulled Pim's legs back down and kissed him again, "I love you I think, I see why Benny kept you for so long now, and you are just so good." Pim looked at him with a questioning look.

"Benny was supposed to let each of us have you, not keep you all night to him."

The Ram rolled over and began to put his pants back on after his codpiece undergarment. "In answer to your question, Malukef was supposed to be last. "

J'kael continued, "The Sword Lion wanted to sell you to a brothel, and the other Dagger Lion wanted to torture you to death." The Stars and I at the time, and the others in our group said no."

" I got this by just going with the best idea, he showed Pim a shiny ring on his hand a big star was crowning it," this makes me a Star too, just like Drang is."

J'kael continued while putting his armor and clothes back on "They listen to us that haven't chosen another Guild or joined an Order yet. Benny was turning; his life got changed by you. So Malukef killed him in his sleep, He was following more of the Hammer than the Dagger, So Malukef figured he'd off Benny, and steal you, all for himself." J'kael finished.

"You are a factory of sorts, whether you have a pair or not your body becomes a money making factory." Pim looked at him with more questions.

"It works like this; we make "black wine", and add Nux Vomica raw plant to it, to make more potent stuff that we in turn sell to slavers."

Pim was taken aback; Rhiaxians were poisoned to death because Nux Vomica was deadly to their race. "As long as you take 'pain killer black wine' mixed with fermented cum, it takes all the bad stuff out." So you can get really high on it instead, that powder is the stuff." J'kael said at last. "It is an ancient H'Emorael recipe I know, our race is old"

"The deposited cum in the usual way has to ferment inside a host; you. Then we extract it and then mix it with black wine impress drug." J'kael stopped and fitted his sword back on. Then picked up the pistol in the holster and strapped that on too. "Mixing it with Nux Vomica it crystallizing into a powder the rest we just leave it and put it in small vials, becoming 'pain killer'. That we sell, and the powder too." He adjusted his scabbard and holster on himself and dusted off his uniform with his fingers. "But with you, being in the Diamond we can carry several tons of the stuff to make more money. Our recruiter got you to take seeds to some town, and then send you directly to our camp. "

J'kael then knelt down in front of Pim, "We need to get you in the Star, and back to another Diamond Guild hall to get another bracer. That stupid screw and the ex-Star that went with him can't get any of the stuff inside without you taking it out." J'kael smiled "I owe you, I am a Star now too because of you! I'll give my life to keep you safe, so will Drang."

"Come Drang has some soft food to eat; we are all herbivores here, that why the Lion Guild members ran with us, we don't hunt game." J'kael helped Pim up, and over nearly carrying him one arm over to the fire, he was given another tomato. Pim though good to bad to good to bad to good, it was so confusing, this was an area of making money he'd never known before, plus it was so fun. Even if he could talk he was speechless.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Four----------------------------------------------------------------------

His dream faded, he began to wake up. He was back again on the balcony of his apartment. The airship was moored far away off inside the Driadan military base. He got up slowly. And felt that there was someone close by, he turned around knowing he was still armed the holster under his shirt, even though he had no pants or undergarments on.

"I see you up there," Pim began not fully in view the black suited ninja looking form was hunched down low, "What do you want, are you lost?" Pim's hand reached up inside his shirt the pull off the catch from his pistol he wore.

Oh not lost really, I won't attack you if you don't pull whatever that is under your shirt." He said standing up. I was going to get over to the military officers' building from here, that's why I'm up here."

"What do want to go that way for? The entrance has an elevator it would be easier." Pim said straightening up and relaxing. He walked over the balcony rail and leaned on it resting a hoof. The black suited person stepped over to the edge and sort of floated down to the balcony. Pim thought, '...he is a burglar, he can float and is a Cloud that is why he wears Black Glove ninja armor'." I have protection from the local, you won't be able to take anything from me Cloud." Pim said.

"Yeah I figured that is probably true. You are the one merchant that employs Clouds, I know all about you. I just wanted to get on top of that building over there, a better vantage point to see the whole city." The Ninja said.

"I know all about the city, it is part of my job to know, maybe we could come to a fiduciary arrangement?" Pim said beginning his 'closer' salesman routine.

"Well everything costs money, doesn't it?" The Ninja said walked up to a point then sitting down on the balcony patio quickly. Pim stopped him, "Let's go over to my veranda, I have a table we can sit at to make out arrangements." Pim walked towards the double door that led inside his living room and over to the bedroom where his Drex top was still asleep. A glass and metal table was there as were some soft cushioned chairs arranged around it. Pim pulled out one: the metal legged chairs dragging across the cement made a shuddering vibration and noise complaining when he moved one out away from its berth under the table. Pim positioned his permanently raised tail he got from Benny, off to one side to sit in the chair, (he left that part of him out since he liked Benny, whenever he 'Saved': Benny was his first).

The ninja walked carefully over to sit down in another chair opposite Pim, Pim motioned with his hand "Please have a seat, would you like something to drink or eat?" Pim said b ut saw the Ninja was hesitating, "No charge of course, you are my guest, even though unannounced." Pim was being gracious with the thief. The ninja or thief sat down in the chair after inspecting it he pulled it up off the cement then set it back down away from the table he waved his hand underneath the table to feel if something invisible was there or not, then started at everything for a second or two before sitting down.

Pim smiled thinking 'he is at least careful not like I was younger and should have been more wise to what could happen ...but then I would not have had that wonderful time with poor doomed Benny.' Pim thought back. He wiped a tear from his eye that happened each time he thought of Benny. The thief looked up for a second as Pim wiped his tear from his eye. Then satisfied there was no hidden trick he sat down. Pim called out to his kitchen, "Waiter1" he said and a floating disk came out through the still open sliding glass doors to his living room on its repulser fields and waited nearby to Pim's head. "do you like strong drink?" Without waiting for an answer Pim commanded the disk, one Grendyl ale ...cold; and what would you like umm what are you called Ninja, thief, a name ...?" Pim asked a little sarcasm in his voice.

"Pony, my friends call me Pony."

Pim smiled:"You're a Rhiaxian under those black clothes?" The disk floated off to Pim's kitchen since there was no other order.

"No, I'm an Ahnk" the ninja said, "I shave my horn to not be made or profiled".

Pim waited for the disk to return and then replied, "Well that was a good idea, and maybe my life would have taken a different direction had I thought to look where I was going and taken more time to watch what might be there. You are very observant."

The disk returned with a force field around the mug then this turned off after the disk landed, it slipped out from under the mug and floated away. Pim drank a little of the 200 proof ale, He'd gotten used to the powerful drink building up an immunity to it, his 'first time' was with this very drink and Benny. Pim was thinking of Benny more of late, when Benny was killed; he was taken by a cruel dominator that beat him down. It would have been grim indeed; had not the other five brigands that had captured him not intervened. Mostly for their own selfish reasons, those reasons were in how he was to be used by them. Each sex slave was taken one at a time then set up with a pimp and worked cities and larger places as prostitutes. All the profits were pooled and the brigands would stop by the pick up their cut every so often.

"So what would you like to know about the City?" Pim finally asked.

The Ninja though or just stayed quiet for a long time, not really saying anything, then came out of whatever he was thinking. "I don't know what to ask, I guess everything I suppose. Yeah, everything then that would give me a better idea of what to ask about."

Pim thought on that too big of an answer was really just avoiding the question. Pim thought, 'I should just go aloft to see the city. It would just be a short trip to the airfield and simply take the airship out I'll need some pants though'. "Well I've an idea how to show you the city, come with me." Pim said standing up. The Ninja just sat in the chair, "Are you coming?" Pim went through the sliding doors across the floor of the living room to his bedroom, and grabbed a pair of pants. His Drex woke up for a second or too, "Blah, umm what's going on, what time is it?"

Pim put his pants on and got up again, "...just going out for something ...be back soon sweetie". Pim petted his buddy and then got up going into the living room the Ninja was still standing at the sliding door; the Drex fell back asleep, in a flop on the bed. Pim reached back and turned off the light. Then he said again, "C'mon, I can't fly so I need to use the elevator. It's okay, just hoof across the floor ..." Pim waited. Looking at 'Pony' who finally came inside and walked quickly across the floor, Pim turned and stepped into the elevator. He waited for the ninja to join him. Gingerly the Ahnk stepped across the room into the living room, then he quickly scampered across the room and into the elevator, he made no sound from hooves on a hardwood floor. Pim touched a button on the wall the doors of the elevator closed and the elevator began, and then dropped down to the next floor, then the next and the next until it stopped opening to a one way door - window. "Follow me please, just a little walk down the street." Pim said, "I'll need you to protect me, I am not even wearing armor." He looked at the ninja; who was taken aback by that statement.

"Umm ...I ....ahhh, umm. Walk?" Pony said.

"Yeah, walk just a few blocks down to the aerodrome." Pim said, "Just walk with me okay?" Pim smiled at him testing his confidence. Pim walked up to the one sided doors, the electric eye noticed someone from inside was coming out and the doors side down into the floor then Pim walked outside onto the sidewalk then stood in the grass just outside, "Are you coming?" Pim stood outside. The Ahnk started and began to walk forward slowly. Pim came back to keep the doors from closing. "You'll need to move faster Pony, the doors will lock you in then my protection will come in to ask you what you are doing here!"

Pony looked around then he rolled his shoulders down and walked seemingly dejected out to where Pim was, his head pointing down. "Oh its okay, I'm just going to answer your questions simply by pointed at them." Pim reassured him.

Then when Pony walked through the doorway Pim walked out and waited the minute for the doors to come back up closed. The exterior looked like part of the building's foundation, and not 'see through' at all. He began walking out towards the aerodrome a few blocks away.

Many different people were out walking around parents with children, sellers hawking wares from sidewalk businesses, some others in different armors and some looking like they'd been on the trail for months walking aimlessly, but mostly there was the Driadan race military of predominantly officers. Pim walked around them skirting them on purpose since Driadan Rhiaxians ruled this city-state for the most part, he was a merchant and Bornian on top of it, and he kept his short tail raised, so most of the officers avoided him for his obvious choice in life as to his sexuality, some of them gave him looks of indignation, others prejudice and disdain.

A couple junior officers gave smiles but soon lost them as soon as anyone else noticed them. Pim thought to keep those couple of guys in his memory. ' maybe find out which bar they go to and just happen by' Pim mused.

Pony stopped when he stopped most people were ignoring him, Pony was not as tall or obvious as Pim was, and most of the people around here saw Pim walking around here every day. Pim had not been out at this time of day though, not for a while he did not see anyone he knew. 'Too early I guess, too bad this guy did not come by sooner, oh wait, he did, I had that fainting spell.' Pim thought an older fellow selling balloons he had seen before, Pim smiled his way. The older person did not acknowledge him, 'maybe not, or I have not bought a balloon from him is a while, oh well,' Pim thought.

He quickened his pace stretching out his long legs to cover more ground, not really running or in a jog, just quicker he was down the street crossing to the next one, over the rooftops, and even here in the residences of the military were a few other merchants too, he could see the aerodrome where the dirigibles were kept out of the wind.

Pony was keeping up. Still not saying much or really looking around at all. 'He's wearing ninja armor, but I don't think he is a Black Glove, he does not say anything much' Pim thought trying to figure out what else this little Cloud belonged to, maybe give some better information on why he needed to look around the city-state.

Pim would figure all that out later he was a High Merchant and very well known to the guards at the Aerodrome, so getting in was no problem, a Ninja or thief was a different problem. Pim stopped; the entrance to the Aerodrome was halfway up the next street. "Um hey I ah, forgot to tell you, you need to have to play act like you are a really good friend of mine, to get in here. So you need to take that armor off, otherwise not only will they not let you in, but will probably detain you." Pim said, "I'll hold on to that expensive armor till we get on my ship, but you have to trust me on this one okay Pony?"

Pony stopped dead, "What" he looked around like he was being followed, "I can't just take this off just anywhere, I'll be as naked as you are!" he stammered out, "How do I know I can trust you, I'm Cloud you are Diamond we are diametrically opposed to each other by Guild!"

Pim smiled back to the little thief, "Some of my best friends are Clouds, you ever hear of Drang 'the Summoner?' or J'kael Dark Shadow?" Pim asked a wave of surprise came across Pony's visage underneath his mask, his eyes went wide.

"Don't say those names," Pony looked around obviously very nervous, "They are dreaded even by my Guidemaster!" He continued "It is said they can hear you when you pronounce their names." Pony looked behind him and then up the street.

Pim decided to drop another bombshell, "They are my oldest and dearest friends."

Pony stood rigid. "You have to be ...be .. oh Gods ...You are Pim Escalante the Skymaster!"

"Yes I am, and to stay on my good side you should take off your armor right now in the middle of the street and walk nearly naked with me, okay?" Pim said realizing Pony had no idea whose apartment building he had scaled up upon, 'I think I've scared the shit out of this newbie, probably on his first mission' Pim thought. "Start undressing Ahnk!" Pim commanded.

Trapped Pony was shivering, he undid his mask first and took off his helmet handing it to Pim, then each part, both arms, then the leggings, then the back plate, then the torso he was wearing only a long cloth to hide his privates, and his boots over his hooves of course, those would be Guild items. Pim put each part in turn into his bracer, one at a time.

"Wow you sure are a cutie, I like that nub for a horn on your head too, such delicious looking legs and a fine muscular little Ahnk body. I'll bet you sporting a huge pair of knockers behind that cloth and fair sized cock in your sheath." Pony was turning red as a beet under his cute unicorn fuzzy face. Pim reached up and pulled the strap release on his GV 4 under his left arm inside his shirt. He wrapped it up and said to the shaking Ahnk, "Okay you put this on, it's a pretty good machine gun, you're my new bodyguard, got it?"

Pony carefully took the folding stock medium tech gun, and put it on his left side. He was still in awe of who Pim really was. "Yes sir." He said simply.

Pim smiled at him, "You are so cute I could just eat you up right here." Pim poked the still rigid Ahnk in his nude chest, between his pectorals. Sweat was forming on the smaller Ahnk's sides. Pim knelt down and got close to the trembling little Cloud. "Be still Pony. I'm not going to enslave you, I like you, okay? Just calm down now, we get through to inside the gate and I'll give you all your stuff back, but um there is the payment we never got to talk about, you will have to pay that. But let's just get past the gate guards, okay. I'll wait till you calm down." Pim was enamored to this little guy terrified like Pim was to his core, when the brigands had captured him, after the Crahi cargo master sent him directly to them, being the recruiter for a prostitution ring of sex slaves."Now there stop trembling, it's going to be okay, really I mean it." Pim soothed him and the Ahnk relaxed some. Take that gun out and only holster it when or if the guards tell you to, having that gun in your hands will let you calm down, go ahead take it out."

Pony did as he said and began to feel better he stopped sweating so much at least; he let out a sigh, and held the bright shiny two hander in his hands. It was a lot of firepower in a fourteen pound extremely deadly weapon easy to use right off the shelf too. Pim stood up and buttoned his shirt again; he walked with his new nearly naked body guard coming with him. Up to the gate, and then was let in with "Morning Sir", and "that's your new body guard sir?" Were asked by the guards; all of them were showing extreme respect as well as open fear. Pim and the gang were infamous, and everybody treated him like a top kingpin of a criminal empire, which he kind of was.

Pony let out a huge sigh of relief and once on the airship got all his armor back out of Pim's bracer, he quickly put it on, but was still shaken, it did not get any less bad but got a little more terrifying when both 'Dark Shadow' and the 'Summoner' greeted Pim in friendly hugs and playful swats. Pony was in the presence of the top capos of this slaver organization he couldn't believe who these people really were, here and that he was in the presence of such extremely dangerous people. "And this is Pony my new friend; He is a Cloud just like you Drang." The Summoner turned and looked at Pony who nearly fainted, offered a hand to Pony who nervously took it. "Any friend of Pim's is a friend of mine, good to meet you Pony!" the giant Ogrensi said. "What echelon are you?"

Pony didn't know what to do he just lost his voice as soon as he opened his mouth These men were all powerful and Drang was more famous than any Cloud since Dalbo the Demon. And he said Pony was his friend! "Oh umm I'm ahh !" Pony couldn't get much out more than that.

Pim said, "He's a little overwhelmed right now ...hero worship."

"Oh, yeah, is he a virgin too?" Drang said. Pony fainted and dropped to the floor.

Pim chuckled "our fame precedes us. I'm going to take her up and show him the city, he should come back in a little while. Hey maybe see you later", Pim kissed Drang now that the new kid was out on the floor. "Tell Dark Shadow I'll be back in a little while. Pony will want to faint in front of him too!"

The big Ogrensi chuckled and grabbed Pim's junk, "Glad you have that back Pim, I like your famous kisses too." Drang rounded the corner to the door and took flight to get off the airship and back down on the ground. The whole vehicle was automatic, one person could fly it, but a full ground crew was needed to get it out of the hanger. Drang barked orders and the people on the ground got to work instantly pulling the ship towards the big doors that were opening, to let the giant white skinned craft out.

Pim Chapter One and Two -revised

_This story begins in a town, well a city that was derived from a town, which became larger because of the need for a military base by a subtype of race that used fixed wing aircraft and mostly dirigibles as their main armament type of craft. The...

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The Airship and the flashback of the beginning of Pim's ordeal

"...He was a bob-tail did you see", the other crewman shouted. "What?" the engineer let down the phone without plugging the end first "Hello-hello who is this? ...what is your station? Came from the com-tube. Immediately the engineer talked into the...

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Synopsis backstory

This story begins in a town, well a city that was derived from a town, which became larger because of the need for a military base by a subtype of race that used fixed wing aircraft and mostly dirigibles as their main armament type of craft. The same...

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