Unwittingly Summoned 7

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#7 of Unwittingly Summoned

Nievuhn, under Teryx's orders, returns to the city. Things start to change, and quickly.

Commissioned by TeryxC

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Unwittingly Summoned, Part 7

For TeryxC

By Draconicon

The morning after their agreement was made, Nievuhn was heading back to the city. He walked in a haze of sorts, feeling Teryx in the back of his head in a way that was both stronger and more...intense, he supposed, than before. It was like the dragon was actually present in his skull, something that moved along his mind and crowded the interior of his head in a way that wasn't entirely comfortable.

Not that Teryx seemed to care. The dragon pushed at him a bit, keeping him moving faster, further towards the city.

_Can't you walk faster? You ran away from me swiftly enough.

I only have so much stamina.

In this form, you'll find your limits are less._

He groaned. He remembered running away as this two-legged dragon that he had become. He remembered just how long it took to feel any kind of tiredness while in this form, and how long he had been able to swim and run and even fight when the time came. But that didn't mean that he would be able to do that all the way to the city, particularly when they weren't exactly happy with him before.

_Don't worry. We'll be bringing them something to work with. Something that they'll mostly approve of.

You remember what happened when they saw me last time?

They were quick to judge, but this time, we have a reputation to bring with us.

Somehow, I doubt that's going to help.

Let me take care of that._

He knew that there was very little chance of him being able to do anything else. The newly established and strengthened bond between him and the dragon meant that he was more or less helpless to do anything but go along with what Teryx suggested. What had been possession before had gone even further, allowing the dragon to make him do whatever he wanted, and he was just going to have to go with that.

Still, at least he was getting something out of it. The powerful body that he got for being Teryx's 'Champion' was a marked improvement over his own. It was big and strong in the shoulders, thick across the arms. The dragon body was something that could take pretty much anyone in a fight and come out on top, and that was before the combined magics of the dragon and the weasel that he had been were taken into account.

And then there was the sensuality of the body, something that he still wasn't used to. He could feel just how huge this body's cock was, how much power and virility it had. He still remembered how good it had felt using it on Teryx - well, Teryx posing as his weasel self - just the night before. He could have kept going all night long, he was sure, if they hadn't both needed some rest for the day ahead.

Are you going to think of that all day? Teryx teased.

_I can't help it. Are dragons always this horny?

More often than not.

No wonder you start thinking of all these sex spells.

Oh, it's what we do. Among other things.

How much am I going to be showing when we get there?

Probably everything. Nudity is going to be a thing._

He could imagine himself walking the city streets with nothing covering him, and much to his chagrin, his new, swollen cock started rising up at the thought. Nievuhn groaned as he imagined his body being completely on display, and rubbed his forehead.

"This is going to take some getting used to."

It's not that hard.

"No, but that thing is."


Though Teryx continued to tease him in his head, Nievuhn was glad that he could at least walk to the city on his own. The feeling of traveling was one that he was quite familiar with, and there was a comfort in being on his own from time to time. The feeling of the earth under his feet, the illusion of privacy, all of that made him feel better. More settled in himself.

Considering what was about to happen, he rather appreciated the option.

Eventually, he passed through tree and water to find himself at the gates of the city again. There were dozens of defenses prepped at the tops of the walls, defenses that were probably prepared for the great flying dragon rather than the two-legged one that Nievuhn had become. At the very least, they were all pointed skywards rather than down at the road. The archers, however, quickly moved to the front of the walls, aiming at him, and another officer, a bull from what he could tell from the horns, leaned forward.

"What brings you back here, dragon?" the bull called down.

Nievuhn opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but trusting his benefactor to have the words ready. His trust was rewarded. His jaw suddenly felt half-numb, taken over by the real dragon.

"I come to take what my master has claimed," he said. "When I was rescued last night, it was told that I am his champion. I come with his demands, and if you are of sound mind, you will at least listen rather than sending me away too soon."

_Oh, gods. Do you actually feel pompous when saying that, or do you actually think you deserve to talk like that?

You talk like that now, too. I wouldn't critique my word choice too much. Besides, look. It's working._

Nievuhn was hesitant to give Teryx any credit for diplomacy, considering that the dragon had been a son of a bitch when it came to actually treating anyone decently, but he supposed that if there was any creature that knew how to make someone think twice before shooting them, then it would have to be a dragon. At the very least, the archers hadn't let loose just yet, and the bull hadn't commanded them to fire. Nievuhn crossed his arms, hoping that he was looking just a little bit intimidating.

A tingle ran down his spine, and his arms surreptitiously changed position ever so slightly, moving a bit higher in the chest, elbows more relaxed but pointed, and his head cocked ever so slightly to the side, creating a hint of arrogance. He realized that Teryx was correcting his posture without even being asked, and he would have groaned if it hadn't been so obvious.

Where are you, anyway? he asked.

_Already in the city again.


You would be surprised how fast your body can move.

Apparently. Ugh.

Anyway, keep talking. Or rather, let me._

"My master offers you his protection against the raids of other dragons. In return, you will give him what he asks for."

"What makes you think that we need protection?"

"My master came to this town unmolested, and handled everything that you could throw at him. You need protection, either from him, or others like him."

There was doubt on the parapets, which was a good thing. The more uncomfortable they were, the more likely that they were to listen to him. Less likely to shoot him with arrows, too, which was a huge thing in his opinion. A really huge thing.

The hesitation continued, almost to the point where he started to worry if Teryx had cast some spell that had frozen them all on the walls. He was about to try taking a step forward when the bull finally spoke again.

"What would your master ask?"

Jackpot, Teryx thought.

"He would ask for the raising of temples, and for the worship of your people."

"You think we would abandon our gods?"

"I think that you would see what a real god is."

"Dragons are mortal. They can die."

"Can they?"

It was such a simple, confident statement that even Nievuhn wondered, and he had actually spent time as a dragon. He had felt the body, the stiffness, the soreness, the little things here and there that caused difficulty even for a healthy dragon. They had to be mortal, but then again, there was that confidence, that elementality of them, and...

And there was every possibility that they would just come back if they were shot down. He had never actually seen one stay dead.

Obviously, the bull hadn't, either. A smarter commander would have ordered a barrage, just to test it. This one was struck still. He kept staring down, huffing softly, his eyes wider than they should be. One of the archers leaned closer, whispering something, and the bull shook his head.

He's already made his decision, Teryx thought.

_How are you so sure?

It takes no time to try and kill someone. It takes a long time to figure out how to say yes without losing all respect._

The bull sighed. He gestured, and the bows were lowered. Those ballista towers that had been turning in his direction stopped, and Nievuhn felt a smile that was both his and Teryx's crossing his muzzle.

"How long do we have to comply with your master's demands?" the bull asked.

"One month to begin construction," the dragon said through Nievuhn's mouth. "After that, if nothing has begun, then it will be seen as your true choice."

"We...we might need longer than that."

"Then you best get started, so you don't."


"Allow me entry. I will inspect the city, and begin spreading my master's words."

"...Open the gate," the bull called, and Nievuhn bit off the sigh of relief that he wanted to let loose. He hadn't died yet.

Once he was inside the city, he felt the glare of every single man and woman that he passed. There were some that were a little less angry than others, younger individuals that were more curious than hateful, but it seemed that the story of the dragon that had invaded the city and snatched up some outsider had already passed through the town. The whole shift in tone compared to when he had been able to hide himself among them was palpable, and every eye felt like daggers.

He hadn't expected this. He had thought that there'd be some hostility, sure - he was in a scaly body, after all, and while dragons garnered most of the hate, all reptiles received some of it. Yet, he hadn't expected to see everyone staring at him as if he had killed their firstborn.

Well, almost everyone.

There was someone else, a half-familiar rat that walked up to him from the crowd. Nievuhn turned to him, arching an eyebrow.

"Yes?" he asked.

"...I wanted to thank you," the rat said.

"Thank me? For what?"

"For what you and your master did to the Guilds."

The crowd immediately turned on the rat, hissing and shushing him. The rat spoke louder to compensate.

"The adventurers, they've always been a terror. The guard just lets them do the real work, and they never do it right," the rat said.

"Shut up."

"Stop talking to that thing."

"Shut up, shut up!"

"I'll say what I want!" the rat shouted back. "The Guilds didn't do anything to the dragon. Nothing stopped him, something stopped his champion. Why the hell are we pretending that they did anything for us before, huh? Why are we talking like the adventurers were the victims here? They were nothing but freeloaders making things worse, expecting us to worship them like gods."

Neither former weasel nor dragon had expected something like this, but it offered them an opportunity. The heroes and adventurers that had come out to fight them before, the werewolf problem that they had been dealing with, as well, had been so sudden that it had been impossible to take full advantage of it the night before. Now, though, now? Now they had a chance to turn the tides a little.

The rat might have been some random stranger, but he had given them a gift that would make the city far more comfortable for them. As the crowd started to turn on the rat, growling and shaking their heads, Nievuhn stepped forward.

"He's not wrong," he said. "Adventurers are hardly the saints that they prop themselves up as. There were those that lied last night, pretending that they had killed a dragon. They propped themselves up as heroes, pretending that they had the guts and skills to do anything. Instead, they ran off, leaving one of their own behind, fearing the dragon more than they feared shame.

"If you think that they will protect you, if you think that they can keep the peace, think of last night. Think of what has been terrifying your city for weeks, and then think of what my master did in one night to end that threat. Think of that, and think of what the adventurers could have done, but did not."

It was a grander speech than he had expected to make, but it was quickly settling in with the various men and women in the crowd. He could see that they were actually puzzling through it, thinking through the implications that he had raised. The rat at his side took his hand, bowing over it with a whiskery kiss before disappearing, and he smiled. Someone, at least, had appreciated what was done.

Well said, Teryx said in a tone of surprise. _How much do you believe that?

Not even a bit.

Good. We're not entirely here for their benefit. I plan to see what we can do to the city as much as for it.

That sounds like a dragon, alright.

You are becoming more astute. Good._

The crowd didn't stare at him so hatefully anymore, and he felt safe to pass among them. Nievuhn walked between them, heading deeper into the city.

It didn't take long to find the temple district again. In part of the raised area of the city, looking down at the lower part between it and the walls, the temple district had various holy sites that were dedicated to all kinds of gods. Runners were coming from the walls, some of them running into the temples, others hesitating outside. Nievuhn imagined that they were all trying to find the best way to deliver their messages so that they would be allowed to leave again with the maximum number of body parts.

The churches weren't going to take the idea of a dragon-worshiping temple kindly, nor were they going to like the idea of losing their power. No church ever did, and he doubted that they'd be any different. But Teryx had spoken, and the city would have to at least try to obey.

He leaned against one of the fountains in the public square, reaching down and resting his hand against the water. The flow of cool liquid over his fingers helped him feel less concerned, keeping his worries from rising to the level of actual anxiety. Even so, he felt a bit off, like there was something that he was missing, something that needed to be taken care of.

After all, if they were going to have a temple to the dragon in the city, that meant that they needed people to staff it. Priests, altar boys, runners, treasurers, and more, those that would spread the word and then write it. It wouldn't be something that he could run on his own, that was for sure.

You won't have to worry about that for long, Teryx whispered to him.

Why's that?

There are other means of transforming people.

And why would we be doing that?

Because we need people. And because it makes for a good punishment.

But...we don't have to punish anyone.

Not yet.

Nievuhn really didn't like the sound of that, and he knew that meant that something bad was going to happen that they could then blame on the people of the city. He groaned, slowly turning from the fountain, but it was too late.

Angry men were approaching. Some of them were smaller, like foxes and cats, but there were a few big canines, as well. They moved to surround the fountain and him, and they carried bludgeoning tools, and big ones, at that.

...Is this what you meant? Nievuhn asked.


That's not fair.

For them._

That much was true, but that didn't mean that he was happy about just walking into an ambush and letting it happen. Teryx was setting him up, and the humans, as well, just to make sure that they had the bodies that they needed. Judging by the sudden tightness in his jaw, he had the feeling that he wouldn't be allowed to warn them, either, something that he really, really felt annoyed about.

Annoyed, though, not angry. That was new. He felt more...challenged, and irked that they thought that they had the right to do that. It felt like he was going to be dealing with someone that really didn't know what they were doing, and that felt wrong for someone like him.

For someone of his power.

For someone of his might.

For someone that was a dragon's champion.

_...Wow. That arrogance really did spread.

Feels good, though, doesn't it?

...I refuse to answer that._

One of the bigger dogs, a gray wolf, stepped forward. He pointed a wooden club at the dragon champion.

"You don't belong here," he muttered.

"I think that I have the same right to be here as the rest of you."

"We were born here. You're an invader."

"The guards let me in."

"The guards are cowards. We're going to do what they're too scared to do."

"You think that you'll do any better than the adventurers last night?"

"Your big dragon ain't here to save you this time."

That was true, but he didn't need to be. Nievuhn looked over his shoulder at the fountain, then at the crowd around him. There were, perhaps, two dozen thugs, and they were no more than thugs from the way that they walked and the way that they talked. None of them held magic in their hands, none of them carried holy symbols. There might be a few that were trained in the ways of the streets, but that was going to be a small thing compared to what he could bring to bear.

Just leave them alive, Teryx said.

_I don't have a choice.

Yes, you do.

Well...I want to keep them alive._

There was no answer from the dragon, but he was glad that they were on the same page. It was for entirely different reasons, yes, but that didn't mean that he didn't feel better about it. After all, he was trying to be a good person, trying to make sure that the rest of the city didn't start hating him.

Alright, so...twenty-four of you...and a giant fountain behind me...

With the dragon's power, with the dragon's body, touching the water and merging his magic with it was easy. There should have been some barrier to that, for no elementalist had the raw mastery of the elements to just effortlessly become it, but dragons were a different story. Nievuhn slowly crossed his arms, copying the pose that Teryx had made him take at the gates. The thugs slowed.

"Do you really want to do this?" he asked.

"We're going to get rid of you."

"I didn't say that you weren't going to try. I asked you if you really want to do this."

Some of them, mostly the foxes, hesitated. Two silver ones gave him one last look, then ran. They were the smart ones.

The rest charged forward as fast as they could, roaring at the top of their lungs, yips and barks filling the air. If he had still been a weasel, he would have been rather scared. As a dragon, however...

He barely had to lift his pinkie finger to control the water behind it. It burst from the fountain like a geyser, roaring through the air like a string of thunder before sweeping down and out. Like a striking snake, it whipped through the air and crashed against two black wolves that flanked the gray one, swinging around and blocking the forward progress of many others. They went tumbling to the cobblestones below, some of them already unconscious, others fighting to get back to their feet.

He turned his finger slightly, and the snake came around again. The gray wolf leaped its strike, bringing his club over his head as he leaped right for Nievuhn.

The former weasel didn't move. Instead, he took the blow right to his forehead, and the wooden club shattered into pieces.

...Ow, ow, ow... Nievuhn whimpered in his head as he struggled not to show it on his face. I didn't think that would hurt.

Scales, not armor.

It should be both...

Regardless, the effect on the wolf was simple and immediate. All that rage melted into fear, and he stumbled backwards, gasping and almost falling over in the process. It also made him quite helpless to the sweeping strike from the water snake that had been summoned, screaming bubbles as he was covered with the water.

Even with the piercing headache that he now had, Nievuhn was astonished at just how easy that had been. Before, he might have been able to handle all of them if he'd known they were coming and had a better vantage point than that, but this time, he had not only handled them all, but had done it in a way that had terrified them, shown him as a massive power player, and - more than anything else - proved that he was a reasonable man, someone that had given them the chance to run off and not be consumed by this.

It should do wonders for those that had been watching.

As they ran off, he walked over to the unconscious, half-drowned lot of attackers. They were all piled up due to the efforts of the water snake, which he patted on the head before dismissing back to the fountain. They panted, shivered, shook in their sleep, and he knelt down by them, running his hand over their heads.

Take them back to an alley and start working on them, Teryx said.

_Let me guess. They're going to change?




He slapped a hand across his face at the simple answer, wondering why he had expected anything different. The dragon had made it very clear that he was a pervert, and now, he had even more proof of that.

At least this time, however, he would be the beneficiary of that rather than the one feeding Teryx's lusts. Shaking his head, he gathered his power and cast it around the wet clothes, using that as a puppeteering spell. The sleeping bodies got to their feet and followed him, moving along like a good, obedient set of ensorcelled servants.

They found an alley out of the way just a half-mile outside of the temple district. From the looks of things, nobody had been down this one for a very long time, and that made Nievuhn feel much more comfortable. For all that Teryx was happy to show his body as much as his power, he felt better getting that done in private. His cock had been hard off and on during the walk through the city anyway, but there was something more intimate, more embarrassing about fucking someone where everyone could see.

He positioned the various thugs against the wall, freezing the water into ice so that they wouldn't be running off if they woke up during the middle of the rut. The wolf was the last of them to be pinned, and good thing, too, considering that the lead thug was starting to come around by that point. Nievuhn had his arms in place and had just started working the wolf's pants down when he came completely back to consciousness.

"Nnngh...what...what's going on? Where am I?"

"I'm going to let you figure that out," Nievuhn said.

"What - how?!"

The wolf was squirming against the ice restraints, as expected, but there was no easy way for him to get free. He kept pulling and twisting, but the ice ties at the ankles kept him from pulling his ass anywhere but forward, pressing himself against the alley wall and leaving him all but helpless.

Despite having been an adventurer that was all about finding some cock to suck, all about being on the bottom, Nievuhn was starting to feel some dragon pride. There was something right about being the male on top, something good about having the power to take his enemies and use them the way that he wanted. There was something sexy about having that ass on display, knowing that he was going to split it open with a dragon cock in just a few seconds. Knowing that it was his...

That they would all be his...

His shaft throbbed between his legs, and he could feel something like what he had felt when he had been around Teryx. There was something powerful in being a dragon, even one that didn't have everything that a real dragon did.

Make them mine, hmm? Well...let's get started on that.

With a grunt, he slammed forward, driving his cock past that pucker and sliding in good and deep. He felt that sudden clench, groaned at the pleasure that followed the squeeze, and he moaned as his cock went deeper, deeper, and deeper still, feeling that tightness squeezing harder around him the further he went. The wolf gasped, shivering, trying to push him back out, but the bondage of the ice kept him from doing that.

Further in, and the wolf stopped trembling. All the way hilted, and the wolf started gasping, huffing, puffing.

"You like it, hmm?"


"You enjoy having a dragon inside you."

He reached around, finding confirmation in a throbbing, twitching wolf-cock that was gradually getting stiffer still. It oozed pre-cum just from the presence of his cock inside of that pucker, and he chuckled to himself, shaking his head a few times.

"Oh, you are going to do so much more than that..."

He slowly dragged himself backwards, feeling that pucker stretching around his cock, feeling how hard it clenched around him. It didn't want to let go, didn't want to give in.

And then he popped his cock out. As he did, the magic touched that hole, and he could see the fur falling, scales replacing flesh. It spread out slowly, just the beginning of a transformation, but it would be the start. A start of dragon-worshiping priests that would spread the word to the rest of the city, that would show them how it would feel to be under a dragon.

Despite not being one, not really, Nievuhn liked the idea. For the first time in far too long, he felt like he had the power to control the course of his own life. He felt like...like he could do what he wanted, and that he had a chance to actually do it. No more being held back. No more being less. No more being someone that he didn't want to be.

With a growl, he rammed his cock right back in, giving into the instincts that were coming from his dragon body. Whether they were the instincts that Teryx had planted in him or whether they were actually real, he didn't know. All he knew was that it felt good, that he wanted that hole wrapped around his cock, and he was going to get it. The wolf gasped as soon as he slammed back in, and he growled deeper into the canine's ear as he kept humping away, ploughing that hole good and deep.

With each thrust, he could feel the changes spreading across the canine. Scales were displacing fur, and that soft, half-curled tail was slowly becoming harder, stiffer. Not long, not like his, but a short stub of a thing, something that was closer to what -

Kobold, the thought came. The wolf was becoming a kobold, the traditional servant of dragons.

In, out, in, out, each thrust leaving him floating higher and higher, drifting on the pleasurable feeling of bliss as he kept hammering home. That pucker soon bent in, no longer clenching, and the inner walls stopped trying to push him back. If anything, they clenched and tried to pull him in, further and further in.


"That's it...fucking...submit..."

Something was changing in him the longer that he stayed in this 'dragon champion' body. It felt better than he thought, and the power that came with it, the confidence, the energy, was beyond anything that he had ever felt as a weasel. The more he enjoyed it, the more right it seemed, and the better it felt to have others under him.

I...I need...this...I deserve...this...

As hips met ass, scales finally grinding on scales, he could feel the transformation hitting the wolf's mid-section. He was starting to lose some of that muscle mass, becoming smaller, better suited for worshiping those larger than him. He could feel that size shift making things tighter down below, and that only made him thrust harder, faster, feeling those cheeks quaking as he slammed in.

The rest of the thugs were slowly starting to wake up, and as they did, they stared at their former leader in shock, and at him with...something. Admiration? Perhaps of his power, perhaps of something else, but there was something like that there. He groaned under his breath as he kept humping, his eyes fixed entirely on the transforming thug under him.

Something about the hard thrusting was changing the wolf, too, leaving him shaken, broken, even shattered from the hard rut. His head had rolled back, his eyes hazy, his mouth hanging open as the scales reached his face and started changing it. The feeling of turning someone, breaking them, altering them, should have left him shocked to the core, but it didn't. If anything...if anything, it only turned him on more.

In, out, in, out, in, out...and in. Nievuhn groaned as he finally shoved all the way in, feeling those inner walls clenching down hard on his cock, pulling it in deeper and milking it for everything that he had. He moaned under his breath, feeling the air whooshing out of his lungs as his balls tightened. The last of the transformation cracked the ice that bound the now-kobold to the wall, and the smaller male slumped forward.

The kobold panted for breath, but between that panting, he whispered something. Just one word, and that word, was 'more'.

The End

Summary: Nievuhn, under Teryx's orders, returns to the city. Things start to change, and quickly.

Tags: M/M, wolf, dragon, various species, series, fantasy, magic, anal, fight, fighting, stripping, bondage, transformation, orgasm, cum, erection, possession,