ETTFC: Herm Dragon Taur Egg Laying

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#12 of Enter The TF Chamber

Want to TF into a sexy anthro herm and have fun with your new busty hung body? This is an interactive TF story that lets you do just that! You can have sex with a gorgeous herm companion, get some self gratification by sucking your dick while fingering your pussy, and you can even choose whether you want to lay a clutch of eggs.Click here to get the Full Version on Patreon.Click here to get the Full Version on Subscribestar.

Species options included in Full Version: Naga, Snow Leopard, Orca, Dragon, Dragon Taur. Many hot species-based options too!

"We will gradually lower you to the floor and then you will be guided to your arboreal suite. Take it slow when the acoustic levitation ends. You may experience brief disorientation and it will take time for you to adjust to quadrupedal locomotion."

You make a circle with your hands, hoping they will see it as you giving thanks for the amazing work they did on you.

It takes a minute for the system to shut down and you spiral slowly to the floor as the intensity of the vibrations decreases. While the door opens, you adjust to having clawed dragon feet, a thick tail, and supporting your weight on your four gorgeous scaly legs. Your claws catch on the metal grate and your tail flails behind you while you attempt to take steps. It takes several minutes for you to figure out how to move each of your legs independently and a few more for your thick tail to help rather than hinder your balance.

After trying a bunch of different ways of walking on all fours, you find that always having three feet touching the ground is the most stable. Stepping your left hind leg, your left foreleg, your right hind leg, and then your right foreleg feels the most natural. Once you're comfortable in this pattern, you realize that you've seen this gait in four-legged animals all the time.

Once you're walking toward the exit, the voice says, "Proceed down the path to the left until you find room L-5389. It will be marked for you."

The ramp is a challenge because your upper body makes your taur form a bit front-heavy. Leaning backwards a bit counters this and you get down the slope without stumbling.

Walking out of the sphere, you see a path that had been hidden by the darkness. It's made of the same metal plates as the path that brought you to the sphere. Now that you're a taur, your pussy is more exposed than before and since it's wet, the cold air is making it twitch and shiver. You put your tail down over it to keep it warm. As you walk down it toward the vault door ahead of you, your claws clink on the metal beneath your scaly feet.

The vault door opens as you approach, revealing the stark white hallway beyond. The hallway is much warmer than the room the sphere was in and you're glad when the vault door closes to keep the draft out. The hallway curves gently left until you see a long line of bulkheads, each with an oval of LED light around it. You can't see the end of this hallway and are wondering just how many rooms there are when the lighting strip around a bulkhead door two hundred meters ahead blinks orange.

Excited to see what's behind it, you trot swiftly making your balls and breasts bounce. At first, the sensation distracts you, but then you start swaying from head to tail. Your lack of grace limits the effect of your sultry strutting, however. Speeding up your pace is testing your coordination. Having four legs feels so odd. You keep feeling like you're walking on your hands only to realize your two new limbs are what's doing the work.

When you get to the marked room, you see the number L-5389 on a plaque next to the bulkhead door. It opens and swings inwards. Once you're inside, the bulkhead secures itself behind you.

If you are to believe your eyes, you're in the middle of a hotel-suite-sized clearing in a charming forest at the base of several gigantic trees. Behind you is another big tree with the bulkhead door built right into its trunk. Sitting atop the smooth pebbles that make up the floor of this clearing is a plush leather couch across from a TV stand that has every currently-available gaming console and many retro ones. A giant curved smart-TV is attached to a tree coming from up behind the TV stand. Across from a small kitchen, complete with cabinets built into trees, is a VR area and a state-of-the-art gaming PC. An e-reader sits on the rustic repurposed log of a coffee table. Surrounding your living space is a carpet of little blue, orange, and pink flowers. A soft warm breeze comes from the direction of the TV. You can even smell the earthy green scent of the forest around you.

Looking closely, you can see that the wall, and even the bulkhead, are made out of some sort of 3D display. But being even a foot from the wall, what you're seeing may as well be real. How the breeze and scents are being added is beyond you.

"Thank you again for allowing us to study your eggs and their development. You are helping us maintain the cutting edge in hybridization procedures. We will provide for your every need for the one week period it will take your oviposition-specialized body to produce and lay a clutch of eggs. In addition to what is present in this room, materials for just about any hobby you could have, and three hundred dollars of Steam credit are available upon request." The voice pauses briefly to let all that sink in.

"For your bodily needs, Amira will be available for one hour a day and a team of five star chefs is on call for your culinary needs. We are eager to allay any trouble that stems from you being kept confined while we monitor you. Let us know if any need arises that we can help with. Otherwise, enjoy your stay and we will be in touch."

As you feel some leftovers from your sexual exploits trail down the insides of your back legs, you eye a door in the giant tree trunk behind and to the right of the couch. Going through it, you find yourself inside the tree trunk. Transparent glass tiles with uneven smooth surfaces warp the grain of the stained wood beneath them turning the entire room into a work of art. Separating the rest of the room from the large shower is a wall of glass. Adding even more luxury to the shower is a control panel and six bronze shower heads. The shower's big enough that you can't help but think about fucking Amira in it.

When you shut the door, you find a full length mirror reflecting your beautiful new form. Seeing your true self, a wave of emotion overtakes you. Every aspect of your ideal self has been rendered with impossible artistry and attention to detail.

You run your hands and tail over your scales, reminding yourself that everything you're seeing is indeed real. You turn your back end toward the mirror and gaze at your taur-sized scaly pussy and balls. You're a herm! A fucking sexy amazing herm! In all your excitement, you end up touching yourself a bit too much. By the time you're done, your prick is poking out of your sheath.

Realizing you won't ever get around to taking a shower if you don't stop yourself, you walk through the glass door in the glass wall and play with the settings on the control panel until you get it just right. You try to focus on lathering up and getting clean, but your hands, tail, and forepaws are drawn to every sensitive place you have. Only after taking a lewd survey of your changes that ends in you screaming as you cum against the tiled shower floor, do you finally get yourself clean.

The body drier next to the shower saves you from needing a towel. Then you leave the restroom in search of the bedroom so you can get dressed and try out some of the amenities.

Your bedroom looks like a fanciful repurposed forest cave complete with glowing mushrooms and patches of moss that serve as lamps. The dresser, bed, and nightstand are carved out of massive tree roots that interrupt the cave walls.

While you're picking out clothes, you're astounded by the variety. However, you're not even sure how much good they'd do when it comes to your taur half. The bulge from your balls alone is not very pants friendly. In fact, just about everything that would cover that area of your body looks more like lingerie or underwear to keep it warm than clothing. Out of all of it, the only thing you find that would keep you decent and look okay is a horse blanket. Even if you wanted to wear anything on your taur half, it's going to be a while before you have the required dexterity to put clothing on it.

For a brief moment, you consider asking for help in getting dressed, but then you decide having a naked lower half is part of the taur experience. You do put a bra and blouse on your upper half, though. The blouse is a bit more girly than what you'd normally wear because you can't stop thinking about the eggs you have on the way.

Just as you leave the bedroom, before you can make your way to the VR area, you notice something odd. The large oak tree, whose roots go into your bedroom cave appears to have a huge treehouse in it. A treehouse that's so integrated into the tree that it looks like the tree was made to grow around it.

Seeing no clear way up, you look around until you spot an odd moss-covered boulder. It's beaten up and craggy, but you imagine it once was a perfect cube. There are marks on the ground in the direction of the tree with the treehouse that go about as far as the boulder's width.

The boulder itself has no markings or anything of interest on it other than that the moss only seems to be growing on the outer portion of each square side and not in the center. Getting on the side opposite the tree, you lean into the boulder with your shoulder, using all four of your taur legs to push. As you grunt from the effort, you feel the boulder slide toward the tree. You slowly march forward, your paws digging into the ground, as you push it another ten centimeters. Then there's a click and the boulder stops. As you take your weight off of it the boulder moves on its own revealing a small square hole in the ground. Up out of that square hole, a meter tall lever rises up.

When you pull the lever, you get a very satisfying clunk before you see part of the treehouse's deck lower on cables toward the ground. It has tall railings made out of a random assortment of branches all stuck together. Trotting over to inspect it, you find it has a steampunk two-position scissor switch for going up or down. Getting on the gondola, you flip the knife switch to go up, but nothing happens.

You realize it's probably not going up because the gate isn't latched. Instead of getting out and backing into the gondola so you can use your hands, you grab the gate with your tail. Then you pull it closed and work to secure the latch. It takes a lot of concentration and some patience because your tail's still a bit unfamiliar. When you finally manage it, the gondola ascends up to the treehouse.

Once up there, you climb out of the gondola and look around on the porch. All the windows have shades drawn behind them and you can't see what's inside the treehouse. But there's a nice table and giant beanbag chairs for taurs to lay on.

The door to the treehouse is made of reddish wood and has fantasy dragon taurs carved into it. The keyhole and knob are old-fashioned. When you try the knob, it doesn't budge.

You look around a bit for a key, even seeing if it's hidden under the beanbag chairs. Not knowing what else to do, you take the gondola back to the forest floor. Then you look around for a key, but you don't see any obvious place it could be. You end your search at the VR area.

In the center is an omnidirectional treadmill and, in cabinets carved into the surrounding tree trunks, is an array of equipment for various head and body shapes. After suiting up and playing for only five minutes, you decide you need to switch out your push-up bra for a sports bra. Your breasts are big enough that their wild flailing was hampering your game play and tiring out your back. Once you've switched bras, you play until you're too hungry to continue and your legs are tired from all the running and jumping.

The tablet on the tree trunk coffee table has an extensive room service menu on it: the chefs they have on staff can make anything you've ever heard of. After ordering a bunch of your favorite foods, you learn how to eat with your new maw. You have sharp front teeth, but you still have molars in the back for chewing veggies and stuff. There's so much more room to move the food around in your mouth. You nearly bite your long forked tongue a few times.

By the time you're finished, you've eaten more than ever before and are completely stuffed. Not only is your body gearing up to make eggs, your taur anatomy is gonna require you to consume way more calories.

The next day, you get some serious pregnant woman cravings when you order breakfast and the wait staff doesn't blink an eye fulfilling your requests.

They also don't blink upon seeing your naked lower half. Having your sheath, balls, and pussy out for all to see is gonna take a lot of getting used to. Taurs are so uncommon that the laws on indecent exposure are unclear. If you can get used to being exposed, being naked during the hot summer months is going to be a major convenience.

Just after you've recovered from chowing down, the voice says, "It's time for your first daily scan. Please follow the marked corridors to the arch for your first of two daily scans."

The bulkhead to your room opens and you walk back toward the room with the TF chamber, but a bulkhead to the left of the giant vault door turns orange and opens instead. Walking through, you end up in the room with the arch.

"This will be a deep scan, but it is harmless. Any dizziness or discomfort will pass the moment the scan is complete. It will take approximately three minutes. Thank you for your patience."

As it scans you, you feel the hum deep in your taur belly. It doesn't hurt, but it does make you feel a bit light-headed.

When it's over, you go back to your room and relax on the couch, you blush at the way your balls feel against the leather. Your skin used to feel sticky against leather, but now that you have scales, the leather feels nice and smooth. Having not gotten off since yesterday, your tail wanders over your slightly-swollen belly. Biting your lip, you roll onto your back and push your tail under your balls to tease at your cunt. You find your labia are already quite slick, so you dip your tail into your snatch.

As you tail fuck yourself, your sheath swells and your pre-drooling dragon cock comes out. Pulling off your blouse and bra, you grab your shaft with your forepaws and start stroking. As you thrust, you can feel your heavy balls and breasts bounce wildly. You squeeze and tease your breasts with your hands, making yourself moan sharply. It doesn't take long before your prostate is aching to blow your load and your clit is one touch away from orgasm.

Hooking your tail so it rubs over your clit as it goes in and out while jacking your dick, you cum hard from both sexes at the same time. Tugging on your tail hard enough to make sure you can't pull it back out, your pussy fills every millimeter of you with bliss. Your humongous load splatters all over your face and breasts as you try to catch some of it in your mouth. There's so much that it splashes onto the couch, walls, and floor. Licking up what you can and swallowing your salty mess, you bask in a deeply satisfying afterglow only a herm could achieve.

A while later, you grab a towel and wet it using the bathroom sink. Then you blush profusely as you clean up your incredible mess. Just as your girl juice is about to drip off your balls, you get into the shower. After that, you play more with the VR equipment, suspecting you're gonna be too full of eggs to be as active later on.

A couple hours later, you've had a good workout and take a quick shower. As the body drier blasts the water droplets off your scales, you smile at the idea of spending the next couple hours in the nude. Looking for the key to the treehouse, you start examining each of the dozen trees in your room carefully. Feeling the breeze blow across your nipples, your sheath, and the slight dampness between your legs has you feeling very free and exuberant as you search. On the back of the maple tree just to the right of the bulkhead is a knothole smaller around than your wrist.

Looking inside, you see a metal ring reflecting light from a patch of glowing moss. Thinking the metal object is a key ring, you try to reach it with your fingers, but discover they aren't nearly long enough to reach it.

You look around for a stick or something you can hook the key with, but all you find are healthy branches and tree roots firmly embedded in the pebbles that make up the floor. As you're wondering whether there's any metal coat hangers in your bedroom, you realize you have a prehensile tail.

Reaching into the knothole with your tail is hard because the knothole is six inches long, has a bit of a curve to it, and your tail is blocking your view of the object you're trying to reach. After feeling the feathery texture of the moss against your scales, you move your tail a bit to the right and feel the cold metal ring. Wrapping the end of your tail around it, you tug on it.

It resists your pull, but you do manage to turn it clockwise. Once you've got it turned clockwise a whole half turn, which takes quite a bit of tail control to achieve, you hear a click. Then you're able to pull the key out of the hole.

While you're examining the ornate key with a dragon taur in the handle, the trunk pops open a couple feet below the knot hole and reveals a compartment holding a maroon and gold drawstring bag filled to the brim with arcade coins.

Taking the gondola back up to the treehouse, you excitedly jingle the bag of arcade coins as your heartbeat quickens. After unlocking the door with the key, the shades automatically open.

Inside this rustic airy treehouse are Godzilla, How to Train Your Dragon, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pinball machines. Next to them is some exercise equipment, a giant beanbag chair for lounging in, and a wide variety of jerky. Next to the jerky are cups, a little cup washer, and a drink dispenser.

Grabbing some alligator jerky, you find that it has a rather rich and appealing taste. Now that you have these powerful jaws and sharp teeth, chewing on jerky is very appealing. You grab some packets for later and put them on the gondola so you don't forget them. Then play pinball until you take the gondola down so you can order dinner.

As you get to the ground, you see two cyan-glowing mushrooms that are growing out of the tree trunk. One's pointing up, and the other down. You don't remember these being here before and wonder if they grew out of the tree after you unlocked the treehouse door.

Leaving the gondola, you tap the "up" mushroom. It blinks orange as the gondola goes back up to the treehouse. Then you realize you want to eat dinner up there and tap the "down" mushroom to bring the gondola back down. As the gondola lowers, you go over to the menu and order one of your favorite dishes, but instead of picking the option to have it brought to you, you pick the one that says, "cooking class."

A femmy guy wearing a chef's uniform with grey eyes and dark brown hair arrives just as you realize you're still nude.

When you start to cover your breasts with your arm, he hands you an apron and says, "We should cover your front for safety reasons, but I'm A-okay with you just being you, otherwise. I see lots of beautiful hybrids in my line of work."

Putting on the apron, you blush.

He reaches out with the hand that's not holding the bag of ingredients for tonight's meal and says, "I'm Ruben."

You tell him your name as you shake his hand, still very aware of your naked taur portion.

He leads you to the kitchen and is such a good teacher that you become enthralled and comfortable around him. His periodic compliments about your features make you smile, but he is careful to not distract you by turning you on.

As you wait for the final step to finish, you two get stuff loaded into the dishwasher. When it's all done, Ruben bids you farewell and leaves you to enjoy your meal.

You eat your dinner up on the treehouse porch. The forest as seen from twenty feet above the ground during sunset is breathtaking.

A few hours after dinner, you are summoned for your second daily scan and find Amira standing next to the arch.

She says, "I've got an hour to spend with you after your scan, if you're up for it."

You say you're absolutely up for it.

"Awesome!" She takes off her clothes and puts her hand on a stainless steel wall panel. When it pops open, she tosses her clothes in and shuts it.

As you undergo your scan, she looks at your body and grows a muzzle and tail, and takes on curves. When her huge feral dick and balls start coming in, she sticks her tail inside herself and toys with her nipples, moaning with no sign of shame. She reaches full hardness and drips pre on the floor as her taur half finishes forming. Needing only three paws to stand upright, she takes one of her dexterous forepaws and uses it to stroke herself.

"Fuck this is big!" She rumbles in pleasure as she spurts more pre onto the floor. She tugs on her nipples and groans. You can hear the wet smacking sounds of her tail working her pussy as she openly masturbates in front of you.

You blush, wondering if you look just as awkward and naughty when you grab your dick with your forepaws. Seeing how much she enjoys it, hearing her moans of pleasure, you get very hot, embarrassed, and bothered.

By the time your scan is complete, she's fully transformed and grinning with her hands on her hips, proudly showing off her erection.

You ask her if transforming always turns her on.

"All my shape shifting feels incredible, but nothing compares to becoming a curvy hung herm like you." She pulls her tail out of herself, gasping and squeaking. Then she licks the end of her tail. "I fucking love this body! Let's get back to your room so we can wreck each other."

You blush, your erection hanging large between your legs and visibly throbbing. Amira smells like she's in heat!

As you two leave the room, one of the stainless steel wall panels opens up and a little waist-high cleaning robot that is basically a tall rectangle on wheels comes out. It quickly cleans up the spots of pre you and Amira left on the floor with brushes on thin jointed arms that pop out of its sides.

As you two head back to your room, you grope each other playfully. Amira's walking ahead of you and you can't stop staring at her exposed, wet taur pussy. About half-way to your room, she starts rubbing at it with her tail while you get so hard your cock starts to leak.

As you two enter your room, you take another look at Amira's huge taur snatch and bite your lip.

Amira looks back and grins at you. "I know that look, you want to bury your face in my pussy."

Your prick drips pre onto the floor as you nod.

She grabs your dick with her tail and drags you to the bedroom. Then she says, "Hop up and get on your back."

You blush as your giant prick and balls drag on the bed. Then you lay on your back and watch as Amira puts her back end on the bed, facing away from you. Then she gets the rest of her taur portion up there and moves carefully to your side. After that, she stands on her four feral legs and steps over you.

As she lays herself atop you, her heavy balls land on your breasts and her titanic prick runs down your chest and swollen belly. You and Amira's taur cocks belong on draft horses, and as she leans in toward your snatch, the sheer thickness of your pricks makes it so both of you are easily able to fuck the space between each other's bellies and fronts. Squirming and gasping under her, you thrust with your haunches.

The salty, sweet, and tangy scent of her snatch catches your attention just before she shoves it in your face, slicking the end of your muzzle with her sweet slippery nectar. She puts her tail under your head to make sure your muzzle stays put.

Now you're swimming in her scent as your tongue explores her incredible spacious snatch. As you do this, she shifts a bit and grabs your balls. She nuzzles them, licks them, and toys with them, seeing how much she can make you growl and moan.

To get her back, you push her haunches up and pull her balls up to your face and start doing the same to her. They are each a handful and you find it mesmerizing to play with them. Just how much they weigh is fascinating, and making you really wet.

She starts thrusting against your front and hissing in pleasure as you get into it. "Fuck! I wish I was this hung all the time!" Her forepaws grab you and her thick draconic dick lurches as it squirts pre between you.

You try to respond, but she shoves her face against your snatch and sticks her long forked tongue inside you. Gasping as your snatch clenches around the sudden intrusion, your cock spurts pre between you. The moment you recover, she shoves her own pussy in your face again and you get your tongue back in her lovely satiny folds. Just as you start getting a handle on using your forked tongue on her, she starts sucking on your thick taur clit and you squeal, nearly cumming from the pleasure.

In retaliation, you wrap your lips around her clit and suck getting a nice sharp gasping moan out of her. Your pussies are so elastic and muscular that this is much more of an adventure than you'd imagined. Your whole muzzle can get involved and she seems to love it when you apply pressure periodically as if you were thrusting your cock inside her.

Both of you start thrusting madly, coiling your tongues inside each other, trying to get each other to orgasm first. She's had way more experience with a body like this and is doing some amazing things by rubbing her face against your cunt and licking just the right spots inside you. You grip her with your forepaws helping to pull your long muscular bodies even tighter against each other.

Each time she tries to get ahead, you copy whatever technique she's doing to you and get her to moan right into your pussy. You're moaning too and short of breath from having yourself pressed up against her so much.

Making things even more challenging for you to hold back is the fact that she's bucking her cock against you and moving just right so your own cock gets stroked as it's trapped between your slightly-rounded taur belly and her torso. You start bucking more and more forcefully as your dick feels increasingly close to jizzing all over both of you. You're so hard now that the sensation of her pre-soaked scales against you is a glittery bliss.

Your knot is swelling, your pussy is quivering, and you're gonna cum before her.

A crazy idea pops into your head and you take a deep breath before pressing your muzzle up against her sopping muff. Then you keep pressing, stretching her wider and wider.

She squeezes you, humping madly against you as you get the end of your muzzle inside her.

Crying your name into your pussy, she trembles from tail to tongue. As her shaft jumps between you two, her knot swells and her pussy gushes. Then a flood of her thick cream erupts from her prick as she loses control. She throws her head back, clenches her muscular inner walls against the end of your muzzle, and roars.

Your lungs burn from the lack of air, but you stay pressed into her cunt until your limbs start to tingle. Then you pull your muzzle out, getting her girl juice everywhere and suck in some much needed air.

As you're recovering, she says, "Now it's your turn!"

Her muzzle presses up against your pussy and you moan and fidget as she presses it harder and harder against your snatch. You feel it spreading wider and wider as she twists her snout back and forth, working it into you. You get tingles on the toe tips of your hind paws. Then you get an unbelievable stretching sensation as your body allows the end of her snout inside.

Something about being stretched so wide makes your clit, your entire pussy white hot with pleasure. And as she does this, she humps her front against your cock while holding you so firmly against her that her pert breasts are flattened against your taur belly.

You cry out her name as your snatch convulses around her snout and your prick thunders from base to tip. There's a hot rush up your prick as your spooge rockets toward its exit. A wave of pleasure from your cunt crashes through you making you roar and grind your pussy against her snout.

Just as your thick cum jets out of you and you think you've reached the highest peak possible, she puts her thumb right on top of your clit and rubs. You let out a breathless scream, out of breath from so much bliss going through you. When the ecstasy starts to give way to afterglow, she pulls her muzzle out of you and works to catch her breath, holding you tight with her forepaws the whole time.

Then you two just cuddle and enjoy the fruits of your efforts for a nice long time.

While washing up in the shower, Amira spends a bit too long on your balls, getting you a bit excited. You get her back by doing the same to her balls. By the time you two are all clean, the heads of your cocks are poking out of your sheaths. Just as you're leaving the shower, she steals a grope of your scaly snatch and giggles at your gasp of pleasure. But she behaves herself after that.

Before Amira leaves, she gives you a necklace with a pendant about the size of a silver dollar. "In case there's any complications, just squeeze this and someone will come to assist you. We're pretty good at catching things, but we like to be double sure." She kisses you on the cheek. "And I would be devastated if you needed help and didn't get it."

You thank her for her concern and share one last kiss before she leaves your room.

On the third and fourth days, your belly has a noticeable swell to it and you find yourself touching it often with your forepaws and tail, thinking about the eggs you have coming. Amira is careful with you, but still manages to go nice and hard both days.

The fifth day, you're feeling a bit sick and don't move around as much. TV shows and aimless internet browsing keep you entertained. When you have a bout of feeling better just after eating some comfort food for lunch, you play pinball until your extra weight catches up to you. Amira spends the evening cuddling you while you just lay there peacefully, feeling very full of eggs.

On the sixth day, your belly is stretching a lot to contain those eggs. You don't feel as sick and manage some cuddly sex with Amira before bed. She stays with you until you fall asleep, tending to all the aches and pains that you have from carrying so much weight.

The next morning, you wake up on your back, with your taur tummy so round your scales are being stretched to their limit and the spaces between them are showing. It takes a couple tries for you to roll out of bed and onto your feet. After using the restroom, you order breakfast and lay on the couch. Finding a good position takes a bit of effort because you barely have room to bend and your legs keep running into your round middle. As you watch TV, you idly caress your swollen belly with your forepaws, feeling warm and content. There's something reassuring about this extra weight, about the fact that your body is capable of this miracle.

The walk to the arch for your first daily scan feels like it's four times as far as the day you started making this trip. While you're being scanned by the arch, the shoulders and hips of your taur half ache from standing still.

Just after the scan ends, the voice says, "Your eggs are fully formed. We're expecting you'll need to lay them within the next few hours. Squeeze your pendant the moment you start laying and Amira will arrive to assist you." There is a brief pause. "How are you feeling?"

You mention the aches and pains you have from carrying eggs.

"Would you like us to administer pain management compounds? They will help with your current discomfort and will head off discomfort from first time oviposition. They are tuned to your specific biology and should not have any noticeable side effects other than possible drowsiness and minor euphoria."

Saying that sounds good to you, you smile.

"Stand still until the pain management aerosol is fully absorbed."

Clear mist is administered from tubes amongst the transducers that make up the arch and it soaks into your scales in seconds.

The bulkhead you came through opens. "Be sure to contact us if any other needs arise."

The pain starts to abate as you walk to your room. Once there, you relax on the couch and order lunch. As you eat your lunch, you feel hotter and hotter until it gets so bad that you strip out of your top and bra.

You use the little panel on the tree next to the couch and mention you're feeling hot.

"Do you feel an egg ready to come out?"

Feeling around with your tail, you find your pussy lips are swollen and extremely sensitive. You moan, despite the fact you're still on the intercom, as you reach into your snatch with your tail tip. You're ridiculously wet with a very slippery substance that's much thicker than your normal girl nectar. Trying to stop from moaning more, you hold your breath as you press your tail deeper into your hot passage. When you've got six inches of it inside you, you run into an egg. The shell is smooth and slick. Some of your laying lube drips down the back of your sac as you finally take a squeaking, moaning breath.

Pulling your tail out so you'll stop making those noises, you tell them that an egg is just inside and waiting to come out.

"Try to keep comfortable and squeeze the pendant when you start laying."

As they hang up the call, you stand there gaping at the fact it's actually happening. You're going to lay eggs!

You reach down again and feel around with your tail, only to cum hard and stumble back onto the couch. Your meal sits there forgotten as you furiously fondle your pussy, orgasm after orgasm crashing through you as your first egg gets closer and closer to its exit. The lips of your pussy are now spread so wide, and the egg lube is so effective, that you can stick a couple thick coils of your tail in there. It's not long until there's barely any room for your tail. The egg's gonna come out any minute!

You squeeze the pendant and the bulkhead to your room starts flashing red.

As you grunt and push along with the wave of muscles inside you, your snatch stretches even wider. Just how big is this egg?

The door opens for Amira and she enters with a little wheeled robotic white wagon following her. She's dressed in light medical blue scrubs and maintains her human form as she approaches you.

The moment she sees your snatch, she offers her hand. "Let's get you to your bed."

Once you're standing, she gets her shoulder under your left armpit and holds your front end upright as she helps you hobble to your bed and lay on your back. The wagon follows you two into the bedroom. She grabs a big thick towel from it and you help her get it put under your back end.

Then she grabs a bottle of lube out of the wagon saying, "I'm gonna put in some extra lube to make sure the first one comes out as smoothly as possible, okay?"

You nod. Then you moan and blush as her small hands rub at your titanic endowments. She's handling your balls and snatch in ways she knows you like to be touched, easing the tension you're feeling from your impending laying. Heat rushes to your sheath and you blush as the tip of your prick peeks out.

"Okay, we're all set." Stroking your pussy and rump soothingly, she says, "Can you push for me?"

You nod and push until you get light-headed. The egg spreads your cunt wider and wider until it's reaching its limit and starts to hurt a bit. Ecstasy rides along with that pain, getting you half hard in seconds. Just when you're about to give up, your first egg slides out, dragging against your tail and the underside of your balls.

You cum, pounding at the bed with your fists, flailing your forelegs, and arching your back as your cock hardens even more.

Amira scoops up the huge egg you just laid and puts it in the padded robotic wagon. By the time she's back between your legs, you have the urge to push again even though you're still riding a wave of ecstasy. Having already stretched for one egg, it feels even better this second time. Each time you push, you moan from how full your pussy feels. Your prick runs into your still-bulging belly and you grab it with your forepaws. Denying your body right now is impossible!

Amira chuckles. "Feels good, doesn't it?" She plays with your balls, which more than fill the palm of her hand.

Thrusting into your grip, you push the second egg out. Your pussy convulses as the egg rubs right against your throbbing clit. The way it's trapped between the egg and your heavy balls gives you exquisite pleasure. Your roars of passion echo throughout the room.

Amira lets go of your balls and grabs the egg as it comes out. Then she carries it to the wagon.

While you're still orgasming, your pussy starts clenching around the third egg. That one comes out easily, extending your orgasm yet again.

When the fourth and final egg comes, you get sparks of delight firing to every far corner of your scaly body. As you hold your head and scream, molten hot ecstasy runs through your veins. Your pussy feels so well used and you're no longer being forced to push as hard. As a result, every bit of stretching, the weight of the egg, the slight texture to its shell, and the relief from finally being empty of eggs, hits you full force. Copious amounts of egg lube flush out of you after it's free.

As you weather this release, Amira holds you against her thin human body while shoving her fist and entire forearm into your pussy to heighten your pleasure to the max.

While you pant, recovering from the amazing peak you just had, your shaft aches to be used.

Amira puts the last egg in the wagon and it wheels itself out of the room. Then she starts taking off her scrubs, saying, "How about you knot me one more time before you get sent home tomorrow?"

You bite your lip and whine, thinking about getting to stuff your painfully hard prick inside her.

Chuckling, she straddles you, still human. She rubs her hand in the puddle of egg lube that hasn't soaked into the towel yet and uses it to lube up your cock before aiming it at her snatch. As you wonder whether you'll even fit, you feel her pussy shift around the tip of your cock and she starts scooting backwards onto it.

Her hips widen as her snatch becomes scaly. She gasps and moans as she takes on your shape. This time, her cock comes in first and scales spread out from her crotch to cover every bit of her. The more of your cock she gets inside her, the further her transformation progresses. Her torso lengthens as two new forelegs protrude from it. Their clawtips scrape along your belly as she gains mass at an alarming rate. While her muzzle is forming, she licks at your lips and then sucks on one of your nipples as you feel her tits expand against your belly. She's wonderfully tight around your shaft and you're struggling not to cum right on the spot.

The moment she's long enough to reach your mouth, she makes out with you, her breasts swelling to match yours. As her prick reaches full size and her balls weigh heavily on your belly, she rolls her hips, fucking the space between you two.

Backing fully onto your ridged length, she shudders and rumbles. Then she grabs your sides with her forepaws and starts shoving herself onto your prick, pulling it half way out, and shoving herself back onto it again. Her big balls drag against your scales as she makes the bed creak. Her breasts flail on her chest from her violent motions. You grit your teeth and rut her as best you can.

Grabbing your tail with a forepaw, she coaxes it to wrap around her prick. "I wanna make a huge mess!" You tighten your tail around her cock and she starts thrusting into it.

You grab her breasts and squeeze, getting her to clench around your shaft. She grabs your breasts in return, paying extra attention to your nipples. Your knot starts popping in and out of her as you beg your body not to cum before she does. You're both so close, her knot is swelling and pressing against your tail and her pussy is quivering.

Looking into your eyes, she digs her claws into your breasts hard enough to make you gasp, and then slams herself down, popping your knot in one last time. Her knot swells and she splatters cum all over your belly and abdomen as her muff milks your cock for all it's worth.

You roar along with her as your knot locks her to you and you cream in her depths. Both of you groan as her belly swells a bit from your unbelievable productivity. Meanwhile, she covers your entire front with her spooge making a river that soaks into the bedsheets.

Once it's all over, she collapses atop you, not caring that she's getting her mess all over herself.

You're exhausted from laying eggs and are content to just stay put, feeling lovely. A half hour passes with both of you basking in afterglow.

The next day, after you wake up and use the restroom, there's a knock at your door.

When you open it, you see Amira in her human form, "I'm here to help you pick out a couple outfits to take home with you and get your breakfast order going."

After you give her your breakfast order, she says, "I think it's fun to transform so I can try on clothes with awesome people like you before they go home. Problem is that I'll need to get off. Are you up for a quickie before we play dress up or would you rather just try on the clothes yourself?"

You say you'd love for both of you to try on clothes. It'll be even better than looking in the mirror, you'll be able to see someone with your exact proportions and colors in outfits.

"Fantastic!" Amira transforms quickly, getting hard and wet.

After sex and a shower, you try on clothes with her and find two great outfits. They each consist of a nice horse blanket and a matching blouse.

You ask her about being a taur and wearing clothes.

"I doubt you'll get in all that much trouble. There's a huge grey area when it comes to taurs. Why not just see what you can get away with? When I'm in a form like this, I wanna show it off as much as I can."

Before you can respond, your breakfast arrives and you chow down while she samples various food items and chats idly with you. Then, it's time to leave, and Amira carries the bag with your other set of clothes and leads you out of the room.

As Amira leads you to the exit, you ask her if you'll ever see her again.

"I can't leave this facility, but you're welcome to visit as long as you agree to let them scan you. I can spend another hour with you each time you visit and you can do it once a week if you like as long as you tell us in advance. Oh, and if you get another procedure done, I'll also be around. I'm part of their customer retention program and I love my job!"

You chuckle wondering what exactly Amira even is. Everything about this place is odd. Maybe someday you'll find out more about it, and her, but today you need to get back to your old life as your new self.

>>>What's next?<<<

Take me back to the beginning.

Go to Zmey's Patreon so I can play the full version with five different species options and extra sex scenes!

Go To Zmey's Subscribestar so I can play the full version with five different species options and extra sex scenes!

Options in the Full Edition, which went live on my Patreon a year ago:

Dragon (knot, tail sex)

Dragon Taur (hyper, taur 69)

Naga (multi-cock, tail sex)

Orca (prehensile cock, self-fuck)

Snow Leopard (bumpy cock, multibreast)

This rest of the game will remain Patreon exclusive because implementing it on here would require 70+ interconnected posts.

If you want to see my stuff weeks to months early, vote on a monthly story, and support my writing, click here to become a patron.

I'd like to acknowledge my $20+ supporters, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other supporters as well. Every one of you rocks!