Virgin Virus Ch27: Mist

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#36 of Incubus: Virgin Virus

Incubus: Virgin Virus...

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Twenty-seven-

  • Last Chapter: -

The situation got from bad to worse as Ariyoshi was confronted with a tough proposition that he refused. Exlias, a fellow time-controller, was enraged by this, and took advantage of the skirmish that took place in the jungle. And by his hand, both Fabien and Oscar's sons are now lost. What could've been done against a demon with time on his hands?

Author's Note: Only 3 more chapters to go before the book closes. I feel great.

--15/Oct/201X , The Amazons, Brazil; Midnight--

In the depths of the brazilian jungle, there was a great disturbance. Something greatly ominous had emerged. The tribesfolk of the surrounding areas quickly moved out to attend the problem. This was a group of incubi and humans, working together for a greater balance.

Eight in total they were, three of them demons. Their bodies were adorned in tied feathers, talismans and tribal marks. Some rushed through the woods in loincloth, others didn't. They all knew where this issue was, requiring little guidance, moving almost instinctively among the many surrounding trees. A few of them carried tools particular to this expected job, among these blowguns and lances and bows and arrows.

Soon, they find the disturbance in their home land. It was a giant, dark-yellow furred creature, something highly unusual to appear on their grounds, but not unheard of. Wary they were, this was a creature that could eliminate them with ease. Creatures of darkness such as this were only misguided, and they would try and help guide these lost beings to a path of light. It is the universal task of their tribe since its conception to restore balance whenever it shifts too much to either side.

They were indoctrinated into this, and by the time they were old enough to contribute to this mission, there were no doubts, the fear was offset by the confidence in their skill and the trust in their partners. Their determination to contribute to this universal balance is one that is unequalled. Humans they are, inexorably, but they're a unique collective of the homo sapiens that makes them seen almost alien in comparison.

When they reach this monster's vicinity, they surround him. Each is attentive of the other. With a gesture they all cued one another to engage this monster. One of them held the thin tube of the blowgun and brought it up to his mouth. Blowing on it, the thin dart zips through the air. It flies with cold precision and it hits, embedding itself on the monster's right arm.

The creature's thick skin prevents it from noticing this, but the needle was more than what it seemed. Seeped in the pheromones of mystical wolf spirits, this dart reacts to the beast's dark aura. Little white sparks surround the dart, and that's when the monster takes notice.

He takes a look at his, looking mildly confused. Then one of the tribal incubi addresses him.

  • "Let us purify you." -

Yellow eyes direct themselves to the convictive demon.

  • "Purify...?" -

This monster intones, unsure of what the smaller demon and the dart might have meant. Then another of the mystic darts flies true, sticking into the beast's left shoulder. The beast reacts with a growl, turning towards the direction of the attack. He sees these tan-skinned humans and the demons beside them moving closer, unafraid.

  • "What is this lack of fear...? If I had the appropriate chemical signatures of a chimera, this would be such a different situation... I don't get any of this." -

He was bothered by the situation.

This destabilization of his aura made it hard for the beast to move, this becoming slowly more significant. It blindly swung its large arm in one direction, then the other way. Those who surrounded this monster had no trouble in dodging its brief attack.

Then, they prepared themselves to begin the ritual of purification, to help this beast in finding a better path. This was not guaranteed, but try they must. The three incubi of the group aligned themselves beside each other as the dark-yellow beast struggled more and more against the debilitating effects of the two mystical pins embedded on both his muscular arms. Its face showed pent up confusion and frustration, and it looked at the aligned incubi with dangerous intent, snarling fiercely. The two pins continuously sparked in their negative reaction, and a constant, soft crackling could be heard


  • "With the blessings of the Fanfir we shall show the way. Do not struggle, there will be no harm." - The clamoring incubus was a sleekly built one, with two identical marks on both his cheeks; one horizontal and another vertical.

After taking a breath, he leaned and brought his arms forward as to seemingly grab the tall beast's shoulders. And by some force unknown to the transformed chimera, his shoulders indeed get rigid, something effectively holding them. His eyes stare at this demon, wondering if it was him who was doing this and how he was doing it. Suddenly the chimera gets pushed into the ground, the clamoring demon mimicking a movement, almost like a puppeteer. The monster growls and squirms, but the unseen force that the tribal incubus was apparently summoning kept the chimera in place.

  • "I... can't move. What is this?!" -The dark-yellow chimera protested in his own head, feeling completely drained and now trapped as well.

Another moment, a second demon moves to stand near the chimera's forehead. That demon held his hands cupped above the beast's forehead while the third took a canteen given to him by one of the older humans and poured some blue liquid into the cupped hands. This liquid drips onto the large demon through the incubus' fingers.

While this dripped over him, Dino could feel that his air was being taken away, he started heaving and his thoughts became cloudy.

  • "Fanfir! Grant this taluk blessed guidance." - The demon near the chimera's forehead chanted softly as all of the liquid got poured.

In seconds, Dino's body appears to vibrate. Dark aura escapes his body as it begins shrinking hastily, losing the traits of a chimera while reverting back into his original incubus form. The tribesmen saw through this disguise from the begging, and in noting this Dino became that more mystified.

  • "Ungh... they're not showing any emotion. This is like... the usual business to them. What are they... ?- Argh!" -


One of the older looking humans placed his hands on the de-transformed Dino, intoning something vaguely discernible.

  • "May the fanfir spirits bring you epiphany, taluk." -

After that being said, the tribesfolk leave solemnly, and Dino is left on the ground, unable to move... His energy had been drained and disrupted, his mind has been close to blown by how efficiently these tribesfolk shut down Dino. Humans had detained him with a simple ritual; something too hard to believe for such an adamant demon. But the evidence could be felt. It was exactly what happened.

  • "I await this... epiphany with open arms... ungh; wow, I feel so very drained." -


--Somewhere in the jungle... 16/Oct/201X--

[- "Oh, Carl... I want you with me." -]

[- "But John..." -]

[- "What is it?" -]

[- "I can't.... I love you but I can't." -]


  • "What? Why?!" - John wakes up abruptly, gasping and springing upright.

Within moments his senses return to him, then he starts looking around, eyes tracing everything. Slowly, he was noticing the variety of ornaments and talisman, almost everything that surrounded him seemed to be made out of wood. It all looked organic in some way. Inherently natural. It was also completely unknown to him. He was lost.

  • "How did I get here...?" - John could only wonder what was going on.

Where he lay, it was comfortable with its furry texture, and the bright light outside showed that it was early in the day. But this meant that he had spent a long time away from home. All of this unwanted and unsettling. This was confusing to him because he didn't know of the existence of any tribal settling in that jungle, and his father probably didn't know either. How would anyone find him now...

  • "There must be some people around here... but they probably wont talk english... crap." - John thought out loud.

He could listen to the soft voices of the tribepeople outside the shack, but he was nervous as to how they would react or interact with him. He wondered about who took him there, the whole mess that resulted in him being kidnapped, and the concept of the incubus. It was a lot of information and the space to process what was going on was slim. He only sighed.

  • "I'm this freakish looking kid, and they have me here with only a strip of paper for clothing. They'll be staring... ugh!" - John was feeling quite self-conscious as he had only a short loincloth that left the rest of his unnaturally muscular body exposed to view and nature.

  • "It does feel fresh, though... free." - The boy then thought, wiggling his toes.

They were inevitably dirty but felt cool and comfortable even in the bare.

Then, the lad notices a woman walk in with a polished clay tray and a small cup that appeared to be made out of dry fruit. John watched carefully, and this lady watched back. But while John looked worried and still ignorant, the female looked back with gentility. She neared John, who took notice of her darker skin and the fact that she was quite exposed. There she offered the little cup to the lad; it was filled wit clear water.

  • "Ah, thank you..." - John took the offered water and the tribeswoman returns the same way she entered, with an easy smile.

  • "Well... so far so good." - The boy sighed as he lay back down.

  • "This is not bad at all... feels awesome." - John thought as he stroked the pelts where he lied, all in an effort to calm down.

A few more minute passed and he finished the water, his throat and his being refreshed. Then two more figures entered.

  • "Umm, hello there." - John heard and turned to see who it was.

  • "D-demon!" - John snapped and cowered as his first reaction, but this was quick to cool down as he focused on their face. Gentle expressions.

  • "Ah, hey! Peace! We won't hurt cha." - The one that was talking was an incubus, who was accompanied by a tribesman.

The incubus possessed a solid build with a bit of chub and a good, round and proportionate belly, and his gaze was calming, much like the woman moments earlier. The man beside wore nothing but tied feathers; he was quite naked. Probably in his twenties, the tribesman was quite a pleasant sight to John. His heart rate slowed as he began to realize there was no danger. Other than that, he tried to keep his staring subtle and his mind entertained; even the slightest half-erection would be noticeable.

  • "The mana appointed me as your escort in the tribe. They don't speak your language so... I'm here to translate and help in anything you need. Anything at all." - The chubby demon explained, but he only looked at John indirectly. This the boy perceived as shy and... cute.

  • "Ah... thanks." - John said softly.

  • "What do we call you, gaimana?" - The demon then wondered, and the tribesman stood interested in the answer.

  • "Gai-what now? ... I'm John." -

  • "Pleasure. They call me Valie, and this is Torun." - The demon gave a slight bow of courtesy, and so did his companion.

  • "I can take you on a little tour now... or later if you wish to wait. I understand you need some explanations" - Valie then offered.

  • "Ah... umm... why is a... demon giving me the tour?" - John asked apprehensively.

  • "Ah, because you wont understand the tribe. I know your language, though..." -

  • "Yeah...Umm... I think I'll take the tour now." - John said, standing from the furred bedding.

Valie directed himself to Torun, both speaking in the tribal dialect. With apparent understanding the tribesman left the shack, and Valie looked at John.

  • "Please, follow me." - The orange furred demon offered with a friendly gesture.


Once outside the shack, John was truly filled with wonder. The people were beautiful, the place was tranquil, the air was fresh and smelled pleasant. Everyone had a soft expression. It was like a dream to John.

  • "This is true peace." - He thought.

A lot of questions were packed in the lad's head, but he'd have to pour them on Valie one by one.

  • "Ahh, where am I?" - John began to seek answers.

  • "We are at the manataluk tribe. We have different settlings around the Mother's various jungles, and we're hidden from civilization as a whole." - The chubby demon explained as he walked calmly, John following.

  • "You make it sound like this place is impossible to find." - John remarked.

  • "Well, it is true." -

And that affirmation had John gulping. As they continued walking, they apparently headed out of the camp, further into the woods.

  • "No outsider can enter or exit the settlement unless escorted by a demon with an accepted resonance. Those are imposed by the wise mana." -

  • "So, the only reason I'm here is because a demon brought me here?" -

  • "That is certain. The reasons for this are beyond me, though. Still; rest assured. You're in good hands." - John felt a physical drain after giving it a moment's thought.

A demon brought him to a hidden tribe mixed with incubi, one place that while peaceful, was impossible to find. Or so they said. And in the middle me this process, he had been knocked out.

  • "Oh gawd. I just wanna get back home..." - The boy frowned and his shoulders slumped.

  • "Fear not, the wise ones might probably help." - Valie told the boy in an upbeat tone, trying to cheer him up.

  • "Ohh... hey, where are you taking me?" - John wondered, looking around and noticing that the tribe was behind them now. They seemed to be on a winding trail.

  • "Before I can explain to you the family, I'll need to answer your questions. I'm only taking you to a more peaceful area so we can dialog." - Valie replied, granting John a smile.

The boy sighed once more and continued to track Valie. Then he notices a slight problem. His small loincloth was tented.

  • "Crap!" - The boy thought.

He couldn't have noticed the natural reaction to the sight of beautiful naked boys and men and Valie's body also constantly on his way because of the ample worry that his questions produced and the importance to answer them. And now that he had full knowledge of what his body was doing, he was ashamed and blushing.

  • "Jeez, the guys here are so sleek, so hot. And naked, and well endowed. And... happy. And Valie has a great ass. Ugh, I'm even thinking about the demon... But he's so nice. And the other bad demons were sexy too. This doesn't make any sense...!" -

John debated silently within hismelf, and it caused inevitable strain on him. But now, the subtle smell of fresh water hit him.

  • "You're stressed. When a mana gets too worried, he gets in the river." - Valie patted the lad's shoulder and gestured west, where clean, calm water flows just a few steps away.

  • "River...? Wow... I've... never seen water so clear." - He could feel why the "mana" came here when they're stressed.

An apparent peace filled him, and he was compelled.

  • "Umm... what are 'mana'?" - The boy asked.

  • "Mana are the people, our brothers and sisters. Our family. You're a gaimana, a brother from afar." - Valie gently held the boy's shoulders as he watched the water.

It gleamed golden as rays of sunlight poured over it, unhindered in their reflection.

  • "Let's get in the water." - The demon then suggested.

Unhurried the boy walked towards the water, almost as if the stream beckoned him. Carefully he tested the temperature of the fresh water with the sole of his foot. It was cool as his body expected, and the soft flow made it comforting. He kept his eyes on his steps as he walked further in.

It barely got boy deeper a few inches in, the surface of the stream caressed his legs just above his ankles. He looked at his sunken feet, them he wondrously traced the light, looking upwards. It was like a temple of trees all around, and the sky seemed to have strokes of white as painted clouds.

  • "I need to take Carl here." - The boy told himself softly.

Valie in turn was pleased watching his escort taking in everything. At that moment he looked just like any other mana instead of that odd young man.

  • "What do I call you, again? Sorry, all this... its distracting." -

  • "It's fine, I'm Valie. And you're John, right?" -

  • "Yes, I'm John." -

The muscular lad felt much calmer now, but he was clearly tense. Valie kept looking at this boy, concentrated since he met the boy on finding ways to help him relax.


  • "Ack- What are you...?" - John felt the demon's big hand wrap around his erection.

  • "Crap! This is nuts! How can I not notice this is happening?!" - The boy felt ashamed realizing that this body function had gone unchecked, even more so that this demon was holding onto it.

Despite this, he had no immediate desire to stop whatever was going on...

  • "With your regard, I'd like to please you." - Valie told the boy as their eyes met.

John's were wide open and looking every which way, him holding on to Valie's arm.

  • "But I don't know you... and others might see us..." -

  • "Heh, that's the issue? Gaimana, this is part of life, and we the tribespeople openly share our sexuality. But it is not hedonism, just diligent freedom. If two share a pleasure ritual, another may sit and watch, or maybe join to help or partake. It is only natural." -

Valie leaned closer as he explained this to John, the boy having trouble believing his ears.

  • "Sex is normal, naked is normal, guys love guys and watch guys with other guys..." -

The boy analyzed this, feeling his semi-erection lightly throb in the demon's warm grasp.

  • "But this is only with your regard. Deny me if there is no comfort in the proposition. You can... take on another partner, or." -

  • "Valie... this is real strange to me, but you're being so nice. And you're... cute. I feel comfortable, even barely knowing you... and I need to... chill." - The boy tried explaining.

  • "Help me relax." -

With that said, John leaned against the friendly demon and caressed the fur on his arm. Valie smiled at this and began to explicitly tug on the boy's dick. It was quite stimulating; despite John's cock being slightly above average, the incubus's hand takes care of it almost completely by its size alone. The pulling was firm and the pushing grinded heavily and nicely. Standing in front of the boy now, Valie's free hand occupied itself with rubbing the boy's greatly muscled body.

The demon kept his fascination in the back of his head as the walked, but this was an effort. He could hardly believe that such a young lad could have that sculpted of a body. He ran his big hands all over the shoulder and neck, kneading lightly to better feel the solid muscle. John in turn was loving how this demon's large hand grinded so much pleasure into him. He found himself moaning and lightly humping and pressing himself against Valie as the tuggling increased in tempo.

The demon reached John's thick pectorals moments later and felt it, squeezed it and tweaked on the lovely, hard nipple. Toying on it, he coaxed sharper moans from the boy's mouth.

  • "Oh gawd..." - John was having shivers from how good this pleasure was.

Soon enough, Valie's stroking hand begins to slather with precum as it starts leaking.

  • "I'll lick you clean now..." - The demon whispered, stroking the boy's cock more earnestly now.

It throbbed madly, the boy's breathing quick. His eyes were mostly closed and he kept rubbing Valie's arm. Then, the demon released John's member to kneel on the shallow stream. His hands wrapped around the lad's hips once he was fully kneeling, then gently holding on to his firm buttocks to press the cock against his demon form.

Valie kept his sight on the boy's face, looking upwards while the boycock throbbed, pressed against the incubus' chest. John looked down needily, his face blushing a little. The cubby incubus smiled at this, he was quite glad to be pleasing this gorgeous gaimana. He nuzzled the boy's lower abs a few times while his hands kept a firm hold of the boy's strong ass. In between he pressed his lips and licked the muscles, doing so as a trail leading to the root of the throbbing cock.

John sighed delighted when he felt his testicles getting caressed by this demon's heavy tongue, loving the warmth when Valie sucked on them and massaged them in his mouth. Then he gave John's member a good licking, pressing his muzzle forward to force the cock against the boy's body as he did this. A moment later his lips wrap around the member's head.

The boy moaned loudly when Valie started to gently introduce the penis into his demon mouth. How the lips embraced the sensible flesh and grinded as they pushed for great pleasure. How its lower part in turn rubbed against the quite fleshy tongue which quivered in anticipation. And warmth and wetness too. Its whole length rested inside the chubby demon's mouth, his lips were pressed against the boy's obliques now.

John laid his hands over Valie, the demon diligent in this boy's pleasure ritual. Unhurried. With gentle movements his head slowly pulled and grinded in reverse against the boy cock. Thenforward he leaned and took it all in again.

  • "Mmm..." - Out Valie let a sound of delight, tasting the pre-cum that this member continuously produced. He sucked dearly on this member, loving how the boy enjoyed all of this.

A few minutes into the felatio, John was concentrated entirely in receiving and enjoying this act, and Valie on giving it. The demon's fingers slowly crept in between the boy's buttcheeks, sliding across the tender area. His index finger teased the rim me John's asshole. The boy shivers at this, and Valie continued, slowly pushing the finger in.

  • "Ah....!" - John yelped and Valie giggled.

With the boy's dick in the demon's mouth it kept getting nursed while that finger screwed gently in and out of his asshole. The finger slid very slowly in the velvety insides, and this combination had John's senses speeding to a climax.

With the sun over them and the water kissing their heels and knees, the two were in bliss. Valie wanted to help his escort relax, and he was doing a damn good job.

  • "Ah-haah!" - John was unable to hold on any longer, surrendering the pent up ecstasy and realeasing plenty wads of cum into the demon's mouth.

Valie kept his lips tight around the member as it poured the boy cream, the chubby demon swallowing it with delight.


Moments later, John was wrapped in Valie's arms, recovering his breath as his head slowly clears of the sexual haze.

  • "There we go. That was good, wasn't it?" - Valie assured the boy in his arms.

  • "Mmm, yes." - John rested his head on the incubus' shoulder, Valie tenderly rubbing his back.


--16/Oct/201X, The Amazons; Dawn--

The sky was pitch black, but we could feel the new day coming. We had been able to free ourselves of that other group of crazy demons, but in that time an even crazier demon took both our human boys and tossed them somewhere unknown. It was quite aggravating.

We moved back to the mansion to tell Fabien about this and to pass on the information to Oscar. Between Ariyoshi, Rude, Yun, Tobey and Sebastian, some of them didn't think that telling the doc was that good of an idea, but I felt a huge burden; and the only way to lighten that was by informing him. A little selfish... but maybe he has some technology that will find the boys more easily than us with our demonic senses.

From the depths of that warm forest we were at the doorstep of Fabien's mansion a pair of minutes later. Sebastian had called him. I truly had no interest in entering, and I didn't think any of the demons did either.

  • "Did you find my son?" - Fabien came out straightforwardly.

  • "No. We saw him, but he got taken away. Now we don't have any idea of where he might be." - I replied, slightly cold in my demeanor.

  • "What?" -

  • "Carl was also taken away." - I growled as I told him that other part.

  • "Impossible. He is inside with us, under my care." -

  • "You might want to double-check." - Sebastian suggested firmly.

  • "Melbourne! Check my son's room. Where's the Nuenberg boy?" - Fabien ordered out loud.


  • "Sorry sir... he's not there." - A minute later he got his reply.

  • "Search the whole house! ...urgh... this is bad." - The scientist had a hand on his forehead, bothered by this news.

  • "You should go and talk to Dr. Oscar." -- Ariyoshi suggested.

  • "Maybe your technology can help up pinpoint the location, and we can take it from there. We can't find him with our senses. If he were in the vicinity of a few miles, we'd be able to get a faint hint of at least his smell." - Rude added.

  • "Clearly this area is largely desolate." - Sebastian pointed out.

  • "Yes... yes it is." - Fabien confirmed.

  • "So now my boy and Nuenberg's boy are both missing... I can't help but be bothered... couldn't something have been done to prevent any of this?" - The man asked almost as a scold.

  • "Excuse me, but we were dealing with a time-manipulating demon. I don't think much can be done about that." - Ari shily mentioned.

  • "Temporal control? How fascinating... I guess nothing can be done against such talent." -

There was a shift from angry and worried dad to calculating scientist and back again. My internal feud with him had cooled down relatively in the last few minutes, but that struck me. His eyes got caught in my glare and the shifted away just as quickly.

What a bastard.

  • "So you need me to try and find the boys. I don't know what i can do. Its's not like they are wired with a tracking device or such." -

  • "What about Carl's father?" - Ariyoshi asked.

  • "I'll ask Nuenberg... then. That man seems to be the more clever one." - Fabien claimed, and I was glad with this.

The guys were annoyed but calm. Fabien never stopped being fishy, and it was not just me that thought this.


--Inside the mansion, Communications Room--

  • "A time controlling demon took our boys..." -

  • "This is what your demons claim. It sounds a little hard to believe, I know-" -

  • "It's not actually. My friend, I think I can help. For both our sakes." -

  • "Heh, you have a tracking device on your boy?" -

  • "Coincidentally, I do. I fear I may be overprotective at one points and too trusting at others. This is one of the few times too much is just right." -

  • "You're a daft one, Oscar." -

The two parents and scientists spoke with the comfort only an old friendship could provide.


The demons waited outside the mansion, waiting to hear of anything that might help them track the boys. Oscar ultimately told Fabien that the small warp device was trackable back in the underground lab. He'd relay the coordinates, hoping that the device was still on the boy.

  • "Ah... ahah! This is good, I have a signal. North-northeast from your location, 35 miles." - Oscar mentioned with excitement.

  • "Wonderful, they're still in this dimension..." -


  • "Ah... I think we need to trade notes someday." - Dr. Nuenberg later told his colleague.

  • "I'm more than willing, my friend." -

  • "I'm not, but... ah. You'll hear from me soon." -

Oscar's words were wary ones, almost apprehensive. Fabien took note of this; a moment later he signs off the communications console and heads outside once more.


--Outside, once more--

  • "He got a signal, 35 miles from here. North-northeast" - Fabien informed us, pointing in the direction he thought correct with his index finger extended.

Those where good news; despite the lack of trace, clever human technology showed that the boys are not lost. Now we only needed to head over there, but where was this measurement of distance pointing at exactly?

  • "I'll take us there. We hope to recover the boys shortly." - Sebastian stated.

Then I got to think. Usually whenever I was headed somewhere I was following someone, or the place was familiar to me. I think I need tutoring on various measurement scales...

I took the liberty of carrying Yun in his lack of wings as we quickly ascended to fly with Sebs leading. A slight advantage of traveling alongside the wind demon was faster travel time, this being a result of less wind drag thanks to his wind manipulation. And in two minutes of flying, the wind wielder was telling up to descend and land.

The expanse was still dark and in our path we saw only trees and more trees; a wide river at one point, then more trees.

  • "Alright, spread out and try and find Carl's scent. Or any human scent for that matter." - Sebastian told us, in full use of his natural leadership.

Upon landing, my eyes directed to a very particular rock, no bigger than a craneum. It had a mark on that I couldn't discern. Only that it was pulling. I took a moment to check on which direction each of the others were taking, and I noticed that Yun was also staring at the rock.

  • "There's something about it, right?" -

  • "Uhh, what?" -

  • "The rock." -

  • "Yeah..." -

His face was similar to mind in that we both ported a face of fooled gesture, but one full of fascination as well. Then he unbinds his blade from his body and pokes the little stone with its tip.

  • "Let's just look around for master Carl..." - Yun then softly suggested after poking the rock a few times.

Suddenly, there was rapid movement. The rustling of the leaves on the treetops struck as odd, and simply put, it smelled like someone else. An unknown, inhuman trace.

  • "Wait... who's there?" - I went ahead and asked.

In response, an incubus dropped before us. Light brown fur, gray mane, two red marks on each cheek. I was instantly reminded of Gale.

  • "Gaitaluk, why are you here?" - His voice was a soft tenor, and it had a different, gentle tone.

Now, the word he said... 'gaitaluk'? I had no idea what that was.

  • "We're searching for someone. It's really important." - I replied, then I saw him concentrate on our scents, his eyes briefly closed as he took them in.

  • "Give me a description, maybe I can help." - The fit demon offered without question.

  • "Well... one of them is of average height, black hair... the other's a little shorter but way more muscular... they're pretty average boys. Fair skinned, gentle features." - Yun tried explaining, and this demon seemed to understand, giving us a nod.

  • "It may be a coincidence, but I think i've seen gaimana with fitting descriptions. There's been a lot of commotion in the forest..." -

This unknown demon appeared out of nowhere and was willing and ready to help us. For some reason, no one objected. It was really sudden, but this incubus seemed to be earnest in wanting to help us. He also appeared to know the place; the forest and what belonged. I set my eyes on the others, checking their reactions as they returned to our landing spot.

There was no time for questions, those would come later.

  • "The flame mane. You're a familiar." - The native demon directed himself to Yun.

  • "Wha- yes I am. How did you..." -

  • "I can smell it... I sense distrust, repressed out of courtesy and ignorance."- The gray maned incubus mentioned looking at all of us.

  • "Allow me to explain." -

Very perceptive this demon was, it certainly surprised me.

  • "These trees are my home, and my family and I protect it. We watch over it. It is admittedly very peaceful, and we wish to keep it that way." -

Now it started to make sense. This was a tribal demon? I never thought we would take on human practices so... deeply. I looked at him more closely. Surely, it was dark, but I noticed tied feathers on him. What did this all mean...?

If anything, it was very unlikely that he were against us.

  • "Our home is hidden to the naked eye. Only destined or... bonded taluk can enter." - The stranger mentioned, keeping his eye on our Yun.

  • "If the boy is there, your bond will be the key that allows you to enter our settlement." -

There Yun's eyes widened, and Ari's attention was pulled.

  • "Excuse me, but how do you achieve this? I mean, we can't sense any other demon besides us and the insurgents." -

  • "Only the wise ones know. They're the only ones entitled to that." -

  • "Nevermind that, we need to look for Carl and John!" - Yun interrupted, and Ari sighed.

Ariyoshi wanted to find out as much as he could, but it was already stated that only Yun was able to pass. And at the same time Yun didn't get that part.

  • "There's no we; you'll be the one to go see." - I cleared it up for the warrior.

  • "Ah, alright then." -

  • "One last thing, please. If only bonded or chosen demons can enter, how did the boys get in in the first place?" - Ariyoshi pondered out loud.

Wonderful question.

  • "I wish I knew, honestly. But all i can do is to look for and help return the young ones." - The tribal demon admitted.

  • "Excuse us, but what do we call you?" - Rude went ahead and asked.

  • "I am Mahal." - He replied.

  • "Well Mahal, help me find my master." - Yun stated.


  • "Do as I do." - The tribal demon instructed.

Kneeling, he touched the little stone Yun had poked earlier. In moments Mahal vanished, this looking the same as Ari's temporal warping. He was just not there anymore.

  • "Whoah..." - Yun exclaimed, and Ari looked at the phenomenon with familiarity.

  • "Well, I just do this and..." -

Yun followed suit, and he too warped instantly.

In the blink of an eye.


  • "I think I know how Exlias got the boys in." - Ariyoshi mentioned moments later.

  • "Leave that for later..." - Rude told the time controller.

I just thought that the last few days had been filled with coincidences, and they seemed to get ever crazier. Ari was filled with boundless curiosity, Rude was just being Rude. Sebastian was watchful, Yun was gone to find the boys. I wondered what to do next.

  • "So, the good smellin guy knows where muscle boy and Yun's boy are?" - Tobey suddenly asked.

  • "That's right." -

  • "That's weird... Ya know, Dooseh; I wanna go home. Talk to Alex. Lotsa stuff goin on." -

  • "I know, Tobey." - I know...


--Back in the tribe--

John had placed all his trust in Valie, his appointed escort. The boy was worried about what the 'elders' would say in respect to his situation. They were gonna check and see how to get the boy back to the people he belonged with.

The lad noticed that the settlement itself was composed of a wide variety of shacks of all shapes and sizes, the dominant materials being wood and leaves and straw. The chubby demon led the boy to the biggest structure around all of this.


  • "Tell us boy, try to remember a whole day, the one that led to this." - John was in front of three seated tribesmen of aged features.

Just like the rest of the tribe, they were well defined, but they looked at the strange boy with serious concern.

With some internal recalling, John proceeded to tell them his story:

  • "I was at my home when there was a knock on the door. I went to check, and there some real angry demons at the door. There was a big conflict and they ended up taking me by force. Then later another group of demons arrived to help, but the one that was holding me split and there was nothing to be done about that. And... much later another demon did something else... and I don't remember the rest really. Must've gotten knocked out at one point." - The boy scratched his head, bothered by this memory lapse.

  • "Ahh... a demon has intruded uur tribe, but only to set you here. Truly, we would have detected any greater presence; this means that we must evaluate some tribal matters." -

  • "As for you, gaimana, we cannot just take you outside. We are secretive but not greedy with this. We will care for you." -

  • "We'll need to know more in order to bring you with your family, or home, or at least close." -

  • "We see that you are comfortable with Valie. This makes us glad." -

  • "If anything helpful regarding your safe return comes up, we will summon you." -

The elders exchanged their views with the boy and the appointed escort, and while not altogether conclusive, they were fairly relieving. John sighed, Valie rubbing his back.

  • "Thank you... thank you very much." -


  • "Come, I'll show you to the other young mana." -

Valie nudged the boy as they headed out the large shack.

  • "I don't know man. I'm just shy..." - John's face drew worry.

  • "But you'll enjoy their company, and they'll surely appreciate your presence." - The incubus kept his cheerful tone.

The two walked slowly down a different dirt trail, opposite of the one that had led them to the creek. John could hear some faint activity, conversations, interaction. After a minute of walking that trail he saw them.

The younger people of the tribe, gathered in sharing. The lad started to become concerned. His face froze its expression as he realized he quickly became the center of attention.

There was silence. And they young mana all smiled.

  • "Umm..." - The boy tried to calm himself down.

[- "These are not your ordinary judgmental people. They won't react the same, they wont hurt you..." -]

The boy battled with this feeling of running away.

But it came back to him. Eyes full of just, hands that coveted. This shallow feeling that seemed to strip him of his decency. Then the other side of the coin. The contempt, the fear. Xenophobia. He felt his shoulder squeezed, and that made him almost jump out of his body.

  • "Hey, hey... don't worry." - Valie hugged the nervous lad.

This was a very comforting embrace, having an almost instant effect.

  • "But...but I don't understand what they're saying... and..." - He was about to mention his forming boner, but it would be obvious anyway.

With the complex uncertainty on one part, there was the other, harder to control part. The boys were around his age, and they were beautiful just like the rest. Among them were a variety of body types, and truly, they all looked unique. They mostly shared the darker skin complexion which seemed to accentuate their curves.

  • "They're admiring you. Mana don't get to see the afar brothers, outside of extraordinary circumstances, so naturally they pour all their attention to such. Plus, you're beautiful like the mountains are magnificent." - John looked at Valie as the demon told him this, and he blushed deeply.

  • "That is so... nice." -

Then he noticed that some of the boys had gotten closer. They murmured in their language and slowly they extended their hands, wanting to touch.

  • "They're only admiring. They'll only get a chance to do this now." -

And they took advantage of this chance. Hands were over this muscular boy's thick chest, his broad shoulders, his arms, his biceps, his abs. John was feeling empowered by this, the way the ran their hands over his body was not lustful. It was more of what Valie said. Appreciative. Studying him.

  • "Yes, take it in." -

John just closed his eyes and leaned against Valie.

After moments of being caressed by various hands they slowly retreat, smiling at him. He smiled back, and he felt himself erect. It all felt good, so good.

  • "At first you were so tense. I got a little worried." -

  • "I'll tell you why I've been... like this... later on..." - John chuckled to himself.

  • "Well, you want to stay here with the guys, Jon?" - Valie asked.

  • "Kind of; I won't really know what to do or say, though..." -

  • "I can stay here and translate. Maybe you'll get to learn a bit." - The chubby incubus suggested.

  • "Hehe, maybe." -


Then his heart skipped.

  • "John? John!" -

  • "C-Carl?" -

A boy suddenly appeared and ran towards John, and John felt wonderful joy. Valie moved aside, a little suprised at this flourish. As they met, John hugged his smaller counterpart dearly.

  • "I was so freaking worried!" - Carl exclaimed.

  • "I know! Me too... I'm so happy to see you...!" - The muscular boy replied.

From the same direction Carl came appeared another tribal incubus, and Valie was attentive at him.

  • "We have another gaimana, as you can see... I hope there are no more." -

  • "Ah, but we would accept any and all." - Valie replied to this taller demon as he walked closer.

  • "Of course, but we need to keep our safety. It is quite important." -

  • "Understandable..." -

  • "Do I stay here or leave the gaimana with you?" -

  • "Well, they seem to know each other. Leave him here." -

After the brief exchange, Carl's previous escort left to other duties while the two boys kept hugging tightly. Then as Carl diligently slipped out of the embrace, he grabbed John's cheek and planted a kiss. There was a muffled gasp with this.


  • "Oh my... what was that about...?" - John muttered, ecstatic and surprised.

  • "Well... I missed you..." - Carl giggled and blushed.

The tribal boys around tried to give some privacy, but this small event was quite cute to see.

  • "I'm... real happy right now." - John hugged Carl once more.

  • "I'm only wondering how did you end up here too..." -

  • "Beats me." -


--In the middle of the jungle...--

Dino's body laid lazily over dirt and leaves. His energy had been drained by intercepting tribal people, something no one had counted on. It was not a loss to him in any way. He was instead left with massive intrigue.

  • "The fanfir... I must know what they are." -

He kept repeating to himself. His was a busy mind. Many plans for the future.

Capture the muscular boy. Exploit the fanfir. Recruit the half-chimera. Combat training.

  • "My prenatal army still has a lot of work to do... ah..." -


--Fabien's mansion--

Fabien awaited his son's return and he had a hard time concentrating on anything else. He tried to keep himself busy, but it hardly worked.

As he watched the dark sky of a day just beginning, he knew he was not alone on the balcony.

  • "Fabien, Fabien... you're stalling." -

  • "Lestat, such is a valid tactic in war." -

  • "War is a big word, mind you." -

  • "I can't help but think that this is orchestrated by you all..." -

  • "Ahh... clever assumption, but inaccurate. There are surely others with complex agendas. It's only a problem if they get in our way." -

  • "And this is not a conflicting with our plan?" -

  • "At any rate, your stalling is. But as these groups begin to rise, we take a role of vigilance. And my man, you have sold your soul. You have no say." -

  • "There is no regret..." -

  • "Well then, worry not. We take good care of our property..." -

Incubus: Virgin Virus

-By FurryYunSeong/AitosSaibankan-

-Chapter Twenty-seven-

  • Last Chapter: -

The situation got from bad to worse as Ariyoshi was confronted with a tough proposition that he refused. Exlias, a fellow time-controller, was enraged by this, and took advantage of the skirmish that took place in the jungle. And by his hand, both Fabien and Oscar's sons are now lost. What could've been done against a demon with time on his hands?

Author's Note: Only 3 more chapters to go before the book closes. I feel great.

--15/Oct/201X , The Amazons, Brazil; Midnight--

In the depths of the brazilian jungle, there was a great disturbance. Something greatly ominous had emerged. The tribesfolk of the surrounding areas quickly moved out to attend the problem. This was a group of incubi and humans, working together for a greater balance.

Eight in total they were, three of them demons. Their bodies were adorned in tied feathers, talismans and tribal marks. Some rushed through the woods in loincloth, others didn't. They all knew where this issue was, requiring little guidance, moving almost instinctively among the many surrounding trees. A few of them carried tools particular to this expected job, among these blowguns and lances and bows and arrows.

Soon, they find the disturbance in their home land. It was a giant, dark-yellow furred creature, something highly unusual to appear on their grounds, but not unheard of. Wary they were, this was a creature that could eliminate them with ease. Creatures of darkness such as this were only misguided, and they would try and help guide these lost beings to a path of light. It is the universal task of their tribe since its conception to restore balance whenever it shifts too much to either side.

They were indoctrinated into this, and by the time they were old enough to contribute to this mission, there were no doubts, the fear was offset by the confidence in their skill and the trust in their partners. Their determination to contribute to this universal balance is one that is unequalled. Humans they are, inexorably, but they're a unique collective of the homo sapiens that makes them seen almost alien in comparison.

When they reach this monster's vicinity, they surround him. Each is attentive of the other. With a gesture they all cued one another to engage this monster. One of them held the thin tube of the blowgun and brought it up to his mouth. Blowing on it, the thin dart zips through the air. It flies with cold precision and it hits, embedding itself on the monster's right arm.

The creature's thick skin prevents it from noticing this, but the needle was more than what it seemed. Seeped in the pheromones of mystical wolf spirits, this dart reacts to the beast's dark aura. Little white sparks surround the dart, and that's when the monster takes notice.

He takes a look at his, looking mildly confused. Then one of the tribal incubi addresses him.

  • "Let us purify you." -

Yellow eyes direct themselves to the convictive demon.

  • "Purify...?" -

This monster intones, unsure of what the smaller demon and the dart might have meant. Then another of the mystic darts flies true, sticking into the beast's left shoulder. The beast reacts with a growl, turning towards the direction of the attack. He sees these tan-skinned humans and the demons beside them moving closer, unafraid.

  • "What is this lack of fear...? If I had the appropriate chemical signatures of a chimera, this would be such a different situation... I don't get any of this." -

He was bothered by the situation.

This destabilization of his aura made it hard for the beast to move, this becoming slowly more significant. It blindly swung its large arm in one direction, then the other way. Those who surrounded this monster had no trouble in dodging its brief attack.

Then, they prepared themselves to begin the ritual of purification, to help this beast in finding a better path. This was not guaranteed, but try they must. The three incubi of the group aligned themselves beside each other as the dark-yellow beast struggled more and more against the debilitating effects of the two mystical pins embedded on both his muscular arms. Its face showed pent up confusion and frustration, and it looked at the aligned incubi with dangerous intent, snarling fiercely. The two pins continuously sparked in their negative reaction, and a constant, soft crackling could be heard


  • "With the blessings of the Fanfir we shall show the way. Do not struggle, there will be no harm." - The clamoring incubus was a sleekly built one, with two identical marks on both his cheeks; one horizontal and another vertical.

After taking a breath, he leaned and brought his arms forward as to seemingly grab the tall beast's shoulders. And by some force unknown to the transformed chimera, his shoulders indeed get rigid, something effectively holding them. His eyes stare at this demon, wondering if it was him who was doing this and how he was doing it. Suddenly the chimera gets pushed into the ground, the clamoring demon mimicking a movement, almost like a puppeteer. The monster growls and squirms, but the unseen force that the tribal incubus was apparently summoning kept the chimera in place.

  • "I... can't move. What is this?!" -The dark-yellow chimera protested in his own head, feeling completely drained and now trapped as well.

Another moment, a second demon moves to stand near the chimera's forehead. That demon held his hands cupped above the beast's forehead while the third took a canteen given to him by one of the older humans and poured some blue liquid into the cupped hands. This liquid drips onto the large demon through the incubus' fingers.

While this dripped over him, Dino could feel that his air was being taken away, he started heaving and his thoughts became cloudy.

  • "Fanfir! Grant this taluk blessed guidance." - The demon near the chimera's forehead chanted softly as all of the liquid got poured.

In seconds, Dino's body appears to vibrate. Dark aura escapes his body as it begins shrinking hastily, losing the traits of a chimera while reverting back into his original incubus form. The tribesmen saw through this disguise from the begging, and in noting this Dino became that more mystified.

  • "Ungh... they're not showing any emotion. This is like... the usual business to them. What are they... ?- Argh!" -


One of the older looking humans placed his hands on the de-transformed Dino, intoning something vaguely discernible.

  • "May the fanfir spirits bring you epiphany, taluk." -

After that being said, the tribesfolk leave solemnly, and Dino is left on the ground, unable to move... His energy had been drained and disrupted, his mind has been close to blown by how efficiently these tribesfolk shut down Dino. Humans had detained him with a simple ritual; something too hard to believe for such an adamant demon. But the evidence could be felt. It was exactly what happened.

  • "I await this... epiphany with open arms... ungh; wow, I feel so very drained." -


--Somewhere in the jungle... 16/Oct/201X--

[- "Oh, Carl... I want you with me." -]

[- "But John..." -]

[- "What is it?" -]

[- "I can't.... I love you but I can't." -]


  • "What? Why?!" - John wakes up abruptly, gasping and springing upright.

Within moments his senses return to him, then he starts looking around, eyes tracing everything. Slowly, he was noticing the variety of ornaments and talisman, almost everything that surrounded him seemed to be made out of wood. It all looked organic in some way. Inherently natural. It was also completely unknown to him. He was lost.

  • "How did I get here...?" - John could only wonder what was going on.

Where he lay, it was comfortable with its furry texture, and the bright light outside showed that it was early in the day. But this meant that he had spent a long time away from home. All of this unwanted and unsettling. This was confusing to him because he didn't know of the existence of any tribal settling in that jungle, and his father probably didn't know either. How would anyone find him now...

  • "There must be some people around here... but they probably wont talk english... crap." - John thought out loud.

He could listen to the soft voices of the tribepeople outside the shack, but he was nervous as to how they would react or interact with him. He wondered about who took him there, the whole mess that resulted in him being kidnapped, and the concept of the incubus. It was a lot of information and the space to process what was going on was slim. He only sighed.

  • "I'm this freakish looking kid, and they have me here with only a strip of paper for clothing. They'll be staring... ugh!" - John was feeling quite self-conscious as he had only a short loincloth that left the rest of his unnaturally muscular body exposed to view and nature.

  • "It does feel fresh, though... free." - The boy then thought, wiggling his toes.

They were inevitably dirty but felt cool and comfortable even in the bare.

Then, the lad notices a woman walk in with a polished clay tray and a small cup that appeared to be made out of dry fruit. John watched carefully, and this lady watched back. But while John looked worried and still ignorant, the female looked back with gentility. She neared John, who took notice of her darker skin and the fact that she was quite exposed. There she offered the little cup to the lad; it was filled wit clear water.

  • "Ah, thank you..." - John took the offered water and the tribeswoman returns the same way she entered, with an easy smile.

  • "Well... so far so good." - The boy sighed as he lay back down.

  • "This is not bad at all... feels awesome." - John thought as he stroked the pelts where he lied, all in an effort to calm down.

A few more minute passed and he finished the water, his throat and his being refreshed. Then two more figures entered.

  • "Umm, hello there." - John heard and turned to see who it was.

  • "D-demon!" - John snapped and cowered as his first reaction, but this was quick to cool down as he focused on their face. Gentle expressions.

  • "Ah, hey! Peace! We won't hurt cha." - The one that was talking was an incubus, who was accompanied by a tribesman.

The incubus possessed a solid build with a bit of chub and a good, round and proportionate belly, and his gaze was calming, much like the woman moments earlier. The man beside wore nothing but tied feathers; he was quite naked. Probably in his twenties, the tribesman was quite a pleasant sight to John. His heart rate slowed as he began to realize there was no danger. Other than that, he tried to keep his staring subtle and his mind entertained; even the slightest half-erection would be noticeable.

  • "The mana appointed me as your escort in the tribe. They don't speak your language so... I'm here to translate and help in anything you need. Anything at all." - The chubby demon explained, but he only looked at John indirectly. This the boy perceived as shy and... cute.

  • "Ah... thanks." - John said softly.

  • "What do we call you, gaimana?" - The demon then wondered, and the tribesman stood interested in the answer.

  • "Gai-what now? ... I'm John." -

  • "Pleasure. They call me Valie, and this is Torun." - The demon gave a slight bow of courtesy, and so did his companion.

  • "I can take you on a little tour now... or later if you wish to wait. I understand you need some explanations" - Valie then offered.

  • "Ah... umm... why is a... demon giving me the tour?" - John asked apprehensively.

  • "Ah, because you wont understand the tribe. I know your language, though..." -

  • "Yeah...Umm... I think I'll take the tour now." - John said, standing from the furred bedding.

Valie directed himself to Torun, both speaking in the tribal dialect. With apparent understanding the tribesman left the shack, and Valie looked at John.

  • "Please, follow me." - The orange furred demon offered with a friendly gesture.


Once outside the shack, John was truly filled with wonder. The people were beautiful, the place was tranquil, the air was fresh and smelled pleasant. Everyone had a soft expression. It was like a dream to John.

  • "This is true peace." - He thought.

A lot of questions were packed in the lad's head, but he'd have to pour them on Valie one by one.

  • "Ahh, where am I?" - John began to seek answers.

  • "We are at the manataluk tribe. We have different settlings around the Mother's various jungles, and we're hidden from civilization as a whole." - The chubby demon explained as he walked calmly, John following.

  • "You make it sound like this place is impossible to find." - John remarked.

  • "Well, it is true." -

And that affirmation had John gulping. As they continued walking, they apparently headed out of the camp, further into the woods.

  • "No outsider can enter or exit the settlement unless escorted by a demon with an accepted resonance. Those are imposed by the wise mana." -

  • "So, the only reason I'm here is because a demon brought me here?" -

  • "That is certain. The reasons for this are beyond me, though. Still; rest assured. You're in good hands." - John felt a physical drain after giving it a moment's thought.

A demon brought him to a hidden tribe mixed with incubi, one place that while peaceful, was impossible to find. Or so they said. And in the middle me this process, he had been knocked out.

  • "Oh gawd. I just wanna get back home..." - The boy frowned and his shoulders slumped.

  • "Fear not, the wise ones might probably help." - Valie told the boy in an upbeat tone, trying to cheer him up.

  • "Ohh... hey, where are you taking me?" - John wondered, looking around and noticing that the tribe was behind them now. They seemed to be on a winding trail.

  • "Before I can explain to you the family, I'll need to answer your questions. I'm only taking you to a more peaceful area so we can dialog." - Valie replied, granting John a smile.

The boy sighed once more and continued to track Valie. Then he notices a slight problem. His small loincloth was tented.

  • "Crap!" - The boy thought.

He couldn't have noticed the natural reaction to the sight of beautiful naked boys and men and Valie's body also constantly on his way because of the ample worry that his questions produced and the importance to answer them. And now that he had full knowledge of what his body was doing, he was ashamed and blushing.

  • "Jeez, the guys here are so sleek, so hot. And naked, and well endowed. And... happy. And Valie has a great ass. Ugh, I'm even thinking about the demon... But he's so nice. And the other bad demons were sexy too. This doesn't make any sense...!" -

John debated silently within hismelf, and it caused inevitable strain on him. But now, the subtle smell of fresh water hit him.

  • "You're stressed. When a mana gets too worried, he gets in the river." - Valie patted the lad's shoulder and gestured west, where clean, calm water flows just a few steps away.

  • "River...? Wow... I've... never seen water so clear." - He could feel why the "mana" came here when they're stressed.

An apparent peace filled him, and he was compelled.

  • "Umm... what are 'mana'?" - The boy asked.

  • "Mana are the people, our brothers and sisters. Our family. You're a gaimana, a brother from afar." - Valie gently held the boy's shoulders as he watched the water.

It gleamed golden as rays of sunlight poured over it, unhindered in their reflection.

  • "Let's get in the water." - The demon then suggested.

Unhurried the boy walked towards the water, almost as if the stream beckoned him. Carefully he tested the temperature of the fresh water with the sole of his foot. It was cool as his body expected, and the soft flow made it comforting. He kept his eyes on his steps as he walked further in.

It barely got boy deeper a few inches in, the surface of the stream caressed his legs just above his ankles. He looked at his sunken feet, them he wondrously traced the light, looking upwards. It was like a temple of trees all around, and the sky seemed to have strokes of white as painted clouds.

  • "I need to take Carl here." - The boy told himself softly.

Valie in turn was pleased watching his escort taking in everything. At that moment he looked just like any other mana instead of that odd young man.

  • "What do I call you, again? Sorry, all this... its distracting." -

  • "It's fine, I'm Valie. And you're John, right?" -

  • "Yes, I'm John." -

The muscular lad felt much calmer now, but he was clearly tense. Valie kept looking at this boy, concentrated since he met the boy on finding ways to help him relax.


  • "Ack- What are you...?" - John felt the demon's big hand wrap around his erection.

  • "Crap! This is nuts! How can I not notice this is happening?!" - The boy felt ashamed realizing that this body function had gone unchecked, even more so that this demon was holding onto it.

Despite this, he had no immediate desire to stop whatever was going on...

  • "With your regard, I'd like to please you." - Valie told the boy as their eyes met.

John's were wide open and looking every which way, him holding on to Valie's arm.

  • "But I don't know you... and others might see us..." -

  • "Heh, that's the issue? Gaimana, this is part of life, and we the tribespeople openly share our sexuality. But it is not hedonism, just diligent freedom. If two share a pleasure ritual, another may sit and watch, or maybe join to help or partake. It is only natural." -

Valie leaned closer as he explained this to John, the boy having trouble believing his ears.

  • "Sex is normal, naked is normal, guys love guys and watch guys with other guys..." -

The boy analyzed this, feeling his semi-erection lightly throb in the demon's warm grasp.

  • "But this is only with your regard. Deny me if there is no comfort in the proposition. You can... take on another partner, or." -

  • "Valie... this is real strange to me, but you're being so nice. And you're... cute. I feel comfortable, even barely knowing you... and I need to... chill." - The boy tried explaining.

  • "Help me relax." -

With that said, John leaned against the friendly demon and caressed the fur on his arm. Valie smiled at this and began to explicitly tug on the boy's dick. It was quite stimulating; despite John's cock being slightly above average, the incubus's hand takes care of it almost completely by its size alone. The pulling was firm and the pushing grinded heavily and nicely. Standing in front of the boy now, Valie's free hand occupied itself with rubbing the boy's greatly muscled body.

The demon kept his fascination in the back of his head as the walked, but this was an effort. He could hardly believe that such a young lad could have that sculpted of a body. He ran his big hands all over the shoulder and neck, kneading lightly to better feel the solid muscle. John in turn was loving how this demon's large hand grinded so much pleasure into him. He found himself moaning and lightly humping and pressing himself against Valie as the tuggling increased in tempo.

The demon reached John's thick pectorals moments later and felt it, squeezed it and tweaked on the lovely, hard nipple. Toying on it, he coaxed sharper moans from the boy's mouth.

  • "Oh gawd..." - John was having shivers from how good this pleasure was.

Soon enough, Valie's stroking hand begins to slather with precum as it starts leaking.

  • "I'll lick you clean now..." - The demon whispered, stroking the boy's cock more earnestly now.

It throbbed madly, the boy's breathing quick. His eyes were mostly closed and he kept rubbing Valie's arm. Then, the demon released John's member to kneel on the shallow stream. His hands wrapped around the lad's hips once he was fully kneeling, then gently holding on to his firm buttocks to press the cock against his demon form.

Valie kept his sight on the boy's face, looking upwards while the boycock throbbed, pressed against the incubus' chest. John looked down needily, his face blushing a little. The cubby incubus smiled at this, he was quite glad to be pleasing this gorgeous gaimana. He nuzzled the boy's lower abs a few times while his hands kept a firm hold of the boy's strong ass. In between he pressed his lips and licked the muscles, doing so as a trail leading to the root of the throbbing cock.

John sighed delighted when he felt his testicles getting caressed by this demon's heavy tongue, loving the warmth when Valie sucked on them and massaged them in his mouth. Then he gave John's member a good licking, pressing his muzzle forward to force the cock against the boy's body as he did this. A moment later his lips wrap around the member's head.

The boy moaned loudly when Valie started to gently introduce the penis into his demon mouth. How the lips embraced the sensible flesh and grinded as they pushed for great pleasure. How its lower part in turn rubbed against the quite fleshy tongue which quivered in anticipation. And warmth and wetness too. Its whole length rested inside the chubby demon's mouth, his lips were pressed against the boy's obliques now.

John laid his hands over Valie, the demon diligent in this boy's pleasure ritual. Unhurried. With gentle movements his head slowly pulled and grinded in reverse against the boy cock. Thenforward he leaned and took it all in again.

  • "Mmm..." - Out Valie let a sound of delight, tasting the pre-cum that this member continuously produced. He sucked dearly on this member, loving how the boy enjoyed all of this.

A few minutes into the felatio, John was concentrated entirely in receiving and enjoying this act, and Valie on giving it. The demon's fingers slowly crept in between the boy's buttcheeks, sliding across the tender area. His index finger teased the rim me John's asshole. The boy shivers at this, and Valie continued, slowly pushing the finger in.

  • "Ah....!" - John yelped and Valie giggled.

With the boy's dick in the demon's mouth it kept getting nursed while that finger screwed gently in and out of his asshole. The finger slid very slowly in the velvety insides, and this combination had John's senses speeding to a climax.

With the sun over them and the water kissing their heels and knees, the two were in bliss. Valie wanted to help his escort relax, and he was doing a damn good job.

  • "Ah-haah!" - John was unable to hold on any longer, surrendering the pent up ecstasy and realeasing plenty wads of cum into the demon's mouth.

Valie kept his lips tight around the member as it poured the boy cream, the chubby demon swallowing it with delight.


Moments later, John was wrapped in Valie's arms, recovering his breath as his head slowly clears of the sexual haze.

  • "There we go. That was good, wasn't it?" - Valie assured the boy in his arms.

  • "Mmm, yes." - John rested his head on the incubus' shoulder, Valie tenderly rubbing his back.


--16/Oct/201X, The Amazons; Dawn--

The sky was pitch black, but we could feel the new day coming. We had been able to free ourselves of that other group of crazy demons, but in that time an even crazier demon took both our human boys and tossed them somewhere unknown. It was quite aggravating.

We moved back to the mansion to tell Fabien about this and to pass on the information to Oscar. Between Ariyoshi, Rude, Yun, Tobey and Sebastian, some of them didn't think that telling the doc was that good of an idea, but I felt a huge burden; and the only way to lighten that was by informing him. A little selfish... but maybe he has some technology that will find the boys more easily than us with our demonic senses.

From the depths of that warm forest we were at the doorstep of Fabien's mansion a pair of minutes later. Sebastian had called him. I truly had no interest in entering, and I didn't think any of the demons did either.

  • "Did you find my son?" - Fabien came out straightforwardly.

  • "No. We saw him, but he got taken away. Now we don't have any idea of where he might be." - I replied, slightly cold in my demeanor.

  • "What?" -

  • "Carl was also taken away." - I growled as I told him that other part.

  • "Impossible. He is inside with us, under my care." -

  • "You might want to double-check." - Sebastian suggested firmly.

  • "Melbourne! Check my son's room. Where's the Nuenberg boy?" - Fabien ordered out loud.


  • "Sorry sir... he's not there." - A minute later he got his reply.

  • "Search the whole house! ...urgh... this is bad." - The scientist had a hand on his forehead, bothered by this news.

  • "You should go and talk to Dr. Oscar." -- Ariyoshi suggested.

  • "Maybe your technology can help up pinpoint the location, and we can take it from there. We can't find him with our senses. If he were in the vicinity of a few miles, we'd be able to get a faint hint of at least his smell." - Rude added.

  • "Clearly this area is largely desolate." - Sebastian pointed out.

  • "Yes... yes it is." - Fabien confirmed.

  • "So now my boy and Nuenberg's boy are both missing... I can't help but be bothered... couldn't something have been done to prevent any of this?" - The man asked almost as a scold.

  • "Excuse me, but we were dealing with a time-manipulating demon. I don't think much can be done about that." - Ari shily mentioned.

  • "Temporal control? How fascinating... I guess nothing can be done against such talent." -

There was a shift from angry and worried dad to calculating scientist and back again. My internal feud with him had cooled down relatively in the last few minutes, but that struck me. His eyes got caught in my glare and the shifted away just as quickly.

What a bastard.

  • "So you need me to try and find the boys. I don't know what i can do. Its's not like they are wired with a tracking device or such." -

  • "What about Carl's father?" - Ariyoshi asked.

  • "I'll ask Nuenberg... then. That man seems to be the more clever one." - Fabien claimed, and I was glad with this.

The guys were annoyed but calm. Fabien never stopped being fishy, and it was not just me that thought this.


--Inside the mansion, Communications Room--

  • "A time controlling demon took our boys..." -

  • "This is what your demons claim. It sounds a little hard to believe, I know-" -

  • "It's not actually. My friend, I think I can help. For both our sakes." -

  • "Heh, you have a tracking device on your boy?" -

  • "Coincidentally, I do. I fear I may be overprotective at one points and too trusting at others. This is one of the few times too much is just right." -

  • "You're a daft one, Oscar." -

The two parents and scientists spoke with the comfort only an old friendship could provide.


The demons waited outside the mansion, waiting to hear of anything that might help them track the boys. Oscar ultimately told Fabien that the small warp device was trackable back in the underground lab. He'd relay the coordinates, hoping that the device was still on the boy.

  • "Ah... ahah! This is good, I have a signal. North-northeast from your location, 35 miles." - Oscar mentioned with excitement.

  • "Wonderful, they're still in this dimension..." -


  • "Ah... I think we need to trade notes someday." - Dr. Nuenberg later told his colleague.

  • "I'm more than willing, my friend." -

  • "I'm not, but... ah. You'll hear from me soon." -

Oscar's words were wary ones, almost apprehensive. Fabien took note of this; a moment later he signs off the communications console and heads outside once more.


--Outside, once more--

  • "He got a signal, 35 miles from here. North-northeast" - Fabien informed us, pointing in the direction he thought correct with his index finger extended.

Those where good news; despite the lack of trace, clever human technology showed that the boys are not lost. Now we only needed to head over there, but where was this measurement of distance pointing at exactly?

  • "I'll take us there. We hope to recover the boys shortly." - Sebastian stated.

Then I got to think. Usually whenever I was headed somewhere I was following someone, or the place was familiar to me. I think I need tutoring on various measurement scales...

I took the liberty of carrying Yun in his lack of wings as we quickly ascended to fly with Sebs leading. A slight advantage of traveling alongside the wind demon was faster travel time, this being a result of less wind drag thanks to his wind manipulation. And in two minutes of flying, the wind wielder was telling up to descend and land.

The expanse was still dark and in our path we saw only trees and more trees; a wide river at one point, then more trees.

  • "Alright, spread out and try and find Carl's scent. Or any human scent for that matter." - Sebastian told us, in full use of his natural leadership.

Upon landing, my eyes directed to a very particular rock, no bigger than a craneum. It had a mark on that I couldn't discern. Only that it was pulling. I took a moment to check on which direction each of the others were taking, and I noticed that Yun was also staring at the rock.

  • "There's something about it, right?" -

  • "Uhh, what?" -

  • "The rock." -

  • "Yeah..." -

His face was similar to mind in that we both ported a face of fooled gesture, but one full of fascination as well. Then he unbinds his blade from his body and pokes the little stone with its tip.

  • "Let's just look around for master Carl..." - Yun then softly suggested after poking the rock a few times.

Suddenly, there was rapid movement. The rustling of the leaves on the treetops struck as odd, and simply put, it smelled like someone else. An unknown, inhuman trace.

  • "Wait... who's there?" - I went ahead and asked.

In response, an incubus dropped before us. Light brown fur, gray mane, two red marks on each cheek. I was instantly reminded of Gale.

  • "Gaitaluk, why are you here?" - His voice was a soft tenor, and it had a different, gentle tone.

Now, the word he said... 'gaitaluk'? I had no idea what that was.

  • "We're searching for someone. It's really important." - I replied, then I saw him concentrate on our scents, his eyes briefly closed as he took them in.

  • "Give me a description, maybe I can help." - The fit demon offered without question.

  • "Well... one of them is of average height, black hair... the other's a little shorter but way more muscular... they're pretty average boys. Fair skinned, gentle features." - Yun tried explaining, and this demon seemed to understand, giving us a nod.

  • "It may be a coincidence, but I think i've seen gaimana with fitting descriptions. There's been a lot of commotion in the forest..." -

This unknown demon appeared out of nowhere and was willing and ready to help us. For some reason, no one objected. It was really sudden, but this incubus seemed to be earnest in wanting to help us. He also appeared to know the place; the forest and what belonged. I set my eyes on the others, checking their reactions as they returned to our landing spot.

There was no time for questions, those would come later.

  • "The flame mane. You're a familiar." - The native demon directed himself to Yun.

  • "Wha- yes I am. How did you..." -

  • "I can smell it... I sense distrust, repressed out of courtesy and ignorance."- The gray maned incubus mentioned looking at all of us.

  • "Allow me to explain." -

Very perceptive this demon was, it certainly surprised me.

  • "These trees are my home, and my family and I protect it. We watch over it. It is admittedly very peaceful, and we wish to keep it that way." -

Now it started to make sense. This was a tribal demon? I never thought we would take on human practices so... deeply. I looked at him more closely. Surely, it was dark, but I noticed tied feathers on him. What did this all mean...?

If anything, it was very unlikely that he were against us.

  • "Our home is hidden to the naked eye. Only destined or... bonded taluk can enter." - The stranger mentioned, keeping his eye on our Yun.

  • "If the boy is there, your bond will be the key that allows you to enter our settlement." -

There Yun's eyes widened, and Ari's attention was pulled.

  • "Excuse me, but how do you achieve this? I mean, we can't sense any other demon besides us and the insurgents." -

  • "Only the wise ones know. They're the only ones entitled to that." -

  • "Nevermind that, we need to look for Carl and John!" - Yun interrupted, and Ari sighed.

Ariyoshi wanted to find out as much as he could, but it was already stated that only Yun was able to pass. And at the same time Yun didn't get that part.

  • "There's no we; you'll be the one to go see." - I cleared it up for the warrior.

  • "Ah, alright then." -

  • "One last thing, please. If only bonded or chosen demons can enter, how did the boys get in in the first place?" - Ariyoshi pondered out loud.

Wonderful question.

  • "I wish I knew, honestly. But all i can do is to look for and help return the young ones." - The tribal demon admitted.

  • "Excuse us, but what do we call you?" - Rude went ahead and asked.

  • "I am Mahal." - He replied.

  • "Well Mahal, help me find my master." - Yun stated.


  • "Do as I do." - The tribal demon instructed.

Kneeling, he touched the little stone Yun had poked earlier. In moments Mahal vanished, this looking the same as Ari's temporal warping. He was just not there anymore.

  • "Whoah..." - Yun exclaimed, and Ari looked at the phenomenon with familiarity.

  • "Well, I just do this and..." -

Yun followed suit, and he too warped instantly.

In the blink of an eye.


  • "I think I know how Exlias got the boys in." - Ariyoshi mentioned moments later.

  • "Leave that for later..." - Rude told the time controller.

I just thought that the last few days had been filled with coincidences, and they seemed to get ever crazier. Ari was filled with boundless curiosity, Rude was just being Rude. Sebastian was watchful, Yun was gone to find the boys. I wondered what to do next.

  • "So, the good smellin guy knows where muscle boy and Yun's boy are?" - Tobey suddenly asked.

  • "That's right." -

  • "That's weird... Ya know, Dooseh; I wanna go home. Talk to Alex. Lotsa stuff goin on." -

  • "I know, Tobey." - I know...


--Back in the tribe--

John had placed all his trust in Valie, his appointed escort. The boy was worried about what the 'elders' would say in respect to his situation. They were gonna check and see how to get the boy back to the people he belonged with.

The lad noticed that the settlement itself was composed of a wide variety of shacks of all shapes and sizes, the dominant materials being wood and leaves and straw. The chubby demon led the boy to the biggest structure around all of this.


  • "Tell us boy, try to remember a whole day, the one that led to this." - John was in front of three seated tribesmen of aged features.

Just like the rest of the tribe, they were well defined, but they looked at the strange boy with serious concern.

With some internal recalling, John proceeded to tell them his story:

  • "I was at my home when there was a knock on the door. I went to check, and there some real angry demons at the door. There was a big conflict and they ended up taking me by force. Then later another group of demons arrived to help, but the one that was holding me split and there was nothing to be done about that. And... much later another demon did something else... and I don't remember the rest really. Must've gotten knocked out at one point." - The boy scratched his head, bothered by this memory lapse.

  • "Ahh... a demon has intruded uur tribe, but only to set you here. Truly, we would have detected any greater presence; this means that we must evaluate some tribal matters." -

  • "As for you, gaimana, we cannot just take you outside. We are secretive but not greedy with this. We will care for you." -

  • "We'll need to know more in order to bring you with your family, or home, or at least close." -

  • "We see that you are comfortable with Valie. This makes us glad." -

  • "If anything helpful regarding your safe return comes up, we will summon you." -

The elders exchanged their views with the boy and the appointed escort, and while not altogether conclusive, they were fairly relieving. John sighed, Valie rubbing his back.

  • "Thank you... thank you very much." -


  • "Come, I'll show you to the other young mana." -

Valie nudged the boy as they headed out the large shack.

  • "I don't know man. I'm just shy..." - John's face drew worry.

  • "But you'll enjoy their company, and they'll surely appreciate your presence." - The incubus kept his cheerful tone.

The two walked slowly down a different dirt trail, opposite of the one that had led them to the creek. John could hear some faint activity, conversations, interaction. After a minute of walking that trail he saw them.

The younger people of the tribe, gathered in sharing. The lad started to become concerned. His face froze its expression as he realized he quickly became the center of attention.

There was silence. And they young mana all smiled.

  • "Umm..." - The boy tried to calm himself down.

[- "These are not your ordinary judgmental people. They won't react the same, they wont hurt you..." -]

The boy battled with this feeling of running away.

But it came back to him. Eyes full of just, hands that coveted. This shallow feeling that seemed to strip him of his decency. Then the other side of the coin. The contempt, the fear. Xenophobia. He felt his shoulder squeezed, and that made him almost jump out of his body.

  • "Hey, hey... don't worry." - Valie hugged the nervous lad.

This was a very comforting embrace, having an almost instant effect.

  • "But...but I don't understand what they're saying... and..." - He was about to mention his forming boner, but it would be obvious anyway.

With the complex uncertainty on one part, there was the other, harder to control part. The boys were around his age, and they were beautiful just like the rest. Among them were a variety of body types, and truly, they all looked unique. They mostly shared the darker skin complexion which seemed to accentuate their curves.

  • "They're admiring you. Mana don't get to see the afar brothers, outside of extraordinary circumstances, so naturally they pour all their attention to such. Plus, you're beautiful like the mountains are magnificent." - John looked at Valie as the demon told him this, and he blushed deeply.

  • "That is so... nice." -

Then he noticed that some of the boys had gotten closer. They murmured in their language and slowly they extended their hands, wanting to touch.

  • "They're only admiring. They'll only get a chance to do this now." -

And they took advantage of this chance. Hands were over this muscular boy's thick chest, his broad shoulders, his arms, his biceps, his abs. John was feeling empowered by this, the way the ran their hands over his body was not lustful. It was more of what Valie said. Appreciative. Studying him.

  • "Yes, take it in." -

John just closed his eyes and leaned against Valie.

After moments of being caressed by various hands they slowly retreat, smiling at him. He smiled back, and he felt himself erect. It all felt good, so good.

  • "At first you were so tense. I got a little worried." -

  • "I'll tell you why I've been... like this... later on..." - John chuckled to himself.

  • "Well, you want to stay here with the guys, Jon?" - Valie asked.

  • "Kind of; I won't really know what to do or say, though..." -

  • "I can stay here and translate. Maybe you'll get to learn a bit." - The chubby incubus suggested.

  • "Hehe, maybe." -


Then his heart skipped.

  • "John? John!" -

  • "C-Carl?" -

A boy suddenly appeared and ran towards John, and John felt wonderful joy. Valie moved aside, a little suprised at this flourish. As they met, John hugged his smaller counterpart dearly.

  • "I was so freaking worried!" - Carl exclaimed.

  • "I know! Me too... I'm so happy to see you...!" - The muscular boy replied.

From the same direction Carl came appeared another tribal incubus, and Valie was attentive at him.

  • "We have another gaimana, as you can see... I hope there are no more." -

  • "Ah, but we would accept any and all." - Valie replied to this taller demon as he walked closer.

  • "Of course, but we need to keep our safety. It is quite important." -

  • "Understandable..." -

  • "Do I stay here or leave the gaimana with you?" -

  • "Well, they seem to know each other. Leave him here." -

After the brief exchange, Carl's previous escort left to other duties while the two boys kept hugging tightly. Then as Carl diligently slipped out of the embrace, he grabbed John's cheek and planted a kiss. There was a muffled gasp with this.


  • "Oh my... what was that about...?" - John muttered, ecstatic and surprised.

  • "Well... I missed you..." - Carl giggled and blushed.

The tribal boys around tried to give some privacy, but this small event was quite cute to see.

  • "I'm... real happy right now." - John hugged Carl once more.

  • "I'm only wondering how did you end up here too..." -

  • "Beats me." -


--In the middle of the jungle...--

Dino's body laid lazily over dirt and leaves. His energy had been drained by intercepting tribal people, something no one had counted on. It was not a loss to him in any way. He was instead left with massive intrigue.

  • "The fanfir... I must know what they are." -

He kept repeating to himself. His was a busy mind. Many plans for the future.

Capture the muscular boy. Exploit the fanfir. Recruit the half-chimera. Combat training.

  • "My prenatal army still has a lot of work to do... ah..." -


--Fabien's mansion--

Fabien awaited his son's return and he had a hard time concentrating on anything else. He tried to keep himself busy, but it hardly worked.

As he watched the dark sky of a day just beginning, he knew he was not alone on the balcony.

  • "Fabien, Fabien... you're stalling." -

  • "Lestat, such is a valid tactic in war." -

  • "War is a big word, mind you." -

  • "I can't help but think that this is orchestrated by you all..." -

  • "Ahh... clever assumption, but inaccurate. There are surely others with complex agendas. It's only a problem if they get in our way." -

  • "And this is not a conflicting with our plan?" -

  • "At any rate, your stalling is. But as these groups begin to rise, we take a role of vigilance. And my man, you have sold your soul. You have no say." -

  • "There is no regret..." -

  • "Well then, worry not. We take good care of our property..." -