Throwing a Race - Erin Part 2

Story by SkyelerTheFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Erin and Aries

Following the two victories by Aries, he and Erin compete in the triathlon he promised he would participate in. Recently discovered ideas and interests bubble up from beneath the surface and cause them to get a little sidetracked.

Throwing a Race - Erin Part 2

Following Aries' win against Zak, the Great Dane, and his taking of the prize that was his coach Erin, the two prepared for the imminent triathlon that Aries had agreed to participate in with his coach. Having never participated in such a daunting physical challenge, the Australian Shepherd was wildly grateful when the event was postponed to the following weekend due to a sudden, unforeseen storm that made it completely unreasonable to hold it. This gave him another week to get in as good of shape as he could in hopes that he wouldn't be absolutely destroyed. He trained diligently, mostly on his own time, and felt somewhat okay about competing. The day before the event, Aries made plans to stay at Erin's house.

The two had essentially returned to their previous state of relationship they had before. A good amount closer as friends but they hadn't had any sexual contact since they fucked in the shower after Aries won his fight. It was apparent that both of them silently acknowledged the attraction and, at least for now, neither felt like acting on it. They enjoyed what they had and were in no rush to add anything extra.

At Erin's house, Aries arrived at around 7:30 p.m. He prepared a hearty dinner for the two of them and shared their enthusiasm for the upcoming race as they ate their meal together. After eating, the two sat back to relax on the couch and put something to watch and eventually both started to doze off. Aries fell out briefly and then jerked awake. Realizing he needed to get to sleep, as well as Erin needing to get to her bed, he lightly jostled her. Her eyes weakly shuttered halfway open and he sweetly cooed, "Hey you. Why don't we get you to bed? And do you have some extra blankets and a pillow for me to use?"

Erin shut her eyes and shook her head to bring her to a more present, aware state. She furrowed her brow as his words were finally processed and she scoffed, "Ugh. I'm not letting you sleep on the couch before running a triathlon, doofus.. C'mon, you'll sleep with me.." She raised herself up and drowsily shuffled towards her room, glancing back a couple of times to make sure her friend respected her wishes. When it became clear that she wasn't going to need to try to convince Aries, she let out a sweet, tired laugh, "Heh. I kinda expected to have to force you away from the couch."

Aries, much more conscious and alert, let out his own laugh and commented, "Ha! Well, you probably would have if we didn't have such an intense day tomorrow." He received no response from his zombie like companion, which made him smile with amusement. He watched her crawl under the covers and lay her head down on one of her pillows. He followed suit and curled up on the other side of the bed before yawning and murmuring, "Thanks for making me sleep here. Heh! Good night, Erin.." He was met with silence, as the female Husky had fallen asleep nearly the instant her head touched down on the pillow. Aries drifted off into a deep, restorative sleep not long after.

The sunlight crept through the window and slowly illuminated the bedroom, rousing both inhabitants of the bed into a much shallower level of sleep. Erin rose up into consciousness first and stretched, finding herself wrapped up in Aries' arms. Neither had much of a love life, and therefore the physical contact and waking up to being snuggled up with someone brought an instant smile to her face. As she settled back into her aussie friend, she became aware of Aries' morning wood pressed against her butt and back and noticed herself subconsciously briefly brushing back against it before she caught herself and reigned it back in.

Aries woke up as Erin gently shook her head to clear her mind. He realized he had embraced her in his sleep and constricted her a little as he greeted her with a tired tone with a held back yawn, "Mmm, hey good morning! Howdja sleep?"

The Husky, having had a fantastic night's sleep, responded cheerfully, "G'morning! So good.. I was OUT! How about you?? She rolled over to face him, mindfully giving a bit of extra space for the hard on between them.

The Australian Shepherd, though sleepy and freshly wakened, noticed the space and realized the reason for it. He blushed and replied, "So great! Thanks for having me sleep in your bed. The couch probably wouldn't have been great prior to a race. Heh. And oh jeesh.. I'm so sorry for that.." He looked down towards his crotch in a gesture to indicate he knew what happened.

Erin grinned sheepishly and nervously chuckled, "You're welcome! And heh.. don't worry about it. Not like it's the first time. Heh. How about we get cleaned up and have some breakfast? I'll hop in the shower while you wake up."

Aries sighed as he tried to relax from his embarrassment. "Oh.. I suppose that's true. Heh. Sounds good!" When his friend hopped out of her bed, his eyes went straight to her ass and were temporarily glued to the image, even trying to look away failed until she was out of the room. He huffed out a sharp breath and rolled to his back, staring at the ceiling while doing his absolute best to clear his head. He should be focusing on the tremendous task ahead of him and preparing for it. He shifted uncomfortably before deciding to get up and do something to take his mind off of things. The Shepherd figured his best plan of action would be to make their morning meal. He went about exploring the cupboards and refrigerator and found waffle mix, fruit, eggs and yogurt. As Erin showered, he cooked up a batch of waffles and eggs then sliced some fruit to put on the waffles and into the yogurt. He arranged it all in an aesthetically pleasing manner and placed it on the table.

As she stood in the stream, letting it pour over her while the room became saturated with steam, a heated feeling between her legs came into her awareness and made her shift and feel like squirming around. She realized that sleeping with Aries around her and feeling his cock laid into her butt and back had stirred something up in her. Erin's hands seemed to move on their own as they glided over her body and between her legs, gently rubbing her upper inner thighs. She lost herself a little in the intense erotic sensations for a little. As her fingers brushed up against her heated lower lips she let out a slight whimper, "mmhhh..." but her noise, which slightly echoed in the walls of the shower, roused her back into awareness and she pulled away. She didn't want to use all the hot water or let Aries sit around her house by himself, feeling that it would come off as her being a bad host. She also didn't know if it would affect her performance in the race. Erin quickly rushed through the rest of her shower process and dried herself thoroughly before returning to her room and getting dressed. She had calmed down significantly and felt quite a bit better and more prepared for the day. Seeking out Aries, she located him at the kitchen table in front of his beautiful work. She grinned and expressed her gratitude, "Aww, thanks so much! I was gonna do that! You're a good house guest. Hehe. I feel like a bad host now though!" She stuck her tongue out in playful silliness.

Aries shined an accomplished and satisfied smile, "You're welcome! I AM a pretty good guest, aren't I? Heh. Oh pshhh, you're an amazing host. Feel free to dig in while I take my shower." He rose up from his place at the table, his breakfast still untouched for the moment, and happily walked towards the bedroom and into the bathroom while taking a quick glance over his shoulder to see the grateful look on Erin's face. In the shower, he had a similar experience to Erin's. He felt a wave of arousal as the vivid image of her ass made itself present in his mind. That triggered strong memories of having her bent over on the mat in the octagon as he pounded away at her sweet cunt in front of a small crowd and the moment he decorated her backside with a large amount of spunk. He had gotten swept away in his unintentional immersion in the fantasy that had taken him. He found himself completely hard with a strong impulse to stroke himself. He felt uncomfortable jerking off in someone else's house, so he rapidly washed up and then rinsed off under fairly cold water. Having managed to reduce his erection to barely a swelling in his sheath, he felt more at ease and got himself dressed.

Once the aussie had gotten prepared, he met Erin in the kitchen and realized she had waited patiently for him so they could eat their breakfast together. They slowly ate, savoring the delicious compilation of different flavors. They shared light conversation and discussed the competition occurring in a few hours. They warmed up in her garage and took a brisk walk around the area to get their blood flowing in advance. The time came to get headed to the site of the event and the pair of canines jumped into Erin's car and began their drive with a thick sense of anticipation and excitement. The male dog had more of a feeling of anxiety, but was reassured by his good friend's presence and support.

Upon arriving, they stepped out and found themselves amidst a massive swirling crowd as everyone sought out the necessary booths for their participant numbers and supplies in addition to getting a lay of the land in advance. Erin and Aries were ready and in place 15 minutes early to stretch and mentally steel themselves. Erin grinned at Aries and joked, "You better not make me carry you when you collapse!"

Aries let out a laugh and rolled his eyes, "Shut up... I'll be fine! Don't worry, I'll crawl my broken ass to the finish line! Hehe."

The Husky playfully shoved her friend and smiled, "Oh we'll see. I mean, you probably will end up crawling. I look forward to it!"

As the race approached, they shared a tight hug and words of encouragement. The first section, as usual, was the swimming portion. The starting gun rang out with a loud crack, prompting the contestants to lunge forward into the water. The air was filled with loud gasping and heavy breathing as the racers were shocked by the frigid water. This section was fairly straightforward, with Erin and Aries trying to keep track of the other amongst the swarm of swimmers weaving in and out around each other. After the swimming leg of the race, the two caught up on the shore and picked up their bikes together. Shaking off briefly, they got to pedaling away and, with quite a long ride ahead of them, got into a comfortable pace. There was, fortunately, plenty of downhill. It was a major relief to both, but mainly to Aries as he could use any easiness to aid him in completing such an endurance.

Aries' speed slowed a little and, since the conversation was minimal, he slipped behind Erin to get a bit of drafting in. He took in the scenery, checking out the deep sea of bigleaf maple trees in the midst of transition of leaf color. A truly stunning sight that held his attention for a while. There were plenty of puddles remaining after the storm and found delight in observing little salamanders crawling around or basking in the limited sunny spots. Over time he found his attention being drawn to Erin's firm butt and her flexing leg muscles as she pushed along. He kept directing his eyes away but always found them right back to where they seemingly wanted to be. He realized that while taking in the image and admiring her rear with her tail swishing back and forth with her movements, he was less aware of any exhaustion or pain residing in his body. Finally surrendering to what his mind was intent on doing, he simply followed her ass on their journey together.

Following their long bicycle trek, they came upon the line ending the cycling stage and the beginning of the final section, being running. They swung their legs up and over, leaving their bikes in the designated area. Erin and Aries took a decent breather to catch their breath, perform some additional stretching, have some water and energy bars. Erin chuckled, "Ahh, you're still standing! Only 13 miles to run! You up to it, 'champ'? Heh."

Aries glared at her then softened and groaned, "Ugh, don't remind me! Yeah... I got it.. heh. Just run, lady." He watched Erin smirk and start jogging, looking over her shoulder and waiting for him to catch up. He saw she was pacing herself a little slower than he expected, and thought accurately that she was holding back to stay near him for support. He was able to run side by side with her and slipped into a groove, once again taking in the stunning scenery and listening to their repetitive breathing and panting. As before, it wasn't long before his eyes were drawn to her. He kept glancing over and down, zeroing in on her bouncing tits this time. Aries could feel himself filling out his sheath, and even poking out just the slightest. His neglected need from earlier in the day had remained, waiting beneath everything, and his desire was being stoked exponentially while they ran in sync.

Erin had been enjoying her run and the silent company and support she had. Similarly to Aries, she had caught her gaze slipping towards him. She quietly drank in his body and lowered her eyes without trying and noticed his budding erection. It stirred up her also underlying heat for him which was kicked into overdrive when flashes of their public session shot through her mind in perfect detail, as if she were actually there again. Her ears were filled with his seductive words he had uttered to her and her skin relived the sensual touch he gave. Her body flushed as she imagined him mounting her in front of the other members in the gym and the way it made her burn hotter when she watched them watching her. She tried snapping out of it and suppressing her instincts to jump him, but while she attempted this, she was thrust into full immersion in her recollection of their shower where he roared and growled at her as he claimed her as his prize for winning the fight. She recalled him shoving his knot in and filling her up with his hot spunk, and she couldn't handle it anymore. She felt a fire between her legs and noticed his eyes fully stuck on her bouncing mounds and she repressed a whine, biting her lip and noticing him become aware of it. He startled and tried to act like he hadn't just been ogling her body and looked anxious and embarrassed.

Erin's eyes released a desperate look as she kept her tone fairly normal, "Mhh.. hey. Follow me real quick."

Aries missed the glow in her eyes in his distracted concern, now worried that she might have something to say about his behavior that could turn out negatively. He managed to get out with a weakness, "oh. Uhh... okay.." His forehead creased as she continued on until she found a tiny sort of trail that lead to a small clearing, no more than 15 feet from the path of the race. Erin stopped as they got there and he shifted tensely in place, waiting on her to say something. Instead, his senses and awareness of the moment faded, only to come back with him finding himself pressed up against a tree. Her lips had already been planted on his and he discovered that he was in the process of allowing her tongue into his muzzle and moaning loudly in surprise. Aries let her dance in his mouth with him but broke shortly after to stammer, "I.. wh.. you.. wait... I.. what..?"

Erin leaned down and nipped at his neck followed by a few licks and kisses. Her finger was placed to his lips as she spoke to him with excitement and a starry look in her eyes, "Shhh.. I saw you looking. You want me. And you're going to fuck me right here. Mm.."

Dazed, the aussie struggled to clear his mind in order to murmur, "Here? Right on the path? Where people will.... OhhhHHHH... mhmm.. I see! Heh." A surprised smirk stretched across his muzzle as he recognized exactly what was happening with Erin clearly fully caving to her recently discovered kink.

Erin nipped his neck roughly while digging her nails somewhat painfully into his chest. She then growled, "Yeah, yeah. Shut your mouth. Make fun of me later, just don't make me wait any more than I have.. I've felt hot since this morning.."

It was now crystal clear just how hot she was, and Aries' own desire flooded him in full pent up capacity. He breathlessly whispered out of shocked weakness, "Ohfff... I have too.." He shook his head violently to center himself and then gripped her roughly by the waist and forced her to switch places with him, pressing her against the tree he had just been on with a powerful force. He heard an alleviation of a great deal of unaddressed tension from her as he brought their muzzles together with passion equaling hers. When she had kissed him before, he had been too lost to give her his full attention, but his mirrored energy and expressed lust for her had her moaning uncontrollably while wrapping one leg around him. He bit her lip and proceeded to tug up on her sports top.

Erin took the hint and raised her arms up over her head and allowed him to take it off. While he worked his own shirt off, she looked up and down his exposed body, feeling an escalation in her stirred up state. At that point, she took the rest of undressing upon herself as she slipped off her shorts and waited for Aries to take care of himself. The Husky took a good long look at his fully erect cock and experienced a sense of lightheadedness following a tingling sensation climbing it's way up her spine.

"God damn, you're so hot..." Aries murmured in his trainer's ears, continuing with an aggressive growl, "Down, girl." He met her eyes intensely and gave a rough tug on her hair. A feeling of satisfaction and excitement coursed through his veins as he watched her drop to her knees and lean forward, catching herself with her hands before crawling ahead to make room. It was clear that she made her way into the center of the clearing to leave room for a possible audience to be up close and, hopefully, all around them. She looked over her shoulder with widened pupils and an almost distressed facial expression as she was pushed to the absolute limit of desperate craving. Aries couldn't let her suffer any more and got behind her, wasting no time in placing the tip of his dick into her and noticing an unexpected level of heat as he entered through her sweet lower lips.

Erin let out a surprisingly high volume gasp, "GaaaaHHHHHHhhhh....!" As the unbearable need inside her was finally given the attention it required. A whimpering whisper escaped her lips, "Ohmygod.... Thank you, Aries..." Though they had only JUST started, her arms wobbled weakly under her upper body and she turned her head forward and dropped it down.

Aries groaned and shut his eyes tightly while feeling her wet tunnel accept him. He flashed a content, ecstatic smirk for himself and replied, "Mmm.. You're welcome. Sorry to keep my horny bitch waiting on me for so long. I'll mm... make it up to you.." His comment had a visibly obvious effect on her as she shook lightly along with his words and huffed out an overwhelmed breath. True to his word, he dug his nails into her waist and thrust into her vigorously while a resonant growl was cast out into the open area.

Erin pushed back into him with perfect rhythm and vocalized her pleasure at a high volume, which would certainly be heard by anyone even at a decent distance away. The sounds of slapping as they humped away blissfully and without any attempt at suppression of their noises. The two were completely unaware that some of their fellow competitors were glancing over, sometimes staring briefly and even slowing down at times to get a good look at the uninhibited pair of mating dogs. Eventually, one of the racers was compelled to temporarily abandon his activity in favor of checking out a potential opportunity that had presented itself to him.

The male bobcat silently padded his way over the path of dirt and multicolored leaves and over into the circular opening where the pair were performing. He crept over and stood four or five feet away and shyly cleared his throat to announce his presence. "*Ahem..* Sorry.. I uhh... can I uhh..." He noticed a tiny degree of awareness of his being there and shifted on his feet, nervously rubbing his arm. He looked to Aries, who had his tongue dangling out the side of his maw. The aussie male shrugged and gestured with his head at Erin, to convey that it was not up to him.

Aries decided to check for the attendee, "Mmmff... whatdya think Erin..?" He threw some exceedingly hard thrusts into her that caused the Husky to lose her breath momentarily.

Erin, once able, whimpered then groaned, "Uuhhnnnn... just for unff.. now... until someone.. uhhhhhgg.. else comes along... c'mere..." She knew someone, or someones, would be along shortly and the newcomer would have someone to pair with. The Husky truly only wanted Aries, but some quick stimulation of the bobcat could help gather more of an audience. When the bobcat looked at her wild eyed and stepped forward, he and Erin both gazed at his crotch and saw his dick growing in his tight running shorts. The dazed looking Husky watched the feline's shorts drop, causing the cock to bounce out and be presented to her. Normally she wouldn't have participated in something like this, but between her accumulated craving and Aries' rough pounding, the unusual interest to take a second dick consumed her. The two coordinated and Erin was able to allow the bobcat's cock to slide through her lips and to fill her muzzle with his already throbbing meat.

Aries was enamored with the image and couldn't help but to growl with an even more fierce heat filling his voice, "Mmmfff.. yeah, suck that dick, my little slut.. draw us a nice, big crowd.. just like you want it.. right?"

The Shepherd's trainer shivered and shook as she nodded and tried agreeing with a cock muffled vocalization and nodding with a clear effort. She slid her lips up and down the stranger's cock, which dribbled a gentle taste of pre onto her tongue. She worked the shaft as best she could, causing the new male to join in their symphony of pleasure, in hopes of drawing in an audience.

It wasn't long before others started trickling in and joining in. The bobcat removed his cock from Erin's lips when an attractive young swan, with a glorious coat of feathers, came along and gathered her bearings as to how to proceed. Not too much later, there were about 25 others in the clearing, with males on males, females on females, three ways, and some simply spectating while stroking or fingering themselves while trying to figure out how to participate or simply because it was all they desired.

The original pair had surprisingly kept going during the whole time, despite how powerful their cravings had been and how pent up they had been all day long. Aries got an idea that he felt would give Erin something that would drive her absolutely crazy. He grabbed everyone's attention by barking and then demanding, "Everyone! My hot little bitch here would love an audience! Give her your full attention while you enjoy each other!" He watched his command cut through to their consciousness and observed their faces all turn towards her. They had managed to be essentially in the exact center of everything. Aries had one final idea to help them both finish strong. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her into the ground hard, forcing her face to be pushed into a heavily muddy puddle, getting some of it in her mouth which she spit out harshly. He gazed forward to check her response and saw only absolute bliss in the side of her face that remained above the liquid and dirt mixture. He thrust as hard and fast as he could and grit his teeth hard to the beautiful sound of immense whining and howling emanating from the female below him. He felt a massive rush and he pulled out, spraying her back with streaks of hot white fluid, while roaring out and causing some of the others to jump or recoil in surprise.

Erin's vision, in the eye that was able to remain open, faded heavily as she screamed out while she shook violently and her legs buckled beneath her. She tilted her head further to avoid letting any more muddy water flow into her muzzle while she took long, heavy breaths. Upon returning to reality, she glanced around slowly and weakly in search of Aries. She lifted her face and went to wipe the muddy half off, but found that he was right there waiting to take care of it himself. He thoroughly cleaned her face as best as possible and helped her to sit up. She dreamily gushed, "Fuck.. I've never felt so good before..." She had a flash of the end of their sexual connection and remembered that he had once again cum all over her back. "Ugh. Again? Get it off of me! Hehe. We have a race to finish and I'm not doing it with your cum on me."

Aries showed a feeble smile and replied, "Mmmhh.. me neither. That was better than I ever imagined.." He paused, considering how to best clean up his coach, and then generally requested, "Can I get some help from someone..? Heh."

A sweet looking chinchilla that happened to be close to them looked Aries up and down and then grinned with a fiery spark of attraction in her eyes. She moaned from currently being seated on a female red panda and pet her head. "Mmm.. one second, you." She crawled over to Erin and Aries and lapped and sucked up the long ropes of Aries' seed while making direct eye contact with him. "Mmm, not bad. There, off you go sweeties." Without pause, she returned to the almost impatient red panda and gifted the female with the sweet taste she desired.

Erin expressed, "Thanks! Have fun! Aries.. Let's get going." They gathered their clothes with some effort, as there were tops and bottoms scattered everywhere and they had to remember their numbers. After getting dressed, they stepped out of the offshoot trail back onto the main race path and got to walking. Those miles were long, as they had exhausted a large portion of their remaining strength and energy during their time in the woods. Intent on finishing, walking was all they had left for the moment. It was a massive undertaking to travel so far by that method. The two managed to pick up later as they slowly replenished. A little over two hours later, the two crossed the finish line and shared an exhilarated embrace and kiss before making their way back to Erin's car via a shuttle that transported racers back to the starting area.

Upon arriving back at Erin's place, the pair nearly stumbled in and made their way to the shower straight away. Underneath the coursing flow of steamy hot water, the two were cleaned off and rested under the stream, breathing the steam deeply and listening to the rushing and dripping and splattering noises created. Eventually, Aries looked into his friend's face and ecstatically spoke with an undertone of anxiety, "Wow. I can't believe how... I've got no words to describe that! You're amazing, Erin!"

Erin grinned happily and mirrored his sentiments, "Mmm.. it was amazing, wasn't it? Awh. You're pretty incredible yourself, mister."

Aries placed his arms around her middle and took a deep breath, releasing it slowly, before nervously asking, "Heh. Really? Umm... I dunno about you, but I was feeling like going back to friendship could work after our hook ups before, y'know..? But after today, god.. I don't think I want to. You're so sexy and beautiful and sweet and funny and... and... I love that we're both into fucking in front of others! I love having you as my trainer, too. Do you think.. do you WANT, maybe.. to go out with me? I don't want to ruin any of this, and I hope things don't change because of this.. if so, I'm really sorry.." He looked down in fear, but couldn't help but to look up as he waited for her response. His stress shot up while she processed and considered what he had said and asked.

Erin drank in the sight of her handsome, suddenly bashful and self conscious looking friend. Coming to her conclusion, she pulled him closer, leaving their faces only an inch or two apart and shined a compassionate, caring look while gazing into his eyes, "Mmm... you spoke my mind, sweetie. Of course, I will! I'm yours." She pressed their lips together in a gentle but immensely passionate kiss. After several seconds, she pulled away and asked quietly, "Now how about you take your woman to bed... and crash the fuck out? Hehe. I'm so done for today and would love nothing more than to go to sleep with you next to me again."

Aries, swooning and rushing with glee, shared his reply, "Heh. That's all I want! I don't think I can stand up much longer. C'mon, let's catch some sleep. We're still on for tomorrow's training, right?"

Erin giggled and shook her head, "Mmm, no... I think tomorrow's session has to be canceled. I'll refund you for it. Hehe. Sorry, but I need some R&R with my man and will be taking all of tomorrow off. Hope that's alright with you. Hehe."

Aries, feeling the pull of the bed and his head's desire to droop down, managed to get out, "Shit, that's fine with me! Heh. All good, babe! I'm about to fall over. Let's get to bed quick before I collapse and you have to carry me. Hehe."

In less than a minute, the two had exited the shower, dried off quickly, and flopped down into bed. Their absolute depletion had them both knocked out almost immediately, and they fell asleep snuggled up, looking forward to a full day of recovery with each other.

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