Moon Shadow Issue #3 "Zombie Damned!"

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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Moon Shadow

Issue #3

"Zombie Damned"

A pale and sickly looking trucker drives a waste removal vehicle with a payload that's maybe a ton or two shy of a true semi into a municipal junk yard and general dump site. He doesn't speak but presents paperwork identifying him as Harry Dempsey, an independently licensed trucker working Rex E. Bola, a mysterious industrial pharmaceutical magnate. Everything seems to be on the up and up but the attendant still calls in the cops after dump truck drives in.

What the attendant is unaware of is that his boss already knows that this shipment is bogus but has been given enough money in bribes to look the other way. The driver navigates the maze of refuse to stop at a veritable lake of toxic chemicals and it is here that he unloads his cargo. The back of the truck opens and barrel upon barrel of toxic waste rolls out and into the lake along with a rusting casket.

The casket sinks to the bottom of the lake as the police arrive. Cops come out with guns drawn and order him out of the vehicle with his hands in the air. Harry comes out of the truck armed with a USAS-12 assault shot gun and points it at the officers. Initially bullets do very little to Harry as they tear his body to shreds and he keeps firing as if he's already a dead man, he is but the cops will find this out only after they put him down; it takes a sniper's headshot that finally lays him low but that's when it gets really weird.

Mosquitoes rise from the toxic lagoon in a full on swarm to engulf the officers on the scene. When the swarm moves to a space closer to it starting point and merges to form the kind of vampire seen in the early German silent film "Nosferatu" the officers on the scene that were engulfed previously all drop dead. The vampire smiles a sinister smile and gestures to the fallen policemen.

"Rise my victims and serve me, the Carrion King," the vampire calls as the dead cops rise as zombies. "Now guard this facility as I go exploring."

With that said the Carrion King turns himself into a swarm of cockroaches and dissipates. All through the night the roaches of the Carrion King's swarm spread far and wide to watch and spread disease. Homeless people are turned into zombies as the Carrion King feeds on their breath as the sleep and with every breath the Carrion King steals, so too does he taste a portion of their souls.

The first rays of dawn sends the vampire roaches underground so as to avoid destruction. In an abandoned confection factory another closing is happening as the brightly colored African American villain calling himself the "Candy King" is confronted by the Moon Shadow. The demonic appearing hero is greatly annoyed as his fur has sticky gum clumping on it from Candy King's gumball gun and even his wings aren't working like they should because of it.

"Leave me be!" Candy King thunders as he snaps a licorice whip at Moon Shadow. "This money was stolen from me to begin with!"

"You made bad business decisions," Moon Shadow counters, "And sold drugs on the side. The nose candy you secretly peddled killed people."

Moon Shadow chants in an ancient tongue as Candy King tries to lure into a taffy stretcher. Swiftly Moon Shadow knocks Candy King into his own machine and removes the villain before he suffocates. Police find the sticky villain entangled in his confection with a note:

Candy can certainly be dandy

But cash tickled this felon's fancy

All wrapped up for take out

Get him to a cell so he can pout

Moon Shadow

Your Angel of Darkness

"This is Wendy Wu coming at you live from the Candy Cathedral where Jesse "Candy King" Sharpton has been captured by our City's own Angel of Darkness, the Moon Shadow!" Glitter Shade's alter ego beams from the television screen in homes across Southern Jersey.

"Angel?" The Templar growls at his television. "Hardly, he's no hero, just a monster."

"Are you really sure of that?" The ghost of a gorgeous Latina woman mockingly inquires of the dark hearted priest and super hero. "He sure acts the hero..."

"Return to your grave!" Templar thunders. "You have no place here!"

"You murdered me, Templar," The ghost growls. "I cane to you for advice about my boyfriend and you killed me! Now I wait for your death at his hands before I can rest."

"You would damn yourself to Hell?" Templar asks. "I am a priest, Maria, you..."

"YOU BETRAYED YOUR POSITION!!!" Maria screams. "You are no priest; just a super villain pretending to be a priest."

"Leave this Holy place!" Templar commands at full volume. "You defile..."

"Look in the mirror," Maria counters as she starts to dissipate. "And you will see a true servant of Satan."

"Her spirit is gone," Templar observes. "Where did it go I wonder?"

Moon Shadow and Glitter Shade are in a public bath house scrubbing gum out of he Moon Shadow's fur with wards in place that lock the chamber and show an illusion of Wendy Wu and her long time male friend with benefits intimately washing each other. Maria's ghost invades the space and observes the pair at work and play. It took some doing but when the gum comes out the fun begins.

Glitter Shade, the vixen whose fur colors is anything she wants it to be and today is pink where a fox is usually white and blue where a fox is usually orange as well as pink hair, didn't want any gum in her fur so until they had cleaned him off she didn't do much with him sexually although she did bathe him Japanese style which gave Moon Shadow ample opportunity to play with her. Although as Moon Shadow lays on his back Glitter Shade doesn't miss the opportunity to fondle him either. Maria's ghost is amused by the display although she is also jealous since she can no longer interact with Moon Shadow like she wants to.

Once the gum is gone, Wendy licks at Mike's scrotum to help him get hard. Wendy knows something extra is in the room with them but is just watching for now which activates her impish sense of humor. If the ghost wants a show, Wendy reasons, the fox woman is going to put on a porn show.

The wolf man just lays down and lets his vixen impale herself along his length as a prelude to riding his pole. Unbeknownst to either mutant the ghostly Maria is masturbating as she watches producing phantom moans that fill the room. It's at this time that she's recognized by both Mike and Wendy can hear and recognize her voice.

"Should we continue?" Mike asks Wendy.

"Considering the fact that she's a ghost now," Wendy reasons, "she may need the porn show more than ever."

"What I need is to feel Mike's prick between my legs," Maria's disembodied voice says with some annoyance. "But I'd need a body to do that."

"I could allow you to co-habit my body," Wendy offers as her inner muscles work on Mike's shaft.

"I'm not sure how I could..." Maria says. "Mike, honey, I need you to do something, now that I have your attention somewhat as Wendy does her little ninja-geisha thing."

"HEY!" Wendy yells.

"What is it, Maria?" Michael asks in all seriousness.

"Kill Templar, avenge me," Maria says in no uncertain terms.

"With pleasure," Mike growls with a fiendish grin on his muzzle.

Just as Mike climaxes, Wendy gets a text message from her boss about aggressive panhandlers down by the river as Michael gets an email from the Rat Catcher.

To: [[email protected]](%5C)

From: [[email protected]](%5C)

Subj: Help Needed

My apologies if I disturb you, Angel of Darkness, I don't have enough time on this library computer but I need to talk to you. A new predator is attacking the homeless that the city's spirit has already told me only you can stop. You can find me at usual haunts.

Rat Catcher

It is actually several hours before the e-mail reaches Moon Shadow who takes a long nap after playing with Glitter Shade and when he does find the Rat Catcher, the urban shaman he is hiding out from zombies. Moon Shadow's Hellfire blasts burn the walking dead to a fine powdery ash pile which catches the eyes of video camera vigilantes who tape the fight for distribution on youtube if none of the new stations will buy it. Among these concerned citizens is E-Bible a technical savvy ultra conservative who supports Templar who gets a ring side seat for the action as E-Bible's camera is linked to the Templar's computer by special arrangement and for a show like this for Templar it is Must See TV.

Carrion King is also watching as cockroaches start gathering until the vampire can resume his true form. Once bipedal again the Carrion King stalks the Rat Catcher with great purpose. The city and nature herself whisper their secrets to the spirit soaked shaman including how destroy him and thus the Carrion King must kill the Rat Catcher before he can pass on those secrets to someone who can actually use them: Moon Shadow for instance.

Rat Catcher can sense the corruption seeking him out to end his existence and opens up a bottle of rum as he sits in a disused electrical switch system for the local grid. The aura of the current and the antiseptic used on the floors to start a good buzz from the chemicals keeps the Carrion King at bay, especially the disease and bacteria killing chemicals in the water which will burn him no matter what form he takes. The Carrion King looks for some dirty air duct he can safely traverse while the Rat Catcher happily plays the role of the drunken janitor for the moment.

Zombified homeless people swarm Moon Shadow as best they can to drag him down and devour him. Their toxic bites make him woozy but only for a moment until his enhanced immune system kicks in. And then it's time for him to clean house.

Watching all this at his computer; the Templar's eyes are almost literally glued to his monitor. Seeing Moon Shadow go down in a heap amid the dog pile of unwashed masses is cause for celebration as pops open a can of imported beer. While the fact Moon Shadow is able to regain his advantage is a disappointment, the Templar also grimly marvels at the resiliency of the "monster" he has vowed to destroy.

Bodies fly left and right as Moon Shadow grabs one zombie and uses him as a spinning bludgeon to fend off the rest. Eventually his head explodes which forces Moon Shadow to grab another and repeat the process. After Moon Shadow manages to destroy all the zombies he goes looking for Rat Catcher.

"I saw on the news they're calling you the Angel of Darkness," Rat Catcher stats when Moon Shadow finds him. "I also say you have had a rough night and were probably sleeping when I e-mailed you so I figured I had some time to prepare."

"What's going on?" Moon Shadow asks with some concern. "Zombies running around the city? Should we expect Dracula too?"

"Dracula may be too big for this city and we're too small for him to notice us." Rat Catcher says matter-of-factly. "But there is a vampire here. He calls himself the Carrion King."

"A vampire who wants to be a supervillain?" Moon Shadow asks incredulously. "You're serious aren't you?"

"I'm afraid I am," Rat Catcher says grimly. "He's an old one to be sure and more than anything else it's filth and disease on which he thrives. The suffering of others is his food."

"If he feeds off of suffering and misery," Moon Shadow states grimly, "Then he'll never go hungry. Were those zombies part of his agenda or something else?"

"The zombies are his minions," Rat Catcher explains, "He creates them in his swarm forms by feeding on the most innocuous seeming thinks like blood and breath and poisons them with disease. You must act quickly o' Angel of Darkness before he turns this city into a metropolis of the living dead. The visions I have been given as a warning must NOT come to pass."

"So how do I take down the vampire ding all this?" Moon Shadow asks of Rat Catcher.

"You must force him into his casket," Rat Catcher explains, "and trap him there. The Carrion King cannot be permanently be permanently destroyed as long as corruption, deceit and filth exists somewhere in the world. As long as there are those who would inflict pain and suffering upon another for their own entertainment and profit the Carrion King will exist to feed."

"How long has he been here?" Moon Shadow inquires.

"He has not been here long," Rat Catcher answers, "the spirits have told me he is a new problem for the 'Angel of Darkness' to deal with."

A skeleton in a long black cassock, black boots, black gloves and a black sombrero with tiny skulls hanging off the brim comes to visit Templar in his main church. The undead preacher is a known metahuman known only as the Gravedigger, a super powered vigilante who buries his victims so they can't be readily found. He kills according to a moral code based on the Ten Commandments which naturally means he has some form of sanction from the Vatican even if it isn't well known or even acknowledged.

Templar welcomes Gravedigger with open arms as a brother superhero of Christ. Gravedigger is currently on mission to kill all superheroes as a way of enforcing the first commandment so supers are not made out to be false gods and this turning worship away from the church. Heroes like the Templar are exempt from this as he is a priest and uses his power and popularity to glorify the church.

"You are getting lax, Templar," Gravedigger growls in a gravelly voice, "This Moon Shadow is quickly becoming a new god to the populace. He is not praising our Lord and Master in Heaven for his godless abilities."

"The demon is proving difficult to expunge," Templar says shamefacedly. "I am working on ways to destroy him."

"Yes," Gravedigger says with a nod. "My sympathies on your loss. How soon till a new team is formed?"

"Several weeks I'm afraid," Templar admits, "I'm having trouble finding the appropriate personnel."

"With so many false gods these days," Gravedigger says with an exasperated sigh, "I can imagine. The faith is weakening. I fear it won't be long till the godless jews, muslims and other heathen scum overwhelm us and plunge the world into chaos and darkness. Which reminds me, how in God's Holy Name did we get so far gone that a freak can be considered an angel even by these godless heretics in the media?"

"That one blindsided me, actually," Templar admits, "Wendy Wu may be debasing herself with the demon. I will be having a talk with here about it. Maybe sooner than later is she keeps avoiding me."

"Won't return your phone calls?" Gravedigger asks in a chuckle. "I have heard Moon Shadow has a vixen partner calling herself Glitter Shade."

"She is even harder to find," Templar admits. "I can confront Moon Shadow any time. I just have to interrupt one of his patrols. Glitter Shade is rarely seen. The assassin Weaver tangled with them and got himself killed. I do hear she is a shape shifter though."

"I've heard that too," Gravedigger states, "Which only compounds the problem. But right now we have a bigger problem."

"I take it you mean the zombies?" Templar asks.

"Yes, but the zombies are only the symptoms of the disease," Gravedigger admits, "The cause of it is the Carrion King."

"Is he still around?" Templar asks. "I though the Patriotic Paladin destroyed him in Vietnam."

"He majorly defeated him and set those godless communists back but he's back and in this city." Gravedigger states, "I know his stench and I smell it here."

"Carrion King can create zombies?" Templar asks to which Gravedigger nods. "Let me show you something."

"Interesting," Gravedigger says as he watches footage of the fight between Moon Shadow and some zombies. "Well at least this monster is on the same page with us on this matter. We can use him for the moment."

"Use evil against evil?" Templar asks.

"Of course, you fool!" Gravedigger responds, "Why risk your own soul when there is another defiling his to do the job for you?"

"Good point," Templar accedes, "Maybe they'll weaken him enough for us to kill him easily."

"That's the idea, my boy!" Gravedigger beams. "We let him do the dirty work and then pounce when he's least able to defend himself for the Glory of our Supreme Lord!"

Glitter Shade enters the recreational vehicle she shares with Moon Shadow as Wendy Wu and then morphs back into her natural form. She finds her boyfriend in the bedroom lying down and staring at the ceiling. He does not acknowledge her as he is deep in though which concerns Glitter Shade.

"How did the meeting go?" Glitter Shade asks but gets no reply. "Mike?" Still nothing.

:"You're not going to get anything from for awhile, Wendy," Maria's voice states. "He'd get this way on baffling cases. What did you manage to find out?"

"MARIA!!!" Glitter Shade screams as she dives onto the bed and gets under the covers.

"I keep forgetting; I'm dead," Maria sighs.

"How long are you going to be hanging on?" Glitter Shade asks.

"When Mike kills Templar I can rest," Maria promises.

"I'll do that when I can," Mike says as he comes out of his trance. "And what did you find out, scaredy fox?" He slaps Glitter Shade's ass as he says this.

"Harder!" Glitter Shade yells with a giggle. "But there's not much to tell. The boys in blue were called in to deal with an illegal trucker not too long ago but the officers haven't reported back. Check that, the sniper reported back but he's in an asylum as of right now."

"Where was this?" Mike asks.

"Some junkyard that reportedly has a lake of toxic liquid waste," Wendy answers to which Michael gets a great big smirk, "What do you know? Don't tell me we're dumpster diving? I'm done with damn tabloids!"

"The zombies are being created and controlled by a vampire," Mike explains. "That's what the Rat Catcher wanted to see me about. What dump site? I'd be willing to bet money: we find that site and we find the vampire's home base."

"The vampire needs to be surrounded by filth?" Maria asks disdainfully.

"I've heard of vampires being likened to parasites before," Wendy says with disgust and looks on the verge of retching, "But what you're intimating takes the toilet cake."

"According to the Rat Catcher he feeds on suffering," Michael reports, "But it gets worse. We know some vamps can turn themselves into a swarm of bats; the Carrion King can..."

"CARRION KING!!!" Maria and Wendy yell as one.

"He turns himself into cockroaches and mosquitoes!" Wendy yells in disgust. "You're telling me he's a vampire!?! Just fucking great!"

"Mike, he's on our watch list of super villains," Maria cautions, "Wait a minute, you're a super hero now. Just be careful, I think Templar is planning something with Gravedigger."

"You can spy on him, can't you?" Mike asks and can sense her nodding. "I think I have an idea."

"You want me to follow him and report back to you?" Maria asks to which Mike just nods. "He's trying to ward his fort against your shadow walking ability. But I'll do what I can."

"Mike, do you see what I'm seeing now?" Wendy asks as a translucent vision of a nude Maria forms in front of them.

"If you mean Maria in the buff, yes," Mike answers as he can see her too. "I'm really missing you right now, Roja."

"I wish we had acted on that fantasy of yours before I died, Lobo," Maria says regretfully as she's on the verge of tears.

"We can share this body and I can change into you." Glitter Shade offers.

"Can we make that my last act before I move on?" Maria asks.

"Sure," Wendy answers with a loving smile.

Glitter Shade finds the exact address right enough and the next night Moon Shadow flies to the exact location. The zombies Carrion King created to guard his tomb is still there along with their master. Unlike Hollywood vampires, the Carrion King is dressed shabbily in a brown suit that is tattered, torn and worn out in places.

If it wasn't for the face that he's clean shaven he'd look homeless himself. But in his case, the Carrion King is one of the undead so he can't regrow hair even though he is filthy in his appearance. He scoops up some mud from where the toxic waters of his grave lap the dirt of the yard and chants some dark spell before throwing it at Moon Shadow yelling: "Here's mud in your eyes, Hero!"

Moon Shadow dodges the flung mud pie and heats up the lagoon where the casket is with his Hellfire. Carrion King realizes just what Moon Shadow is trying to do and flees to the crane attached to car crusher and uses it to hurl wrecks in Moon Shadow's direction. It soon becomes a no-fly zone where Moon Shadow wants to be as he lands and is set upon by zombie cops.

One of the cops uses a shotgun which was useless up until now but he only gets off one blast before Moon Shadow shreds him. Now that he is grounded, Carrion King uses magic to seal the place so he can't fly away. Carrion King knows Moon Shadow can destroy him so he is determined to kill the hero before Moon Shadow can complete his mission.

The junkyard now has a dome made of wrecks and broken street lights working again to bathe the floor in artificial light. Moon Shadow can smell the fear as he stalks the undead in a maze of junk; stomping on every cockroach and swatting every mosquito he sees thinking it potentially part of the Carrion King. He's not that far off as the Carrion King is in his swarm form so every killed bug hurts him in a small way.

A grand total of thirty cops were zombified by Carrion King and now patrol in teams of three. Moon Shadow uses hit and run tactics to bathe a group in flame and then disappear. When he has destroyed the last group of zombies, Moon Shadow goes back to cooking the casket.

Carrion King is trapped in this junkyard as much as Moon Shadow is as he can feel the first rays of dawn hit the walls of junk he erected. The dome begins to collapse as the Carrion King's power begins to fade with the retreat of night. He has no power in the day time and Moon Shadow knows it.

Daytime is not Moon Shadow's friend either as much of his power is diminished as well, but he can still act as there are powers that recognize Moon Shadow as a hero in the making and take pity on him. Cockroaches by the score dive into the toxic waters as Carrion King enters his casket to rest. Moon Shadow smiles and once he's sure he has forced all of Carrion King's body into the casket he goes for the crane.

The magnet of the crane is able to pick up the casket with some difficulty and drop it in the compactor. Moon Shadow drops derelicts on top and around the casket before activating the crusher. Once the compactor is done Moon Shadow rivets a cube around the box before welding another cube around the other cube and paints toxic waste symbols on that along with instructions no to touch it under penalty of death.

As a further precaution and a practical joke on the Templar, Moon Shadow breaks into the Cathedral of the Sacred Martyr and welds the whole thing to the steel frame of Cid Quixote's own bed. Templar comes in from a long day of looking for his ultimate prey and finds the present Moon Shadow left by completely walking into it.. Twenty miles away the screaming of the Templar could be heard loud and clear.

Inside his prison the Carrion King is laughing as Moon Shadow took a measure of revenge on an enemy in the church. Carrion King hates the Vatican and all its servants so his prison being used to annoy and vex one of its super servants gives him some cold comfort even if means that Moon Shadow put him somewhere that will be almost impossible to escape from. In fact it's because of this that the Carrion King has a greater sense of respect for his foe as a truly worthy opponent.

Gravedigger sees what Moon Shadow did and has to laugh at the sheer irony of it all. Templar gives Moon Shadow grudging respect for the move even as it renews his resolve to destroy the demon. Disembodied laughter fill the room for a minute before disappearing as Maria busts a gut laughing ay what her lover did, partially for her but also to amuse himself.

News of the events eventually gets back to Einstein Moreau who also has a chuckle at Templar's expense. He considers sending his condolences but then he thinks about how the Templar is an ultra Christian and decides against it. The he researches the super villain Moon Shadow caught and gets inspired.

Zombies are not Moreau's thing but he does like making monsters. He makes a bunch of special roach traps and then puts them in key places around the city humming "The Cockroach that ate Cincinnati" to himself. Soon cockroaches the size of horses are reported all over Bastion.

Moreau's joke annoys Moon Shadow as he knows this is nothing more than a prank by the mad geneticist. There is no proof linking the giant cockroaches to Moreau but the significance is not lost on the vigilante. A few of the titanic roaches attack Templar's base and get squashed but that all Quixote does as he's still looking for an opening on Moon Shadow.

Killing cockroaches is annoying to Moon Shadow and Glitter Shade but it need to be done. Glitter Shade mutters her utter hatred of kaiju now that Moreau ruined it for her while Moon Shadow just sings Disturbed's "Indestructible" as he listens to his mp3 player. Together they manage to destroy most of the monsters with the rest taken care of by the police, Templar or some of Moreau's other creations.

Homeless zombies remain after Carrion King is boxed up which prompts a few lunatics to declare that the zombie uprising has begun as they hide from the giant cockroaches. During the chaos somebody uploads an amusing video of zombies taking on a giant cockroach to youtube. Moon Shadow snags a copy of it before it gets pulled and despite everything else he and Glitter Shade manage to keep their sense of humor in part thanks to the video.

To add to the confusion at least one zombie turns sentient enough to take up the rights of the "Living Impaired" as a cause of sorts. Vernon Kafka was a down on his luck confidence artist when Carrion King made him into a zombie. Now he has some psychic ability to control other zombies as well as imbue the undead state with a bite or a deep scratch from his fingers.

Vernon is smart enough to avoid super heroes as he organizes protests that often get out of hand as the polices are overzealous to break them up which ultimately leads to a kind of recruitment drive when infected officers die and become zombies themselves. Gravedigger and Templar are quick to quell these "uprisings" and cull their numbers even as Maria keeps trying to "talk sense" into her former comrades via e-mail. Since she and Michael are listed as "missing" and not dead their accounts in the police database are still semi active as long as they can hack their way into the system.

Neither Moon Shadow nor Glitter Shade take much more that monitoring actions against Vernon Kafka as their observations is that he's relatively harmless and better serves as a distraction to Templar and Gravedigger than anything else. After all, Vernon Kafka gathers zombies to his banner and keeps them calm and non-violent for the most part. Gravedigger and Templar are much more rabid about their destruction but then again Moon Shadow and Glitter Shade know that Gravedigger would just as happily kill them if he could.

Gravedigger presents another problem for Moon Shadow and Glitter Shade. He is on a "Mission from God" to kill al superheroes as false gods and distractions from spending time on your knees in church. Ultimately this means at some point Moon Shadow is going to have to deal with him and Mike's not looking forward to the confrontation.

Templar is bad enough for Moon Shadow to deal with but Gravedigger is already dead which means taking him out is going to be difficult in Michael's estimation. Information on Gravedigger is scarce and mostly incomplete. His current exploits are relatively easy to find but what his powers are and how he got them are largely lost.

Glitter Shade watches Gravedigger in action as Wendy Wu and reports back to Moon Shadow on what happens. Apparently Gravedigger can channel fiery bullets of either "Holy Fire" or the same Hellfire Moon Shadow uses through various firearms he uses. He needs a focus through which to project his power as he can't just project flames like Moon Shadow can.

Maria confronts Gravedigger in the fortress church he is sharing with Templar as a home base and uses telekinesis to push him into the same incinerator Templar used to cremate her corpse. The end result is a ticked off Gravedigger who goes looking for Maria but she had fled once it became clearly apparent that what she did wasn't going to destroy him. But it did give he a means to affect the world around her which she finds appealing.

Moon Shadow is glad for the intel but still yells at Maria for putting herself in such danger. Maria knows Mike is only angry because he loves her and she knows she did wrong. The only difference between before and when they would have these discussions and now is that she can't fuck him as part of her apology which makes it even worse.

Fortunately Glitter Shade can still interact with Moon Shadow and intercede on her behalf as part of their friendship. Unbeknownst to Mike, Wendy and Maria agreed to share his affections as part of keeping the peace and relations between the two women. This is also why Glitter Shade meant what she said about sharing her body to fuck Mike.

Gravedigger hits on the idea that Moon Shadow may have a mobile headquarters and sets up road blocks at various points in the city. Unfortunately for him doing this alerts the media which in turn alerts Moon Shadow. But it does have the side benefit of bringing out Wendy Wu to report on the matter.

As one might expect, Gravedigger prefers older methods of interrogation. He outright murders her fill crew to kidnap the "wayward reporter" in order to teach her a lesson. Templar is not informed for his own protection since what Gravedigger is planning to do is quite illegal and while little can be done to him; a lot of backlash is possible so Gravedigger uses an abandoned church to conduct his inquisition.

Wendy Wu is stripped nude and a mask is placed over her head before she is suspended by her wrists. Internally, Glitter Shade is laughing as getting of her condition seems like it will be relatively easy. But she would have to assume another form to do so and thus let her captor know her true identity.

Gravedigger starts out without questions as he mercilessly whips Wendy Wu whole backside until she starts to bleed. He does this as a method to show he means business. What he accomplishes is making Glitter Shade horny.

"You're getting off on this?" Gravedigger asks as Glitter Shade moans when he whips her. "You fucking whore!!"

"Just so I know so I can report it later," Wendy Wu asks in retort. "Who are you and why are you doing this?"

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you, harlot," Gravedigger growls between lashes as he puts extra effort into punishing her. "But suffice to say I am one of your elders and I do not like your sacriledge."

"Your rhetoric is similar to that of the Templar," Glitter Shade observes as she endures the lashing. "I take it he's a friend or colleague of yours?"

"Something like that," Gravedigger admits as he whips her ass raw. "I'm far older than he buy we're on the same script more or less."

"My stars!" Glitter Shade exclaims mockingly. "I do believe I have the honor of being whipped to death by the Gravedigger!"

"I'd say your death will be a lesson to your colleagues," Gravedigger states. "But I sincerely doubt it. I doubt even that monster the Moon Shadow would avenge you."

"You'd be surprised," Glitter Shade states mockingly. " Now let's see how secure you really have me. I don't feel any magic in these bonds but to you that would be blasphemy wouldn't it?"

"Only my weapons are anything resembling magic," Gravedigger admits.

"Good to know," Glitter Shade says as she transforms into an octopus and easily escapes her bonds. "Amateurish really," She mocks as she turns back into her kitsune form. "Now, I'm going to kick your ass myself and then have my husband finish you off to protect my secret."

"Glitter Shade, I presume," Gravedigger says calmly as he picks himself off the floor from where Glitter Shade kicked him. "You can't kill me. Only Hellfire channeled through my guns can destroy me."

"Good to know," Moon Shadow says as he emerges from the shadows with Gravedigger's guns. "And if I can get these puppies to work for me it'll be a bonus." Then he looks at Glitter Shade: "Husband?"

"The Moon Shadow!" Gravedigger screams. "Give me back my weapons, heretic!"

"We'll talk later," Glitter Shade says. "For right now, just kill this bastard, please!?!"

Gravedigger is knocked down again by a Hellfire blast that Moon Shadow channels through his own shotgun. The undead priest is slow to get up as the shot really hurt him badly. He goes for a pistol on his hip but Glitter Shade kicks it from his hand.

Moon Shadow shoots Gravedigger again with the shotgun as he goes to pounce Glitter Shade. He is even slower to get up this time as what was his life force animated his skeleton is nearly depleted which means true death for the Gravedigger. A third blast scatters bones all over the basement floor as a spirit orb floats above them for a minute before a pentagram forms from his scattered bony remains.

Satan himself or a demon using Satan's traditional description rises out of the center of the pentagram. He snatches the spirit orb out of the air and puts it in a cage before turning to the heroes. After a full minute of silent study he speaks.

"Neither of you are one of mine," Satan says respectfully, "Who are you?"

"I am Moon Shadow," Moon Shadow states. "The fox is my wife, Glitter Shade. Who are you?"

"Not important, Angel of Darkness," Satan says with a smirk. "Thank you for your service though; I've been waiting to collect this soul for quite some time."

After speaking this, the devil descends into the pentagram with the caged soul. Moon Shadow and Glitter Shade look at each other and then get out of the area as soon as possible. Once they find a safe place to stop for the night, Glitter Shade drags Moon Shadow to their bed.

"What the Fuck just happened?" Glitter Shade demands to know of Moon Shadow. "The Devil of Christian faith just thanked us?"

"And did he collect Gravedigger's soul?" Moon Shadow asks. "What have we gotten into?"

"Some dangerous territory to say the least," Maria says. "I know you two are not Catholic but this is rather serious. I'm afraid of what might be waiting for me."

"I know I want to kill Templar," Moon Shadow says, "But I swear if something happens like what just happens I am going to be very disturbed."

"Well at least you have some creature comforts," Maria says as Glitter Shade starts giving Moon Shadow a blow job. "And the only bad thing is; if I were still alive you'd be getting a two girl show."

Moon Shadow chuckles as he pets the back of Glitter Shade's head. Maria licks her own lips as Glitter Shade gets him hard. As a test, Maria uses telekinesis on Glitter Shade's breasts to stimulate her as she stimulates Moon Shadow.

Telekinetic force anally probes both Moon Shadow and Glitter Shade as Glitter Shade impales herself along Moon Shadow's length. Both moan as Glitter Shade lowers herself so Moon Shadow can lick and suckle at her tits which he does with gusto. Moon Shadow thrusts in and almost out of Glitter Shade's vagina as he enjoys the taste of her tits.

With Maria providing her services, Moon Shadow and Glitter Shade arrive at their climaxes together and howl as one. After climaxing, both living participants are exhausted and drift off to sleep. Maria then enters Michael's dream in hopes of being able to attain her old body in his wet dream.

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