Twilight's Harem Havoc: Twilight’s Princess Lust

Story by TheCrimsonDM on SoFurry

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#10 of Twilight's Harem Havoc

Celestia and Luna finally decide their going to start enjoying Twilight's Harem, the first order of business is using Twilight herself.

To say that recovery took a while was an understatement. Twilight had spent the better part of two days being entirely too sore, her body ached and she wasn't even able to poop until the third day, which was fine because she also didn't really need to eat much either. She made a note to herself to never be in an orgy again... at least for a very long time. If she wasn't an alicorn she imagined she may not even be moving on the third day even. Meanwhile, Luna and Celestia hung around the castle. From her understanding even though the others in the harem had recovered much faster, Celestia and Luna were getting to know the others in more friendly, less romantic ways so far.

Twilight had made her way to the breakfast table only to find that once again she was late for breakfast. Her lovers had all left leaving her with Celestia and Luna who had already finished eating and were mostly waiting out of curtsey to Twilight. Once seated and having grabbed a stack of pancakes for herself Twilight looked over at the other two mistresses in her harem, the ones that had plans to use her. Twilight pushed the thought away but she couldn't help but to look upon the two goddesses in front of her, the giants that barely fit in their chairs. Each one of them with breasts bigger than Twilight's head, and although Luna was a little leaner, Celestia was thick. Her hips alone were enough to crush a pony's hips if she so chose. Yet Twilight couldn't help but to imagine her own hips beneath Celestia's ass, being swallowed hole by that giant's body.

Celestia smiled down at her. "Good morning, Twilight. Are you thinking of anything in particular?"

Twilight swallowed and went back to eating her pancakes. Between bites she spoke, "No."

Luna giggled. "She was thinking about us, dear sister. Perhaps we should show her more of our talents?"

Celestia smiled. "Of course, but the table may not be the best place for such a thing. We're likely to break it."

Luna leaned over, letting her muzzle draw dangerously close to Celestia's. Twilight swallowed as she saw those two staring deeply into each other's eyes as if all the world around them no longer mattered. Celestia's hands reached out and found purchase on Luna's shoulders. Luna moved her lips closer still to Celestia's. Celestia closed the rest of the distance as their lips met and Twilight felt herself die inside. They were kissing in front of her. It was so foul, so dirty, and so unbelievably hot.

Twilight continued eating the rest of her pancakes in relative silence as she watched those two continue kissing for a few minutes. Eventually they stopped and Twilight felt her body burning with desire to see more. Yet she was going to control herself. Even if she was ready for such things, she was still trying to eat for the first time in what felt like a week. Once finished she worked on her cold cup of coffee.

Celestia smiled down at Twilight. "So, did you enjoy the sneak peek?"

Twilight nodded.

Luna squeed. "Oh goodie, I'm so glad. I cannot wait until the three of us retire to your room. Me and Celestia are going to take you, hard."

Celestia shot a look at her sister. "Now now, after Twilight's recent... event. She probably needs us to be gentle. We can be rough later on."

Twilight nodded again. "I'd like it gentle please."

Luna let out a deflated sigh. "Fine, our first time can be gentle if it must. Yet you shouldn't worry so much you are an alicorn, nothing we do to you can actually kill you or leave permanent damage. I should know."

Celestia glared at her. "Just because you enjoyed having three arms shoved up your ass, does not mean anypony else, in all of Equestria, thinks that was a good idea. You were bedridden for two weeks."

Luna giggled. "Yes, but I came so hard that I don't think I can ever forget it."

Twilight stared at her Luna. "Luna... that sounds terrifying. Can't we just... touch like normal ponies?"

Luna smiled down at her. "Aw, you're so cute, of course we can. Though I suspect you also want your bottom touched."

Twilight nodded. "Of course, I really like that place too."

Celestia leaned forward on her elbows. "We will touch you in whatever way you want. After all, just the opportunity to take you to bed is enough for us to feel like the luckiest mares in Equestria." She flexed her fingers and for the first time Twilight really noticed how large they really were. "Of course, there are reasons we needed you to get some practice in first. We want our time with you to be filled with pleasure. Not at all with pain."

Luna added. 'Unless you had turned out to like that, then we would accommodate your needs."

Twilight wasn't exactly confident that their willingness to do pretty much anything Twilight wanted was a good sign, yet at the same time she also knew she would enjoy that fact later on. For now she just wanted to focus on waking up and recovering. Sure she could probably do just fine taking these two goddesses but she didn't exactly want to push it just yet. Her body still ached a little. At the very least she knew this was a good sign she was healing, and that she would be ready for their love sooner rather than later.

Twilight downed the remainder of her coffee and stood up. "Okay, I'll think on what you two said. I'm not sure I'm ready just yet for it ,but I'm looking forward to it regardless."

Twilight bid ado to those two amazing alicorns and retreated toward her room. She had plans to mostly just sleep. She was pretty tired, excited, but tired. Once inside her room she closed the door behind her and went to her walk-in closet. She slipped out of her robe letting it fall the floor. She wanted something a little more cozy for sleeping in and she knew she had a pair of blue pajamas in here somewhere. Walking into her closet she looked around for what she wanted but seemed to have a hard time finding them. Once finding them she slipped them on feeling nice and cozy and ready for a nap.

The door behind her closed and she heard a locking sound. Twilight spun around and moved to her door. She tested the handle. It was locked. This was the second time she somehow ended up locked in a closet. This time though she could at least move around and see through the crack between the frame and the door. She had a perfect full view of her bed from here. As well as the two women on her bed making out.

Celestia and Luna were both on her bed, with Luna on the bottom and Celestia on top of her. The two of them making out with reckless abandon. Great, she locked in her closet, and those two had snuck into her room to... touch each other when they thought she was away... Actually in retrospect, this wasn't that bad of a situation after all. Heck she even had water bottles stored in here after having so much experience with her harem.

Watching as the two royal tongues played with one another, and hands slid across each other's dresses and bodies Twilight felt her body starting to burn with that pleasurable itch again. She wasn't going to last long in here. She turned the door handle again, it was still locked. Curses, if she asked for help, even if those two decided to help her, it would mean embarrassment. So she was stuck in there. Twilight tried to teleport even, and realized only moments after that she had placed an anti teleportation spell in her room to stop instances of these two from breaking in, not that it helped at all.

Celestia pulled away from Luna getting a breath of fresh air. "Oh my me, this is hot, it's been forever since we've done this in her bed."

Luna smiled at her. "I agree, five days is too long to go without soiling Twilight's bed, or her pillows."

Twilight growled. Is that why her pillows smelled funky? Because of magical princess juice? That was going too far.

Luna added, "Do you suppose she would be upset with us."

Celestia laughed. "I hope so. I love that girl with all of my heart, but she needs to grow a pair and stand up to us at some point. We're all supposed to be equals here. So let her get mad, in fact I look forward to the day she actually raises her voice with me. I might even get horny from it."

Luna giggled. 'Oh I know I would."

Celestia's hand trailed down Luna's chest going over her breast and squeezing it gently. "So, dear sister, what should we do this time?"

Luna smiled. "Well I've already humped the shit out of her pillow. Perhaps we could urinate on her bed?"

Celestia trailed her hand over Luna's belly before going up onto her own belly and running her fingers up to her massive breasts. "Hmmm, I could do that."

Twilight felt like she could cry. They wouldn't really go so far as to actually pee on her bed and just leave it for her to find would they? That was too mean.

Celestia's fingers hooked into her dress top and slid her sleeve down her arm. "Mmm, Luna, I don't think I can take it much longer."

Luna smiled. "Go ahead then my impatient sister. Strip for me."

Celestia took the invitation to slide the dress down around her chest and pull her arms out fully exposing her alabaster chest with those pink nipples erect and ready for pleasure. Her breasts were massive then again everything about the giantess was massive. Celestia leaned forward and her lips met once more with her sister's. Luna's hands came up and the dark blue fur created a striking contrast as those hands squeezed Celestia's breasts. Celestia let out a sound Twilight had never heard from her before. A muffled moan of pleasure and Twilight couldn't stand it. She wanted to be closer, to be right next to them as they played with each other.

Twilight's hand slid down under her pajama bottoms and she began rubbing her slit as she watched them working on her bed. Her heart was racing and her head spinning, she couldn't stand it. The heat was already getting to her.

Luna's hand moved from Celestia's breast and trailed down Celestia's exposed side and down over the bottom of her dress where it grabbed it and lifted it up over Celestia's ass exposing that glorious thick snowy ass. Luna's hand grabbed a meaty chunk of it and squeezed hard. Celestia moaned once more making Twilight's knees buckle. She had to sit down and lean against the door as she watched through the crack fiddling herself. This was just too hot not to watch.

Celestia's mouth was moving with animalistic passion as her hips began rocking against Luna, no doubt rubbing her wet marehood all over Luna's black dress. Luna was quick to slide her dress up over her stomach so that Celestia was rubbing herself against Luna's marehood now. Neither of them were wearing panties or a bra it would seem. Celestia's hands yanked down on Luna's dress from the top exposing those smaller but no less beautiful breasts and their navy blue nipples. While Luna grabbed Celestia's ass, Celestia was squeezing Luna's tits hard. Hard enough that Luna was moaning alongside Celestia now. Seeing these two goddesses doing something so intimate, hearing the noises they made as they made hot, sticky love all over her bed, was somehow so wrong, so dirty that Twilight couldn't help but love it.

Twilight bit her lip as she felt the heat rise to a burning point inside her and then a small explosion of pleasure through her nerves made her twitch. Twilight kept her fingers downstairs pressed hot against her marehood, even if she'd just climaxed she didn't want her marehood to be cold when she was watching something so hot.

Celestia arched her back and let out a powerful, deep moan that came with her body giving a single powerful spasm against Luna's hips. Celestia stayed still, frozen like a statue, and panting. Luna looked up at her with a satisfied smile.

Luna spoke gently. "Are you done already?"

Celestia smiled. "Mmm, I don't know, let's ask her?"

The door handle was surrounded in a golden aura and it was opened up leaving Twilight exposed with her hand shoved down her pants. The two sisters looked at her with sly smiles as if they'd just caught Twilight with her hand in the cookie jar... well at least her hand was in something it wasn't supposed to be. Celestia spoke. "Now that we can see you, let's ruin your bed."

Luna grinned. "Give me a moment, it's a challenge to pee on command."

Twilight yanked her hand out of her panties and crawled forward. "NO!"

Celestia looked down at Twilight. "Did you just tell us no? No we can't pee all over your bed?"

"No, you can't! That's my bed, I sleep there!"

Celestia looked down at Luna. "Hmm, should we listen?"

Luna's face screwed up and then relaxed. It wasn't a moment later that Twilight heard the sound of something wet trickling out into a puddle. Twilight stood up and ran to the bed shoving at Luna's side with all her might. "STOP!"

All Twilight managed to do was get her sticky fingers all over Luna's soft, squishable side. She didn't' even move Luna an inch. Luna looked over at Twilight. "Oh? Does this displease you?"


The sound immediately stopped and Twilight ignored the astonished looks of Luna and Celestia as she checked to see just how bad the damage was by forcefully pulling Luna's massive leg open. What she discovered was that besides the pool from Luna's overflowing sexual juices, the bed was dry as could be. Twilight blinked and looked back at her. "Explain."

Luna swallowed. "I was just using magic to make it sound like I was peeing."

Twilight sat down hard and let out a relieved sigh. "Thank Celestia."

Celestia spoke next and her words made Twilight's heart freeze over with terror. "Did you just call my sister an 'incestuous whore'?"

Twilight looked up and met the incredulous stare. It didn't take a genius to figure out what her next move needed to be. Twilight rolled over and as fast as she could scampered to her door. She reached the handle only to find it wouldn't budge. The golden aura sounding it kept it firmly sealed. Twilight looked back. "Please, Celestia, Luna, I didn't mean to. Please don't hurt me."

Much to Twilight's horror the two of them began laughing. They were laughing at her expense rather than punishing her. This was mildly better than she expected but it might just be the sign the real torture was about to begin. She was so screwed she couldn't even imagine what those two were going to do to her now.

Celestia calmed down just enough to explain. "Twilight, calm down. We're laughing because that was pretty funny. We're not mad, in fact I'm proud of you for standing up to us when we were likely violating your rights as a friend, lover, and student."

Twilight slid herself to the floor. "Oh..."

Luna ceased her giggling and looked at Twilight. "Yes, I agree with my sister. I also have another idea. You were pleasuring yourself while watching us were you not?"

Celestia hushed her. "I was getting to that."

Luna ignored Celestia. "Now that feels a little like a violation of our rights as your friends, lovers, and mentor."

Twilight swallowed. "O-oh... um... I'm sorry?"

Celestia shook her head. "An apology means nothing if you aren't going to do something to fix it."

Twilight swallowed. "What do I need to do?"

Celestia looked down at Luna and leaned forward letting her massive rump stick out. Although her ass cheeks were too thick to see where her pucker was, even Twilight could see where that wet fur was dripping onto the bed leaving a little steam behind as it did. "Easy, me and my sister seem to both be a little messy now and need a cleaning. I think you know where to go from here."

Twilight swallowed. "I... I'm to clean you?"

Luna smiled. "Oh yes, you are."

Twilight stood up and walked over to them with nervous, but excited steps. "I'm not sure I have enough saliva for that, but I'll try."

Celestia gave Twilight a confused look. "I want cleaned, Twilight. Not pleasured." She snapped her fingers and a large bucket with steaming hot water and a pristine white cloth appeared next to the bed. "Now clean us like the gods we are."

An actual bath. Somehow this disappointed Twilight, she was looking forward to sampling the flavors of her fellow princesses, but at least they weren't trying to abuse her. Not that wouldn't enjoy such a thing, but that she did need to try and calm down after her blunder earlier.

Twilight pulled over a chair to the bed and sat down. She took the cloth in her hand, an impossibly soft cloth and dabbed it into the water. She heard another snap of fingers and looked up to see both Celestia and Luna were completely naked, their dresses had vanished. Twilight swallowed as she looked upon all that naked fur.

Celestia looked at Twilight. "Now come on, Twilight. It won't be the first time I've had you wash my body."

Luna added. "But it will be the first time you've washed mine."

Twilight swallowed as she brought the cloth up toward the two goddesses in front of her. She had no idea where she should start or for that matter how. Yes she had helped Celestia bathe in the past, then again, Celestia had helped her. It was a bonding ritual for them but now that bond had morphed, mutated into something so alien and different that Twilight wasn't sure how she got here. She swallowed and lifted the cloth up to Celestia's shoulder. Just as the cloth touched Celestia's fur Twilight felt something in her heart sink and almost dropped the cloth.

Twilight nearly whispered, "It's changed."

Celestia pouted and gave her a serious look for a moment, before it relaxed. "What's changed?"

"Us... you're not... not my mommy anymore."

Celestia made a small choking noise. "Twilight."

Twilight shook her head. "It's okay, I-I'll clean you now."

Celestia reached out with a wing and wrapped it over Twilight's back. The warm cozy embrace made Twilight feel loved, but it also reminded her that nothing would be the same again.

Celestia's words, however, made her think perhaps she was wrong. "Twilight, no matter what kind of sex we have, you will always be my little girl. I adopted you, raised you, and love you. Clearly I can have sex with my family members and still view them as family. I would hope you could still think of me as mommy and be able to do this, but if you can't... you don't have to do anything sexual with us."

Twilight met Celestia's warm, gentle eyes. "I can still call you mommy?"

Celestia nodded. "Of course you can. In fact, I think I'd rather enjoy that if you only referred to me as mommy while we were intimate. If that's not too much trouble for you."

Twilight shook her head. "N-no problem mommy!" Her heart was soaring again, she was excited, happy, and full of love for the woman in front of her. This was also the first time Twilight really thought of her as a woman in addition to a mom, a goddess, and a teacher. Twilight got to work with as much care and passion as she could running that wet cloth over Celestia's shoulder making sure to clean the fur with as much care to attention and detail as she could.

With each movement of the cloth across Celestia's shoulder Twilight was rewarded with a soft noise of pleasure from her mentor. Luna's eyes watched excitedly as Twilight moved the cloth down over across Celestia's back. Celestia's hair was long, flowing and covered much of her back but with a small amount of magic Twilight was able to move Celestia's hair over to the opposite side so she could gain easy access to that long back. Twilight was already hot with desire as her hand moved down across Celestia's back. The room began to grow warm, hot even. Just as Twilight reached the top of Celestia's thick giant ass, she was sweating from the heat coming off of Celestia's body.

Twilight had to pull away and run an arm across her forehead. Wearing these pajamas didn't help much either. Yet she was going to keep them on for now. Celestia smiled at her, clearly she knew what she was doing to Twilight, and this was her method of teasing. Well Twilight would put up with it for now as she finally went to Celestia's butt cleaning the expanse of fur and flesh on one cheek feeling the soft squishable bottom under her hand. Twilight quickly moved to the other cheek realizing that she was losing herself into the pleasure of this, her free hand was twitching and begging to go back inside of her pajamas to touch herself.

Celestia spoke gently, but firmly gaining all of Twilight's attention. "Make sure you clean all of me down there. You'll need to spread them open to do that."

Twilight looked once more at that ass with a new layer of excitement in her heart. She was going to get to grab Celestia's butt. Sure it was for cleaning, but she was still going to grab it. Twilight reached over with her free hand sliding her fingers between those cheeks as deep as she could. Her finger brushed against Celestia's pucker and Twilight swallowed. She pulled back squeezing on that ass as she did to separate those cheeks and to see that starfish. It was a lot larger than she expected then again, so was the rest of Celestia.

Twilight reached down with the cloth and focused intently on cleaning the length of the space between her cheeks, focusing on the pucker as much as she could get away with. Then Twilight's hand slid further south and the cloth brushed over Celestia's wet lower lips. Celestia moaned as the cloth ran over it trying to clean the wet sticky juices off. They were hot, not so hot to burn her, but close. Twilight couldn't imagine what would be like to actually stick her muzzle down there, but from the scent alone Twilight knew she was planning on it. Her head was leaning forward, lost in lust as her hand began cleaning Celestia's marehood in circular motions.

A slight tug at Twilight's mane made her look up and away. Celestia was smiling at her. "You seem to be distracted. Is everything okay?"

Twilight swallowed and pulled her hands away. "F-fine."

Celestia arced her back and let her breasts face upward. "Good, than clean my chest."

Twilight brought her hands and the cloth up to Celestia's breasts. They were massive, larger than her own head. So cleaning them with cloth alone was impossible, she had to reach out and actually grab Celestia's breast holding it firmly and feeling the soft, hot flesh in her fingers as she worked the cloth over Celestia's breast. Once she cleaned most of the outside of the breast she moved to the nipple and heard another noise of pleasure escape Celestia. Twilight knew her own panties and pajamas were soaked by now, her body was so hot, so intense, she needed to be touched so badly.

Twilight's hand squeezed tighter as she tried to keep her legs shut to ignore it but all she could do was rub her legs together hoping that somehow the small amount of friction would let her climax. Looking down she saw just how wet she was, her pajama bottoms were dripping wet stick fluids down onto the floor. How was this even possible? Was this a side effect from touching Celestia?

Celestia looked down. "I think I've tormented you long enough."

She pulled away and Twilight reached out for her but Celestia was already off the bed. "N-no! P-please, t-touchy!"

Luna laughed. "See what you did to her, you've melted the poor thing's mind already."

Twilight continued reaching out until Celestia laid a hand over Twilight's and lowered it. "Shhh, Twilight. I'll take care of you now. Of course you still need to clean my sister too."

Twilight looked down at Luna's who's legs were spread open, not only was her stomach sticky with Celestia's juices, but her own lower lips were dripping and creating a pool all over Twilight's bed. Twilight nodded, dipped the cloth back into the water to get some clean fresh water and then climbed up onto the bed so she could get a better angle at Luna's messy belly. As the cool cloth met Luna's skin she let out a sharper sound than Celestia had. While Twilight sat on her knees washing that belly free of Celestia's cum, she noticed Celestia walking around the bed and going behind Twilight. Twilight nearly gasped when Celestia's hand reached out and ran fingers down Twilight's back going to her pajama bottoms. Those massive fingers slid underneath Twilight's pajama's and brushed against her bare fur and a finger ran down between her butt cheeks and found a place to rest against her asshole.

Twilight focused on her cleaning of Luna's belly as Celestia's finger prodded Twilight's anus. It was such a massive finger that Twilight thought she might die if it actually went inside her, but thinking back to the orgy she knew that to be untrue. Yet even the fear of pain was offset by the excitement in her heart. Twilight slid the cloth down across Luna's labia and Luna loosed a quiet moan of pleasure as the soft fabric brushed her most sensitive place.

Twilight moved the cloth in small circles over Luna's marehood feeling the heat from it sink through the cloth and into her fingers. Luna quickly grabbed the cloth from Twilight's hand and threw it aside so Twilight couldn't reach it anymore. "Use your tongue to clean me."

Twilight had no worries about that. She leaned over and shoved her muzzle into Luna's massive labia and got quickly to work using her tongue to lap up and down Luna's slit getting more of her precious fluids to come out and flow onto her face. Luna tasted surprising, more like flowers than she'd expected. While Twilight dug deep into Luna, she felt it as Celestia's finger finally pushed more than prodded, somehow sliding into Twilight's ass. The massive finger moving slow as it met with resistance and filling Twilight's back passage with heat and pressure. Twilight loosed a muffled moan as she continued licking up the hole in front of her.

With Twilight's rear sticking up in the air it was easy enough for Celestia to slide Twilight's pajama bottoms down to her knees and to get a clear view of Twilight's everything. Celestia's head moved down and a fiery, hot, and wet tongue met her own marehood easily swallowing it and making Twilight nearly scream as the electricity rode through her from the single lick. Celestia's finger somehow slid deeper into Twilight's ass filling her pas the brim as her asshole was stretched out to meet the requirements of Celestia's finger. Luna's hand landed on top of Twilight's head and forced her muzzle deeper into that precious cunt. Luna began grinding her hips up and down Twilight's face with reckless abandon forcing Twilight to just stick her tongue out and hope it reached the right areas.

With Celestia's finger moving in and out of her ass, as well as that tongue developing her vagina in heat, Twilight quickly lost herself to the pleasure. Luna's hips bucked hard and she let out a high pitched noise as something sprayed out over Twilight's face. Luna's body went limp after that and she laid down closing her eyes. Twilight laid her head down on Luna's belly as Celestia worked her finger in and out with faster, rougher motions. Twilight grunted with each thrust of Celestia's massive finger and her tongue shot hot fire into Twilight's vagina, even Celestia's saliva was hot.

It wasn't long before Twilight let out a deep pleasured moan and her body jerked and twitched as the burning fire erupted inside her burning at her nerves and making her climax so hard that she pushed Celestia's finger out with her ass muscles alone. Celestia pulled away and let Twilight's body fall limp on the bed. With Twilight using Luna's belly as a pillow, and her entire mind awash in lust all she could do was close her eyes as she fell into a quiet much needed nap.

Now that Celestia and Luna were here, Twilight knew things were only just starting to get hot.

FAP: Bunny Butts are Hot Enough

The Seventh Day Bunny Butts are Hot Enough It was finally Saturday, and as such Moonglow could finally go home. She left the warren in the good hands of Penny and the tentacles of Boo. Boo had made a lair for herself in the basement,...

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Twilight’s Harem Havoc: The Harem Havoc

It had been a few hours since the closet adventure with Starlight. Twilight had in the meanwhile managed to clean up, recover, eat food, and then make her way to the library where she was absolutely terrified of what Rainbow Dash did to her precious...

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FAP: Into the Depths of Lust

The Sixth day Into the Depths of Lust Moonglow was busy cleaning the hall. She had a mop in one hand and with the other she was sticking her palm out toward the floor. With just a bit of magic a series of soapy, sudsy bubbles drifted out from...

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