Item Not As Described

Story by Dirty Little Secret on SoFurry

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#23 of Complete Stories

Kimberly was so excited about her new swimsuit that she hyped it up a lot to her friends on the way to the beach even though it had just arrived after ordering it online. She hadn't even seen it yet. Now that she's opened the box in the changing room, though, she finds a tiny bikini ... and she has a tough choice to make. Though she'll eventually find out that making the right choice is a lot more fun than she'd thought it would be.

F (Deer) x M (Horse). Public nudity, public groping, semi-public sex, beach sex, brief sexual assault, slow burn romance, possible impregnation, vaginal. 16347 words in 1 chapter.

Cover art custom made by Unconventional Render. Used with permission.

I held on to the window opening of Phil's car, hoping that would be enough to keep all my friends from leaving. "Come on," I told them, "look at the tracking app - it's almost here!"

"Ugh!" Macy - pretty much the sluttiest bunny I knew except for maybe her twin sister - shouted from the back seat. "Why do we have to wait so long just for a stupid swimsuit? Just wear an old one!"

"It'll be here any minute!" I showed them my phone. The thing said it was being delivered right now.

Phil looked at me, shaking his head. "Kimmy, I can't wait here in the driveway all day waiting for your new swimsuit. What if it doesn't come at all? Everybody wants to go to the beach."

I leaned a little bit into the window. "Please?"

"Get something else and get in the car," Lacy - Macy's twin sister - yelled.

Brittany - the jet-black and always perfect cat - moaned from the back seat. "We've got to leave sometime, or we're going to miss out on it entirely!"

Phil put the big SUV into reverse, though he was still holding the brakes. "Um... Sorry, Kimmy." He was the most soft-spoken and friendly guy any of them knew, but he also had a hard time telling anybody no, and all the pressure from the back seat must have been getting to him, or he'd never threaten to just leave like that.

Thankfully, it wouldn't come to that. A delivery truck appeared around the bend in the road.

"There it is! There it is!" I shouted, pointing.

"Wow, Kimberly," Nicole said from the passenger seat. "I don't think I've ever heard you talk so loud!"

She was a gazelle, tall and thin, and besides me, she was usually the quiet one. But she was right. I hardly ever spoke up, and never this much. Maybe that just came with being a doe? But I just had to this time!

Without waiting for their response, I ran across the street to my mailbox and waited for the delivery driver to drop off my package. I took the small box right out of his hands before he even got close to the mailbox, which sure put a look of confusion on his foxy face ... but I was running back across the road before he could even say anything about it.

As soon as I was there, I opened up the back door. Macy had to get out so I could fold the seat up and get way back in the third row ... which she managed to look so put-out about. Her snow-white bunny face was really good at pouting. Her and her sister both.

But I didn't care. I clambered into the very back while still hugging the freshly delivered package to my chest, my beach supply bag a dim afterthought in one hand.

Soon enough, we were on the road, finally on our way to the beach. It wouldn't be too far. I didn't know what they were so upset about. We'd have plenty of time there, even after they'd waited for me, and we were staying there all night for the big party. Practically everybody from school had been invited.

"Thank you for waiting, everybody," I said from way back there, being sure I was loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone always said I talked too quietly.

Lacy twisted around, looking behind herself at me. The sun in the window gleamed off her fuzzy bunny fur, just as white as her twin sister's. "It took forever!"

It hadn't been that long, but okay...

"Yeah," Macy said. "You're costing us beach time!"

I knew those two were only going to sunbathe and flirt with guys. Would it really be that big of a deal if they had thirty minutes less of that?

"Well, _I'm_glad we waited," Phil said from the front. He was the colt who owned this car anyway, so it was really his call, wasn't it? "It's not good to leave anybody behind."

Aw... I really liked Phil, even though I was pretty sure the other girls only invited him along because his car was big enough for everybody. He was always nice and thoughtful like that, always looking out for everyone.

Brittany fluffed her hair and glanced back at me as well, making a dramatic moment of it - she was _always_trying to practice and become a model ... even though I was pretty sure they wouldn't take anybody with obviously fake boobs as a model. "I hope it was worth it. What were you waiting for, anyway?"

I grinned. I'd spent hours picking it out online, after all. It was perfect!"I got the most amazing swimsuit online - it's going to be super super cute!" I could feel my cheeks heating from all this attention, but I just couldn't help bragging a little more. "Just wait until you see it. You're all going to be so jealous."

"Oh come on," Macy scoffed. "It's probably just another big one-piece thing. Kimmy doesn't have the guts to wear anything really cute."

"Yeah!" Lacy added. "Nowhere near as cute as the new matching ones we've got!"

"Well we'll be the judge of that soon, shan't we?" Brittany said, looking back down at fashion photos on her phone.

Nicole turned around from way up in the front. "Oh don't worry about them," she said, "I'm just wearing the same old thing as always. We don't have to impress anybody. We're just here to have fun."

"No, really - it's going to blow everybody away!" I wasn't going to just let them sweep this under the rug. This was my big moment! Okay, it was still a one-piece, but it was a really cute one with holes cut in it to show off my belly and my thighs - it really was pretty daring, especially for me. And the material was amazing. It was going to look really awesome. And_I got a great deal on it ... which was something most of the other girls never seemed to care about. "You should all be getting your swimsuits online," I told them. "It's _so much better!"

"Are you sure it's even the right size?" Nicole said from the front.

"Of course," I said, "They always get my stuff right!"

"I thought about getting a new one online, but I was always scared they would send me the wrong thing." Nicole still didn't look convinced.

"What are you so worried about?" I waved off her concerns, then held the small cardboard box tighter. "Come on - just wait until we get to the beach, and then I'll show you all. You'll see! It's going to be perfect!"

"What-ever." Macy shook her head. "We all know what you've got is going to be bo-ring."

Lacy, as always was right there with her. "I bet it's not even sexy at all!"

Oh, they'd see, I knew. It wouldn't be crazy and slutty like their stuff - I'd be looking good without being practically naked out there. Then they'd all finally have to admit that I actually have a sense of style.

Okay, sure, the jeans and T-shirt I was wearing now sure weren't anything special, and they didn't fit tight enough to show anything off, but what did they care? It was okay to just be comfortable sometimes, right? Well, most of the time for me. But I just didn't like showing off. Why should I?

Sure, guys were always looking at the other girls and never at me ... but that was just because I'm nothing all that special. And plus, they'd always look at girls who show off as much as Lacy and Macy ... or girls with a giant fake chest like Brittany. But I'd show them. I could look good without any of that, and I'd done it the smart way instead of blowing everything I had at some fashion store.

When Phil finally - finally - pulled into the little parking lot next to the beach, I was as ready to jump out as anyone else. Maybe _more_ready, because that very back seat was kind of cramped and didn't get very good air. He was nice and agreeable enough ... but for a horse, he really didn't seem to understand the concept of going fast. Or maybe the big car was just slow.

Anyway, I had to wait for everybody to get out of the middle seat before I could get out, so I was the last one to step out into the parking lot and feel the salt air.

"Hey," Brittany shouted in her affected European accent, "has anyone seen my sunscreen?" Nicole tried to hand her some, but she waved it away. "No, no dear. I am very particular, and I will not have this sun fading my luxuriant black fur into an ugly brown!"

"There's nothing wrong with brown," I said as I climbed out of the car. I was brown. And so was Phil - a darker, more reddish brown. And even Nicole was kind of a very light shade of brown...

"Where's my towels?" Lacy shouted harshly from the back hatch of the SUV.

"We can't sunbathe without towels!" Macy shouted, shrill enough to make my fur stand on end.

But Phil was there for them, hurrying around the side of the car. "Here you go, here you go. Everything's here." He dispensed sunscreen and towels and everything else anybody needed ... and, of course, he was the one stuck hauling the ice chest down toward the beach. He really didn't seem to mind, though. Such a nice guy. Not a jerk like most of the guys we all ended up dating. But I knew he saw us all like sisters, so it wasn't like it was a big deal for him or anything.

The path down to the beach was a boardwalk strewn with sand that hadn't been swept up ... which of course Brittany whined about. Where did she get the idea that the beach would be clean? We all followed a little side detour of the path that led to some changing rooms.

The changing rooms were nothing fancy, of course - just a concrete building with bathroom-like stalls along each side. I ran_for it, though, still holding onto that precious package. I couldn't wait to show off what I'd gotten and finally be able to throw all their snide comments back in their faces ... politely, of course, and with a little class, but _oh, it was going to feel so good!

"Ugh!" Brittany shouted. "We have to change in here? It's detestable!"

The rest of them, as usual, ignored Brittany's predictable complaints. Lacy caught me just before I went into the first available changing room. "Okay, Kimberly, time to find out what that amazing new swimsuit is!" She tittered derisively.

"Oh Lacy," Macy said, "let's just leave her alone and forget about it. We all know it's not going to be anything to write home about."

Brittany sashayed her way past them. "Well, it might not be as whorish as your usual attire..."

"Hey!" both twins shouted at once.

"...But I'm certain it will be adorable." Brittany patted my head as if I was just a child, even though I was actually a little older than her. "I can't wait to see it."

"Alright," Phil said, laying the rest of their bags down by the changing room entrances. "I'll go around to the guy's side - see you on the path down to the beach!"

Since I didn't need anything from the bags - everything I needed was right there in this package - I was the first into the changing rooms, locking the door behind me with an air of growing excitement. I couldn't wait! Oh, were they about to learn a lesson about teasing me or what!

Sure, it was a one-piece, but it was a racy, sexy one-piece with big sexy holes cut in it to show off my best parts without making me feel like I was walking around in my underwear.

Now that it was finally time, I stripped the tape off the package and pulled it open.

Huh... The little plastic-wrapped parcel inside was a lot smaller than I'd expected it to be. It barely took up a quarter of the space in the box. Was this swimsuit made of really thin, flimsy stuff or something? Or had they just folded it up really tight in there?

Hopefully it was the right size and not a child's size or something. Oh, I'd really be eating my words if they'd actually sent me the wrong size! They'd never made a mistake with my orders before, though.

Getting through the plastic without any tools wasn't easy, but I eventually managed it. My heart racing, I finally managed to get a fold of the swimsuit hooked around one finger, and I pulled it out.

Only half of it came out. Two tiny triangles of fabric with strings on them. They'd sent me a two-piece bikini! Oh no. No no no. This wasn't right! There had to be more in there! Maybe my whole swimsuit was in there, and this top was just extra, just accidentally fell in there?

I pulled out the rest ... another tiny triangle with straps. There was nothing else in there.

My hands trembled as I held the two pieces of the swimsuit up. I'd never even seen one so tiny before! What were they thinking? This was a disaster! What was I going to do?

The little triangles were in an orange and black striped pattern, just like the one-piece I'd ordered, but that was the only thing they had in common.

What was I going to do? What was I going to do?

I couldn't go back out there without a cute swimsuit to show off, not after I'd talked it up so much. And I couldn't go out there without a swimsuit at all. I wanted to have fun at this beach as much as anyone - I couldn't stand to be out there, waiting around, the only one still in jeans.

But I couldn't wear this! It would be ... it would hardly be any better than walking out there completely naked! Everybody would be able to see everything ... or at least as close to everything as to not make any difference! I couldn't wear it. I couldn't! Could I?

Pacing back and forth in the tiny changing room, I agonized over my impossible choices. There was just no way out of this, nothing good I could possibly do! I felt like I couldn't breathe. The tiny, dingy room was closing in!


Oh yiff! It was Macy's voice! From right outside the changing room door!

"Are you done yet Kimmy?"

"Come on," Lacy said. "There's a bunch of cute guys out there on that beach, and we're missing them all because we're waiting so long to see your lame swimsuit!"

I had to wear it. I just had to. There was no other way. And I had to do it fast!

Quickly - before I could think better of it and cost myself even more time - I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down. These jeans, even as loose-fitting as they were, always were a struggle to get down off my big hips, and today was no different. My panties almost came off with them as I shimmied back and forth, peeling them down. The T-shirt was easy to lift off, of course, which left me just in my bra and panties.

The metal mirror on the wall showed me those in more clarity than I might have wanted. Oh, if only I could convince everyone that these_were my new swimsuit! I always wore a full coverage bra for better support of my relatively modest breasts and just to cover up in case something happened, and my panties were pretty conservatively cut ... just normal panties as far as I was concerned. But they were both plain white. The bra had some lace on it that looked very unlike a swimsuit, and the thin white cotton panties would probably soak through and let everybody see _everything underneath. No ... I could never just wear this out there. Everybody would know I was just wearing my underwear, and it would be super-weird.

Weirder than wearing that tiny thing? I looked at where I'd hung the new swimsuit on a hook on the door. Oh yiff.

"Come on, Kimmy, we're waiting forever out here!"

I reached behind myself and unhooked my bra. My breasts only fell down a little bit, nice and perky despite being barely more than a handful each. But they were bigger than Lacy or Macy's, and that was something. Nothing like Brittany's, of course, but at least they were real. Unwilling to touch the swimsuit just yet, I pulled the panties off first. I always thought my thick hips were my best asset, still speckled with a few of my fawn spots. They were sure going to be shown off soon...

Then, naked in front of the mirror, there was no further way to delay myself. I had to put the thing on.

I took the bottoms first, because I was feeling awfully exposed in that unfamiliar little room. They were already tied at the sides with cute little orange bows, so they pulled up just like any other panties. They pulled way up. The back of it was just a string, and it slid uncomfortably right up between my ass cheeks. Would anybody even be able to see it from behind? They'd think I was totally naked! It wasn't much better in front, either. There was a little triangle there, but it was barely wide enough to cup my pussy lips, and even when I pulled it up as high as it could uncomfortably go - which forced an indecent amount of cameltoe - the front of it still only came maybe a third as high as my normal panties. It literally covered up my pussy and nothing else.

What about from behind? I turned around and looked in the mirror. Yeah, the back string of it just disappeared between my ass cheeks. When I bent over a little, I could clearly see the little pink ring of my asshole peeking out from either side of the base of that triangle.

Eep! Okay, okay, so just avoid bending over, especially in front of anyone... What about the top?

Well, _that_was going to be more complicated. I held the little triangles against my boobs, but when I tried to move onto tying the straps, they just fell off! How was I even supposed to do this? Was I supposed to have help?

For a little bit, I just kept fiddling with them and turning them around, trying to find a way as my titties shook and jiggled, just making it that much harder. Soon, though, I had an idea: I tied the top strap ahead of time, while just holding the thing in front of me. I wasn't sure if I was getting it to the right length, but whatever. At least when I slipped the ring of it over my head and around my pigtails, the swimsuit top hung down over my chest, kind-of-sort-of covering me.

Then I had to struggle with reaching behind myself and trying to tie the string that went around my back. That sure wasn't easy, but I ended up managing it okay.

After that, it still took a lot of fidgeting and finegeling to get the cups of the top in place. They were hardly even 'cups', though. Just little triangles of fabric that went over my nipples. And it was _not_easy. I have pretty big nipples, and they were barely even wide enough to cover my wide aureoles. Every time I pulled one into the right position, it would slide the other a little bit, making it show a hint of pink around one edge or another.

Eventually, though, I finally got it. I was covered as much as I could be. And it really was not much. I took a moment to look in the mirror. There was a huge expanse of my smooth lower belly visible beneath my belly button, with just that little triangle cupping my pussy lips. And I knew it didn't hide _anything_from the back. My big, wide ass cheeks would be on full display, not a single one of my fawn dots hidden. And my chest... Almost _everything_was visible above the little triangles, to the sides, even underneath them, the curves of my boobs were totally exposed. It was barely enough to hide my nipples, and that was it.

"Come on!" Lacy's voice shouted from the other side of the door. "We're gonna leave!"

I hesitated at the door. Could I really go out like this? What if one of the bows I'd tied in these straps came loose? It felt crazy to go out there already so visible ... but also so vulnerable. If a single one of these little strings came undone, things would be completely falling off of me, leaving me naked in front of everyone, one of my worst nightmares. Even as I stood there, I kept trying to adjust it, get it to cover a little bit more. Maybe if I stretched it out some?

"You really are taking ages to put it on, sweetie," Brittany said from the other side. "Everyone else is finished already."

"Do you need help?" Nicole's voice said softly. "Or did you forget something? I could help. I promise not to look."

"No, no," I shouted back. "I'm coming out!"

I took a deep breath. Was that true? Was I really going to do this? I had no choice, did I?

Taking my old clothes in one hand, I reached for the doorknob with the other. It felt weird that the doorknob just turned like any other. Felt like it should have been a more momentous occasion ... or maybe it would get jammed up and I wouldn't be able to leave at all ... that seemed pretty appealing at the moment.

But no, the door opened easily. I stepped out.

The first thing I noticed was the gasping. All four girls did it, as if they'd practiced it ahead of time. And as I stood there in front of them, my face burning with the worst blush I'd ever felt and struggling not to hide myself with my jeans and T-shirt, all I could think about was how naked I was. I didn't dare try to hide myself, though. If I did that, they'd all know I wasn't ready for this, they'd all know I ordered the wrong thing, and they'd all make fun of me. I just knew it. I had to stay strong!

The others' swimsuits were nowhere near as risque as mine, of course. Nicole had squeezed her tall, lean body into a simple floral print one-piece that covered everything from neck to crotch. Brittany wore a white bikini with gauzy frills hanging off of it that made it almost dress-like, though I could still see her huge fake cleavage well enough. The twins Lacy and Macy were wearing matching tube-top bikinis that were basically just a strap across the tits - not that they had much tits to speak of, but their nipples poked through clearly - and ordinary bikini bottoms in matching colors: yellow and blue for Macy, blue and yellow for Lacy. But even those two weren't showing nearly as much fur as I was.

"Wow," Nicole finally managed to say. "Um... good for you, Kimmy!"

Not to be outdone with fashion advice, Brittany made sure to put in her judgment: "I think it's wonderful. I... I, erm ... never realized ... what a figure you have."

Oh, that made me want to cover myself up so bad! I managed to resist, though. It was starting to get a _little_easier, but I still wanted nothing more in this whole world than to run back into the changing room, put my regular clothes back on, and pretend none of this had ever happened. That would be worse in the long run, though ... right?

Brittany looked at her appraisingly. "You should really come to my place sometime. Maybe I could find some more nice things for you to wear." She fingered her lips, deep in thought. "Those hips of yours, sweetie. Oh. My. Goodness. I have _got_to see what you look like in one of my miniskirts." She looked a bit more, then down at herself. "One of the stretchable ones, of course. I won't have you bursting my seams."

Macy and Lacy were quiet, at least. They stared at me in some mix of jealousy and scandalous outrage, but it seemed that neither one could quite find anything to actually say about it. That was fine. I was more than happy to leave those two speechless.

Or ... at least they were quiet until I turned to walk toward the beach.

"Oh my Goddess!" Lacy whispered loud enough for half the beach to hear.

"What the yiff!" Macy said, without even lip service to being quiet. "You can see everything!"

I couldn't help my fluffy little tail clamping down at the sound of that ... not that it would hide much. But I _did_feel so very exposed, especially from behind. I wish I could have walked out there strutting and proud, but I have to admit I was pretty hunched down and cowed, trying to be as unnoticeable as I could be ... even though absolutely everybody I passed stared at me.

I was just so_nervous ... but I didn't dare show it. That would only make things so much worse! I had to act like this was exactly the swimsuit I'd ordered, exactly what I _wanted to be wearing.

And there, just at the end of the boardwalk where it went down some stairs onto the dunes and then to the beach, there was Phil, struggling to get all the bags and the ice chest down the stairs. Since he hadn't waited for me like the girls, he was way ahead of all of us.

I hurried to go help him, but then felt the way my boobs were bouncing so freely, so I slowed down ... going to him at my best walking pace. If I kept running, I just _knew_this thing was going to come off entirely. And as awkward as it would be for the girls to see that, I couldn't even live with myself if I did that kind of thing in front of Phil.

"Hey, let me help," I said, bending over to grab one side of the ice chest. Oh, wait. Stupid! I'd already forgotten not to bend over. Too late now - the girls behind me must have already seen everything.

When Phil looked up at me, his jaw dropped. A moment later, the ice chest dropped, sliding and clacking down the stairs all on its own. Luckily, it didn't break or spill open, though - it just thudded into the sand and stuck there.

"Well, that's one way to get it down," I said.

But he just stared at me, his mouth moving dumbly until he finally managed to get something out. "K-Kimmy!"

Suddenly, I realized again what I was wearing, who I was in front of. For a brief moment, my hands darted in front of my chest and my crotch ... but even though I was blushing as hotly as ever, I forced myself to hold my hands at my side again ... even if it was kind of stiffly.

"Um... Do you like my new swimsuit?" I bit my lip nervously.

He gulped, tried to say something, failed.

But by then, the other girls had caught up to me. Nicole bent down and picked up a couple of the bags, passing by us on her way down the stairs. Macy and Lacy didn't pick up anything, but Brittany did. "I think you just made a friend for life," she said, snickering as she walked by.

Macy turned back to her, though. "Oh come on, Brittany! We know Phil doesn't care about any of us."

"Yeah!" Lacy said. "We're like sisters to him. Come on, let's hit the beach and find some real guys!"

Phil nodded along nervously. "Sure, yeah... Of course." He gulped. "Like sisters..." He was still staring at me.

Once I picked up a couple bags myself, Phil followed close behind, dragging the ice chest along behind him. He kept pretty close behind me, though. Must have been pretty eager to get out there.

Or maybe... I looked in front of me at the other girls. Nicole and Brittany didn't actually have all that much going on from behind ... possibly what Brittany was compensating for with those big fake titties. Macy and Lacy, though, had some really nice asses, or at least I thought those were the kind guys like: perky and tight, with curvy cheeks riding high, but without being too fat and wide. At least, I'd always seen guys checking out the twins' cheeks when they weren't looking. Now, though... I thought of Phil following close behind me. I didn't dare look and check, but I could swear I felt his eyes on me back there. On me, not on the twins. Sure, the twins were a little further away, but did he actually like looking at my ass better? Was it just because it was scarcely covered at all? I'd never thought of my backside as being any good before.

Just ... hopefully things would calm down a little once we were all settled in on the beach.

They'd found a somewhat secluded spot after quite a long walk ... and despite Macy and Lacy's complaints that they were going away from all the hot guys. But Brittany had insisted on finding a place that was less busy so she could get at least a little relaxation. And when Phil and Nicole had reminded them that they'd find plenty of guys at the party later, the twins finally relented.

For my own part, I was happy just to get settled down and get some of the snacks out of the ice chest. Things had finally felt a little bit normal while we ate. It gave me something else to concentrate on. Just nice sandwiches and potato salad. Quite good, really. Phil's mom probably made them. I was happy about it, even if some of the other girls complained about the calories. After all, I hadn't thought to bring anything at all to eat.

Soon, though, Phil broke out the popsicles, insisting that they would melt soon so we all had to eat them for dessert right away. And when all of us went back to lounging, all of us sucking our popsicles ... that's when I started to have my mind really brought back to where I was, what I was wearing.

There were just so many people looking at me. Everybody_looked at me. The girls, Phil, every single person who walked by. Old women scowled at me like I was some kind of demon. Old men leered at me lecherously. Young men looked at me with a hopeful smile, and young women either looked away to scold their men or stared in what must have been ... envy? So weird. I don't think I'd ever been _envied before. Even little kids going by would stare and point. One little girl asked why I was naked. I wondered that myself.

All of it, though, made me so nervous. Every time a hot guy walked by, the twins would give their popsicles blowjobs while trying to make eye contact ... but the guys mostly just looked at me.

I started clenching my legs together every time they went by. Because I couldn't deny it - I could feel it down there - all these guys staring at me was making me soaking wet. I was sure that they'd be able to see the wetness soaking through if they looked, and all of them were looking.

For my own part, I finished my popsicle as fast as I could, barely tasting it as I stuck it between my back teeth and broke off pieces. It sure wasn't a sexy way to eat one like Macy and Lacy's way, but I just wanted to get this over with. I was already getting way too much attention - I didn't want to put even more thoughts into guys' heads. It was all I could do not to squirm too much when they walked by and stared. I really wished I could just cover myself up with a blanket or something ... but who does that at a hot beach? It would be super weird.

I wasn't the only one to finish eating quickly, though. Nicole stood up before I was even quite finished. "Okay, come on girls - and guy! - let's go swim! That's what we came for, right?"

"We can't," Brittany said. I knew her accent was as fake as her boobs, and it was so weird how it sounded like 'We cunt.' How did she manage to say this stuff with a straight face? She did, though. "We can't go swim now - we just ate! You'll all get cramps and drown."

Phil stood up, dusting the sand off his swimsuit bottom and out of his long tail hairs. "Actually, um, that's a myth. It's fine to swim after you eat. No medical evidence to say otherwise."

"Are you quite sure, sweetie?" Brittany looked at him dubiously. "At any rate, I shan't be going. I _just_finished brushing my fur!" She'd mostly just been brushing down the fur between her tits ... which I had to admit, did make her cleavage look sleeker and deeper.

Nicole was already getting up as well. "And we won't go too far or too deep, anyway. We'll stay where we can touch!"

"I'll go!" I said, then finished the last of my popsicle. Maybe if I got in the water, the waves would hide my body and I could finally just enjoy myself a little bit ... and at least it would give me a plausible reason for the bottom lining of my swimsuit bottoms to be dripping. Besides, of course, the actual reason. Why should this turn me on? I should have been terrified! Everybody was seeing me!

I followed Nicole and Phil to the water eagerly enough, still trying to ignore the other three girls - and all the other beach-goers - staring at me from behind. Soon I'd be in the water and hidden from them. Then it would all be fine again.

The waves, though... Wow, they were pretty harsh today. The first couple knocked me back a little as I tried to wade into them. At least the water was nice and warm, though.

I got deeper in, pushing through the waves that crashed against me, letting the warm water splash and flow around my body. Now _this_felt nice! All I needed was to get a little deeper, to finally have a little bit of privacy out here instead of being on full display all the time.

At first it looked like Phil and Nicole were going to stay barely waist-deep, but when I kept on going right past them, my cloven hooves digging into the sandy bottom, they both looked, shrugged, and followed me deeper.

Up to my chest, my shoulders ... perfect! Finally, everything below my head was hidden.

When Nicole giggled girlishly splashed Phil, he let out a very horse-like whinny of surprise. It took him a moment to wipe his eyes and turn back toward her, but when he did, he retaliated tenfold, splashing her back mercilessly.

I couldn't let that slide, so I came to her rescue, coming back toward the beach a little bit to help her splash him back.

That did it! He was on the run!

Nicole and I chased after him gleefully, and for a moment, I was finally able to forget about everything. We were having fun on the beach! This is what we came for, wasn't it? I lunged through the water, trying to keep up with him - those horsey legs of his had lots of power and helped him push through the water, but I went a little shallower and had less water to push through. I was cutting him off!

I didn't even notice what had happened. I was just trying to get in position to splash him again. But the moment I turned back toward him, both he and Nicole stopped suddenly.

Phil's jaw dropped; his eyes went wide. He was staring down at me, and he tried to look away, but his eyes darted right back to me. He turned his head ... but also turned his eyes, still staring.

What? He'd seen my swimsuit before, and he'd had time to get used to it. What was the big deal? I got ready to splash him anyway, spreading my arms out to give him a big double splash ... which only seemed to rivet his attention more tightly onto me.

"Kimmy!" Nicole finally forced out of her gaping mouth. "Your ... your um..." She held her hand in front of her very modest chest.

Huh? I looked down. Oh yiff! One side of my bikini top had slid completely off to the left! My whole boob was just hanging out there for Phil and Nicole to see!

I hastily pulled it back into place, tucking my breast carefully back into it so that the bikini top would sit right over my nipple. But that pulled the other side off a bit, showing a flash of pink on that side as half my nipple slipped out.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" I said reflexively, carefully adjusting each side until they finally - mostly - covered my nipples. "I... I, um..."

"It's okay, it's fine," Phil said, still staring at me breathlessly. "Could, um ... could happen to anybody."

"Aw, isn't he great!" Nicole came up to Phil from behind and gave him a big hug, latching on to him to stay stable in the waves. "I'd be freaking out if that happened to me!"

"Right ... freaking out." My legs were still trembling, and I felt a strange, terrible tightness in my chest. I probably would be completely freaking out ... if I wasn't scared that the slightest movement would make my swimsuit fall off again.

I still held my arm and hand over my boobs, covering them just in case ... but that didn't stop Phil from looking. He looked like he couldn't stop looking.

"I... I'm going to head back up to the beach," I told them, already starting to go.

"Have fun!" Nicole shouted ... Phil seemed to still be completely speechless, though.

I held my hands over myself all the way up out of the water, all the way until I was only knee deep and the waves couldn't possibly splash up and pull away my top. What about the bottom?

Oh yiff! Oh yiff! Was I flashing my pussy to the whole beach right now? My hands and my eyes shot downward at the same time.

No, thank the Goddess. The bottoms had been stretched so tightly over my hips that the waves couldn't pull them away. They were still right where they should be ... covering as much as they could. It still wasn't much, but as I'd just learned, it was way, way better than nothing!

"Done in the water already, sweetie?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah, um..." Had they seen my bikini slipping off? Did they know? I felt like I needed some excuse to come back so soon.

She looked at me knowingly. "Got a cramp, didn't you?"

"Yeah!" I held my belly, making a face as if it hurt. "I just, um, need to lie down for a while."

As I laid out a towel alongside the three other girls, Macy snickered. "Aren't you glad we skipped all of that, Lacy?"

"Oh yeah," Lacy agreed. "Maybe once those other two grow up a little, they'll realize this is way better, too."

I carefully set myself out on the towel, soaking up some of the warm sun and beginning to dry my fur out. Just to be safe I looked down and made a little adjustment to my top. There was still a tiny bit of pink peeking out around one side, and that was not okay for anyone to see.

Not that I was all that well hidden even after my little adjustment. I tried to just lie in the sun and not think about it, but even if I closed my eyes, I could feel everybody looking at me as they walked past. Yiff! It was making me wet again! At least anybody would assume that a bit of wetness down there was just from the ocean water. But what about my nipples? Were they getting hard and showing through the top? I didn't dare to look.

Why was this turning me on, anyway? I should be terrified! Everybody was seeing me! This was a living nightmare! Only, it was starting to feel like something else, another kind of dream.

I might have been a virgin, yes, but I wasn't _completely_clueless about everything. I knew what those guys wanted when they stared at me, and there were times in the past where I'd fantasized about guys doing exactly that to me ... while touching myself. Yeah, I was pretty experienced ... in my own way.

I'd never thought I could actually go through with any of it, though! I had_been looking forward to my new swimsuit being a little more revealing, a little more sexy, and getting a little more attention... This, though. It was _way too much! Or it should have been. My mind still had some catching up to do, but my body sure knew what it wanted. It was responding to being looked at as if I was about to go have sex for the first time right then and there, and no matter how much I tried to think of anything else, those responses in my body just kept coming.

I opened my eyes again, hoping for a distraction.

Unfortunately for me, the exact wrong kind of distraction was coming down the beach toward us. A tall stag with an amazing rack, wearing nothing but a red speedo ... and he was one of those rare guys where I _wanted_to see him dressed like that. He was barely wearing any more than me! Watching those chiseled muscles move as he walked was just breathtaking.

And, of course, he was already glancing our way as he approached. Both of the twins rolled over onto their bellies, subtly perking up their backsides a little to show off their best assets.

Despite their efforts, though, the stag mostly just stared at me. I blushed, and the heat of the sun on my face seemed to double.

He winked at me as he went past. I was pretty sure I felt my pussy clench a little, squeezing down on nothing. And as he kept walking away, I stared shamelessly at his spandex-clad ass cheeks moving, his fluffy tail just like mine and raised behind him. He knew we were staring, and he liked it ... so strange.

"Ugh!" Macy said, rolling back over. "It's like he didn't even see us!"

I knew the feeling quite well, but I kept my mouth shut about it. There was no use bringing up old grudges.

Lacy stayed belly-down, showing off her perky little butt to anyone who cared to look as they went by. "What was he staring at, anyway?"

"Probably Britt's big melon tits," Macy groused. "They're like the size of my head. Each."

Brittany made no comment other than a slight huff.

"No, he was staring at Kimberly!" Lacy's announcing it made me blush even hotter. Did they have to call even more attention to me than I was already getting?

"Why would he want to look at Kimberly?" Macy looked over at me. "Oh my Goddess - just look at your hair! It's still all matted from the water! You're such a mess, Kim."

They knew I hated it when people called me Kim. They were just trying to get under my skin. Messing with me. Fine ... I could play that game too. "A hot mess," I said with a wink at Macy. "You want me to find a swimsuit for you next time?"

"Oooh!" Lacy said, covering her mouth and tittering.

"Shut it, Lacy!" Macy scowled. It didn't improve her looks. "Whatever. While you were flopping around in the water out there, we talked with Jon Jon."

Lacy leaned over her sister and whispered loudly, "She's totally hooking up with him at the beach party tonight!"

I shrugged. "Good for her. You know ... I'm going for a walk."

As much as I didn't want to give them the satisfaction, I was pretty sure they thought they'd really gotten to me, that they'd driven me off with their teasing. Really, though, I just didn't want to deal with the whole catty competitiveness thing anymore. They seemed to love it, but it got tiring on me pretty quickly. Couldn't we all just get along and have a nice day at the beach without making it a popularity contest?

Once I started my way along the beach, I quickly realized that I had no idea what I actually intended to _do_out here ... other than getting away from Lacy and Macy for a while. I tried not to look back at anyone, tried not to make eye contact, but I could tell that everybody I passed was looking at me. Conversations paused, a beach volleyball rolled out of bounds without any of the players seeming to notice, little kids pointed and were quickly shushed by their parents ... some of whom covered their kids' eyes.

Whatever. I guess I was starting to get used to it. After fading into the background my whole life, I was finally the center of attention wherever I went. And that actually felt ... kind of good! Putting a little swing in my step came to me in a strangely natural way. And for the first time, I began to realize what this feeling was. Hiding in the background made me feel safe ... but being like this actually made me feel powerful. Like I could just walk up to anybody on this beach, tell them to do something, and they'd do it. Maybe they actually would ... especially the guys. They stared the most, of course, though they also tried to hide it the most. Especially the ones who were with a wife or girlfriend.

I smiled as I walked by, even _winked_at one, which earned him a slap from his wife. Oh wow ... I could see how some girls really started to like doing this. It was actually _fun!_Still pretty terrifying, but also fun. Kind of like that time Phil had taken us all go-kart racing. Except that this time all the terror and fun was just for me. I was still blushing - I could tell that by the heat on my face, on my chest - but I was still able to grin at the same time.

And I ended up going a long way down the beach like that. It was just so easy to keep on going, keep up my little strut. I could pretend like I was a supermodel, and even though I'd never want to be one in real life, that was kind of fun. They certainly were all treating me as if I was one. That and ... well, it was kind of hard to turn around. That was the downside of all this attention, even after I started to get used to feeling naked around everyone.

Whether it was true or not, I felt like every little move I made was being scrutinized by all these strangers. If I stumbled a little on the loose sand, they'd all see, and they'd all judge me for it. And if I turned around at any given spot, everyone there would take notice. They'd probably be wondering why I turned around there - maybe because I saw someone and didn't want to get close to them? Maybe the people watching would get offended - or at least disappointed - that I didn't walk past them. It was such a weird feeling! I wasn't used to thinking so much about how other people saw me. But now that everybody was looking at me, it suddenly took on so much more importance.

I had to turn around sometime, though, right? I didn't see any end to this beach ahead. It just went on and on ... maybe all the way up the coast. The more I kept walking, though, the more used to it I became. I could almost imagine going all the way up the coast like this ... if only the day would last long enough.

Soon, though, I came upon a big brawny lion in Hawaiian print swim trunks and with a long, flowing mane. He'd been chatting with a group of girls - a cow and two goats - when I came up, but the moment he saw me, he turned and completely ignored them.

"Hey," he said, the first guy on this beach who'd had the courage to say anything to me. "Looking amazing, babe."

I stopped. "Um... Thanks." Blushing, I clutched my arms tight around myself, but that only seemed to make him more interested.

He posed with his hands on his hips and his thumbs tucked into his trunks. He obviously_knew how good he looked, and he didn't mind showing it off. His abs made a deep V that disappeared down into his waistband right where his thumbs were, the rest of his hands framing the bulge just below. Was this the kind of effect that _I had on guys who saw me? After giving me just a moment to really take all that in, he grinned. "The name's Jon Jon."

Oh, so this_was Jon Jon. Wow. I could see why Macy wanted to hook up with him. I smiled back, but didn't say anything. What could little old me say to someone like _him?

"So, yeah... Me and the guys are having a beach party tonight, and maybe this sounds a little weird, but I think I could swing an invite for you. If, you know, you actually want to come."

I giggled a little. "My friends and I are already coming. That's why we came out today."

"Oh..." He looked at me more closely. Well, maybe not more than he'd already been staring, but now he looked at my face. "Did, um, Jake invite you? Or maybe Jonas?"

"Nope." I shook my head, smiling a little. This was fun. I remembered him chatting with Macy, Lacy, and Brittany back at school, and I'd been right there with them, but he obviously hadn't noticed either me or Nicole. And the reason was obvious. Brittany had been showing off her massive cleavage, and the two bunny twins had been wearing matching miniskirts, while Nicole and I just faded into the background with button-up blouses and old jeans. "My name's Kimberly." I held my hand out to him.

Instead of shaking my hand, he picked it up and gently kissed it. The feeling of his lips on me made my whole body shudder a little bit, not to mention a little warmth blooming way down under my swimsuit bottoms. Wow, yeah. Now I really knew what Macy and Lacy saw in this guy.

"Well, I'll be looking forward to seeing you there, Kim."

I didn't even care that he used that nickname I hated. It made me warm inside to think that a guy like him_was noticing someone like me. Nodding, I took a little half-step backward. I knew the conversation was over, but I just didn't quite know_how to end it. "Um... Okay, bye," I said giving him a lame little wave.

He waved back though, biting his lip as he looked down at me.

I shuddered as I turned around. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away, and I was _keenly_aware of how little my bathing suit covered back there. He might as well be seeing me completely naked. All I had back there were a few thin strings. And yet ... that was more a shudder of _excitement_than anything else. This morning, I'd been looking forward to fun on the beach and dreading the party afterward ... now I just couldn't wait until that party started.

Despite all the confidence I'd gained during the day, actually walking into the big party still made me feel as insecure and out-of-place as ever. The sun had just sunk below the horizon, and now loud music hammered out into the night, drowning out the sound of the waves. Someone had set up hanging lights on posts, but it wasn't nearly enough to be able to see well. Everywhere I looked, people danced and talked and laughed like they were having a great time. And I felt like I was supposed to be having a great time, too ... but I just didn't know what to do with myself. I hardly knew anybody here. And even if I had been a good dancer, I wouldn't dare dance in this swimsuit ... I just knew it would fall off of me at the worst moment, and then all of these strangers would be seeing me naked ... or more naked, anyway.

So I kind of fell back into old habits. Macy and Lacy sure seemed to know their way around this party. They flitted from clump to clump of people, dancing a little here, chatting and flirting a little there, and they always seemed to fit right in. So I just hung back behind them most of the time, sort of with them, but without being acknowledged by anyone. At least now that the light had gone down, most people didn't even notice just how skimpy my swimsuit was. Or if they did, they didn't make as big of a deal of it.

Maybe if I could just keep doing this for a few hours, everybody would get tired and I could go home. Then I could finally relax, write a bad review of the website where I bought this swimsuit and demand a refund, then just snuggle into my bed and forget any of this ever happened.

We passed Brittany, who was 'dancing' with some raccoon guy she'd found ... if you could call it dancing. They were mostly just rubbing against each other. Even in the low light, I could see him sliding his fingers over her bikini top, and I could see her hands drifting low on his swimming trunks.

Since Brittany was obviously busy, we ended up going to Phil and Nicole for a little bit. I was hanging back too far to hear what Phil was saying to Nicole - not over this loud music - but I definitely noticed him looking at me while he was saying it. Oh, if only I could find out what he was saying about me! But I didn't want to come in closer where I might be expected to actually say something as well...

Everything changed when Jon Jon approached our little group of friends. Instantly, everyone's attention was on him.

"Look!" Lacy cried out loud enough for even me to hear. "It's Jon Jon!"

Macy sauntered right up in front of him, swinging her hips and putting one finger to her lips. "Hi, Jon Jon," she said, making it sound almost like baby talk as she batted her eyes at him.

Yiffing hell, I thought. She couldn't be more blatant about it if she'd simply slipped her bikini bottoms off and spread her legs for him right then and there. Was that the kind of thing guys liked?

Apparently not. Because he smiled at her ... but then walked right past her. Right past her to me.

"Hey, Kim," he said, loud and clear enough to hear over the music. "How you liking the party?"

Macy turned toward me, her face twisted into a weird scowl of confusion and rage. "You know Jon Jon?"

I nodded slightly. "I met him down the beach a little way." Looking up at him, I smiled, hoping that my blush wouldn't show in the dark. "And it's a great party. Probably the best I've ever been to!" No reason to tell him that other than birthday parties as a kid, I'd only ever been to maybe two or three parties before in my life. It just wasn't usually my thing.

Jon Jon came over to stand next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder as if we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I shuddered a little to feel the firm muscle of his arm against the bare fur of my back. His hand engulfed my entire shoulder. When he leaned in close, the long hairs of his mane tickled my neck. "Hey," he said, "how about a drink?"

I nodded weakly. Even if I hadn't been kind of parched after the long day on the beach, there was just some feeling inside of me that it would be incredibly bad socially to turn down a suggestion like that from a guy like him. Everyone here would think I was crazy. If someone like him wasn't good enough for me, who was?

Phil and Nicole stared with shocked grins as I walked off with Jon Jon. Lacy and Macy also looked shocked ... but there were no smiles to be had from them. What? It wasn't as if I was stealing Macy's boyfriend or anything. They weren't together. I had just as much right to go get a drink with Jon Jon as she did.

Brittany took a brief rest from kissing her raccoon to look at me as we went by. "Ooh!" she said as if she was loving what she saw. "Wonderful, dear! Good for you!"

I just blushed and nodded, but inside I glowed. I was actually starting to believe it. Maybe I really was someone special!

Jon Jon held me all the way through the riotous party. With his arm around me, I made better time through the dancing crowd than I ever possibly could have on my own. Everybody just seemed to automatically get out of his way. Even the group of hog guys who seemed to think that smashing their bellies against one another while splashing beer all over themselves was a form of dancing. Even the big badger who was squirting some weird blue liquid into a rat girl's open mouth. And even the pair of wolf guys snarling at each other by the big stereo system, arguing about what song should be next. All of them made way for Jon Jon without him having to say anything. An opening in the crowd just appeared wherever he was trying to go. It was incredible. I'd never seen anything like it.

Pretty soon, we made it to the bar ... or, really, the folding table with a bunch of coolers piled around it that served as the bar. The guy behind it was some kind of lemur maybe? His yellow eyes were huge as he looked at the two of us. "Jon Jon!" he said, sounding both excited and a little scared. "What'll it be?"

"Jägerbomb," Jon Jon said loudly, without the slightest moment of thought. "And whatever Kim wants." He nudged me forward a little.

The bartender - who was paying him to make drinks for everybody? - stared at me with his gimlet eyes, his hands practically trembling, ready to leap into motion at any moment and mix up any drink I could ask for as fast as I could ask for it. There was just one little problem... "Um... I don't really drink."

Both Jon Jon and the bartender stared at me as if I was from another planet.

I blushed worse than ever, wanting to shrink away to nothing, to sink down in the sand and not come out. "Sorry! I ... I thought we were going to go get a soda or maybe a lemonade or something..."

After just a moment, though, Jon Jon got over his shock. "Oh, no problem. Never mind with that jägerbomb, Jonas." He turned to me, pulling me aside from the crowd of others who wanted their own drinks. "It's no problem, don't worry. Come on, let's get away from the bar."

I let him lead me by the hand to the edge of the party. Out here, things were a little bit more sane and a lot quieter.

"So... You just want to hang out a little?"

Pursing my lips together, I nodded. That sounded really nice. I didn't understand how all those people in the party could be acting like that with complete strangers. Maybe if I had a chance to get to know Jon Jon a little better, then I'd be able to feel more comfortable with all of this.

"Come on then," he said, "I know just the spot."

He took me by the hand again, this time leading me away from the party entirely ... and away from the beach, back toward the dunes.

The dunes between the beach and the rest of the town were tall and dotted with patches of grass and fragrant flowering bushes that would normally be pokey and difficult to walk through with bare hooves. I wouldn't have dared try to walk through some of those bushes in this little bikini - the straps would be sure to snag on something and get pulled off of me. But there were also narrow, sandy paths snaking through all of it, places where people had walked through before.

Jon Jon passed two or three of those paths before he chose one to lead me down. He'd obviously been here before, knew where he was going. I was glad to be coming here with a guy like him, because the way these paths wound around and criss-crossed each other could have been a real maze, especially in the dark.

Once we'd gone around a couple dunes, the sound of the party was nothing but a dull thud in the background, now struggling to compete with the sound of the waves from the beach and road sounds from the town on the other side of the dunes. We came to a bare sandy spot - a kind of a pit between dunes with deep, soft sand in the middle, a little black spot where there had obviously been a campfire at some point, and a few driftwood pieces scattered in a circle around it.

Jon Jon stopped there, letting me catch up to him and come around in front of him. As I was doing so, though, he reached down and grabbed my ass, squeezing it so hard it hurt.

"Hey!" I shouted, turning toward him and jumping away so he couldn't reach me anymore. What the yiff? I didn't care _who_he was - he couldn't just treat girls like that! And yet ... my body was responding. My tail flicked behind me - thankfully where he couldn't see - and a strange little churning shiver went through my insides.

He just gave me a piercing, intriguing, devil-may-care look and took a slow step closer.

Was he going to kiss me? Was this place really private enough for that? Sure, Brittany had been making out right there in the party, and a lot of other people had been too, but I didn't know if I wanted anyone seeing me kiss some guy ... even a guy as hot as Jon Jon. And we could at least get to know each other a little before any of that stuff, right? Not that I was really against kissing him. He really _did_look amazing with the sea breeze blowing in his mane. It made my breath come short. But it was just so much all at once, I didn't know what to do!

Jon Jon sure seemed to know what he wanted, though. He untied the bow on the front of his swim trunks, then grinned at me. The trunks dropped, revealing his small feline cock already out of its sheath and hanging down over a massive pair of fuzzy balls.

I froze, staring at it. Oh my Goddess. Nobody had ever done anything like this with me before. I'd secretly fantasized so much about finally getting some guy to show me his cock, but I'd never thought one would just do this right in front of me. I'd never seen one in real life before, but I thought they'd be bigger. It was just so incredibly there, though, jutting out from his body like it had no business being there, but of course it was supposed to be there, it fit him perfectly. It was just so strange, seeing a guy all naked like that.

"Well?" Jon Jon said impatiently. "Have at it."

"Jon Jon! I... I mean..." I raised my hand, blocking my own view ... even though the effect was ruined by the way I kept being tempted to peek around it. "W-what? What are you doing?"

He shook his head. "I'm hearing a lot of yapping and not much slurping."

"What the yiff!" I took a few steps back away from him. "I just met you! I'm not going to--"

"Oh come on. Don't play the innocent virgin card on me." He came toward me, shuffling with his swim trunks around his knees. "You think I can't tell what a slut you are? Just look what you're wearing." He came right up in front of me again, close enough to touch. "Now make like a good little slut and get down on your knees. I'll give you something nice."

"Yiff you!" My hand came up as if all on its own. I was honestly surprised when I heard the slap of my palm hitting his face.

Jon Jon opened his mouth in shock. "What the yiff?"

I started to back away, staring him down.

"Yeah, whatever, bitch! You think you're my only option here?"

"I'm not your option at all!" I turned, heading for the path I was so done with him!

"Yeah? Well yiff you too, crazy bitch! Slut! I've met actual whores who were classier than you!" He was shouting so loud I wondered if the people back at the party would hear him.

I ran. Plunging back down the path we'd come in through, I hurried through the dunes. Even if I ended up getting lost, anywhere was better than that pit in the sand with Jon Jon in it.

I must have gotten turned around and taken the wrong turn somewhere because I soon came out onto a completely different part of the beach, even farther from the party, but at least I was out of there. I could breathe again.

And now what would I do? Should I go back to the party? That was the last thing I wanted. It seemed like such a terrible place now, all of it tainted with the stench of remembering Jon Jon. Yiff him. Yiff him!

A few people at the edge of the party had already seen me. They were waving me over and shouting. Did they know who I was? Had they seen me before and wanted me back? Or were they just complete strangers who'd seen a girl in a tiny bikini out there in the darkness and wanted a girl like that in their party?

It didn't matter. I was not a girl like that, and a swimsuit couldn't change me. Not that much. Turning away, I ran as fast as I dared across the sand, just getting farther and farther away from that wretched party. I never wanted to hear or see it again! All that held me back from a complete sprint was the fear of my swimsuit coming off or of just tripping and falling in the dark. I didn't want anyone at the party to see me. They'd all know what happened after I came back so soon. And I just couldn't stand to explain myself to any of them. How could I explain myself? Who would understand me not wanting to let Jon Jon have his way with me? Maybe I was crazy.

When my legs finally got tired and I was out of breath, I stopped running. There was nothing here but the darkness and the sound of the beach. I plopped down on the soft sand, staring out toward the waves I could barely see in the reflected moonlight and the last little glow of sunset.

Yiff them. Yiff all of them. I held my arms around my folded knees, rocking back and forth slightly. Just as I'd always known it would, this party had done nothing but make me miserable. If I was smarter, I would have come to the beach on my own on a different day, just to enjoy the sand and the sun and the waves, and they could keep their stupid party and their stupid Jon Jon. What a yiffing asshole. What did he think he was doing? Did that stuff really work on other girls? If he'd taken Macy back there, would she be sucking his cock right now? It seemed so bizarre to me, a stupid and incomprehensible world that I didn't belong in. I should never have come. I didn't belong here. I didn't belong with these people, no matter what I was wearing. Having them all stare at me hadn't made things better - it had made things so much worse.

I sat out there for what seemed like forever, just staring out at the ocean, feeling absolutely alone in the world. What time was it? Now that the sun was completely gone, I had no idea. I knew sooner or later I'd have to find the 'friends' I'd come in here with, or I'd have no ride home ... but I just couldn't bring myself to go back to that party and find them. All I wanted was to sit out here alone, like I was apparently meant_to be. It was better this way. I could be happy out here ... if whatever tumultuous pit of emotions roiling inside me could ever be called _happy.

Slowly, though, I became aware of another sound. Footsteps ... hoofsteps, actually. Barely audible over the sound of the crashing waves, but coming closer, getting louder.

I turned, looked. It was a horse - Phil!

Wordlessly, he came over next to me, sat down beside me on the sand, stared out at the ocean just like I had been. Eventually, he nudged my elbow a little bit. "Rough day, huh?"

I hung my head down between my knees and sighed.

Phil sighed too, though he was looking up at the stars. "It's a really nice night, though. Really warm and clear."

That was enough to get me to look up at the sky too. It was _incredibly_clear, actually. I felt like I could see every star there ever was up there, all strewn out for my enjoyment, with not the slightest bit of haze to drown them out. Just overhead, the vast sparkling expanse of the Milky Way stretched across the sky. "Yeah ... nice."

Long moments passed as we both just looked up at the sky, at the stars. The sounds of the waves crashing seemed to wash all my fears and ambitions away.

I was tired of playing games, and under such an amazing cosmic view, little lies seemed petty and pretentious, anyway. "Can I tell you a secret, Phil?"

"Yeah! Of course! What are, um ... friends for?"

Still staring at the night sky, I let loose my biggest secret: "I didn't order this swimsuit. It was supposed to be a different one, but when I took it out of the box, I was already here and I didn't really have a choice. It was supposed to be, you know, not like this." I plucked at one of the straps over my shoulder.

He nodded. "I'd been wondering... It is really nice, though. Really shows you off well."

I looked away. Even though it was dark, I didn't want him to see me blushing. "But it's not me... I thought for a while that it could be me, but it's not. I can't be like that. I'm just not that kind of girl."

"I know." He nudged me again, then hugged me from the side, just holding one arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. "That's why I like you."

"Aw..." Even though the way he held me reminded me a bit of Jon Jon, it didn't feel bad. Actually, in the kind of cool sea breeze, it felt nice to have his warmth up against me. And he didn't have the slight background feeling of threat that Jon Jon had. Phil was safe. I knew him, and I liked him. I could sit like this all night and be truly happy.

After a few minutes, Phil whispered to me again, "Really, though. Super cute."

I jabbed him in his side, poking him with two fingers. "You're just saying that because it shows off my tits."

"Not true!"

"Oh? Is that so?" I didn't believe him for a minute.

"Yeah. It's great at showing off your ass, too!"

Laughing, I shoved him away playfully. He let the light shove push him all the way down to the sand and laughed there where he fell, but the two of us came back together quickly, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with each other again, still snickering a little from time to time.

I laid my head on his shoulder. "You're so nice, Phil. I wish other guys were like you."

Holding his arm around my shoulder again, he leaned his head close to mine, nuzzling my cheek a little. When I turned to look at him, our lips almost touched.

Phil suddenly pulled away. "Oh, uh, sorry. I got... I almost got carried away there."

I didn't let him get away so easily though - I leaned closer, closing the distance again, and this time our lips did meet. Just a warm, soft touch under the stars. It only lasted for a moment.

For what seemed like forever, Phil just stared at me with a shocked look in his eyes. But eventually he came back to me ... and this time, we kissed for real. Our lips locked together, and his hand slid up my back to hold me around the back of my neck, pulling me closer as we both moaned slightly into each other's mouths. Now that the dam had burst, neither of us could get enough of each other. Our tongues twisted together crazily, exploring one another's mouths as our hands clutched for each other's bodies, pulling us closer together.

Soon, even that wasn't close enough for me. I twisted around a little without letting go of him, forcing him to fall backward onto the sand ... not that he put up any resistance. All he did was hold me, making sure I came down with him all the way ... all the way until I was lying on top of him, belly to belly. His hands roamed over the curves of my back, and mine held his face before beginning to explore downward over his chest, down the sides of his body.

I didn't even mind when one of his hands slipped down below the bottom strap of my bikini, when he _gently_squeezed the plush curve of my ass cheek. I could feel his bulge growing against my belly, and I slipped a hand down between us, touching the big, hot, firm mass underneath. It made my breath catch in my throat. Oh Goddess! He was huge!

The heat of our bodies together made the cool breeze feel sultry hot, and I felt like I was tingling from head to hoof. Nobody had ever made me feel like this before, not even when I'd played with myself and fantasized. My breaths came in little gasps in the gaps between our fervent kisses. I just couldn't get enough of him, of all of him, of any of him.

My hand rubbed him through his swim trunks, sliding up and down. He slipped the hand on my ass cheek a little lower, a little inward. I gasped when I felt his fingers rubbing me through my swimsuit bottom and directly on my pussy lips in the places where it barely covered me. He _had_to have felt the slick wetness down there. No way that little bit of fabric had absorbed enough to hide it from him. But he just moaned, holding the back of my head with his other hand to pull me into an even deeper kiss.

I had to have more of him - all of him! Without even thinking about it, I pulled at the strings on his swim trunks, loosening the little bow on the front. Once that was open, there was enough room for me to slip my hand inside, to touch him directly.

And what a touch! I'd never felt anything like it. The warm girth that filled my hand was so stiff and hard ... but that was down deep. The skin of it was so smooth and buttery soft. It really was one of the nicest things I'd ever touched. I felt like I could just slide my hand up and down his cock all day, and I loved the little noises he made when I touched him like that.

Of course, I made more than a few little noises as he touched me as well ... especially when he pulled my swimsuit bottoms to the side and slid his finger directly up and down my slippery slit.

I rubbed myself against him, humping my hips a little, practically begging him to put one of his fingers inside me ... but he just didn't. He kept rubbing me on the outside of my pussy lips. And it felt so good! But there was a hunger growing deep inside of me. More than ever, I needed something _in_me. Normally at this point if I was getting myself off, I'd already have two fingers plunged as deep inside as they could go. Needing that and missing it was a kind of torture ... and yet I was enjoying this so much! I couldn't let it stop now!

I could pull his swim trunks further down, though, shimmying them bit by bit. His cock rubbed directly against my belly now, smearing a tiny bit of pre-cum. And that tiny bit was just enough to let me stroke him easier, to make my hand glide so nicely against him.

He groaned, pushing his hips up against me, and I used that opportunity to pull his swim trunks the rest of the way down, all the way until they were just on his thighs. I could touch all of him, right down to his balls. And they were massive. It was true what they said about horses, and I loved every bit of it. Those big round balls were hairless and smooth, so nice to touch, so warm and full of promise to come.

Not that I was really thinking of what might come next. I'd just been teased at a low level all day and all I wanted to finally feel something.

When Phil reached a little further and rubbed my clit with his slippery fingers, I moaned out loud. Let anybody who was wandering the beach this late hear us - I was beyond caring. All I wanted was to feel more of this, to feel more of him, to reach that climax I could already feel myself edging toward.

That mad push for more is what ended up with me pressing my exposed pussy lips against the base of his cock, rubbing my clit there against him. Both of us moaned a little, and I didn't even know who started it, but we were rubbing against each other in no time. The warm mass of his cock separated my pussy lips slightly, letting them slide up and down a little bit on either side of his shaft. Did that make him technically inside me? Was I not a virgin anymore? I didn't care. All that mattered was that it felt so good, it felt so right.

He pulled me forward and backward on top of him, spreading my wetness over his cock to make the glide easier and easier each time. And each time I came nearer and nearer to his tip, where my hand still fondled him.

And his other hand was busy, too. He reached up and gently grabbed my tits. Through the bathing suit at first, but he soon pulled that to the side, tenderly caressing my nipple before squeezing again and lifting my breast in his hand.

The tingling feeling of that ran through my whole body, making me shudder, making my fur stand on end. "Phil," I breathed, finally raising myself high enough that the blunt tip of his horsecock pressed right against the burning need of my pussy lips. He felt so slick and warm there, so potent. One push and he would be inside me. I knew it was bound to happen now, and I couldn't wait for it. I needed this so bad!

"Kimmy," he whispered back, squeezing both my tits and my ass reverently. "Oh wow, Kimmy. You're so... Mmhm... I've always wanted you. Always. Oh please oh please, just..."

His cock began to slide into me, spreading my pussy lips open around it. The very tip of it _popped_into me with a sudden little motion. Oh the stretch of it! My entrance hugged him tightly, and my body quivered around him, practically begging for more. There was just one thing...

"Wait! I... I have to tell you something," I said desperately.


"I'm... I'm a virgin!"

He slid one hand up to the small of my back, and as he pushed me down on his cock, he whispered back, "So am I."

Slowly, lovingly, his enormous cock slid inside me, stretching me and filling me with a kind of warmth I'd never before imagined. "Oh Phil!" I breathed, feeling as if the enormous presence of his cock inside me was squeezing the words right out of my body. This was more - so much more! - than my playing with a finger or two had ever done. I was being stretched and filled in incredible new ways, my pussy expanding to fit his huge girth deeper and deeper.

Finally, he went as far as he could. I cried out a little as he hit my limit ... and that was only part of his length. I wasn't up against his hips yet. He had even more to give ... more than I could possibly take.

Thankfully, it seemed he wasn't about to go pounding away at me with it. We just rested there, together ... more together than I'd ever been with anyone before. His warmth flowed into me, soothing me from the inside out in brand new ways. I clutched at his body as he held me close, as we both adjusted to the new sensations of feeling each other. Feeling all of each other.

Slowly, carefully Phil began to move. Just a little at a time. Cautious nudges out and then in again.

Each tiny motion felt like the first time he slid into me all over again, blooming into intense ecstasy inside me. I shuddered, melting against his body. Oh goodness... I could see why the other girls were so obsessed about this now. It was so lovely...

Very gradually, Phil was beginning to build up to a little more motion. He was being so careful not to hurt me again.

Too careful. I needed this! Thankfully, I was on top of him and I could move even more easily than him. I took _full_advantage of that, starting to roll my hips on top of him, moving his whole cock around inside me. It rocked back and forth a little with every motion I made, stirring my insides with his big beautiful shaft.

He grabbed my hips with both hands, helping me move, guiding my motions and my rhythm.

"Yes!" I cried. "Like that! Do it that way!"

Soon I was rocking back and forth on top of him as fast as I could go, taking him almost_to the point of pain every time, but able to keep him in just the right spot. I could feel my orgasm building, drawing close. My pussy tightened around him again and again, with that tingling heat building up inside me each time ... but it just wouldn't release. As much as I tried, I just couldn't _quite get there.

"Please!" I moaned. "I'm so close ... so close!"

Phil started moving inside me, pumping his cock up into me with rapid thrusts of his hips while holding me still with his hands, and that made me cry out even more. It was so good! But even though it made the tightness build inside me more and more, it just wasn't doing it.

What could I do? What could I do? I _needed_to get off, more desperately than I'd ever needed anything in my life! But I just couldn't. What was wrong? What was wrong with me? "Phil!" I cried. "Please!"

Without stopping what he was doing, he looked up into my eyes and said, "What do you need?"

"I..." I didn't know what I needed. I wasn't used to this! I'd never done this before! Except for... "I'm usually on my back when I ... when I cum."

Grinning at me, he pushed to the side. We rolled over on the sand and suddenly he was on top of me with my legs spread around him. I looked up into his cute horsey face with a backdrop of glimmering stars. His face was getting so red, and it was so adorable the way his nose scrunched up a little as he worked so hard inside me! And his cock! I moaned and squirmed in the sand as it slid in and out of me, massaging my insides in ways they'd never been touched before.

And now I didn't have to worry about silly little things like keeping upright and keeping my balance. I could just lie there and let him do everything. I could just go with the flow of it all, moaning and breathing his name as he filled me like I'd never been filled before.

It didn't take long after that. The pressure inside me built up until I thought I would burst. Until I did burst. Clutching against his broad back with both hands, I screamed. Normally I didn't make a sound when getting myself off. But this was so much different, so much more. My body bucked against the sand, tensing up all on its own, squeezing Phil's cock deep inside me as my belly convulsed uncontrollably. My nails were probably scraping his back, but he didn't complain. He just groaned a little as he felt my pussy milking him on the inside, pulling at him and trying to draw him even deeper. Not that he could go deeper - he was already touching my innermost limit. But that didn't stop my body from wanting more, from going crazy around his shaft, from leaking my love juices over the rest of it that didn't fit inside me.

When the most massive orgasm I'd ever felt finally faded from me, I flopped flat against the sand, panting for breath ... but I still clutched Phil's back, holding him close. I never wanted to let him go.

Thankfully, he had enough sense to just hold still and let my over-sensitive pussy relax a little around him, even though I could feel his cock still ardently hard and hot, occasionally throbbing inside me. I knew he wanted more, but he was kind enough to give me a little break, to let me recover.

"Oh my Goddess," I said softly, once I had the breath to spare. "That was amazing."

He leaned down slightly and kissed me. I just melted_against him, letting his lips and tongue have their way with me. I wanted nothing more than his soft, loving touch, than to just _be with him, as closely as possible. A moment later, though, he pulled back a bit and looked down at me.

It was so incredible, looking up at him, barely more than a silhouette against the stars, but yet at the same time so_much more... "How do you want me?" I asked, ready in that moment to give him absolutely anything he could possibly ask for. Doggy style? Spooning? Me on top riding him like a pony? Sucking his cock? Even anal... At that point, I was ready to let him try _anything he wanted. I was his. Completely his, and he was mine, completely mine. I felt like we could do anything together, and as long as it was with him, it would be the best thing I ever felt.

But he just looked down at me with those loving eyes glinting with starlight and said, "I like you just like this." He moved his cock inside me again, and I clutched him even tighter against myself.

I rolled with waves of bliss as he started thrusting inside me again, his cock filling me and stirring me. I wanted nothing but more, more, more of him! I just couldn't get enough of his breathy little grunts of pleasure, of the way his cock throbbed inside my pussy, of the way his firm back muscles flexed under my hands.

And somehow, somehow, it was starting to feel even better! Deep inside of me, his cock was stretching me more than ever before. That deep, abiding feeling that perfectly sated the growing need I'd been feeling was more intense than ever now.

Overcome with need for him, I wrapped my legs around behind him, using my strong thighs to help push him in with every thrust, holding him in deeper and longer. Just always pulling him in, in, in. Oh I needed him so badly! I never wanted to let go. Never!

"Gonna--" Phil groaned in pleasure, obviously struggling to hold himself back. "Gonna ... cum."

"Not inside!" I told him desperately. "I'm not on the pill! Not inside!"

He _tried_to pull out, bless him. But with my legs wrapped around his firm round ass, all that accomplished was lifting my hips a little bit along with his. And the motion triggered even more spasms of pleasure that passed between the two of us.

"I... I can't! Your legs!"

"Phil!" I cried, not even sure why I was calling out his name. Just the burning intensity of the moment.

Groaning again, Phil collapsed down. His head hit the sand right next to me, and his body pushed against mine, into mine, deeper than ever before. I didn't even care that he was cramming his cock against that deepest barrier of mine. The pain was gone. I just wanted him so badly...

His body trembled. His cock pulsed strongly inside me. And I felt the gooey warmth spreading. It was like finally feeling the warm sunshine after a cold day, except from the inside out ... and all gooey and squishy. I squeezed him tight with both arms and legs as he throbbed uncontrollably inside me, letting those big balls of his pump into me freely, giving me everything he had and more. It seemed like it took ages for his orgasm to play out, for all those thick streams of cum to gush inside me ... and those ages were the best few seconds I ever experienced, even better than my own orgasm in some ways. I felt like I was floating among all those stars above me, floating in a warm, gooey sea that I could just sink into, letting it wash over me, around me, and_into_ me.

Finally, he was spent, going completely limp against my body except for the way his chest heaved in deep breath after deep breath. When he rolled off of me to lie next to me on the sand, I let him go, though I kept an arm and a leg around him, turning on my side to cuddle him. I laid my head on his shoulder, listening to his intense breathing as he slowly calmed down from his orgasm.

Warm, gooey wetness dribbled down over my inner thigh. Phil's cum slowly leaking out of me. I knew I'd need to go find some Plan B pills somewhere. As much as I liked Phil, we were not ready to have a baby together. But for now, all I wanted to do was hold him. Hold him and be held with him.

He wrapped one arm around me, holding me close as he looked up at the starry sky. "You think..." He took another deep breath. "You think we should get back to the others? Before they wonder where we've gone?"

I moved my other leg on top of him, holding him tight against me. His wet, softened cock rested against my inner thigh, smearing a bit of his cum and my own juices on my fur there. "Not yet." I told him. I needed more of this, and in this moment, he was the only person I wanted to see.

When we did get back to the others - as cleaned up as we could manage - we found them all hanging out together at the edge of the dwindling party. All of them together: Macy, Lacy, Brittany, and Nicole. Evidently, it was pretty late and almost everybody else had already packed up and gone home.

They hadn't noticed us yet. Macy groused loudly, "And after all of that, his dick ended up being tiny!"

"It was smaller than my little finger!" Lacy added emphatically.

Macy held two fingers up to approximate what she was talking about. "Can you believe we came all this way just to get fucked by the tiniest dick we've ever seen? Who even invited that guy?"

"Well, I've heard Jon Jon's isn't much bigger," Lacy said.

Macy shook her head. "At least he's bigger than that. I mean come on!"

"Such sluts!" Brittany said, rolling her eyes.

"What?" Macy said, outraged.

"Yeah!" Lacy added. "You were totally with that raccoon guy! You can't fool us!"

Brittany held herself haughtily. "Yes yes, but I am a lady, and I absolutely did not simply let him have his way with me."

The bunny twins gave her an utterly unconvinced look.

"Okay, okay. One quick blowjob, but that was all!"

"Um, hey girls," I said, hoping not to overhear even more personal talk. It felt so weird knowing exactly what they'd been up to while I was gone.

"Oh, Phil! And Kimmy! _There_you are!" Nicole grinned and came over to give me a little hug. She looked at Phil awkwardly for a moment, as if she was thinking about hugging him, but she must have thought better of it, because she turned back to me. "We, uh... We thought you went off with Jon Jon."

Grinning I reached for Phil's hand, holding it in front of all of them. "Actually, um, I found somebody way hotter than Jon Jon."

Now it was time for Phil to blush! I just wished it had been light enough for me to really see it. It was easy enough to see everyone else's jaws drop, though. They all stared at us like fishes out of water, gaping and wide-eyed.

Brittany came toward us, tilting her head to the side a little. "But I thought... I thought Phil was..."

He shrugged. "I guess I was just waiting for the right opportunity."

Nicole sighed, turning away. "Ugh. I wish I had worn a slutty swimsuit. Maybe then I'd have 'the right opportunity'."

Phil just shrugged again, looking a little regretful, but not letting go of my hand. He obviously thought there was nothing he could do about it.

I wasn't so sure about that, though. Leaning close to Phil, I whispered in his cute little horsey ear: "Maybe we could share a little? Just with Nicole. Not with anybody else though. Never ever with Macy and Lacy. Okay?"

"Uh ... okay!" He looked at Nicole, grinning dumbly. "You, um, probably don't need a different swimsuit to have opportunities. We still need to talk about it, I think, but um ... just, you know, uh ... ask."

Once again, everyone else's jaw dropped. This was not something anyone else thought possible. Nicole, though, just looked at the two of us, blushing and smiling.

I leaned over and kissed Phil on the cheek. He turned and kissed me back fully on the lips, right in front of everyone. And I'd never before felt so loved ... like I finally belonged. I had finally found my place.

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