Growing Love

Story by SCFXylin on SoFurry

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Delve into my mind, With this story of 2 Very uncommon lovers and their journey of growing and understanding their lives with each other.

This Story contains some implied graphic Fetishes and isn't for everyone. Responsible replies, comments and criticism welcome. all others will be purged removed or reported. Read Carefully And Enjoy...

========================================= Growing Love =============================================

The soft taps and clicks of buttons echoed amidst the still room. The avatar on screen drifting and dodging bullets as he fought his enemies clearly. The faint voices of rage gave way to insults as they spilled from his headphones. "No life bitch... Fucking fag... Dumbass Retard... Fucking Tryhard...." and other colorful phrases directed at the fact he easily dominated everyone in the lobby by 3x their kill count or more without any assistance from anyone else. "Victory!" came across his screen as he dropped back to the main menu of his console. Not caring about scores or battle details as he let out a disheartened sigh. The words weighed heavily on his mind and heart, those of the people on every game he played and those of his family echoed in his mind. "Worthless... Useless... Lazy... Weak... Dumbass... Fag..." he sat looking at the screen weakly, slowly understanding that in his life things never change. He reclined on the couch in depression. He could see himself mirrored in the crystal clear glass of the tv his soft blue and white scales shrouded in darkness as his small childlike form sat against the soft brown couch. He pondered what was wrong with him, why did everyone hate him? He tried so hard at everything. It wasn't his fault he got fired from multiple jobs or dropped due to "labor hazards" on account of his 8ft prehensile tail that literally doubled his body's height in length and weight, or his struggles to keep up in college courses that led to him dropping out, or his struggling love life that made people question his sexuality constantly. He hissed and growled in frustration as he once again questioned what was wrong with him slowly sinking deeper into despair as he thought about ending it all...Click

On came the lights "Hey Al, I'm going out to grab some--- Alex?" She said, catching his glazed gaze. "Are you ok?" She asked softly and caringly as she sat slowly beside him, his eyes closing as he laid back "Yeah... I'm fine..." he choked out trying to convince himself more than her. She took a second knowing he was clearly lying. She could tell just by his trembling body, not to mention the pale blue aura of pain, weakness and discomfort that flowed off him in spades. She inched closer to him gently wrapping her four arms around him as she rested his head against her chest. She caressed him, holding him gently but firmly to her body while she laid down hugging him, his face nuzzling and burying itself in the soft warmth of her cleavage as he broke down screaming and crying. She stroked his head, cuddling and holding him genuinely as he cried in her embrace. She watched his aura change colors reflecting sadness,fear, isolation,loneliness, regret,weakness, tiredness, desperation,frustration and even anger. She watched each emotion drift off his form, their colors growing weaker the longer he stayed with her. "I'm here for you alex. I always have been. I always will be... So please rely on me..." she begged him as she closed her eyes, feeling his trembling arms hug and hold her back.

An hour of silence between the 2 had passed. The snake simply laid amidst the soft gentle warmth of her soft body. He loved her genuinely. She was always there for him whenever things got bad, whenever there were deaths near to him, whenever he was at his lowest dealing with depression or anxiety, she always picked him back up. They have been friends since they were kids, she was always bright, intelligent and loved, even when she revealed herself as being part demon not many batted an eye or cared as they welcomed her happily. She was accepted and loved by everyone. It was painful because she was his opposite in almost every way. He loved her confidence, her smile and her caring nature and even more everything about her physically. But he knew for her to live meant not being held down by any one person including him. Succubus and Incubus blood ran strong through her veins and both on their own heavily craved sexual or life energy. Together they multiplied on each other as they made her hunger for energy nearly unstoppable when its started. A monogamous relationship for those like her was completely out of the question. And times like this, made him so confused, she was always so close to him despite that fact. She would cuddle with him, kiss him and even casually walk naked around him. He was sure if he ever worked up the courage to ask shed even let him fuck her in any way he wanted... That's how close she was to him, but still every time she embraced him with even a single touch, it. Drove. Him. WILD... It was something he wasn't sure he could ever handle. But he was tired of having to play 2nd or 3rd string for her. He was tired of sleepless nights hearing grunts and moans of those she bought in to feed her desires. Every day was sexual torture for him as even idle time with her made him so flustered and bothered by her flawless beauty and bountiful curves. It took forever to finally come to a conclusion, but he had decided no more being idle if she couldn't be his than he'd give his entire being to her. He wasn't happy with his life and it was only getting worse by the day. He might as well use what little he had to make hers better at any cost to himself.

Even as he lay his face surrounded in heavenly softness of her large DD cup boobs, part of him still desperately wanted her to be his too. but he respected her well enough to know he couldn't tie her down. Still he lay, fully embraced by her, held in and against her soft short tan brown fur. It was the most teasing torture for him. "Amaya..." he spoke gently, feeling her hand stop petting him in recognition of his words. "Can I ask you something..." he said meekly, feeling her again pet him slowly. A small "Anything..." escaped her lips. "What am I to you?" He asked, his voice dripped in nervousness and curiosity. "You are someone I can't do without... I love you... so much... but I don't want to hurt you..." she said as she continued to pet him. "What do you mean?" He asked gently, pushing from her embrace his small hands accidentally digging into the soft cushion of her chest as he looked her in the eyes. "I need energy...or the lives of others to live...I don't want you to suffer because of my needs... I don't want your soul forced to rot in hell or trapped in me for eternity...I can't bring myself to hurt you.... I love you and I want you to live... " she said her emotions leaking into her words. He looked at her in awe It was rare that she showed any signs of weakness. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer with her weight. He was happy it was her who said it, his mind had been long since set, he felt relieved and whole as his heart and mind rushed at the words. "Amaya... I want to give my life to you..." he says as her eyes go wide in response. "Are you sure you want to do that... There's no going back..." she groans as a blush covers her now shy and lustfully restrained demeanor. "I've never been more sure of anything, Amaya, I love you..." he says blushing deeply "Kiss me than..." she commands as he moves closer to her face he whimpers in heat her soft alluring scent pleasantly burning his nose with every breath she breathes.

The sweet spiced caramel scent drove him wild as he pressed his lips to hers kissing long and deep as both of their forked tongues danced with each other. His breath left him in slow laborious pants. He slowly went cold as her warmth grew and enveloped him more and more by the second. She moaned amidst his breathing, gently biting his tongue to keep the organ in place his eyes opened meeting her predatory golden ones as he watched the amber pools slowly glow brighter and more alive with each lust driven breath as her life claimed more of his."I give myself to you, Amaya, please,take it all..." he thought to himself, her body accepting the silent wish as beneath him it began pushing against his fingers, he realized not only was he digging into her breast but they were slowly expanding in his grip, each soft mound pulsed and swelled larger with each breathe as they effortlessly pushed his dainty childlike fingers further apart filling the space with increasingly soft yet firm tit-flesh. She moaned hard as the pleasure of a full body orgasm rocked her mind and soul to the core. The feeling only grew stronger by the minute, her body surging larger underneath him. His feet slowly lifted higher and higher, no longer touching the couch as She swelled. She grew... and grew... and grew some more... Larger...Taller...Thicker...And even more Curvaceous underneath his dwindling body as the couch groaned in protest at the unequal exchange. Her breast billowed and swelled, expanding with each breath he breathed into her. Her already long legs grew over the arm of the 3 person couch as her second set of arms gently massaged his lower back,ever so slightly grabbing his soft supple ass claiming it as hers. She smiled hungrily as he moaned into her, forcing more of himself deeper into the depths of her body. Her once 6 ft tall form seemed like a distant dream as she continued growing past 8 foot tall. His own diminutive 4 ft height sinking between the soft welcoming warmth of her relatively massive tits. His tail and foot paws the only things unclaimed by the soft breast. Had he been tailless her massive rack would easily weigh more than him. He looked at her weekly as she broke the kiss off, panting andlicking her lips of his taste. She was way beyond satisfied that she wouldn't have to drain anyone else for a few years after that meal. Half of his life's essence and his pure desire for her filled her body to the brim and more . Her body absorbed it slowly fusing every willing ounce of him into her, forcing her to grow to contain it all. She was already fairly capable at magic and spells that could change and morph her body, now she had even more space thanks to him. Her magic reservoir grew in kind with her body only a quarter of the way full despite it being more "full" than it had been in her life. Her body felt light, strong, and full of energy. She felt amazing,like she could do anything... She reveled in it joyously, the amount of power she now possessed was akin to high demons at least. And her body and beauty would make any Giant or seductress submit with ease. She growled and moaned, shifting her massive body, her glowing gold eyes looked over the little snake as he closed his eyes, laying silently still.

She eyed over his form as he lay, his once vibrant soft blue scales had faded into dull grays, his small body seemed even smaller as his muscles and limbs didn't bulge his flesh at all. She could barely hear him breathe or feel his weak heartbeat as he lay. "Alex?..." she spoke feeling no response from her lifelong friend. "Alex!..." she said nudging him as she began to panic as she moved swiftly laying him on the couch as she listened to the slow weak thuds of his heartbeat. She knew he wasn't asleep, he wouldn't ignore her and he wasn't one for pranks. Something was wrong. She was crying and in fear of losing him. She didn't know what to do as she quickly pressed his chest under paw and she couldn't give back what she had taken. It was permanently a part of her. Her heart stopped as she felt his soft ribs crack and she pulled away in fear of harming him any worse. She had already hurt him so much. He was dying. He gave his life to her and he was now wasting away because of it. She could still feel her body growing larger as each weak breath he breathed still pushed into her, making her more than she was. she sat crying over him. She cursed and screamed in anguish. "Amaya..." he said weakly as she looked at him, her voice seized in her throat "I don't regret it... This is what I life... has been nothing but pain... except for you... you have always been the only light in my life... this is my only way of repaying you... I'm sorry... I couldn't do more for you... I truly love you... But I can't take it anymore... I'm so sorry... for the both of us... " he uttered, falling back into unconsciousness as she screamed and cried. "NO! I refuse to let you die..." she growled in desperation moving over him as she bit her tongue harshly. She kissed him forcing him to drink her blood, her own essence spilling down into him. She cast multiple spells on him, reviving life, rejuvenation,greater healing, before moving into the darker side casting blood magic and hypnosis. She commanded him to live, and forcibly kept his heart beating as both their blood pumped through his veins. all the while still healing and forcing her essence into him. "Don't leave me alone...Please Alex... not like this... " she whimpered and begged crying as her frustration mounted at her weakness to save him. His heart stopped...

"ALEX! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!" She screamed and commanded, summoning every ounce of power she had; she could feel a shift in her magic as it evolved and grew more potent, absorbing the innate magic of the world into itself and ingraining its power into her. She unknowingly changed everything, she had successfully done what the ancient gods had only dreamed of. Over the course of millions of years she alone had done it. She completely rewrote reality.

With a simple commanding phrase, His heart began to beat, he was no longer bound to the cycle of life and death. With her essence flowing through him he slowly gained his color and youth back. She cried in joy as she could hear his heart slowly picking up its pace. He breathed on his own as she pulled away her tongue, the organ quickly healing as she sat over him. His body absorbed her essence as he slowly regained himself. She looked at him waiting for what felt like eternity as his eyes slowly opened. He winced in pain before locking eyes with her. "Amaya? Am i..." she placed a much larger hand to his maw silencing him as she cried amidst his soft neck scales. "No...alex... you're alive.... Im so happy your alive.... I didn't know what i would do without you..." she cried out as she hugged him close to herself. He pet her braided hair lovingly "I'm so sorry... Im dumb,Im weak, I wanted to end it all. I didn't want you to have to deal with me anymore... You deserve soooo much more in life than me... I wanted to give you that, this was the only way I could... I didn't mind dying for you to live... i was so happy to see you smiling honestly." She growled as she cried in a mix of emotions. "You don't get to decide what you are for me...I was so afraid... i didn't want to be alone again..." she glared at him, eyes overflowing with anger and tears. " I-I.. I was so busy... wallowing in my own pity... I couldn't see how bad it would hurt you... Amaya... please forgive me... I'm so sorry..." he spoke as he slowly began taking in new sensations around him as they sat in silence.

He looked over her extensive body "You've grown..." he said as she chuckled amidst her crying. "All because of you dumbass..." she said as she held him carefully "NEVER...throw your life away again... Not even for me..." she spoke softly, scolding him with absolute authority. "I promise I won't... I don't think I could, even if I wanted to...something feels different..." She looked up cautiously, pulling off him as she sat on her knees in front of him. He slowly sat up as well, even sitting on the floor she still had to look down to see him "What do you mean?" She asked, wiping her eyes of tears as she looked at him "I don't know how to explain it... I feel... I feel....different... something in me tells me i'm no longer who i was..." she looked at him as he looked at his small hands she watched as his blue eyes slowly changed to grey. "I can feel this warmth in me... it feels so pleasant... it feels like... you?" He says looking at her confused.

She looked at him in awe. "Does it hurt at all?" She asked looking at him "No, quite the opposite actually... It feels really really good right now." He said as she moved closer she began to examine him earnestly prodding at his muscles seeing as his spiritual body responded to her touch. she gently rubbed him sensually feeling the broken ribs rapidly healing along wit the difference her essence had made in him. For the first time in his life he had a green aura, one of calm and content.

She smiled happily as she continued to examine him as he squirmed and moaned cutely underneath her touch. She teased him, expertly rubbing and massaging him in all the right ways as he quickly came, loading his underwear in thick white spunk. She sniffed him, her eyes going wide as she quickly realized that he was cumming pure life essence, her predatory instincts showing as her slitted eyes cinched in. She restrained a moan as she blushed deeply she breathed a plume of purple fire that quickly burned his pants to nothing as she sucked and cleaned his underwear of his seed. She realized everything in moments. She had surpassed even the gods that created her. She no longer needed to feed but grew stronger with every time she did, she had the power to warp and change reality itself to her will. And her immortal lover she was currently buried in, benefited as his cum was rich in pure life essence. She smiled as he moaned and whimpered as she vacuumed out the seed from his soaked underwear teasing his length with her tongue, she nibbled and sucked the soft fabric clean before burning it to a crisp. she slowly licked at his manhood lovingly as she began to suck him off.

He cried and moaned in pleasure he was with the girl of his dreams and she was fucking him. He didn't have words to express the happiness and pleasure he felt as the soft bulbed tongue explored his manhood, lathering it in thick warm saliva that tingled pleasantly with magic that made him more sensitive and kept him painfully erect. He watched as the soft gold tongue wrapped and squeezed his black shaft, milking him with expertise and grace as her head bobbed up and down on him. She sucked and moaned, feeding off his lust and sucking down every drop he produced. She smiled, feeling him grab her topmost set of horns. She relaxed her neck and let him take control as he held onto the pointed ones like handlebars using her head and neck like a giant breeding toy as he thrust and humped her maw full of thick white baby batter. She swallowed it all with expertise as it burned away in her stomach fueling her magic as it refilled her reservoir. She moaned and looked up at him as he panted. She gently pulled from his groin as she sucked and cleaned the shaft of his 5inch cock before kissing the clipped head of his softening glans. She smiled as he collapsed panting and moaning hard.

She stood to her feet quickly banging into the studded ceiling as she fell flat on her ass rubbing her head in slight irritation as the house shook from the impact. She knew the room was 10ft tall. Had she grown that much? She questioned as she looked over herself, her spandex clothes fighting for their lives as they squeezed all the soft succulent curves so tightly everything seemed vacuum packed. She ran her hands against her enlarged breast feeling they had gone up at least 2 cup sizes for her,stacked with her growth overall they were ginormous, easily bigger than heads of most normal people. Each perky gravity defying boob was the size of a small melon to her. She moaned they were so unbelievably soft and equally more sensitive as with mere seconds of playing, groping, and squeezing the doughy flesh she came hard. thoroughly soaking her once panties now turned g string that were wedged deeply in her dumptruck of an ass and leggings turned booty shorts that couldn't contain the thickness of the impossibly firm booty that spilled out the top.

Alex watched in awe as she panted and moaned. Her body on full display as he looked at her otherworldly curves. Not just her tits had grown. No... it was more than just that he had seen PLENTY of porn in his life to know how big a booty could be just from looking at a woman's hips and thighs. He could tell her thighs outmatched her breast and her ass must have been big enough to completely envelop most normal sized people underneath its gargantuan weight. He felt his cock having returned fully hard as he watched her pleasure and cream herself leaving a growing pond of femcum on the floor as he slowly jacked off.

She moaned and growled slowly, a sight that both equally aroused and scared him as she noticed him. She knew he was insecure about his body and she wanted to change that. She crawled over to him as she sat her massive tits in his lap. She wrapped his cock in the soft vice of boob flesh that was her cleavage. Her tits so big his cock never made a dent in their shape and couldn't even escape into the light. She would change that. She wanted him happy and could also use a bigger toy to play with. She used two hands grabbing handfuls of tit and rubbing them against his cock as he moaned and screamed in pleasure left boob, right boob, both boobs, each rhythmic movement served to make him cum again and again as her tits bounced in his lap. She moaned, still using a hand to tease herself as she pleasured him. She cooed happily as she saw the snake's cream finally escaping and pooling at the top of her breast. She moved her head, sucking and slurping all of the cream he had coated her beautiful breast with. she swallowed all of his delicious honey like cum. her body quickly surging 2 foot larger. She smiled and moaned pulling off his dick, she examined it noting to herself he wasn't that small. Had he been larger overall his dick might have been well above average. But for his species size, that 5 inch cock was depressing. She looked at it gently and she could see the thick veins on the deep black member. He didn't have 2 cocks like most other snakes but he was thick as a horse. She could understand his insecurities via the magic of hers that was in him. She used both magics in tandem as she moved a hand to his dick her paws glowing green. "You know... you truly do have a beautiful cock... it's so thick, so warm... so hard when you're at full mast... cums harder than most other guys... even better, you can go multiple rounds without rest... You'd truly make a lot of girls happy." She said as she watched his flagging cock slowly spring back up he watched as well feeling a new pleasant heat running through his member. "I want you to be happy with yourself. So, I'm gonna make you will be what you want..." she says as they both watch the small 5 inch cock stretch and expand in her glowing grip. it steadily pushed longer and thicker. It quickly hit 6 inches as he moaned he felt like he could bust a nut again despite there being nothing left in the tank, he wanted to so badly. It was arousing as hell as he watched his cock stretch to 7 inches than 8 inches than 9 before finally stopping at a full 10 inches. He smiled looking at the massive fuckstick in his paws. It was massive and throbbing so hard that each vein pulsed with untold need, it drooled veritable amounts of clear pre down its length and onto the floor. He admired the massive shaft feeling the thick weighty tool that he needed both hands to even hold upright. It was almost a quarter of his height and easily reached the underside of his chest. He could even bend his snakelike body to suck the tip of his own cock. "Were not done yet." she said with a smile, stopping his moment of self pleasure short. He felt the heat return in his balls as he screamed and cried they were always extremely sensitive but as they grew and filled his sack more and more they rubbed the soft flesh to point of cumming as they grew from the size of grapes to the size of ripe mangoes with each heartbeat they pulsed larger,spreading his legs further apart. "There, that looks better..." she said hungrily as she gently stroked his now comparitely massive shaft. He moaned a simple yes in response. "You want more though dont you..." she said mischievously as he hissed a pleasured yesssss in response. It had been years since she heard him hiss; it made her laugh as she forced her magic into him, his eyes snapping open as he looked at her genuinely confused. He watched as the world shrunk around him. He felt amazing as he looked at himself, his once childlike body growing into adulthood and beyond. His muscles thickened slightly as he maintained a smooth sleek look common of most snakes but hid most of his strength and bulk in muscles beneath scales.he stopped growing taller as he sat at 8 ft tall his cock and tail grown respectfully as the now 20 inch member throbbed harder than normal he watched from his sheath as another black tip grew out of the scaled pocket matching its twin. He felt his balls swell and drop down his thighs as they doubled in size and productivity. His body kept changing more and more as he grew. His baby blue scales changed and grew into thick royal blue plates. His muscles had enough of being contained pushing out his body getting thicker as he adapted to looking more like a lithe body builder. He grew more rugged and manly. But still kept the sleek look he grew to love. Amaya swooned slightly at the sight and smell from the energy he radiated as she slowly grew more predatory "Hello big boy~..." she said teasingly, still overclassing him by a full 6 ft. "I feel amazing... how'd you do thisssss?" He recoiled at the sound of his own voice; it had deepened considerably. His body felt like new but felt so normal as if this is what it should have always been. She growled pleasantly, "Even your voice has grown sexier..." She said lustfully crawling over him, disregarding his questions in her own lust. "Listen to me Alex... You love me, and I love you...You now have a body that I no longer have to hold back on. You will fuck me and make me bigger... I will be the most powerful demon... no...the most powerful god of all time... And you will receive all the pleasure and love I can give, and Everything you deserve..." she said, pressing against the back wall of the house as it cracked and collapsed into the open air. "Now... i want sex...,cuddles..., and Mexican." She growled, lustfully grabbing him up like a little kid, holding him under her arm as he smiled nervously at what may be the best sex of his life."I can go for Mexican..." he said with a chuckle as she burst out of the house. With a feminine roar that shook the earth around them, exclaiming to the world nearby that their new life had just begun.

To be continued?

Take An emotional trip with this story of two uncommon lovers.