Snake Lords of the Desert 39

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#39 of The Chronicles of Lore

Here is the next one~

Lorenus knew that the battle would be handled by other hands than his, but it was still odd to be present for something that he had no input in. It was like being home again, in the worst of ways: surrounded by slaves but unable to order them around unless he wanted to risk them doing their jobs badly and harming himself.

That's what it was like to be on the deck of the command ship, watching the slave-soldiers doing their jobs, throwing cukani overboard and bombarding the gathering grounds of the orcas and sharks off the coast of the Empire. He could hear the splash and crash of the barrels hitting the water and then shattering - purposefully made for that, as a matter of fact - and the weighted satchels of the drug dragging themselves down. It would take little time for them to release their contents, almost like a hyper-saturated tea, and the gill-breathers, in particular, would be affected in short order. The orcas would not be so immediately entranced, but with the battle shifting to dealing with both their erstwhile allies trying to fuck them and dealing with the urges that were rising, they were - theoretically - supposed to be dealt with quickly.

That theory didn't last long.

They had been sailing through the gathering waters for barely a minute, little more than the first load of barrels thrown overboard, before they had boarders climbing up the sides. The first of the orcas climbing up had been spotted by one of the boars that were manning the barrel stations, just before the boar in question was thrown overboard. It was enough, however, and soon, the sailors onboard were throwing their weight around, fighting back against the sneaking orcas.

Coiled around his slave and little more than an observer to the chaos, Lorenus watched with his head cocked to the side as the Imperial Navy was finally put to the test. He had yet to see them fight on the water, and thus far, they were impressing him. Their organization at sea was less stellar than it was on land, but he could tell that was down to equipment problems rather than outright lack of organization and talent. They had the discipline, but they had less practice, less goods to do the job than they did to conquer people on the land. Conquering these species should change that, particularly with the spoils of war that came afterward.

And conquering them would also lead to more interesting eye-candy, the naga thought as the fighting went on. Unlike the slaves that ran hither and yon on the deck, the orcas were a little A slave of the Empire might be allowed a loincloth, accessories, little bits and bobs that they would use to identify themselves. Such didn't seem to be the case for the orcas. They were bare, bare as could be, and the water that slid off their chiseled bodies made it clear that not one member of their force was less than perfectly fit.

_Hmmm...I may be developing a thing for muscles,_he thought with a wry sense of amusement.

Of course, that amusement faded quickly as the boat tilted, the weight of the orcas climbing one side nearly taking his 'perch' with it. He grabbed desperately for the nearest railing, squeezing with his tail to keep the jackal where he belonged. It was a narrow rescue, too, something that sent a shiver down his spine. Too close. Too close, indeed, considering this brief encounter.

"Presssss on!" he hissed.

Whether the crew heard him or not, he didn't know, but they did keep fighting, the ship sailing on. There was no time to stay behind and take control and ownership of the whole species, after all. They needed to be further north by the end of the day, and further still by the next. If the -


Once more, their ship shook, rolling to the other side, and once more, Lorenus had to put his coils to use to save himself, his perch, and several other soldiers that were rolling off to the side. He pulled them back, shaking his head. For a moment, he was half-sure that their ship had hit something, but the truth of the matter revealed itself as the ship ahead of theirs rolled, tilting over.

It must have been boarded and blown out through the bottom. The orcas knew that they were up to something, and they were ensuring that the battle took place on their terms, if they possibly could.


"Forward!" he roared, waving his hand at the elephants and the other species onboard. "Forward! Ssssail through!"

"You heard the Emperor!" the former Kgosi shouted. "Forward! Don't dare slow!"

Don't dare, indeed.

He glanced back at the orcas that were on-deck. They were slowing down, which was all for the better for them. Not a guarantee of victory, but it meant that the cukani was having an effect, even though they were out of the water and only had taken a small dose compared to the others still in the sea. He would have to hope that it would be enough to take down their gathered force...and hope that they would follow. They should, considering the drug's addictive nature, but he didn't know if they would for sure. He would have to see what happened, and until then -

Another ship cracked, rolling off to the side. Sailors screamed as they were dragged off their ships and into the deep, either by the orcas that wanted prisoners or by the sharks that needed something to fuck. Either way, he knew that the soldiers wouldn't be coming back to the light of day.



The ships sailed on, eventually leaving the clustered, bloody mass of battle behind. Whether through exhaustion or simply being incapable of keeping up with the ships under full mast, their opponents didn't follow them for more than an hour. Lorenus, no longer distracted by the fury of battle, slumped down and hugged his guts as they reminded him of just how ill he was.

Fighting the swirling in his guts, he turned to the former Kgosi. Much as he rather despised the old king, the elephant had done his job well. The ship was still afloat, and they hadn't lost more than a small handful of crew. Considering the ambush along the sides, that was good enough.

" many prisssonerssss did we take?" Lorenus asked.

"Enough. Twenty or so."

"All orcassss?"

"One shark, but he was close to passing out. We threw him over the side."

Little danger for that one, then, considering that they were better suited for the water than they were for land. Lorenus considered going below-decks to indulge himself with the new prisoners, but put it aside. For all that he would have loved the distraction, his rolling stomach was nowhere near ready for that kind of fun, and he was quite sure that he would end up just puking all over the floor rather than getting any sort of satisfaction. It would be that kind of day, really.

Instead, he looked to the horizon. The sun was slowly setting. They'd have to slow soon.

"Any purssssuit?"

"None that we can see," the elephant hedged.

"Heh...and that we can't?"

"It's possible. The orcas have never been...permissive...about any invasions or outsiders."

"Then we have to hope."

"And keep a steady eye," the elephant said, leaning on the rail beside the naga.

"Do you worry for me?" Lorenus asked, smirking.

"Hardly. I worry for the men...for the soldiers."

"And for yoursssself?"

"Of course."


He had indulged in a moment of curiosity, thinking that perhaps his hypnosis had worked even better and that the once-Kgosi, once-Emperor had seen the light and wanted to keep the snake alive. For that matter, he had wondered if he had maybe earned the elephant's respect during the battle by keeping his own head and giving good orders.

But it was not to be.

Ah well. It didn't matter. In the grand scheme of things, far better to know where he stood, and the elephant was nothing if not honest. Lorenus pushed himself back from the railing, felt his stomach complain once more, and shook his head.

"I will to bed. Ssssummon me if anything happensss."

"Yes, Emperor."

"And one more thing."


"Keep thissss up, and I will promote you again."




Morning came quickly enough, and without any battles, either. Lorenus felt slightly better, either due to getting his sea legs or through whatever other process had occurred to strip him of his nausea. Either way, he went down below-decks, interested in seeing the prisoners.

They were tied to the inner hull, their arms at the sides of their head, their ankles shackled to the wooden wall, and their waists lashed through various mounted steel fittings. They were as imprisoned as they could get, but also about as aroused as he had imagined most of them had ever been. Every orca had their cock up and throbbing, and while some were a little bit more tenticular than others, all of them were sporting a minimum of nine throbbing, oozing, dripping inches.

It was quite the display for the morning.

"How long have they been like thissss?" he asked the jailor, a crocodile.

"Long enough. They were like this when I came on-duty, Emperor."


"Any plans for them, Emperor?"

"For now, no. But tell me if -"


They both turned, the snake in particular eyeing the orca that had spoken up. The bulky beast of a male was groaning, twitching, his eyes fixed on the cock-slit that was just barely spread by the Emperor's morning wood. The warrior arched his back, huffing through wide nostrils, his mouth hanging open to show each and every one of his fangs as he drooled over his chest.


"Hmmm...were they asssking for that before?" Lorenus asked.

"...No, Emperor. They weren't asking for anything. They were almost silent, other than their moans."


The naga slithered up to the doors of the makeshift cell. He had heard that _cukani_had a way of messing with the mind, shifting priorities, but it generally took a very strong dose to make them shift their addiction from the drug to something else. Then again, the drug had not been tested on those that didn't know what they were getting. For all he knew, the orca had been dosed and then decided to blame his new addiction on the arousal that he had, probably looking for something to sate that lust that burned through his balls and cock. Really, only one way to test that.

Lorenus pressed his cock slit against the bars, the pressure on either side allowing his cocks to come free and rise up for them to see. No sooner had the fragrant shafts come loose than the orcas all along the wall lifted their heads, sniffing the air with a groan under their breath.





They were all cock-hungry, now, something that one would never have expected from such large, almost monstrous males. He knew that they had dosed the waters hard with a great deal of cukani, with much stronger doses than usual to make up for the fact that it was going to be dispersed in the water. That should have been enough to keep it weaker, though, not stronger.

Unless the orcas were absorbing it through their skin in a way that they had never anticipated, letting it hit the bloodstream much harder, much faster than it did when the drug was fed to a subject more typically. Lorenus cocked his head to the side as the various prisoners pressed against their restraints, trying to get free, trying to get to him.


He looked one of the orcas in the eye. There was little mind there to work with, but just that glance was enough to tell him that there was plenty of space to build on. The prince had not thought of that. If he could use the _cukani_to break someone, leave them addicted to the drug, but then use the power of his mind and hypnosis to rebuild the person from the ground up...

Well, now. Well, well, well now.

"The more I try, the more I learn," the Emperor muttered.

"Sir?" the crocodile asked.

"Take one of them out and deliver him to my cabin. I want to experiment with ssssomething."

"Um...yes, sir. Anything else?"

"Sssee if you can indulge yourssself with one of them. I imagine that you haven't had your releasssse yet."

"Oh? O-oh. Thank you, Emperor!"

The crocodile saluted him, a rather meaningless gesture at the moment, all things considered. He smiled, however, and gave him a nod of approval, sending him off to do his tasks while making his way out of the decks below to the main one again. The sea breeze greeted him, and he sighed as he looked out at the horizon.

If that was indicative of the general state of things, then he might not have the allies that he wanted with the sharks and the orcas. However, he wouldn't have a threat, either. Provided they had time, they might be able to circle back and get them on his side again, but...

Well, one way or another, things were looking up.

The End