A Dark Sun Approaches

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#11 of Pokè-Treat

"Hitmon..." A brown Pokèmon bowed in front of a shadow darkened figure, beside him, his human Trainer bowed to the same figure.

"The Pokèmon have chosen their warlord. Go! Make sure he does not start the Army."

"Yes, Dark Master." The human and Pokèmon rose as one and left the room as one.

Jason rose and quickly dressed as he would any other day. He turned to his new son and stroked his blue fur. The Azurill cooed in his sleep next to his Azumarill mother. Jason left the room without waking them. He had a long day ahead of him. He did not want those two waking so early. In the main lobby of the ancient tree he had come to call home, Moon, his Espeon, and Adrian, his Lucario, stood waiting for him. They were to join him on this mission leaving the rest of the family behind to fend for themselves for the day.

The Psychic teleported the trio to the nearest town, Parzaa, where they would be waiting for a special delivery besides doing other things in town. Many residents of this town, both human and Pokèmon, did not like the Trainer still, just because of the scars Moon and her Umbreon sister, Shadow, had all over them from an abusive Trainer they were rescued from. Jason made his first stop of the day at the local twenty-four hour market where he stocked up on Trainer supplies and spent the rest of his savings setting up weekly trade to the tree. The shop keeper immediately liked him then because of the business. Jason rolled his eyes then moved on to his next place, the PokèCenter. That is where he asked Nurse 'Wrathful' Joy if he could schedule a visit to his tree.

She snorted, of course, but agreed to it. The mayor, Jovah the Alakazam, told her to tend to Jason and his team. Jason then asked her about the updated PC that was being flown in. She grumbled then slung a file at him then stormed off to the back of the Center. Adrian snorted at her rudeness then bowed at the Chansey that took her place. Jason opened the file, the drop was scheduled for noon which meant they still had three hours to play with. Adrian mentioned something about getting a toy for his daughter, Jason smiled then checked his account. He bit his lip and told Adrian that it may not be possible he only had two hundred credits. He shrugged and said it was worth the try.

They headed back to the mart, Adrian used his telepathic ability to talk to the human behind the counter. The man nodded then hopped the counter and took the Lucario to the toys and showed him what was two hundred and less. Adrian saw a pack of four small plush dolls and looked at the tag, then admitted that he could not read the tag. The man said that the pack was one fifty after tax, Jason came over and looked at the toys. He asked if they were safe for newly hatched, the man nodded. Jason liked that, he then had Jason pick out a pack he liked for the little ones. Once he did, they checked out and roamed for an hour and a half.

They heard the Dragonites before they saw them, the thunderous flaps of scaled wings coming from above the tree line. Jason and his two companions with their goods rushed to the Center and waited for the touchdown of the mighty beasts. The Dragon types landed with a large crate between them, the two Pokèmon carried the crate inside the Center while a third Dragonite landed with their Trainer on its back. The man jumped off then rushed inside to set up the new equipment. Jason followed the third Pokèmon inside, not wanting to get in the way. But he did hand the file the nurse tossed him to the man, the tech looked over the file then looked at Jason.

"You Trainer Jason Armile?"

"Yes, sir, that would be me."

"Don't know how you got so lucky to get the system for free, but it should be more than enough for a Trainer's Base. The entire system is to remain in tact, and I'll sneak in an upgrade for the software. Alright, I'll get the new system set up here then we'll head to your place."


The tech and the Dragonites tore open the crate then carefully sat the new PC up. It had an itemiser table for out of town trades, though it was for small items at low numbers. A Trainer could have a crate of one hundred Pokèballs shipped in through it. It was not long that they had the old PC in the crate and the new one up and running. Jason was growing impatient near the end, mostly because the four workers had worked in complete silence.

"How can you work in silence? It's just... odd."

"Oh, we don't, we sign to each other. Not all of us are mind speakers." The man joked giving a wink towards the Espeon.

"And not all of us are gifted with Pokè speech."

"Really? You mean you can understand any Pokèmon without the translation from a telepathic?"

"Tell Mark to shut his mouth, we work to finish." One of the Dragonites leaned back on his tail and crossed his arms.

"Sure... Mark, shut your mouth, you have work to finish. Though I don't mind the chat, your coworkers seem to be more professional than I thought they would be."

"That's just Paul, he's always like that. Wait... you did understand him, sweet, wish I could, poker night would be better."

"Ask a Psychic type to help out, it requires trust and a good friendship. Right, Moon?" Jason smiled then bent down scratch Moon's ear.

"That's right... oh my, a little to the left... yes..." Moon rolled her eyes back and enjoyed the session.

Adrian chuckled then tried to strike up a conversation with one of the other Dragonites as he walked off to finish packing the old PC.

"Anyway, as soon as it is packed, we can be off for our home."

"Sure. So I have heard stories of this place, is it true that people here adopt Pokèmon as family rather than pets or companions?"

"Yep, I think there are also a married couple here... at least that is what I am guessing from what I have seen."

"How... never mind, I rather not get into a fight over that subject." Mark muttered. "We'll be ready in a few minutes, sir."


As soon as Mark and his team finished re-nailing and the full boot of the new PC, the man said they were ready to leave. Moon teleported them back to the tree entrance, Mark gasped as he saw the giant tree in front of him. Jason chuckled then started for the opening with Adrian and Moon behind him. The Dragonites quickly picked up the crate and followed the others leaving Mark standing there with his mouth ajar.

The one named Paul laughed as he pushed passed his Trainer and instructed the other two on. Jason asked them to set it up in the main lobby, and while they did that, he called for a Bayleef to come and do whatever the resident Grass types did to the tree to form it for the necessary cables for both power and signal to reach outside the tree and not be a trip hazard. Mark finally joined them and jumped right into the installation. The team got the PC set up and allowed the Bayleef to draw cables outside. Mark then pulled out two item capsules from a belt pouch and looked at the team. Paul knelt down and let Mark climb on and then they rushed outside to finish the setup.

Jason stretched and idly walked around the lobby looking at the various designs in the tree. Once the solar panel was set up and the long range antennae setup, Mark and Paul returned then gathered the crate and boot the system. The Trainer took a Pokèmon from storage then released it. An Alakazam appeared in front of Mark wearing a medical alert necklace.

"Have you talked to Parzaa's mayor?" Jason asked as he looked at the Alakazam.

"No, why?"

"Jovah is in need of some donors, he would not tell me his blood type, but you may know an Alakazam or two who might be able to help him."

"Donors? Hmm, I might talk to the mayor if I get time. The system is up and running, if you have any problems call the customer service. And be glad you got this for free, not many people get the chance to even touch secondhand equipment." Mark smiled as he turned back to the PC to do some final task that had popped up on the screen. "The signal may weaken due to weather, same as the power. During the winter, make sure snow does not pile up on panel, the weight could bust it. Anything else you need to know that is not covered in the Trainer's Manuel?"

"Nope, I should be able to figure out the underlying programs should I need to change something. Thanks for setting it up for me. It will help us out when we finally open our doors to travelers." Jason tried to sound more like a business tycoon instead of a general gold-digger.

"Good luck... um, how far is it back to the town?"

"Only a few minutes flight."

"Thanks and enjoy the public services brought to you by the Pokèmon Storage Facility and the Pokèmon Protection Syndicates."

"I will, have a safe flight back home and give these guys a good scrubbing, they enjoy it."

Mark and his team nodded then gathered their wares before leaving. Jason watched them leave in silence then went to the PC, he pulled out the stored Pokèmon. Carrying them in his shirt, he left the machine and started to head for the nursery. As soon as he entered the room four little ones rushed him, he greeted them then squeezed around them to visit Lisa. He immediately placed the Salamence's ball on Lisa's belt along with one of the Tryanitars. He debated on the last he should give her then decided on giving her Stan the Stantler. He turned to Lisa with the last three in his hand.

"Her belt is in our room. I know to keep that one in the ball around here. But what about the other two?"

"Stan the Stantler and one of the Tryanitars that was with Entei."

"Ah, so Grace get the others?"

"Yep, that way you both have a flyer. I rather have her with Rex, I know you can beat the Salamence if need be."

"And I hope you are right. Though I know I will always have you and Adrian there to protect me if needed. Oh, Azu was looking for you."

"Thank you. How are you feeling today? I know that you did not leave the nursery last night."

"I still hurt, I don't know how Azu can stand it. Being stretched to the point of ripping, I am not sure I want to go through that again."

"Wait for this one to grow a little more then decide."

"I suppose, I guess I could miss her if she ever decides to leave us."

"To be honest it would be the other way, dear. She can't leave without my permission. You get some rest, I'll leave you be now."

"Whatever." Lisa smiled then rolled to a sitting position and grimaced. "How does she do it?"

"It's your first, right?" Jason asked quietly."

She nodded.

"You are still adjusting to the stretching of Mona's birth. I am sure it would have hurt more if she came into the world as a normal Pokèmon."

"Are you saying my child is not normal?"

"No, the opposite. All four of them had to come into the world as one for whatever goal the Unnamed has for them. Is that... blood?" Jason happen to catch a glimpse at the sheets that she had tossed over her legs."

"I... guess... so. Is that not normal?"

"NO... at least I don't think so." Jason kept his voice muted but still shouted at her. "We need that nurse aid. They were supposed to be here today. I don't even know if Moon is able to take you to the Center for help."

For family, I am always able. Moon plowed into their minds before teleporting into the curtained room. "Let's go, I rather not see someone get sick because of a poor birthing process."

Moon did not give those two a moment to move, she dragged them through temporal space to the entrance of the Center. Lisa fell right into Jason's outstretched arms, he took a moment to get reoriented then dashed through the door. The Nurse took one look at him then at the Lucario in his arms, she scowled at them.

"Please, help my daughter, she's bleeding after birthing her own daughter."

The Nurse took Lisa from his arms then they disappeared into the back, a shout came from the walls. A Chansey rushed out and motioned Jason to follow her. He and Moon did quickly followed her to an exam room where Joy placed Lisa on a table already was gathering tools.

"What happened during the laying?"

"It was a live birth, her daughter is healthy and hyper. I did not notice anything odd other than that."

"Live? What about the afterbirth? Was that delivered?"

"What's afterbirth?"

"Never mind. Take a seat and let me work." Nurse Joy hissed at him.

After five minutes of poking and prodding, Joy grabbed a small rope-like thing and sterilized it as a Chansey came to strap Lisa's legs to stirrups. She moved away from the Lucario and waited. Joy hooked one end to a monitor then quickly shoved the sterilized end into Lisa's birth canal. She hissed as the cold tool touched her warm and sore flesh.

Joy watched the monitor and clicked her tongue every so often as she came to an overly red section. Jason watched it as well, absorbed into the sight of her sex on the screen, up to the point where the laparoscope hit her cervix and forced through the opened hole. That made him turn away and hold her spiked paw.

"There's the tear and the placenta. Chansey, can you set up the Max Potion spray for the scope, please. Alright... Lisa was it, I have to reach in and pull that membrane out otherwise you could die from it, the tear is from the umbilical cord that was attached to the Riolu you had. It is nothing to worry about, the potion will take care of the pain it is causing you." The Chansey handed Joy a bottle with a long, small hose attached to it. "Thank you, Chansey. Lisa, this will be just as painful as your live birth, but it must be done to save your life."

Joy pulled a large full armed plastic glove on then placed her fingers at Lisa's labia, grimacing at the pain she knew would cause. Lisa nodded then grasped Jason's hand, he pulled out of her grasp then placed that same hand on top of hers. Lisa moaned painfully as a fist was rammed into her and forced passed the cervix. She felt the membrane move then she felt the spray hose being squeeze beside the scope and arm then a cooling spray on her hot innards. The pain faded, she barely felt the withdrawal of Joy's arm and the membrane.

She did hiss at the sudden rush of air hitting the sensitive flesh, but she did enjoy the pain free sensation after that. Joy patted Lisa's leg with her clean hand then she took a rag and wiped Lisa's labia clean then placed the rag and the membrane in a Biohazard Waste bag. She straightened and looked at Jason's worried look on his face as he stared at the Lucario. She sighed quietly, then she started to clean up.

"Don't let her mate for a week, that way the potion can have a full effect on the stretching she's had. Also her activity should be slim to none for the next two days, which means rest. No playing with the baby just yet. Other than that, just let her eat an Oran berry with every meal for a while, that should help build her immune system as well."

"Thank you. I don't know what the family would do if she fell ill from birth."

"Hard telling. You are free to go, that aid you requested was sent by road and should arrive soon." She left the room quickly before she broke down completely and started being nice to him.

Jason sighed, "Moon, I think she's more than ready to go home, what about you?"

Moon smiled then took them home.

When they arrived, Jason noticed that there was a Trainer sitting on a stump letting a Chansey in an Aid's outfit tend to his Pokèmon. Jason help Lisa sit while he did the polite thing. He walked up with a smile hoping to get the Trainer to be just as polite.

"Welcome, fellow Trainer, to my friendly abode. Are you in need of assistance?"

"Yes," The man said with a crooked smile. "I do need assistance, I need you to battle me."

"Well okay, give me a minute." Jason sighed. "Moon, call the others."

It did not take long, within a few seconds, Moon had pulled them out and brought Grace and both belts out with them. The team gathered behind Jason silently as they awaited the battle.

"Okay, that's everyone. Name your game."

The man gulped as he watched the Lucario and the Plusle come up beside Jason with their own filled belts. "How can Pokèmon be Trainers d'em selves?"

"These two are my adopted daughters. Now, name your game otherwise you battle will be for naught." Jason tried his best to use 'big' words to hopefully deter the Trainer.

"Sorry, boss would let me walk if I walk. All in. I will stop the army from growing!"

Jason eyes widened, So I finally meet one of the grunts of my enemy. So be it. "Fine, choose your starter."

"I choose Hitmonlee."

"Moon, go."

"Pyschic types are nothing for the likes of Hitmonlee. Low kick!"

"Moon, dodge then Pyschic attack."

Moon easily dodged the slow kick from the newly awakened Pokèmon. She used Pyschic to send him directly into the base of the tree, a grunt sounded. Then the kick boxer jumped back to his position in front of his Trainer. The next attack was an odd move even for Hitmonlee, Jason was not sure it was even a legal move. The Trainer could for a Frozen Kick. Hitmonlee's leg froze to solid ice then was virtually thrown at Moon. Moon froze her attack in midair then tossed him at high speed into the tree. A defeated moan came from Hitmonlee as he collapsed to the ground.

Jason smiled as the Pokèmon was recalled, the man growled and sent out a Golbat. The Trainer called for a Supersonic, Moon hissed as she was confused by the attack. Her senses screwed up making her absolutely dizzy. Jason sniffed as he quickly thought of something. He told Moon to use her natural ability to synchronize abilities. Just as quickly, the Golbat was flying around in circles trying to find its target.

Jason then called for a Psybeam.

She followed orders and struck her opposition with the attack. A screech came out from the bat Pokèmon as it tumbled to the ground, it did not rise again. The Trainer cursed then recalled the Pokèmon then replaced it with a Murkrow. The Pokèmon used Night Shade, Moon did her best to dodge it knowing it would seriously hurt. She just barely missed the attack, using a nearby tree as cover. Then Jason called her back and sent out Clair, the Charizard growled at the tiny bird. Night Shade was called for again, this time the attack hit.

Clair shook off the pain then readied herself. Jason called for a Wing Attack, she went after the bird with lightning speed, the attack struck... hard. The bird fell. The Trainer fell to his knees as he recalled the bird, he was out. Jason's Pokèdex chimed saying his account had been updated with his winnings.

"Moon, Shadow, capture him."

Moon teleported behind the man while Shadow phased through Jason's shadow then out the man's. Shadow latched onto his legs while Moon restrained him with her mind.

"So, tell me, what is your group called?"

"The Dark One will come after me and free me of your grasp and slaughter all the ones you love leaving you in a pit of despair and agony until you break and join him."

Jason backhanded the man. "I asked for a name not a repertoire."

The man repeated himself.

Jason sighed, "Take him to the basement and secure him there. I'll call the Growlithe team and have them come pick him up."

Jason turned his back on the man then went inside with Lisa at his side, Grace bounced along behind them. Moon and Shadow took him into the shadows to the basement where Moon pulled the tree itself around the man to tie his hands to his ankles then attach his waist to the floor. They left him in the dark as they left. A chuckle sounded after they had left the room. The man gasped knowing who made the laughter.

"Good work, human, you have served your purpose..."

The man screamed as the Dark Pokèmon encompassed his head with tendrils of Darkness.

Jason was at the PC calling the Parzaa Police Force while Adrian coddled Lisa as she sat down on a crate the Chansey had brought in before the man showed up. She huffed and swore it was nothing of importance. Her daughter rushed her and pounced stealthily as a Nursery caretaker and herself came up to find them. The family passed hugs until they were stopped by Jason whom told them that Lisa needed her rest and was to be sent to her room. Adrian took that chore and rushed her upstairs to their room. Mona followed despite the fact the sitter told her not to follow. Jason chuckled, he then turned to the Chansey and offered her the tree as her own. She bowed then silently started setting up a station there beside the PC.

Moon muttered something under her breath as she followed Jason as he left the room, she lost the man's presence and could not find out how that had happened. Shadow questioned her sister but could not get an answer with words. She suggested that Moon needed to could bask in the sunlight and restore some energy, but the Psychic refused to let Jason and Shadow out of sight. She let out a squeal when she was caught completely off guard by her sister when Shadow pounced her to prove she needed some time to herself.

Jason agreed to that, he shooed her away with a smile and told her that he should not need her abilities anytime soon. The Espeon sighed then vanished to an undisturbed location in the canopy of the tree and splayed out in the sun. Shadow shivered wishing that she could join her sister, but the night always did her better on restoring strength. She realized that Jason had been heading for the nursery to see Mickey. She silently envied him for having the child and a mate. Something she wanted more than being free... some one to call her own.

With a weary sigh, Shadow followed Jason into the room and greeted the little Fire types that had come to think of her as an aunt. She had a deep down feeling in her that told her things were going to change and that life would never be the same again.

Azu, sat outside on the landing branch staring into the horizon. She knew she could leave with Jason if she wanted to, but she debated on whether or not the others needed her. She was the oldest living here, Pokèmon wis, but was she suited to be a leader. Most of the family voted the Nidoqueen as their representitive. So why was it so hard for her to decide on staying or leaving?

She sighed and then went back inside, she heard the battle below, yet she never worried for his safety. Jason was strong, she felt it more than she actually knew it. Her mind did not settle on Jason though, it went to think about her son and his possiblities. She wondered what his attack powers where if he had any, he had yet tried to spray her or the Charmanders. It struck her that that is the reason she could not decide on leaving, her son was too weak to do anything. Or could not do anything.

She made her way to the Master bedroom and sat on the bed, she knew that no one would be up this way for a few hours, she would enjoy the quiet time a little while longer. She threw herself back and started to rub her chest and slowly moved downward.

Jason hugged Mickey, the little watermouse bounced continuously in his arms. He began to wonder what his son could do. He smiled saw Champ sitting in the corner with Shadow and his twins. He whispered to his son that he should go spray Uncle Champ to see a funny face from the Charizard. He sat back and watched the Azurill bounce off to the large Pokèmon and prodded him, the Charizard bent over and picked him up. That's when the Water type sprayed Champ with a Water Gun. Jason fall backwards laughing his head off when he saw the Charizard's face. He gave a look like he was just peed on.

Champ quickly sat the tyke down then rose and went over to Jason who quickly quieted down. The boy gave an odd smile then rushed away from the Charizard, the room laughed as Champ gave chase. He easily caught up to the human and rip his shirt off over his head, Champ wiped his face off then tossed the shirt onto a shelf above Jason's reach with a smile. Then he went back to the children leaving Jason to go back into a laughter fit.

Moon moaned as the last of the day's light soaked into her fur. She forgot what it was like to just sit and relax, not that she ever had done that before for any length. She opened her eyes, she thought she saw Articuno. After a double take, she knew she was not dreaming, the Ice Bird flew right over head and dropped a Pokèmon. Using her ability, she caught it and pulled it to her. She gasped as she found it to be another 'eon, a Glaceon male to be exact. He was unconscious and badly injured. She took him below to the Chansey for treatment.

One for you, One for me

Moon groaned but did so without argument. A moment later, they stood there at the base of the tree at the hole that was the ground floor. Moon pushed away from Jason and placed herself between him and an unknown being. He turned slowly as she...

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Dark Dispositions

Jason's team reappeared in front of an arguing couple there at the doors to Parzaa PokèCenter. The only thing that made them move from the entrance was the loud roar of pain coming from the Charizard. The team rushed in and went to the counter where...

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All in a Slave's Day

_MOON!_ Jason shouted with everything he had in his mind. No response came. Champ quickly took control and returned everyone he could to their balls leaving himself of course. He told Lisa to stay at the tent then he grabbed Jason and leapt up into the...

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