Unbroken Resolution

Story by MisstressChange on SoFurry

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#1 of One Offs

A couple, unable to have a child, turns to unconventional extremes in order to keep their New Year's promises to each other.

This was supposed to be my submission for the 2022 Sheer writing contest, but unfortunately I missed the cutoff time :( The subject was resolution/change and since change is an all too familiar topic for me I thought I could work in the resolution angle and try writing something a little more romantic for once. Hope you enjoy!

Unbroken Resolution

By MisstressChange

Kyle stared at the bottle of pills in his hand as he sat on the end of the bed. He waited for Leah to finish up in the washroom. Over and over, he turned it in his hand, listening to its meager contents softly rattle around inside it. The coyote ran his other hand through his head-fur and over his ears. In the corner of his vision, his right knee bobbed up and down as he nervously tapped his heel on the carpeted floor.

His ears perked up right out from under his hand when he heard the bathroom tap suddenly shut off. He blew out an emphatic breath, awaiting the emergence of his wife. The door to the ensuite bathroom slid open, thudding against the wall interior, just as it always did. Kyle looked up to see his lovely wife of five years, Leah, leaning on the doorframe in her underwear with her arms crossed under her breasts. She looked as beautiful as the day he met her.

Her black satin panties hugged her waist and were pulled up just tight enough to show off the outlines of her lady parts. Her bra did an excellent job of lifting and separating her C-cups, but his eyes were focused not on them nor her womanly hips. Instead, they connected with her own gorgeous eyes, which unmistakably gave away the concern hiding behind her warm smile. They watched each other, not saying a word. Kyles's gaze fluttered over her form, and as it did, he wondered what she'd look like by the end of the night.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Leah asked. Her smile had faded, visage now matching the uneasiness in his.

"Are you?" He asked in kind.

"I'm okay with it as long as you are, honey. You're the one that'll have to carry the child if we go through with this." She uncrossed her arms and hit the bathroom light switch before joining him on the bed. She put her arm on his naked back and rubbed it, running her slender fingers through his fur. She gave him a troubled look as his attention returned to the pill bottle rattling in his hand. "We can always adopt."

"And save another few years to make the adoption fees? No. Maybe if this was our second child, but not our first

Even before the coyote couple got married, they had always talked about having children. They cherished the idea of raising a son or daughter, watching them grow, discover who they were. They yearned to help them weather the hardships of early life and teach them lessons along the way about right and wrong, all so they'd grow up to be the best version of themselves.

As the years went on, the idea of having a child to call their own was all they hoped for. It was the last piece of the puzzle that was their lives as a couple. It was the whole reason they saved the money to get the house they currently occupied. It had a friendly neighborhood, a lovely school, a brand-new playground nearby. Everything was falling into place for them, yet, it took only a few months to undo everything they had been building. Things fell apart fast.

On New Year's Eve, the two attended a new year's party hosted by Kyle's family. At midnight the two coyotes snuck up to the second-floor balcony. There, alone, they watched the fireworks go off as the new year was rung in, holding each other in their arms. It was there they both made the most important new year's resolution of their lives. That they would have a baby by the same time next year.

"Every year, we make a resolution together and break it." Kyle began to explain, gripping the bottle tightly. "Go to the gym regularly, learn to bake, build a gazebo in the back yard...we never end up following through with our goals. We can't this time, Leah. Not with this, this is too important. We have the means to fulfill our goals, right here, right now, in this bottle."

When the two heard the news that Leah could not have children, it crushed them. They spent many teary nights in despair, and the direction of their relationship was uncertain. They argued more and spent less time together. Nearly every exchange between the two of them resulted in a shouting match. Things looked grim, that was until Leah happened upon a miracle pill sold on the grey market. They were recently created as a legit cure for gender dysphoria, and the couple figured it could serve as an unorthodox cure for their childless.

Kyle turned his head to look at his wife with misty eyes. Leah returned his gaze, tears already running down her furry cheeks. She leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder, placing her hand on his in his lap.

"I know, Kyle. But I'm only willing to go as far as you're willing to go. It's a great sacrifice to do what you'd be doing. Bearing a child isn't easy by any measure, not to mention childbirth. It wouldn't be easy for me either, watching you go through what I should be going through." She nuzzled his shoulder. Kyle turned his hand over, and they held each other's hand, interlocking their fingers. "The choice is yours. If and when you're ready, I'm right here for you, for better or for worse."

Kyle stared at the floor before him, lost in thought. She spoke nothing but the truth. He knew that. Changing one's entire body then going through nine months of pregnancy sounded insane. But to them, the reward far outweighed the risk. So he decided then and there not to give up. His brow furrowed.

"I'm ready. Let's do this, Leah. Let's have a baby." Leah pulled back a bit from Kyle, hand still entangled with his. She nodded in complete agreement.

"Then I am too." They shared loving, reassuring smiles. Kyle wiped the budding tears from his eyes and caressed her face with his hand.

"Let me just put on some music first, you scooch onto the bed." Leah gave him an *mhm* and began her short journey toward their pillows on all fours. Kyle stood up and headed to a long, black shelf where the couple kept their turntable. An extensive collection of records lined the two ranks of shelves below, every bit of music they'd ever made love to.

He pinched a sleeve between his leathery padded fingers and withdrew it from the others. He held it in his hands, looking over the cover art. Then, with delicate touches, he pulled the vinyl from its sleeve and flipped it over between his leathery palms, revealing the A-side. Gently, he rested it on the felt pad covering the platter, fitting the hole around the metal peg in the center.

Kyle pushed the button to turn it on and lifted the needle onto the album's edge. The speakers emitted a few stray, soft crackles, then the music began. The room came alive with the soothing sound of a calm, synth-jazz tune. Kyle and Leah both loved this album. It perfectly set the mood.

Kyle slowly spun around to see Leah, naked and lying on her side, taking in her husband while he stood there in his boxers. He looked over her picture-perfect body as she ran her hand up her leg, resting it on her hip. Kyle forced a sly smirk at her.

"I hope I look as good as you by the end of the night." He complimented her, trying to hide the anxiety still buzzing inside him. The way Leah's sexy smile dissolved away at his comment showed him he was doing a poor job. Leah forced a warm smile and patted the bedspread next to her. Kyle took that as his cue to join her. He removed his boxers and stepped to the bed's edge, then climbed over the sheets to his wife.

"I can tell you're still worried. Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this?" She asked, watching him settle next to her.

"Yeah." He gave a pause, finding the right words to describe his emotions. Then, turning onto his side, he faced her and her concerned looks.

"Look, this is a crazy thing we are about to do. If you don't feel up to it, I won't blame you if you bail out now, nor will I think any less of you. I'm nervous about this too. It's normal to feel nervous." Her hand joined his between them. Kyle let out a quivering sigh.

"I know, I know you would never force me to do anything, and I'd never make you do anything you didn't want to either." He looked into her beautiful hazel eyes before speaking again. "When I think about us, and all the hard work we went through to achieve this next step in our relationship, to just be told it isn't going to happen...the feeling I get when I think about that...it's worse than every bit of the anxiety I feel right now about taking these pills."

Tears were welling in Leah's eyes, and she bit her lower lip, nodding her head frantically in agreement. Kyle could tell as clear as day that she felt the same way. He let go of her hand and brought the bottle of pills before them from the bedspread by their legs.

He pressed down on the childproof cap and twisted it off with a *pop*. He dumped two of the oval pills into his palm. The light of the room shimmered off their smooth surfaces. Leah plucked one from his hand between her fingers. Kyle shifted so he could use his other arm and did the same.

"How many are left?" Leah asked.


"Okay, that's good." Leah calmly replied. "So, if we don't want to stay in our new bodies, we can switch back." Kyle wasn't sure if she was attempting to reassure herself, him, or just thinking aloud.

"Yeah, but we won't get a second chance. These pills are far too expensive to keep making attempts."

"Then let's make the most of these first ones, right?" She looked up at him from the pill. The two had been staring at their pills since they left the bottle. Kyle decided to make the first move. He tapped the tablet against Leah's like they were champagne flutes. Leah giggled.

"Alright then. Let's make the most of them." Kyle agreed in solidarity. "Here we go." Kyle opened his maw and tossed the pill to the back of his tongue, then closed it and swallowed hard. Leah followed suit, gently placing it on her tongue instead. She swallowed her's, and the two looked down at themselves, expecting something to happen.

"How long does it take to work?" Leah asked. Kyle picked the bottle back up and gazed at the label.

"The bottle says five minutes. What do you want to do in the meantime?" He looked over at her to see her giving him come hither eyes. She leaned in and grabbed his shoulders, kissing him. The two spent their short time passionately swapping saliva. They ran their hands over each other's bodies as they did. For all they knew, it might be the last time they'd lay their hands on their original forms.

Kyle was the first to feel it. He pulled away from his wife and stroked his arms. "I think it's working?" Kyle stated without certainty. That's when Leah felt the same tingling in her arms. She brought her hands up to squeeze them.

"Me too. It tingles." Slowly, the pins and needles Kyle felt in his arms sparked up all over his body. Leah as it also did in Leah shortly after. The two grabbed their various body parts as they lit up with these sensations. Their hips popped, and their shoulders cracked, appearing to swap widths with their significant other.

"This is incredible!" Kyle exclaimed, watching his hips widen. His hands went to them as the shoulders his shoulders narrowed.

"This is so...strange...." Leah retorted. The tingling across their forms intensified, and all she could muster was a moan.

Kyle's muscles began to soften and shrink while Leah's tightened and grew. A groan croaked out of him, surprisingly of pleasure rather than pain. The longer these tingling sensations continued, the more changes they brought. Their faces changed to match the new biological sex they were about to take on, and so did their voices.

Their most prominent sexual characteristics were next to shift. Leah's chest began deflating as Kyles expanded. He felt his cock, hidden away in its sheath, begin to shrink. Not to mention his balls, which both shrunk down and started their way up into his body.

Leah's clit began to enlarge, her clitoral hood thickening around it while her labia slowly fused together. She arched her back while Kyle folded his legs up and propped his upper body up by his arms and elbows, trying to find more comfortable positions to whether their transformations.

For a while, they had kept their eyes shut tight. But as the sensations wracking their bodies leveled out and they became used to the feelings, they let their eyelids crack open. They saw their own bodies, still mid-transformation. Then, they looked over to one another. A completely different person gazed back at each of them. Two very familiar strangers.

Kyle and Leah reached out and grasped out for the other's hand, interlocking fingers. Their visages were twisted blends of pleasure and fear. They knew there should be an insurmountable level of pain coming with having one's body shift in such a way and so fast. But none ever came, not so much as a pinch. They were both along for the ride, and it felt so good.

Every inch of their forms changed somehow, transforming ever more into a version of themselves as the opposite sex. Kyle's breasts reached a hefty D-cup before concluding their growth. His sheath had stretched down into a vertical opening, cock nestling into its new hood as a clitoris. Leah now had a furry sheath and balls, ready and willing to impregnate her mate. Her chest completely lacked breast flesh, replaced with tough pectorals.

Then, suddenly, the tingling that accompanied them on their journey withered away, signaling completion. They panted away on the bed. The breaths exiting their mouths sounded so alien to them.

"I...I think it's over." Leah figured. His voice was a couple pitches lower than before, but his verbal mannerisms remained, resulting in a familiar if a more masculine version of her voice.

"Yeah...I think so too." Kyle added in agreement. Her new voice acted the same way Leah's did, retaining the same style of speech, only higher pitched. Their panting eventually died down, and they both turned their heads down to take in the sight of themselves. "Woah. So this is what it's like." Kyle remarked. She brought her hands up to her new breasts to cup the heavy orbs now weighing on her chest. Leah scoffed.

"You have no idea, my dear. Not yet at least," Leah commented, feeling up his flattened, broader chest, then he spread his legs and made for his fuzzy man parts. First, Leah touched his sheath, feeling it out. Then, as the blood began flowing to his canine cock, it grew, rising out of its furry hiding place. Understandably curious, Leah reached up and ran his fingers over the red flesh. He gasped and withdrew his hand at the sudden flash of buzzing across his new prick.

"Pretty sensitive, eh?" Kyle asked with a smirk. Leah turned to his head and returned her smirk with a sly half-smile.

"Why don't you touch your new parts, missy? Let me know how they feel." Kyle's face suddenly dropped its cheery demeanor, and she turned her gaze to between her legs. Slowly, she ran her hand down her belly until her fingers met the sensitive pink flesh of her new pussy. Then, Kyle slipped her index and middle fingers over her labia, holding her breath. Her legs buckled, and a choked moan escaped her throat.

"Oh, god." She remarked in a hushed tone. Leah rolled onto his side to face his novice wife.

"Pretty sensitive, eh?" He teased, mimicking her previous question in a derisive tone. He shuffled closer to Kyle until he lay right next to the girl. "Ya know, Kylie, I can show you exactly what your lady parts can do. Would you like me to?" Kylie looked off, contemplating for a moment, then nodded sheepishly. Leah grinned with malevolence and set his hands down to the coyote girl's hips. "Let daddy Leo take care of you."

Kylie shuddered. Leo's words struck something inside her that had not been there before. The desire to submit, to let a more robust, masculine entity take control, blossomed within. For Leo, the drive to mate surged through him. Seeing Kylie's beautiful, curvy body enticed him to push things as far as she would let him.

His hand rubbed through Kylie's already moist folds, eliciting a gasp from the girl. Then, up and down, he stroked his new wife's pussy, rising up momentarily and brushing over Kylie's clit. She briefly cried out as the blast of oversensitivity took hold of her.

"That's...that's a lot." She whimpered. Leo continued to touch his wife. He dipped his fingers into Kylie's entrance and watched as she arched her back and *AH*ed in response. Leo saw her gripping the bedsheets and chuckled softly. He was going to have so much fun with her. This was only the beginning.

He pulled his hand away slowly and got up from his spot. Kylie opened her eyes, curiously watching him. As Leo crawled down the bed towards her legs, he got a good idea of what was next to come. Her heart raced. "Are we going to...mate...now?"

"No, not yet, sweetheart. I want to make sure you're fully comfortable in your new body for that. Just lay back and let me show you what it feels like all those times you went down on me." Leo positioned himself between her legs and spread them apart as he explained. Kylie did as was suggested and let her upper body back down onto the bed.

"Okay," She huffed. Her breathing deepened, attempting to relax, but her heart still beat as fast as ever, pounding away in her ears. She knew the sounds Leo used would make when she licked her down there. She knew it well. Kylie felt like she was at the top of a roller coaster, starring down the first drop in anticipation.

Leo took his first lap of her virgin pussy, hearing Kylie moan out in shock. He took another, then a third, each time producing another sweet noise of delight from the girl. Gradually, he picked up his pace, sometimes stopping to wiggle his canine tongue on a particular spot or to gently suck on her clit.

"Oh, god! Leah!" She cried, clamping her eyes shut and gripping the bedsheets like her life depended on it. Leo suddenly stopped to look up at her from across her body.

"It's Leo now, sweetie." He said in a firmly sweet tone. "We should get used to using our new names if we're going to cry them out in ecstasy."

"Okay, okay. Leo, it is. Please keep going." She pleaded.

"Of course, princess," Leo said, swiftly going back to work on her pussy. Kylie giggled at the 'princess' comment, which shifted into fits of ticklish laughter as Leo's tongue lashed at her pussy again. He continued his unrelenting onslaught on her lady parts, knowing all the right buttons to press. Her erratic and rising cries of bliss gave away how close she was to cumming. Then, he stopped. He looked up at her sadistically.

"Wha-...why'd you stop?" Kylie asked, mildly frustrated.

"I'd like some appreciation for the hard work." He picked himself up and kneeled on the bed before her, displaying his rock-hard, canine cock proudly. "Why don't you put that pretty new mouth to use on me." Kylie's eyes opened wide at the sight of Leo's throbbing, seven-inch prick. Before this, Kyle would have never considered actually sucking another man's member. But now she was Kylie, and Leo's cock looked like a popsicle on the hottest day of the summer.

"Oh, don't you worry, handsome." She started saying, dropping all sheepishness for allure. "I'll make sure I show you exactly how much I appreciate your tongue." First, she shifted around until she was on her hands and knees. Then, she crawled slowly over the bed to Leo, making sure to sway her butt and tail in the air as she did. Leo watched, enticed. His cock twitched at her performance.

Kylie stopped her nose inches before his throbbing cock. Leisurely, she opened her maw and stuck out her tongue. Then, she ran it up the underside of Leo's rigid prick. He huffed and let out a short groan.

"Oh, yeah. Good girl." Leo groaned. Kylie chuckled. She licked up his length once more, then focused the end of her tongue around his glands. He stroked his hand over her ears and head in an encouraging manner. Kylie wagged her tail and opened her maw wider to take Leo into her mouth.

Her tongue cradled the bottom side of his member as it slid all the way in. She closed her lips and jowls over her husband's firm rod and drew back her head. Kylie sucked the way she always loved when Leah did it just right. The content noises emanating from her partner told her she was doing well for her first time.

"Oh...fuck." Leo moaned. "Yeah, just like that." Kylie persisted, gradually picking up her pace. Her dainty hands rose up, and her right hand cupped Leo's balls, cradling them. Her other hand reached for his knot. Unable to stretch her mouth wide enough to take it, she opted to squeeze and stroke it to make up for her lack of room. Leo let out a lengthy groan. "Oh, Kylie, you're so good at this." He gently cupped her ears, massaging the insides tenderly with his thumbs.

Kylie continued to please her man, just like she liked it when she was in his position. His manly moans appeared to be increasing in volume. Encouraging words like "good girl" and "yeah babe" flowed into her ears. It only made her wetter.

With a soggy *pop*, she released the swollen member from her maw and backed off his manhood altogether. She sat up straight, planting her rear on her heels, turning her head up at him with lust in her eyes. Leo sighed and looked down at his lover. "Are you punishing me for earlier?" He punctuated his question with a sly chuckle.

Kylie only answered with her own mischievous smirk. Her eyelids sunk sultrily, and she lay back onto the bed, lewdly splaying her legs.

"Maybe. I just figured we could put that thing of yours to better use." She winked at him.

"Oh," He began coyly. "Making puppies, perhaps?" He moved toward her placing his hands on her knee and hip.

"Exactly." She arched her back off the bed. "And now...I'm really in the mood to make some puppies." She fluttered her eyelashes at him. Leo gazed down at her sopping pussy, ripe for the taking. He looked back at her sultry face and grinned ear to ear, showing off his glistening canine teeth.

Leo leaned forward, onto his hands and knees. He dipped his head down to take a long sniff of her coochie before advancing over her. When his muzzle reached hers, the two embraced in a long passionate kiss, the first kiss they had shared since swapping sexes. Kylie wrapped her arms around his neck, and he tenderly stroked her leg. They lost themselves in the moment, feeling their lips on each other's lips and their tongues on each other's tongues. The sweet sucking sounds they made, paired with Kylie's coos, played along with the music.

Leo pulled his hips closer to hers. His red, canine cock slid between her slick folds, and he rubbed it into her, producing elative sounds from her maw into his. Leo withdrew his hand from her thigh, dragging his clawed finger across to take hold of his member. Placing the tip at her entrance, he paused, building suspense within his lover. He broke their long kiss to speak into her ear.

"Ready?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. Just please be gentle. It's my first time." She answered playfully with but a sliver of seriousness.

"Okay, darling. Whatever you like." He slowly pushed forward, his tip finally entering her. Kylie gasped as it stretched her. She clutched his head and neck fur and let out a feminine groan. Leo pressed on, carefully making his way into her. She moaned out his name, feeling every inch gradually fill her.

"Oh, Leo..." Her eyes were clamped tight, focusing her consciousness on every nerve ending being rosed at once. Leo kept up until he could not fit anymore inside. His knot pressed against her vulva, but Leo was unwilling to push things too far too fast with his new wife. Instead, he drew back, then thrust slowly into her. It felt amazing for both of them. Kylie's warm love tunnel massaged and squeezed Leo's member, and Leo's cock stretched and stroked her insides.

"God, you feel amazing." Leo complimented with a groan.

"S-so...d-do you." Kylie stammered out with a shudder. They relished Leo's slow prods, getting a bearing of the sensations brought on by their new genitals.

"Do you want me to go faster?" Leo asked, his voice as smooth and comforting as it could be.

"Yes..." Kylie whimpered back. Leo chuckled into her ear.

"Sure thing, love." Thrust by thrust, he picked up the pace. Every time he bottomed out in her, an ecstatic moan loosed from her throat. Kylie's hands danced about his head fur, stroking his ears. However, Leo abandoned her doting grasp and bent down so his snout could reach her breasts with ease. Taking her left nipple in his mouth and sucked, flicking its sensitive bud with his tongue.

"AHH!" Kylie cried out, caught off guard and never having yet been touched there. Leo turned his head up at her. Seeing her blissful expression, he grinned and went back for more, moving to her right nipple. Taking the whole nipple in his mouth, he swirled his tongue around her areola. Kylie writhed on the bed, grinding her head into her pillow. "Fuck! Leo...Yes! Please don't stop!"

Leo had no intention of stopping. In fact, he had only been thrusting faster and faster as he toyed with her breasts. They were both so close to sweet release they could smell it. It wouldn't be long now.

As Kylie's cries began to peak into shrill squeals, Leo released his mouth from her teat. He opened his maw and clamped down on the nape of her neck and growled, a shred of his new, primal masculine urges taking over as he came. His cock twitched within her, erupting with hot, white cum.

The feeling on Leo's sharp teeth on her neck was the last kick she needed to send her over the edge. She wrapped her legs around his lower back, squealing. Kylie rode the tidal wave of pure sexual bliss as she orgasmed. Her pussy milked Leo's prick for all it was worth.

Leo and Kylie both rode out their orgasms, slowing down over time until, eventually, they both came to a stop. Kylie panted, attempting to regain her breath. Leo did the same through clenched teeth. He let go of her neck and opted to nuzzle it instead, soothing whatever pain he might have inflicted if she even noticed. Her hands ran through his fur will great affection, scratching behind his ears.

The two continued embracing each other in a complete and loving embrace. Finally, Leo pulled out of Kylie and lay next to her. They shared satisfied sighs and stared into each other's eyes like they were windows, revealing to the other the infinite possibilities of their future together.

"So, are you ready to be a mother?" Leo asked with a murmur.

"Yeah. Are you ready to be a father?" She asked, returning the question.

"If it means seeing your new, beautiful face for the next nine months? Absolutely." She beamed a tired smile at him.

"And what if I didn't get pregnant?" She asked. It was Leo's turn to smile.

"Then we'll have to just...try again, won't we?" He reached out and gently stroked behind her ears. She giggled and gave him a sultry look.

"Do you think when we 'try again,' you can use that big knot on me?" Her finger ran down his chest, and Leo smirked knowingly back at her.

"If you insist, my love." He paused for a few seconds before giggling to himself.

"What's so funny?" She asked, giggling along with him.

"I just think it's funny how far we're going just to keep a new year's resolution. It's nuts."

"Yeah, but love makes people do crazy things, right?" Her eyes fluttered about his form before returning to his gaze.

"True. But maybe what we're doing isn't all that crazy, though. We did make a promise to each other." He murmured, his gaze wandering about her body this time, then returning to her doting stare. "I love you, Kylie."

"I love you too, Leo." The two pulled closer and wrapped their arms and legs around each other. They stayed like that for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep, the renewed couple taking solace in knowing that their extraordinary resolution would go unbroken.