Perfecting the Princes 10

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#10 of Perfecting the Princes

Chrysalis, now Chris, has a few realizations, and comes to an accommodation with the dragon.

Commissioned by Engy

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Perfecting the Princes

Part 10

For Engy

By Draconicon

Chrysalis's discovery of his own wants and needs did not quite bring the freedom that he hoped, but it did bring a life of lazy hedonism that he didn't find completely objectionable. His life at the hotel was completely bill-free, partially due to his own mind control abilities and partially due to the obligations that the yellow dragon had to those that he messed with. Apparently, it had become a thing that the city was allowed to charge him for the doings of his 'experiments', in hopes that it would convince him to take greater responsibility for what he did in the long term.

Quite honestly, Chrysalis couldn't care less what happened with the dragon when he was getting his fun, but there was a small joy in running up an ever-increasing bill, both down in the Red-Light District and with room service at the hotel. Was it petty? Completely, to be sure, but there was still something enjoyable about putting his captor and semi-tormentor into debt.

But that was secondary to the fun that he was having. With so many people going in and out of the hotel, even calling them up to his room was as easy as he could imagine, and he started getting lazier and lazier, having Randalf spy on the guests that came in and find him those that looked like they were particularly well-endowed, gay couples that looked like they could use a third, others that were looking for a bull to take charge, and, well, anyone sexy that might be enjoyable for the night. He would take that information, go down to the room number that the squirrel gave him, and then put them to work on his ass and his cock.

And in return? Well, he gave Randalf the chance to serve him, and he made sure that the squirrel was well taken care of. There was something about rewarding one's underlings, after all, and Randalf was becoming quite the talented little servant.

They were sat together in Chrysalis's penthouse, the stallion's balls drained once more as the squirrel squirmed in embarrassment as he was sucked off by the butt-fucked bull that they'd just brought up with them. It was rather amusing to watch the squirrel blush like that; despite the fact that he deserved the sort of pleasure that Chrysalis got on a daily basis, he always seemed so shy about getting it, almost like he didn't quite think that he deserved it. The King of the Changelings chuckled as the squirrel's legs kicked and twitched.

"Getting close?"

" do do you last when - mmmph!"

That was it. Chrysalis watched the bull swallow hard, the squirrel's deceptively full balls blowing quite the load down the other man's throat. Each gulp was loud enough for both of them to hear, which only seemed to make Randalf blush all the more. Shaking his head, the stallion's eyes glowed, and the bull stood up, moving wordlessly for the door.

"Um, um, pants!" Randalf said.

"They have more down in their room. And besides, the other one's been waiting naked in the hallway all this time."

"They...they don't mind?"

"Not when I'm in charge."

Not that they would probably mind for the rest of their trip here. Chrysalis had noticed that, with a few big exceptions, his power in this city was stronger than it had been in Equestria. His commands lingered without having to do all that reinforcing that he'd had to do in the other land, and that meant that they were likely to enjoy being naked, even being more free with each other, than they had ever been before.

As the door to the penthouse shut, Randalf covered his crotch, blushing still. Shaking his head, the dark-furred, winged stallion leaned back on his couch. He crossed one leg over the other, his cock flopped over one thigh for the moment.

"What's the matter?"

"Just...trying to be modest."

"From what I've seen, you don't have anything to be modest about. I'm surprised that you haven't asked to fuck me, considering all the times that you've helped me out."

"I...I just like to be helpful."

"You sure that's all it is?"

"I...I don't have a crush on you or anything, if that's what you mean."

"Really? Could have fooled me, what with how you constantly follow me around."

"That's...that's nothing."


Still, he didn't push the matter. If there was a crush, then it was a small one, and not one that would keep him fed in the same way...

In the same way...

Chrysalis blinked, sitting up a bit straighter. Now that he thought about it in this rare moment of clarity, he hadn't needed to feed on love for nearly a week, now. Sure, there was a way of feeding on other things to make do when love was in short supply, but now that he thought about it, he hadn't even done that. The Changeling way of feeding on those emotions around them was paramount of them, considering that was the way that they survived, but he hadn't been feeding on any of the usual suspects. Not jealousy, or anger, or anything. Just...


Now that he thought about it, the only emotional meals that he had been getting were massive helpings of lust, and thick, heavy portions of it at that. Every time that he got fucked, every time that he fucked someone else, he didn't just ease his balls, but fed on the lust around him. Some of the Changelings back home did that, but they were always emaciated things, barely able to keep up with the rest of them that got a proper diet.

He should have been starving, but he felt...full.


He looked down at his fingers, clenching them into fists a few times. Despite the way that he had been treated, he had to admit that he felt stronger than ever, almost like his body was better than it had been. Stronger, better sustained, better fed.

Perhaps Engy had wrought more changes than he knew. The dragon had had other powers...perhaps that had bled through during Twilight's changes, and from there, to him.

If I can feed off of sex...

Then there was no need for him to go back, save to spread this among the other Changelings of his world. There was a reason to stay, to survive...perhaps even to pull some of his Hive from the other world to this one. That might be something worth making a deal over, considering that he imagined that this world could do with those that fed on the excess lust of all those around them. Chrysalis tapped his fingers together, considering the plan, and found himself having to struggle slightly.

Not from his balls, though that was a consideration. They were always pulsing, churning, begging for more attention from him, but that was something that he was almost used to at this point. No, no, it was the fact that...

Well, he was getting lazy. Very lazy, in some ways, which meant that planning and plotting was harder than it used to be. The sheer convenience of this world with all the different bits of 'food' to feed on, all the different debaucheries that allowed him to take pleasure, meant that his mind was getting dull, his quick-thinking sliding here and there because he didn't have to use it very much. It was hard for him to pull together quick, clever plans the way that he used to, because he just wasn't used to doing it anymore.

It was...almost disheartening, really. He used to enjoy all the plotting and scheming. Now, it was just something to do before he got on to his next bit of fun, his next meal.

"Well...that's unfortunate," Chrysalis muttered.

"What is?" Randalf asked, the squirrel in the process of hiding behind the couch as he put on his pants.

"Just...thinking of what's changed with me."

"Is it that much?"

"It's more than I want it to be."

"Oh...I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be. It's not your fault."

"Can I do anything?" he asked as he pulled his belt through his pant loops.

"Heh. No, I don't think so."

"Do you want me to get the alchemist down here?"

"Can you?" Chrysalis asked, arching an eyebrow. "You're just a bellhop."

"Yes, but, well, I do have connections."

"...You? How?"

"Well, I do a lot of favors, and I am very helpful."

"'re a sneaky one, aren't you?"

"W-what do you mean?"

"You're one of those sneaky little helpers that gets everyone to like them so that you can help other people even more," Chrysalis said. "And you don't even do it because you're getting something out of it. You just like seeing people happy. You're the 'guy that knows a guy' that does it all for free, and then gets them to do it for each other."


"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me, you sneak."

His cheeks burned. It wasn't that it was a shameful thing, of course, but more that he didn't really know how to respond, Chrysalis was sure. It was like seeing some of those little twerps back home, those idealistic little foals that believed that they could make the world better just by being good people.

Except sometimes, they were right. Randalf was like that, not even looking for a reward, just being good, and because he was good, people liked him, and did things for him. Just like Chrysalis had done by giving him a few fun times with those people that he'd controlled.

"Well, if you can set up a meeting, do it. I'll want to talk with him later today."

"Consider it done," he said, and with that, the squirrel ran off.

Left to his own devices again, Chrysalis leaned back on the couch, his head flopping against the back of it. He knew from experience that his balls were going to be full and screaming for relief again in about five hours. The rut had ended about an hour ago, and when he was doing the threesome thing, he'd found that he had about six hours between sessions before he became stupid about stuff again. So, four hours of rest, then two hours in which he could find another pair of partners, and then he could get things settled up for the rest of the day.

That should give me plenty of time to meet with that dick...

Even with all that had been done to him, though, Chrysalis couldn't entirely fault the dragon for what he had done. The only thing that got to him was that the big guy had so much power on his own, and that Engy had the chance to pull something like this before he did. The sheer strength of the alterations that he had gone through did annoy the stallion a bit, but he would be the first to admit that if he had this power, he would have been the first to start using it the same way.

Birds of a feather.

Horses of a herd.

Chrysalis uncrossed his legs, sighing as he got to his feet. He couldn't get out of it, so he supposed he might as well see what sort of terms he could get out of the dragon. That meant finding something that he could offer.

So...what could he offer this Engy that would give him what he wanted? What tribute could he give this alchemist to get both the freedom to do as he wished, and the chance to get his Hive over to this world?

"How...the hell...did you run up a bill this big?" Engy whispered.

"Hmm? I'm sure I don't know what you mean," the stallion said.

"Chrysalis -"

"Call me Chris."

Engy looked up, and 'Chris' smiled. It had been one of several changes that he had decided on in the hours between Randalf's departure and Engy's arrival. The second had been a more full transformation to something masculine, something big and sturdy. Not quite fat-assed anymore, since that seemed to imply some feminine leanings, and from what the Changeling had picked up during their previous fucks, Engy liked the males that little bit more. Exaggeratedly male, yes, but that.

So, he had made his chest quite hard, thick and firm with muscle, and he had expanded his shoulders out to the point of being a slight caricature of a stallion. His cock hung forward, constantly at least half-hard and pointing out as far as his knees did, and his balls hung down between his legs, sagging off the front of his chair and reaching a good way down.

It kept bringing the yellow dragon's eyes up from the bill that he carried, and it clearly affected his judgment. Good. Good. That was exactly what 'Chris' wanted.

"Well...Chris...I kinda think that this is a little unfair. I mean, this never happened because I did it."

"Oh, but it did."

"I never met you before your changes, though."

"Oh, but you caused all the changes in Equestria. And then gave the other 'princes' the power to send me here."


"And that means that you passed on all kinds of responsibility there. Imagine what would happen if they started sending people to other worlds. Spreading what you did to them to everyone else."

"'s not...coming here, though," Engy said.

"No, but it is something that you might want to watch out for. After all, see how horny I've been?"

"Yes, I have...I got the brothel bills...How did you run up $500k in just a week?!"

"Hmmm...You know, I honestly don't know."

And that much was the truth. He had been very hedonistic, yes, but that was an entirely different sort of life. He had been enjoying himself, but half the time he wasn't sure of what he was doing, just letting things happen, and there were a few sessions when he had waited for too long and was too far gone to really know just what he had ordered. The bills had always gone to Engy, though, and from the sound of it, he couldn't shake himself free.

It was rather fun. The yellow dragon looked utterly embarrassed at the situation, pulling his blue robe that much tighter around himself.

Well, this is what you get when you don't take care of things and wrap up loose ends, Chris thought.

Thump, thump.

Chris blinked, looking past the yellow dragon to the meeting room door. He'd come to the skyscraper again for the meeting to have a private chat; there wasn't supposed to be anyone else coming here.

"Expecting company?" Chris asked.

"Ignore it," Engy muttered, rubbing his face. "They've been following me everywhere."

"Other toys of yours?"

"Something like that."

"How many worlds have you fucked?"

"More than I want to admit."

"And you -"

"Can we not?"

Thump, thump.

The knocking continued off and on for another minute before finally fading away. It was only when it stopped that Engy sighed, tossing the bill onto the table between them. The transparent table, which meant that he had to look down again, had to see Chris's horse cock between the stallion's legs, see the flared head brushing against the underside of the table. He groaned, his own robe twitching a bit.

"Look...I...I may have been a bit hasty, so...let's talk."

"I've been looking forward to this," Chris said.

He had this all planned out. He'd make the offer of using his mind control abilities to give the yellow dragon more of what he wanted. He'd take that and run with it, offering chances to build up full experimental sectors of 'willing' participants in his alchemical and other experiments through the city. Hell, he'd offer himself for it if it was needed, to show how the potions worked on magical beings.

From there, he'd offer to take care of anyone that was causing problem, keep those bills from mounting up from the other playthings that Engy obviously had. The dragon was obviously having a hard time keeping it from getting out of control, so he needed someone to take care of things in the background. Discretely, of course, and Chris was good at doing that.

And from there...Well, he'd see what else the dragon wanted, but he was pretty sure that would be enough to get a few favors. He leaned in -

But Engy beat him to it.

"I need you to help me with this...harem situation," he said. "It's...really starting to get out of hand, and I need someone to take care of it for me."

"...What are you offering for those responsibilities?" Chris asked.

"More power, boosted magical capacity, authority over all the other sluts that I keep changing and creating, and the chance to get back at Twilight for what he did to you."

...Impressive offer, considering I was going to do that anyway...

Chris tapped his chin, making a show of considering it. There was no real reason to turn it down, but he still wanted that little bit more. If he could just get Engy to agree to allow him to bring even a portion of his hive here -

"Don't think about it too long," Engy said. "I know what's going on with your balls, with you. You're going to get stupid before too much longer."

"What, have you had me on the clock?"

"A bit; I know the last time you fucked was just under four hours ago. You're going to start getting desperate soon."


"I'm not stupid. Just...horny."

"So, you're like me," Chris said, chuckling.

"I can think with more than my balls."

"Can you?"

Thump, thump. This time, the knocking came from one floor up. The stallion and dragon glanced toward the ceiling, watched as a dent appeared, only to be smoothed out a moment later. Chris brought his gaze back down.

"Tunneling through the ceiling?" he asked.


"Who the hell are they?"

"Nobody you know," Engy said, shaking his head. "Look. I'm not going to say that I've always done the smartest things when I get horny, but that's why I'm offering you this chance. I could use that help, you could use the chance to get your addictions seen to, and...well, let's be honest, you could probably use the chance to feel useful again."

"...You're not wrong," Chris admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "But there's one more thing I want."

"I'm not bottoming for you."

"I wasn't even thinking of that. Besides, I like your dick up my ass too much to ask for that."

Did he? That was new. He shrugged off his surprise; it was probably something that Engy had commanded, some sort of power that he had exerted to ensure that the Changeling couldn't actually challenge him the way that he wanted. It was something to examine another time, though, as he had other things to think about.

"I want to bring my Hive here."

"...Here? To this city?" Engy asked.


"...How many of them are there?"

"A few hundred."

"That's all? You swear?"

"That's all...and all that there will ever be, considering that I'm a male now."

"...Oh. Did I -"

"My price isn't finding out how to make babies again. I just want to make sure that my people are here. Somewhere that they're safe, somewhere that they can start learning what I've learned."

To his credit, the dragon's eyes widened just enough to show that he was picking up on what the Changeling meant. Of course, it wasn't like he was hiding it. The Hive could learn how to feed on lust just as he had, depending on how this had happened, and it meant that they'd be a new, functioning part of this city. A valuable part, something that this dragon could show off to his master.

Chris leaned forward, resting his head on his hands.

"It's a few hundred Changelings brought here. We'll fit in, and you tell me how to teach them how to feed on lust, the way that I've learned how to...and the way that I bet Twilight's learned, too...and I just bet that you're the same."

"...God, I didn't think that it'd spread."

"Well, it has, whatever it is. So, you're still the most powerful - I can tell that much - but you can tell me how to use this."


"Is that too high a price?"

"No, it's a good one," Engy said, leaning back, folding his hands in his lap as he stared off into the distance. "Just...thinking."

Chris nodded, resisting the urge to use his magic to start influencing that thinking. For all that he wanted this, he knew that there was every chance in the world that Engy could throw him out. He wasn't kidding when he said that he knew Engy was stronger than him; his mind control powers, his transformation powers, all of his magics were limited by the dragon, keeping him in a subservient position. While he had others, more akin to feeding on lust and controlling it, he could feel something from the dragon across from him, something like that new magic, but far stronger. Far more...heated.

He couldn't force this. He could just make it enticing. He'd put out his offer, and now he had to wait.

It was not easy. He wanted to reach down and play with his dick, to grind it against the cool underside of the table. The desire to jerk off, finger himself, even sit his ass on the table and spread it for the dragon across from him was all there, pushing at him, encouraging him to throw the deal-making to the wind and just give in to his addiction right then and there.

But he didn't. Not yet. He had time. He had time.

And him breaking like that was probably just what Engy wanted, to get what he craved without having to give up so much in return. Chris wasn't about to make it that easy for him. He would at least make the dragon give him something first, something that he wanted.

The clocks ticked on, and there was another, fainter thump further away. He ignored it, keeping his chin resting on his hands over the table. Occasionally, he would twitch his cock, tapping it against the glass table, and Engy would groan, obviously tempted to look but not quite giving in to the urge. He kept staring at the ceiling, instead, groaning under his breath and huffing to himself.

Chris held firm. He needed the Hive, and he needed answers. One way or another, he would get them.

He was starting to dribble pre-cum twenty minutes later when Engy finally gave in and nodded.

"Fine. You can have your Hive in the city."


"If - and only if - you can deal with what's about to come down the window."

"...What's about to -"


Chris jumped, whipping his head around. Rappelling down the building were two women, thick and wide in the hips, thighs, and chest, wearing skintight catsuits that ran from their ankles all the way up to their necks. They were utterly shameless, showing off far more than most females at their size would have, and they were utterly drenched in the crotch, the black cloth there somehow darker than it was anywhere else, and they had nipple cut-outs at the chest.

" the I looking at?" Chris asked.

"That...would be Bitch and Vixen. Formerly Wolf O'Donnell and Fox McCloud. Part of my harem - look, just get them to leave me alone for a bit, please? They've been chasing me all over the building, and I need a nap."


"Chris, please. Please."

The vixen and the wolf were both knocking on the window, testing it for weak points. One of them had already pulled out a glass-cutter, starting to break in. They were both staring at the dragon through the glass, one of them rubbing their pussy, the other groping their breasts. Their bare feet clawed at the windows, scratching them as much as the glass-cutters did.

Clearly, Engy had gone further than he needed to with this pair, and they were eager to get more from him. Chris could have let them do it...

But he had a better idea.

His eyes glowed a deep green, and Vixen and Bitch stopped in their tracks, their eyes reflecting the same color. They fought against it, surprisingly, and they were half-successful. They didn't pop the same sort of blissed-out grins that most people controlled by the Changeling did, but they still stopped trying to break in.

Engy sighed, shaking his head in relief.

"Thank have no idea how exhausting those two are."

"Oh, I have an idea...and I have plans for that."

"What - oh god, what are you thinking?"

"Just trust me on this, master." He winked. "I think we're both going to enjoy this."

Twilight Sparkle had been busy since sending Chrysalis off to the other world. There was a great deal to do in Equestria to make sure that it was ready for when their master came back, when he would want to see what the ponies were like now that they were properly adjusted and made to his liking. Many mares had to be converted to stallions, though there were some that were kept back as breeding stock. They were the ones that really, really, really hated the idea of having a cock, even after they were shown the sort of easy pleasure that one could get from the strokes and sucks.

Of course, Twilight didn't entirely understand that reticence. He loved his new male body, loved the way that his cock throbbed with his heartbeat, loved the way that his balls dragged between his thighs, the way that everything was just so much easier and more sexual all the time with that thing hanging down. Oh, sure, sometimes he missed his breasts, but that was minor. He could enjoy that from time to time with some nipple-stim spells, and that was close enough for him.

Cock and flare was the life. Cock and balls was even better.

He was just prepping a spell that would call the Changelings in - he had been imagining what all those drones would be like, blue-balled since the disappearance of their queen - when a portal opened in his lab. He paused, the naked stallion turning to face the shimmering lights. He smiled.

"Well, been long enough. How did it go, Chryssy? Did Master show you just how good it feels go -"



"...You're not Chryssy..."

Twilight took a step back from the portal at the sight of the two females that had come through it. They were not anything like he had seen before. While one was almost like the Diamond Dogs that had come around town once, the other was narrower in the face, and more slender and vulpine.

But both were far larger and thicker than he was. They were rounded in the hips with breeder curves, and they growled, panted, and even dripped as they pushed forward from the portal, staring right at him.

His cock rose despite itself, responding to their scent more than to his own urges, and he panted for breath as he stumbled backwards, almost stumbling over several books.


"Cock..." the wolf-like one said.

"Heh...master sends us to breed...and look like a stud," the vixen one said.

"You - I'm not..."

"You are...and you will be...Come here...come here!"

The vixen leaped for the purple stallion. He reached for his magic, intending to throw up a barrier -


Only for the magic to stop before it came. His horn shimmered, tried to push it out, but all that came free were worthless little sparks.

The surprise denial was just enough of a delay for the females to grab him and shove him to the ground. The wolf immediately started lapping at his balls, pulling them down and keeping a tight grip at their base, while the vixen pulled herself close, all but sitting on the stallion's face right then and there.

"Ooooh, we're going to have fun with you," she said.

"Who...what are you?"

"We belong to Engy...your master...and he sent us here to make sure that you're being a good little stallion. Now."

The vixen grabbed Twilight by the horn, yanking him in close. Horse lips touched vixen pussy, and Twilight had his first taste of actual pussy in some time.


"...I gotta admit, I never thought I'd see this crossover," Engy said, taking another handful from the popcorn bowl.

"It's got potential. Never got into the BBW build myself, but it's not bad," Chris admitted.

"How much did they want this?"

"Pretty bad. I think that they've been denied for a while. Speaking of, you realize that you've basically turned me gay?"

"I can turn you back to bi, if you want?"

"Eh, I can live with it," Chris said, tossing a chunk of popcorn back as he watched the wolf slide up to Twilight's cock. Despite it twitching from side to side, trying to avoid going into a pussy, Bitch managed to slide it right in. "Hehehe...oh, he's going to be so drained by the end of this."

"That's the plan. Think that they'll be, um, satisfied, too?"

"I think you'll have to finish the job, but yeah."

"...Thanks." Engy shook his head. "God, I let that get out of hand."

"Heh, yes. You did. Now." Chris smiled, reaching around the bowl to grab the yellow dragon's dick. "I think my time's up...I hope you can clone yourself, because otherwise, you're going to have a very hard time keeping up with me."


The End

Summary: Chrysalis, now Chris, has a few realizations, and comes to an accommodation with the dragon.

Tags: M/M, M/F, Rule 34 Chrysalis, Rule 63 Chrysalis, Twilight Sparkle, Bitch, Vixen, Rule 34, Harem, Dragon, Musk, Nudity, Masculine, Teasing, Series, Orgasm, Cum, Silly,