A Lifetime with a God

Story by wrenquire on SoFurry

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Follow up to A Night with a Goddess: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1830348

In what will likely be the final instalment of this story our POV character Tesh meets the newly reincarnated Fulminsa, a studly young phoenix, looking to use his godly powers to fulfill all his father's lewdest fantasies of being a slutty, cuntboy supplicant eager to breed a new race of bird anthros with their incestuous, father son breeding. The first chapter was relatively tame by comparison to the debauchery here, but I hope folks enjoy~

Folks on my patreon had early access to this story. If you enjoyed this consider supporting me here: https://bit.ly/2JReJL8

When I coupled with the Goddess Fulminsa, she did not lead me to think that her reincarnation would be my child, but there he stood, hip cocked, hand of feathers planted there while he studied me. He still carried some of Fulminsa's feminine proportions: slender waist and shoulders, wider hips, a full round butt, and despite barely coming to five feet tall, he'd already proven his godly strength by tossing me on his bed with ease.

His demure figure only made the throbbing shaft between his legs all the more lewd. The turgid cock hung against his thighs, looking almost limp from its girthy weight. The entire thing glistened in the brilliant light shining from his feathers--my son's feathers. This firebird God of Hearth and Home, once a gentle goddess now turned cocky, stud with a boyish smirk to his features.

"I saw everything you know. Even your dreams," he said. "Don't worry, in a few years I'll grow as tall as I used to be, not that you'll care by then."

"I... I won't?" I thought to back away, but just the gaze from his burning irises seemed to stake me in place.

He knelt down on a knee at my side and caressed my jawline with his fingers. "No, you won't. Do you even know what to ask for?" He leaned closer, his beak coming close to my nose.

I licked my lips, tasting salt there from the sweat that poured off me since his egg cracked. "Is that really you, Insa?"

"Come now, father, of course it's me." Insa's beak brushed against my cheek, hot as a baked stone, and he nuzzled me. He nipped my earlobe, almost hard enough to pierce it with his beak before growling, "I must admit, I never expected to take this sort of form before, but your desires were so strong I could not deny your longing. Besides, I think we'll both enjoy these changes you asked for."

I couldn't help but lean into his touch. The smell of burning cedar I knew Fulminsa for had been altered, sharp yet salty. It carried the heady touch of a male, undeniable, and pouring from the cock that brushed my thigh as our bodies pressed close. Still, I stuttered: "B-but I've not... ah, I've not asked for anything."

"Mmm, yet your dreams and fantasies begged, did they not?"

I blushed. "You can do that to me?"

"Being a god does have its advantages."

I reached around and grabbed a fistful of feathers along his nape. "Oh, Insa please, do it."

"Hehehe, easy father," his tongue dragged across my cheek in a little kiss, the drool evaporating seconds after. "There is no need to beg."

Need, more than boldness, drove me to reach down and squeeze his slick shaft. The heat of it almost made me recoil, hot enough to burn and yet it did not. His cock felt oily in the lubricants from his sheath. My fingers could not wrap around its whole girth. "You're so big," I whispered, awed at the life that pulsed in my hand.

"That's how you wanted me, wasn't it?" He shoved me down on my back and straddled my chest. He held his dick up above my lips; the musk wafting off made me dizzy. I dimly knew my erection twitched, but I did not touch it or move to touch his, enamored yet held in place by the spell he cast on me.

Slowly, those feathery fingers slipped up the shaft, and Insa quivered. "So, sensitive, and this lust--how do you men think of anything else, hmm?"

Perhaps if I was in my right mind I would have said something, but I just watched the tip of his cock bead with cloudy precum. Even that ripe little offering carried the tell-tale scent of semen. The God's--no, my son's load divinely virile.

Cock slapped my chin. I started a little, so wrapped up I didn't notice Insa let go of his shaft till it fell. "Worship it."

My limbs worked again. I grabbed the tip of the shaft and guided it to my lips, kissed it, and nuzzled along the side, smearing that musky precum and sheath-fluid into my skin. I wanted to smell him on my face long after this ended. My right hand went down to cup his nuts. Those fat orbs might have been larger than a bull's, and on Insa's small frame, were positively obscene. A single orb filled my palm, covering it in sweat that seemed to pour off from there. It did not even make sense. Did they simply do it to smell muskier?

"I made myself everything you wanted, every craven little desire you whispered to fireside lovers and that you dreamed on this bed," Insa answered. I looked up in shock. "Heh, I still have our connection, father. Just so I can know exactly how to please you for moments like this."

A little whimper wormed its way out of me before I could think to stop it. Never had another man made me feel so utterly, so rightly at his mercy before. I needed more. I dragged my tongue across the underside of his shaft, slow, scooping up the flavor and fluid with my tastebuds. He tasted warming like a spiced tea that mellowed into an acrid and earthy flavor that attested to his potent yet inhuman maleness. His precum oozed onto the bridge of my nose as I lapped my way up his member. Insa sighed and swayed his hips, letting his flesh glide against my sweating skin. He eventually wrapped his fingers around my head, getting me to crane my neck back so his tip met my lips. I pursed them around his leaking urethra, sucking it like a babe.

"That's it, nurse yourself, father. Let your son take care of everything," Insa purred. A strange heat lanced through my loins, and I saw stars a moment later as I came. It did not deter me from suckling on his tip, Insa feeding more and more of his wondrous cock into my needy maw. His hips plugged away, forcing the first few inches out and in as that warmth around my sex centered right under my scrotum. I felt myself cumming like I never had before. My seed spilled in thick fonts of semen that ran down my sweaty waist and into the bed. The smell of my orgasm barely noticed past Insa's powerful musk.

"Just let it all go," Insa cooed. "Empty those balls for the last time, because we are going to put something better in their place." He caressed my cheek, and I looked up, eyes half-lidded, head spinning. The warmth with which he regarded me reminded me of his past self. A gentleness there. "You are going to be so beautiful, father." His feathery grip shifted to the back of my head. "I just need you to do one thing first." He yanked my head forward while he rolled his hips. I gagged, throat stinging as cock worked raggedly into my esophagus. My eyes teared up, and I actually fought his advance on instinct.

Insa pulled out, cocking his head slightly. While I wheezed for breath, he watched me with a little frown. "Odd, I could swear you've deep-throated other males."

I shook my head and gasped, "Not... not from that angle." If I'd taken him to the hilt, his cock would have taken the shape of a hook inside me. I laid my head back and said, "Take me from the other side."

"Oh, like this?" He swung around off my chest, and I caught the briefest glance of my shrinking cock before Insa straddled my head, knees against my ears. "Let me know if I hurt you, father."

"I will."

My mouth already felt cold without his length warming it. I craned my head back a little more, and his fingers wrapped around my throat. His tip slid back between my waiting lips, snaking down then deeper into my throat. I relaxed the nerves there, swallowing a little as he probed, then gently forced more of himself inside me. My jaw strained a little under his girth, trying to accommodate it with everything but my teeth. I felt raw prickles of pressure work its way across my neck, as he eventually sank all the way inside me. I kissed his sheath, and his balls came flat along my brow and nose.

I sucked and swallowed best I could, using everything I knew to try and please my son. He shuddered and gasped. All that cockiness from before began to wilt away as he planted a palm on my chest. "Hearth help me, father, that's... ah, that's so good." He slowly worked his hips back, and I sucked in a deep breath soon as I was able. He slid forward again with a desperate little moan. His cock pulsed, sensitive and slight in stamina as a virgin's. He swore another oath and started to pump his hips more rapidly.

I savored how he abused my face. The pressure of his hot length working in and out of my mouth and throat, his sweaty balls slapping my brow and covering each dizzying breath in his scent. Each pump of his hips met with more thick precum inside me, more fire boiling out of my crotch. A consuming heat that I at once understood but still could wrap my mind around. One hand reflexively went to where my balls should be, and instead they touched something soft and slick. The quivering lips of a labia forming on my body, that heat the tunnel digging its way inside me, to my core, where it boiled. My navel came alight in pinpricks of pleasure and flames as Insa made miracles happen.

Just as the thought of fingering my new cunt came to mind, Insa hilted and doubled over, whimpering a little as his dick twitched in my maw. A fountain spilled inside my throat, his balls clenching against my face. Every little pulse from them I felt against me before that seed just as quickly spilled straight into my gullet. I ran my fingers through the feathers at Insa's quivering hips, encouraging him. It was a father's job to make sure his son's needs were met, after all.

I got so caught up in my son's orgasm, I didn't even think of my basic needs until he began to haul his cock from my mouth. My lungs ached for air, and I coughed as he rose up off of me, settling on a knee beside my face, dripping dick hanging over my panting lips. Gummy strands of semen clung to my throat and mouth. I swallowed reflexively as I caught my breath, but what little remained in my mouth I swirled around in my saliva. I savored it like a sommelier a blend of wine, moaning a little as thick wads of protein slowly lost their immense, godly heat. That salty, potent flavor I felt addicted to, lost in, something I never wanted to live without.

"That was..." Insa's voice snapped me from my reverie, recovered from his first orgasm. "I understand now why men are so lost to their libidos... How are you feeling, father?"

I swallowed one more time, a little dazed as I mumbled, "You were fantastic."

"Mmm, I should be complimenting you," Insa purred as a feathery finger traced down my belly. "You really are such a promising supplicant and slut." I gasped when his light yet firm digit flicked across my clitoral hood. "And it seems you are ready down here for me."

I grabbed my legs by the hamstrings and spread myself. "Please, son." I watched him crawl around till he sat before, lowering himself to his elbows and knees as he looked close at the cunt I now sported. My son's miracle: a rose of flesh slick with arousal and sweat. New muscles in my core clenched as his beak brushed up against my nethers, nares flaring before he growled. The possessive, masculine sound something that made me want to surrender all over again.

Insa's fiery, feathered fingers closed on my thighs as his beak opened, carefully closing around my mound as if he planned to swallow it. His tongue lashed along my folds, splitting them open. My back arched as his hot organ slipped inside my flower, christening its first sensations. That supple muscle, longer than I expected, slipped deeper into my flesh, wriggling around sensitive inner walls. Pleasure fluttered around my loins and washed down my thighs. My nails pinched into my legs where I held them as my son's tonguing overwhelmed me. Just a few breathless moments, and all the tension wound up in me from my facefucking broke.

My walls clasped down on their invader, which slithered against the roof of my canal, undulating along it, pressing against some sensitive pressure point that made me scream. A damn broke inside my son's maw, his beak awash in the sudden outpouring of fluids from my untried sex. Spasms ran up from my cunt, and I shut my eyes, tears running down my face. I almost sounded in pain, but Insa did not let up, knowing better. His tongue kept hitting this inner spot, wedged against it, rubbing, grinding, making me boil with the heat of his brilliant, burning body.

It became too much, I shut my thighs, turning over onto my side and denying my son. He backed gracefully away, and that long, pink tongue swiped up the cum that glistened along his beak. I stared ahead, out of breath, trying to keep my head from spinning.

Insa laid a possessive hand on my rump, keeping me on my side. With my legs curled inward a bit, it left my pussy slightly exposed to him. His thumb stroked gently up and down my inflamed labia, the whole of my cunt wet and leaking still. I shivered at his touch, unable to do more than glance at him.

He admired me with a simmering smirk, still teasing circles along my sex as he said, "Some day I want to tie you down so you can't get away from me."

My heart jumped a little at the thought--as if I wasn't already at his mercy. He could have held me down if he wished, but had let me get away from my rapture before it consumed me. I whispered, voice a little ragged from his cock and my shouting, "You... I'm yours..."

The words shaped dumbly on my lips. We both understood I remained his prey, exhausted from being toyed with, ready for son to seal father's fate. It burned in my core. His heady musk still singing sweetly on the air. A siren's song I'd long fallen for. I wanted him to take me, even as I understood this would be my life. No more family seen in the summers, no fellow hunters stumbled across while on the trail or friendly merchants welcoming me back from the winter.

My old life ended soon as I opened my heart to my son, and he would fulfill all the desires I could barely even dream of.

"A dream no longer, father," Insa whispered, reminding me he remained privy to my thoughts. "Are you recovered and ready?"

It flustered me to no end how he treated me. One moment an object for his pleasure, the next my doting son. If I told him no he would not have taken me, but we both knew I would never say no. After tasting such pleasures, I wanted to do nothing more than to serve this god, serve my son.

I rolled on my back and spread my legs for him. Exposed my sex again to Insa's slender, slight body--it was hard to remind myself how short he was now, when he loomed larger than life. I asked him, "How do you want to claim me, son?"

He placed his palm on my chest, settling in between my legs. "Like this. I want to watch you as you change."

"Haven't I--" I licked the sweat from my lips, "Haven't I already changed?"

"I've not made you mine, yet." Insa grabbed my hand and led it down between us. My fingertips brushed his cock--its tip breath away from deflowering me. "Guide me in, father."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded. Even with this new sex, my body knew just where to align him. We locked eyes, father and son watching one another, as he began to slowly sink inside me. The heat of his cock radiated throughout my vent, heating my body in ways that might burn if not for Insa's divinity. We both gasped as my son stopped with only a few inches in. He licked his beak and adjusted his stance a little, I still kept my fingers around his shaft, feeling where his throbbing flesh disappeared in my sex.

He whispered, "You feel so good... hearth help me, I'm not sure--" I closed my legs around his waist.

"It's okay," I breathed, "Just do what feels right, son."

He whimpered a little, but did, mashing his feathery hips into my waiting muff. We both moaned, and my son fell on top of me, beak against my chest. I hugged him tight like any parent would as he trembled, tailfeathers raised and fanned out. His cock throbbed furiously inside me, all of him so big. His taper shoved right up against my cervix, my cunt molded to be a perfect match for him.

There came no pain from my penetration, either. No hymen to burst or bleed, just my body pliant and supple, wrapped around him and buzzing from the sense of feeling so very full. He wiggled his hips a little, groaning.

"Dad... oh fuck you're so wet and warm..."

"Fuck me, son, claim your father."

Insa worked his hips, churning a sloppy mess between our crotches and whimpering against me. I stroked up and down his spine, somehow suddenly in control as his dick plumbed my sex. Each burning stab against my cervix exploded through my body, working lightning through my limbs. I felt my skin prickle, but still I kept myself wrapped around the boy. Just as he reduced me to a pleasure filled mess earlier, my body beckoned him deeper into his own needy spiral. My son no god right now, but any young man worked up by their instincts, lost in the thrall of an inviting sex.

The turn surprised me a little, but I found some paternal part of me pleased to have this effect on my son. His hips jerked and rammed his cock home. He quaked and groaned, beak biting into my collarbone hard enough to punch through my sweat soaked flesh. I was too caught up in how his dick twitched inside me, in the throbbing pulse of his cum. My son's heavy balls clenched against my rear, feathered scrotum rising and falling as they pumped pumped pumped my sex full of Insa's seed. Godly virility, hot and thick as liquid ore, spilled against my cervix in sticky ropes. I felt my inner wall yield, a flood of spunk surging inside my egg chamber. The heat of his radiance inside me, flushing my body full of this blissful daze: a sort of satisfaction I'd never felt, close to an orgasm's afterglow but brighter.

I scratched my son's nape and encouraged, "That's a good boy. Fill your father up."

He released my collarbone, and the wound he inflicted knitted itself shut--my brown flesh not even scabbing or scarring as Insa's radiance healed me. Rivulets of ropy cum began to spill from my overstuffed cunt as my son lifted his shaky hips. I tried to tug on him, yank him close in protest, but he still withdrew until just the tip. He finally looked up at me, no doubt seeing my confusion.

"I'm not done," he growled. He slammed back inside me. My boy's cum gushed out around that bright pink shaft before he snarled and sat up a little. I moaned as he grit his beak and started to rut me more thoroughly. Each propulsive pound of his hips rocked my whole body up and down on the bed. He grunted and paused, buried deep enough his still leaking tip had penetrated my overstuffed womb. I felt another gush of seed make my abdomen swell slightly as he grabbed my legs. With his godly strength, he easily threw them over his shoulders, going from his knees to taloned feet. His standing forced my lower half up, curling into me. Sticky rivers of cum now ran down my crotch and onto my belly.

Insa grabbed my ankles and fucked furiously down into me. I was overwhelmed immediately. My body reflexively pushed up against my thrusting. I wasn't sure if it was to try and shove him off or work in time with his thrusting. From this angle his cock dug deeper, wedged repeatedly inside my womb. The bulge in my stomach slowly receded as each backwards pull hauled more cum from my canal, spilling it down my butt and back, across my stomach. Insa slammed again and again, got up on his toes and arched his back, he groaned as he began to cum a third time.

By the time we finished, he would have my whole body covered in his seed at this rate.

And I could not be happier to feel that virile semen streaking down my skin in heavy ropes. Smearing into it, the spiced, almost smoky musk something that would sink into my pores till every part of me memorized the scent of my son's potent seed.

Still he worked me over, dauntless. And my body began to explode with each thrust. My pleasure had sunk into the background in simple awe of his prowess, but eventually it roared back, impossible to ignore as he took me. Wave after wave of heat and pleasure coursed through my limbs. My toes curled, then went limp, feet dangling as my thighs turned numb. My eyes rolled backwards as I babbled and moaned, unable to form coherent thoughts.

Orgasm after orgasm numbed my senses, my abused cunt soon unable to even keep clenching as my son fucked my body into complete submission. As if the quick, simple orgasm of his first time was something he wished to refute utterly. I squirted against him, his feathers coming away soaked in my nectar and matted in his viscous seed. Stringy ropes of cum connected our crotches as he stirred up my insides. Relentless. My stomach swelled again, core expanding with my son's endless river of semen.

Eventually, his hips smacked, quivering up against me. By now, my body was covered in ropy webs of his cum, this sanctum of Insa's reeking of semen. Panting, he gasped and shook a little before he collapsed again. Our bodies fell together in a limp tangle as his little chest rose and fell against mine, furious as the bellows of a blast furnace.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that after our first time together. My cunt ached from the breeding, but the soreness felt intoxicating. Already a part of me wanted to reach again for it.

I cupped the back of his head and whispered, "D-done?"

A ragged chuckle came from my son, and he sat up. "Far..." he panted, "Far from it. But... I needed to stop, father. Feeling your pleasure, with a male's insatiable lust--I almost lost myself."

I bit my bottom lip and groaned, finding the strength to clench down on his dick. He remained hot and throbbing inside me.

"Hnng, y-you seem as needy as me," he whispered.

I knew, intrinsically, Insa's radiance kept me from falling to the frailties of mortal flesh. We could simply be two bodies coupling for eternity if he so wished it, and my cunny twinged at the thought.

I asked him, "What happens now?"

"Mmm, I'll attend to my duties, and devote my spare time to you, father. Worshipping you as you worship me."

I swooned a little at that, finding the strength to lock my legs back around his back. "And what about your seed?"

"Hehe, it will take root inside you, of course." Insa promised. "I've never allowed myself to unleash demigods on the realms. I wonder just how many clutches you'll sire for me, and if they will thirst for the pleasures of human flesh." He caressed my cheek. "Would you like that father?"

"Gods, please son." I couldn't fathom it, but wanted nothing more. I couldn't wait to push out egg after egg, my cunt yawning around them, gushing wetly after I forced one out.

"Perhaps you'll be the catalyst for a whole new race, even."

"Mmmf, none would compare to you."

"Oh, I'd make sure they did. Hung, breeder studs all of them, made so they can do to other males what I did to you."

I lewd harem of incestous offspring, using me and any other male they could make submit to them. And who wouldn't want to submit? I shuddered against my son, grinding my hips up and down his crotch. I needed Insa to fuck me now. To sate the need these fantasies planted in me.

"I'm yours, my son, for as long as you'll have me."

He sat up, smirking, and said, "For this lifetime and more, father."

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