The Bane of Dragons

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Jake Long makes a big mistake when he thinks that he has the upper hand with a pair of tiger demons.

Commissioned by Justacritic

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The Bane of Dragons

For justacritic

By Draconicon

Moving from his family to somewhere a little more private had been the best decision that Jake Long had ever made. The fact that he could do what he wanted whenever he wasn't in class or on the job meant that he could just...enjoy himself. And there were times when it was rather hot to have the entire apartment to himself, dragon-up, and enjoy himself in ways that his gramps had never really allowed him to do at home. There were things that one could do with a dragon tongue that defied expectations, and he loved the feeling of taking care of himself that way. So much better than his hand.

Of course, that meant that when the alerts came in, that meant that it was all the more annoying when they did, because he was very likely to be involved with something, or with himself, and that meant going into battle with blue balls at best. Sometimes with a bit of a mess, too.

Good thing that he'd taken to wearing those masks. Sure, they stank after, but that was better than going in with cum on his face.

Such was the occasion today. He'd been on the verge of blowing his load when the alert had come in, and he'd already spilled more than a little pre-cum over his snout, and that meant that he'd been a mess. No time to clean up, either. It was mask up and get out, and he did just that. The short flight to the hotel where the whole thing going down gave him no time to clean up, either, just enough time for his dick to go down so that it wasn't showing when he was out and about.

Of course, being a dragon, that still meant that it dangled a bit, particularly with the limited coverings that were available for the American Dragon, but better for a relatively petite sort of thing that was easy to overlook when there was a goddamn dragon coming for you rather than some throbbing shaft that made him look like a crazed beast. He'd take what he could get.

Jake finally alighted on the top floor of the hotel, looking down at the various balconies as he pulled n his wings. He shook his head.

"So, slave trading, huh?" he muttered. "Yo, got anything else for me?"

There's a pair of demons that are collecting humans to sell on the black market. So far, all victims have been retrieved, mostly lacking their memories.

"Lucky them..."

Yes. However, this is the biggest snatch so far. If we can get the demons off the street, then the chance of the magical world being exposed goes down dramatically.

He rather liked the difference between the automated stuff and Fu Dog. The fact that he could get info without the commentary meant a lot. As he walked across the rooftop, he kept one hand to the side of his head, still talking away.

"So, what kinda demons are we talking about? Some kind of rough and tumble things, or more the magic-y kind?"

These are Rakshasa, trickster tiger demons.

"That's not so bad. Let's see how they stand up to the Am-Drag."

There was one door down from the roof, and he kicked it in. Not necessary, but it was part of his style. He followed it down, surfing on it as the voice in his ear counted the floors until -


Jake hopped off the door, listening to it clanging all the way down the stairwell. Well, at least two more levels down. People would be coming to check on that, but he doubted that they'd know what had done it. Not for a while, at least.

He stepped into the main floor. There was only one door open, and it had lines of smoke coming out from it.

"Fire demons?"

Among other things.

"Yeah, then I found 'em."

The open hotel room was loud, too. Loud enough that he was pretty sure that the rest of the floor was empty if nobody was coming to complain about that. He walked down the hall, pulled the door open slightly further, and shook his head.

There, sitting in the middle of the main room of the penthouse suite, were two tiger-like beings. They both had immensely long fangs, and they both sat with the sort of confidence that he had seen mob bosses use on TV. They were fondling, fingering, rubbing the asses of any human being that came near, and both of them were -

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell?"

Jake spoke without even thinking, too shocked at the sight of the tigers in the nude. They looked away from their prey, their eyes going wide. Then again, they were staring at a dragon; no surprise there.

He stepped inside, flapping his wings and blowing through the smoke. Some of the humans started coming around at that, and he waved for them to get going.

"Get outta here. Come on, come on, party's over. Get back to your rooms, get some beauty sleep," he said, using his arms and tail to herd them out of the room. So far, the demons weren't doing a thing besides looking him up and down.

Looking him up and down a lot, for that matter, their eyes going all the way down to his barely-there dick. He blushed at the thought of having people staring that much, but - well, hell, he'd work with it. He could do that.

"Alright, guys. You wanna tell me what the hell's going on before I deal with you two?" he asked when all the humans were gone.

The Rakshasa looked at each other for a moment, then turned to him. Both their smiles grew, and he knew that he really, really didn't like that.

Though they were almost identical, there were some slight differences. One of them was half an inch taller than the other, while the shorter one had a slightly longer pair of fangs. The taller one had a cock that was half an inch longer, while the shorter one had one that was half an inch fatter.

And both of them were utterly shameless as they got to their feet and bowed to him.

"Apologies, dragon," the taller one said. "Am sorry, allow introductions?"

"Yeah, yeah, talk if you like. Better have a good apology for me, though."

"Do so, do so." The tiger chuckled, nodding to the other male. "This Havas, I Dhokha. We merely looking for goods."

"Goods? Those were people."

"No, they beautiful," Havas said. "Beauty for sale."

"Not when it can walk around, it ain't."

"Is not so?" Dhokha asked.

"Not so."

"Ah. Then apologies. Our mistake."

"Yeah, well, you're still coming with me."

"Let make up to you," Havas said, his red eyes shimmering slightly more for a moment. "Come. Sit. Let us see."

"Why? What do you guys want?"

There was something off about this, and worse, something weird about the smoke in the air. He had thought that it was just smoke, something that they were putting off because of their fire demon nature, but the more that it went on, the more that he wondered if it was something else. It certainly stank of something else, something...

He shook his head, feeling oddly warm despite himself. He shifted his footing, feeling oddly aware of his cock, too, feeling...feeling almost a little bigger down there. That was probably just embarrassment, though, particularly as the two tigers looked down again.

I'm bigger than both of you...when I'm hard...

And...and he wasn't...was he?

He wasn't going to look down to find out. He just knew that he felt a bit weird. Good, but weird.

"What do you guys want?" he asked, feeling like he had to focus on what he was saying a bit more, the smoke in the air making him feel like that time he downed a keg of beer without thinking. That had been a baaaaad day.

"You sit. Join. Be...admired," Dhokha said.

"Yes. Are beautiful, worth seeing."

"I'm hot, guys. I get it."

"Yes. Is word. Hot. Sit."

"Let see."

Jake felt like there was something wrong with that, something that he was missing. But at the same time, they were right about one thing. He was hot, and in more ways than one. There was some sort of heat going through his veins, running up and down his limbs, and he was struggling to keep his head on straight. At the same time, he rather liked the feeling, particularly as it went right down to his crotch. As he took a step forward, he felt his cock and balls swaying slightly, and he chuckled under his breath at the heavy, manly feeling.

He joined them on the long couch, sitting between the two tigers. They immediately ran their hands along his bare thighs, rubbing up towards the slight covering that he had down there. Not much covering, really, just a little bit of cloth that had the same color as his scales, and which...

Which had slid up...somehow...

He looked down, and sure enough, he was getting hard. Stiff and hard. He chuckled, then even giggled, feeling like he was a little drunk.

Impossible, though. He hadn't even had a chance to get anything. It was just the smoke, and smoke couldn't hurt a dragon.

"You guys like what you see, huh?" he asked, spreading his legs further. "Yeah, well, stare away. You know the Am-Drag's hot."

"Yes, yes. Is."

"Very hot. Very...strong."

They were rubbing up from his thighs, now, running their hands past his exposed cock and up his abs. They leaned in, kissing along his shoulders, licking his bulging biceps? Was he flexing? Of course he was flexing. Why wouldn't he be showing off to the very guys that had shown him how hot he was? That was just the right thing to do.

He leaned back, pulling his arms up and over his head, showing off just how much his arms could bulge out when he put himself to it. He groaned as he felt the power running through his muscles. Every so often, one of the tiger demons would look up from stroking him, licking him, and there'd be a flash from those red eyes. Every time he saw it, there was a moment's hesitation, but then it just felt good.

"Yeah...I'm hot as hell..."

"Yes, are."

"Show us. Come with."

They dragged him from the couch to the bedroom. He felt odd, particularly when they were rubbing his ass as they walked along. Something about their hands being down there felt like it almost didn't belong, but then the moment faded, and he was back to just enjoying himself. Yeah, enjoying the feeling of being worshiped, enjoyed.

He was a stud.

He was hot.

He was beautiful.

As they sat him back on the bed, they pulled out ropes from under it. He cocked his head to the side, a flap of his wings accidentally bringing a bigger dose of the smoke back to his face. He groaned, breathing it in, and he felt dazed, lost in the thick, heavy, hot smell that followed it. By the time that he was anything close to clear-headed again, they were already starting to wrap the ropes around his ankles, pulling them up so that his knees pressed against his chest and his ankles were nearly up by his ears.

"What...what are you doing?" he managed to grunt out.

"Showing you strong."

"You very strong. Show off."

"Tie up."

"Show muscle."

"Show everything."

Show everything. Yeah, he was a fucking stud, so why shouldn't he show off everything? He held his arms up, allowing them to be bound, pulled back slightly, dragged towards his back. He groaned happily, enjoying the feeling of it, of their eyes on him, of their hands running over his body.


He hadn't felt this horny in months. He didn't know what it was, but it was making his dick beg for someone to touch it. Just having them staring at it was almost enough to get him dripping. Hell, the fact that they were looking at it, and...

And at his...

At his ass? ass...

For a moment, Jake had some clarity. He could feel the world shifting around him, could feel that he was tied up and that it would be hard for him to get free. There was something about the ropes around him, something about the tightness of everything that was pinning him down, that actually made him feel a little bit afraid. He grunted, tried to sit up -

Then the Rakshasa leaned over him. Dhovka and Havas grinned, their eyes going red, and Jake's head went funny again.

"No fear."

"All hot."

"No anger."

"All horny."

"For us."

"For tigers."

"For clients."


They stroked their hands along his ass cheeks, and he groaned as the red in their eyes sunk him back down to that place that he had been. The warmth that they filled the air with, the heady scent that kept blowing back at him whenever he started to get a clear head, kept him in that happy, horny, dumb space that had him thinking of his dick more than anything else.

The tiger demons sat on either side of him. The smaller one, Havas, grabbed his cock, while Dhokha slid a hand under his tail, rubbing along the curve of his rump cheeks. A muscular curve, admittedly, but the muscle had forced his ass out, and more than it had been when he was still at home.

"Yes. Beauty. You have beauty."

"I'm...beautiful," Jake muttered.

"Hot. Beautiful. Good to look at."

"Very...good to look at."

He was having a hard time thinking, so whenever the tigers spoke, it just felt that much easier for him to go along with it. Head all fucked up, all filled with smoke and heat. The fact that there were others willing to help him think when he wasn't himself meant the world, and he groaned under his breath as Havas started stroking him, pulling on his dick.

"Yes. Big and sexy."

" dragon...heh, that's me..."

"Yes, is you."

A clawed finger worked under his tail, between the cheeks. For the first time in, well, forever, he felt something rubbing against his ass and trying to get in rather than get out. He groaned, trying to shake his head, but the tiger didn't pull it back. If anything, Dhokha just kept pushing it, trying to wiggle it further in.

Eventually, he managed it. Jake gasped as he felt it sliding inside, hitting stuff that he had never realized he had. The little bump just inside was enough to have his cock twitching, and the two tigers chuckled, sharing a knowing look. Havas leaned down, huffing softly over the dragon's cock, while Dhokha leaned down.

"Is good to show."

"Good...good to show?"

"Very good. Very hot."

"Mmmph...I'm hot..."

"Others deserve to see hot. Yes?"

"Oh, yeah..."

Yeah...yeah, he was hot. And others should see that. No more hiding his cock behind that little cloth. No more keeping himself somewhere private. Yeah, he was hot, and he needed to show off his hot body to anyone that would look at him. Yeah, that was the way that it should go.

He barely noticed when Dhokha pushed a finger past his hole again, sliding it in and out, opening him up down there. It was just another thing that was hot about him, his hole, his body, his sex. Everything was just there for others to see, to enjoy.

Yeah, he was hot. And being hot, he had to allow others to enjoy that.

His head was spinning as he got hornier and hornier, not helped by what the two tigers were doing. He rolled his head to the side, panting softly, eyes slitted.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could just make out some herbs that were burning on the nightstand. He could have sworn that he knew them, that his Gramps had told him about them, said that they were...something. Dangerous? Nah, there was no way that they were dangerous, even if they were


Yeah, that's what it was. But that sounded -


Jake groaned as the finger in his ass came loose, finally, sliding out of him and dragging along the base of his tail. He panted softly, particularly as Havas let go of his cock. The two tigers stood up, looking down at him with their eyes glowing in the dimming room.

"You ready for customers?" one asked.

"Mmmph...oh yeah...I'm a hot-ass lay..."

"Heh, good dragon..."

The End


Summary: Jake Long makes a big mistake when he thinks that he has the upper hand with a pair of tiger demons.

Tags: M/M, M/M/M, American Dragon, Jake Long, Dragon, Tiger, Rakshasa, Corruption, Mind Control, Fingering, Masturbation, Worship, Teasing,