Cougar's heat

Story by reeden_landshey on SoFurry

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#2 of Short stories

Mmm... It has been... Truly a longer moment since I've wrote any text, cause of various reasons, and maybe cause of lil depression... nervous chuckle

But here it is! My very first longer NSFW story, featuring my cougar Reeden ( ) and his lovely wife, Acelin!

Since I was on a longer break with my writings AND it's actually my first try to make a more professional story with its style - which was quite a struggle, since Polish is my native language - hopefully you'll enjoy it while reading. :)

I'm also planning to open a story commissions with a cheap prices. ^^ If you would be interested in getting one after reading current story, feel free to let me know.!

Cougar's heat

Written by Reeden Landshey

"Rrffffff, gods... There is truly no better place like your own home." he muttered, trying to push away his mind's fatigue.

Closing the doors and walking into the hall, a 36 years old, well-built cougar male with a thick, brown mane and orange eyes put his briefcase on the floor, taking off his jacket with a silent sight. It was Friday, but also the end of month, which meant far more work in his corporation, so the statistic bars could meet management's expectations. And that meant a very long 8 hours, not to mention almost 30 min of overtime.

And then, before he even started to loosen his tie, someone jumped on him, wrapping arms around his neck tightly.

"DADDY!" she screamed with pure happiness. "You're finally back home."

A 22 years old cougar female that was slightly more than half of his height, with brown-beige hairs and bright, blue eyes, snuggled tightly into his chest, purring loudly like a domesticated cat. A quick glance was enough to notice that today she was wearing one of his favorite t-shirts.

"Finally is a good word for that." Reeden replied with a light smile, wrapping his paws under her buttocks so she wouldn't fall. He kissed her forehead, letting out a deep, content purr out of his chest. "How was your day sweetie? Hopefully it wasn't too boring."

"Every hour without you is boring!" she replied, with her words partly muffed with Reed's fur as she sunk her muzzle into it. "I went shopping," she started counting. "Met a few friends while being out... Cooked your favorite risotto... And had another two hours of my online course. All of those, and yet I was waiting for you all that time. You're late today!" she said reproachfully, poking his chest with a paw pad.

"I'm so sorry about that honey." male cougar replied, smiling lightly. Even when Acelin was angry about something, she still was so cute! Giving another kiss to her soft cheek, he put her back on the hall's floor. "There was so much work at the office today, that I needed to have some overtime to finish all of it."

"Aww, poor daddy!" she said, making a really absorbed muzzle expression. "You must be really tired then! Maybe you should rest on your favorite armchair, while I'll bring you a warm dinner." she offered.

"Oh, there's no need for it." Reeden replied quickly. "Actually..." he let out a nervous rrrfff, scratching his head's mane with embarrassment. "Maybe...", he paused, wondering if that would sound good for her. "Maybe you would like to go into the one of bars close to the shore, and then spend the rest of the day with me on the beach?" He took Acelin's paws in hers, kneeling next to her and looking into her eyes. "The weather forecast says it will be a warm night... And I've found a spot that none 'll disturb us during all that time. I...", he paused shortly, pressing his paw pads against the soft texture of Ace's fur. "I think that sounds way better than..."

His sentence was cut in the middle when the female cat suddenly squealed happily, as her blue eyes sparkled with nothing more than pure joy.

"That's the best idea you could think about!" she said, swaying her tail fast. Acelin smooched Reed's cheek with a kiss, purring loudly. "I'm so excited about it! But..." - suddenly she looked at him, making a deadly serious muzzle's expression. "What should I wear?"

"As for me you can be whole naked for the rest of the day." he replied with a chuckle, smirking as Acelin poked his arms, puffing out her cheeks. "Just wear casual clothes, I want you to feel comfortable."

"Then naked is good enough." she murmured silently. She was feeling most comfortable around her daddy without any clothes that were only limiting her body around him. When he was home, she could walk all day without a single piece of underwear. And surely Reeden wasn't complaining about it at all...

"If you're planning to go into the car like that, and into the bar, then I need to prepare my phone for taking shots." male puma said to her with a grin. "You can be sure that I'm going to print them and put them over the fireplace as a best family's memory."

Dodging a bra that Acelin threw at him, Reeden laughed loudly... Until her black thongs haven't hit his muzzle.


"Mmm, that dinner surely hit the spot! It was so tasty! But I wonder..." Ace looked at him, raising her eyebrow. "Do we need the whole bottle of Scotch for the rest of the day?"

"You'll never know." Reed replied with a silent chuckle, stretching his legs on the sand and purring loudly as its warmth was getting into him through his fur. Having a good sip of whiskey was a must-have element of relaxation, when he finally found free time for himself and his lovely girl.

It was already past 8 P.M., so the sun was slowly fading under the blue line of horizon, while the beach was still keeping its warmth, stored deeply into the shore.

"It was such a nice idea to go here." Acelin looked at a male cougar with a smile, resting her head on his shoulder and looking at the last rays of sun that were bathing the beach and themselves with mixed shades of red and orange. "I wish that this moment could last forever for us.

"That surely would be nice." Reed replied silently.

Puma's strong arms and paws embraced her body, tugging her closer to him, placing a small kiss on her cheek. Female feline felt truly comfortable in his arms, having all that she needed for happiness. They were all alone, away from the curious walker's eyes, surrounded with silence disturbed only by their own breaths and waves.

"Let's have a toast!" Reeden opened the bottle's cork, pouring whiskey into two glasses that he managed to get somewhere, giving one of them to Acelin. "For the rest of that lovely night!"

"For the rest of the night!" she followed his words with a silent giggle, gently bumping glass against Reed's and taking a solid sip of alcohol. It was a strong, burning one in taste, but she liked it. Licking her own muzzle, she put the glass on the sand next to them and turned around in male's embrace, facing him now, gently sliding her paw pads through his chest's fur, exposed for her as his summer shirt's buttons were opened. Reeden couldn't help it - he started to purr silently, feeling her touch. Even in the night, that was slowly embracing the shore, he could see a gleam in Acelin's eyes.

"Mmff, all of today's attractions were really nice, daddy." a cougar female said silently, leaning closer and lightly pressing her breasts against his torso. She moved her head next to his neck, placing a small, warm lick on it. "But I think we can have a lil more fun with each other without getting ourselves drunk..." she giggled, pressing her claws tip against his shoulder. "Can't we?"

The touch of Reeden's paws became more firm as they moved lower, sneaking under her shirt, kneading over Acelin's back and sides and slowly crawling up to meet her bra clasp.

"Rrr, I guess you have a point with that sweetie." male replied, grinning as his claws opened the clasp. When his paws moved back outside, one of them rested on her cheek. "Let's treat ourselves with something more spicy than whiskey."

As their muzzles linked together in a warm, passionate kiss, words weren't needed anymore. Powerful, male's large paws slowly lifted up Acelin's shirt, exposing her lovely, slightly fit belly, soft hips. And of course his personal favorite - her breasts. They weren't as big as they tend to appear on most females he knew. But as for him, their size was just perfect. Especially when he could have his paws full of them, applying a lazy, teaseful massage to them... Or rest his muzzle in between those comfy, warm "pillows".

But as the rest of daylight sunk under the endless ocean's horizon and the world got embraced by night, Reed felt that today he'll be needing something more than a calm, sensual cuddle. His paws, touching the female's breasts became more firm, and his thumbs searched for her nipples, rubbing them in a teasing manner. Acelin's muzzle parted from his, breaking the kiss and leaving a small link of salvia as she let out the silent moan. Gods! How he loved that cute sound.

Female cougar doesn't want to leave all the fun for her partner though. While his muzzle and rough feline tongue focused on her breasts, her paws acted almost instinctively, sliding slowly through all his muscular arms, chest and firm ABS to his crotch. It wasn't a surprise for her that his bulge, hidden under his shorts, was already pushing against the material, demanding to be released into the fresh air. Her skilled fingers opened his belt and button, finding the way directly into Reeden's manhood. Acelin licked her own muzzle as she could feel his member already peeking out from his sheath, swelling more for her and his arousal every second she was playing with it. Pushing her paw a lil lower gave her experience of his heavy balls, surely filled with a potent seed. It would be truly a waste to not let the male feline release it... Not to mention all those silent huffs he was letting out under the touch of her paw pads. Poor daddy was truly in need to find relief after a whole week of hard work at his company... And Acelin knew exactly what could bring him the desired relaxation.

"Nnnfff...", Ace somehow broke through the waves of her own pleasure. "Enough of the tease." she said to him silently, while her paw pads pushed against his still swelling length. "I want to feel that precious daddy's cock inside me tonight, receiving all the potent seed he stored for me in his balls." she told him, pressing her claws against his muscled chest. "I want to carry his strong kittens, giving him..." she felt silent suddenly as Reed pushed his finger against her muzzle.

"I got the point sweetie." he said with a chuckle, feeling as his shorts and pants became way too tight after all of Acelin's teasing. "Let's take those shorts and pants of yours. I want to see you all naked."

Both cougars stood up, with their bodies illuminated by the glare of the moon. He took her shirt through her head, she slid down his, letting it fall on the ground, exposing his muscled arms, firm chest and ABS. His body was strong, but yet not overly buffed out, and she loved every inch of it - especially when her soft paw pads could examine it endlessly during their cuddles.

And then a last pieces of clothing were lost for both of them - while Acelin slid down Reed's short, exposing his almost fully shaped manhood an heavy balls, his paw opened her jeans, pushing them down, claws simply raked through her blue bikini pants, giving him a free access to her inner lips that they were already puffy and soaking, demanding something more than just a teasing touch. Her paw pads pressed against his length, exploring pulsating veins and barbed tip, while his fingers examined her warmth and wetness, gently sliding inside her slit, pressing against her muscled inner walls. Acelin opened her mouth, letting out a heated gasp as he rubbed inside her, her own fingers wrapping tighter around his cock.

"Put it inside me already, daddy." Acelin whispered, looking directly into his eyes. "I want to feel every inch of it sinking..."

She wasn't able to finish the sentence as Reeden suddenly turned her around, clenching his body against her back. While he moved his head closer to her neck, nibbling it and letting out a deep, playful growl, his throbbing cock started to press against her ass cheeks, only to slide shortly after in between her thighs. With slowly, teaseful moves he rubbed it against her moist, warm entrance, wanting to hear some more of her cute moans... Not to mention quite a lubrication he was getting from her sweet juices. Both of his large paws wrapped around her tits, kneading on them almost like a domesticated cat when finding a comfy spot.

"Mmmf..." she murred, having a hard time to focus. "You're so... Ooh!" female gasped as a pleasurable shiver went through her whole body. "So m - mean to me..." Acelin gasped out, wrapping her arm around male's neck for better aid, moving her second paw in between her legs to rub Reed's tip. "Just cut it!" she said as shreds of her patience were fading out. "Grr... Shove it into me!"

"Oh? Is my little girl getting all worked up?" he asked with a silent chuckle, lifting his paw to scratch her cheek lightly with his claws. "Rrr, since you demand it so much..."

Moving both of his arms lower through her body, he suddenly groped around her rump, lifting her up with ease. Female cougar let out a silent, surprised squeak at such a sudden position's change, only to give her daddy a moan when his barbed tip pressed against her entrance. Waiting for him to finally shove it, she bit her lower lip, closing her eyes, feeling his chest vibrating while he purred, sharing warmth of his body with her.

And then, without any warning, Reeden sunk almost all of his swollen length inside Ace with a firm push. While the cougar's male teeth clenched together when tight, wet walls embraced his cock, Ace opened her muzzle wide, letting out a soundless scream, claws pushing deeply against his neck. No matter how often she took daddy's cock, their size difference was always giving her a pleasure far beyond the female's imagination. It took a short moment to regain control over her own body, but when a pleasant shiver ran through her back, muscled inner walls relaxed, letting more of Reed's cock inside.

Acelin wanted to express how much she loved Reed's cock spreading her insides, but all she could was moaning into his neck with each thrust. Male's strong arms were lifting her up and pushing down easily, giving himself a pretty tight fit. Opening his muzzle a little, Reeden started to pant as her walls were clenching around his member tightly. His barbed tip was stimulating her more and more, easily reaching her cervix without reaching a ball's deep point. And gods! He loved the way her body was bouncing on him, her breasts pushing against his torso each time she was going down on his cock.

"Mmm, babe..." Reed muttered after a short moment of wet sounds mixed with huffs, moans and the sound of waves. "Always so..." he growled as a shiver went through his body. "So tight for me, even if we are together for a while."

"F-fuck... Rrr!" Ace had a pretty tough time to reply, but she eventually managed it, while her claws raked gently against his shoulders. "You haven't... Ahn!" she paused as the cock's tip pressed against her G-spot, making her legs tremble. "Mmm... Shrink at all too." She said with a smirk, looking into her eyes. She may be playing a tough girl, but warm juices leaking outside and soaking Reeden's heavy balls were betraying her, exposing her excitement.

It didn't take them long to change the current pose. Taking out his cock with a wet pop, Reed guided Acelin's body to rest it on her knees and elbows against their blanket, having a nice view on her rear that she lifted up into the air, with tail being on the side and swollen pussy's lips that were oozing a mix of her own juices and his pre outside. Looking back on her partner, Aceling swayed her rear in a slow manner, licking her own muzzle with delight.

"C'mere big boy." She teased him. "Shove it back inside me."

Reeden didn't need her seductive words to move closer, pushing his cock against her ass cheeks. He wasn't planning to give her a chance for taking a deeper breath or small break either. Her heated purring was suddenly muted and replaced with a loud moan as he took her from behind, spreading her inner walls violently, making her climax a little. His claws dug into the sand on her sides, while his whole muscled frame lowered against Acelin's smaller figure, placing quite a firm bite on her neck, almost like a wild feral cat, growling into her fur and skin.

This time the cougar male left his brakes behind, going balls deep inside Acelin's body, making her belly bulge each time his swollen member's tip was reaching her womb. His heavy orbs, already filled with a potent seed were slapping against her thighs, being already wet as she was squirting hardly around his dick, giving a proper lubrication for the cougar's large size. Growling and panting heavily, he didn't care about his surroundings. All that he cared about now was his female, her loud moans, addicting scent and wet, tightening walls. Reeden was craving for breeding her, filling that tight pussy with his cum to brim, and give her a herd of strong, healthy kittens.

In meantime Acelin's mind was slipping away, unable to bring out a single word between her moans, groans and pants. Female's tongue slipped out, drooling with her saliva as she couldn't control her own body anymore, lowering herself on the blanket, pushing her breasts into the still warm sand under it. She wanted that moment to last forever, being fucked again and again by that cougar stud, having her pussy almost ripped in half cause of the meaty, throbbing log he was stuffing her with. And more than anything she was craving for his hot semen, flooding her insides. As she felt another climax building, Acelin reached with one paw under herself and started to rub her clit with the paw pad, letting out a few hisses.

"I... " she mumbled with difficulty. "C-can't... Ah! Can't take it anymore!" Her whole body was burning, her vagina was spread to its very limits. "I'm-" Her claws tightened on the blanket. "I'm going to-'' She clenched her fangs together, exposing them, hoping to delay the explosion inside her. But the amount of pleasure was far too big to fight it. Letting out a loud hiss she climaxed hard around Reeden's pulsating cock, coating it with a flood of her warm juices and clenching around it tightly to milk that large member from every single drop of its precious semen.


Cougar male's body responded to that tight squeeze almost instantly. As Acelin's inner walls suddenly tightened around Reed's member, he simply couldn't help it. Pinning her down against the blanket and letting out a powerful roar cougar cummed inside Acelin, shooting ropes of his sticky, warm semen way deep inside her womb. His heavy balls and cock were throbbing, finally having an opportunity to give his mate what she desired - a potent, sticky load, making her small belly bulge out slowly with every throb. His claws raked through their blanket, while his sharp fangs left small bloody marks on her neck as his bite went a little too deep because of excitement and sudden relief. Panting heavily with his tongue out, he tried to catch his breath, while he was still emptying his orbs inside Acelin.

"Ooohhh..." That was all she was able to bring out, feeling Reeden's cum flooding her to the very limits of her pussy's and womb capacity, even leaking outside. Her whole body was shaking with spasms of pleasure, while even a single move of male's cock and its barbs inside her vagiva were stimulating her more and more. As they both rested on side, with Reed still inside her, she placed paw on her bloated belly, massaging it with a smile, letting out a silent, weak purring. She reached with another paw behind to pet her lover's ear and cheek, wondering how many strong kittens he had put inside her tonight. Reeden smiled because of that soft touch, kissing her paw and making his chest vibrate with silent purring. After a short moment he slowly took out his member outside her pussy with a growl as he still was pretty sensitive. A silent moan escaped Acelin's muzzle as she felt a warm excess of semen mixed with her juices running down on her thigh.

As their breaths finally calmed down they looked around, still laying on the blanket - Acelin was embraced by Reeden's arms, cuddling up against his torso and belly with her back. It seemed that during their passionate play time passed quickly and now they were surrounded by a perfect summer night, disturbed only by the sound of the waves. Stars were shining brightly above them in a crystal clear sky.

"I must say that going outside for dinner was the best idea". Female cougar said silently. She was so tired! And also having Reeden next to her, sharing her warmth with him was feeling so good that she had to fight the desire to simply fall asleep on the beach. "I can't wait until next time daddy will take me on another one." She added, letting out a small chuckle.

"Already thinking about it? Naughty girl." Reed laughed silently, giving her rear a gentle pat with paw, smooching her cheek with a kiss. "Seems like my lovely kitten has really impressive durability." His muzzle moved to her ear, so he could whisper into it with a grin, exposing his teeth. "Next time I'll make sure you won't have enough strength to think about anything at all."


Wind Whisperer

Wind Whisperer Written by ©Reeden Landshey C'mon lady... There's no need to be shy! I'm... I'm a really gently male, I swear to mah... my father's name. I'll give you a pleasure that... Mmmh, that you could only dream about... All I need is...

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