POV: Your Dragon Daddy Helps You Wake Up

Story by Pthumerian on SoFurry

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Here, we've got an M/M story that's second person, past tense. In it "you," the reader, take on the role of a dragon's kobold and wake up feeling quite needy. Luckily, your dragon daddy is here to help!

This is a small, self-indulgent thing I did in order to keep me writing.

I do make a stylistic choice to capitalize "He" and other words referring to the dragon if they appear for the first time in a paragraph. I realize this is an arbitrary decision. I thought it would contribute to the dominant aspects of the dragon and make the reader feel more submissive.

You slept in the dragon's lair, comfortably adorned with the finest pillows and silkiest sheets. It's where you found yourself waking up today. Those items had been procured just for you, specially picked out for your comfort...

...by your Master.

When your eyes fluttered open that morning, you saw Him, the mighty dragon, and the spot on his hoard where he usually slept. The only other thing you could notice in that moment was a particular stiffness in your groin which wasn't unfamiliar to you on some mornings. Still, your eyes closed again and you merely sought the comfort of five more minutes to lay down.

You barely heard the soft rustling originating from the hoard of gold and jewels. The fog of sleep made it all the more difficult. Yet, those heavy steps coming toward you were unmistakable. Your eyes gently opened again and you saw his large, red body striding towards you.

Those powerful muscles that composed His body piqued your interest and, if only a little, were able to cut through the fog. You traced with your eyes their contours from his huge, thick paw up the shoulder, along the side of his back, and down to his thick haunches. Your last thought before you closed your eyes again was how, while walking directly toward you like this, you could glance a peek at his thick sheath.

As your consciousness floated in the waters of rest, you could hear a gentle breathing above you when you bobbed close to the surface. You kept your eyes closed for a while longer, but, eventually, that rhythmic, soothing breathing made your eyes flutter open.

Sure enough, Master was there. He watched you sleep; your silent protector. He wore a warm grin and a soft, blue-eyed gaze whose depths reached deep into your heart. From his chest, which was as big as your entire kobold body, a soft hum sounded.

You closed your eyes again, but not before you saw him start to lean his head down to you.

His snout was too big to do anything but nudge your whole torso. Although, you could tell he was doing it as gently as he could. You felt his warm breath from his nostrils which comforted your tired body even more. You felt another nudge.

His voice was so deep, but gentle and quiet. It had an earthy rumble to it and a benevolent authority. By now, that handsome voice was so familiar to you, that even hearing it could relax your entire body instantly. "Open your eyes, little one..."

You obeyed and opened them.

It always felt good to obey Him.

He nuzzled you softly. You reached out and lazily hugged his snout. Your eyes met his and everything was right in the world.

"It's time to awake," He said so soothingly.

You let out a noise half-way between a whine and moan. You couldn't help but close your eyes again. Your heart was willing, but every muscle and bone in your body ached to rest longer. Doing so would be such a treat with Master this close.

You felt one of those large paws caress your side. It found your cheek and rubbed there.

"I have read your mind, small boy," He stated simply.

It was true. Dragons were especially powerful and fantastical in their magic abilities. Reading your simple mind, especially when you were so closely bonded together, was a trivial task for Him. There was nothing you could hide from him -- not that you would ever want to. You found an odd comfort in that. It was a unique vulnerability that he cherished and one of the countless powers that he naturally had over you as your better.

You opened your eyes only half-way and wondered what he could be referring to. He hung on his words, dragging them out in a sensual fashion. "Something requires Daddy's attention..."

A burning blush flashed across your face and your eyes were truly open now.

He was right. There was no denying the hot passion in your groin you had acknowledged prior. Were you not so exhausted, it would be immensely distracting.

Your Master chuckled deeply. He stepped over you with one paw and left the other beside you. He sprawled on his belly just below where you lay. This positioned his head hanging just above your body. With his paws encircling you, he tugged the sheets off to the side of your bare body with his teeth before pushing those paws against you on either side.

Laying on your side, you gathered the loose sheets into your arms, although his big hands and gentle breath on your body didn't leave you wanting for warmth.

You saw a wicked smile on His face which dominated your vision. "Open your legs up, little pet," he mused. "Let me see..."

Dutifully, you obeyed yet again, even as your blush was like fire. You spread your legs; exposing yourself fully to the powerful dragon.

"Ah, how adorable. That's a good boy." He was speaking so softly now while so close to you. Still, amusement, almost sinisterly, layered his voice. He was keenly aware of the power he had over you as your Master and enjoyed every bit of it.

By His eyes, it was clear that he intended to use this power now.

He chuckled. "Ah, my poor little boy-thing... All pent up and needy... Just... begging," he emphasized, "for release."

He gently licked up your body with his large tongue, not caring if it brushed against your most sensitive areas. You wiggled and relished in the kisses while those paws held you in place. You weren't going anywhere.

You didn't want to in any case.

After enjoying you as a treat, He adorned your neck, face, and lips with proper kisses, being extra careful to only suck very gently. Eventually, he pulled away a little bit.

For a while, you gazed into those bright blue eyes and He looked back into your own. His gaze was composed, contemplative, and content to watch you. Your gaze struggled to stay steady as you breathed hard. Those kisses had worked you over heavily.

His warm smile never left him. "I don't need to read your mind to hear the pitter-patter of your little heart from here... Beating so heavily, so fast, for me..." He licked his lips and if you didn't know better you'd think he was eyeing you up as a snack. "You want to know something, little one?"

Your breathing had calmed to a degree now and you tilted your head.

He pressed his snout to the spot where your belly met your chest, putting his eyes inches from yours.

"I would do anything," He said. "For that little pitter-patter..."

Your groin throbbed. Hard.

"I would move mountains. I would raze armies. I would take the moon from the very sky. All just so I could hear that little heart beat and sing for me..."

You felt a single finger that was almost as large as your whole hand trail up your side, tracing the outline of your body.


He moved to nuzzle your neck.

"...and every day."

His breath was still hot against you and you could tell it was speeding up.

"And I intend..."

You felt that finger trace against your thigh and gradually push inwards.

"...on this morning...

That finger was so close to its mark now. He had pulled back above you somewhat.

"...to make it beat as hard and fast as it'll go."

The finger was gently rubbing on the side of your balls and throbbing cock now. You bit your lip and looked deep into His eyes; suggesting your total submission to him.

Your Master looked down over your body. Your body which belonged to him.

"Ah, look!" He mused softly. "You're leaking."

You turned your head and were now breathing hard again.

"Mmm, but I haven't even started milking my toy yet." He said. "Do I really get him so worked up? Is he just that needy?"

You felt a second finger from the same hand land on the other side of your dick. When those fingers gently squeezed your dick between them, you gasped out.

"Don't worry, soft boy," the dragon deeply cooed. "Daddy will take good, good care of his little pet..."

And with that, the stroking began.

By now, you knew He was a gentle lover. He only wanted to make you feel good. Still, being pinned under him, caught in the dragon's paws, made you feel so deliciously vulnerable.

It made the thick digits, as wide as your wrist, gliding over your skin all the sweeter. They pushed and pulled at your cock. Kneading it thoroughly.

Master was gentle. That didn't stop him from having a firm hand.

It felt good to give control over to Master. To be at his mercy. To belong to him. You were his property and had dedicated yourself fully to him. And in return, he had taken on the responsibility of fulfilling your romantic and carnal needs.

"My little pet's penis is oh, so cute... so adorable as it twitches and throbs and leaks into my paw. He's a good boy." Your owner's honeyed words reached deep inside, touching your very heart. "Mmm... but, I have another plan for you, tiny boy."

You looked up at him in anticipation with eyes glazed over from lust.

"Close your eyes." That warm smile of His gazed down at you. It wasn't hard to obey.

With your eyes closed, he kept stroking you but more gently. He wouldn't leave you wanting for touch. However, you did feel his other paw, his left one, leave your side. But it was gone for only a moment.

A great pressure pressed against your tail hole.

You gasped and opened your eyes. Immediately, you regretted it as Master hadn't told you to do so.

Still, His smiling face was there. This time something was different in his eyes. They were shining with lust.

You looked down and saw it there. It was the rest of his left hand with a single digit out of view under your body.

The dragon chuckled deeply.

The pressure against you renewed.

As one paw worked your cock and another pined for entrance inside of you, you panted and moaned, unabashedly performing a sweet song for your Master.

"Oh, my sweet. My most precious little one," He said. "You can take it; Daddy believes in you."

You could only writhe in raw pleasure as a response. The thick finger knocked on your entrance.

"You know Daddy wouldn't hurt you. He wouldn't give you anything you couldn't handle. He loves you. He wants you to feel-"

You did not give way, but the finger pressed forward. Hard.


You cried out in ecstasy.

Master chuckled at you. He maintained the pressure -- rocking it against you more and more. Plump, thick, meaty digits worked you from both ends.

The tightness in your groin started to rise again. It was approaching the top.

"Are you going to cum, small boy? All for Daddy? Go ahead..." A thick sense of amusement was in his voice. Although the pleasure was starting to blind you, letting you only see colors and shapes of your surroundings, that devilish grin was readily apparent in his words. "Dribble out your loyalty. Dribble out your fealty for me. Show me how much you love me. How dedicated you are to me. And cry out, precious one. Oh, gods, cry out. Let the world know who owns your little orgasm. Sing for me. Sing for all so that all knows that



"Mine." He growled -- snarling the last words above you.

The movement of the fingers on your cock was impossibly fast. So was the knocking at your entrance.

"Cum for me. Cum for me, my little toy! It's so easy to cum for Daddy... And when you do you'll open right up and Daddy will get to touch that precious little spot and make you his. That little spot. Your most intimate place. Let me touch it! Give it to me! It's mine!" He roared.

You moaned so loud. So, so loud. But the orgasm did not come. No. He read your mind and knew it. It wasn't here yet.

He had another plan.

"Look at me, little one..." His soft voice was back.

You obeyed to the best of your ability and looked up. Seeing his handsome, smirking face there, there was only the sounds of your body being rapidly worked over for a few moments.

He leaned down.

He put his mouth to your ear.

And whispered.

"I love you," He said.

The orgasm took you. You screamed.

"Daddy loves you so much, little one."

You felt the hard pressure on your ass. It mounted to a peak and you felt your body give way. The pressure wasn't just on your ass now. It was inside. He had easily found your prostate.

"So, so much. So, so much"

You bucked your hips pathetically in His grasp that easily held you down. Just as he said, you dribbled out your load. Just for him. No one else. Nothing else existed.

"Good boy. Good boy." His whispers were so tender in your ear.

You felt the digits on your cock become slick. They refused to stop working you. The speed only peaked impossibly fast.

"Keep coming for me, little one. Keep coming. Keep coming. You're doing so good for Daddy, aren't you? Daddy's got you -- he's got you, baby."

In your ass, you felt Him finger your spasming prostate where it pressed against it over and over and over. All the while your cock spewed its appreciation for its true owner making you squirm and scream under him.

You looked through lustful eyes up towards him. He was reveling in your noises. Grinning toothily.

Losing yourself in such a way made you never want that moment to end.

"Let it all out, little pet. Pump it all out for me. Your master wants it all."

The stroking slowed. So did the fingering. Down and down, His expert hands that could pleasure you better than you yourself let you ride out your orgasm.

Slower and slower.

More sensually.

And soon...

His words dragged like a hand caressing your head. "Good boy..."


You were still under him. Panting and moaning.

He hummed gently before removing his hands and moving to lay beside you instead.

You turned to face him and were desperate for his loving gaze.

Here, he granted it to you and cupped your back in one paw while letting you snuggle up to the other. Gently, he laid his head beside you on the cushion while never breaking his longing look into your eyes.

You reached out to touch his snout. Each point of contact between you felt perfect. As if it was always meant to be.

"I am so proud of you." He said. His loving eyes softly held you just as his paws did. "So, so proud... You did so well for me, my love."

You rested your head and closed your eyes in bliss.

He chuckled. Simply happy to be around you and to have you as his. "I love you, little one."