Insanity Dance

Story by Joshywuff on SoFurry

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(c) 2010 Joshua G.

So I had this crazy dream the other night; the night I uploaded my last story actually. Basically, a schizophrenic dog plays with a young gullible mind. He is at times affectionate, at times amorous, and at times completely calloused and unapproachable, and at other times deconstructive. The youth in question is a little more devious than he lets on, however, and misadventure ensues. No, I do not live anywhere near the setting; I just researched a little for a fitting one for my tale.

Also, please forgive the time gap of my absence, as I did something stupid that ended up putting me in legal trouble a day after I started this... this would have been released a whole week and a half earlier if not for that. Thank you jail! ~.~

Insanity Dance

A small red and black decaled S-10 wove westbound across the Interstate 290 lacing through traffic, seemingly in a rush to reach its destination. Nearing the edge of his home city, the driver eventually cut off another amidst frenzied horns to merge left, towards his exit that would take him to... what was it? The grouchy feline grasped for a sheet of printing paper with directions, tucked into his visor CD rack. "East Roosevelt..." He had a few more turns to make, then about a ten mile drive to Wheaton. He looked back in his rear view one last time and hissed softly, still quite sore about his ultimatum. 'Dammit... fare well, Chicago. You will be missed.'

About ten minutes down the road, the young gray tabby arrived in the smaller community of Wheaton and made his way to the local college grounds. "Huh. Looks a lot bigger up close." The first thing he did after finding a place to park near the main building was observe his surroundings to get accustomed to his new home. The short, healthy cat pulled his jeans up a bit further by the belt loops and evened his button-up shirt out over them. He casually made his way into the primary building's main office to fill out the last of his registration paperwork. Nearing the end, the lapine receptionist stopped him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Karl Aluma, but will you be registering to a dorm here on campus?"

"What??" Karl picked up the entire stack of his documents and leaned back in the chair, thoroughly examining the papers his Mother filled out. Sure enough, there was nothing in here about his designated quarters or even meal plans. 'Those bastards... they couldn't even set me up to survive out here?' He was angry, but he thought quickly. "I'm sorry, miss, I wasn't aware. See, my parents enrolled me here, so I really don't know anything about this place or the paperwork here..." He trailed off and thought for a second. Did he want to dorm here, after his parents forced him into this as a means of 'reform?' "Are there any off-campus neighborhoods that attendees regularly use in town?"

"We have a few, just give me a second." The small rabbit turned to her computer and compiled a list of data. She soon held up a print-out of the information. "The names and numbers of campus funded landlords, a couple of apartment complexes and addresses we endorse, and each category is arranged by distance from campus." She broke off to write down a few numbers on a corner of the paper. "You can reach the college at either of these numbers whenever you have decided."

"Hm?" The youth took the papers and looked them over, studying intently for one that would grab his interest. "And then what, after I call you?"

"Well, we have everything right here, all we need to know is your address and we can write that down for you. Any mail or notices you receive will be forwarded there." The receptionist gasped at an important detail she nearly forgot. She grabbed a ball-point pen and took the documents from Karl and hastily began flipping through marking lines. "I'll need you to sign here, here.. and here, and everything else will be taken care of when you relay your information."

After signing and returning the papers, he stood and nodded. "Thank you, but could I ask one last favor? Would you mind recommending a couple of these places to start?"

The rabbit smiled and leaned in, checking off a few starting points with her pen. "I used to rent from this fur whenever I attended college here. This one is also good, and these apartments are a nice balance of affordable and cozy. Keep in mind, the apartments are rather expensive, so you might still have to deal with room mates to live there. Happy trails, Mr. Aluma!"

"Thank you again for all the help." Karl returned to his truck and made his way to her first recommendation.

= = =

At this point, Karl was growing frustrated with his rotten luck. Not a single place she recommended turned up and the Fall semester left many of his other options exhausted. He was down to two landlords and one other community, and he passed up those apartments earlier due to distaste in their rough appearance. Were he feeling patient, Karl would have contacted one of the landlords, but he was tired. Instead He decided to try the complex from earlier since it was closest. It wasn't long before he arrived at the gate.

Before, he simply drove slowly by and glanced through the entrance, but now he wanted to find the superintendent before it got dark; it was about 4:50 in the afternoon. With Fall coming into full swing, night was falling sooner each day. One thing Chicago taught him growing up is that one never wants to be without a safe haven after sunset. Immediately after stepping out of his truck, he locked the doors and looked around nervously amongst the entirety of his setting. He was hoping to spot a building that looked like a business establishment more than a home, and he found something that looked promising. Karl started towards the one building in the complex that had post office boxes, a garden, and no graffiti.

Once inside, an older Koala buried in paperwork looked up over her half-rim reading glasses and pointed to an empty chair. After he sat in the cramped, air-cycled lobby for about fifteen or so minutes, she called him up and rushed through the motions. "If you are a resident, what do you need? If you aren't, which side of the complex are you most interested in?"

His mouth dropped at a slight loss, as he hadn't planned this much out; nor was he expecting such a curt greeting. "Uhh.. Well you see, I'm going to be attending college here, and I need-"

"So you're a student? We have four three-bedroom apartment buildings set up for college lease in the C-block to the Northeast. Feel free to go and meet the students to decide where you would most like to stay. If you decide to stay here, return to this office before 9:00 PM and we will finalize everything." After this very brief explanation, she ushered Karl out through the door, disregarding any other questions he attempted to ask.

Karl decided to make his way to the other end of the community while praying he could find some friends. He was never good at meeting new furs though, and he didn't really have a clue where to begin to meet potential room mates. Whenever he reached the C-block, he carefully walked down the sidewalk and eyed each home for a feel of the residents. One caught his interest before the others, however; there were a couple of students chilling on the front porch area of the third house down.

Of the two was a golden retriever in a black cotton band T and pale denim jeans. He was accessorized with a wallet chain that attached to a low chain-link necklace with a silver bone-shaped dog tag hanging from it. The fur of his head was also meticulously groomed, medium-length and formed like a silky, wavy mane around his neck. The other student, a snow-leopard, was wearing an electric-pink tube top, a black gold-thread pleated skirt and feral-footed lace-up boots. She also wore a studded, splotch-patterned collar with matching bracelet and belt, topped off with fire-pink circle shades and earrings that matched the studs. This fur had bleached hair with rolling faded blue highlights to match the makeup and dyes she accented her coat with. The two were sitting on reclining lawn chairs with a round glass table and ashtray between them, and they were passing what looked like a hand-rolled blunt.

'Great, a punk and a harlot... this day keeps looking up!' Karl thought. Knowing it'd be in his best interest to hurry this along so he could just relax, he made his way up to the pair and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Karl Aluma, and I'm going to be attending Wheaton College here in town. Is this one of the apartments used for dorming?"

The leopard looked up over her shades at him with a cocked eyebrow and slacked jaw, shrugged and passed him the blunt. "Here kid, you could loosen up some. This house is a little full-up, though. Oh, name's Tabatha, by the way..." she smirked. "But you can call me Tabby."

"Very funny... I just want to find a place to stay so I can get my registration over with before nightfall." He examined the blunt and nodded his thanks, took a couple of drags and resumed rotation. "Really though, I would much rather be back home in Chicago anyway."

"Oh, you're a city kit like Tabby?" The Golden grinned at him and extended a paw, enthusiastically shaking Karl's. "Name's Pauli, I ain't met someone from a city that isn't cool as shit. No one there cares what other furs do with their lives, which is great... but no one helps others in trouble, either and that kinda pisses me off."

"Okay, seriously, stop that. I know you're from a small community, but do you have to try and be friends with everyone?" shot an annoyed Tabatha, and she waved her paw at him and looked back to Karl. "Don't bother getting too friendly, because I don't think you'll be staying very long. There are three other houses out here, and many other neighborhoods, so try one of them instead."

That stubborn behavior only made Karl want to persist, and so he did. "Look, I'm not here by choice, and I have only two other options left. I really don't want to try my luck only to have everything blow up in my face, either. If I could have my own living space set up so I can prepare for school tomorrow, then that would be great." He wanted to keep going, but instead gave the two a chance to object.

Paul smiled to him and leaned forward, elbows propped on his knees. "I wouldn't mind you living here; you seem polite and do sound like you could use a break. Besides, you're kinda cute!"

Karl reflexively took a step back and blushed, his ears folded back and tail flicked. He felt bad to note the Golden's disheartened look, so he reassured him. "Oh no, I don't have anything wrong with that, you just caught me off guard. Not used to uh.. getting hit on, especially by guys."

"How many times do we have to tell you to watch what you say? Freaking out random strangers..." Tabby sighed and shook her head, and Pauli looked down to his clasped paws. "Look, I'm sorry about Pauli, he does that to almost everyone. He's not really a suck-up though; it's just how he is."

"I'm sorry, Karl.. Um, really though, I wouldn't mind letting you live here. Why are you so against it, Tabby?"

The snow cat shot a look mixed of disdain and shock. "Really? Have you forgotten that we already have three other room mates? Where the fuck do you think he's gonna stay, with Seth? That bastard barely let you move in, and that's only because you actually pull yours and your roomie's weight around here."

Something in there caught Karl's interest. Who was this Seth, and why do they talk about him like a superior? "What do you mean Seth let you move in? Isn't this place endorsed by the Uni?"

"Ahh, see..." Pauli began while scratching slowly through his mane, searching for the words "Seth is a senior, and he stays in the master bedroom. He was here the longest, and he never leaves on holidays. He sort of claimed this as his house and tolerates us all staying here."

"How does that work? I thought the superintendent handled housing and whatnot here. What right does he have to say who can and can't stay here?"

"Hahaha! Oh if only you knew..." Tabatha smiled darkly bemused at Karl, with furrowed brows and a toothy grin. "You can meet him if you want. He's in his bedroom right now, probably nailing some bitch. Don't come crying to us if he decides to rip out your throat with his bare paws or something. The guy's nuts."

"What! No way, why would he want to do something like that? He can't be that bad... can he?" Karl's gaze turned to Pauli, but he just drew back his ears and lowered his nose. This was serious; he had no idea who this Seth was, but he knew that at least these two seemed hesitant of him.

"HEY SETH! Some preppy city-cat wants to talk to you!"

A loud voice shot from the back of the house, though it was nothing that sounded too intimidating. "Fuck off! I'm busy back here!"

"Well you heard the guy." Tabatha presented the blunt towards Karl once again. "One last drag before you hit the road?"

"No... I think I'm fine." Karl closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then continued. "I'm gonna go back there and meet this guy for myself."

Tabatha watched wide-eyed as the short cat disappeared inside the house. She wouldn't say it, but she had to respect his courage. Instead, she smirked and leaned in to whisper to the Golden. "Heh... how long do you think he'll last?" Pauli just shot her a stern look, which only made her cackle.

= = =

The inside of this place looked even worse than the neighborhood. He entered onto a wide straight and tiled patch of floor that followed a hallway to a door on the opposite end of the house. To his immediate right was a sizeable carpeted living room with a large entertainment center, which housed a massive LCD television and stereo system. In front of it was a rectangular metal framed glass-top coffee table, which was also in front of a black leather couch. Directly between Karl and the television was a recliner that matched the couch; its back faced him. On the far side of the living room was an exotic fitness machine, right next to a curtained glass wall which slid open to a huge back yard. Random posters ranging from drug-friendly and band oriented, to nerdy and comically uplifting adorned the walls.

To his left was a bar counter that opened towards the far end into the kitchen. The counter lined the walls, with the middle on the left wall housing a sink built over a dish washer. The far wall had a glass-top stove a little bit off to the right, and the right wall had the refrigerator. There was also a messy island with stools and a wine rack centerpiece. Across both this and the living room were dirty dishes and trash, scattered cases and disks, and all manner of personal effects and paraphernalia. The wooden floor of the kitchen, as well as the tile hall walkway, was in dire need of sweeping. For that matter, the living room carpet also could also use some vacuuming.

Karl continued his way down the hall and as he did, he wondered which room this 'Seth' resided in. Once past the front area, he checked each door he passed by knocking. The first door on his right gave him no answer, nor did the room directly across it. He figured one of these might be the bathroom, but resigned against checking either. The second door on his right was answered by a cranky, soft female voice essentially telling him to bug off. When he reached the end of the hall and the door on the left, he heard a variety of sounds from the other side. Amidst them were cracks, thuds, insults and screams that could either be the result of extreme pain, or pleasure. Karl had no clue which was the case and hesitated, but in the end, his clenched paw wrapped on the door. He heard a smooth voice swear and seconds later, the door opened just enough for a fur to slip out.

Standing before him was a gray, white-dorsaled wolf sporting an elongated, throbbing erection. He stood an even six feet and had a lean, almost fictitiously lanky figure. His muzzle was long and narrow with large, pointed ears and his tail resembled a fox's in shape and length. By his nature, Karl's eyes were drawn to the smooth, throbbing glistening length and catching himself, his eyes immediately rose to meet its owner's. A clearly displeased look and clearing throat hurried his response along. "I-I... um, are you S-"

"Who the fuck are you, and what do you want?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-" Before he could finish, Karl was back-peddling into the far wall and falling to his rump against it. After a delayed snarl, his paws found his bleeding nose and cupped it while he stared wide-eyed up to the wolf. He was still propped with his right forearm against the hinge side of the door frame, left paw on the pulled over knob. From where Karl was sitting, he could swear the lupine never moved.

When he spoke this time, the wolf closed the door and crossed his arms, eyeing down Karl while leaning against the frame. "I didn't ask you for an apology or what you intended; I asked who you are and what you want. Well?"

Karl, still recovering from the burning sting sensation of his bleeding nose, soon nodded and stood up again. This time though, he remained on his side of the hall. "My name is Karl Aluma, and I was hoping to maybe move in here."

The wolf eyed him curiously; it was similar to the manner one would browse product brands when shopping. A few seconds later, he brought a paw to his chin and nodded. "Seth Martin. And how old are you, kid? For that matter, why do you want to live in this dump?"

"Eighteen. I'm not here by choice; I just want to find a place to stay as soon as possible. That way I can just finish registering for college with no further unnecessary trouble."

After another wait, Seth gave him an answer. "You can use the couch. We'll find out how you work here after a week or two. You better pay your way, or I'll find a way for you to pay it."

Karl didn't like the sound of that, but he didn't really want to turn down the offer, either. It wasn't much, nor was it private, but at least he had a residence, even if it ended up being temporary. "I have money... what's my share of the rent here?"

Seth responded with a half-grin "Great. Since you'll just be using the couch, your share will be... mm... $100 a month plus your own food. The bathroom is right here to my right on this side of the hall, and this door to my left is the water heater and central unit filter. That door cater-corner is Tabatha and Janet, and the door next to it is for Pauli and Lucas; they are an item, just so you know. And this is my room. I'll tell you only once: Don't disturb me." After that short welcome and introduction, the wolf went promptly back into his room, leaving the young tabby alone.

"Well, I guess there's nothing left but to make it official..." he muttered to himself, then made his way back to the front office.

= = =

His first night in this place was going relatively smooth, all things considered. It wasn't that long ago that a sleek, sultry vixen emerged from Seth's room and left promptly. Soon following that, Lucas returned from his evening job and the golden retriever hurriedly followed his Dobie boyfriend straight to their room. Karl couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy, seeing how enthusiastic those two were, and then he remembered Tabatha. He went outside to talk with her, but found no one there. As much as he liked having a place to stay, it bugged him that these furs didn't mingle too awful much. While he might have been fine with this under any other circumstances, he couldn't exactly deny that he really wanted to learn more about them; he might be living with this lot for the remainder of the semester, after all.

Bored, lonely and now starting on the verge of depression, Karl decided to set up his bed on the couch and lay across it. His gaze focused on the blank television and various media devices attached to it. He was paying for the couch and from where he was sitting, that sort of made the living room his own personal quarters. A grin spread on his stubby muzzle and he grabbed the nearest video game controller. He made himself comfortable in the recliner, seeing as it was now 'his room.'

After he sampled his way through a few of the games at his disposal, Karl heard a door open. He kicked back the recliner and glanced down the hall in time to see a small coyote sauntering out of the far room on the right, and he had to admit that she looked damn good. Whether it was the way those classic high-heels and ornate earrings and necklace accented her silky black evening gown with those flared long sleeves, the obvious time she sunk into tending to her luscious russet and gray-brown pelt, or the way it all worked so well together, he had to admit that she was beautiful. The oval-frame eye-glasses accented her classy appearance well; she was definitely one of those few females that grabbed his interest.

"H-.. Hello, Janet was it?"

The yote stopped and stared curious, but confused at the fur in her living room. "I'm sorry? I don't recognize you, are you one of my roomies' guest?"

"No, I um... I just moved in today, actually. What kept you in there all day?"

"New here? Welcome then, I suppose. And before I answer that, how about telling me who you are?"

"Oh, please excuse my manners, name's Karl and I'm a freshman at Wheaton; but I guess that's obvious."

"Charmed. And yes, I'm Janet, or Jan, or Jane; which ever you prefer. I was preparing my gear to start school tomorrow. What are you doing here, hmm?" She shot a glance to the television and smirked at the dashboard, pointing with a dew claw over her shoulder. "Hard at work, I see?"

Karl closed his eyes and shrugged. "I'm just bored. The couple is in there making noise, Tabatha is nowhere to be seen and I don't think I want to try Seth again..." he rubbed his nose and frowned. "Would it be too much trouble to ask you to keep me company a bit?"

Jan smiled, moved to the couch and propped her elbows up on the arm, facing the feline. "Yeah, Tabby is probably out hitting up the nightlife; she does that a lot. And you're smart to not bother Seth." A mischievous twinkle and snagged fang graced her expression. "You could always just knock on the fags' door, they might let you join."

"I'm not that easy... Hey, how about yourself?" He turned to face the yote and leaned on the arm, chin in paw. "I got to meet everyone else but Lucas, why don't we talk about you for a while?"

"There isn't much to say. I'm a boring little geek that studies her ass off, and I like children's toys and games and activities. That's mostly because growing up and violence both suck. How about yourself, huh? What the hell made you want to attend college here?"

Karl withdrew back to his seat and stared at the screen. "Ah, I set myself up for that one, didn't I? It's sort of a long story. You think you can handle a stranger's drama?"

"Let me make an appointment with my attention span and get back to you." Jane replied with a wink, and Karl frowned.

"Geez, you could be a little less of a bitch."

The yote gasped and leaned back, paw on her hip. "Well! I was just joking, you little shit... you've got some nerve. So what's your story, kitten?"

"Well since you ask... I'm from Chicago, near the lake to be specific, and I lived with my parents in an upstate property not too far north of Boys Town. My Mother works for the Internal Revenue Service and my Father somehow makes even more money than her working at a packaging supplies company; I figure it's all the overtime. So anyway, I actually attended private schools for most of my life, and they had options of universities across the country for me to choose between after graduation. I certainly wasn't valedictorian, or even in the top of my class, but I did graduate.

"My parents were very proud of me, even if I wasn't the smartest or most athletic, and they pulled strings to keep the more prestigious options available. But that doesn't have much to do with why I'm here. I'm sorry I wasted your time with all of that."

"Okay, look, if you're going to tell me your life's story, write it down and I might read it. I just want to know why you chose this shithole."

"Fine, straight to the chase then. Like every youth, my mind wandered back and forth over sexuality, and I had the drive to do a lot of experimenting, but... well, not wanting to disappoint my parents, I decided instead to wait until I found a potential life partner. By the end of high school, I was on the line of bisexuality, leaning a little towards men, and my parents always told me that they would always love and support me. As I grew, they were always very tolerant of my disappointments, so I made my decision.

"I waited until both of them were home with the following day off work, then I dropped it on them. My Mother said she long suspected it, but my Father wasn't around enough to be so prepared. The three of us had a long talk, and out of concern for my eternal soul, they gave me three options: I could either attend college here with religious courses in my curriculum, I could join the military, or I could try my luck on my own. They refused to see me stray down such a secular path and saw it best to isolate me from environments that encouraged it; preferably where they could keep tabs on me."

"Wow, that's a load of bullshit. I mean I can understand why you told them, but shouldn't your life be your own choice?"

Karl scratched the back of his head and looked down. "Funny thing about that... they have their life set up very well, but I sort of need to rely on them for pretty much everything. My hands are kind of tied here."

"I see. Well, I'm only here because there isn't any other place in this region that was easier for me to get into. I respect your sentiments on celibacy, but come on; random orgies is all part of the college experience!"

'Yeah, that helps...' "Look at this; I'm getting down-talked by a nerd for my abstinence! Thank you so much for the encouragement!" Karl punctuated his comeback with a raspberry.

"Any time! Look, if you want to talk more, you're pretty okay. You're not too good on the looks, but there's definitely potential for charm."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm perfectly happy without risking diseases."


He snickered. "But I will say you're quite gorgeous."

Janet covered her muzzle and smiled, trying to hide a faint blush. "Okay, I'll let that last remark slide. Hey, we should hit the books together some time. I had fun talking with you. I'm going to head out for now."

"What are you secretly a club hound too?"

"Nah, I just want to get out; been studying all day. Besides, I had arrangements. You don't think I'd dress like this all the time, do you?" With a laugh and not a second's more delay, Jan rose and made her way out the front door.

Even though he just met her, Karl felt as though he already had a friend here.

= = =

'The hell is that kid thinking, interrupting someone in the middle of sex. I know he heard us.' thought the annoyed wolf. He picked up his previously discarded miniature whip and made his way towards the bed.

"Who was that, sweetie?'

"Shut up, bitch! Get back on those paws and knees where you belong!"

"Okay, fine, grease-monkey! Now who the he-" A crack of Seth's whip ended her sentence and seared fire through her side. "AH! I said the safe word, you asshole!"

"I never agreed to your fucking safe word! Now back on those knees before I find something sharp to put on this thing..."

Defeated and somewhat frightened, the vixen pulled her limbs back under herself and rose with her ass facing the foot of the bed. Her tail hung over her backside and she looked over her shoulder for approval. Another crack of the whip across her muzzle drew a yelp and reflex made her look straight ahead. Her throbbing, burning cheek dare not let protest.

Seth moved behind her, his well worked left paw gliding up and down the length of his throbbing dick. A steady trickle of his natural lubricant kept his paw pad and penis slick, and with a broad grin, he moved to stand behind his modelesque vixen. The lubed up paw on his shaft moved to her exposed vulva and two claws worked their way in. "Now what were you saying before we were so rudely interrupted?"

"How much I wanted you to get up here and fuck me already." Again, she felt a white-hot sting crack across her back and she yelped.

Seth drove his intruding fingers roughly into her and demanded with a sadistic grin "What was that?!"

That did it; a soothing warmth rose from her hips, up her back and through her body to ease the pain that terrible leather tool inflicted. A very feral, guttural grunt rose from the vixen's throat and she backed up and bucked her hips down onto those fingers while her grunt faded into a rutting moan. "Fuck me! Get up here and fuck my brains out already!!"

The sadistic wolf waited a couple of seconds longer; he was loving this and saw no reason to hurry. "Why am I not convinced?"

The desperate fox whimpered pathetically, and her long, bushy tail wrapped around the fingering paw's wrist. "Please... what do you want me to do, sweetie?"

Seth uttered a fierce snarl and dropped his whip, then his now-free paw trailed from the base down the length of her plush tail and grabbed the middle. The exposed remainder of his left paw wrapped around the exterior of the vixen's feral pussy and drove forward while his right paw aggressively ripped the tail straight back "You don't sound quite sincere enough!"

"ARRGH!!" Had she not known otherwise, the fox would have thought a knife violated her. Blood trailed from her quivering genitalia down the driving paw, and her head hung low as she struggled to recover. The sensation left her drained to the point that her arms and thighs were not able to hold her up without a force of will. She knew if she didn't, it would only get worse, so instead she bore the pain and weakly bucked her hips against the paw.

A slow, but very real smile came to his lips, exposing his teeth. "Good girl..." His paw carefully withdrew and before anything, Seth licked it clean and relished the scent and flavor: a mix of blood, desire and fear. When he felt his paw was clean enough, he moved his muzzle forward and snaked his tongue into her passage. Paying careful attention to the raw, tender walls, he gradually licked them clean and turned his head to the side. The wolf's upper lip pressed a small nub of flesh against his tongue, which withdrew against it. He beamed inside as the vix's only response was to lean back into him and damn near growl a moan. The same paw that just abused this region came up to part the walls, and his lips gently sucked on the clitoris. After a couple minutes of this, he crawled onto the bed, kneeling behind his prey and snaking his right paw up her inner thigh.

The terrible suffering she endured up to his point was worth it; she would admit that to anyone. That paw sliding up her rump slowly traced her lower back and around her side, and the smooth sensation washed away any lingering suffering. Soon, the paw cupped her breast and she could feel his chest on her lower back, and her desire... no, need to be mounted drove her back against him. Her ass pressed and dragged firmly down his chest, and his other paw came up to rake down her neck and chest. With a low moan, she let her head lay back on his shoulder, and his sleek muzzle cupped her neck. Next was the moment she had waited all this time for: a hot, wet and leaking spike gently and repeatedly jabbed her swollen vulva. The hints of pleasure to come that this brought forced her to speak. "Get on with it!" A soft chuckle chilled her spine and the paws on her chest moved down to cup and grip her inner thighs...

When her body slid down against his own, Seth felt he wanted to drag this on longer. He lowered his hips to the high heels of his feral feet, and this bitch still followed him back. She definitely wanted it. He rest his upper body against her back and slowly rocked his hips, just barely kissing her feminine lips with his maleness. Her response made him draw back his upper lip and chuckle to himself at what was coming next: he drove his hips as hard as he could into her. For a moment following that ecstatic shriek, Seth remained still and panted, content for the second to just hold his prize firmly to him. The squelching, sucking innards of this fox exponentially thrilled his loins with a fire that tried to consume every nerve in his body. When he felt he was ready for more, his left paw moved down and wormed between her thighs to grip the base of his cock - his thick knot - and he wagged with glee as the induced throbbing made this bitch shiver in his arms. As a reward for bringing him such joy, the dew claw of his left paw worked up the length into her sucking lips and pressed her clitoris to his shaft. He once again started a slow thrusting.

Whenever her initial shock wore off, she had no idea what to do about her partner's last move. Her spine was on fire and sending signals through her body with enough charge to frazzle out her entire pelt. The most sensitive part of her vagina directly pressed against a smooth, hot and moving rock-hard piece of flesh was something she could honestly say she never experienced. It dropped her back to all fours and forced a paw to curl under her chest. The action also forced her head to lash back and tail to pin to her back, while a series of soft grunts left her throat. By the time she recovered enough to know what the fuck was going on, the claw left and his knot was bumping against her, and all she could do was press back against it. She really did need this now.

That's the thing he loved about foxes: so damn sensitive and easy to drive on pleasure. He didn't have a damn clue if it was all of them, but this and the other two he had responded in kind. It always made him want to tie; who wouldn't be driven to such lust after witnessing throes of ecstasy like that? That was his last thought before he felt a small back against his chest, a paw massaging his scrotum, and another paw pulling his hips into hers. Now he had to tie her. His paws moved to her waist and grabbed firmly onto it, and as they did that bushy tail wrapped one and a half times around his body; how she drove him crazy! His frantic short thrusts against the firmly gripped pelvis soon shortened down to rough, desperate grinding and wiggling. The paw around his rump moved to spread her walls wider to aid his entry, and that was the last push he needed. His knot finally sunk its way to claiming its prize, and the mating pair rutted hard against each other. The hot, tight warmth that pulled him ever deeper was a very nice reward for his hard work, and he resigned himself to just relax on her back and hold his bitch tight. It was not long at all before that cock swelled to its final girth and his seed was sucked from him, while the heavy sac pumped its load into her body. The paw on his nuts moved behind them while the other gently stroked and pet them, occasionally giving a gentle squeeze to his sheath, pulsing with his long climax.

The pair collapsed on the bed. The vixen rolled onto her back and moved her legs to wrap them around the waist of wolf tied to her, and she felt soft paws stroking down her muzzle. She could not open her eyes with the thrill of all the breathtaking orgasms that wonderful tool racked her body with. Soon, she felt a warm tongue on her neck and mouth, then hot breath panting in front of her nose. Her mouth parted and she felt a tongue enter in time to another muzzle closing around hers. It wasn't too awful long until the hot, sating flow of his orgasm began to wear down, and with the tapering trail, her heart sank a little. She would never admit it, but she was a slave to the feeling of a male cumming in her.

Before too long, Seth's knot began to shrink down, and the moment his shaft left her body, the fox's muzzle was fixated with cleaning his crotch. He rolled over onto his back on the other side of the bed and smiled, stroking gently over the back of her head. His tail thumped slowly and head lay back, and his paw rested on her crown kneading those ears until she finished her work. Soon after that, she was getting dressed to make her way back to her own place.

"That was amazing... I've been waiting all summer break to be with you again." the fox stared seductively up to the wolf as she spoke while wiggling into her hip-hugger jeans.

Seth chuckled softly under his breath and crossed his paws behind his head, enjoying the view of the dressing vixen. "Nice to see you again, too, Connie. Thanks for that wild ride. Can I count on seeing you again before this term's up?"

"Oh yeah, you'll probably get sick of me. Good luck tomorrow, sweetie! I'll try and meet up with you if I can."

"Yeah, yeah... hurry up and finish dressing and get the hell out of my house already." Connie giggled and blew Seth a kiss, and he responded by flipping her off. He closed his eyes and retreated into thought after she left. His mind wandered over a number of different things. Each topic he pondered over, he had no less than three different opinions about. This mattered little to him, though; far as he cared, he was just open-minded. He found himself remembering how often people questioned his stability, but he knew he couldn't be; he knew he was perfectly sane.

Eventually, his thoughts became longer, more complicated and more vivid. He drifted off into sleep, and his thoughts became his dreams. Right now, Seth was a child of four, and his father held him up by the tail. Amidst his pleas and pathetic whimpering, the large wolf screamed at him to shut up and swore endlessly. Whenever he failed to stop crying, the hulking figure of his Dad hurled him against the wall.

The impact blew the wind right out of him. His back felt as though it were split in half and the force of it left him with little enough oxygen that it was a wonder he hadn't passed out. One thing for sure, though is that he could no longer cry either, and this finally calmed his father.

"Now, stop resisting, you little cunt..."

Now a paw grabbed his long tail and pinned it to the back of his neck, and another large paw cupped under his stomach. After his body was lifted off the ground, he felt something like the stinging of a hundered wasps inside his anal ring. The pressure grew more intense by the second, and the paw on his neck dug down his shoulder, while the one under his stomach gripped and pulled his thighs.

Eventually, the immense pressure let off and he felt himself suspended by his neck. A terrifying, ferocious face stared down to him, and a large fist smashed him between the eyes. The very dull, but immense throbbing ache in his forhead blacked out his vision for a few seconds, and by the time he recovered, another fist hit him in the gut. As the air was ripped from his lungs, he actually did black out for a few seconds.

"You're useless! You take your whore of a mother away from me, you're so much of a fucking cry-baby I can't even keep a girl thanks to you, and I can't even use you to warm my damn cock! You're just fucking WORTHLESS!!"

The next thing he knew, Seth was facing the wall again and that terrible pain was once again wreaking havoc on his sphincter, then he felt his body pressed to the floor by a large paw on his back. His hips were pinned by whatever was tearing him open, and he felt something smashing repeatedly against his butt-cheeks, around whatever it was pressed between them. He looked back over his shoulder to see a huge, red piece of flesh on his father's waist pressed against his ass, and saw his free paw moving up and down the length of it. Soon that paw gripped a large mass of flesh at the base and the larger animal curled up against him. And then, he felt something hot flood into his worn rectum.

Now Seth sat up straight in bed. The fur of his forhead was matted down with cold sweat, and his breathing was every bit as ragged as it was in that horrible event that repeated itself so many times in his past. He muttered an enraged explicative under his breath and hung his head until his breathing evened out.

By the time he came to his senses, he heard voices in the front going back and forth. He recognized Jane's and thought he heard Karl's. "Heh... the kid's making friends fast. Good." Seth sat on the bed for a moment longer, until he heard the front door open and then close. He thought he might go out front and get better acquainted with the kid himself. He hadn't decided yet, but he hoped that it might take his mind off those memories. There was a stark difference in him he'd yet to put his finger on, and he wanted to learn what it was. 'Enh... later.' Instead, he chose to lay down and nap a little bit longer.

= = =

I'll finish this later...

The Plot Thickens

(c) 2010 Joshua G. Greetings, all! Sorry this took so long to crank out.. it's a collective total of 13 hours of work, but this past week has been crap. x.x I like to think that maybe some of you out there might enjoy my writing style as an art...

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Worth Redemption

(c) 2010 Joshua G. Hello all! Some of you seemed to approve of my craft, and I made a promise to you, that I would go ahead and make more. I said something about middle ages this morning when I hi-jacked this profile, well here it...

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Thicker Than Blood

(c) 2010 Joshua G. Hey all, this isn't my profile. It's actually my boyfriend's, but I highly doubt he'll mind me using it to upload something.. he's very proud of my writing, so I decided to share some of it with the world.. or at least, the furry...

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